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Hello everyone, what I bring to you today is High-scoring romance drama broadcast in 2016 The city that never sleeps This woman has strong ambition and goals at the same time She also has the calmness and skills that match her appearance relying on one’s own abilities in just half a year

Make your company the best in the country Even on the negotiating table of huge transactions Also with a calm tone and upright posture You can conquer the other person with just one sentence In order to be able to develop in Korea in the long term Must enter the Korean Association

However, the president of the Chamber of Commerce But his application has been rejected for various reasons. In order to seize this opportunity Can be recognized by the president of the chamber of commerce He decided to hold an auction for the purpose 5 Take advantage of this auction

Bringing elites from all walks of life together Get to know them with purpose and take the opportunity to enhance the company’s reputation Of course, the president of the Korean Association is also on the invitation list. Then he came to the president’s family and said hello

But the other party didn’t give him a good look He doesn’t care either Start to inquire about Sun Yicheng’s attitude towards this new group Be open and honest with others It means that all the items being auctioned today are worth 100 billion No matter what price Sun Jia paid for the collection,

In the end, you only need to pay a handling fee of 50 million Faced with naked bribery The president still rejected his request to join. And said it must have the signature of his father, Chairman Xu to be allowed to join Desperate

He had no choice but to return to his father’s manor to ask for an audience. But his father sent the housekeeper to drive him away Just as he was about to leave I accidentally caught a glimpse of a few dead leaves on the trees in the manor. He immediately realized something was wrong

Forced into father’s room Sure enough, my father fell into a deep sleep There is an infusion bottle hanging next to it He knew that his father had very high requirements for the gardening of the manor. If you haven’t gone out for a long time It is absolutely impossible to allow trees

Housekeeper with dead leaves on the wood Tell him with tears in your eyes Since their father and daughter separated My father worked hard day and night My body was already exhausted And two months ago, he was threatened with force by the underworld 50 million in debt owed

Since then I have been so angry that I can’t even get sick. A powerful businessman was slapped in the face by the underworld It really makes people lose face So he decided to get back the debt on behalf of his father. He came to the gang’s underground lair alone

The man took out a pistol A bullet was inserted The rule is that the two people take turns shooting at themselves. Whoever gives up first will admit defeat The winner can take away the 50 million One shot, two shots three shots four shots Men thought A weak woman wouldn’t dare to shoot

But I didn’t realize that the other party had no fear at all Last two shots left The man gritted his teeth close eyes The god of luck favors again Now there’s only one last shot left And there must be bullets inside The man showed a victorious smile

I saw the woman pick up the pistol again Pulled the trigger without thinking In the end, he was still safe In fact, he had not allowed live ammunition to be used as a man for a long time. Because a mere 50 million won’t be able to catch up. He’s playing with his life

Woman taunting Is this the way you used to scare my father? Then pick up Donnie Yen on the table and put it in Without saying a word, he shot himself again. Game continues The man can’t sit still He doesn’t understand if this woman is crazy An incredibly wealthy family

Why risk your life for these 50 million? And the woman told him Money is the only life we ​​can see with our naked eyes God lives in every penny Even if it’s only one yuan It is also not allowed to be blasphemed That was when he was 4 years old

The first creed of life taught him by his father himself This woman’s name is Xu Yijin She is the daughter of the former president of the Japan Chamber of Commerce actually Their ancestors have been Koreans for generations Just because my father couldn’t defeat the Korean Chamber of Commerce

Son Ye Sung had to give up the Korean market Dwelling develops in Japan His father has been extremely strict with him since he was a child. I want to train him to be A unique business genius in his education Everything is business And money is the only life finally

Yu Ren successfully brought 50 million to his father’s bedside But he didn’t ask his father for help. At this moment, Yijin understood in her heart A tough battle is about to begin his war gun That’s the girl I met at the auction Li Shizhen Although he has declined his invitation

But as long as it’s the person you like It will never run out The police knew he would be here soon Because of the strong desire hidden in his eyes So much like my old self 1 year in a hurry It’s determined They will become the most important partners in life

Completely subverting today’s Korean business world Sure enough, Sejin found Yi Jie the next day And his first mission It was to deal with yesterday’s auction again The granddaughter of the chamber of commerce president who was tricked by him Sun Mari Sejin was forced by life

Part-time job pretending to be rich second-generation girlfriend to attend auction But Xu Yijin, the representative of the organizer, saw through it at a glance. But the woman didn’t expose it Because she took a fancy to Shizhen’s quick mind and the ability to sophistry Such a smart woman with strong ambitions

Isn’t it the battle gun I need most? So he gave excessive rewards Please help Sejin Stealing mobile phone data of the chamber of commerce president’s granddaughter Get his father Sun Qitai Evidence of embezzlement of public funds from the Chamber of Commerce Firstly, I wanted to take the opportunity to test my true ability.

Secondly, I want this poor girl to Experience the happiness that money brings Then follow yourself naturally And as long as the action is successful You can get a powerful weapon to check and balance the Sun family. step by step everything is business This is the only principle he has always adhered to

Sejin learns about the target of this operation It was at the auction The girl who was tricked by herself I can’t help but have some concerns Of course it won’t work if enemies meet again We can only find another way to outsmart He asked the vigilante team to come

Universal remote control unlocking equipment In advance, check out the clubhouse that Mary regularly maintains. After seeing Mary entering the club, She calls herself her best friend successful bribery She was successfully assigned to the room next to Mary and entered the same storage room After determining Mary’s locker It unlocks really quickly

Take out mobile phone Plug in the chip to copy data And at this time Mary suddenly remembered that she had something important to call. I quickly got up and went to get my phone Looking at the people in front of me with ghosts and ghosts Wally pushed her over

Fortunately, I applied the mask in advance so I wasn’t recognized. Are you really ready to slip away quietly? Unexpectedly, the mask suddenly slipped off Things look bad at first glance Really run away quickly If this is caught The new enemy wants to chop him into pieces. Mary chased her out and yelled

The bodyguard hurriedly chased after him These two long legs are not for nothing. Even though I was wearing slippers, I wasn’t caught up. But how can I really respect myself? Accidentally ran into a dead end Seeing the bodyguards approaching little by little He suddenly pointed behind him and shouted

It turned out that the handsome man under Yijin arrived in time I saw this extremely handsome little guy He knocked down two strong men in just a few strokes. Oh my god, the editor wants to say something weakly. i want him After obtaining the corruption evidence of the chairman’s son Sun Qitai,

The prison guard found the old man and confronted him Coerce the other party to attend the chamber of commerce meeting two days later Agree to join your group The wily Chairman Sun How could I be scared by a little girl? He is sure that the other party cannot shake his position

Then he directly broke up and drove the prison guards away. But he doesn’t know This is a woman who aspires to be the president of South Korea How could you be willing to be suppressed by him? And to ensure nothing goes wrong Son Yicheng also hired kidnappers to pretend to be famous painters

Signed a contract with Yi Jinyue on the day of the meeting Just when he thought everything was safe Yijin suddenly appeared In fact, he had already seen through the trap And find Shi Zhen again Let him pretend to be himself and sign a contract with the painter

In order to get Sejin to agree to the disguise mission He took Shizhen shopping as a friend The two of them were shopping crazily Of course, they all pay for the clothes. In the end, he also mentioned the time when they first met That haute couture dress was given to Sejin

At this time, Shizhen Still unaware of the danger he is about to face Even Sun Yicheng, the president of the Chamber of Commerce Totally unexpected What kind of calculations are you about to face? The woman who aspires to become economic president A chamber of commerce president who covers the sky with one hand

The war between the two officially begins at this moment Who is the most cruel existence? In order to stop Xu Yijing, who holds evidence of his son’s crime, Attend chamber of commerce meetings Son Yicheng hired a kidnapper to pretend to be a painter to meet him

Unexpectedly, it had already been discovered by the deceased police. He arranged for Shizhen to pretend to be himself and go to capture And he appeared at the conference quietly Saw vigilantes appear Son Ye-sung knew he had to change his strategy If the vigilantes show Sun Qitai’s evidence of corruption,

It will definitely affect the lives of your family A thousand-mile embankment collapses in an ant nest He will never allow any excuses to be taken advantage of So he killed his relatives out of justice Before Yi Jin opens his mouth Son’s crime disclosed to Assembly members

And promised that all losses incurred by members of the Chamber of Commerce All are borne by the own group Sun Qitai couldn’t understand how his father could abandon himself so easily Members are dissatisfied But seeing Sun Yicheng so upright and upright No more delving into it Applause one after another to express admiration

At this time, Sun Yicheng took the opportunity to turn around and question Yi Jin. I believe Chairman Xu of the Japan Chamber of Commerce It’s even more selfless, right? Please show his signature agreeing to your entry into the Korean market. If not, leave immediately Sun Yicheng looked at Yi Jin confidently

When he saw a female streamer, he thought of sharing the cake in his own territory. Just wishful thinking But Yi Jin came prepared He ordered his assistant to bring out the signature that he had already prepared. Sun Yicheng was so blocked that he was speechless.

I can only do a blood test on the excuse of feeling unwell. Only then did he discover It turns out that I have long fallen into the trap designed by the other party. actually When Yi Jin returned to Japan, he had already obtained his father’s signature.

But the reason why my father agreed to sign was that since then Father and daughter break up their grudges No contact until old age and death And this letter of recommendation It’s the suicide note I left to Yi Jin. although Returning home in splendor and resolutely left Before leaving, he told his father

All the choices you make I was taught by him personally when I was a child. You think I’m a devil It’s because you started running So it’s you who has become weaker? Or have I become stronger? Keep your heart alive Watch me build a kingdom of my own

The reason why Yijin wants to use Sun Qitai’s evidence Threatening Sun Yicheng Just to make him mistakenly think that he is at the end of his rope That’s why I made this decision Then he was willing to cut off his arm to prevent himself from joining the club

Now the only bargaining chip Son Ye Sung has left is Se Jin He used Sejin’s life as a threat Let Yijin admit to forging his signature at the meeting But Yi Jin sarcastically said You shouldn’t be holding a small card Just trying to be the banker in the casino

It’s just a chess piece No matter what the situation is, he should bear it by himself In the end, the uniformed policemen won the battle great victory At this time, it is actually moving out of the warehouse. Experiencing the first life-and-death crisis in life

Originally, the armed police sent Xiao Shuai to follow him all the way. Take the opportunity to save the hour hand Unexpectedly, he was discovered halfway If it is a armed battle There are not many rivals in Japan and South Korea. But the other party just shot without saying anything. Xiaoshuai escapes urgently

Rushed to the roadblock Learned that the kidnapper was missing The police immediately ordered the team to reposition the clock hand. Stand by outside the warehouse and asked his deputy to prepare 200 million won Son Ye Sung won’t pay too much for a useless hour hand

And as long as I am willing to give more money, The kidnappers will never refuse Sure enough, the kidnapper received a call from Son Ye-sung They said they kidnapped the wrong person I can only give half the money Shizhen quickly took the opportunity to express her position

You can call your boss and ask for money After receiving the call A policeman calmly asked him to give his cell phone to the kidnapper. Hear this huge temptation The kidnapper readily agreed to take the money and let it go But it must be delivered by a policeman in person.

Hang up the phone A policeman went alone with money The men were worried that the other party had a gun and wanted to stop him The police said I also have my own weapons In fact, he was looking forward to it more in his heart

It’s to see how this girl Li Shizhen will save herself. Looking forward to seeing what his true value is. The kidnappers also have other plans After taking this huge sum of money Kill the two real and fake female CEOs Then you can get all of Son Ye-sung’s remuneration

Isn’t it killing two birds with one stone? After calming down, Sejin recalled all the details Finally it dawned on me It turns out that Xu Yijin had already settled everything and knowing that there would be danger deceive yourself Meet the kidnapper on her behalf At this point she can no longer trust anyone

Can only rely on myself After understanding that I am just a chess piece Shizhen decides to save herself She pretended to be frightened at first Finally, I had an excuse to go to the toilet and tried to escape. Helpless hygiene Welded to death by steel bars, we can only find other ways.

He also immediately picked up the pistol and chased him out. Sejin lost her high heels and went crazy The kidnappers followed closely and raised their pistols. At the critical moment Xiaoshuai, who was standing far away, drove over and rushed over. Forced the kidnappers to stop My boyfriend is so handsome

I saw him easily remove the gun from the kidnapper’s hand And then use the kung fu he learned from China Just punch and kick the kidnapper The last flying kick instantly sweeps away and ends the battle At this time, Shizhen had already run on the road alone

The heavy downpour had already soaked him He stopped the oncoming car regardless of the danger Someone coming It was the culprit who almost killed me Shizhen questioned the first sister even though she knew it would be like this Still sent me there right

But the first sister asked back, how does it feel to become me? The traffic police said they should have rescued you in the middle of the road I admit it was my mistake But this sentence is nothing The insincere apology made Sejin even more angry Mistake?

I want to briefly experience the idea of ​​being a person like you That was my biggest mistake At this time, the male god Xiaoshuai dealt with the kidnapper Also called After learning that there was an explosion in the warehouse The vigilante was surprised a moment A different light flashed in the vigilante’s eyes

He didn’t say anything Instead, he drove away alone Let Xiaoshuai send the hour hand back After returning to the villa The vigilante asked his assistant to contact Sun Yicheng, the president of the Chamber of Commerce. Wipe what you do yourself Deal with the kidnapper’s matter

Then he will no longer be held accountable for the crime of trying to kidnap him. In fact, what really needs to be protected is the hour hand that caused the explosion. Thinking back to his angry look just now This girl’s explosive power is really amazing.

But now it’s the real background, but I’m completely disappointed He decided not to daydream about counterattacking his life. Instead, he started the hard life of working day and night again. Work as a usher in a parking lot during the day Working as a chauffeur at night Work overtime until late at night

Except for a few hours of sleep every day Almost all working And my handsome boy Just secretly observing his every move in the dark Oh my God, that smile. The male god won’t fall in love with him, right? This day Shizhen returned home exhausted. But I saw that dazzling red haute couture dress

After being cleaned by Xiaoyi, he hung it next to the mirror The grievance and anger that was finally suppressed Suddenly it came to mind again She found all the clothes given to her by a police officer Then he returned it with a bunch of bags. Although Shizhen refused

The police still look after themselves I asked my subordinates to prepare a cup of scented tea containing Then come up with a contract Sejin finds it ironic almost killed me Now we are talking about recruiting troops This kind of joke is not funny at all Yi Jin said

I never do things just for fun Will only cooperate because of need He asked Sejin Look at the envelope at the back of the contract A check of 100 million It’s something Shizhen can’t earn after working hard all his life. Is the rent enough? What should my cousin study for college?

Can my aunt’s body continue to work hard? Sejin is shocked The representative actually investigated himself Always a substitute Always acting like money can solve everything His angry director Yi Jin who always looks arrogant Don’t think that everything will work if you have money Shouldn’t I apologize for what happened before?

Are you going to use this little money to make up for it? Yi Jin told him Don’t underestimate even a penny Otherwise money will look down upon you Even a coin You must also force a smile for him insincere No matter how much or how little What matters is an equivalent transaction

Shizhen left disappointed again this woman Until today, I haven’t even apologized. The guard didn’t understand why the representative insisted on signing Sejin. Smart people can be found everywhere But Yi Jin has already decided in his heart This is the person you need most Able to fulfill a variety of roles with ease

Able to remain calm in times of crisis Survival from desperate situation What kind of fate is this? First, pretend to be someone’s ex-boyfriend’s current girlfriend Trick people around Then he stole other people’s cell phone data This caused his father to ruin his future. a poor girl

The chaebol eldest daughter has been humiliated many times All these new and old grudges add up We should have avoided each other for the rest of our lives. Unexpectedly, Shizhen worked part-time as a driver I happened to meet Mary again. Mary, who was drunk in the back seat, suddenly stood up

Shizhen was so scared that she didn’t dare to answer the phone And when Mary discovers that the chauffeur is actually her enemy, Then he started pushing with his hands Almost caused a car accident Then he insulted Shizhen with words Pretend to be rich Behind the scenes, he is a failed poor man

Forced by life Sejin, who had been holding back her anger all day, exploded. He asked sharply to the right parked on the roadside Then get off the car and leave To feed the family He works as a parking lot guide during the day. The guide works part-time as a driver at night

I originally agreed that the probation period would be over You can get 3 months salary in advance The manager suddenly changed his tune And took the opportunity to lay hands on Shizhen Shi Zhen’s bad temper can’t be tolerated Isn’t it just a matter of being a manager? Then he threw his hat

Resign and leave Full of grievances and nowhere to vent them But I met this enemy again He just wants to leave quickly But Mary caught up with her During the entanglement and pushing, he accidentally pushed Mary down again. causing facial contusions wrist fracture Arrive at the police station

The other party’s lawyer asked him to pay high compensation Otherwise go to jail He wanted to call Xiao Yi for help But still can’t speak Xiao Yi told him My sister got first place in grade again What a headache What’s the use of studying well?

There is no money for him to go to college hang up the phone Sejin has nothing else left he came to the hospital A humble apology and expressed his predicament Ask Mary for forgiveness The other party sarcastically said, “You ghost” Work hard for a whole year

You can’t even earn my day’s pocket money. Would I care about your compensation? kneel down kneel down Please let me go Even though there are ten thousand reluctances in my heart But how can the poor have the right to talk about self-esteem in front of the rich?

I have to take care of my family Never go to jail Really abandoning dignity Grit your teeth and kneel down Tears overflowed my eyes uncontrollably at this time The sharp white light scared the eldest lady so much that she didn’t dare to speak again. He told Sun Qitai that it was true

It was the girl they hired to kidnap and almost die. If you mess with him again The scandal about your Sun family’s rich son hiring someone to kidnap him It will be made public immediately It’s really incomprehensible Try your best for your life Why should I be humiliated by that scumbag?

Is poverty a sin? Was he born into a poor family? Are you going to be stepped on for the rest of your life? Yijin told him that he was right Poverty is a No matter how you package sin with pride and dignity Facing the cruel history of this world Still vulnerable after all

You now Just like that 500 yuan makeup at the auction But as long as I want It can make you worth 5 million 50 million or more you have nothing i can give you everything you are helpless I can be your supporter Shizhen suddenly understood

It turns out that when she first met at the auction I chose myself In this way, Sejin joined Yi Jing’s team. Because she wants to succeed To change your destiny of poverty To become a person like Yi Jing He came to the base with great expectations

But I haven’t received any tasks for 7 days in a row. I haven’t even seen the face of a police officer. But keep carrying it Information on hundreds of important figures in South Korea’s business community Really a bit broken But the Internet genius Sister Jing told him

After memorizing it, the business community still needs to memorize the documents. After carrying the documents, they still need to carry their relatives and friends. Counting them all together, there are thousands of people Everyone’s personality, hobbies and complex relationship network All must be thoroughly understood When the representative first came to Korea,

It only took 14 days to memorize it all And have to work normally during the day As soon as I heard that idols are so powerful Shizhen is also more energetic Finally achieved the goal He was sent to accompany Xiaoshuai when he went out to work again

Looking at Xiaoshuai, it’s like drinking milk Send bags one by one to various states and islands Sejin secretly wrote down the password I took the opportunity to open the trunk. But I found that in the luggage bag of the whole carriage It was filled with cash

When I saw this uncountable amount of cash, Totally shocked And at the same time In the office of Tianxia Financial Group Alarm with the chaebol Talking to the president of the Chamber of Commerce who covers the sky with one hand Sun Yicheng confronts

I learned that a policeman used money to win over all members of the chamber of commerce. Sun Yicheng was very angry But the vigilantes He said that his father who was far away in Japan had long said President Sun is a fierce tiger Never be an enemy

So I didn’t plan to win over anyone. Instead, I’m helping you, Chairman, deal with vicious debts. in return I only want your son Just resigned from the position of financial director of the Chamber of Commerce Son Ye-sung laughs She is really a girl who doesn’t know the heights of the world.

You know what this position means Yi Jin said lightly Of course it’s more than that I’m still very clear Heads of chambers of commerce headed by you Who are you working for secretly? and That political figure probably needs my smile too. Although I couldn’t get a clear answer But the Iraqi police know

Soon he had to do it The self-righteous Son Ye-sung He has never been among his real opponents And the person he really wants to see We’ll meet soon The person who lives in Seongbuk-dong right now Meeting an old friend in Yijin This old friend’s name is Pu Jianyu

It was Yijin’s first love in college But that lingering and pathos love In the end, he lost to the grudges of his fathers. then Yi Jin’s father Xu Xiufeng and Jian Yu’s father Park Wuyi And Nan Zongkui from the Baisong Consortium

They were comrades who were as close as brothers during the Vietnam War. after the war Business prodigy Xu Xiufeng soon became a Golden Dragon giant Take a seat at the Korean Chamber of Commerce venue Park Moo-il’s Mujin Group With the support of Xu Xiufeng

Become one of the few industrial groups in the country Nan Zongkui devoted himself to politics Secretary to former President Jang Tae-joon possess absolute political power The three of them worked together to promote the Seoul Olympics in South Korea. But Nan Zongkui is too ambitious

A group that joins forces to select 500 million young and well-dressed fathers Highly praise the current president of the Chamber of Commerce, Captain Issei Become former President Jang Tae-joon Money laundering tools of the underground black industry chain Transfer huge sums of money to the name of Baisong Consortium finally

Yijin’s father was forced to leave his hometown Redevelopment in Japan As a Korean overseas Chinese in Japan He soon created a kingdom of his own But it has never been able to return to the Korean market. The reason why Xu Xiufeng did not hesitate to break off the relationship

To prevent my daughter from returning to South Korea and developing a career It’s because he knows South Korea’s business world is completely in the hands of its enemies And my daughter’s money-oriented character There will definitely be a bloody revenge How can my daughter defeat those demons alone?

In the end, I will return to Japan with nothing. He always thought Yijin was a monster But I don’t know how the monster’s ambition could stop here Yijin’s wish has never been to take back everything from her father But sit on the throne Take control of all Korea

The ambitions of former President Jang Tae-joon are clearly revealed Just be close to him You can take advantage of his ambition Be your own stepping stone so Yi Jin must try to get the position of financial director of the Chamber of Commerce Become a money laundering tool for the Baisong Consortium

Become Zhang Taijun’s right-hand man And simple will It cannot put fatal pressure on Sun Yicheng He also needs an assistant from Wujin Group Now I happen to be with my father Park Moo-yi Detained on suspicion of tax evasion And his younger brother Pu Wusan is eager to try Trying to replace it

Park Moo Sam knows nothing about past grudges Just in time to take advantage So a policeman reached cooperation with him A policeman paved the way for him Send him to the position of president of Wujin Group Park Moo-san used the group to put pressure on

Let Sun Yicheng agree to Yi Jin as financial director And this cooperation is destined to be the enemy of first love Completely drive Jian Yu out of Wujin Group How terrifying is the cold-bloodedness and intrigue of the top society? In order to get the status he wants Hire someone to stab you

In order to achieve his goal “Use past feelings as weapons reputation split As the head of South Korea’s largest heavy industry group Detained on suspicion of transnational tax evasion In fact, as long as we give up today’s Dubai taxis You can apply for medical parole But he refused

It is precisely because of this His younger brother Park Moo-san seized the opportunity and wanted to replace him. The Mujin Group led by Park Moo-il 1. In fact, it has always been the heroic power of former President Jang Tae-joon. Secretary General

An Zongkui invited Jian Yu to the north of the city to secretly secretly sword Guang himself holds the fatal evidence of Park Moo-san’s crime. And is willing to support Jian Yu to take over his father’s position But Jianyu doesn’t want to go back to his father’s network

Be the seed of their political and business collusion So he decided to go against his father’s wishes Give up the group’s business in Dubai Applying for medical parole for my father The president of Wujin Group can only be his father Zhang Taijun took a fancy to Jian Yu’s resolute character

If you can let this kind of person follow you He must be dead-set No betrayal So he asked Nan Zongkui to give Pu Wusan’s evidence Handed over to colleague Jian Yu But Jianyu didn’t want to send his third uncle to prison. I asked my assistant to burn the data

I learned that Jian Yu got his handle He immediately found Yijin in a panic and threatened that if the matter was exposed Both of us will be doomed Yi Jin told him coldly Since there is a problem Then people in the same boat will kill each other rather than a threat

Now Park Moo-san can only place his hope on the vigilantes So he obeyed his arrangement The vigilante assistant found Sun Qitai in exchange I won’t tell anyone about Sun Qitai’s robbery of the cash transport truck. Therefore, Sun Qitai must also help facilitate another thing so

The real enemy is not that we live forever but can use each other The next day, the head of the chamber of commerce, Mr. Sun, got married. Yijin brings Shizhen to attend And Jian Yu is a candidate for the next president of Wujin Group Also come to increase your connections

There are insinuations in the conversation between Park Moo-san and Jian Yu Said there was something to discuss Pull the sword feather aside He scolded Jian Yu for being unfaithful and unfilial The eldest brother Park Wu forced the second brother to develop the Middle East market+

But △T’s second brother worked hard to develop Dubai In the end, he died in a foreign country? Now you have to give up the Dubai market again One left and two brothers punch together The customer workers will definitely hate you and your son. Jian Yu became furious after hearing this

Attracted the attention of everyone present Little did he know that Third Uncle was deliberately irritating him. And oneself is entering the other party’s trap step by step The depressed sword rain comes out to breathe I accidentally saw a familiar figure So I quickly chased after him Can be chased to the door

The figure has disappeared At this time, a man came up with a note and asked Xiaoshuai, who had been waiting in the dark for a long time, immediately pressed the shutter button Sejin picked up Park Jianyu’s cuff+shan+ Then he chased him out I happened to see a man asking for directions.

He recognized it at a glance as the kidnapper who kidnapped him. The other party knows something is wrong Immediately push Shizhen down and run away Sejin wants to tell Jianyu the identity of that person But was interrupted by a call from the armed police He ordered Sejin not to say anything.

Meet at the main gate immediately By this time the kidnappers had entered the building He stabbed Pu Wusan’s body with a dagger. F Everyone saw the dispute between Jian Yu and Park Moo Sam Someone happened to be sent to Jianyu to secretly meet the murderer

All surveillance cameras in the hotel were also destroyed. that’s all Jianyu was charged with paying someone to kill someone. →*In order to gain inheritance rights Kill uncle He has no hope of running for president of Shujin Group In fact, the murderer perfectly avoided all the vital points. Park Moo-san just lost more blood

Nothing serious Park Moo-il advises and gives up the fight Because the third brother is cruel and ruthless And there are experts Guidance and mortals are never tainted by intrigues Can’t compete with it at all In fact, he also underestimated Jian Yu Because in my opinion This man looks like a humble gentleman

He is the most sinister and selfish existence in the whole show He ordered people to investigate everywhere Don’t let anything go There are clues Found a clue to clear himself of his grievances In the garage on the wedding day A car owner’s black box

We just happened to catch evidence that the murderer was conspiring with the people behind the scenes. Jian Yu finally found a clue to clear his grievances Use the cuffs with scissors without mercy Come to Jianyu try to make friends with it Become your own human resource He is looking for clues

It is determined that this man has some connection with the representative So he became Xu Yijin from S Gallery Jianyu was obviously surprised after hearing this This woman actually has the same name as her first love At this time, the assistant suddenly came A car owner’s black box on their wedding day

The murderer may have been photographed meeting his employer. Jian Yu rushed back to the company immediately Try to contact the owner Shizhen After returning to the gallery Tell all the details of his meeting with Jian Yu Tell Yijin Little did he know that he had made great achievements quietly Early the next morning

When Jian Yu and his party came to the garage to collect evidence, It was discovered that the black box had long since disappeared without a trace. But the handsome man in the dark couldn’t help but secretly wipe his sweat North Korea is just a few seconds away from being discovered on the spot.

There is no way to get rid of the grievances anymore Jian Yu was very broken At this time, the assistant told the elderly man in Chengbeidong The information sent has not been burned yet Desperate Jianyu can only open information Accept Zhang Taijun’s invitation Become a minion under Taiye Star

And what is recorded in this document Shinto City Police via s Gallery Evidence of money laundering for Park Moo Sam Park Moo-sam through the group’s overseas subsidiaries Buy large quantities of high-priced calligraphy and paintings Resell to s gallery at a higher price Actually it’s just some inferior product

Just seize these works of art Submitted to the group inspection team for review Just sit back and watch everything Jianyu mistakenly thought Yesterday’s Sejin was s gallery representative Xu Yijing He immediately led the inspection team to intercept the container truck. Prepare for interrogation In panic, Shizhen quickly secretly reported to the police

The police were originally on their way to Seongbuk-dong. After getting the news, I can only give up temporarily. A hard-won opportunity to meet Sejin comes to negotiate as a manager Successfully opened up Sword Feather Wings’ wish Xiaoshuai took the opportunity to set fire to Burned an entire container of calligraphy and painting

The only evidence was burned again Jian Yu is furious He waved at Xiaoshuai and punched him He also asked Shizhen, “Did you plan it all?” You are the mastermind of everything, right? In fact, Shizhen was also in a panic at the moment. That’s a piece of art worth thousands of square meters.

Did it just burn down like this? at this time The vigilantes finally arrived These font sizes are evidence of money laundering Can never be mastered by anyone I really don’t understand In order to bring the people who cooperate with us to the position of chairman, the representative

He can actually set up a trap to drive his first love out of the group Yijin told him that compared with those memories, My goals and plans are more important this is the choice Want to get the same Just give up something else Only naive children would try to have both

In fact, why not Jian Yu? In order to overthrow his uncle Park Moo Sam He did not hesitate to become Zhang Taijun’s pawn in political and business collusion. However, what was unexpected was that The man behind all this She is actually his first girlfriend No one would have thought 12 years later

It would be like this when we meet again A hint of surprise flashed across Jianyu’s face but disappeared quickly The woman said she was Xu Yijing from S Gallery So what about the scene of first love? How to explain this time? He remembered the one he saw when he was framed

So I understood everything Jianyu can’t understand Why does Yijing want to cooperate with Sanshu? Yi Jing just said lightly I became the bad guy as promised But you haven’t changed at all Still used to pretending to be kind The sunset gradually fades into rain Disappointed, I looked back at Yi Jin

He is still as indifferent as he was 12 years ago even more But except for a few people around me No one knows that in the past 12 years, Yijin What price did you bear for him? It is also the training of these 12 years

Let him decide once and for all to be a monster You must go to the top of the pyramid Xie Yu showed their money laundering accounts to Pu Wusan and warned him to stop immediately Pu Wusan once again found the first sister in a panic

The first sister said that all evidence has been destroyed The gallery accounts are also very clean The only remaining uncertainty is yourself Please make sure your men don’t snitch. This is not my responsibility And yesterday’s fire caused heavy losses to the gallery It’s up to you to pay this money

I can wipe your butt But use your own ruler At this time, the clothes In fact, it has also been deeply involved in money laundering. Son Ye-sung finally found a chance again Win over members of chambers of commerce Prepare to remove him from the post of financial director

Baeksong Group in Seongbuk-dong is now close at hand Yijin no longer needs to waste time Dealing with Son Ye-sung So he asked Shizhen to act for him So Sejin appeared handsome in a purple suit Junior Master, can you please stop looking at him? you can’t have love I disagree

This suit is in the whole drama my favorite outfit When Yi Jin opened the door of the Chamber of Commerce for the first time, She’s the one wearing it in a black suit The stunning pink and purple color is particularly eye-catching It seems to symbolize the advent of the feminist era

Son Yicheng is very angry He even sent a handyman to attend the meeting. So I asked Sejin to convey it to Xu Yijin Officially resigned from today Unexpectedly, Shizhen calmly said that as far as I know Want to resign as financial director A regular meeting must be held of course there are exceptions

For example, if you misappropriate funds from the Chamber of Commerce, you will be directly expelled. I heard that this is how the former financial director was fired. Waiting for Son Ye-sung’s reply to Rag Shi Zhencha told him immediately Our representative said We have made an appointment to go to Seongbuk-dong at 4pm

If Chairman Sun wants to see the old man, You can go there then It took nearly a year The night view finally arrived at Seongbuk-dong This was the first time in years that he felt nervous The old man lasted a second He also greeted Sun Yicheng warmly

The next second he was informed that he could retire. Although Sun Yicheng tried his best to save it, The other party didn’t give him any chance In the end, I had to leave happily The old man took out a gift box and gave it to the first sister

Inside is a book he personally copied by Han Fei So Chinese culture is really broad and profound Even foreign presidents regard Chinese books as gods The old man told Yijin If you want to take back everything your father had It seems like it will be difficult

But Yi Jin said something that surprised him I want to be the Stove King Pillow for the next election I will give you the throne you want with both hands I’ll fill up your already bottomed muscles very quickly Since you have been observing me for a year

You should know that I definitely have such ability but as a condition You must give up the condition with this card because I am holding another trump card of Wujin Group Elderly people should be able to see I am your last chance Zhang Taijun didn’t expect this girl to have such a plan

Not for revenge Just for the chance to get to the next level But as the enemy’s daughter she can’t believe it vigilante vigilante without much explanation Just tell Mrs. Zhang that she is right It was because my father believed in his friends that he Only then will you lose completely.

But I will never lose Because I never trust anyone In order for her to truly understand the meaning of money The vigilante gave Sejin 50 million to squander The premise is that it cannot be used to pay rent or pay off debts As long as you don’t do anything serious

Spend whatever you want Sejin had a headache for a few days I still gave the money back to the Iraqi police. She thinks every penny is hard-earned Don’t squander it carelessly But the police officer told her The reason why you dare not spend it

It’s because I know that if I spend it, it will be gone. 2700484 And this little money is very important to the wealthy lady. Not enough to pave the way for a luxury car Shizhen came to Luxury under the leadership of Yi Jing.

Met Ma Li who once forced herself to kneel down and apologize. Mary mocked her for looking poor You don’t deserve to enter this kind of store Sejin was angered I grabbed the bag that the other party was interested in and paid for it.

He even took out a wad of money and threw it to Mary. Consider it the medical expenses for the last time I injured her. Out of this bad breath Shizhen felt extremely comfortable Spend 50 million at once The whole person seems to be still floating in the sky

He took out the bracelet he bought secretly and put it on for Yi Jing. This moment finally succeeded It was said that Yijing immediately raised a new topic Earn back the 50 million you just spent Really confused Does this mean you want me? Yi Jin smiled evilly and left alone

Shizhen carries the big baby back to the luxury store Want to return But I was told that once sold, it cannot be returned or exchanged. He found several banks and wanted loans I was also told that loans cannot be made for unsecured items. He thought of borrowing it from the junior master

Xiaoshuai looked like he was watching the excitement Wait until he comes out The vigilante takes Shizhen to attend the wedding of the chaebol prince Let him gain capital to make money by increasing his contacts See Pu Jian, the son of Wujin Group Yu cuffs fell off

Shizhen immediately took the opportunity to pick it up Then chase him out and prepare for training As a result, he met the kidnapper who had kidnapped him. He wanted to tell Jianyu the identity of that person But was stopped by a call from a vigilante

Shizhen thinks Jianyu is not only handsome but also rich in wealth And it’s the type I like If you can take him down Naturally, there is no need to worry about the 50 million. But Yijin said that there was no need to try to take advantage of him anymore.

Because he will have nothing Until Jian Yu was charged with murder with a full chest Shizhen suddenly realized It turns out that everything was arranged by representatives He hurried to the office to ask for confirmation Yijin coldly told him that it was none of your business. Just don’t be curious Do your homework

An inexplicable sadness comes over me Sejin sadly said it was not because she was curious about those things. But want to know It represents what kind of thoughts you have when doing things Want to know your blueprint This will help you better Even though I’m just a cheap mirror in your hand

I still hope to show the most authentic representation. this dialogue What kind of emotion does it reflect? I don’t know But what I’m sure of is It’s true that in Yi Jin’s eyes, it’s definitely not a cheap mirror. But a very precious gift Never allow anyone to destroy

Shi Zhen, who is at wits’ end Suddenly I received a call from my friend Sun Mary. Sun Qitai is tempted by luxury cars and European luxury oil Let daughter Mary get close to Shizhen Use this to explore the movements of the Iraqi police Shizhen pretends to take the bait

Successfully defrauded 50 million yuan She happily handed over the money to the Iraqi police But was poured a basin of cold water on it Now that I have found such a good opportunity Is this just a 50 million mission accomplished? Shouldn’t it be more? Don’t be satisfied with this little money

You have to keep doubling them Like a snowball, it’s getting bigger and bigger otherwise money It will also slowly melt away He was really firm and said it was okay. No matter how difficult the task is I will do it all But please let me know your plans

Okay, no matter what you do in the past I don’t even ask why Even if you lose your parents at a young age I don’t want to know the reason either But now I want to be different Want to live clearly I want to be someone who can really help you

This time Yi Jin still didn’t tell him anything. He even said that he would use his past tragic experiences to act coquettishly. really disappoints me The two eventually broke up on bad terms Yijin looked like it was a bracelet given to her. Thinking back on what he said

There is an inexplicable touch in my heart Is his arrival true or false? Give your aunt a large amount of money to pay the rent And said that this is just an investment in employees Please aunt accept it Yi Jin really drinks with him Then tell him the past 12 years ago

When Jieyu went to Japan to study Meet Yi Jin by chance OPEN and fell in love with him at first sight although Yi Jin has lived a life where money comes first since she was a child. Already become indifferent But Jian Yu still knocked on the door of his heart little by little.

Father learned Jian Yu Ji is the son of his former enemy Park Moo Yi. Then he started to set up a trap to seduce Jian Yu. band brothers Borrowed a huge amount of money from the studio at high interest rates And stole Jian Yu’s ID card as a guarantee

The band brothers ended up being unable to pay their debts missing But Jian Yu was caught and beaten severely Sword Feather covered with scars Advise Yi Jin and himself to leave Japan Live a life that truly belongs to you over the years

Jian Yu is the only restraint that shines into his cold life So he decided to leave with the reward he deserved Pay off the huge loan for Jian Yu But his father, who discovered everything, told him There’s no way you can make this kind of money with your ability. This is called stealing

Just like this, the two of them sat opposite each other Take out the company accounts for many years from From dawn to dusk Yijin doesn’t want to believe it Busy all day long I only made so little money Even the 1% that Jian Yu owes is less than 1% father told him

Your current ability is only worthy of this little money. this is the truth At this moment, Yijin completely understood Human Desires and Freedom It is obtained in exchange for relative abilities. Only complete control of unlimited money So that you won’t lose what you want So he decided to stay

And promised to complete all his father’s tasks calmly The condition is to use your own meager remuneration Offset the money owed by Jian Yu Yijin burned the loan receipt They also burned their own love together from that moment on

It is destined that there will be no possibility for the two of them in this life. Clothes and brocade, sending swords and leaving And told him about his childhood When I first came to Japan A rich second-generation classmate wrongly accused me of stealing his money. Father kneels beside his father

Pray they let me go Do you see that building opposite? It’s his father’s Until I went to junior high school My father finally broke through One time I went to his office I saw that classmate’s father He knelt at his father’s feet That building now belongs to my father

Go back to where you belong I’ll just keep being my bad guy It’s my own choice 12 years later Goodbye first love They became enemies at war with each other. Yi Jin not only helped his third uncle take away his father’s company, Even taking advantage of past feelings

Planning a murder to blame yourself In view of the fact that I am already very anxious Then I suddenly learned that my father had suffered a heart attack in the detention center. He quickly ran to visit In front of father’s bed He saw the Olympic male father Photo with former president

And the other person next to me It was actually Yi Jin’s father whom we had a close relationship with before. after photo Shockingly, Xu Xiufeng’s daughter is back That belongs to former President Zhang Taijun handwriting Did my father suddenly become ill because of this photo? Jian Yu suddenly realized

It turns out that the three of them were old friends And another person who worked together to promote the Korean Olympic Games He is actually Yi Jin’s father He guessed that his father must have teamed up with Zhang Taijun Take away everything from that person

This will lead to Yijin’s family being confused when they first arrived in Japan. Nothing Xie Yu finally understood Why did Yi Jin’s father hate himself so much 12 years ago? Why must he be forcibly broken up? Thoughts after 3 He found Yijin Sorry for the past

I already know the reason or purpose of your return to Korea I really don’t want you to be hurt again So go back to Japan Uncle San will never be able to control Wujin Group. You gain nothing by working with him And the person you desperately want to work for

Elderly people in Seongbuk-dong have expressed Want me to serve him So you are destined not to win this war Try it Let’s see who wins and who loses in the end. Yi Jin took out Jian Yu and presented him with a CD You said music is your dream

You can’t even hold on to your own dreams Why should you beat me? Don’t forget that monsters will never lose to humans On the second day, Zhang Taijun contacted Yijin and Zhengyu at the same time. I hope the two can move forward side by side Working together

But the two of them refused to give in. No one can accept coexistence Secretary-General Nan Zongkui believes that Yi Jin’s ability and ambition far exceed Jian Yu’s He is the best person to help the old man regain his throne. But the old man told him If the knife is too sharp

Will cut myself too The implication is self-evident Sure enough, Jian Yu received a call from the Secretary-General Tell him to prepare to meet again tomorrow Yijin also immediately began to deploy countermeasures Park Jian is no longer the only enemy we have to face in the future. And the former president of Chengbeidong

Must be 24 hours old Pay attention to all their movements And monitor the network information of several companies at any time The political power of Chengbeidong cannot be underestimated The Government Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau may come to withdraw the investigation at any time.

Make sure there is no disclosure of funds on the books Sure enough, the enemy quickly launched an attack Jianyu brought people from the Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau 2 Break into Uncle San’s office Take all the information for verification The greedy Park Moo-san is naturally full of loopholes. Desperately trying to stop

Jian Yu expressed calmly and calmly The decoration of this president’s office is too old-fashioned It’s time to change the decor at the same time A police officer also received an emergency notification Another group of people from the Supervision Bureau has arrived at Samcheongdong A security assistant rushed there immediately

He gave the inspector a bigger office and provide all the information for them to review Then he told his assistant Contact Director Xu of the Supervision Bureau immediately but this time There is nothing Director Xu can do Because the task was directly issued by the Procuratorate until late at night

The inspectors did not leave either Even doubled the manpower It is necessary to start from clear accounts Find some hidden dirt at this time Sister Jin called suddenly Said the headquarters just broke into A group of police officers took Sejin away in the name of a murderer.

Beauty Sejin negotiates cooperation for her boss But was kidnapped to save oneself She shot the oil drum causing an explosion One of the kidnappers fainted and died And she also successfully escaped with the help of Xiaoshuai But two months later The kidnapper’s body suddenly appeared on the roadside

And carrying his passport and mobile phone The police immediately found S words based on the call records. and take Shizhen away and quickly located the explosion that caused the death of the deceased. In that abandoned warehouse Police found a handgun The cause of the explosion was determined It all seems too simple

It turns out these are kidnappers His employer, Sun Qitai, was responsible for this. Father Sun Yichang Desecrated for embezzlement of chamber of commerce funds Sun Qitai put all the responsibility on Yi Since he can’t destroy his company Then start with the person he cares about most Broke his left and right arms

In the interrogation room The police handling the case continued to put pressure on Shizhen He also used words to induce Shizhen to confess her crime quickly. Although Tuzhen has always emphasized We should start the investigation from the Sun family of Tianxia Finance The other party ignored it and issued a warning

The pistol was taken for fingerprint comparison. If you admit it now, you can be given a lighter sentence. Once the fingerprint results are out Will be severely punished See Shizhen and take a bite I just ran away while the fire was on Others don’t know South Korean police start a war of action

Interrogation without sleep Trying to wait until Sejin loses consciousness induce him to admit guilt Xiaoshuai followed him and guessed that he was meeting Sun Qitai He rushed back to the company and gave the camera to Yi Jing I was so excited that I hurried to save Shizhen.

But there was also a problem over there at Samcheongdong. Zhang Taijun sent dozens of inspectors A thorough investigation day and night Discover the business taken over from Tianxia Finance The company is facing a huge crisis The policeman said slowly and expressionlessly. Then fight back according to the severity of the matter

Solve it one by one I thought he would put the company first But he immediately ordered Sister Jin to hack into the police station Tampering with fingerprints extracted from pistols Unfortunately, the police’s network information security is very good I’ve tried everything but can’t break it. Since it’s not possible online

Then change it to offline The assistant bribed the policeman in charge of the fingerprint file secretly cleared the pistol. It’s a real fingerprint When a police officer opened the door to the interrogation room Ye Zhen is still repeating his own words unconsciously. I already said that

I just took advantage of the fire and escaped. I saw the representative standing at the door He thought he was out hallucination The vigilante told him to hold his head high and summon him No more than 48 hours Bear it a little longer no evidence of guilt The police will release him immediately

Sejin said she was not panicked at all Because I’ve been thinking about it If the person sitting here is a representative how would you respond In fact, the vigilante was already distressed But he didn’t show any signs of it He took out what he regarded as the fate of his life

Leave it to Sejin This is my amulet Lend now without interest due to insufficient evidence He was really released after 48 hours Xiaoshuai has already been waiting outside the police station The two inevitably started to bicker again. I saw that I was really tired and fell asleep.

Xiaoshuai thoughtfully shielded him from the sun I opened my eyes in a daze He quickly fired a feint as if nothing had happened. The aloof persona must be maintained On the way, Xiaoshuai received a call He said he had something to do Let Shizhen take a taxi home and then gallop away

It turns out that he asked his friends to follow Sun Qitai Ready to avenge Sejin Fortunately, Shizhen noticed something strange Follow all the way appeared just in time to stop him. Finally got the chance Shizhen gave this arrogant senior a hard lesson. But I am snickering happily in my heart

Everyone cares about themselves With the mediation of various vigilantes, The company’s crisis has finally been lifted But you have to pay tens of billions of fines Regarding the losses caused by Jianyu to the company The vigilante is not angry But he warned Jianyu Don’t touch that girl Li Shizhen again

Then he threw the photos of Jian Yu and Sun Qitai on the ground the battle between us Has nothing to do with others Jian Yu wanted to explain that he was not involved in this matter But the other party didn’t give him a chance This is the first time he has seen

Yi Jin is angry for others It turns out he also has a weakness In fact, the Iraqi police were not just angry It is even more important to take this opportunity Let him remember the name Li Shizhen firmly two days later Jianyu saw this gift on TV news this big news

Even shocked former President Jang Tae-joon BREAKING NEWS Even shocked former President Jang Tae-joon BREAKING NEWS When Jianyu saw an incident on TV news After my father was released on medical parole, Face full of disbelief Even former President Jang Tae-jun was panicked for a moment In the end what happened

Park Moo-yi, who was originally detained for cross-border tax evasion Would rather be imprisoned for life I don’t want to give up my career in Dubai either. Medical parole But what Yi Jing said made him completely change his mind. See the inherent daughter 6 Park Moo-yi’s face is full of remorse

The vigilante told him Jian Yu takes refuge with Zhang Taijun It will definitely become the publicity of his ambition you know very well That’s not what Jianyu wants And Zhang Taijun It will also slowly swallow up the Wujin Group. betrayed my father Only then did I get my current career

Are you just going to let him be ruined? After the Iraqi police left Park Moo-il tore up a photo of three people together Choose medical parole Remain in control of the group Watching my father no longer have to wear clothes and can meet at any time Given that I am already satisfied

But his character never owes anyone anything Zhang Taijun helped him bring down his third uncle You must repay this debt before you can leave. The Iraqi police know him very well Naturally, all this has been taken into consideration That’s why Jianyu couldn’t help but notice it many times He really trusts

This trump card can finally be officially activated All the strategies are linked together There can be no mistakes He first found Sun Yicheng Tell him that former president Jang Tae-joon has a new chairman You will be completely abandoned by the crowd Then he confessed that he hoped to cooperate

The key to the Chamber of Commerce’s secret vault consists of two hard drives. One piece is at Jang Taejun’s place A piece is in the hands of the president of the Chamber of Commerce Only insert the hard drive at both ends at the same time Also enter password to withdraw funds

The vigilante hoped that Sun Yicheng would hand over the hard drive in his hand to Then he will use the hard drive as a threat Ask Zhang Taijun to transfer 10% to Sun Yicheng as pension Even if things fail All the responsibility lies with you This kind of beneficial and harmless

Naturally, Sun Yicheng would not refuse After all, your reputation is ruined Gotta get some money And at the same time Shizhen is at the banquet of Zhang Taijun’s nephew Task conditions are carried out quietly to steal his heart Although Shizhen is not willing to take advantage of others’ danger, Cheating Jianyu’s feelings

But he must try his best to complete the representative’s instructions And what bothered him the most was that Does the representative really not mind? Yi Jing told him About Pu Jing I can only say that he is a good person We also created some great memories together. That’s all

Jian Yu was always worried at the banquet He is sitting alone in the corner Playing college music Reminiscing about the past with Yijing I was really deeply moved by this scene Asked him if he had ever played it to a representative in this way. Thinking of Yi angrily warning herself not to

He is really watching He actually knew about his past as an Iraqi police officer Jianyu is finally confirmed This woman is really the most trusted person by the Iraqi police The Iraqi police never talk to anyone. he is the first I really feel Jianyu’s deep obsession with being a representative

Such a man who deeply loves representatives How could I take advantage of it? Just at this time The Iraqi police arrived He apologized to the Iraqi police Unable to complete the task by oneself Yi Jing looked at him with unusual indifference. I didn’t have any expectations for you

Just want to see where your limits are After saying that, he turned around and left. And this scene happened to be seen by Jian Yu The new year is coming Gallery Mortals held an end-of-year party Summarize the work of this year

It has been confirmed that this is the real hard work of the past two months. Thanks for everything he did for the company But you said you have done everything you can do Everything has been done Then go back Female boss gives orders to employees He actually went to seduce his ex-boyfriend

After the mission failed, the employee was fired decisively. Sejin leaves the team Return to work in supermarket Lived the same days Xiaoshuai, on the other hand, comes to see him every day, rain or shine. Ex-boyfriend Jian Yu saw a police officer outside his father’s ward Ridiculing him for sending Sejin to the banquet

Seducing the old man’s nephew But a police officer said that the child had been expelled by me Although I really like him But he was too conscientious at the critical moment You know, I hate conscience. He immediately ordered someone to retrieve all information about Shizhen General election is coming

Zhang Taijun must spend a lot of money to smoothen the relationship Stay in the Kng e to ensure his return to the position of president But they discovered that the hard drive in the hands of the new president was fake. Secretary-General threatens vigilantes to return hard drive

The vigilante asked him to transfer 10% of the funds to Sun Yicheng Also, the company was fined a few days ago. I just want 3 times the fine Zhang Taijun was furious This is the first time in many years that someone dares to threaten me

At this time Jian Yu took the initiative to ask for help The only person who understands Yi Jin is himself He is confident to complete this task In fact, he just wants to pass this task Pay off the debt to the old man Then return to my father

Jian Yu finds Shi Zhen who works in a convenience store I hope he can cooperate with me In Sejin’s eyes Jian Yu is an affectionate man I never thought he could do such a thing He said that he was worried about Yi Jin getting hurt, so he stopped him.

In fact, he let himself betray Yi Jin and work for him After all, I am the softest one He doesn’t want to be used by anyone anymore then abandon and resolutely refused Then Chengbeidong used political power again Send the procuratorate directly on suspicion of plagiarism and illegal trading

Yi Wei seized the yes gallery The actual purpose is to find the hard drive But they took away everything they could I couldn’t find the hard drive I wanted either. In view of the warning to the Secretary-General not to interfere in the matter of the First Police

I will complete the task as soon as possible He came to the convenience store again But found that Shizhen had left It turns out just now Sun MaLi learned that Shi Zhen was actually in the convenience store tower So he brought his friends to humiliate him Shizhen scares Mary away with mopping water

Then burst out laughing Smiling but crying Do you want to live a life of being bullied again? Do you want to be poor like this for the rest of your life? Can’t K Sejin found Yijin 7 H Asking to come back to work He finally figured it out

I have always been the one being used. Whether it’s clothing or sword everyone is taking advantage of themselves From today He also wants to use everything he can use If you can really steal Park Jianyu’s heart Marry into a rich family That can be regarded as plating a layer of gold for yourself.

Why not take advantage of it? If needed Representatives are no exception He took out the one yen that Yijin lent him You are also waiting for me to come back, right? Otherwise, why would you put something so important? Leave it in my hand

Shizhen contacted Yi Jin and suggested it in front of her. Agree to cooperate But the remuneration must be increased 3 times It seems that this girl has really grown up this time Congratulations on completing the last test Welcome back

Yijin took out the hard drive that had been prepared for him a long time ago Use your hand to give this to Jianyu This way he can repay his debt. Leave the city north And between you It will also establish a more intimate relationship Sejin was shocked

How does the representative know what Jianyu wants? everything that happened these days Was it all planned by the representative himself? Have you already settled everything? The police told him There’s only one thing I’m not sure about That is whether you will come back

Then he remembered that the representative had said it was true You are my gambling capital You just posted it One person skillfully used a set of 36 strategies Let Zhen seduce Jianyu’s beauty trap A secret plan to replace the hard drive Stay In the Know Betting on Zhang Taijun’s Fund-raising Scheme

Cruel expulsion is a real trick There is also a counter-intentional plan to make the true and false come to the fore. In short, this series of tricks were all successful. event Yu took back the hard drive from Shizhen and gave it to Zhang Taijun After repaying the debt of gratitude

Back to my father And the policeman is about to start his next plan Sowing discord Zhang Taijun once again mobilized the procuratorate Detain a police officer on bribery charges But after two days and two nights of rigorous investigation, nothing was found. In the end I had to give up and self-defeating

Created an opportunity for Shizhen to meet Jianyu He panicked and told Jian Yu that the representative had been detained. But Jian Yu said the same thing as Yijing Jian Yu said don’t worry He won’t use his own money to pay bribes If you have it, use other people’s money wisely.

And leave no trace Shizhen seemed to have taken a reassurance The relationship between the two has also been enhanced After being acquitted, I immediately went to the hospital. It can be determined by Park Oh-il’s reaction during the chat in his hands

There must be a weapon that can definitely check and balance Zhang Taijun. Then you can proceed to the next step as planned He went to the north and east of the city to pay homage to Taijun Zhang. I thought Yijin came to apologize after suffering a lot.

But he didn’t want Yijin to interrupt him directly Did I remind you? I’m the only one who can put you on the throne I can fill your empty coffers in no time Do you need to repeat it again? Not here to apologize I’m here to accept an apology

It’s obvious that neither side will bow their heads first. Police Bi stood up and prepared to leave But he left a word about you Should I hold a flower basket? I’m going to the hospital to visit Gu Yong. Because there are many conditions Your old friend is very unhappy

When leaving, he did not forget to warn Secretary-General Nan Zongkui. Next time you frame me Please make sure you have actual evidence first that’s all Park Moo-yi is worried that his son will be taken advantage of by Zhang Taijun Zhang Taijun is worried that Park Wuyi will stab him in the back.

Suspicion arose between the two But these are not enough The real Li Jian still needs a strong dose of medicine So he contacted Pu Wurang While chatting with reporters, he revealed Today’s major groups are under tremendous pressure pressured by politicians Take all kinds of cash Quick to question government officials

Obtaining goodwill through illegal means Today’s news is published online I learned that the news came from Wujin Group Zhang Taijun was so angry that he immediately dismissed it. Wujin Group’s urban construction projects in the province This is in addition to Dubai business Park Moo-yi’s most important project

He was about to be destroyed by Zhang Taijun. Immediately decided to fight back Make public the circumstances that crushed Jang Tae-joon’s presidential dream Jian Yu stood up to stop him A situation in which the fish is dead and the net is broken is not good for anyone.

So he decided to go to Seongbuk-dong Jiang He Qiao Wusan quickly notified the police secretly So Shizhen acted as the guide for this powerful medicine. appear in time He ran into the hospital in a hurry Tell Jian Yu that he overheard a phone call from a police officer turn out to be

The mastermind behind Jian Yu’s father’s imprisonment It’s Cheng Beidong Saw Jian Yu visiting Zhang Taijun Thought he was here to seek peace Unexpectedly, he was questioned again He told Jian Yu that it was your third uncle who betrayed Wu Yi. But what if I tell you? would you believe it

Now that I have identified it as me No need to explain anymore That’s right, Yi Jin also thought about this. As long as Pu Wuyi preconceptionally identifies it as Zhang Taijun’s, So even if the fact Right in front of you He can’t see it either Because people who have betrayed their friends

What I fear most is the betrayal of my friends Sure enough, early the next morning Nan Zongkui, Director of Baisong Group Was summoned for illegally obtaining tens of billions of cash In the name of cultural undertakings Suppress major financial groups Contribute cash Finally flowed into the own group The owner behind Baisong Group

Former President Jang Tae-joon is also about to be subpoenaed Without any choice Lan Zongkui had no choice but to take all the blame Guaranteed the reputation of the elderly Lost a capable man Cut off the source of funds Jang Tae-joon’s presidential dream is no longer possible Then he thought of that arrogant woman

So he immediately ordered people to call in the vigilantes. Remember you said you would send me up to the throne for fun? let me hear your plan Yi Jin also stated his conditions without any secret. Everything in politics is up to you but besides that It’s all under my control

Zhang Taijun’s eyes widened Then wouldn’t I become a master in name only? I will ensure your political and financial strength forever invincible until death A second ago, the fight was filled with smoke. Cooperation will be reached in the next second In order to successfully regain the position of president

Quickly form your own new consortium Zhang Taijun agreed to the terms of the vigilante The first step they have to take that is Oust Park Moo-yi from the position of president of Wujin Group Let Park Moo Sam take over Then he swallowed the entire Wujin Group into his own hands Vigilante’s plan

Coupled with Zhang Taijun’s political power, The goal will be achieved soon Zhang Taijun stood up and shook hands for the first time The alliance between the two people was formally established The vigilantes took Park Moo-san to Seongbuk-dong Finally got to meet the former president Park Moo Sanyi changed his past behavior Respectfully

And presented tea specially bought from China As everyone knows The woman next to you is the real king. Remind Park Moo-san In Wujin Group There is still an ancient agreement That will be the key to help you win the position of president Learned that the third brother had joined forces with Zhang Taijun

Pu Wuyi was furious Injured Pu Wusan Even if you recognize Zhang Taijun as your biological father Don’t even try to control my group Park Moo-san doesn’t want to hide it anymore expressed his ambition Don’t remember anymore? In order to successfully list the company 20 years ago

We three brothers hurriedly signed a business agreement Divide Park’s shares equally The matter was never mentioned again after that. Now it seems that it can come in handy Unexpectedly, Park Wu Sanxingcai has no ideas. To show prestige Tell this trump card in advance The police had to quickly make amends

In order to stop Park Moo Sam Jianyu will definitely use him to kill the bandits and money laundering evidence. So he ordered Xiaoshuai to sneak into Wujin Group late at night steal all the evidence It’s really sad to have such a pig teammate

The vigilante warned Park Moo-san if he hinders my plan again Stop cooperation immediately And it’s time to change your driver. Please pay attention to the people around you Jian Yu wants to form an alliance with Shi Zhen He told Sejin We are all people who really care about Yijin

To keep him from harm This struggle should be ended as soon as possible I will wait for your news Shizhen’s heart actually felt a little touched. Fortunately, Yijin’s harsh criticism made him sober Shizhen pretends to agree to cooperate Meet Jian Yu Leave your phone in your purse when you go to the bathroom

Turn on recording And then learned about Jian Yu’s next plan The original evidence of Park Moo-san’s crime was provided by Nam Jong-do. Nan Zongkui’s younger brother Nan Zong While serving as a professor at the university embezzlement of public funds Jian Yu is preparing to use this as a threat

Ask him to take out the backup data Once praised Really smart And told him that Jian Yu is now using any means necessary If you do things naively mixed with emotions What a waste of time Is she really worried that Yi Jing will misunderstand her relationship with Jian Yu?

He explained that between us It’s not what you think But to show sympathy for each other caring about the same person The police told him that besides work Don’t talk to me about anything else Shizhen’s eyes are filled with disappointment Do representatives really only have interests in their eyes?

In order to prevent Nan Zongkui from wavering The vigilante took the first step and reported Nan Zonghe And promised to Nan Zongkui After a while, you will find a scapegoat. Keep him safe and sound No more leverage to defeat Third Uncle Jian Yu was completely panicked He is devastated

I don’t know how to face my father It’s time for vigilantes to tell the world It’s true that you become an indispensable person for him Invite Jianyu to have dinner together We happily chatted about many things from the past Yi Jin took the opportunity to meet Pu Wuyi

Advise him to give up making Jian Yu the chairman of the board. And told us that he and Jian Yu were lovers I once thought about running away together Jian Yu even almost died for me But in the end, because of the greed of you and Zhang Taijun

As enemies, we still broke up. Do you consider yourself a loving father? Then don’t let your son Sacrifice again for your greed let him go Yi Jin just walked out of the door Park Wu Yi fainted immediately Received a call from the hospital Jianyu ran back like crazy Shizhen also quickly followed.

Looking at the unconscious Park Oh He has mixed feelings in his heart Back to the company A policeman asked about Park May-il’s condition. Fortunately, I’m out of danger now Faced with Shizhen’s confusion and questions The first police officer said I just took advantage of his shame. Defeat Zhongyaohai

Do you think he is an old man sunbathing in the park? His words can put thousands of people out of work Remember there are no rules in struggle Winners never listen to losers Complaining and watching Shizhen turn around and leave in disappointment The vigilante told him not to hesitate, Shizhen.

If you really want to have that light You should snatch him away without hesitation In the end, Park Moo-san officially ascended to the position of president. Jian Yu also became an idler Waiting for Sejin to come to the hospital to accompany and comfort her But he happened to be seen by a policeman

The swordsman is really trying to get close to the sword feather He smiled and turned around to put away his emotions when looking back Shizhen has completely put her hands on Jianyu’s shoulders Looking at him with red eyes I can’t tell you what I’m feeling Obviously won a battle

The Iraqi police cannot be happy Shizhen chased him out on the pretext of buying water The Iraqi police told him You seem to have entered the entrance of Jianyu’s house. keep it up There are also living rooms and bedrooms But after leaving

That scene just now still lingers in my mind for a long time lingering Xu Xiufeng, who single-handedly controlled the Korean business world 12 years ago Everything was taken away by a friend’s design We can only live in Japan and develop again. Relying on assets obtained from selling friends

One of them became the president of South Korea One became an industrial giant 12 years later Daughter Yijin returns to Korea despite Xu Xiufeng’s objections To take back everything from my father But his ambition was never this kind of thing But Mr. Wang, the top man in South Korea in his eyes

There is no ridiculous and childish revenge Only make the best use of things He wants to use his former enemies to reach the peak he wants Former President Jang Tae-joon worries about Yi Jin’s revenge Joining forces with her ex-boyfriend Park Geun To drive Yi Jin out of Korea

In the end, the fire teeth were almost destroyed Desperate Zhang Taijun had to cooperate with the vigilantes Point the finger at another enemy The two teamed up to bring down industrial tycoon Park Moo-ui. Supported his younger brother Park Moo Sam to rise to power And then take control of Wujin Group

Prepare to slowly clean out this industrial faucet The vigilante arranged for his assistant Zhao Lishi to come to Wuhan Jin Group is responsible for the most important new city building plan And let network geniuses streamline and control all company information Miao Wusan strongly protested trying to escape control The vigilante told him coldly

Although it is difficult to attain enlightenment Destroying is easy At the reminder of the vigilante Zhang Taijun immediately promoted Wujin Group’s new urban development Let the government fully support Because the capital for starting the project is huge, The more money will continue to flow in A new consortium formed by vigilantes

He began to look at the clothes with admiration A new consortium can be quickly established in just half a month And prevent outsiders from finding any flaws It’s almost unbelievable And the venue of the new consortium It was Sun Yicheng, the defeated subordinate who was bribed by Yi Jin. Zhang Taijun sighed

Xu Xiufeng raised a powerful daughter Yi Jin said with a cold face that in that case Why did you only give me half the key to your warehouse? Although Promise to hand over all secret accounts to the Iraqi police But Jang Taejun hid half of his overseas accounts singaporemonaco vilk islands

It’s time to hand over the accounts in these areas to me, right? Trust me at half price, I don’t want it if you can’t believe me Just believe in my ability Yes, he has already experienced Yijin’s ability. subject to others Helpless Zhang Taijun had no choice but to ride with him

Hand over the remaining accounts when they are ready In fact, he has been secretly acquiescing Rescued the only trusted Nan Zongkui from prison soon Li, the predecessor of Baisong Group, was under his coercion Admits that the tens of billions of cash he swallowed was his own doing Nan Zongkui was acquitted

Take out the 3 secret accounts you prepared Zhang Taijun said Nan Li has already been very good at these things. In fact, we can leave it to him to take care of it. The police directly asked where the words and account were. In order to get rid of the control of a policeman

Nan Zhongkui told Jian Yu The new President Song of the Chamber of Commerce has been removed from office If you can make good use of this person Maybe you can take Xu Yijing’s chair over Entering Seongbuk-dong again Sejin was critically ill because of the New China

He always felt that Yijing’s actions hurt him And Yijing’s character doesn’t want to explain too much. Faced with indifference from representatives time and time again Listening to Jian Yu say again and again that he thinks about the representatives. Sejin’s conscience is overflowing He firmly stated that he would not hurt Jian Yu again.

He thinks Jian Yu is an unknowing victim But the vigilantes knew that there was an abyss ahead. Have to go there too Since I can’t stop it Then I won’t continue to be a helper. The vigilante feels very sorry Just because I feel sincere towards Jianyu

The plan that was about to succeed was abandoned midway He respects it as a true choice But also tell it is true Don’t use excuses to cover up your weakness Stop saying ridiculous things like you’re trying to save me Shi Zhen advised Jian Yu to stop here

Because as long as one party stops fighting Both of them will be safe and sound But how could Jian Yu be willing to give up everything? He always thought that Yi Jin was the wrong person He must be allowed back to Japan to calm everything down

Jian Yu must have mastered the trump card that can defeat Yi Jin Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so confident and decisive Since you can’t stop anyone 2139 That can only prevent the harm from happening again Shizhen asks Xiaoshuai to follow Jianyu As expected, Jian Yu and President Song were photographed meeting each other.

President Song told Jian Yu The manipulator behind the new consortium is Sister Xu And he controls the Sun Jiafu Group project loopholes The two are preparing to hand over the evidence to the procuratorate for investigation Xiaoshuai tracks Chairman Song’s vehicle information But forgot My mobile phone is shared with Sister Jing’s database

Sister Jing mercilessly counted Reported to the first sister Act without orders I know this must be Li Shizhen’s benefit I should praise you The information investigated is very important If you hadn’t discovered it Park Jianyu will expose the problems in the establishment of the new consortium

Very good, you can figure it out on your own from now on. I can really see Yi Jing’s anger. want to explain Yi Jing blocked his words. Stop saying it’s for me I’ve heard enough of this reason I’ve heard enough of the reason that he’s obviously a flesh-and-blood person.

He is obviously a person of flesh and blood. He is obviously a person of flesh and blood. Why do you have to say you are a monster? He is obviously a person of flesh and blood Why do you have to say you are a monster?

Goals and plans are important Goals and plans are important But there is no need to hurt others for it. Goals and plans are important. But there is no need to hurt others for this But there is no need to hurt others for this But there’s no need to hurt others for it

I don’t believe that’s the real you Don’t hinder me anymore and don’t do useless things behind my back. I don’t believe that’s the real you. Don’t stop me from doing useless work behind my back. Don’t do any useless work behind my back. Hesitate again If I can’t be so hesitant anymore

If you continue to be so hesitant, If you continue to hesitate like this, you will never be me. You will never be me. After the police took care of everything, Let Pu Wu San call Jian Yu to the office Tell him that Chairman Song will not appear again

And arranged Jianyu to the New York branch Father just woke up Not out of danger yet Jian Yu would rather resign than leave Seoul But Pu Wusan’s words made him feel cold. Better leave There’s nothing you can do here anyway But if you don’t leave My brother’s medical parole will be cancelled.

Father’s life is threatened Jian Yu can only compromise Shi Zhen admitted that she deceived Jian Yu But in fact, the other party has already noticed it Learned that Jian Yu was sent to New York he is deeply sorry As long as I let go the war will end Now it’s as you wish

I returned to the company angrily Question the vigilante Do we have to kill them all like this? To be honest, I want to slap him twice at this moment. Let him wake up Is that self-righteous kindness innate? The vigilante told him the more cruel truth How to do it If Jianyu doesn’t leave

His father’s medical parole will be cancelled. And what’s more interesting is As long as he leaves open I would still send his father back to detention immediately Since it is an obstacle Just figure it out once and for all I really don’t understand Do you have to hurt others to reach the top?

Master key or obstacle? It’s up to you to choose I don’t want to lose representation. Stop acting like a baby People always have to learn to make choices The male duck works part-time pretending to be the girlfriend of a second-generation rich man to attend the auction

Attracted the attention of the domineering female president and take it under his wing After experiencing various hardships and misunderstandings, The relationship between the two quickly heated up For Yijin Sejin is the most special existence She is willing to do her best to help Shizhen become a But for Shizhen Yijin is an idol

He is a benchmark and someone she cares about very much. It is precisely because of this When he sees Yi Jin harming others to achieve his goals He will accept it like that In addition, Jian Yu repeatedly used the guise of caring about Yi Jin Let Sejin start to waver

Eventually the two parted ways Many people think I really fell in love with a bitch unknowingly He will sway cowardly again and again In fact, he just doesn’t want Yi Jing to make mistakes I don’t want to see the policewoman get hurt

Only then will he try his best to get Yi Jing to stop. But this feeling is too childish and ridiculous No matter how you use emotion to wash it off I can’t even accept this kind of betrayal he never thought What kind of conspiracy are those around Yi Jing using?

Kidnapping, murder, imprisonment, and frame-up, all possible means are used And the clothes are beautiful From beginning to end, we are using conspiracy to gain everything. If Yijin stops Then you can really be safe and sound Otherwise, I will just be like my father 12 years ago Nothing in the end If you stop

So what’s the point of him returning to Korea? The vigilantes brought Son Ye-sung and Park Wu-san to the north of the city. But Shizhen took the opportunity to steal the information in the safe Give it to Jian Yu That’s evidence that Park Moo-san took kickbacks.

He told Jian Yu not to go to New York Because even if you go Your father will also be detained In view of the threat of Park Moo-san’s criminal evidence, Negotiate with armed police He didn’t report Park Moo Sam The father continues to be released on medical parole

In the evening, the uniform police called Shizhen to meet him. After breaking away from the superior-subordinate relationship The two became drinking buddies again They don’t talk about work Just talk about life It’s rare for clothes to be so relaxed Talking and laughing After walking out of the restaurant

The first person he spoke to was Jenna. i know what you are going to do but you will fail i want to stop you Because I like representatives very much The two looked at each other for a long time In the end, the vigilante just said: From now on

Your world will become hell The vigilantes have prepared three chairmen for the new consortium TJ The candidates are former United Nations ambassadors Internationally renowned author and 16-term member of Congress But Zhang Taijun But he fell in love with a university president who was not on the list. Vigilantes objected

In the end, we can only compromise Zhang Taijun and Nan Zongkui secretly rejoiced Little did he know that all of this was planned by Yijin He had already secretly met with Principal Xu Jishan and reach an alliance with the other party Park Moo Sam’s eyeliner discovery

In view of preparing to transfer his father’s shares into his own name Then apply for joint operation with Park Moo-san in accordance with the agreement Transferable during lifetime is a gift The handling fee will cost half of the shares Park Moo-san feels that Jianyu won’t let him go

But Yi Kyung knows him too well Now he can even sell his soul What does half the equity mean? Jianyu will definitely insist on joint operation To resist the dictatorship of Park Moo Sam Yi Jing took out the business agreement that he had prepared a long time ago Invalid notice

Let Park Moo-san lobby Signed by Park Moo-il Now the group is in its own hands The joint operation agreement becomes a sharp knife in the hands of the other party Must be destroyed as soon as possible Although he is determined to compete for the company

But his concern for his elder brother is real He weighed the pros and cons for Park Moo-il Either let Jian Yu take a small part of the equity to split the company Either agree to give up the joint operation Park Moo-il couldn’t bear the thought of the group he founded torn apart

Finally sign the notice In exchange for Jian Yu, he got the position of branch president. Wujin Group’s problems are finally solved In order to solve the economic problems left by Baisong Group, Sun Yicheng, president of the Chamber of Commerce, is also busy day and night Yijin told Zhang Taijun

The formal establishment ceremony of TJ Culture Foundation This is the moment, old man, when you announce your return to politics. Zhang Taijun was shocked This speed is too fast I’m just a little dizzy Yi Jing thinks The ceremony can create enough news exposure and be able to ensure sufficient time

To select the required talents About funds I have my own plan Everything is going on properly You just need to follow the road I paved Just step on it step by step It looks like you are tired Sister Jing brings tea But the policeman mistakenly called the real name

At this time, Shizhen was in the newly purchased office. He Jianyu planned how to stop the Iraqi police A young female chaebol How to tell the president to return to the throne First you need to confirm something Personal image is politics itself So first Actively use social software

Establish a specialized network information group with concise information based on lively interactions Create an image of integrity Winning favor with young voters Second, let go of the majestic image of when we were in power Showing no official and friendly appearance And be prepared to smile anytime, anywhere third

Meet with politicians and cultural figures respectively All public events must be attended in person traditional market factory school hospital Appear in as many of these places as possible Zhang Taijun and Nan Zongkui can’t leave each other Do you still have to canvass for votes in person? A policeman told him

The era of throwing money at politics is over Use your personal image to canvass votes It will definitely crush other candidates This is your path to becoming king In order to prepare enough funds to help Zhang Taijun Shao Yijin Let Pu Wusan sell the branch hardware Ke Jin suggested

To prevent well-developed branches from being sold off Start investigating Sejin discovered Baijiajin is related to Zhang Taijun’s network Jianyu told Park Wusan Xu Yijin is taking advantage of Wu Jin Group’s earnings Little by little, it passed into the hands of Zhang Taijun Although Park Moo-san had doubts,

But Yi Jin is his only ally all along Lu sent him to the position of president Naturally, Jianyu’s words will not destroy cooperation. Shizhen uses the relationship established with Sergeant Yi to Help Jian Yu lobby everywhere Xiao Shuai follows Jian Yu When Shi saw Shi Zhen, he felt very disappointed.

He found Shizhen and told him I like you So no matter what you do, you are not willing to scold Even if you steal information I’d better let you go But if you stop again It means I will stand by him After the Iraqi police learned everything,

I can’t tell you what I’m feeling Knowing that he is going to be his enemy But the day has come But there is still an inexplicable emotion Jianyu set off early the next day today is his birthday He invited company shareholders and his father Celebrate with friends

But when I entered the private room, there was no one there. Yijin pushes the door open and enters to the current situation Don’t you understand yet? You are destined to lose this war You are Park Moo-yi’s son But the halo of Wujin Group is gone You are nothing anymore from beginning to end

You haven’t done anything on your own And I have been working hard since I was a child Rely on yourself step by step to get to where you are today Because it has always been taken for granted Enjoy the life of the rich second generation as you should

That’s why you dare to speak so loudly and claim to be righteous anyway Please don’t use the needle for your own ambitions He’ll be hurt if he knows These heavy blows woke up Jian Yu otherwise Even he himself didn’t see through his own heart Yijin is right

Jianyu always prides himself on being righteous In fact, it’s just making use of time Captive of one’s own desires Now I have left my father’s halo Can’t even keep the branch? The new consortium TJ Culture officially attended Zhang Taijun in full dress Not seen in 4 years Today’s news media meeting

Put all the focus on him Did not attend the ceremony Did we really find Sun Qitai? hope to get his help Sun Qitai thought about it and decided to meet after 3 He told Jian Yu the good news Jian Yu was unable to reply to the text message because of something else.

Sejin came to the agreed coffee shop alone Nervously opened the door But I saw the vigilante sitting there The vigilante told him that Sun Qitai would not come Then take out an envelope Inside is a check for 1 billion pension pension Windfall No matter what you think of him Anyway, just accept it.

Sejin understands The vigilante wanted him to take the money and go back to live in peace. Stop blocking his way Such a huge amount Enough for my aunt and sister to live the rest of their lives comfortably The vigilante is checking the countdown Jian Yu suddenly ran in

Sejin seems to have seen a savior Because he can’t face it yet Representing a business community and plutocrats Control Mr. Qian Prepare to promote him to Mr. Wang again However, President Qian was displeased with his arbitrary character. His ability is unparalleled But his domineering personality and powerful skills

But it made my colleagues hate and fear me Zhang Taijun sees that the new consortium has developed and stabilized I also started to officially run for election Then he started planning to remove the deviant police officers. Park Wu Sen, who has always dared to be angry but dare not speak out learned

The old man also immediately started to play tricks on the uniformed police department. On the surface, he is respectful to the armed police Behind his back, he quietly squeezed out the uniformed policemen. Place people around you And his defeated general Sun Yicheng also secretly called the police

Trying to identify weaknesses in early warning Turn over with one blow The uniformed policeman has been taught since childhood not to trust anyone. So we are already prepared for mortals Immediately aware of Zhang Taijun and Park Moo-san’s activities Jianyu learns about the alliance between Jang Taijun and Park Moo-san

Have a plan in mind He asked Shizhen to handle the incident Tell the vigilante the whole story And Zibao found Pu Wusan Said he would contain Xu Yijin To ensure that your own group is not controlled by outsiders Third uncle just needs to pretend not to know Just help secretly

Thinking of the vigilantes who threatened me It’s hard to create but easy to destroy Pu Wusan felt that he could no longer be controlled by others. So I agreed to Jianyu’s proposal Park family united front To the outside world The vigilantes understand that Jianyu is trying to break up their alliance

Then defeat each one I also understand that my current situation is surrounded by enemies from all sides. Lan Zongkui used gifts as an excuse Come to the gallery to observe every employee secretly And asked why Shi Zhen was not here Yi Jin once said that that person had resigned long ago.

After Lan Zongkui left He immediately told Xiaoshuai Follow Shi Zhen and be sure to protect him He knows how cruel Cheng Beidong’s methods are That girl must not be hurt To keep them from being too presumptuous The police came directly to question I heard that where is the secret Chairman Park?

Xiao Wu San was so frightened that he quickly explained Nan Zongkui could only keep apologizing. I came to thank Wujin Group for the huge amount of cash. And promised not to meet in private again in the future Even Zhang Taijun has to pull him down

Said that he would be more careful in the future He is not worried about his own safety But I keep thinking about this silly girl We have obviously prepared 1 billion for him to live a stable life. Don’t put yourself at risk again

But that silly girl said it was because of the danger That’s why we can’t leave our generation behind. Even if it’s for Yijin But I still can’t understand what is really happening He looked at the accounts of the new consortium that Yijin gave him studied for a long time

Although there are no loopholes flawless But really know the people behind the companies They must all be Zhang Taijun’s network As long as you control these relationships, can defeat the TJ Foundation At this time, he thought of Mary’s grandfather, Sun Yicheng Sun Yicheng is a member of the Chamber of Commerce

Must know everything And I have been stepped on by Yi Jin for a long time He has long been dissatisfied Maybe it can help you So Sejin took Jianyu to find Son Ye-sung I didn’t want to but got a bad taste in my nose Finally, I had to find Sun Qitai again

The last time we sought cooperation Sun Qitai betrayed himself This time he really hired someone to kidnap him Almost died as a threat Ask him to provide the behind-the-scenes connections of the new consortium Jianyu is on the side Continue to put pressure on him by claiming that his false accusations are true.

In the end, Sun Qitai had no choice but to give in and agree. take out documents Xiaoshuai followed and protected him all the way The police suddenly called and issued an emergency mission Wujin Group New City Project Problems with project bidding Originally scheduled to be a construction company controlled by Zhang Taijun’s nephew

But at the bidding meeting, someone suddenly came from the Fair Association Tendering has already been restrained Violates the principle of fairness and openness In the end, the tender could only be declared invalid. And the plan to fill the secret vault with high construction costs It can only be left here.

Pu Wusan was perfunctory while While secretly rejoicing in his and Jian Yu’s victory Beating up a sister for the first time Jian Yu’s heart is in turmoil At this time, the Seongbuk-dong area I had already learned about Jian Yu from Sun Yicheng. He is really wishful thinking

Nan Zongkui sent people to the studio Forcefully retrieve the documents Sun Qitai betrayed Jian Yu was thrown to the ground by the thugs Powerless to resist Fortunately, the police arrived in time He calculated from Xiao Shuai’s report It’s true that I must have obtained the documents.

And Zhang Taijun will definitely send someone to snatch it back So he didn’t go to the castle as planned Instead, he immediately rushed to the real studio Xiaoshuai quickly eliminated the two thugs Still as handsome as ever It’s Zhen Na. Are you blind? The Iraqi police are so kind to you you betrayed

Xiaochuan loves you so much and ignores you You have to be both harmonious and ugly every day Staying with a hypocritical bitch again Really speechless The Iraqi police told them If you do not return the document Zhang Taijun will constantly send hounds to harass This is not something you can bear

After saying that, he took the documents and turned around to leave. Then came to Seongbuk-dong Said that the matter has been properly handled I hope the old man won’t embarrass the two of them again. Can Zhang Taijun claimed that Shizhen had been Yijin’s assistant. Express doubts about Yi Jin and Ting Gui

Shizhen is worried about Yijin’s situation Come to the gallery to see him know what you are doing Putting representatives in danger Jang Tae-joon is likely to endanger the representative’s life Should we continue even if it is so dangerous? Yi Jin told him that stopping would mean death.

The air of failure will make me not want to breathe for a second Are you really trying to persuade him to stop? if die if injured So does the peak in your mind still have meaning? This time Yi Jin is finally willing to reveal his true feelings is true

Then I’m not climbing to the top just to find meaning. The desire to climb up It is the meaning itself Maybe this is the difference between the two of them. It’s something I really want to have It’s because of the desire for the thing itself

But what Yijin wants to have is in her body will have Cheng Xiaoshuai saw Shizhen leaving in despair. Then chase him out Tell him that he showed up in time not because he was watching It means I’m worried about your safety Let me always protect you secretly

Shizhen’s eyes were suddenly filled with smiles He doesn’t know how to watch his reckless behavior Today’s vigilantes are facing unprecedented difficulties Zhang Taijun secretly met Pu Wusan and Sun Yicheng Prepare to give the vigilante a fatal blow Can’t believe it Zhang Taijun’s first step

Actually canceled the medical parole of Jian Yu’s father Park Wuyi For the first time, Park Moo San truly formed an alliance with Jian Yu. The Yao family cannot be bullied by outsiders The vigilantes rushed to Seongbuk-dong to question Lin Yin Zhang Taijun told him that his son had made a mistake

I have to bear the price Don’t worry about it this time The vigilante saw his intention One thing this time There will be two things next time Does the old man want to force me to retreat like this? Zhang Taijun also directly showed off his cards I didn’t let you leave

But I hope you can follow my wishes in the future The vigilante made it clear that you must follow my plan So Zhang Taijun naturally crossed the river and burned the bridge. Recover all secret accounts in the hands of vigilantes

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