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【4K HDR🇯🇵】”Cho Tokimeki ♡ Sendenbu” held its largest ever one-man live concert at Yokohama Arena!

【4K HDR🇯🇵】"Cho Tokimeki ♡ Sendenbu" held its largest ever one-man live concert at Yokohama Arena!

【4K HDR🇯🇵】”Cho Tokimeki ♡ Sendenbu” held its largest ever one-man live concert at Yokohama Arena!

Saturday, January 27, 2024, around 2:30 p.m. In front of Yokohama Arena Yokohama Arena will hold a two-day event starting today, “Let’s go! Cho Tokimeki ♡Sendenbu at Yokohama Arena!” will be held at Yokohama Arena The music video of “Cho Tokimeki ♡Sendenbu” will be projected at the front entrance of Yokohama Arena

Also, banner flags and huge visual panels are on display In this issue, we bring you a report on the first day of the “Let’s Go Toki-Sen Yokohama Arena!” Let’s go near the banner flags The banners of all six members are displayed on both sides of the front of the arena

The banners on either side have the same pretty pink design Two huge visual panels are displayed at the bottom of the stairs The pink and blue visual panels There is a long line to get to the entrance of the photo spot!

You’ll want to take a picture even if you have to wait in line I’m at the top of the stairs As of the time I arrived at the venue, the gacha lottery was closed for today This is the line of people waiting to take pictures of the giant visual panel

Relatively few people in front of the main entrance This time, I got the impression that many people enter the venue as soon as the doors open, since there are goods for sale and costume exhibits inside the venue Going down the stairs again in front of the plaza

This time, it’s Toki-Sen’s biggest solo live ever, “Let’s go! Cho Tokimeki ♡Sendenbu at Yokohama Arena! ~I’ve decided that you’re next to me” It will be the first solo live in a year since Makuhari Messe, and a total of 16,000 people will be in attendance over the two days!

The theme of the live is the group’s concept of “Exciting Love and Youth” Day 1 on the 27th will be themed “Love” and Day 2 on the 28th will be themed “Youth”, with different stages for the two days

On the first day, the group will perform a new song from their latest album “Tokimekuru Koi to Seishun,” which was just released on January 24 The dream of a solo performance at Yokohama Arena came true! The pink banner is still very picturesque

Unlike the giant visual panel, you can take pictures if you wait your turn Unusually for a Yokohama Arena concert, there were many photo spots outside the venue The music video on the huge screen is also very good!

With many photo spots like this, you can feel Tokisen’s fan-oriented “Tokisen-ness” even before you enter the venue A sign in front of the main entrance The name of the concert is clearly written on the board A banner on the Lawson side This side was a little empty

Finally, we got in line for the giant visual panel The staff told me it would take an hour to get in line If it takes an hour, it will be just before the show starts at 4:00 p.m. It takes a lot of courage to get in line now

While I was waiting in line, the people in front of me gave up and left, so I was able to take pictures a little earlier than planned By the way, you can take pictures even after the show The atmosphere will be different if you take pictures at night

The line was almost gone when the show was about to start It is possible to take photos of all the banners close by only just before the show starts, when there are not many people Lawson side banner Yokohama Arena 3 minutes before the show starts

The photo spot right after the show starts is a perfect hiding place The pink visual panel with all the members seated was full of cuteness, and the hearts on it were like “love” The blue visual panel is dignified and fresh, with an image of “youth” Thank you for watching until the end!

I would like to introduce you to the live performance of “Cho Tokimeki ♡ Sendenbu,” which opened its first day of performance today at Yokohama Arena!
The first day of the largest solo live performance ever by Cho Tokimeki ♡ Sendenbu was held today, January 27, at Yokohama Arena. The theme of the live was “love” for DAY 1 and “youth” for DAY 2. At today’s live, they performed new songs with the theme of “love” from their latest album “Tokimekuru Koi to Seishun” released on January 24, including “Ramirami,” “Dai, Dai, Dai Suki!” from their latest album “Toki-meko Koi to Seishun.” They enlivened the large number of Sendenbuin (the name given to the fans of Cho Tokimeki ♡ Sendenbu) who had gathered at Yokohama Arena, making the first day of the Yokohama Arena concert a success.
Please take a look at the scene around the venue.

Video Timeline:
00:00 Highlight
00:19 Main entrance of Yokohama Arena
01:25 Giant visual panel display
01:55 Information on merchandise sales, etc.
02:14 Panoramic view of the main square of Yokohama Arena
03:27 Super banner
04:26 Display of this live tour
05:02 Walking in front of Yokohama Arena
06:21 Chotokisen music video projected on a giant screen
06:47 Waiting for about an hour at the end of the photo spot
07:17 Giant visual panel (pink ver.)
07:20 Giant visual panel (blue ver.)
08:43 In front of Yokohama Arena before the show starts
09:31 Extra (photo spot right after the show starts for unlimited photo opportunities)

Location: Yokohama Arena
Shooting time: January 27, 2024 02:30 p.m. – 04:00 p.m.
Equipment used: DJI Osmo Pocket 3
-Color setting: 10-bit HLG
-Exposure setting: Auto (ISO sensitivity: 50~800)
-Video resolution: 4K 60FPS
Video Type: City Walking Tour

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#chotokimekisendenbu #yokohama #tokisen


  1. コンサート2日間のDVDと分厚いフォトブックレットがセットになった豪華なボックスセットが出ることを期待します。
    I hope there will be a magnificent box set with DVDs of the two concert days and a thick photo booklet.
    J'espère qu'il y aura un magnifique coffret avec les DVD des deux journées de concert et un livret photos bien épais.

  2. 哇!本來要帶女兒從台灣過去看的,但是因為種種原因最後沒能成行,現在能這樣看到昨天的盛況,也了解到現場有哪些活動與配置,真的是非常感謝~~翻訳:わあ!もともと台湾から娘を連れて見に行きたかったのですが、諸事情で行けませんでした。こうして昨日の盛大なイベントを見ることができ、現地での活動や構成を理解することができました。本当に感謝しています~~

  3. 石川県から参戦しました!

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