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盤點海賊王三大戰役的豪華陣容,頂上戰爭空前絕後,鬼島三皇之戰後無來者! #盤點#山治#路飛#海賊王#黃猿

盤點海賊王三大戰役的豪華陣容,頂上戰爭空前絕後,鬼島三皇之戰後無來者! #盤點#山治#路飛#海賊王#黃猿

盤點海賊王三大戰役的豪華陣容,頂上戰爭空前絕後,鬼島三皇之戰後無來者! #盤點#山治#路飛#海賊王#黃猿

The luxurious lineup of One Piece’s three legendary wars Speaking of the three most awesome battles in One Piece Top War Ahead Ghost Island War Valley of the Gods War Long Legend Although the configuration of these three battles is the top match However, each has its own focus. Various types of different

First the war on top A Navy and Pirate Showdown The Navy sends out all its elite forces and the Pirate League headed by the White Beard Pirate Regiment Engaged at Navy Headquarters First, the navy gathered 100000 elite navy soldiers from all over the world. Guard Marin Fando

A group of giants will be lined up in the square. Mighty Of course some of the old faces before Old acquaintances also appeared. Smog, then a brigadier general Daski, then a second lieutenant Tina, then a colonel The then Colonel’s replacement, etc. And the head of the Kiel branch base.

Lieutenant General of the Great Route Branch of Gumir et al. There are also elite lieutenants in the naval headquarters. The group’s temperament is a bit domineering. This includes the five mouse ghost spiders known as the fifth general of the slaughter order. Dauberman Fire Mountain and Stolobery

In addition, there are Barretin Stilres and Basti Youzhong. Waiting for the five kings Qiwuhai female emperor eagle eye mingo moria and bear Aggressive stand in front of the camp It looks like an impassable wall Above the Highlands Under the punishment platform

Three navy generals, the green pheasant, the red dog, the yellow ape, entered slowly. Raise Navy morale to the roof Three will be firmly seated Prepare for all the challenges that are coming above the Shujiang platform Marshal Warring States personally supervised the war There are also two legendary navies. Lieutenant General Karp and Crane

Although the rank of lieutenant general However, it is obviously not a card position with the previous mid-drop. The face of the Navy’s card. Enough to see the importance the Navy attaches to the war It can be said to have moved out of the family.

And 43 of the white beards in the pirate camp The New World’s Pirate Regiment was the first to appear on the sea. A total of 50000 people The 43 captains are the Navy’s famous pirates. White Beard Pirate Regiment Directly Inside and Outside Navy Headquarters

Except for Ace on the execution table and Saatchi who was killed. The rest of Marco Joz Bista and other 14 team leaders and 1600 people All present Then the Luffy team fell from the sky. Shining debut Among them, there are two former Qiwuhai Lao Sha and Even Ping to help out.

The great god of Baki in the future Little Iwan and Lightning of the Revolutionary Army There are also old sand one and three After that, these guys may not be the strongest on the battlefield. But it must be the busiest on the battlefield. Later in the battle

With the spoiler of the newly grown Blackbeard Pirates. And the Red-haired Pirate Group to mediate In the end, let this battle continue to expand in scale. stop abruptly The top war was not only to directly let the two four emperors at that time White beard and red hair involved

The Four Emperors Kedo is also waiting for an opportunity. I was only persuaded by the red-haired face. Blackbeard Luffy Baki, who took part in the war, also became four kings in succession. You can see the cow force of the war at the top. Then there’s the ghost island war

Different from the top war This is mainly a group war between pirates and pirates The double yellow alliance formed by Kedo and Auntie is deterrent enough. At first, there were barbarians on Cado’s side. To the father of the joke Waiting for various forces 30000 people This kind of small-time fighting capacity is uneven.

But overall not high The black charcoal serpent has a group of royal court fans and watch shirang here. The core cadre on Kedo’s side Three disasters and six sons enter Quinn. Jack Fosford Black Maria Topic Question Pegevan and Drake But Drake came up backwards.

So it should actually be three disasters and five sons. And then there’s Ap and Hawkins. Aunt also brought a lot of cadres Among them, the eldest son and daughter are very familiar. Dafu Fire Man Mondorgarette Bad sister. The six women of Ban Ye were given the rank of Snake by the strange monk.

One of the biggest coffee Also will one of the stars of the water king private placement collection Sure enough, Auntie’s gang were really paddling all the time. Cato said Old woman Your lineup is too insincere, isn’t it Forget it. Later, I also ko a cadre Drink the lava

This side of your Luffy camp is different from the top war. This time it’s a full-body straw hat regiment fighting. This is also a scene that is hard to see after Ice Fire Island. Friendly side Red Sheath Samurai take the lead The Fur Legion in the Form of Musician

First-wave consumption of Kedo and Kedo Corps Sporadic fighting has been going on here and there ever since. The gang brothers led by the soldiers and 5400 samurai from Luffy’s camp Scuffle with Kedo Corps in the hall Daiwa and Xiaoyu are two cavalry When Luffy lost bought time for the Luffy camp

In every battle, there is always one of the busiest reinforcements. Marco was undoubtedly the busiest man in the war. And Luffy’s two most important allies, the Kidd Regiment and the Luo Regiment, helped. It’s also a key part of this battle. In addition to these

There are also some fringe forces involved in the tea. The cp who watched the play for more than half of the chapter Zero trio after the war to prepare simple general green cattle The redhead who came to promote the new theatrical version at the time.

And to the Lord who came to the town of Joy Boy. If one of the big things about the war at the top is At that time, all the seven wuhai came There were nine supernovae in the Battle of Ghost Island. Eight of the 11 supernovae

Plus 2 years later, Karib, a double yellow pair The five supernova rows are not small. But the Ghost Island War clearly feels less deep than the top war. And then there’s the Battle of the Valley of God. This is different from the previous two.

This time it can be said that many bosses set fire to a pirate group. Because the people who went to war later became a legend. So the starting point of the above two wars is the valley of the gods. Rocks has a young white-bearded gold lion on this side. Aunt Cato Mother-in-law Stusisa

Silver Axe King The ultra-luxurious lineup of Captain Straight John, etc. Some of them were turned into zombies by Moria after death. Like Captain John who drinks and the big brother with the hook and claw. appeared together. And one with an axe This It’s not a silver axe, is it?

Then this bearded zombie in armor is more suitable for Wang Zhi But what’s more puzzling The prince was obviously driven out of Tide Island by Blackbeard for 2 years. So there won’t be another clone prince The big brother in the top hat is the man with the gun in four hands.

He’s also a zombie from Moria. Roger’s crew on this side of the pirates. Except for the Roger Raleigh Jabbar Triangle This fish man, Sambel, is also familiar. The other three generals are Spencer. It is characterized by a handsome man with a ponytail. There is a characteristic is a head of hair like fire

Paine is a Viking dress and a big beard. The Navy has Karp leading the way and his mysterious lieutenant Bogart. As for these officers led by Karp It should not be this batch taught by Zefa. Because 38 years ago Even the red dog, the pheasant, the yellow ape, hasn’t joined the navy yet.

So how does Bogart stay young forever world government Here’s the old red-haired Jialing’s winning knights of the gods. Satansheng of the Five Old Stars was also in the Valley of the Gods at that time. So the Battle of the Valley of the Gods can be seen as a naval pirate.

World Government Set Fire Rocks Pirates thus ushering in a new era at that time Since the battle took only the length of the comics Content is not much So in fact, the theater version doesn’t need to talk about any new scripts. Expanding the Valley of Gods

Maybe it will become the most hi one piece theater version ever. The male bosses in One Piece looked like when they were young. Now the ugly old woman in one piece When I was young, I was a beautiful woman. Not a version at all. It’s a bad taste.

And many of the male roles have changed a lot. It’s just that the changing styles of men and women are still very different. The wheat team led by Bega Punk Young Kaji Quinn and Caesar are among them. But seeing what they looked like when they were young At first glance, some stupid force

Hey, buddy. Who are you? The good system in his youth can be called the origin of killing Matt. And the figure is so thin And the added eyebrows are like this Compared to the ring eyebrow More like Nika Luffy This spirit boy is Caesar. This supple sister

The hair type is also very fascinating. Quinn was in good shape back then. I have to admit that Quinn is still very charming. If after liposuction by a green cow Not this version either. It can only be said that the flowers have reopened. There is no more youth in the day.

And the temperament of these people If you want to say that you are engaged in scientific research Would rather believe that they are five kill rock band Qiwuhai When I was young Moria was also very handsome. The face is the face. The neck is the neck. Now the two have merged into one

The muscle lines of that year are also nine to one. However, Qiwuhai is generally relatively stable. Mingo was a super match when he was young. Body and temperament are model level It has been well maintained over the years. Although the hairstyle is not as good as the spirit of the year

But other aspects are more spiritual. Hawkeye is the older the more temperament Also very handsome when young Even a little green bear on the face They are also more young. And a pair of bear ears on his head actually feel very cute The change in Jiping is relatively small.

In addition to hair color changes And then there’s the beard on the chin when you’re young. Not a small group now Lao Sha classified Lao Sha as male At present, I am still very guilty. Because in addition to having childhood photos The looks of his middle decades are always missing.

Always mysterious to give a person a figure But I have to say Lao Sha’s hair quality is as good as ever White beard was handsome when he was young and had thick blond hair. At the time of the country of peace. White Beard was 42

The old white beard always covered his hair completely with a turban. It turns out that the hairstyle is actually made under the white beard scarf. The same shape as his beard I don’t know if I have encountered the trouble of hair loss. When Cado was young

Teacher Kay was quite handsome when he was young Not only a little gentle That confident smile is like the temperament of a king. And it was still very well-proportioned. A lot of people get old because they’re out of shape. Cado is different. I can see that Cado has been exercising.

But apparently it’s fitness without legs. The end of unstable drinking Inside the Navy. This is Kap Warring Crane When I was young, I should still be at the stage of being a recruit. very young high-spirited When you teamed up with Roger to defeat the Rocks.

When Karp was 40, he defeated the leader, Green Pepper. At the age of 48, Karp’s temples had not turned white. After the age of 50, it is the stage of white temples. The explosive head of the Warring States Period has not changed from small to large. The congratulatory will

It should be a very small number of normal aging beauties in One Piece Pheasant joined the Navy at 19. At first their instructors were chastised And then when I was apprentice to Karp. Should be around 20 years old A little bit of mourning He wouldn’t be domineering then.

Aitwall Sea Battle Star to 22 Following behind Karp is already a big fan. O’Hara is seeing Star By the age of 27, he was already a lieutenant general. Red Dog, 23, joins the Navy At that time, the red dog was wearing a red half-sleeve shirt. With a knife on his back.

At the time of the O’Hara incident Red Dog is 33 years old and is already a lieutenant general. Kraut joined the Navy late. He was 26 years old when he joined. In the memories with Beiga Punk At that time, Huang Yuan was obviously not his second uncle. But the gentle big brother

War Escape Maru is still a child. Krusapes don’t grow old at first Wearing a knitted hat It’s pretty cool. On the eve of the Battle of Aitwall 31-year-old Kobra appears Why is he so old? to 46 years old During the period of Lieutenant General’s crusade against the Sun Pirates

The face of the yellow ape is already 60 years old. Is it because of the sparkling fruit Causing the yellow apian to grow too anxious behind The change in Kulokas in Roger’s troupe is not very great. It can only be said that when Chuanyin was young, it was really young.

When Riley was young, his temperament was invincible. a blonde a pair of round glasses The beard is very distinctive Make it look calm and don’t look like a mess. Roger was also very young when he first went to sea. Although green but very refreshing

At least the two skimmers were not left at that time. Nose hair that looks like a beard Karp punch These four people are most happy Karp defines what is called a living legend with a punch But it doesn’t matter Karp’s strength doesn’t need proof But, Karp, this punch

However, it has proved the gold content of these people. The first is to give Marco’s immortal proof Mark said the top war The old man jumped up and punched me a little bandage on the back I ‘ve been told hundreds of times. Now we know who the real immortal bird is.

So Marco may not be the strongest royal deputy But it must be the most anti-beating deputy. It used to be a pony. Can you do it? If you come up, you’ll fall down. Now it’s Marco. The body is good Mark said he would ask me how much gap I have with the general.

I topA move against Karp in the war. Later, the pheasant was able to resist Karp in one move. Rounding is not bad The original great general green pheasant as Karp’s great disciple Being beaten like a grandson That Karp’s Grandpa Fruit He hit everyone like a grandson.

Is there anything wrong with me wrapping two bandages? But the undead bird is the undead bird. Top war over Marko said he had nothing but a little concussion and a stiff neck. All skin injuries recovered Wait a minute, you’ll see the pheasant climb up. If he doesn’t spend his face, it’s over.

The second is to give green pepper pirates identification Green pepper is also a remnant party of the old times 30 years ago, the bounty was 5.4 And has a three-color domineering But at first, I didn’t think green peppers had the momentum of a big pirate. But now think about it

Can round to get Karp or Warring States The pirates who personally shot or supervised the battle. What level does that have to be Roger White Beard Golden Lion Barrett And now the black beard group green pepper had this treatment back then. Indeed, it must be counted as a pirate.

The main reason is that Karp specially leveled several mountains before the war. This thing green pepper can blow for a lifetime As for the head of green pepper, it was beaten back by Luffy. Can be understood as older Osteoporosis The third is Karp’s own vicious words on top of the war.

That Karp said he couldn’t help killing Zakaski. So the happiest person in this matter now should be the red dog. And it’s the kind of person who lives after a disaster. The secretly happy red dog is not only to give the reborn parents Warring States a big red envelope.

High and low still have to knock a warring States After all, the green pheasant and the red dog fought for ten days. Will be the winner As a result, Karp got hot. One second to solve exquisite I don’t know. After Red Dog learned about the fighting on Beehive Island

Will there be an idea of wanting to roll up overnight? At that time, the situation of the top war It’s not the white beard that drops the red dog from the bottom of the sea. It’s Karp. And it’s the kind that chases the hammer to death.

The fourth is to give Axe Emperor Monca Proof of the strongest combat power in One Piece so far Whether Karp ran after Roger Or is it a move to lose the original general father said This old man, no kidding Will he fight? Do you think he was not my axe

Because Axe Emperor Monca knew he was too strong. The Battle Force System of Typhoon One Piece So I went offline early and went back to the forest. To say the true strength of the father Kaputa didn’t bleed that much when he hit Locus. I didn’t open such a big opening.

So father’s axe is not too much to kill lox Finally, I remembered what Karp had in mind about Ace Luffy. If you become good Navy grandfathers You can be justifiably protected Karp can do it, too. But the most Karp really wants to say Family people who understand I trained five elite

Four are not pirates Is the revolutionary army There’s another one you ‘ve caught. This can not hurry But to be honest The Navy is half dead now. We really need a victory like this. After all, it still has to look at the hero. Those Yan-worth bearers of the Karp Pirate Regiment

There is nothing strange in the world of pirates What kind of grow up But most of the pirate group how much There are still cadres who are worth online. In contrast The straw hat group can be said to be quite eye-catching. Luffy Solon Shan Zhi Nami Robin

Wherever you put it, it is the presence of Yan value. What a coincidence. They’re all together. Other partners have fallen out of the human category in various ways. but it is also good-looking One can imagine The average color value of the straw hat group is very high. luo tuan is also good

Luo is responsible for the cool and coquettish beibo penguin killer whale. They’re just in charge of cute. There seems to be a female crew member in the Luo regiment. Of course, plus Luo himself had two Watch a circle down Luo’s pirate group also belongs to the normal group

Most of the people in the aunt pirates group look very random. There are all kinds of strange Auntie likes to play like this No way However, the head of the aunt also looks good. For example, the three-star Karlmujik can grow Although Carl covers his mouth with his scarf every day

Seemingly heart has bad feelings But Karl doesn’t think so. Carl himself is very indifferent Cover your mouth I just don’t want my brothers and sisters to be bullied by outsiders because of her. Carl really looks better this way. The others are Charlotte Garrett. Because the temperament is like Dover Flamingo.

Also known as Dover Flaming Sister And Brin, who is married to Yamagi. and Aladdin’s shark Mermaid Wife It’s cute when they show their love. Aladdin is very small. Other children also have normal appearance This depends on how to play cards If all those grotesque aunts come out. Reciprocal Yan Value

But all the good-looking aunts should be at the top of the list. Anyway When the aunt was young That’s one for everyone. The Yan Value of the Rocks Pirate Regiment There must still be some foundation. The Beast Group is also only unexpected. There is nothing that can’t grow out

But to say Yan value bear The Beast Group does not lose any pirate group. Daiwa is not a member of the Beast Regiment If you calculate, it will be the icing on the cake. if it doesn’t count There are other black Maria and Runti in the volley six

Although sometimes they are not entirely human But it’s really since I ‘ve seen more and more of Oda’s bad taste. The vast majority of Haimi is now not only too dead for sex but not cards. Even species can’t get stuck. It’s too dead.

After all, this is the world of pirates, so there is no need to struggle. Further up, the rock disaster has banned this face. Plus his awe-inspiring vow to hold Cato king. For a time I was in a trance At first glance, the murderous king of hell is the villain

Of course, it is not to say that Solon did not enter the handsome It feels like the sword is too decent. The fall of Solon and Ember is a big loss for the pirates’ Yan Value Circle. Roger the Pirates have Raleigh and Jabba. The White Beard Pirates have Marco and Ace.

Red-haired pirate regiment bounty average strength average This color value is also average Of course, the most handsome when the red hair himself The Don Quixote family has the Mingo Monet Ascension Hall. And the despicable waste posted to Lao Cai The Guild of Perona’s Cross is with Molia.

There are eagle eyes and old sand And Alrita Is a group of pirates How can so many people how to pick out Yan value online But the Blackbeard Pirates are different. All staff cut off the network Let’s not talk about the green pheasant.

The black group has been making steady efforts in terms of color value. I don’t know what Blackbeard is doing to rob the sweet fruit of the female emperor. After all, sweet fruit can not change Externally, do you want to use the eyes of anyone who doesn’t show up in the beautiful building?

Since the green pheasant joined the black beard pirates Finally saw a little light in the dark But to be fair The black regiment, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, is not exquisite enough. Give this group of people average It is still the solution of yin and yang

But at least the black beard pirates have a face-to-face arrangement. Which pirate group’s Yan value group is the best This benevolent The wise see the wise The Blackbeard Pirates are not the last to see. But the ugliest pirate group is the fragrant fake straw hat pirate group

This one looks like a perfunctory stick figure. If the straw hat group really became like this Ask Red Dog to do a personnel job. Destroy it in the Shampoli Islands immediately. Let One Piece finish Although the straw hat group carries many beautiful things No matter what they like But it turns out

If they do become like this After all, it’s hard to accept. The Fourth Emperor Baki may have found the Heavenly King I believe everyone is very concerned about the fact that Baki became the fourth emperor. Not very shocked Not unexpected even take it for granted After all, when the four emperor

Even one piece That’s what Baki himself said. And about Baki’s background and those awesome deeds. No need to say more Today, let’s talk about how Baki may have become the fourth emperor. First of all, the sea emperor as the overlord of the sea.

If you want to be, you can no longer broadcast live. You can do it if you rob a big prison. There are several prerequisites for becoming a four emperor Have super personal strength Of course, luck is also part of the strength There are forces that can separate one side.

There’s capital that can stand up to world governments Veteran Four Emperors Red and White Kai Ma Their strength has long been outstanding But it took a long time to precipitate their power. One of the youngest four-emperor red-haired scanx 15 years old alone. 17-year-old invited to Jesus cloth

At the age of 33, he became four emperors. It also took 18 years. The others are like aunts trying hard to give birth to children. White Beard Collected His Son Everywhere Cado crazy to accept the younger brother This batch belongs to the time precipitation type Later Blackbeard was slightly different.

Twenty or thirty years is a period of silence. Just wait for a moment But when the time comes a wave take off What he did was concentrated and outrageous. Undersea Prison Plays the World with Recruitment The government mended the white beard. Stealing the real fruit blatant fight against inflated naval ambitions

To sink Marin Vando into the sea Later, he abused the White Beard. This is the promotion of the four emperors Luffy also walked out one step at a time. Take off on a ghost island With his teammates, he knocked off two or four emperors in one breath. To truly become the four emperors

And the new four emperors Baki super personal strength he has After all, the strongest overlord color luck not to accept It’s just the last appearance. He was also blocked in his own company by Lieutenant General Stierres. After loading a wave, I was ready to slip away.

The next time it will be four emperors. Just want to ask Baki What the hell did you do to blow up the sky? On the premise that there are no moths in this news in such a short time The possibility of having the world government so focused There are probably three

One is to save Saab The second is to make a big fuss about Marygio Three is to find something incredible Saab first. If that’s the case. Nabaki when the four emperors are willing to admire But from the perspective of world government This is not enough to make Baki the four emperors.

Baki has no power to threaten the world government. The sea situation has not been shaken. The Fourth Emperor is not so good. After all, it’s not a joke to admit that a four emperor Otherwise, Luffy would have been But this possibility is not Only the premise is

Baki got enough to rob people from the world government. Let it be afraid of the motive The second biggest trouble, Marygio, is less likely. After all, the Navy’s new headquarters is very close to Marygio. There are red dogs, yellow apes and others guarding

And the world government still has time to send green cows to take care of it. And the country of the mess Obviously, Marygio is unlikely to have any trouble. Third, I found something. And it must be one of those giant bug things There’s only the heavenly king Neptune White Star is already clear.

According to the latest words, Pluto It is in the country of peace. Then this heavenly king From beginning to end, it was the most mysterious ancient weapon. Is he a person or a thing Or tearing itself apart. What kind of animal is the original name of the fruit? Heavenly King Form Fruit Balabala

Don’t know what it looks like There is no definite clue Probably in that John treasure Luffy gave Bucky It could be somewhere else. But this most mysterious and terrifying weapon Unveiled by Overlord Luck owner Baki also quite suitable Got the heavenly king There’s a confrontation with the world government.

Become the capital of the four emperors The premise of Lao Sha’s original sword pointing to one piece Is it to get the super battleship Pluto? But Baki can’t have found the King quietly. Now that he’s become the Fourth Emperor Baki must have done something. Then continue to pull down

Since Baki chose to run It’s not surprising that he found the king with his luck. May also meet the same hunted Bai II Rescued the besieged Bai II with the Heavenly King And the lieutenant general who joined forces with it. Nature can’t beat Bai II

But remember the mysterious weapon that Tenghu mentioned at the time. s hanging by genius scientist beiga punk It can be used to defeat and replace Qiwuhai The world government has it all. It’s hard to say for the eagle-eyed female emperor. But Baki and Bai II still have origins. Baki showing off

What happened when he and White Beard teamed up to make a scene at the Navy headquarters? Is white two the son of white beard Regardless But to meet the former white-bearded comrades Bai Er and his mother should not reject Join forces or use domineering to get out of trouble

And according to Buckie’s character He used it to attract some people who wanted to use him to cooperate. For example, Lao Sha, who has been trying to make a comeback. This would pose a huge threat to world governments. In this case Baki’s Personal Strength Has Overlord Luck Separate the forces of one side

Have your own little brother Plus the capital to join forces with some of the strongest against the world government. With the degree of danger of the king It is possible to become the new four emperors The more this story is told, the more outrageous Because to try to guess

A few days ago was a man ready to run away Now he’s the fourth emperor. This matter is only how outrageous How to come Finally, let’s wait for Oda’s official explanation. Always feel the truth will be more outrageous Bullshit is a farce Is it true that there is an own goal?

But they’re all ready. After all, it’s Baki. After all, it’s Oda’s brain circuitry How againYao outrageous will not feel outrageous The Once Deserter King The future Navy general Kirby There are also dreams in One Piece Is to go to the navy Like teenager Drake Red Dog Zefa, etc. And then Kobe.

After Kirby joined the Navy Soon, I also met a full-scale number. Became Karp’s apprentice Karp also sees Kobe’s faith After all, Kobe Bryant also set up one at the beginning. Flag similar to Luffy That’s the man who became a navy general. Karp wants his children and grandchildren to inherit the mantle.

But I like to mention other people’s children. The future Navy King Kebi is also the inheritance of will. At first, Bryant’s growth in appearance was true. Is amazing to the water capital At that time, it was only two months in the plot.

Not only did he rise from a handyman to a grass length. That is, listing. Six levels of continuous promotion also grow tall become handsome From clumsy to skilled use of t From coward to dare one-on-one fight Luffy who just defeated cp 9 But a meal to operate down

Luffy expresses yo with absolute strength Where did you come from such a pull kid The half-hearted body technique will catch up. Then he easily put Kirby down. In fact, at first Luffy Solon didn’t recognize it at all. This man is Kobe Kobe is also aware of the gap with Luffy

But Kobe is not the same as other Marines. Luffy is Kobe’s benefactor Kobe’s guide Although the future one piece It actually helped the future navy general to strengthen his dream. This thing is really strange but it is also true Luffy has a ceiling-level pattern So with gratitude and dreams of Kobe

At that time, because I met Luffy again Sauron happy to tears And here again firming myself up The dream of becoming a Navy general Luffy also agreed with Kobe If the future wants to fight with me Then you have to be a general. Soon after To the top of the war

The two Hanhan, Kebi Berumab, had just begun to plan to become deserters. Seeing Red Dog deal with a deserter before giving up. After that, Kobe had a little bit of ideological awareness. Meet Luffy again on the battlefield But no accident

Lu Fei, who was in charge of first aid Ace, was punched in the face. Although Kobe’s full-court soy sauce But he woke up unexpectedly at the last moment. The potential of great knowledge color domineering At that time, Kobe could not only see every corner of the battlefield

You can also feel the atmosphere of widespread terror and death. Know that teammates fall down one by one This extremely sensitive to the surrounding environment It’s a bit like the kind of general Tenghu later. Can perceive a certain sound mood and atmosphere

Then Kobe got in the way of the red dog who killed the red eye. Let the Red Dogs Truce At a young age, he was praised verbally by Wang Hongfa. With the face aura The real opening moment is after 2 years. During 2 years Rowe orchestrated the Rocky Harbor incident

Luring a large number of pirates to Rocky Harbor Then harvest the heart and give it to the Navy. It became the Seven Wushu Sea. When the pirates make trouble Kobe protects civilians here He became the new Navy hero. debut again Is the world will one day Kobe is already a colonel.

That’s the colonel. The comparison started with a total of 13 levels. The halo smoker felt the deep malice of Oda At the time, Kebi Bellum Maber was in the hands of a group of pirates. Rescued a country princess He also protected King Liku. Their ships as a colonel Underwater torpedo chase

Grab a torpedo with your bare hands This should be a basic fuck not six It’s mainly what Kirby saw and heard. The navy ships were still far from the king’s fleet. And with the torpedoes underwater, that smell is really minimal.

But Kobe can feel the crisis in an instant and resolve it in time. There are more theater versions of physical skills. After Bryant showed the T-Moon Step and Blue Angle cp 9 Six-style body science weapon one is now a consensus Anyway, Bryant must not learn iron block

And then there’s Karp teaching Kobe’s body. Besides, the samurai must be fine. Can only be more and more strong increasingly skilled Kobe’s armed color and domineering have not been shown much. However, the intensity in the theater version is not weak. Two years ago, Kobe almost meant it. Two years later on Kirby

You can see the shadow of the Navy’s rising star. But now it looks like There is still a big gap between Kirby and Luffy and the admiral. After the abolition of the Qiwuhai system Now Kobe Bryant has gone to Amazon Lily to bet on the female emperor.

One Piece of the protagonist must be a pirate So Kobe’s navy king can only be infinitely compressed It only comes out every one or two chapters. But every appearance is really a big transformation. So Luffy Kobe is also a mirror of each other

Two for their respective pirate king and the dream of the navy And their respective efforts A few things that the straw hat group still don’t know The order of joining the members of the Straw Hat Regiment is first and then. But we all know each other very well

For example, Brooke read everyone’s previous logbooks. Even Apologize for Nami’s Past Of course, Jiping is still being refreshed. There are several things that need to be deliberately concealed for various reasons. Can’t say the first humble John treasure map Straw hat insider Luffy John Treasure has changed hands many times

Perona moved to the Sunny Was picked up by Nami Nami thinks it’s worthless. I gave it to Luffy. Then to the city of propulsion The real pirate Baki has a deep study of this. recognize at a glance It’s just a slip of the tongue Although Luffy knows this thing is a legendary treasure

But it doesn’t mean anything to him than Ace. Baki can show Luffy the way. as an exchange Luffy gave John the treasure to Buckie. And this time is unique. Coincidentally after the separation of partners After another two years of training. After such a long time

It is estimated that Luffy has long forgotten this matter to the West Partners In particular, Nami did not know that she had passed by with sudden wealth. If you know It’s not surprising to fly the road to the dead. 2nd Sunny Kitchen Refrigerator Code Straw hat insider Yamaki 7326

It’s Nami and Robin’s birthday Shan Zhi, in order to resist the food on board. The main thing is that Luffy is also a combination of hard and soft. Then Yamaki got the locked refrigerator of his dreams. and set a password

So Luffy was in a hurry to go to Cake Island to find Shanji. Luffy wants to say You ‘d better leave the refrigerator password Without you first I can’t open the refrigerator door However, Luffy still chose the statement of high EQ. I’m starving and I’m waiting for you Without you

I can’t be a pirate Third picked up sesame. Lost the golden tree straw hat Robin, the insider, is Luffy on the empty island. They stole a few bags of gold. Ran that thing Before, the residents of Empty Island had a deal with Robin. Send gold tree Robin also readily agreed

Later, I thought someone was coming after a few people. Scared to run Although the gold pillar is really too big But gold is far less hard than steel. At that time, Solon could cut the steel. Cut 1/5 are developed Sure, Robin’s smart What are the consequences of saying it?

He knew Nami would definitely scream to go to the empty island again. Just give people gold data. Can’t stop Or let Luffy their good impression of the empty island And the last of the blood to earn happiness Keep it until the end How many numbers does the fourth urthorpe have? Straw hat insider

Everyone except Luffy Joba The Sniper King is now hidden by Wusop. Something on the large god Wu Suopu talk But everyone else saw it at a glance. Isn’t this dude Urthorpe? After all, the disguise is too casual Qiao Ba’s face is blind, but he was cheated. There is no suspense

Luffy, if you want to say that he is sometimes wise and foolish. That’s true, but Oda also said Luffy belongs to the kind of people who say what they have. Simple boy There is no mental activity. Lying skill is poor Luffy has always been installed I don’t know. Not likely.

So Luffy still doesn’t know His inexplicably disappearing good friend is right next to him. Fifth Chrysanthemum and Shan Zhi have the same characteristics Straw hat insider Sauron Xiao Ju is a man. Although Sauron was the first to perceive But Sauron doesn’t really care

The main reason is that Shan Zhi was bored with others at that time. Always with Xiao Ju is love words Female says male This kind of thing is really a huge blow to people. Shanji doesn’t have time to know now If he finally finds out

The reaction should be in the brothel of Ghost Island with Shan Zhi at that time. I accidentally saw my mother-in-law. Charlotte’s post-zero look is similar. Sixth, nothing happened. Straw hat insider Sauron Shan Zhi Robin Brook Sauron throws knife in front of Nobita For Sauron Dropping a knife is equal to temperament

Life resolutely endured the huge amount of pain in Luffy’s body Yamagi found out later Also keep the squirrel brothers who witnessed the scene a secret But Robin grew ears behind the squirrel brothers also heard And Brooke witnessed it. It’s just that everyone tacitly didn’t say to Luffy.

So this thing Luffy still don’t know Seventh Sauron shows other people children. Straw hat insider Robin Tough guy Sauron was full of embarrassing situations when he was tossed around by three little babies. Sauron’s various hiding partners on the streets Trying to hide Only to be caught by Robin

But Robin promised to keep it a secret Eighth, everyone cheated Luffy in partnership. At that time, the straw hat pirate flag was used by the knight hunter. The Aquino family stole The big guy didn’t want to be reprimanded by the stupid captain. Decided to hide it from Luffy Take back the pirate flag

Luffy, who was completely unaware, heard Achino’s second son say The Straw Hat Pirate Flag is in hand. Luffy was angry It’s just that seeing is not believing Everyone is delaying Luffy while looking Finally Luffy comes back About to see the empty mast Shanji Solon French perfectly fits Take wusop to the mast

Just in time to hang the pirate flag And lied to Luffy that The robbery of the pirate flag only needs to be wiped out. Is this not good? Then Luffy wrote about it. It was so narrowly hidden from the past One Piece in the fashion magazine cover level of the reward order

Someone’s reward order can make this statue a long story. Suddenly let the population spit fragrance But someone’s bounty The action, posture and temperament can be called a delicate portrait. Cavendish’s Reward At the time, cabbage was offering a 0.28 billion reward. Become the magnificent supernova of the year

The wanted notice posted became an idol. The poster was looted. A time is also the scenery infinite But in the world of pirates The fundamental means of keeping a hot search is better than who can say So in the second year, the very evil generation stole the limelight. Although cabbage heart imbalance

It’s a mess to start a fire. But I have to say that his face value and reward order It’s really enchanting to impeccable Also, Shanji’s plastic kick can barely achieve this effect. Sauron’s Reward If we say that Kevindy Xu’s reward makes tenderness exquisite Then Sauron’s is a tough guy with iron blood.

The first two offers a 60 million reward One 0.12 billion All the images used are damaged by war. The face is still a little immature But this angle this temperament is also very handsome After getting The 0.32 billion version of the bounty order From immature to mature

There is even a trace of aloof and disdain in the eyes Simply put, it’s just a drag. A look is tied with a headscarf The state of poetry recitation just cut off Sauron’s local arrest warrant in the country of Hehe It is the low and domineering painting

The same is painted without contrast, there is no harm If Yamagi can get one like this Dream can laugh awake Red hair’s bounty photo handsome at first glance Then look more handsome After all, the fruit of face can also give the camera a face. Of course, red hair is already handsome.

I just feel that the photos are handsome and have some sense of operation. It felt like Beckman was holding a hair dryer nearby. Give her hair an atmosphere There will also be a red-haired self-timer reward order. Red hair is to let the camera give him a face first

Take a selfie out of a delicate photo Then find five old stars to save face Let them use this selfie as a reward photo. Then smile and you’re done. I’m so fucking handsome Brooke’s Second Edition Reward His second edition is unique. In the direct is his concert poster changed into a reward order

A singing skeleton with fancy typography This is the only fashion that is different from rock and roll. Nami and Robin’s Reward At first Nami’s 16 million version of the reward order It’s really a scene shot as a magazine photo. It was at the last water party.

The person who took pictures of Nami should be the flame photographer. At the time, he called himself a magazine reporter. Later, Nami called out and was cheated. Nami’s second edition of the 66 million reward order is still so charming The posture is still the same

It’s just that the angle goes from the side to the front. It seems that people have been cheated to take photos again. Solon spits directly When was it filmed? Look at the sling and the background. It should have been taken on Fishman Island. Robin First Edition 79 million Reward Or Lori period

The second edition of the 80 million was filmed in the final stages of Justice Island. The temperament of the royal elder sister with a side face is still very good.of Robin’s mom Nicole Olvia also has a bounty Robin and her mother are colossus Almost the same person changed his hair color.

Robin Third Edition 0.13 billion Robin, this edition is true. Some amazing Yujie’s beauty and temperament are impeccable. Robin’s second and third editions both have petals when putting skills. It can be said to be the perfect embellishment Marshmallow with Jabba every time Luffy had Wu Suopu several times before. The difference is that

Joba is used to garnish marshmallows Because 100 Bailey really can’t afford marshmallows The Appreciation of the Female Emperor and the Eagle Eye How do you say this temperament of eagle eye It’s that she really rowed wildly with a black knife at night. You’ll also think she’s really handsome in rowing.

This picture of the female emperor should be taken casually. Although so casual But the female emperor seems to be talking about filming My body looks good The female emperor’s reward order also appeared in fanatical action. The bounty shown below Or the original bounty before he became Qiwuhai. 80 million Ace’s Reward

When I first became famous, the reward order was still a little green. The back is even more open. If Luffy’s reward photo is a happy boy Ace’s temperament is a high-spirited and handsome big boy. And the action of the two’s reward makes the photo very similar. Oda may have done it deliberately.

In the dark My brother is paying tribute to my brother. Ace’s bounty was as high as 0.55 billion two years ago. Not only the supernova identity He also refused to be invited by Qiwuhai. Killed in the top war It is more or less difficult to calm people.

The fate of Nami and the old men Nami had a wonderful fate with many grandfathers along the way. Back in the village of Cocoa An old doctor gave Sauron their treatment. And give Nami the treatment of arm wounds and tattoos

It’s just that I can see that Nami really didn’t treat this old man as an outsider. And this old man can be said to be Mount Tai collapsed before And the face does not change color stability And the old man is versatile Do the doctor’s job. I also did the tattoo artist thing.

I got it for Nami Now this tattoo At Goat Island Nami plays chess with old man As a result, the ship was lost. Fortunately, Robin, a chess player, made a move to save the defeat. But Luffy, they work for him Nami coaxed her to be happy

Although Nami’s purpose is only to trap his treasure Robin massaged her straw hat A gang helped him to strengthen his dream of going to sea. The old man has no regrets in his life. During the Terror Three-Mast Nami was sent to an old zombie This old man works for Absarom.

His task is to clean and change Nami’s wedding dress. and send it to Abu to get married As a result, this old zombie man really completed this mission. Abu and Nami, who was in a coma, were married in a church. This paragraph is true is full of bad taste

However, there is a famous old man coveting Nami is the golden lion The Sea Battle of Aitwall is the psychological shadow of the Golden Lion’s life. Maybe since then. He is particularly interested in weather and sailing. Although the Golden Lion has a weather forecasting team

But he ‘d rather have a weather-sensitive genius sailing So the golden lion names Nami, who wanted to be proficient in navigation, took Nami away. Robbing people with Luffy And it’s still in the theater version So the golden lion came to a bad end. 2-year training period

Nami arrived at the small empty island with many old men for Salia. However, when Nami first arrived here Once again, he was changed in a coma. Nami saw something she had never seen before here in Hareda. Like the Festival of the Wind and the Yuntang weather ship or something.

Nami sometimes goes out with Hareda Use meteorological science to help areas with difficulties This gave Nami a strong interest in meteorological science. Of course, there are many other old men on the small empty island. But they stole research materials from Nami.

Dissatisfied with the operation of the weather ball and the hijacking of Haleda But Nami is very good at coquetry. Maybe Urthorpe doesn’t eat that shit. But this move directly confused the old men on the empty island. Nami is coquetry and cute again. Again, threatening to jump the island.

But these old men are busy. The last anti-customer-oriented Nami holds these people perfectly. To say which old men are still around Nami on their own ship. Ask if you don’t understand, Brooke. Brooke is no less. Active or passive benefits in Nami here In the linkage article Nami also met Roshi

Fairy Roshi has also experienced it here. 2 year reunion Nami’s Treatment of Uthorp Brooke and Roshi are very similar in this respect Maybe Brooke would be a little more gentlemanly But the result is the same to be kicked away Those strange islands in One Piece One Thunder God Island

An island of lightning and thunder all the year round On this island, the real lightning is like rain. However, Eni Lu can safely carry a bag and check into Luffy. Brooke can also be immune to lightning This island is shrouded in lightning Located in the New World After coming out of Fishman Island

The pointer points to three islands One of the most dangerous is Thor Island. Smog judged that Luffy’s character would definitely go to Thor Island. As a result, Luffy received a distress call from Punk Hassard halfway. I have no interest in those three islands. went straight to Punk Hassard

In addition, Supernova Monk Ulji has also been to Thor Island. And I met an umbrella seller. An old woman with a cold back. Second Flight Kazad which is Ice Fire Island As the name suggests Ice and Fire Top after the war

The green pheasant and the red dog, two powerful natural systems, have been fighting here for ten days. The climate of an island has changed dramatically. Half hot like in a steamer Half as cold as in ice And there’s a central lake in the center of the island.

It is also the masterpiece of two big men. There was a pothole in the original fight. But the sea poured into the hole along the cracks of the island. formed a lake So this lake will have creatures that originally lived in the sea. such as sharks. So on this island.

Physical and mental will be subject to double torture Three Burning Islands in the New World Blackbeard’s gang once stopped here for a short time. And molested the captured supernova Boni The island is full of scorched earth and raging fire And the stones that have been baked hot.

This environment and high temperature is not suitable for human survival But the island looks very old. But the monolith statue of unknown origin Blackbeard was here for a while and was delusional about making a deal with the Navy. But I saw the red dog come with a lot of sincerity. Blackbeard was flattered

I ran away directly. A Spring Island in the New World The climate here is good Supernova Arp was here two years ago. There is also a fierce army of wild boars living here. But the most amazing thing is to jump into the sea from the edge of the island.

And will not fall into the sea But can continue to run to the sky So here is equivalent to everyone All animals can walk. 5 Boeing Islands This is the place where Wu Suopu practiced for 2 years. blue sky and white clouds Lush branches and leaves The important thing is

There’s a lot of food here. But these are people who can Step by step to pull the beautiful appearance of the abyss This island is not a factory island. is a carnivorous plant Unknown Baron, when it feeds The big mouth in the middle will open The petals will close around

Let all the prey fall into his mouth And there are cannibalistic plants on the island The more island-like the outsides, the stronger the plants 6 Left House The fur people live here Because the city is on the back of the Lord Also known as the country on the back

And to the Lord is time to move So you can’t find this so-called moving island by recording the pointer. If there are partners on it to follow its footsteps by the life card And how to get to the back of the elephant also need to use a little brain

Shanji, they floated up with a Caesar balloon. Luffy, they climbed up on a dragon painted by Shilang. Seven long-chain island by ten small islands ring into a circle It is named after the overall shape of a chain. Animals and plants on the island are either particularly high Or especially long.

Like a tall bear. A very long dog. Long apples, etc. Other strange such plants and animals One Piece in the distinctive island There are many, many This issue can’t be said. So goodbye in the next video. Those strange little details in One Piece Joba debuts 2 years later

Except for the changes in clothing. At that time, I was still holding one. I don’t know where I picked up the stick. Knock and knock It may seem normal. Small details In fact, I laid the groundwork for the empty island jungle adventure 2 years ago.

At that time, Luffy had a small stick in his hand. Jabba is very curious Particularly envious Especially want to play After a wistful exulting next to Luffy And Joba got a branch. So Joba has a soft spot for this little twig stick. Here it is.

Remember the little girl who sent Sauron the rice ball Then he appeared on the title page Has grown a lot Lovely as always He made a rice ball at the original 153 naval base. It can be done very well now.

The lower right is also posted on the top of Luffy after the war. The 0.4 billion version of the bounty order Of course, even if some very strange things May also appear inexplicably For example, the mermaid Nami that Luffy drew at the beginning. Later, it appeared in the memory and the princess’s part.

Since Oda can even remember this So when did Akin appear in the memories of the Hundred Cros There was a navy whose jaw he crushed. And this Navy has been around for a few weeks. Yes, it’s the famous Axe Emperor Monca. So its chin is made of iron That’s not surprising.

The more dramatic thing is Luffy beats Crowe It’s tantamount to taking revenge on Moncardo. However, Monca was confused later. He hacked Luffy’s grandfather, Karp, an axe. later on Berumeber, the son of Monca And destined to be a Karp student with Kobe. Of course, Berummaber and Kerby already knew Luffy.

This kind of grievance closed loop It can only be said that the fate is wonderful Well-known Sauron is not only a road nerd Still a road nerd Very fond of Choba Shan Zhi Like women Especially Nami. Ask how much you like it. That’s when Sauron dreamed of Jabba.

Shan Zhi has Nami in his dreams. There is a more important point Shanji and Sauron both appear in each other’s dreams Although still in the fight But at the same time You have me in you I have your dream in me Can be called unparalleled tacit understanding

Suolong is also famous for its upright nature. When Yamashi left Everyone’s talking about Shan Zhi. Solon just looks like he doesn’t care. On the side of the sarcastic remarks It seems that the whole process does not care about Shan Zhi But what Sauron said is worth pausing.

When the discussion was over at Pokmousse’s Luffy excitedly ran out to find Jabba Suddenly found that Sauron did not know when Already secretly leaned against the door Luffy this sentence You’re actually worried about Shan Zhi, right And then all of a sudden, Sauron’s rhetoric wasn’t quite the same as usual.

Shan Zhi’s pet phrase is to kick Sauron or cut But the interesting thing about this time Someone chops and chops and becomes a kick. The desert combination of professional spoilers Luffy and Old Sand hurt each other in the desert Even kick and kick People turn their backs

Many navy pirates know that Lao Sha has enemies with Luffy. But the Navy, who didn’t know the truth, never expected it. The top war didn’t start long. Lao Sha and Luffy, the two enemies, came together in a group. Malinfando and the rest of the Straw Hat Squad

Standing majestically in the center of the stage At this time, all the attention is on these people. The first is the Warring States And he meows is your family Karp, this word is very essence. This sentence is also inexplicably funny At the same time Karp is crazy too. Grandpa’s Blood Pressure Soars

Instant Top He didn’t expect Luffy to come to the battlefield. Mingo’s first concern is still his colleagues. It is better to care about the planned snacks in Shaxian County. Can you list for business tomorrow? And Smog was thinking about a more specific problem. Straw Hat Kid Gaza Crocodile What a combination this is

Of course you can call them grass carp combo Can also be a combination of desert Smog is depressed. When he was in Alabastan These two people obviously hammered each other to death. How are we together now? The two busiest people in the audience are Luffy and Lao Sha.

Although these two people spent most of their lives hurting each other before. But here is inexplicable there is a tacit understanding In the middle of the Warring States period, Ace was ordered to be executed twice. Once terminated by the sudden sand sculpture of the old sand Once terminated by Luffy’s sudden overlord

Therefore, the gauze hat combination is the strongest stirring stick on the battlefield. Luffy ran all the way Old Huang kicked back several times. Get up and run for a few more hours Hardly stopped. At every stage, someone will come to escort him. Even if someone escorts

Karp’s Broad Day Sky Skill Khuangyuan This is true and speechless The Warring States Period also changed into a spa for Luffy. Sure enough white beardLet the captains cover Luffy to the punishment table. How wise is this strategy? If someone else were here in Karp, they would kneel first.

Old sand stir up the war It’s more professional. Don’t do anything else. Just rely on the five-five At the beginning, I wanted to fight with white beard. Enemy the Four Emperors Then he played sand knives in front of the Warring States Period and made enemies with the navy. Seduce Mingge’s Folk Songs

The whole audience did almost nothing serious. Continue to compare with Qiwuhai Old Sha is very angry The consequences are serious At the back, I simply stood directly with the white team leaders. And the red dog as an enemy Lao Sha is really playing wild gp And there’s no pattern at all

I will never know who Lao Sha will be next. All this is actually just because Lao Sha is not in a good mood. When the white beard meets the coquetry light moon Oda Mitsumoto Oda sneaked out to sea dozens of times and failed.

And the first person to really bring Ota to the vast sea. It’s a white beard. At that time, Oda thought that the country of Hezhi was too depressed. Too boring Always wanted to go out to sea to see the bigger world It happened that the ship of the White Beard Pirates ran aground.

In the country of peace, Jiuli needs rest and recuperation. For Mita The pirates are coming. The news made him a macho man very excited. Crazy running to the white beard The white beard saw it early in the morning. This is not a good guy to deal

However, the vigilant white beard did not know what the purpose of Yuda was. So as soon as they met, they started to fight. Two men in close combat The domineering guard just played was quite fierce. After Yuda said he wanted to go to sea with White Beard

On the other hand, it releases a second knife stream. Taoyuan White Dragon White Beard now understands I thought you said you had something to say Come up and have a good operation. What do you mean? A little angry white beard turns on the ability to shake fruit. Empty-handed white blade A direct punch

Mikata was forced by the hammer After being beaten to fly, Yuda also verified the powerful decision of white beard. Alas, no change This is the group. Mita requests to board the ship of White Beard But it’s not Mitada that’s bothering White Beard right now. The ship is broken. Can’t go

The ship is broken. Then fix it. Mita and White Beard The pirates also had a happy party. White beard, they tasted kwantung cooking that they had never eaten before. Mita also tasted the wine brought by White Beard. During this period, Yuda mentioned going out to sea again.

But the white beard mouth is refused Because he saw that this boy was true. I don’t see a good person. In front of the white beard Overexcited, Oda was tied up by the Jinweimen and dragged away. Since then, Oda has become a crazy and coquettish macho man. White beard all day

Two weeks after the night Enough to be entangled White Beard was ready to slip away in the night. I didn’t expect the shrewd Yuda to follow me. He also tried to use the friend of the toilet to cheat his hiding in charge of guarding him. Mita Chain the mast Take-off in situ

Nor did he expect Izet predicted his prediction and followed it. White Beard had no choice but to let Marco take the concealment aboard first. Yizang was later the captain of the 16th team of the White Regiment. But White Beard and Oda made a three-day agreement. White Beard is also his trial.

Three days in the past Oyoda is soaking into a ball in the water. whole body edema Die also don’t let go In fact, the proud white beard has long recognized him. Even Marko, they’re cheering for Mita. But Mita let it go at the last moment. Because she heard the woman calling

Good guy can this wave of operation is very Shan Zhi here Oda saved the moon stone Later, his wife, Guangyueshi, picked up a wife. Also recognized by White Beard Yuda this wave of big money Of course, in the end, he went to sea with White Beard as he wished.

When the reward order of the straw hat group spread to the world On the Shampoli Islands Brooke’s agents saw the news. Smash the table and tear the newspaper Incomparable anger Because big star Brooke ran away without saying a word. Dump them hard once cut off their money over a sea

Uthorp’s master, Heklis, sat in a unicorn looking at the newspaper. In a leisurely ride small empty island This is the place where Nami practiced for 2 years. Because a few old men were ridiculed by Nami as old-fashioned and not fashionable. So when I get old, I have to study how to wear clothes.

Now has become a few old Cao They just want Nami to give them a compliment when she comes back. And Hawkeye’s side is much calmer. With a newspaper in one hand With a rice ball in one hand Watching the news about Solon and Perona

And this group of baboons together to take care of their own vegetable garden. Kama Baka Kingdom Ivan Jr. This group of people don’t seem to care about this information at the moment. Instead, it’s setting up a meeting for the revolutionary army.

Said there was a lot of noise because of the placement of a vase. Fishman Island The children here are carrying heroes Luffy’s same straw hat and White Star Princess Shark Prince greet And these straw hats are all wholesale from the outside. Even made a promise to a child before

Finally, it was said and done. Shambledi Reilly, as always, is gambling. Looks like luck today Wait a minute, this man on the far right and Uncle Fujiko, who is also good at gambling. It seems that this temperament These facial features, this dress But this uncle doesn’t have a scar on his eye.

The Beast of the Vine Tiger is obviously just like a god. One side of the dealer urged Raleigh to bet quickly. Riley’s focus is on Tuer Luffy. Because Luffy Bounty Martial Arts Raleigh excitedly made a gesture of five The Dutch officer also extended five to confirm with him, okay

I hope I don’t lose myself to the traffickers again this time. After Reilly gives Luffy’s 2-year training partner Little brothers See the little brothers weeping with joy Luffy 2 years later The names of the four parties are basically based on these beasts. Daughter Island

It seems that the female emperor has another spring in his heart. Cut off the amount of the reward order at sixes and sevens. Enlarge the photo into a huge poster Hanging on the outer wall of the palace

The female emperor was shy and did not dare to look back at the green pheasant from all over the world. One side of the string while reading the newspaper Behind him is his new partner a penguin named camel A wedding on the island. The red-haired pirates are here.

Jesus saw the news of his son Uthorp And it was also called God Uthorp. Jesus is happy from ear to ear Father is Jesus. Son is God This also echoes the red hair of the hipster holding the newspaper high. gratified smile The red-haired printed big-flower pants look much better than the newspaper.

Overbearing President Road Maniac and Proud Lori Hawkeye happened to be away from home on a business trip those days. He doesn’t know his own big mansion inside Two uninvited guests came one after the other. A Pink Lori is a Lion A green algae samurai is a road junkie

Although Solon Perona had a somewhat unpleasant experience before But this barren mountain Perona, without Kumasi’s company, can only tinkle with Solon. Instead of wrapping Sauron into a bear Just pestering Sauron to play with him Apparently Solon has little interest in Perona And then there were only three questions on Solon’s mind

Where’s my knife? Where’s my partner? How come every road ends in the same place Plus, there’s a lot of eagle-eyed baboons on the island. I wonder where the baboons came from So Sauron played with the baboons. Not long after Hawkeye returns from business trip after top war

When Sauron and a woman panting in their own home Panicked look Hawkeye also has three problems Who is this woman Sauron, what are you doing in my house I lost these two goods Did you just see me rowing with a black knife at night?

Good calm put the ins and outs of this place After straightening out the things over there with Luffy Misunderstanding removed Hawkeye didn’t make things difficult for Sauron either. It’s just that Sauron didn’t want to come for nothing. No, Bai Piao, something Never let it go

So he decided to worship Hawkeye as a teacher. Hawkeye here despises Sauron He despised Sauron At this moment, kowtow to the opponent This practice Eagle Eye Representation You don’t have anything to impress me with, do you Where to go back and forth from Nazhi Solon came a sentence

Just when you were drinking red wine I’ll help you cut down the baboons that got in the way at your door. Eagle’s eye almost didn’t spit out a mouthful of red wine. Shit, that’s what I fucking worked so hard to raise. Good calm calm Not angry not angry

Under a few harsh words from Sauron Hawkeye finally took Solon as a disciple. And let Perona heal Solon. The proud Perona still refuses to accept Hawkeye’s orders. The angry eagle eye is overwhelmed at the moment. One by one how all so horizontal Whose house is this? Eagle eyes suddenly realized oh

I’m not just a clown. I am the world’s number one nanny. Sauron has no time And also can’t cook Hawkeye must check Sauron’s homework frequently. You have to take care of your own farm. Cooking The most should be Pepe. a domineering president a high cold obba A proud girl So live happy time

Hurry and short Practice for a week It took two years to find the way. Finally the first to arrive at the rendezvous This can blow for a lifetime In the meantime, Perona returned to the three-masted ship of terror. Kumasi recovered Looking at the fading Sauron Perona is somewhat lonely Alas

It seems that we can only talk to the facial paralysis uncle who pulls his eyes across his nose in the future. We spent Children’s Day together. Returning to Hawkeye’s side, Perona can only haunt Hawkeye every day. Running farms and zoos with Hawkeye

Also because of the debate about who usually cooks more times and mutual resentment Don’t look at the eagle eye is the kind of overbearing president who likes to ignore it. How do you know he still has the temperament to attract adoration Perona’s cubs love him And the eagle eye surface is very dislike

But the body is still very honest Three-color domineering in One Piece In the domineering tricolor Armed color and knowledge color can be cultivated through the day after tomorrow. thereby awakening or enhancing Only this overlord color can not be acquired by the efforts of the day after tomorrow.

Only those who are born with king buff can wake up. It belongs to God to enjoy food. Even people with overlord qualifications. It is also impossible to exercise overlord color alone. But it will rise with its boldness and strength. Continuously enhance At present, the known owners of overlord color are Luffy

Kidd Ace female emperor shanks Mingoka II Roger Reilly white beard Aunt Cato Warring States Green Pepper Light Moon Oda Barrett Of course, this is certainly not all There are still some that are not sure or show up. And some people are strong. But not necessarily there is overlord color

This kind of thing requires not only natural aptitude Also need an opportunity For example, Mingo was hung up and beaten when he was a child. Eight-year-old awakened overlord color Ace Awakens in Place to Save Luffy at the Age of Ten Overlord Color

Overlord color can be regarded as a magic skill of Qing soldiers A stare can shock dizzy around a large area Even distant ordinary people If anyone with some strength Although will be afraid of this momentum But it’s not as if I was stunned.

Therefore, the most critical significance of overlord color lies in its own high pressure It has an important symbolic meaning This shows that this person will rush to the strongest king segment in the future. Even the world’s strongest limits In addition, there is blowing beard before the challenge match. Staring at the Provocative Tradition

Similarly, two people with overlord color can do it. Before the fight, they should be bullies and get angry with each other. Not just sworn sovereignty. Show strength boost morale to show determination Or is it a sign that the summit match is about to begin?

The rest of you better pull over and move a little Mazar. Seriously see. Smell color is relatively common domineering It can predict the opponent’s next move. Then play a more coquettish operation Some of the strength of the people more or less will But the proficiency level can be said to be very different.

And the routes and types of development are also diversified. Strong as card 2 can foresee the future for a short time It’s almost useless to walk in front of him with a snakeskin alone. Far Such as Usuop, feel the breath from a long distance. It only takes one shot to turn the tide.

As wide as Eni Lu Using fruit power to build a set of heart nets covering empty islands This thing is faster than monitoring everywhere. As Yamagi sees and hears coordination reaction speed Shan Zhi can predict to card 2 Prejudgment to the prejudgment of Shan Zhi

Five Double Colors of Sugar Beans Avoiding Card 2 When the domineering setting is not perfect Natural system ability because they can be their own elements. Very flexible In addition to the sea floor stone That’s pretty hard to catch

You can only use the crooked way of throwing water and urine on Lao Sha’s head. But this can only be used for old sand after the domineering system matures Armed color can directly hit the entity of the natural system Later added armed color hardening Of course, it also depends on personal operation.

The white beard is attached to the domineering and stabbed the pheasant. It’s okay. Because the pheasant used the color of knowledge to element the heavy knife in advance. Then Jos jumped out and made it light. This is vomiting blood This truth tells us

In many cases, team coordination is more important than individual operation. Armed color can be said to be the most bad street domineering Even many navies in the New World have hands. Just reach out But want to play good armed color That’s definitely not a hand. armed color hardening

It can not only attach to all parts of the body Can also be attached to a knife, gun, stick Solon one-off pickup three-knife flow Armed color hit the whole body Armed Solon Wins That’s the difference in armed colorDistance Armed color domineering in the country of and called Liu Ying

What’s even better about Liu Ying is that Can make full use of the flow of domineering No need to touch the enemy Internal destruction of objects and enemies Use more flexible This is also divided into strong and weak In those days, Guangyue Oda could use top-level sakura to break Kedo. invulnerable dragon scales

Directly to the inside and outside of Cado hit indelible scars Urthorpe is a man of God One can realize the blown cattle batch one by one itself can be called magical But Urthorpe’s magic is much more than that. The first is the experience of the reward of Urthorpe.

That can be said to be very strange As early as when Luffy defeated Aaron and was 30 million for the first time Except for Luffy. Others have not been formally offered a reward. But Wu Suopu unknowingly touched Luffy’s reward. To make a part of the back of the head

The cicada’s mountain governance mouth a pursed very unconvinced And the magical back of the head of Uthorpe From the 30 million version of Luffy The 0.4 billion version after the war was followed until the top. Because it’s a photo. So a total of four, all with the backs of Urthorpe’s heads.

Others buy a house can add value Collection of antiques can add value Uthorp has a value-added back of the head. Hardcore After Justice Island Only then did Wu Suopu really have his own reward order. In fact, to be exact, it should be the sniper king offering a reward.

So after the First World War of the Dejima Uthorp has also become two completely different identities at the same time. A man with a different name. Finish playing Mingo Uthorp’s Bounty Soars Straight From 30 million to 0.2 billion You know, Luffy then tripled from 0.5 billion to 1.5 billion

This is already very wow Wu Suopu directly doubled about 6.6667 times this time. Be proud of the crowd Really 666. Besides, Wu Suopu is leaning on the facial expression bag. It disrupted Mingo’s overall plan. Mingo listed separately The reward for martial arts was higher than Luffy’s translation at the time.

Although this is not an official reward But it shows that Mingo has a long nose. The degree of hatred is higher than that of Luffy. And adhering to the disgusting dead enemy’s bug I am the fighting principle of bug in bug. Sanctions on the toughest enemies

It is indeed the best of the witches. In the small garden Third Brother has taken Suolonami Vivian under control. 1 degree thinks the winning ticket is in hand But Urthorpe tactfully thought of it. Restrain Third Brother’s Candle with Heat and Fire Finally successfully melted Candle Cake That Puts Straw Hat Trouble

Small Navy rifle sniper at ultra-long distance on Justice Island Because the range is limited Still can’t hand Not only is the navy to the whole stupid force I also sent a key express directly. Cooperate with French to complete the key step to save Robin. Then I got scared again.

Perona Ursop, who almost destroyed the straw hat group. This is the beginning of a crazy run It’s a common occurrence for him to turn around and seal the gods in the first world war. This looks like a master of saving the nation by playing with curves. A set of sea floor stone

To coax the cowhide Caesar, who wanted to run, fell from the sky. This is the commercial foundation of Mingo captured alive. Twice he stunned Mingo’s ruling foundation. Sugar was once sealed Also Xi mention 8000 subordinates Second Reproduction Awakening Saved it too. Luffy and Luo, who were almost turned into toys by granulated sugar.

So Mingo really wanted to strangle Urthorpe himself. Can use hard-core luck to waste the fruit of Baccarat Luck scrapped Barrett’s mecha. Help Luffy Defeat Barrett Timid to timid But God assists this piece. Urthorpe is a dead man. Whenever the war is in a desperate situation

There will always be a figure with a long nose to stand out act as the key x-factor After all downwind rubber Adversity Knife The desperate situation depends on the shooter This sentence is no joke Nami’s Invincible Best Friend Wu Suopu For the two ladies on the boat

At ordinary times, boys are more skin-friendly. There’s day after day sand sculpture Every three to five People who commit anthomaniacs doze off all day long after watching them get fat. Even eager to try Want to resist Although Wu Suopu is also very skin But I can always play with Nami.

Maintain a relationship like a good sister Can be called a good friend of Nami After all, the first criterion for becoming a good best friend is character or something. Be sure to hit it off In times of crisis, you can also huddle together to keep warm.

Uthorp and Nami as members of the timid trio Naturally, they are the best couple. In fact, as early as we entered the great route When I met a serious old man, Kurokas. Nami Thorpe was so scared that he almost merged into one. Early laid the foundation of good girlfriends

Later, Wu Suopu invented the weather stick for his best friend. and constantly transform it It became a weapon that Nami couldn’t put down. Therefore, Wu Suopu’s skin is not inferior to the three main forces. However, Nami beat far less than them. And these two very timid people

He was often forced to go out and fight together. an ad a mage The auxiliary is all crispy Into the wild area Once it’s cut The back row can only adhere to the principle of running without beating. My best friend has been a long time. Even the escape looks the same

Especially in the horror of the three masted ships These two plus a Jabba Not running away is preparing to escape The most important thing is There are some things between girlfriends that can infect the disease of not being able to land on the island. It was originally exclusive to Ulthorpe. Results

Later, Nami also got it. Anyway, it’s just a variety of excuses not to land on the island. It’s really a good girlfriend. Even if scared to death also have to die together There are others who are arguing about who is stronger.

And Wu Suopu and Nami are weaker than each other in daily life. To grab the life-saving whistle given by Ganford One said he was Ruoruo’s mother to open the door for Ruoruo. Weak home. One said he was Ruoruo’s mother who gave Ruoruo cannonballs. weak burst Robin next to me can’t help but spit

What you’re arguing about is quite special. Of course, a good friend must maintain a united front. What praise and blame big combat Grasp the head of the division and go to heaven with a boast. The characteristic of being depressed when you scold Good girlfriends tacit cooperation A spray on him

A compliment to her oh It turns out that this is the negative fruit on one side. One side is encouraged by the effect of fruit encouragement Once Luffy starts being stupid Nami and Wu Suopu will unite and teach Luffy to fly like Luffy. It’s a merciless beating. Daily Lessons

Luffy is also a good friend. An important bond that maintains intimacy Good girlfriends want to unintelligent together Just together Just here in Nami and Urthorpe. That is reflected incisively and vividly But when Urthorpe reunited in 2 years Claiming to have graduated from the gall group

But as a best friend, Nami hasn’t graduated yet. Girlfriends will infect each other again So this just left Shampoo These two, as always, were caught in a few words by Robin. I almost scared the urine. Nami, this is bringing Wu Suopu back to the bravery group again.

Before, I saw that Wu Thorpe’s face was a little dirty. Two years later, Nami also offered to help Wu Suopu apply facial cleanser. It was also Uthorp who was the first to recognize Wanda. I’m wearing Nami’s clothes. I thought something happened to Nami. This girl is worried.

In short, this group of girlfriends is both unintelligent and cute. Also can be called the best Terminator Luffy There is such a person in one piece He not only produces sand sculptures Also is the character of sand porter No matter whether the person who comes is autistic or cold or unsmiling.

Whether it’s a road boss or a spiritual guy. phenomenon of human transmission Teacher Lu has to liberate nature. All arrangements are made clearly Sauron Shan Zhi The two men cut off his character as soon as they didn’t agree with each other. a waste of food Just a violent kick character

Sauron was tied up in the naval fortress for days Would rather die than surrender Let him liberate nature The same way he found his way back to the village. I didn’t want to rescue him. I haven’t talked to Luffy for a few days. It began to gradually sand sculpture And Luffy

That is the heart A tacit understanding From which nostril did Luffy dig out How big a booger Which cup to throw Solon knows it without looking at it. Since then, Sauron has also formed an indissoluble bond with boogers. Sanji and Sauron are together They often do something incredible. The extreme sand sculpture thing

Like using Luffy as a shell launcher. With the high and cold temperament of these two people before As long as in front of Luffy instant fall apart It seems these two were assimilated Very successful Of course, Luffy will not turn people into pure sand sculptures yet.

These people are still arrogant and indifferent when they meet with business. But once Luffy starts sand sculpting The others are basically handsome for only three seconds. A hint of sand sculpture will be inexplicably derived from the eyes Is it cold enough for the boss of Jiping

The eldest brother who grew up on April Fool’s Day Meet Luffy for the first time in Propulsion City Then the two looked at each other speechless for a long time. At the moment, the air of the sand sculpture is transmitting between the eyes of the two people. Strong sand sculpture color domineering

Top End of War Dinner with Luffy I ‘ve been busy for most of the day. Just want to eat a small potato The female emperor yelled at even from behind. Frightened, Qiwuhai was almost choked to death by a potato in situ. The more amazing thing is

Luffy is not subjectively turning people into sand sculptures. But after playing with him for a long time, it will become a matter of course. Luffy took the white star princess out for a walk. The flat reflex arc is still a little long. After the reaction, I really looked at Jiping foolishly.

A well-known eldest brother improvised a Yan Yi performance. Then I was with Luffy Solon. That’s even less temperamental. What about Luffy and Sauron? One of them slept and ate. A full sleep It’s not only a slight collapse of mentality that has been serious. These people are still taking it to the road.

I think it was the moment Brooke’s skull storage opened. Even to see the moment Can’t help thinking around me What the fuck is this? Like Luo, a bitter child who spent most of his childhood in loss. Suddenly one day there was a Joba on top. Who can stand

Looking at the flying nose excrement Luo couldn’t help suspecting that his alliance was not with the Straw Hat Pirates. but a troupe of noisy pirates Sorry, wrong way. Is it still too late to get off the boat? However, Luo accepted the sand sculpture in such a muddle.

To the back by Cavendish’s affectionate princess hug Sauron caught in the arms of the ravaged Luo means row I’m used to it As long as you don’t feed me slices of bread I admit it People like Kidd who don’t want to be left behind. That’s better. It’s off track.

Compared with him, who has red hair? He wants to fight first. Fight him for the first place than moving bricks. Eat with him. He wants to fight first. With him more than who sand sculpture He will fight for the first. So aggressive No Rejection

By the end of the first three difficult to say The last item is stable anyway. So for the whole thing about taking people off the beaten path Luffy said there is no high cold in the world As long as Ken gets on board Don’t you want to be proud of Qiwuhai

Qiwuhai has been mentioned for a long time. In Joseph’s description. Qiwuhai is still an extremely powerful and terrifying force. As a result, there were 11 people in Qiwuhai Among them, the old sand fell in Alabastan. Moria Down on the three-masted ship Mingo fell on Dresrosa.

Later, the superior West Haibaki was beaten and flown over as early as Orange Town. All defeated by the hand of Luffy Bear or Luffy Daddy Dragon Luo and Jing Ping later became Luffy’s allies. A crew member of Luffy I think it is a female emperor.

Why don’t you just want to marry Luffy in situ? Eagle Eye is the most honest in the whole West Lake and Sea. position is not clear He ended up being Sauron’s master. Two Black Beard and White II remain A pigeon who stood up the headquarters One was stood up by the headquarters

The Warring States period cried and confided to the old marshal Please ask five old men to abolish Qiwuhai Play like this again I’m almost the captain of the eight straw hats. gia

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