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JUDGE EYES:死神の遺言 #5 四章スタート!ここから観ても多分大丈夫!初見プレイ※ネタバレあり

JUDGE EYES:死神の遺言 #5 四章スタート!ここから観ても多分大丈夫!初見プレイ※ネタバレあり

Hello everyone. I’d like to start by checking the sound. Who’s right now? Please wait a minute. Are you okay? Looks like it’s okay . [Music] Hey, it’s okay. The game sound is okay too. Yes, the games are fine, ok then [Music] I’m sorry, I’m sorry that it’s such a hassle just to sandwich Saturday and Sunday.

I’m just driving as usual. Hello, welcome. Can we start playing Runrul ? Is everyone in the same outfit? It’s an exciting weekend between Saturday and Sunday. I’m so excited to have it for two days. Chapter 4 starts today. Jack

En The Box. I can’t even imagine what kind of story it will be from words. Is Jack in the box? I wonder if it’s Jack in the box. I can’t imagine it at all. No, I’d like to go through it for a bit. Um, see you later.

I think I’ll start with the beginning of the synopsis, so if you missed it, and if you’re watching it for the first time, I hope you can follow along. However, the synopsis is really quick, 10 seconds. That’s all, I’d like to move on.Chapter 4, yes, I’m here as usual.Yagami and

The others are chasing me from the last time, and the Matsugane-gumi’s home is getting narrower.One year ago, Kaito’s The power inside the Matsugane-gumi was changed in the wake of the ripples.This was a huge surprise, but the men of Kamurocho were at the mercy of the rules of the underworld.

[Music] Continue Yes, it has begun Chapter 4 Jack in the Box I wonder who Jack is. Store Managers’ Association Matsugane Gumi Office Ah, Ham wears a jersey too. Azuma, why are you cutting corners at work? I don’t think so. Then why

Is Turbo still wandering around? His wife hasn’t grown up, so he’s probably licking her. [ Music ] I’ll never let him wear this pink shirt. I won’t forgive him. He looked nice at first. After all, we can’t have that cramped office with that head.He ‘s always in a bad mood.Who is

This white jersey ? Hey, hurry up and run away, it’s crazy.This sudden and angry scene is happening.The person who was shot or killed in front of the accounting Matsukane Gumi office was Kurimoto, who had a severed neck injury.There are also people injured on the enemy.Kurimoto, no, you. Maybe you don’t know.

The culprit, who wasn’t particularly noticeable, was a self-proclaimed office worker who opposed the current situation on the spot. Are you sure that that was a bullet sent by Reikai? That’s why I asked him. Hey, that’s not good.

That’s the guy who pointed the gun at us. Don’t tell me that.According to his story, the culprit fired four bullets into Kurimoto’s body and then punched out both of his eyes.In short, the eyes were retribution from the Reikai to Mo, but when

This happens, not only the Matsugane group, but also the Bahon group shut up. Hey, I think it’s going to be a retaliatory battle with the strong world. Kamurocho is pretty bad right now. Azuma also said the same thing.

Azuma is really attached to him. I’m back to your answer now. The relationship is complete, after all, men are body to body. It’s a collision between Jack-in-Ah, Jack-in-the-Box, and it’s a surprise box.I think you might have heard of it before . I wonder what kind of commercial this is. Gana’s commercial. What

Kind of seams are there in the Ghana Chocolate commercial ? It’s almost Valentine’s Day. Come to think of it, everyone, I couldn’t see this one that I decorated, but it’s a thousand pieces. I pulled it with that gacha and displayed it in my office last time.Well, the item

Is probably from you at Senbon Dakko.It might be Yagami, but Mr. Yagami, please help me.Hoshino-kun, what’s going on? What’s going on with the incident? At Genta Law Office. Eh, the incident is just so serious. Please help me. Ah yeah, I understand. I’m heading right away. It

‘s dangerous. Let’s go. I want to hurry up. But yeah, I’m sure that’s not it. It’s not Ham’s fault. How to dash a little. 2 days. When I open it, it’s already refreshing. Normal driving. Normal driving. There’s been a shooting incident in Kamurocho

Recently, and one of the girls is alone. Is it a trend? That was what they were aiming for. Do it, you bastard, today 1. When the first battle started, I was itching to go wild. The sun is about to open up, so I’m going to sleep for a while. Now, hurry

, hurry, if something happens to Kenta’s office, that ham is already being noticed. If you ignore it, ignore it, ignore it, don’t ignore it, you can’t stay here. If you don’t fight, you can’t do it. If you have to fight, then this is it. This is it.

It’s okay if you don’t ignore it. There’s no point in shooting flames out of your head. Kana, everyone, what is the incident at Kenta’s office? Hoshino-kun, what’s going on? Saori-san, Fumi-chan, and Irue, you did it, right? That’s why it’s wrong. Just say it honestly, Aoi Yagami-san. Thank you for giving me that.

Thank you very much. Until midwinter. What is the No-kun incident? As you can see, Sao and Fuyu are being interrogated by Nemayu and Yumayu as suspects, not Fuyu. What do you mean by No-kun, who is the suspect? It’s a completely false accusation. I’ll just ask him what happened. Well, I want

To ask Mafuyu why, but what is Hoshino-kun’s suspicions? Hoshino-kun, what exactly did you do to Saori-san? No, I haven’t done anything.The problem is the cake.What’s the matter?I’m being suspected that I ate the cake that Saori-san kept in the refrigerator.Who else is Saori-san?Dorayaki was the only one before. I was eating it there

[music] Oh no, there was a crazy guy coming over there in front of me, so when I started this game, I was eating it.It’s not just any cake, but it’s a fresh cake from Gotoga Island.The name of the shop is Gotoga. It’s a fresh cake from the island.It

‘s a super rare one that I waited in line for hours to buy.Is that what the suspect is?Why is Mafuyu here?By the way, why is Mafuu here? Does it have anything to do with this incident?I happen to be at work. That’s

When they encountered the incident, and suddenly Saori started making a fuss and when she heard the story, it turned out that Hoshino-kun could only be the culprit, so she was made to feel sorry for him and was in front of the second girl. I asked him to be present.

Ah, Genji doesn’t belong in court. I wonder why Hoshino-kun was suspected. Why was Hoshino-kun suspected in the first place? Hoshino-kun was the only one who knew about the cake. He was certainly bragging. I knew that, but

That doesn’t mean that the criminal is being treated badly.By the way, when was the last time Cake was seen ? Did you eat it? It was definitely in the fridge when I got home around 8pm last night. Yes, I stayed in the office until 10pm, but no one came. Yeah, assuming

Hoshino-kun is not the culprit, it was in the fridge from 10pm. It’s possible that it might have been eaten by this morning. I’m seriously thinking about a solution. I’ve definitely locked the door to my office. Yes, I’ve definitely locked the door

To my office. There was no sign of anyone breaking in, so there was no sign of rebellion by outsiders.By the way, when I was in the office this morning, the teacher came before me, but he left the office immediately after I arrived. After that, Mafuyu-san came. Star-kun, you have a cute face.

After all, Saori-san came last. Yeah, that’s when I realized that my cake was dead . Genta-sensei was 1. Is it possible that he ate cake when he was a human? Mr. Genta is a big fan of Japanese sweets. He doesn’t usually eat Western sweets at all. Maybe

That’s the problem, or maybe he’s just weak. Hoshino-kun , I think it would be better for you to just come clean.If you don’t admit to your crime, you need to think about it and get punished. I’m sure Mafuyu-san

Is suspicious if she’s like that.What are you saying all of a sudden?Hoshino-kun, explain what you mean.After Mafuyu-san came to the office this morning, I sat in the bathroom for about 15 minutes. In the meantime , Mafuyu-san was able to eat the cake, so

I don’t have any basis or evidence. Don’t you think you’re a little confused? However, there is evidence. Will Shinmae Hoshino-kun do it? I’m sure. I heard that when you came to the office in the morning, I could hear your stomach grumbling . You’re so cute. Your cheeks aren’t even red

. I guess you skipped breakfast and were hungry. You searched in the refrigerator and found a cake there by chance. I heard you accidentally turned it down. If that’s the case, then you’re crazy. You’re the one who goes through the fridge in someone’s office and eats the cake.

That’s too suspicious.That can’t be true.What do you think about the sound of your stomach being evidence? Kami-san, Mafuyu-san, if he’s the culprit, you won’t be able to date Yagami anymore.Do you think men are cute?This is what men are like, Yagami-san It’s my turn. It

‘s my turn. Please defend me. If this continues, Saori-san will look at me with disdain for the rest of my life. Well, if you’re asking for a request, I can try to do some work, but please, I can’t help it. For now, I’ll just go to the scene. I’m going to investigate.First

Of all, I’m going to look in the trash for cake wrappers.Saori ‘s fresh cake trial.Yeah, this place is a trash can.I’m going to look into this.The trash can looks empty.Usually it’s full of trash, but

This morning it was trash. It was the day of taking out the trash.I guess the pitching had been cleaned up.Taking out the trash.Pitching to take out the garbage.Genta-sensei was the one to take out the trash today.It’s like a penalty for letting Genta- sensei do the pitching.At Saori

-san’s suggestion, Yagami-san is now in the game. Yesterday, I got a little angry at Mr. Kenta because the way he separates trash is so inappropriate.I

Asked him to try to be like the person who cleans up the trash, and then he said that he was going to be on the garbage show next time, so I said to Kenta-sensei, oh, well, God, please put other garbage cans in there. It was also empty.It

Seems like Genda-sensei and I were on the garbage board.I see, thank you, No-kun.Empty trash can.Aren’t cake wrappers thrown away somewhere else?Washed containers are often left in the kitchen or other places. Yeah, I see . So let’s check the kitchen too. Ayumi, I’m checking the refrigerator. You’re

Suspicious. Hey, let’s check it out. Yeah, you have a pretty face. Yeah, yeah, let’s check the refrigerator. It ‘s here. There’s cake in this refrigerator. I wonder if there was ice in it, and the ice is melting.I wonder if I just added water.It’s still cold.It’s cold at this time of year, so

I don’t think they’re using ice.I haven’t seen anyone use it since yesterday either. If so, why is it melting? It seems strange that there was a power outage or something like that. The chocolate cake also melted and Ta-sensei cleaned it up. That’s suspicious. It’s a milk carton.

It doesn’t seem like the cake was wrapped. It looks like the milk carton basket has been carefully washed. God, that’s Sao ‘s milk carton. Since there was no milk carton, the person on the cleaning board in the morning must have cleaned it up. There are 3 bottles worth of milk, so

I wonder if he drank it all at once. I don’t think so, but I wonder if there was some reason why they threw it away. Isn’t there a power outage after all? It’s possible to enter this poop. Yes, I’ve already completed the investigation

. I understand how easy it is. Is the operation okay now? If that’s the case, then I’ll start with psychology.Are you planning to start a trial here?Of course.Mafuyu, Kenji Fujii, are you ready?It’s okay, I’ve been accepted perfectly, so I’ll go along with you, please.Then

, the defendant, Issei Hoshi. Let’s start the psychological investigation.Prosecutor Kenji FujiiOpeningPlease tell me the truthI think it’s the light, but there are too many kanji characters and I’m speaking at twice the usual speed.Please forgive me, Hoshino-kun.He’s sitting straight. The prosecution is still claiming that Hoshino is the culprit.The

Basis for this is that the defendant claims that you could have rebelled, but the presiding judge and the police have no refutation of that claim. I have something to prepare.Kenji Fuji What does that mean?If I were to eat it,

Something that shouldn’t be there wouldn’t be there, so something that should be there wouldn’t be there.Yagami-kun, it’s something that should be there.That’s right, Yagami-kun. I’m sure they have proof of that.If Mafuyu really ate the cake, is there anything that should be there ?Ah, that’s the cake.It’s the cake.It’s garbage.The comic that wrapped

The cake is in the trash can at the scene. The trash that was supposed to be there wasn’t there.It must have been because it happened to be the same day as when I put out the trash this morning.Yes, Dr. Genta was the first one in the morning, so

It seems like he took out the trash at that time. If the wind ate the cake, it would throw it away in an empty trash can.Of course, there would still be a cake wrapper left in the trash can.Oh, sure, but there was no wrapper left,

So I took the cake. By the way, I’ve confirmed that all the other trash cans were empty. It’s meaningful. It’s meaningful. No, I have experience with that kind of candy.

I have experience with that kind of candy. I know 100 times that I hide the wrapping paper in my room so that no one will know that I ate it.If I put the bag of sweets in the trash can at home, I can see how much I ate. This is a story from

My childhood when my parents found out.Because it was from my parents, I don’t do it at times like that.I erase all the evidence in my room, in my bag, in my backpack, etc.So I searched Mafuyu’s bag. It makes so much sense that you can’t understand it without it. No, wait,

Mr. Sari, I have an argument too. Yes, I accept the defense’s point. It’s true that it’s strange that there’s no trash, but you can hide trash. That’s right, I thought it would be meaningful. Now, I

Would like to present new evidence from the police side. It was new evidence. In fact, when you and the others were investigating the room, I also did it on my own . I was investigating the room, and that’s when I found this among the papers on Sao’s desk. It’s a power outage notice.

Bingo Bingo. Apparently there was a power outage last night from 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. Now that I think about it, Genta-sensei was talking about that. He warned everyone in the office not to put anything in the refrigerator because it would damage things. By the

Way , I was able to get fed and went home in a hurry so I completely forgot about it. Tateko: Yes, if the cake had been in the refrigerator overnight with the power turned off, it would have gone bad.Even though it’s winter, it was unusually warm this morning.But

If you eat even a bite of that kind of cake, you’ll know right away. No, there’s no way you wouldn’t notice the damage until the cake was completely eaten, but in reality, the cake had completely disappeared.That means someone had licked the fresh cake

And there was only one possible timing for that to happen. Oh no, it’s not now that the cake has spoiled, it’s last night before the cake has spoiled. Ah, no way! The only person who was able to eat the cake was you, Hoshino-kun, who was the

Only one left until the end last night. What’s wrong with that amazing face ? Hmm, which way are we going? I don’t think Hoshino is lying. So personally, when I

Saw that chocolate cake in the morning that had become mushy, I looked at the chocolate cake that had melted a little, and I was like, oh, this is it. The teacher probably thought it was no good and put it away.

There were three milk cartons left. I don’t usually drink them, so Genta Sensei threw them away, opened them properly, and washed them. It makes sense, and the lawyer counters. Yes, I think it’s too early to draw a conclusion.There ‘s another possibility.It’s not just the cake that disappeared from the refrigerator.There

‘s evidence to prove it, like milk or milk. Sao-san shoved milk and milk cartons at her, and the milk she had kept in the refrigerator appeared neatly and all packed together. Mr. Sao had forgotten about the power outage, which meant that the milk had disappeared from the refrigerator, and it

Must have been Genta-sensei who forced Pepe to clean up and clean up. What does that mean, Genta? Why did the teacher do that? It’s certainly strange that he would throw away the three bottles of milk that were still left at once . What does this mean

? The evidence here will explain the meaning of it. What’s going on? This is it [music] Or this is it. It ‘s a power outage notice. Yeah, I’ll show you this. 2 This is the evidence. It’s a power outage notice.

That’s a lawyer. What does that mean? Despite the power outage, the milk has been in the refrigerator all night. What would happen if it was left there? Well, it would probably hurt. And if Mr. Futoshi, the cleaning pitcher, found the spoiled milk, he

Would probably throw it away. Well, it seems like Midwinter has figured it out already. Why did the cake disappear from the refrigerator? There was no new criminal who ate Saori’s cake.No one ate the cake.There was no criminal.That’s right.That’s right.That’s why Tai-sensei threw away the painful cake.That’s what happened

Yesterday. You said you rushed home because of that, but because of that, you forgot about the power outage. And Mr. Tai, who was forced to clean up, found a damaged cake and threw it away. He said it was all mine. Kotone Ata-

Sensei Oh, what happened to Yagami and Mayu-kun? They’re all set. Ata- sensei Come to think of it, who is the one who left the cake and milk in the refrigerator? He must have said so much that there was a power outage so there was no storage. Besides,

It’s such a pain to throw away food garbage when it’s all over. [Music] Ugh, you’re so cute, Saori-san, you’re suffering from damage. Yeah, Saori-san, come to think of it, you said this last night

. Please understand the feelings of people who throw away garbage this morning. Saori-kun’s words resonated with me when I was throwing out the garbage [Music] I’m sorry, I’m glad you were honest.Thank you for calming down at first glance.Thanks to you, we’re all fine,

And starting tomorrow, Saori-san will be doing the cleaning for a month. I’m so sorry that this happened. I’m sorry. She’s so cute. She looks very remorseful. I want to put her cute bangs back and tie that hair back so she can show her face. She’s really cute, so this is a thank you.

How much did she give me? Even so, I was surprised. Sari, who is usually such a reliable person, gets cloudy when it comes to sweet things. I’ve been looking forward to that cake for a long time. It’s cute. This is the Gap Moe one,

But that Gap Moe girl, Mafuyu, is so beautiful. She’s well-groomed, her make-up is on, and her cute clothes are on point.I like Saori ‘s looks and looks, and I wonder if she likes sweet things, and her eyes are misty. Well, I understand how you feel, but as a lawyer,

I don’t care about people getting misty-eyed.Anyway, even though it was a mock trial with a cake, it was a case that wasn’t sponsored by a law firm.It looks like I can do it.I have a lawyer too, so I’m seeing what’s going on in Kamurocho. I’m curious. It seems that the Matsugane-gumi and

The Reikai are going to have a meal together over the pistol incident. Let’s hear a little bit about that from Azuma. That’s right. I’m all about Sao- san’s live trial . The name of that cake shop. Gota

Ghat Looks like Ghat Cake Um, East Where are you? Is it here or Matsuganegumi? It’s a different game center. I ‘m at the game center. Oh, I’m going to take a taxi. Last time , I was told that I should use a taxi. I should use a taxi. Let’s take a look

. I wonder if it’s there. It’s there. Komeda Coffee is also there. I wonder what kind of coffee it is. If it’s your first ride, wait a little. Is the game center akokoko? I’ll go here. I’ll go to Koenmae Street. Then we’ll leave. Komeda Coffee’s Noir-like Noir. I’ve never had that Danish bread

With lots of fresh cream, but I’ve never had it before.I’ve never had it before, but I like it even though it’s so famous.I’ve never eaten it before, but I like it because it ‘s hard to find anything like Meda Coffee. It’s not around my area and there aren’t

Many places to go, so the store manager was Suma Yagami the other day.What were you doing here?Are you bothering me or are you bothering me ?Maybe if you see me, you’ll be fine.I don’t have to worry too much.

It’s not time for Momo to worry about you, since Azuma has completely returned.Maybe because of the shooting incident in the evening, he left the office right after that, but by the time he came, it was already hidden by the clouds . You’re just a customer, so take a seat. I’m almost back. The

Matsugane group has been in trouble since last night. I feel like my expression has softened. The office is crowded with people. I’ll go after I finish smoking this too. But why is it that everyone in the group has been summoned to protect the office ? Why is the association suddenly so motivated

? Yeah, they’ve been quiet up until now, but it’s definitely something to be concerned about. Number 2 from over there has come to Kamurocho now. He is a young head of a strong group who is the number 2 from Kansai, and he is a head faction of Satobaribari, and he will eventually go

After Chairman Koba. So, tonight’s shooting will be done. That guy’s fault is probably true, but the person he was really aiming for was probably the head of the village. How can he do that? This is a photo of someone being killed, but it looks terrible. Both eyes are punched out.

All they want to show is his face. As for his clothes, his father was wearing this clothes from the village, too. He was wearing a jersey like this yesterday, too. He must have noticed that he looked similar in age and age to Kurimoto. He must have noticed

That he was the target. The gunshots at the ceremony were clearly targeted at Ham, rather than at the party. Is that why you panicked and hid ? Is it wrong to laugh? You have a lot of leeway. You should make it the world where you aim for the head.

Isn’t that true enough for the people who acquitted him ? Well, I’m sure I’ll be targeted too. Shintani is more dangerous than you. He’s the one who defended Senpai, isn’t he? Ah, one side is a gangster. If I’m targeted, I won’t give up.Well,

If I were Shintani’s relative, I’d give him a warning.If I don’t let Shintani-senpai know, this girl will be here again.Did she enjoy the 1,000 yen she received last time?She seems like a bit of a slut.

You seem like a jerk, manager. I’m sorry the other day. Well, we were in a situation like that, and since you guys intervened, I guess we can’t help it. Well then, uh, the elevator is out of order. Wait a minute. The elevator is out of order. Okay, so go through the back door.

There’s no choice but to go out. Was there a back door over there? There’s not one here. Wait a minute. Where are you going out? So it’s either the stairs or just the stairs. Okay, let’s go. Well, then you should let Shintani-senpai know. Isn’t it okay , Mr. Kim? How are you doing?

Who are you? You’re the fire of the prize alliance. You took care of me the other day. You can’t deal with God. Mr. Kim, it’s okay. Be quiet. If your friends are important to you, this is it. Let’s go to the shop right now. It’s Tsusan’s cow farm that was taken hostage. Let’s

Go. I’ll hurry up. I’ll do the gacha later. I’ll do the gacha later. Kim, I ‘ll help you for now. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s do some hands, let’s do some hands, we’ll do some hands, we’ll do some hands, we ‘ll do some hands, we

‘ll do some hands, we’ll do some hands, we’ll do some hands, we’ll do some hands, we’ll get some hands on. I’ve got some kind of weapon. I spent a lot of time on my bicycle. I’m injured. I went to the doctor in the sewage bowl and got treated. Okay, that means he’s

Injured . Wait, let’s go downhill. That chain-like mark means he’s injured. Can’t you just wait and see the status? Did the chain mean he was injured ? I was wondering what it was, but wait a minute, let’s go to the sewer teacher. Hmm, wait a minute , where was it?

Hey Kim, I have to help you quickly, but isn’t it a sewer hangout? It’s a hangout, isn’t it? It’s not the host’s hangout, it’s the catch ‘s hangout. I missed the destination once, and it was a park. From the park, it’s Cafe Alps, it’s not a hangout. I wonder if there

‘s a park. I wonder what park it is. It’s not around here. It says ” Koen-dori.” Is this the solder? Friend. Friend’s store. Let’s go to the store around here. Is there any other place here? I have a friend, so it might be here.Let’s go for a bit.Top left,Top left,Top left Batting

CenterThis way, it’s an automatic park, or an automatic park.Thank you.This is Okay.The automatic park is where Mr. Morohoshi is, so I’m going to run a little.I’m going to run. I’d like to come, thank you. Hurry

, Hurry. There were some people I could become friends with. Also, I forgot to get food. I forgot all kinds of things because of the weekends. Now that I think about it, there’s a convenience store next to that thug. I bought some at a convenience store and came here [Music]

Nayabee no Inn I’m going to give it a shot I think I broke the window somehow Hello, I wonder if that ‘s different from the usual big brother. Um, bento boxes and sushi rolls, what should I do? Please leave now. Why, why, why, I broke the window. I

‘m going to talk to that guy and buy this. I got some cheap plastic. I think it’s because I broke the window. I want to go shopping , but please leave now.I’ve been refused. Maybe it’s because I’m on a mission.Maybe it’s because I’m on a mission.Maybe for now,

If I destroy the store at the auto park, I won’t be able to buy anything for a while.That’s what it is. I must have broken the window for no reason. I was too violent. I couldn’t control my chest and went wild in an unrelated area. If I’m not careful, Mr. Yagami,

Please give me a medical kit and look at my body. Look, I want a medical kit too.The treatment costs 20,000 yen.We’re also a business, so it’s expensive.I have a lot of money , so let me show you.I guess they don’t ask about insurance or anything

Anymore. I was able to get treatment because it was a dark hospital.If something happens again, I’ll come back.Thank you for the medical kit, the medical kit, and Dr. Morohoshi.Is it true that Dr. Morohoshi went to a university hospital

?It’s a story from the past.Now that I think about it, I often go to places like that. I was in a university professor competition and fell in with my rival’s strategy. I couldn’t trust anyone anymore. When I quit the university hospital and was wandering around,

The people here treated me well. I’ve been taking care of them ever since. I can’t make any money . Well, it looked like it was going to be a problem because it was exclusive to the homeless.Wow, I was surprised, Mr. Morohoshi, Mr. Hamanaka. Mr.

Kondo was eating that Zapa again. Mr. Kondo was involved in an accident.What happened now? We’re all going to bring it in, so please hurry up and take a look. Oh, there was an accident. What’s going on with Mr. Ima again? We did what we could, but we

Didn’t have enough blood for transfusion. Mr. Yagami, Mr. Hamanaka, please do me a favor. It’s okay. What is it, Dr. Morohoshi? Bring some big people like Mr. Kondo.Okay , then I’ll call out to my homeless friends.Is it God?I’ll call out to Nnn, so you can ask for the one in Park 3.

This person has great eyesight. It’s a very solid third park. I understand. Well then, I asked for it. Mr. Kim is also here, so please give me a medical kit. Give me a medical kit. It’s 40,000 yen. It’s definitely expensive. It’s a little expensive , but it’s expensive, but

It’s expensive, but I can’t buy food at the store right now, so I was able to buy three of them.No , I’m a little concerned about Mr. Kondo, but first of all, Mr. Kim.Mr. Kim

Has already gotten used to the smell. It’s the capital of life. As long as you can live in any place, you can do anything. First of all, I’m going to help Kim. It’s dangerous, it’s dangerous. You can buy it at other convenience stores. Well,

There aren’t any convenience stores. There are only restaurants in this area. Well, if I can find one, I’ll buy it. I wonder if I can still buy it here. Wait, it’s not cured. I feel like it’s cured . I’m sorry. Please just leave for a moment. I’m angry. Yeah, that’s right. Normally,

I should be grateful to the police for not saying anything in particular. Is there a convenience store around here? There’s a Necafe Hot Dog, but they have hot dogs, but there are some people singing songs about cheap plastic items, but right now. Mr. Hassan , you have it too, right?

Well, I just got it. Good job, Mr. Kim. I don’t think I can win. I can win, but I have a silver medal. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. There’s a Tomi Soba and sushi restaurant in a small corner , but what’s wrong with that? I’m sorry it’s so high up, but it

‘s still the same kind of face. That’s the same as always, and that’s the same as usual. Why is Yagami so big? I’ve heard the rumors about the god you brought with you. Apparently you’re a big fighter. You have an unbalanced body. I’m the Honda Range of the Hoda Prize Alliance.

Please take care of me. You’ll be with me. I’ll go with you. I only fight with the strong. It’s a funny fight that makes me feel like a master. It would be a shame if there were a lot of people. If you get in my way, I won’t show any mercy

To you. You should fight with me. You’re a bastard who joined this organization to deal with guys like you , so start fighting with me right now and I’ll make your wish come true. I don’t have time, but God, there’s nothing in this world that takes precedence over fighting

. Hey, you’re a bastard. You’re completely done with your ass. Let’s enjoy our duty. Conder range. People like this are one fight. It’s good to be good at it. People like this are strong. If you lose to someone you thought

Would be great, you wouldn’t do well, and you wouldn’t be able to keep up. You ‘d want to do a wall kick. Oh yeah , this guy on the wall. I think you’d put up a pretty good fight when you lost to someone like this. From now on

, I ‘m going to get better and better. I’m going to get better, I ‘m going to get better, I’m going to get beaten up, I’m going to get hit a little bit, I’m going to do a triangle jump from a wall jump. Let ‘s have fun,

But I can’t do a triangle jump well. If you start doing this and that in a row, then you should run away for a while.If you start doing this, it’s a shame.It’s a shame.It’s a shame.It’s a shame.People like this probably don’t have anything to do with an organization or anything like that,

So they simply look like this. We clashed physically and physically. Look, you’re amazing. You’re better than the rumors. Hey, let’s get along. I’m tired of having to fight with you. It looks like you’re having fun to me . You’re a brawler, but that

‘s all for today. How many passers-by reported him? It’s about time he came. Stay calm and collected. There must have been nothing more important than a fight. You got caught. I don’t enjoy fighting, so let’s run away. Hurry up, Aoi. Today was fun. Let’s do it again

. I’m simply enjoying fighting. Maybe I’m just like a child. Maybe I’m a good guy. If we get to this point, I’ll probably be fine. Mr. Kim. What was that thing about earlier? I’ve heard rumors about fighting.

I have heard that he is one of the Emperors of the Prime Alliance.No, that’s not true.It seems that the four most prominent members of the Premium Alliance are called that.Kasai Honda and Sakaba Koga.They are from their own factions. I heard that Koga is the largest faction in the alliance, and that he

Earns a lot of money from smuggling weapons. That’s why Yaza can’t help them, so it will be a little troublesome if Koka comes out until that time.I’m sorry, but I think it’s because of me, Yagami-san, that you’ve become even more famous among them.Well

, it’s because of Iiza-san. Please be careful not to be careful, oh, and Mr. Ki -san was okay, but it was a great kicking, but there were a lot of prizes depending on the story progress and the passage of the dangers of the four -world king or the former AKB48. The alliance

May appear in the city.The appearance status of such prizes with the same name is the degree of danger.When the danger level reaches the maximum, the leaders of the prize alliance will appear in Kamurocho.What can I do to reduce the degree of danger? You can understand it I guess it’s like this,

Popopo, here, here, this person, yes, I was looking for this person’s shop. Thank you, thank you, welcome. I ‘m at Music Border now. I’m also friends with this person. I wonder if I can play it at the music fair. Yes, if you spend 700 yen, you get 1 point. You get 10

Points and we’ll give you a record. Hey, do you want a record? You can play it at the office at the record office, and we’ll give you a different record for each store in the village. Now that I think about it,

There was a player in my office that I didn’t use.Oh yeah, I went shopping a lot.Right now, when I shop at Popopo and earn points, I find records like this and that, and Mr. Yagami.I’m shopping at Popopopo. If you collect points,

You can get a record. Well, it’s better to shop here. You can’t get it even in 7, so choose the shift. Hmm, I don’t know how much physical strength it will recover, but

It’s the end of life. You said it’s good, right? I’ll buy a piece of sushi stuffed with sushi. I have money, so I’ll buy a lot of this. I also like onigiri, and I like assorted oden. Is there really an Imuraya? It’s Nakamuraya. Isn’t it? I like

Nakamuraya Nikuman. I really like it. There’s alcohol. There’s also alcohol. Yeah , if I buy cigarettes, I wonder if I’ll smoke them. Let’s buy some Wilkins alcohol. Sake. Let’s buy some Japanese sake. I wonder if something like this would be okay. I wonder if it’s possible for cats

To get along with cats somehow.Let’s buy some.I have money, so if I run out of money, I can just defeat Chinpira Chinpira and extort the money.Thank you as always, I got 7 points this time.Friend rate Customers who have become very excited

Are now receiving 7 points and 10 points, and if they accumulate 10 points , they will receive a record as a present.I want to save it.I want to save it.Here I am.I’m already saving it.I’m already saving it.Alcohol.Jack Daniel’s Premier

Whiskey.This is amazing.Hug Kum.It’s worth 10,000 yen. I’m going to buy Asahi Super Dry as well. If I shop as much as I did before, I’ll get 7 points. I spent about 5,000 yen. Well, I have 3 points left, so I’ll just have to spend about 3,000 yen. So if I

Haven’t bought it yet, I’ll buy this and this. I feel like I’m getting rich. I can’t believe I’m such an adult at a convenience store . I bought 3,000 sushi, too much. How much did I spend on that earlier? I thought it was 5,000 yen

, but I wonder if it’s worth it for something like this. Wait a minute, let’s buy some pentos. I’m going to buy this. I got 10 points with this. Sushi Stuffing is good. I got empty points this time. I’ve already accumulated 10 points. Now I’ve got 10 points. Congratulations.

I’ve achieved 10 points. Oh, I got a limited edition record. I’ll give you a present Yay Popopo M Flop Thank you Friend ex action Well, if you progress with the residents of the town and become friends, you may get a friend ex action. What is a friend ex action?

You do it in cooperation with the residents of the town. It’s an ex-action.If you find something that you think you can make friends with, let’s try to get rid of it.It’s enough to become a person in the town.Here you go, you can use this bottle to fight.Okay, okay, it’s okay, it’s a

Mess. The activation of the EX booster is R2, so if you press the button around that, it will come out.I wonder if it means that once the EX is accumulated, you can use it to have an EX friend action.I’m

Aiming for Shintani-senpai at the reception saying that’s a big deal. I want to let you know that I’m going to be attacked.If I don’t tell you soon, I’ll be here and there.The guy who came, Genta-sensei.Where is Shintani-sensei? Hey, what happened to Shintani?There was

Something I wanted to tell you, but if he’s not here, I’ll come back. No, wait a minute, no, you’re free until Shintani gets back. Well , I’m not busy. That’s right. I have a good story to tell you. Actually, Yagami, I’d like to ask you to protect my client. What do you

Mean, escorting a client? There’s a couple who are seriously fighting right now. I’m consulting with their mother. Her name is Azusa Otani. Her daughter is Karin Otani. Yeah, she looks a bit like her cute mother. Look,

There’s a settlement discussion at the Family and Family Court today, but until then, I want you to protect this mother, mother and daughter.Why do I need a voice?My husband is an ex-boyfriend, and he just washed his feet the other day. Apparently

The wife got into a fight with her husband and ran away with the child. Isn’t it a little exaggerated to offer her a bodyguard just because her husband is an ex-girlfriend? She said she needed a mother. I wonder if all these people who are trying to get their daughter back are wearing white

Jerseys.My husband’s name is Otani.I want him to protect mother and daughter from this guy.What ‘s the situation? Okay, I’m free until Mr. Shintani comes, so I’ll help you. Sorry, sorry. I’m going to pay you. By the way, your lawyer, Oikawa, is it pronounced

Uh ? Have you ever heard of the name Harushi? Who is Oikawa? [Music] This is the lawyer in charge of the father’s side in this trial , and he is a man who used to work

At Uta’s office. This was before you came to the office. He got his qualifications at a young age. He was an outrageous guy who didn’t mind doing the wrong things. He even did things like bribery and blackmail. He was such a bad guy. Was there such a guy? Oikawa Oikawa [Music]

A man who could do Hi He had a future, so I told him many times to do his deeds, but he wouldn’t listen, so I had no choice but to fire him.I thought it would cool him down a bit, and that’s why. It seems like Oikawa has a grudge against me.

He seems to be worried about leaving me in charge. So he fired me? Ah, instead of cooling his head, he gets heated instead. He’s an uneducated man. It’s his fate. I understand the circumstances of the designated confrontation.Where are the mother and child

Now?She was here just a moment ago, but she said she was going shopping and left.The mother is the mother, and the mother is the mother. I had no idea where I was going,

But they said they were going to buy clothes to wear to court, but I knew there was a store where I could change my clothes, so I’ll look for them.Yeah, if hostesses or other people like that buy pretty flashy clothes, there are

A lot of them. I think that’s true, but even in a town like this, even the mother in the photo was wearing quite a flashy outfit. There’s an arrow here, there’s an arrow pointing out Neru Le Marche Well, what kind of clothes are they selling

?My daughter is probably about 3rd or 4th grade.Excuse me, I’m sorry.I’m sorry.She ‘s just a normal old lady.Ah , just a little. I have something like that, so wait a minute, eat, eat, now is the time to eat, hmm, what should I eat ? My stamina gauge is pretty low

, so let’s eat some sushi. How much will it recover? I wonder how much I’ll recover in shou, or about half of it. Well, I don’t even have half of it, I only have a little bit left, so it’s about 13. I mean, the egg sandwich and the rice ball

Are really a little more than that. Wait, wait, wait, this is it. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, this is it, this is it, this is it, it’s strong, it’s strong, it’s here again, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay. Let’s go, let’s go. I’m

Currently working on completing the main game, but I’m currently working on the sub-quests. I’m generally winning one win a day. I’ve been doing that, and I’ll continue to divide my days like this. I want to get to a good place, but I think I

‘ll do a little side quest before I start that one . There’s a lot of Poppo convenience stores. I wonder if there’s a Remarche wife around here or there. Wow, it’s high again. That’s right, that’s Azusa Otani Otake. I heard that you

Were asked by your teacher to support you and your parents and children. Thank you very much . Where is your daughter? Karin is not around. Mom, I was so obsessed with clothes that I didn’t see them, but it wasn’t bad. I went there just now, but I was so busy picking out clothes

That I didn’t notice. Is she lost? Or worse, her husband might have just taken her away. I’m looking for her. I’ll take a look. Your wife, please stay here. Karin-chan might come back, so

I’m sure I understand. People around her may have witnessed it, so I’ll try to ask her questions. It’s not good. You should hurry up a little. Your mother is flashy. Yes, Mom, I’m sorry tomorrow . It’s very green, thank you very much. It ‘s like a brand luxury brand shop.

Let ‘s ask some people outside. That person, sorry, haven’t you seen her ? She seems to have disappeared. She’s a chubby housewife. She’s a rude, rude housewife. Okay, I saw this girl a while ago. Did you see her? Yes, I just saw her walking unsteadily towards Nakamichi-dori. It’s from Nakamichi-dori. Thank you. She’s

At Nakamichi-dori. But I guess I wanted to go, but I went to the club a little bit to Nakamichi-dori and saw how that person turned here on the main street . This kind of [music] isn’t it? The ex action hasn’t stopped Hey , hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, everyone’s starting to look like the enemy, all the old guys and people in suits, all of them. It looks like I can defeat her.What’s up with this girl, Karin-chan?Karin-chan’s photo and her features are the same.She

‘s a big Karin-chan, right?Who are you, brother?I’m a detective hired by Tai-sensei, and my name is Yagami.Mom. If Mommy came looking for you because she told me to, she’d be an unnecessary idiot.I’ll do whatever I want, so just leave me alone.Oh no, that’s not going to happen.I’m not interested

In divorce, so I’ll do what I want. I wish I could live on my own anyway. Naomase-chan, Nekarin-chan, hmm, maybe she’s being a little pushy. Even though her parents are getting divorced, she’s quite cold. She’s not just being pushy, but she’s still a child. Hey, Karin,

What are you doing here? Ah, I was looking for my dad. Are you okay? I don’t know if your mom will scold you. I don’t know. I heard that you’re an ex-girlfriend, but Karin doesn’t seem like that. That daddy wants to give me something, but Karin is wandering around on his own. Yoe

Said it would come out in a little while. Ah, Arin-chan said it would come out in a little while. Even if I listened to the girl who said yes. Hey, there’s something I didn’t hear. Hey, hey, Azusa. Are you serious? Divorce. You’re taking divorce. And you’re taking Karin

Out. Papa, papa. Hey, what do you mean? Are you serious? You’re saying divorce, and you’re taking Karin out with you. My wife ran away from home on her own accord, Karin-chan, and of course

I’ll raise her and leave her to you. She won’t grow up, right? I don’t want you to say that to me. Besides, I have the right to go, Karin. What did you want to do, Karin-chan, if you don’t go back to your teacher ? I don’t really care about divorce, so

I wonder what it’s all about. What did you want to give to dad ? Look, what are you doing? Let’s go, mom, look at the kids. It ‘s not like it’s a piece of crap that just says whatever it wants. It looks like my dad tore up Kan-chan.

Which ticket was he going to give to his dad ? I’ll give it back to Karin-chan later. He said he was going back to the office.I have to go after him.Hmmm, I guess he wanted to go see his father.Let’s take a taxi.Let’s get a taxi.It’ll be faster that way.That’s right.But

That Azusa. Even though her mother said she was accompanying her as an escort, she walked away on her own.There was a taxi, and she hit the cash . Is it dangerous in front of the convenience store? Are you trying to provoke me? Here and here, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, this

Is coming, hey, hey, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, I won’t be able to change my food at this convenience store anymore. It took up so much time EX It’s not the points , it’s the EX that’s so unbearable. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m a girl. I’m sorry, uh, the taxi

. [Music] The blue mark is the sub. The blue mark is the sub. Ah, this is the sub quest. I see. Thank you. Which way are you going? Masuka, uh, this is Shichifuku-dori. Then we’re leaving.

Yes, I said in my last broadcast that I wanted the destinations and missions to be easier to understand , but it certainly couldn’t be easier to understand than this. Maybe after all, I didn’t do it properly at all, who is this

? Excuse me for making a big face. Let’s sleep for a while . Let’s eat some food. I’ll recover some strength. Let’s eat some rice balls. Let’s see how long they will recover. The rice balls are really small. No, I’m not. Yes, they’re really small. Oden. I’d like

To eat something like oden. Oden, okay, that’s okay, OK, that’s okay, Keta’s office. Are you here safely? Karin-chan and her mother walked away on their own, but her father was also there, and her father’s lawyer, Oikawa, was there just now. Nonkarin’s father: Why is it better to eat at a restaurant?

Is it possible to eat at a restaurant ? Thank you very much. Nothing has changed, this office is still as dirty as ever, but what kind of voice does this person have? Okawa, what is he doing here? Taoikawa, then that guy is the other side’s lawyer and Genta Sensei’s former pupil, Haru Oikawa.

Mr. Kawaharu , please don’t be so wary. I just came here today to have a discussion, so no matter what the discussion is, it’s a discussion between the parents. If you can decide to be serious, that

Would be the best [music] That’s for sure. I have no intention of handing my seriousness to my father. Even if you look at this, you can say that it’s not cheating. Hey, look, I understand this. This is also Wow, this person who is not a host looks young.

Okawa from Azusa’s mother. What’s wrong with this photo? The husband was suspicious of his wife’s side, so he hired a detective to investigate the wife. What’s the deal with this? This person is just Serus. He said he would treat me to something, so I just had a treat. That

‘s all. I won’t lie to you, ma’am. There’s one more definitive photo. Look, it’s a hotel. This is in front of the hotel, ma’am. What do you mean ? Let’s stop doing this in front of the kids. I don’t know what this

Is about. I went home right after drinking. Is it really possible to live like that? You don’t remember, do you ? According to the detective, you stopped for a long time that day. What are you reading? [Music] That’s it . Oh my god, there’s a picture like this. He was

Framed. It’s obvious that the dog was framed. The man who was framed suddenly came before the trial. And I lied about my contact information.Also, even though I’m a heavy drinker, I got really drunk that day and it was really weird.I must

Have been drugged.This was a trap, so I thought it was a reverse honey trap . I’ve heard that he’s an innocent man, but here’s a suggestion: Before you go to court, calm down and think about it.If you see a photo like this, your wife won’t be serious about it.Also,

If your wife has committed erratic acts. We can also ask for alimony. What do you want? My husband is a casual person. If he gives in seriously, he says he doesn’t need alimony. My husband, Karin-chan, Karin -chan, that me. I want to keep it in my hands.You’re

Such a crazy person.The man you’re having an affair with is probably your money as well.Your wife just needs to sign the divorce papers.The father is the one who’s serious about it. Hey, Kenta-sensei, do you understand? The situation has been settled and your loss has already been confirmed.

Well, this must have hurt. You lost. I won. You said you had a grudge against Kenta-sensei, so you lost. Most of all, a trial is not a game. It just sounds like you’re bitter about losing. There’s no point unless you win, but Mr. Tai believes that I’ve never tried it. I

Want to believe that, but it’s no problem . If that’s the case, then maybe it’s the other way around.If it’s a honey trap, there might be evidence.Is it worth doing some research to back it up?Mr. Tai, I’m going out for a bit.There’s something I want to look

Into, so please wait.Mr. Tai, I’m sure you understand. I get it, Oikawa Oikawa doesn’t know about me, right? I’m working as a detective in Kamurocho around here. There’s no way I’ll lose to the detective you set that honey trap on. He’s also connected to Yaza, right

? There’s no way I’m going to lose by extorting money from these thugs. I’m here, so I’ll take care of it. My wife claims she doesn’t remember saying anything. Should I try a love hotel ? Speaking of love, it’s Hills Garden in the North. Take a look at the surrounding area and

Look for the love hotel in the photo.Wait a minute.Let’s take another look to see what it was like.A case file.A useful case file.Here , this is it.It’s in a side case.This is not where my husband goes out. I wonder if it’s here, uh, I

Haven’t used it much here, so I’m going to right here right now. It’s in this evidence. Here, uh , I can’t zoom in on this. But it’s white, white, red, red, blackish tile walls. Oh, and I wonder if there’s a blue menu written on it, isn’t there a name written on it?

Luxia. Luxia. Luxia. It’s not Blue, it’s a Blue Hotel. Luxia. Luxia. Luxia. Blue Hotel. Okay. Okay. I’m looking for the blue hotel I put on my head . It’s outside the hotel. Yes, yes, it’s finally found in one shot. By the way, that’s right. When I investigated the affair

, I walked around this area . It’s a little more over here. [Music] Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this triangle. Jumping Triangle Jump I want to be able to do this better , but it’s difficult and I end up sliding

. I can’t keep my mouth shut when someone tells me to do it. It’s dangerous. I’m trying to do it all at once. It took up a lot of my time. Why should I do it? I was an ordinary person. I also

Got some advice on how to get some physical strength and go eat at a restaurant later, so I’m going to increase my status a little bit.I’ve reached 3200 points, so I’m going to increase my stamina and speed up combos like this. After speeding up, body balance is limited to one battle only. It

Becomes stronger against the alcohol of the set. It’s better to hurry up and do one cup battle, right? Triangle jump. The SP points around here aren’t that high, so let’s release more and more around here. I

Haven’t saved a lot of squares in the air above the high level enemy in the middle of a flying rush horse jump . I’m playing with the intention of going to the end , but if I don’t save somewhere, I’m probably going to go back somewhere.Wait a minute Cancel Cancel Suu Hey,

You should take a closer look at this part.Eh, the first battle in the combo is Sway Cancel Cancel Way Combo In the first match of middle school, Swayeb rolls and quickly cancels the action.At a certain timing during the cancel way combo, R1 and

I get it.Thank you.It seems to be okay.As long as you get to the end of the prize , you’ll be fine.Attack, uh, power to attack. There are quite a few limited to 1000 that break down the enemy’s guard.Then

There’s EX Jump EX Wall Jump Um Wall Jump Attack Attack Um Avoid the wall and use the breath that jumps up to attack from the air Um Triangle during Triangle Jump Or triangle flattery is difficult. Yes, I used

A lot of SP points. Ah, please give me beef bowl, my brother who has a beef bowl restaurant . Hey, give me some beef bowl, and add some miso soup and salad. The beer won’t recover. Well, the beef dish is good too. I’ll have the beef bowl. I got a coupon. It

‘s so good. My old friend told me that if you put that salad on the beef bowl or put French dressing on it, it’s fate. I’ve tried it before. It’s not very good.

I regretted it so much that I wasted a lot of beef bowls. It didn’t go well with me at all. It’s best to eat it with ginger. I’ll also have the beef bowl . Let’s go. Thank you for your recovery. The food was delicious. Thank you. You

Look a bit like Kim. There will be a new menu next time, so please take a look at that. I’m looking forward to seeing the new menu. I tried it too. But it was really delicious. That’s good. I think it’s good that this guy

Is able to communicate like this naturally. Hey, brother, his name is Kim. It’s funny when he says he’s Kim’s son because we look alike. I’m the store manager. My manager speaks like Mr. Kim.My manager is our manager.My name is Natsukawa.My name is Natsukawa.My

Name is Natsukawa.My name is Kami.My name is Kami.Please come and visit us again.Looking forward to the new menu.I’m the manager. Please take care of yourselves I understand. Thank you very much. So, my current purpose is to find a hotel. It’s not here. It

‘s not here. There’s a guy who looks like he’s going to extort my money . It’s not a flight. This [music] is one big thing. This white cat has a big body. He’s guarding me properly. I wonder if he’s cute with this. I’m so jealous of this.

I never thought he’d use something like this. I don’t think anyone thought that, but I just keep using weapons, swinging them around like this [music] It ‘s all over now, and the last one is completely done, and my two friends are getting hit too. I was so exhausted

That I had lost all will to fight. This is it. This is it. There are so many things around here. This is the point of fighting. I’m going to go there, and I’m going to stand up and stand up, and it ‘s going to be the most fun.

Well, I’m sorry , but I showed you a scary scary scene. Why don’t we go around this circle ? This area is different. Can we go from here? This area is different. Ah, something dangerous is coming at us again.

I want to concentrate on finding a hotel. Go up. Ah, this is it. I found it. It’s here. Or hey, this guy did it again earlier. I just did it earlier

, I think I’ve unlocked some skills, so I feel like there’s more variety in the way I fight . It’s nice. I’m dressed in white. I’m wearing a white outfit. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Come, come, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it,

Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it,

Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it. Well, I have to find a place to take a photo, so I’ll find a place to take a photo somewhere.The

Signboard is obviously here.Is this the parking lot? The entrance is here.This is here.It’s full in the middle of the day. So this is the love hotel that was shown in the photo. There’s only one customer in my house. Oh, he’s from this hotel. He’s the receptionist. I see,

You’re the agent. The agent can be anyone. There’s 10 more. If you give me 100,000 , I’ll delete the video this time.Aren’t you confusing me with someone else?I’m Yagami from the Yagami Detective Agency.Oh , I’m doing an investigation right now, and

I have something I’d like to ask you. So what’s the difference?If you don’t hurry, they’ll find you.Hey, you’re a GG-challenged young man.That guy’s clothes are the same as the one in the photo.Oh, he finally came, or he was too late.He’s this.He’s got Azusa in his hands. Is that the man in the photo

? What do you mean, you still have to delete the footage from the surveillance camera? I already paid for it. You promised to delete it after I paid. Right now, I’m feeling lonely at the front desk. I wonder if I can get another 100,000 yen,

Wow, wow, what a joke. I’m going to kill you right now. Hey , I know you. Hey, hey, hey, did you really come to this hotel with Mr. Otake? Did you just say that? What do you mean by the footage from the surveillance camera

? Hey, don’t be upset. By the way, the surveillance camera shows some inconvenient things. Gaku Oikawa told him to erase it, but this old man still hasn’t erased it. When I heard that, I came in a panic. I’m so noisy. If you get in my way, I ‘ll kill you. Yes,

Yes, I’ll chase you. I’ll go after you . It’s right in front of me. Yes, yes, yes, I’ll take you around. I’ll take you all the way to the corner. I ‘ll take you to the place where Uiracon is. I defeated the young man who did it.

Are you okay? Uncle, you just said that you haven’t deleted the footage from the surveillance camera yet. Ah, that’s right. I thought it would make money. It’s amazing that you left it there. I wonder if they were trying to squeeze something out of this flicker . Wait, I’ll bring it right away. That’s

Amazing. Is everything gold ? Is this world gold? No one’s watching it. It’s okay. I want to watch about 10 minutes of the video from 8:27 p.m. Are there any left? Oh, here’s the video. What’s going on ? Is there anything strange on the surveillance camera footage ? This

Is suspicious. It’s not true. That woman isn’t Asa-san. She’s a completely different person. This time is the same time as the cheating photo. But the fact that the woman is a different person

Means that she is a composite, or just her face was composited.They made another woman wear the same clothes as Azusa and did something really complicated.OikawaThis is evidence that Oikawa fabricated the story . Wow, hey, hey, it’s broken, but the guy at the reception desk can’t help it.If a computer is like this,

He won’t react even if you try so hard.Ah, he’s just an imitator. Hehe, this is probably the only data I have. If I even get a copy of it, I’ll kill you. This is all I have. Look, I’ve destroyed the evidence. Run away. Oikawa’s

Bastard. He’s a pretty scary being, and I’m pretty sure what Oikawa said is true. Did you find out anything about that? That picture of Azusa entering the hotel with a man was a fabricated fake. I’m troubled by your insistence that it was fabricated. There’s no proof that it was fabricated.

Well, it happened, but thanks to the help of someone who broke the PC with all the data, it’s no longer a story.The reason I showed it here instead of presenting it in court is that

There is a risk that the fabrication will be found out. What are you talking about? There’s no evidence and you can’t rely on your wife’s memories. Since you can’t rely on your wife’s memories either, these cheating photos

Are valid. But if a professional photographer looks at them, they’ll tell you they’re fake or fake. I guess I understand, but it’s a real piece of evidence from my past. I

Wonder if it’s so incomprehensible. What will I do with my wife? After paying alimony, I will expose this embarrassing photo to the law. Yeah, no, if it wasn’t me, I could fight. I thought I should fight. But it would also cost money.If

I was going to raise my daughter as a single mother from now on, I wouldn’t want to pay that much money.Yeah, it’s difficult.It’s a lie.If that’s the reason I’m going to sign it, I shouldn’t even

Say I’m raising my daughter in the first place.I’m embarrassed and ashamed of myself. If you were to win, what are you going to do, wife? There’s no chance of winning anymore. Gods, don’t expose yourself to shame and pay even a single fee. If you’d rather expose yourself to shame and pay alimony, then

File for divorce now. Look at my daughter’s face. Please calm down. What’s important is to have a proper discussion. Genta-sensei, that’s enough. I’m disappointed in you. I’ve already made my decision. No, look at my daughter’s face. Hehehe. Now, the seriousness belongs to the father, Genta-sensei, I win. Well,

No matter which side the former father and the current mother take, the daughter has no choice but to work hard and become independent. Work hard and be independent and live your own life. I’ve finally left it to you to figure things out.You

Two can do whatever you want.I’ll be living alone, so I’ll do what’s left.No, I’m still at the age where I want to be spoiled.KarinWhat are you talking about, Dad? I wonder how Karin-chan feels about her.It seems like she

Suddenly left the house with her mother and daughter, so I think the three of us should have a proper talk about it.How does Karin-chan feel about that? I have one thing in mind. Excuse me for a moment.

I’m sorry if I didn’t know what you were thinking, but I’ve been losing my mind since Oikawa came, but this is proof that I understand Karin’s true feelings.Maybe the circus tickets were for three people, Dad? So, I gave it to my mom and my dad, and we all went together. I

Didn’t mean to have my dad give it to my mom because I wanted them to get along. If that’s the case, then my heart hurts. That’s because Karin was

Trying to give it to her dad. So I ended up tearing it up and throwing it away. I asked my father about it. Maybe that’s where Karin’s true feelings lie. Yeah, circus tickets. Wow, it looks like there are 3 tickets. 3 tickets?

That’s it. I see, you saved me! I found a breakthrough school. It’s a breakthrough school, Akarin-chan. Actually , there’s something I want to tell your parents. Karin-chan, what [music] are you talking about? I was trying to give this ticket to my father. There are three tickets for the circus

. I wonder if this is how you really feel Karin . What do you mean, three tickets? I can’t believe it. The three of us wanted to go to the circus together. The three of us used to go to the circus together . We all went there together that day, too, but we

Made up after going to the circus, so it’s a shame. I hope it resonates with mom and dad, but they’re toxic parents. So for this one moment, it seems like it ‘s going to resonate, just for this one moment, Non-chan thought that if they went to the circus again this time,

They could get along. Apparently, you threw that away without telling your father. That’s why you ‘re holding back. It’s so nice of you. Genta-sensei, these eyes have the ability to see into the hearts of people who aren’t ordinary people. Genta-sensei, Ah, Akarin-chan, you won’t hold back when it comes to your blood-related parents.

If it’s really important, then I’ll express your feelings with all my might. It’s okay, isn’t it? It’s selfish of me to be so strong about my feelings. It’s also cute that I was really so pure and somehow strong. I can’t really say, but which one of my father and mother set me

Up will take over me? If we were to fight about something like that, you’d probably regret it later, so it’s better to be honest now . I

‘ve been putting up with it because you said you wanted a divorce, but if I were to act selfishly, we’d both be in trouble. You’re lying about wanting to live alone. The truth is, I wanted to continue living with you. Well, that’s all I understand.

Well, I definitely don’t want to live separately , so Karin, how are you two ? I thought about Karin’s feelings, and tried to talk to her again, but her wife suddenly stormed out, so the three of us have never talked about it. Come to think of it, that’s right.

Well, if you still want to get divorced, I won’t object. Please come and talk to me again. Stay calm. Now, the game has changed. Well, it’s certainly not just us, so we’ll decide without a doubt. That’s right. I have responsibilities as a parent

, and thanks to my children, I’ve calmed down. I’m talking about my parents . Oikawa, it looks like your turn is over. Wait a minute, Genta-sensei, you’re playing the game. I won’t accept such an opportunity to give up. Genta- sensei will also reduce the reward for success. Hey, you’re still here

. Don’t you understand? What kind of lawyer is this ? A big decision that will buy or change the life of a client. What kind of job is it to be involved in making decisions?

If you make decisions based on money or pride, you could end up making the client unhappy.What are you trying to say? It’s all for the good of the client. Then you don’t care if you lose in court . You don’t

Care if you lose. Now’s your chance to change. Be honest with yourself. You want to be honest. Really, you should ask Mr. Genta one more time to be honest with your parents. You want to be accepted like that, don’t you? Be honest. You’re just a half-hearted lawyer.

[Music] A chance to preach to those trees, a chance, a chance, a chance. Do you even admit that you’re young? You really don’t understand. Look, you really don’t need to get divorced. This woman is a young woman who can easily sleep around. But the other party’s lawyer

Says it’s a fake. It’s their choice. I do n’t know if your wife was drunk or not, and she doesn’t remember if you did it. Can you believe that? You can’t believe that. I understand. That’s what you said to your wife. I’m serious. This guy seems like a scammer.

[Music] Oikawa He’s biting me at a good point. Lol. That’s the fate of the stars. The fate of the stars. Is it my destiny to be born under a star? Even though I don’t even know what he’s talking about. I don’t know what you’re talking about, so

I’ll move on. Even if tonight were to go back, are you confident that the two of you will be able to work together in the future? I just don’t see it as a scammer. He’s already an idiot.

Why do people like this do things like this? Remember what Karin said, remember what Karin said, what Karin mustered up the courage to say earlier.It may be true, but her bad husband’s heart is wavering.He called Oikawa to this tree.This photo is a dirty copy. It’s a real proof.

I can’t forgive such an unsteady love. Yes, please forgive me. I’m Mr. Yagami. I came here. To the guy at the reception. Hehe. I finally found him. Brother, I’m sure you’re in love. Why are you here asking for the name of your agency? It wasn’t there, so I went to ask for it,

But it wasn’t there, so when I turned around, a guy like Za told me that you were supposed to be here. Mr. Fuji, sorry, but I’m busy with the data right now, and you’ll buy the data for 100,000 yen. That’s what I heard, but my PC

Was destroyed, and I didn’t have any other data on it.If I didn’t make a copy of the receptionist , the blond-haired guy threatened to kill me. This person actually copied the data thinking it would make money later, but this person can’t do data copying.I’m

A bit biased and I’m sorry, but the guy who works at the reception desk at a love hotel does data copying. I can do it, hehe, he’s really smart. Should I buy it for 100,000 ? I want to say that 100,000 is expensive, but no, no, no, I’m

A lawyer. Don’t lose. Don’t lose. Don’t lose. Buy for 100,000. 10. I’ll buy it for 1,000,000 yen Oh, of course I’ll buy it You look nice I think it’s better for both of you to go heheh I’ll borrow this

Old man ‘s PC And I need 100,000 yen I need a police officer and I need expenses I need a police officer I don’t need it You can drop it off as expenses. I don’t know how much it’s 100,000, but it’s going to cost a lot. Hey, I had a

Chance, but I missed the chance to be bought. God, Yagami, what do you mean ? The face of a winner who has confirmed his victory. Mr. Okawa, do you know what kind of data this is? You were desperately trying to get it erased. This is the evidence. This

Is the footage from the evidence camera that you fabricated. We already have this. Victory is already certain. Please explain to me what you mean.As shown in this photo, the adulterous photo was taken at the same time the other man

Was in a hotel with another woman.At the same time, one man was in the same country as another woman. I can’t go into a hotel with a woman.In other words, the photo Kawa had was a edited photo of him with another woman.What’s that?The

River sled is a fake and a fake. Is this a tongue twister? This is a splendid fabrication. What if you finally do something irreversible with this piece of evidence? If you mess up, you’ll be disqualified as a lawyer

. Ah, that’s cute. Still, the trial is still on. If you’re going to do that, I’ll go out with you, but what are you going to do? It looks like we’ll need a trial to show your fabrications rather than a serious trial. Damn it. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa _ _

_ I couldn’t be honest with him, so he got a little confused and went in the wrong direction. He’s starting to look like a son to me. He’s a big boy. He’s not really growing up. Genta-sensei must be thinking the same thing. He ‘s taking care of him like a son.

Mom and Dad went in the wrong direction. I don’t need this anymore. You , oh yeah. I need it now . He showed me how to do it. [Music] Unlike Ungawa, you seem to understand, so why don’t you go back to being a lawyer? You’ve done quite well this time, haven’t

You? What I can do as a detective. I just did it . I was painfully aware of what happened today, but I don’t have the skills of a teacher, so lawyers are tough after all. Hmm, no, that’s not true.

This person is trying to find out the truth, trying to make it clear in black and white, and trying to make his own decisions. Maybe he has pride, but [Music] That’s his justice. Why are my disciples only half-baked lawyers? That half-baked younger brother, maybe that includes me? I’m looking for Shintani-senpai. I completely

Forgot what I was going for, but I was looking for a hotel and Shintani came back before I knew it. Shintani -sensei’s Gura-san seemed to be having a lot of fun, like a joke, so I thought it would be a bad idea to disturb him, so I kept quiet. Yagami

, I guess you had something to say to Shintani. Yeah, that’s it, that’s it, Mr. Shintani. Hey, I have a story that I’d like to hear from you. Tadakuni. Warning. Warning. It’s just fine. This one too. I have something to tell you, come on! Shintani-senpai is a really good senior. He

Was really cool. The way he proved Ham when he was found innocent was also really cool. The village head is complaining about you. So please don’t rehash the case where you were acquitted. I feel the same way. I feel bad. Are you trying to criticize the acquittal that I won? No, you won.

It’s because of me that I stood in court. My defense client is killing me right now. That case is over. I guess it’s over for the lawyers, but the murder squad that gouges out people’s eyes is still going wild. You’re such a nuisance. Why are you

Interfering with me as a detective? The village that committed the crime must have known about the new culprit, but they kept it a secret. They used us as their partners to get away with the crime. I guess that’s okay with you. I can’t let it go like this

, you’re such a bossy talker, and you’ve probably been running away from my head for a long time. It’s Hamra who’s running away right now. He’s being targeted by Reikai, and that’s the case with the shooting incident that evening. I haven’t given any information yet. According to some sources

, the lawyer who acquitted Hamamura is also in danger.That’s why I came here to tell you to be careful.That’s what I came here to say. You’re doing what you’re supposed to do, you’re not kidding

. You can’t reach Mogu. Why are you saying that? I know you probably think it’s just a mutual plan, but Mogu isn’t like that. I know what you mean. Do you know something that makes you sound like you know

Something? I heard some information from Hamamura about Mogu that I don’t know. If I tell you everything I know, Mogu will kill someone again. You’ll be responsible for that too. That’s not true. Yeah, lawyers generally have a duty of confidentiality. Study it up again. Didn’t you

Just throw away Taniya and say “I respect your brother ? ” It’s so powerful, isn’t it? I’ve been in contact with Mura-san a lot lately. What kind of things were we talking about? We were getting excited about talking bad about him. Ah yeah, that’s right. It really feels like there’s no damage.

If it were me, I’d be talking bad. I’d be really upset if I heard what you were saying, Shintani-sensei. Do you have any clues about Mogu? If that’s true, he’d be happy to spread the word, but Hmm, Keto-sensei. You could also give Arata a little more

Concessions and compromise. Hey, next time we fight here again, my fists won’t shut up. They’re amazing, they’re soft fists, right? Kenta Mumugi’s fists. Shintani-senpai seems to have Shintani-senpai’s sense of justice. I wonder if he’s like that as a lawyer. None Yagami is

Now a lawyer, and the new year is different, so it’s a little different from each other Fuji-san It’s been a while since Kaito came to the front of Matsugane Gumi’s office. It’s the crime scene that evening. Ah, it’s still crowded with police. Kuroiwa is in charge of Deka. Kuroiwa

Oh, I think he’s Ayabe’s boss. That Aya is also on the scene, and he’s working really hard. So, I was wondering if I could get information on his operation from that guy. Now, I’m going to invite Teda out . I see, are you going to come too? Yes, I know, Tender

. Oops, excuse me, brother . Um, Tender. Tender. The bartender is here . Let’s go. Ah, it’s night in Kamurocho. Another day passes by in the blink of an eye. At night, it’s thugs. There are a

Lot of people who are noctilucent.There are a lot of people in this town because they are moving.I want to eat ramen at night in this town, but before that, it’s good.It’s good.It’s good.Sleep well.It ‘s good.This item.This item. So what is this? Oh, I got 3,000. Is it just 3,000? Are

There any more? Oh, I’m running out of time. Please come here for a second. Hey, there’s a 10% off coupon for the beef bowl . It’s checked. I wonder if it’s checked to see if it means 10% off.I want to eat some food, but thank you for waiting.I ate gyudon earlier

, so I wonder if I’d like to eat somewhere else somewhere else.Well, before I get to my destination. If there’s a restaurant, there’s Aburi Honpo Meat Magma. I’d like to go there. Yakiniku is good. Is there a staircase? Is it possible to break in through the window?

Is it possible to break in through the stairs or window ? Should I add soba or something? Tomi Soba, Tomi Soba. I ‘m like someone who wants to eat it in a hurry. The ones that are checked are probably the ones that I’ve eaten before. I see, that’s what I’m saying, thank you.

Tomi Soba, uh, what? Well, I’m a woman who eats cold food even in winter.For some reason, I like Nisashi.I’d like Nisashi Fox Soba and curry rice, please.It’s cheap.Even if I eat both, it costs 880 yen. I really like it Ah , it’s delicious, it’s delicious, it’s good, it’s a good combination. Thank you

. Is this here, in the center behind Nakamichi Dori and Tenka Tenkaichi Dori? I’ll use this next time. Excuse me. Is there a Meal Complete? Is there a Meal Complete? Ami and Nekomiya are here, but for now… Is this the bartender? Is the bartender here? The bartender

Is here [music] The food is complete. It’s great. I want to do both. Both restaurants are thriving. Thanks to the punishment. Last night, the Matsugane group was shot. I don’t have much information on that. Well, I

Guess the source of the story about Matsugane-gumi Higashi is good for you guys too.I have a quick ear.Who did you ask?Why did Kaito say it earlier? I’m telling you, it might not be a good idea to keep quiet about him. If the village finds out, he’ll be in a bad position. In

That case, it’s too late to shut up after he finds out . It’s much safer to shut up before he finds out. That’s what I’m talking about. I’m a professional corrupt detective. I seriously don’t have much to say today. It’s my fault. So I guess I just got angry.

Wait. It’s a violation if you say something like that. Wait, then . I’ll pay for all this emotion with information. Did you know that the village has been disappearing since evening? I’ve been in the group’s office for a long time, and the police are probably looking for me.

If that’s the case, I’ve already asked Higashi. 1 Pakaabe Information is worth it. I understand. Is there anything else you want to ask? It’s a restricted topic, so it’s free. Three old men. It’s boring if you drink in silence. He’s an interesting guy. Small talk. Well then, come on. Here comes

The consecutive correct answer bonus question Ah, why did the Reikai come to Kamurocho? I ‘m also curious about this. Now, the Reikai number 2 is coming to Kamurocho . It seems that number 2 was the one who told them to do it.I’m

Curious as to why they came to Kamurocho.The current situation in Kamurocho has nothing to do with it.The current state of Matsugane Gumi seems to be in a state of turmoil.It’s Hamamura. There’s no young head, and there’s no actual number one, so I can see why he’s so busy.I don’t

Feel like being called a corrupt detective.This is definitely the information I want.Why is the party coming to Kamurocho ? Well, I guess it’s because they want to expand their territory from Kansai to Tokyo.Even though they planned it as an appearance meeting, Reikai

Is such a strong organization with only 25,000 people, but the association only has about 1,000 people, and on top of that, Kamimachi is completely occupied. If you think about it normally, it’s not a match.

Reigai started appearing in Kamurocho 12 years ago, but the police thought it would soon be crushed by the appearance party, so why didn’t it happen? Behind the association is a Kansai group with huge financial power.Kajihira is said to

Be a major general contractor.The association has been using the enemy company of the Kahi affiliate as a hidden treasure.That’s KJ Art. Yes, I see, yes, it may be difficult for Sudden Reikai to advance to Tokyo without a wealthy backing.What kind of relationship does Kajihira have with Takashikai?Why would a major general

Contractor give money to someone like Yaza?Actually, he has Nogami in Tokyo’s bedroom. It wasn’t Reikai, it was probably Kajihira, who was trying to move forward with a big redevelopment project in Tokyo.It must be a big story that he would go out of his way to get involved in any kind of redevelopment

. After all, it ‘s a strong association that accepts all the political support and other things that come with it. Thank you for the valuable information. But for a while, I was the chairman of the club. He often

Came to Tokyo, and I’m sure there’s no doubt that he was a politician and official, and he met Minister Kasa of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare several times.What do you talk about when you have a general contractor and the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare? In any

Case, the reason why the Association came to Kamurocho is not just the logic of yakuza, it’s a little more complicated. It’s getting complicated, and even politics is getting involved.

I ‘m sure this has something to do with the eye gouging incident. Well, what’s going on with the Matsugane-gumi now? What’s the current situation with the Matsugane-gumi? It turned out to be the scene of a murder that evening, and they can’t move because they’re surrounded by police. That

T-shirt is really delicious. That pink T-shirt. For some reason, I won’t forgive that guy any more.I’ll definitely do something about him.Someday, I’m sure.What should I do about Kamurocho these days ? From your perspective, what should I do about Kamurocho these days?

What’s going on in Noka town?The air has gotten even worse this evening.There was a flow of water in the upper floors, but it might even hit the enemy.Until now, the only victims of the attack were yakuza. But the murderer who gouges out the eyes must be a big one.Do you know that? He

Also uses the trickery that you started. He’s pretty well-versed in the city. He can ask you all the questions, so it feels like he’s being called an unscrupulous detective. I ask the alcoholic fish, how

Does it feel to be called an unscrupulous detective by the alcoholic people? Well, since they know who I am behind the scenes, they’re probably part of the underworld anyway. That’s why they’re calling me a villain. That’s how I feel.It ‘s true that I’m calm, but it’s the police.Yes,

I heard that it’s time to have some fun small talk with the unscrupulous police officer.It’s getting complicated.If you’re in a pinch, it’s time to go home.Is your capacity at the limit ? I’m reaching my limit. What should I do ? Yes, this is Fuji. This person is Kamuro, and Kuroiwa is

In his true form. This person who came out is attacking Kuroiwa. I’m the one who made you innocent. He was the one who made fun of it , so thanks to you, we’ve become a good laughing stock. Thank you

, you’re welcome, and apparently you’re on good terms with my Ayabe. Ah, Kuroiwa-san was there. He found out. He skipped work and drank. You’re the one who came here. You’re a monkey like that. Then we’ve come to this gap. Aya and Kuroiwa, can you tell me one thing?

Three years ago, the murderer who was acquitted because of your defense is innocent. He burnt a girl to death , but in the trial the other day, he went on a killing spree again. [Music] Who will be the next victim? Tell me, Yagami-

Sensei. Everyone is going to follow me. That’s how famous he was. I mean, Yagami is a bitch, and people who have a grudge against Yagami use that as a joke. Kuroiwa seems to be used to such encounters, so he’s probably Aya’s part-time job prospect

. I wonder if he came here to nail the nails so he doesn’t overdo it, or maybe he came to see our faces.If he notices me, it’s going to be troublesome.What should we

Do?Are we going to close the shop tonight?Before we go, thank you. I’d like to find out a little more about the association. Until now, I thought they were just targeting the Muromachi Islands, but since they have a general contractor behind them and there’s a redevelopment business

Involved, that’s good news. I’ve learned about the real association. Maybe that’s not true. How do you find out who they are? We had friends at the ceremony. I’m talking about Se-san. Are you friends who go to Se-san? Well, we

Fought physically and physically, so we’re already friends. They’re my friends, Yoshika and Sanka-san. Oh, wait, I just ate some food. Hey, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Is there a place like this ? Here, here, here

, here, here. I’m already used to this town. If that’s the case, then it’s time for the drone. It’s starting to look like a garden. We at KJ Art are already used to it. We already know the structure. We have maps , right ?

I’ve already found a place, and I’m here. Can I smoke this and that? I bought a cigarette, but cigarettes. Can I smoke? Didn’t I buy a cigarette? I don’t have a cigarette. I can drink alcohol. Alcohol will help me recover a bit. Alcohol. I don’t have much to drink.I’m still at work,

So let’s do some scouting.Let’s buy some cigarettes next time.Ah, I’ll fly the pigeon.Mr. Kaito will keep an eye on people coming and going.What should we do ?How should we do it? Ah, that’s right, that’s right, flying the pigeons, wait a minute, there’s an item item, um , I guess it’s in another

Place.In the cigarette item, I see, it’s a recovery item, so excuse me, it’s true, it was there. I’m smoking a cigarette, but I can’t decide right now.Wait a minute, I can’t go here anymore.I thought I could use it if it was in front of the ashtray

, but I can’t go near the ashtray anymore, so I’ll let the pigeon fly away for now . I’ve become a detective now. It’s no longer a drone. It’s not a drone anymore. It’s a pigeon. But on this cat’s head, that drone has a pigeon’s face on it

, so I think it was just called a pigeon . I thought flight was a detective term for a drone, but it was close. It was already found. Wait, wait, wait. How do I do this? This is up and down. Okay. Murase Murase-kun

Has been found. Oh, that’s it. Maybe it’s because it’s so strong. Maybe it’s because the wind is so strong. The drone is a little unstable today. It’s really unstable. It’s because the wind is blowing. It’s funny because the wind is blowing so I can’t get there. It’s so bad. Murase-san is already there,

But wow, wait, wait, wait. It’s going to break. What should I do with the drone? Wait, it’s windy ! Wait, the wind is strong. Why do you like this building? It’s Murase. Your friend is still there. He’s already peeking. There’s something wrong with that. Peeking. Well, there

Aren’t too many chuunins from a while ago. He looks like a stalker . Don’t move. He’s careless. Murase. As expected of Murase. I’m looking forward to the return of the appearance at the same place where ours played the Matsugane Gumi yesterday . But to put it simply, we have a limit system too.

Yagami-san, wait, wait, it’s not my appearance. What should I do? Answer, what should I do? There’s nothing I can do about this. He’s got both eyes gouged out a long time ago, but when Ma12 was released, no one noticed and he was able to give orders. You’re so easy-spoken today, Mr. Fuji.

Who are you, Reikai Wakagashira Ashiya Chumonyashi ? Number 2 from the ceremony I sat in the office and listened to what Number 2 and Higashi said about the locks and locks. It’s

Going to be a long night for you guys, and it’s my first time with Gua and my first time with handcuffs, so I wanted to be nice to you. I’ll kill you

, I’ll kill you. You saved me again. You’re real. There’s no time to be surprised. You’re real. Let’s do it. Let’s do it. Let’s do it. Let’s do it . It ‘s a battle. I’m sure all of you are

At least a little strong. I’m sure you’ve got it all together. Hey, I’ll share this with you. Let’s go ahead and use my special technique. Mr. Fuji is nice. I’m finally doing the salt dance. I’m doing the salt dance. I’m doing the salt dance as if I’m dancing. Wow , hey ,

That’s great, after being hit by a strong opponent, the feeling of not being able to move for a while after being hit by a strong opponent has nothing to do with number 2, hey, yes, it’s the same even if it comes one after the other

. What’s the dance now? What’s the dance now ? Let’s stir it up too. Wait a minute. Let’s eat sushi. We’ll eat sushi here. Dad. Eating fast. Eating fast. Okay. Okay, oh, oh, oh, oh. Wait, wait. Wait, lalalalalal I’m going to fight like I’m drunk Today, there’s someone with a weapon

Hey, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all. Wait, wait, next, next, next, next, uh, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, yakiniku

Bento for a high-class yakiniku bento, uh, replenish protein with a um, um, Marunouchi bento that’s well-balanced, and replenishes vegetables, um, and lastly, I’m going to have 2 pieces for dessert, okay ? Run away, run away, run away, run away, wait a minute, is that the Kansai- style salt

? It’s not right, it’s not right, it’s not right, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, uh, come on Juju. In Kotobuki, I’m waking up and eating away at the meat. You’re going to eat salt, right? You’re guarding me. Wait, wait, wait, wait. If you wait, let’s switch to the first fight

. Let’s move on to the first fight. Okay, I’ll replenish the food on the way. It’s too much trouble, so let’s leave it at that. Jester helped me again, but thanks to you, I was saved. You should come too. I understand what’s going on. You’re being honest today.

Why don’t you come? If you stay like this, I’ll blame you. Well, he’s dead , and I can’t see his face , so he’s a jellyfish. He’s not so ugly that he needs a mask. Is that really a mask? You can’t go out on the town with one on. Young man, let’s go

. That’s pretty easy. Kaito-san, I called out to him and he became my friend. He’s a Jester. Why did you guys go to the trouble of gathering at my house? Maybe

It was a nuisance even though it was a hangout place. If the head saw me with my brothers, the head of the village would be in the clouds. I’ve been doing it for a while, so I guess it’ll be okay. That’s basically it. [Music] His name is Sugiura Sugiura

Fu Sugiura Fu, a former member of the thieves. He was a loner now. I was saved by this Sugiura-kun before. I’m sure that’s what the Muromachi thieves are wearing. They’ve already left that area. They’re all alone now. Why were you there a while ago?

Don’t you want to tell me? Where did you start talking about it? Well, that’s a bit complicated, but I used to work at the Kahi Group, and I was connected to Taira’s team at the head office in Kansai, where I was responsible for managing IT in cars, preventing cyber attacks, etc.

The members of Sekitodan were former employees of Kajihira, and one day I happened to happen to falsify numbers in accounting data.There were several executives from the falsification group who were making a slush fund. There was money hidden that didn’t require a receipt, so I

Was amused to see it, but they found out that I was spying on them, and from there it was quick.For some reason, I ended up embezzling the company’s money. No matter what I said, no one believed me, but even so, I was

Able to figure out that the slush funds in the middle of the scandal were being forced together and flowing to other places. If I can prove it, I can get revenge on the people who framed me.In

Other words, this Sugiura has a grudge against the Kahi Group, so he was there today as well.Yeah, I’ve been monitoring that building for a long time.It’s the first time Yagami-san has KJ. I saw it when I was getting into art. So why did you help us earlier? Mr. Yagami,

You invited me to work with you the other day. Actually, isn’t that a bad story too? So I thought it wouldn’t hurt to team up with the Yagami Detective Agency someday

, especially Mr. Kaito, who just a little while ago didn’t seem to be involved at all no matter how many guys there were.I fell in love with you when I saw you. Even though he’s young, he has a lot to offer.

He’s doing really well. I don’t know if it was necessary to talk about this with me or not. Even if we don’t go so far as to talk about it with our friends, we do it in a relaxed manner. Even though the people they’re

Chasing are different, they seem to be working together pretty well . How do I contact them? Why do I know this? Isn’t this okay ? Why did you know my number? Didn’t you just look at my cell phone at that time?

He’s a capable guy because I checked him out. That ‘s fine. I really like Azuma because he’s a strong, strong person who has joined the team . Azuma is great. Yes, you’re already here. We’re already at the store today. Don’t come so casually in the first place. Sugiura-kun was quite a

Nice young man. He just received a few compliments, and I still do n’t trust him, but he’s not too bad considering he’s been acting like a flop. But anyway, it’s already time for tonight. I’m going back to the office. But this distance, this distance, it’s a little nerve-wracking, even between men.

Who is this distance? Kim-san, the prize alliance. An executive is rampaging through town with a bunch of his subordinates. Look for Mr. Yagami. Now look for a different Mr. Yagami. It looks like they’re waiting, Yagami-san, what are we going to do to stop their violence

? The boss appears at maximum danger. This person has the brains of me and Michito. When the danger reaches maximum, there’s an expense alliance. The number of executives has increased and the boss has appeared in Kamurocho with the maximum danger level. Where can I see the danger level? Will it appear?

To lower the danger level during the battle, let time pass and get through it. You need to defeat it. If you defeat the executives, you will receive a thank you from the town’s residents. Of course, you will defeat them. Battle skills, uh, what is this? Discover [Music]

Bing, Bing, Did you read this? Bottle of battle skills, Bing, Bing, Bottle That’s right, the first bottle is different. I remember what it says: 8 trigrams, 8 trigrams. I’ll try to remember it. Well, I’ll tell you about the

Discovery of battle skills. When I talk about it, I have a strong quick press, and when I hit and hold it, I release it and it’s strong. I’ve already memorized that. Even I did the battle SP earlier. I used a lot of , and now I

Have 1,600 SP, but when I discovered 1,000 , it was 1,000 yen for this or that, so it’s not exactly the time I can buy it.The bin bin frame where the change comes from. Wasn’t it? It wasn’t like this. Uh, consume SP and press and

Hold this square to activate the timing. It’s a square. Sorry, it’s not a quick hit. If you press and hold square to hit, it’s okay. Thank you. Okay. Learn to launch. Um, one battle. Because it’s time, it’s 1 on 1.

Hey, you can go with 000. If you hit a hit, press and hold the square. Speak. Release at the right time. Release the square. Um, yes, yes, yes. That action will appear. The enemy is displayed on the map on the screen

. Thank you, okay, okay, okay, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go , hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, I want to go, I want to fight, are you here? This is it. Danger level: 98% Good, good, good, I’m heading towards myself I’m going to go there on my own, there’s

Some guys from there, but it’s amazing. There’s a lot of them. They’re here. Right now, I’m going to fight with Shiomai. Now I’m going to fight with Shiomai. Use a little bit. There are some things like that , but it’s good, EX, EX, right? That’s right, it’s not usable. It’s a weapon,

It’s a guard. Oh, that’s right. I had a muscle tear. I’ll go to the doctor’s for treatment. If not [Music] Hey play pass get press R2 and triangle hit is also strong thank you very much I see it was activated with R2 uhm it was activated with R2 what is it EX

? Maybe I’ll be able to hear about Marinette’s personal life now. I’m Mariné. She doesn’t talk about her personal life. Even I’ve never heard of her. Tonight’s different than usual. If only you were here. What’s going on now?

The group is trying to guess Marinade’s true identity and making a bet, but it seems like everyone’s guesses are off the mark, and the great detective shows up and is being fired.I just went to the tender, so I told her to come again. Well

, even if you don’t say that, you can make a profit if you win the bet. Well, I’ll be waiting for you. Oh, I’m curious about Marinade’s personal story. She got cut. I wonder if she’s a pushover or a good businessman. For now, I’ll give her a tender. Let

‘s go, there’s a mission to go to the tender . There’s a part where I want to use it at least in the encounter with the enemy, but it’s a little erratic. I’m sorry. I want to move on with the story. Well, one battle is a battle. You can always do it.

Wait, wait, wait. Don’t chase me. Don’t chase me now. Don’t chase me now. Try to run away because I’m chasing you. It’s hard. It’s hard. Let’s all run away. Let ‘s all run away. Don’t say no. Don’t say no. Run away, dammit,

I can’t run away, can I go, oh, can I go, can I go, everyone, ran away, everyone followed me Master Yeah , that’s this person, that’s the nurse, that’s that person, that’s not that person . I wonder if it’s possible for a nurse to come out for drinks by herself every night

? She must have a busy job, so she must be in the media. Even people in the media don’t have enough free time to come in just every night . It’s the arrival of the great detective. What’s up with Turbo? He’s been called by the master. He’s a detective,

So he’s probably good at deduction. The participation fee is 10,000 yen per person. This can’t be good. I can’t do this. The one who guesses Mio and Marinade’s job will win the whole

Thing. 33,000 yen. If they win, it will be 40,000 yen. Master is also participating. I don’t know what to do. It’ll be interesting if Tabo, who isn’t too bad, participates. That’s okay , but that’s good because I won’t be able to win 50,000 yen from anyone. A cheerful

Madam is alone in a bar like this. A cheerful madam was talking about divorce and divorce with that person earlier. Who was that guy who was wearing the same necklace as his mom? Did she buy it at the same boutique? If you win 50,000 yen,

You’ll make 90,000 yen. It’s getting interesting. Hey, how can you make a profit by winning Tabo? Let’s try it . It would be a shame if Marinade got into it that much. I ‘m sure he’s a good-natured person. He’s definitely a tsukko person. Well then, let’s guess what my occupation

Is. If you can guess it, then you can just observe it to your heart’s content. Hmm. People don’t depend on appearances , so I guess you can judge them just by their looks. I’ll have to look closely at Marinade and try to guess what her occupation is. Well, no

Matter how you look at it, you’re a slutty person. First of all, this necklace is expensive. That’s right, but there’s something about Pikan who guesses your occupation based on your makeup appearance.Hmm, manicure, manicured nails , etc. [Music]

His shoes are about 3cm in height.They’re not that expensive.My hands are shaking a little.I’m a little worried about being watched. My hands are shaking a little, probably because I’m excited, and I’m wearing a necklace with a gorgeous jewel on it.It looks pretty expensive.If I

Bought it myself, I’d probably be able to afford it.Or did a guy give it to me?I just do it every day. It’s more likely that there’s no one particular guy.It’s dangerous to come to a bar alone every day to drink.That’s dangerous.I do n’t

Know if it’s dangerous.It’s great.It’s good.Every day. He’s at a bar drinking. Is there any possibility that he’s married? It’s a ring. He hasn’t worn it since. So I can assume he’s not married. I don’t think everyone wears a wedding ring. But

I don’t even have my nails done. I wonder if it’s a manicure. This is useful information. Also, I don’t wear a manicure, which means it’s likely that I’m in a profession where wearing a manicure won’t be a problem. Yeah, the

Medical line has disappeared, or if I was a receptionist now. These days, this bulge is not a cheap article. Is it a high-end brand with a unique design? It’s a hassle to change clothes every day after work.

Also, if it’s not the kind of clothes you wear to work, then I guess it’s a freelance job. After all, when I think of women, I think of makeup.The way she wears makeup, her hair is a very bright color.At least, it’s probably not her profession.Well, I can’t

Narrow it down just from this.Judging from her bright hair color and manicure, she’s probably a strange profession. Since he doesn’t have a ring, it can be assumed that he is not married.Looking

At his accessories and clothes, he doesn’t seem to have any problems with money.The fact that he comes here for drinks every day means that he has a job that makes it easy for him to find time. As expected of a detective, you’re amazing.So you’ve got it right so far ?It wouldn’t be

Fair to say that.I’m sure you’re not in trouble for money. Actually, I saw it, and Mari-neko was paying with a black card the other day, right? The person with the voice is exactly the same. They wouldn’t let you make it unless they got a lot of money. They

‘re that rich. So, in other words, it’s a job where you can freely make your own time because you’re a high-class person.If that’s the case, then Marinade’s occupation is [music], uh, not a writer.If it’s like this, then she’s a mistress.Well, Marinade is a mistress. I feel like it’s rude

And I don’t want to spoil my mood.Because I’m in trouble if I can’t get them to give me 50,000 yen.I think the writer is actually a popular writer or someone who comes to the bar to buy material.It ‘s the first time I’ve heard someone say that. That’s right. [Music]

So, what are the people other than Turbo going to do? Is this already decided? It’s a mistress , yeah, if it’s a mistress. After all, it’s their turn to appear at night, or maybe during the day, but they come

To this bar every day. It’s not like you’re completely absorbed in it.If you’re a doctor, you might be called in at night.You’re a writer.So, I’m a tax accountant, and I’m the principal of a vocational school.How did you deduce that? How did

The young man deduce this? Well, I’m probably going to be a day trader. That’s very likely. I’m going to call a real estate manager. It’s very likely that all of them are possible. It’s a pity that all of them are wrong. I won.

I’ll take the prize money, so prove it, prove it, prove it’s all wrong. I’m your mistress. Well then, excuse me here. I’m going to work, so I’m going to say yes, yes, but I don’t have to go because it’s my job. Well , then. [Music]

Well, in the end, we don’t know who it is, so it’s a battle of sorts, isn’t it? Yes, we’re completely defeated, defeated. In the end, please tell me the answer. If you’re a detective, Miyuki is the best, Master. This customer and this customer, what the heck, that’s it!

Follow Marinade and try to find out her occupation. Are you serious? That’s great. If you find out who she really is, I’ll pay you, so I’m gone. My job. I don’t want to undertake it , no, I’m angry,

I’m angry, I’m going to get angry, I’m angry. I don’t want to turn it to the enemy I don’t want to turn it . If that happens, Marinade is [Music] A little Marinade. He seems to be wary, so oh, that person is very popular. After all, the old

People stand out a little. When I walk around Kamurocho normally like this , there are people around me. She’s like a hostess who works in this town, she ‘s like a high-class hostess. Wait a minute, wait, wait, it’s bad. I’m being guarded. Is that déjà vu?

Two of the same old ladies. Deja vu. Two of the same old ladies. The same doppelge is in Kamurocho [music] I wonder where they’re going, take their time , okay? I ‘m here. Hmm, I don’t feel like a woman at the bar, it’s a little flashy for that. That

‘s flashy for someone like that. I wonder if he didn’t answer that question when he was in there. He hid in the shadow of that car. Wait, wait, wait. He wait, wait, wait, wait. It ‘s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it

‘s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s McDonald’s, isn’t it McDonald’s ? It’s a hamburger shop , isn’t it? That’s a lie about marinade, isn’t it? Luxury Soap Valharan Luxury Soap might make money, but I’m a girl, so I don’t get any strange misunderstandings from marinade.

There’s a hidden beauty salon on the 4th floor of Neko’s shop. I was thinking of refreshing myself before work, but when I found out, I noticed that I was following you. I guess I was about to follow you, so I immediately noticed. I get it

, this has been done. I don’t think I’ll be noticed by someone following me. Who am I? But if I go to work after this, I’ll have a chance. This time I’ll put it on so they don’t find out. Of course, my face is covered in marinade. What can I do

? What can I do ? What can I do? Ask Kaito-san. Now let’s think about how to carry out military actions without Marinade finding out. How can I disguise myself? Disguise, disguise, etc. Disguise, Disguise, Disguise Well, I guess this is the least suspicious. It’s not a stakeout. It’s a follow-up,

So it’s fine. This should make it difficult for Marinade to find out. Thank you. It’s close, it’s close, it’s close , but it’s a case of eye gouging. Even though there’s been a lot of things like [music] and that guy’s shooting incident , there are still people in this town.

If it were me, I’d never come here. If there’s a company in a place like this, that person and the company are already working remotely. Too dangerous [Music] Okay , I guess Marina has just refreshed herself. Just relax now and

Go . Slow down. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry . Sorry . I’m not at home, but at least I don’t feel like I’m at home. I’m probably going to go into a store somewhere. I can blend in with the crowd and

Hide in the shadows. Maybe I can go fishing like that before. You said that the bar where you can do it is a freelance job.I’m sure it ‘s because of the fact that I’m hiding and hiding, but I’m actually enjoying it.And I think that’s the kind of play that can be done .

People haven’t completely found out. It’s okay. They said it’s free work. It’s definitely okay. It’s okay. They don’t realize it. They don’t notice it. They’re free workers. That’s the basement of the pub where you can go fishing in the pub that just happened in that moment.

Maybe it’s just my imagination, but I thought there was a bunny from a gambling parlor, but it doesn’t look like it’s a freelancer. Okay, I’ll walk a lot. Let’s hide over there. I ‘m walking to the right side of the bowling alley. Good position not over there, good position good position good position Perfect position Position good, good , good position Hey, wait a minute, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, slowly, slowly, slowly

, go slowly I don’t want to get caught here Isn’t it okay if we just walk this far away ? Let’s hide in that shadow. Oh, come on, let ‘s keep walking. It looks like it’s about time for us to be on guard, but it looks like it might be okay to look at us from the other side. It came from the other side of the road, it came, it came, it came, it came [music] Finally, finally, wow, it was a long

Ride. The best thing I’ve ever done is huh, huh, huh, huh, here, here it is, the fishing pond. I went to this before, huh, one chan. Isn’t that true? Last time , there was a hit there. I guessed it by chance.It was n’t just a coincidence.It wasn’t

Just a coincidence.It wasn’t just a coincidence.The receptionist wasn’t a coincidence, it was just a coincidence.I guessed it again.My prediction was right.Is this a freelance job? Wait, wait, wait, stop disguising it Disguise it,

Turbo, I can tell even if you’re dressed like that, it’s Turbo, right? After all, you were wearing it after that, right? How did you know? Disqualified as a detective, this is it after all. I didn’t notice it this time. I tried to call a bluff,

But it wasn’t a bluff this time. I’m a go-getter. That’s when I realized that this is my job. I’m a gambler. I’m a gambler who takes bets on a whim. Yeah, that’s Marinade’s real identity. That

‘s an amazing job. That’s right, on the street. That’s why I’m so excited about betting.At first, I started with a lighthearted attitude , but somehow I just kept winning at a rapid pace.I guess I had that kind of ability , or apparently I had some talent.Once I started making money here, I

Stopped working at the gym. That’s why you got to the point where you have a black card. That’s amazing . You asked me to find out who you really are. I’ll give you the money I won this time

, so please keep it a secret. There’s no good in it being known that you’re making a lot of money at an illegal casino. So yeah , it’s probably better not to say it. I

‘ll tell you that I know who it is. Even if I don’t know, I’ll tell you. But as expected of a detective, your powers of observation were amazing. I’ll try competing with my real job next time, and I think I’ll win. I don’t know what to do, so I stop.

Marinade’s real identity is a gambler. Hurry up and hurry back. Binbin and I did it by chance. It was just a coincidence. It was n’t a coincidence on my part , it was a coincidence on my part. Ushi Yagami Affairs. This is where we’re at, so let’s go dash, let’s go dash

We don’t have time for you guys anymore. Now, go back to the Yagami Detective Agency as soon as possible. [Applause] The danger level is 10% right now. It’s going down It looks like the boss is not going to come out Now it’s ok sho oi sho

Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry I’m here Okay I’m here Ah Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay somehow I wrapped up my clothes and went back to the office. This is Kaito-san, Shintani-senpai, I feel like Shintani-senpai is dangerous too, but it’s Shirasaki, Shintani-sensei

Hasn’t been answering the phone for a long time, and today he talked to Yagami-san and left the office, so he’s being targeted by Reikai. That might be the case. No, it’s okay. I might have been a bit too threatening. Could you please try calling Mr. Yagami too

? Mr. Shintani, he won’t answer if it’s from me, but he’s not the kind of person who would answer if it was mine, but whatever. Okay, I’ll give you a call. Saori- chan, you’re worried. [Music] I have a feeling something’s wrong. What, no, no, no, it’s scary. [Music] Stop it, stop it, it’s

Scary. No, it’s a lie, it’s a lie. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, no, no, no, no, no [ Music] Yes, it’s Shintani. Ah, Mr. Shintani. Where are you now? As the ace of a law firm, I’ll leave your consultations regarding the law to Shintani Michi. Please send me a message in the valley.

The fact that he’s probably being beaten means that he really liked Shintani-senpai, but it ended in a shocking way. Chapter 44: Jack in the Box This is what a surprise box is like. That’s what it was like.The

Surprise box was like something you would see in a scary horror movie, but when it actually turns into that controller, it freaks me out a little.Haha, I was so surprised. Shintani-senpai’s eyes were probably gouged out.

I don’t know if this was a forced attack or where, but Mamogu might be involved as well. It looks like politics might be involved a little, too, and the police might be involved as well. What’s going to happen? Tekuno is a bit unpredictable

, but today I was able to make a lot of predictions. Yes, I think he has improved his skills as a detective quite a bit. What did you all think? It’s interesting . It’s interesting. If you liked that video, please click the “Good” button. If you haven’t subscribed to the channel yet, please

Click here. Well, it’s been a little long today, but everyone, have a nice night . Thank you for your hard work. I’m looking forward to the subs next time. When I do the subs, I start a little early, and the second half is the main one.

I hope I can move forward so that that part ends. I’ll make a lot of comments today as well. I’m sorry I couldn’t read it all I ‘ll watch it later so thank you as always Thank you for your hard work Binbin Thank you for your hard work

Thank you bye bye everyone Good night Thank you bye bye


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