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It was a great New Year’s day it was actually my first win on NYE I had everything on the line for this fight I could have called it an end right there I was that determined When I heard about the matchup I knew people would be interested so I agreed

And it ended up making huge noise Today’s theme is being an assasin or more of an “Executioner” November, 2023 Mikuru Asakura vs YA-MAN Kickboxing rules with OF gloves RIZIN’s Asakura lost an unnecessary fight so will execute his opponent I just really want to punch his face in that’s my genuine feeling

This was probably the first time I felt so strongly about not wanting to lose What does the red suit stand for? There’s a reason red means “blood” “passion” and many things Street fight style of course I will “voe pegar” at the end I stay relaxed until the very last moment

I have to do my best not to get submitted I need to work hard before getting there I want to make it an exciting fight that’s what matters and I’ll win The Genuine Former RIZIN Featherweight Champion Apply forward pressure Body, Mind, Soul Striking, Grappling, Submitting Ramen Gather every aspect for the fight

Defeat Kleber for the title challenge A chaotic 2023 A test from the greater power Win over revenge and the belt I will Voe Pegar everybody in the division His punches didn’t come in a straight line he had really long arms my punches and kicks in the beginning I mixed in brawling and takedowns

I didn’t feel like he could submit me but he was active from the bottom I wanted to tire him out more The g&p didn’t do much he was on top I was on bottom no problem at all I could be offensive from there Not sure about the first round

But I felt I won the second round so the final round would be key it wasn’t a defensive takedown more of an initiated takedown A result of being aggressive He adjusted to my takedown attempt set up a front choke he was quick at securing it by the time I noticed… You can’t escape

No way I heard him screaming “voe pegar” and lights out I have no words it was a winnable fight just one mistake when I on the edge of losing to myself in the ring I hear the voices and cheers from the RIZIN fans my priority is to be grateful

And decide what I want to do from here on I truly appreciate all of your continued support This was a tough year but I’m glad I was able to finish the year strong I’m a regular guy I win and I lose same with real life

Nobody can continue to win we have both good and bad days so believe in my this year I will be more confident and will become the Champion no doubt The idea was to set the pace with calf kicks which worked significantly I lured myself into the trap

I became too comfortable and ended up with a narrow vision The calf kicks were hurting big time I wasn’t sure if I could make it past the second round but since he became obsessed with the kick I was able to load up and time my right hand How lame

I apologize for showing an unbearable scene Maybe its time… My priority is to give back to my family and work place and after that I will think about fighting or whatever I decide to do I have a reservation at the club later the doctor told me no alcohol tonight

So I will party with non-alcoholic beverages I’m aiming for the Featherweight belt I’ll go after the top guys in the division Began training MMA in April That calf kick stunned me Kazu’s son had really nice kicks I broke my right hand after I landed the punch Kouzi has a really hard head

From that point I couldn’t do anything it was my lack of experience He’s trying to strike so close distance I control Kouzi like a remote he responds well Miura had an upright stance he was wanting to strike so I told him to close distance

We softened him up a bit in the first round Go for the finish understood? I told him to finish it in the 2nd Because I train with Aoki san he felt weak Kouzi was given a yellow card after the fight for grabbing the ropes

I was given a yellow card as I was leaving this is totally me it’s like soccer I’m not sure if it’s my wrist I’m disappointed in the loss losing means a lot but I’m not quitting will continue to do what I can do and if I can get another chance

I will win that Man that was scary thank you Kota Thank you for taking the fight – Lets play soccer again There are new opportunities by challenging everyone should challenge and I won’t forget this feeling this depends on Ashizawa’s result I want to sleep him and get signed by the UFC

Ya’ll wanted to hear me sing right? 28 years old from Yamanashi INNOVATION Featherweight Champion Made his move to RIZIN from K-1 this year Making his anticipated MMA debut There is nothing productive about this fight I’ll take him down and finish him in all seriousness I think it will end in like 2 minutes

I give you credit for choosing me as your MMA debut His distancing, timing for the takedown was spot on Everything went smooth as practiced How disappointing I couldn’t do s**t That sucked There were many things you couldn’t work on because of your bad knee the only resolution is to get better

I couldn’t do anything and that’s what’s disappointing A loss like that sticks with you a win would make you feel good for 2 weeks it’s good times but a loss remains 2024 is the year of the dragon its better to welcome the dragon year being humble I’ll start over

It’s not like I lost to a nobody it’s a tough World but that’s what makes it exciting Okay that’s it I’m good now thanks a bunch I wanted the finish but I let go No you finished it He was out so you’re good – Oh he went out?

He was out check it out later So it’s a submission win? He went out and you punched him in the face That’s terrible I wanted a fight that made sense for me to get closer to the belt on the big NYE event but I lost in Nagoya and I blew my chance

Starting 2024 I want opponents where I can earn my shot at the title challenge the belt and win it to become the Champion I anticipated being knocked down I didn’t know what I got hit with at the time I just knew I went down I heard my corner’s voice

And needed to calm down A performance like that against an opponent like that is unacceptable I got the perfect opportunity on such a big stage and I wasted it I gave it all and lost I lost fair and square so I’ve got no excuses You’ll get better

I usually never speak to my opponents after any fight but I felt Tomizawa was a worthy man to speak to Thank you – Thanks You’re tough – No you’re tough I felt it – Sorry Let’s get better – Thank you I work hard too I need to

My last fight on this day was 2 years ago involving all the mess but today “the greatest NYE” will change my life you look like you’re very relaxed I sure am I can go fight a minute from now I’m a stronger specimen which will show in the fight just watch

He hits really hard they’re sharp and deliver from above the guard I respected his striking ability and if he went a step ahead in striking I would take him down and grapple that was the plan Beat him with your true ability Go stay calm

I was thinking I could sweep him and get full top control however… After getting him down I did what my corners told me to do We’re going to pass figure four the legs I got the lock and creeped up to mount position as we did in training Mount position that position…

Which I trained of course… Don’t take time finish him This was a fight I could not lose so I’m genuinely relieved How did you win? Rear naked choke Oh awesome did he go unconcious? no he tapped you shouldn’t have let go Thank you – Thank you Thank you very much

Thank you for the fight Anpo Thank you – Thank you, you were tough I appreciate you selling the fight let’s continue MMA you have potential Thank you Anpo is great at branding himself you have to be that way in K-1 in order to survive it’s loaded with characters

But MMA is where the demand is right now I hope Anpo doesn’t stop here and continues to hype RIZIN It sucks but I don’t have time to regret I don’t care about getting back at Kubo but I want to get back at the sport of MMA I will get better

I’m going to kill him November, 2023 Mikuru Asakura vs YA-MAN Kickboxing rules with OF gloves You can beat Mikuru Asakura and Ren Hiramoto But you will never be a star just talking massive s**t If nobody was around I would have taken him out right there

All I could think was how to kill the guy the day I can lay my hands on him has finally come Having a better walkout than him would probably annoy him so I wanted to own him from the walkout I assumed he wouldn’t want to take me down

So I faked a crappy grappling session for the open workouts and make him think I can’t grapple hopefully he would take me down and burn energy and finish him when he’s fatigue So he staged a sloppy grappling session for the media? yeah but he really sucked though

My hand wraps were done to throw hands those were my only intentions my wraps were not done to grapple I taunted him a lot before the fight and wanted him to be super pissed off and be determined to take my head off I got what I wanted I anticipated him fighting in orthodox

Which was my mistake he was posting videos of him sparring in southpaw I thought he was baiting me so I trained for an orthodox opponent The plan was to fight southpaw but if I post too many videos of me in orthodox he might think I would fight in southpaw

So I went ahead and posted south paw videos and he’s saying he didn’t expect me to fight southpaw which means I was controlling every part of the game He was not strong at all I was confident I could beat him in the clinch he was physically stronger than I thought

But he’s spending a lot of energy here while I was using about half YA-MAN corner:) Don’t fully committ Chonan san’s idea was to stick to short elbows His corner said “don’t commit to the takedown” he shouldn’t have said that now I know he’s looking for something from this distance

Which are most likely the short elbows so I only had to focus on striking I evaded all of his punches I’ve been studying boxing for quite some time now I think a lot of it showed in this fight I could see everything in the striking exchanges

For the 2nd round Otsuka san said “He’s mentally spent” so break his will on the ground This didn’t leave a good impression I sensed the urgency to get back up I should have created a scramble but I thought I would spend a lot of energy

So I chose the lazy way and gave up my back I figured this would get my opponent tired as well taking the lazy way showed my weakness This knee hurt him I knew he was fatigue the third round was the key round I was determined to win this fight no matter what

I hit him with a nicely timed counter normal guys would go down This knee cut me which looked bad YA-MAN came to finish it made it easier to control distance Kickboxing scores per round so I would have had a chance under those criterias I wanted the finish but YA-MAN was tough Thank you

I didn’t even notice he came over I was I just didn’t want to be there MMA is a tough sport YA-MAN should go back to amateur Shooto I’m going to kill that son of a bitch I want to get back at him – You can I can’t stand losing to him

I still dislike the guy all the hate that was built up before the fight has mellowed down now but I still can’t stand the guy The only way to take back what was taken through fighting, is through fighting so even if I beat him outside the ring

I’m still that guy who lost to Hiramoto in MMA for good if I want to redeem myself the only way is through MMA I need to redeem myself through MMA I didn’t properly train wrestling and Jiu Jitsu skills I need to work on technique this year and raise my basic MMA skills

I do want to build my MMA career YA-MAN was tough and I couldn’t get a finish but it’s all Mikuru Asakura’s fault for losing to him I had to beat him up for you Mikuru Asakura has weird lines on his neck the wrinkles on his neck Maybe this Mikuru Asakura is his double

Conspiracy theorists would dig it his dad is a big conspiracy theorist he’d be like this is not the real one when you study Mikuru Asakura as much as I do you start thinking about things It was a good fight People are talking about Mikuru vs Hiramoto I think it will happen

This is the most enjoyable win of my career there were times where I was constantly frustrated and things didn’t go as planned but now that the fight is done YA-MAN was tough I thank him for a great fight I’m headed to Irem land at the end of February Where McGregor is? Yup

I’m going to learn I want to learn everything how he became the UFC Champion from a small gym in Ireland he’s what I aim for as my style does too I respect him and I have a feeling we would get along

It would be awesome to ask him to corner me when I fight Mikuru Asakura I think he would come I’ll come back stronger Good bye

0:00 オープニング
1:23 クレベルvs.斎藤裕
7:14 弥益ドミネーターvs.新居
9:21 三浦孝太vs.皇治
12:27 太田忍vs.芦澤竜誠
15:50 篠塚辰樹vs.冨澤大智
17:57 久保優太vs.安保瑠輝也
22:23 平本蓮vs.YA-MAN




「にゃんこ大戦争 presents RIZIN.45」

in SAGAアリーナ
2024年2月24日(木)12:00開場 / 14:00開始

in 神戸ワールド記念ホール

in 有明アリーナ
■RIZIN 100 CLUB会員募集中!










  1. さすがに平本のほうが一枚上手だったな。その平本もMMAデビュー当時は全然だったから、YA-MANも頑張って、またリベンジ戦見たいね。

  2. 安保の、TDされて胴抱えてるだけなのに、余裕ぶってる顔とかセコンドチラチラ見るとことか、気取ってる部分ちょくちょくあったよね。

  3. やっぱ平本蓮は面白いな。

  4. 悲しい気持ちになったときにこの曲を聴くと本当に気持ちが軽くなります。 音楽には心を癒す大きな力があります。

  5. コージ三浦の試合見返すと最後肘がフィニッシュに繋がってるんだね。

  6. 千裕とはノーコンテストだったけど、フェザー級王者全員ポペガしてるクレベルが結局一番強いのかな。(歴代王者の中で

  7. 三浦は当時のくそだっさいサッカー日本代表のユニフォームの炎を意識したんだろうな

  8. コナーマクレガーをセコンドで連れてくるってもうカメラが試合よりセコンドしか映さなくなるレベルやろw

  9. YA-MAN vs 平本観たくて初めてrizinのppv買った。snsで後引けない大口叩きあった2人が全てをかけて大晦日に戦うのが面白すぎた。

  10. 千裕のコメントとかも欲しかったな


  11. 結局平本とYA-MANの因縁って何があるの??

  12. フルラウンド撃ち合って全力を尽くした戦いで負けて控え室に戻るファイターの姿って本来凄く哀愁があるのに、こんなワンワン泣かれたらぶっちゃげ冷めるわ。神龍とかもそうだけど。

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