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『ラビット・ホラー3D』【2011】The Rabbit Horror AKA Tormented | Full Film With Eng Subs | HD

『ラビット・ホラー3D』【2011】The Rabbit Horror AKA Tormented | Full Film With Eng Subs | HD

And this one also, Kiriko. With a drop of the Prince’s blood, the Little Mermaid can be a mermaid again. She approached to the Prince, sleeping on the bed… and raised her knife. Then the Prince talked in his sleep. Whispered the name of the bride… The knife quaked in her hand.

“No, I cannot do this…” The Little Mermaid tossed the knife far out to the sea. And jumped overboard into the wild waves. Her body is starting to dissolve into sea bubbles. Hey you guys! Hey, wait for me! RABBIT KILLER! It was after school. Daigo found a dying rabbit and…

put it out of the misery. No one understood his act of kindness. From that day on, he quit going to school. I wonder if I was able to speak, Daigo’d not have been so quiet and shy. You never force me to go to school or anything, do you?

“There must be other more important things than just going to school?” Is it OK for a school librarian to say that? A little more. Okay, you made it. Congratulations!! Thank you! Here you go! Very cute! Thank you, Dad! My brother and I have different mothers.

His mother died when she gave birth to him. He never saw her face or felt her affection. “What do you want for your birthday this year?” Nothing, I am OK with the usual pressed-flower. My father is a picture-book artist. He is working on pop-up books about Mermaids.

After he lost the two women he loved, he escaped into the world of picture books. This year again, he doesn’t remember Daigo’s birthday. Every year, I gave him a pressed-flower. Seemingly Daigo is looking forward to it. Let me out, let me out. No. Nooo!

Everybody knows it, right? That haunted house we were in before? What the hell is going on? Are you sleeping sis? Where does it go… Daigo! Is that… you, sis? Hey, wait! Wait a minute. Hey, what is this? A hospital? Daigo, run! Help! Someone! Please! Help!

Stop, don’t come! It was the Rabbit! Ah, sis… I saw… Never mind. it’s OK. Believe me, I am fine. Kiriko, you want some coffee? “He was in the closet last night!” “Something was wrong.” “Something was wrong with Daigo.” I have to go back to work.

Dad is always getting away. It makes no difference with or without him. Dad used to read me the story of the Little Mermaid. Her voice was taken away to meet the Prince. I lost my voice when I was a child. So I saw myself in her.

I wish my voice could connect with Daigo. “Naming our baby – Daigo? Kiyomi?” s i s . . . Wake up, Sis! Stop! Wait. Wait… Where are you going? Stop! Stop! Hey, stop it! Sis! Sis… My sis! Sis! Sis! Daigo… Daigo… Give me back my sister… Daigo… Daigo!!

We should go, Kiriko. Help, sis! Sis!! Help me, Sis! Help, Sis! Help me, Sis!! Help! Sis, my sis… Sis…! My sis…!! You’ve seen it again? That rabbit costume? I thought I’d heard my sister’s voice. Sis…? Now, I’m drawing a Mermaid story. She gave up her voice… in exchange for human legs.

I wonder what you’d exchanged… your voice for? How is she? She’s seen it again? Yes, she said… it’s Daigo. Probably… the same condition she had before. Are you feeling better now? How about visiting Kyoko’s grave? Why don’t we go together on her anniversary? “Kyoko is coming.” “l saw her!”

“Daigo as well…” Enough of your delusions. What do you want me to believe? If you continue to press me… I will have to put you in a hospital! Daddy. I’m home. Welcome home. Who is… ? This is Kyoko. Hello. Kiriko, you say hello to her as well. Kiriko, nice to see you.

I’m Kyoko. I think that you will like this… Your shoes; please line them up properly… Oh, I’m sorry… What is happening? Are you alright? Are you alright? Your belly? I am fine… Are you really? Kiriko… Oh my goodness! Let me go! We have to stop her bleeding. First-aid kit? I’m Kyoko.

Did Kyoko make this? Ah, Kiriko… She is having your baby…? Are you getting married? Kiriko… You want me to bear it, right? I’ll go to get some drinks. It’s not fair. Dad… Surprised? Kiriko, Happy Birthday! My sis… Daigo! It was I who delivered new-born Daigo. Is this… …my mother?

Was it her who wore the giant rabbit costume? Daigo… She must have come back to take me with her. I shouldn’t have been born! Hey, she is looking at us! Who cares? Come on! No fun! She was talking about her dead mother. I understand. We’ll make immediate treatment.

Where would Kiriko be now? She’s at school. She works there. You’d better bring her to our hospital now. The sooner the better… Yes, sure. I’ll call you back. Thank you. Sis, Sis… the rabbit, that rabbit. Why? I burned it myself. Movie theater! It was that movie theater!

What the hell is going on? Sis, we can still save her. Let go… Let go of me! Help, Sis! Help! It’s fine. We have to tighten it a bit, but… Can you stand up? OK, I am sorry… No, no, it’s no good… He is not here, Kiriko. Don’t you understand, Kiriko?

He doesn’t exist! The baby boy was dead before his birth. He doesn’t exist! Doc, please! He is not here! He is not! Daigo does not exist at all! It’s your hallucination! “Daigo was taken away!” I’m Kyoko. A happy birthday to you! Is she going to be alright?

Or will she be like this forever? Only if she accepts the reality… The fact that her brother was born dead? Our defense mechanism intends to put a lid on negative memories. People are basically timid. But the hideous memories sticks in their brains and never go away.

But didn’t she get over the problem before? Just enough to manage her daily life, but not really… That is… ?? She feels sorry for the deceased woman… and the baby inside her. And she’s still suffering from the guilt. Her psychological struggle… is creating these delusions. I’ve heard this all before.

But why is the relapse now? It’s been 10 years already. In human mind there is no clear difference among past, present, and future… The child was not born. He was dead at-birth. He has never existed. Daigo does not exist at all! It’s your hallucination!

Daigo did not exist in the first place. Kiriko, Happy Birthday! Kyoko, Kyoko! Are you alright? Kyoko! Kyoko! I wish I was never born!! What are you doing? Let it go! Come here! What are you doing, Kiriko?

With a drop of the Prince’s blood The Little Mermaid can be a mermaid again. With the blood she could have regained her beautiful voice… and body back… But, she could not stab the Prince. She did not get her voice back…

and her spirit was gone like a bubble. The face of the Princess that my father drew looked so pleasant. But, was she ever truly happy? That I really don’t know. “A month later” I wonder if I can support her… Ever since I lost my wife, her mother,

I have had no idea what Kiriko has in her mind. Is it not her mind but… yours you do not know? If you don’t understand yourself, how can you expect Kiriko to understand you? Thank you. Thank you very much. Just a pressed flower as usual will do.

I cannot finish it in time. No pressed dandelion flower for this year’s birthday… I was afraid of that I still thought that way. Hello’? Is this Kiriko? Sorry I left the house without a word. We are in the playground now.

As we did not do anything for his birthday. What’? You said, hospital? OK, Daigo. Don’t pull my hand… “For my daddy” The hallucination I made… starts to take on life. Daigo is set to come into this world by haunting my father. Kiriko, Happy Birthday!

Kyoko! Kyoko! Someone please call an ambulance! Excuse me, but we are closing now… Thank you for your visit. “ls there any hospital around here?” A hospital? Is there any hospital around here? No, ho, hospital! Is there any around here? No, but a customer was asking…

The same hospital, Kyoko was brought in that day… Wait, hey, Daigo wait for me. Daigo? Here I am. No use trying to erase me. I am the one you gave birth to on that day. Kill me now. Come on, stab me! Only you can do it, my sister!!

I am you, your own self. Bye bye, sister!! My voice… came back… Daigo, Happy Birthday. Hikari MITSUSHIMA Takeru SHIBUYA Tamaki OGAWA Nao OMORI Teruyuki KAGAWA An Ogura Jimusyo production Directed by Takashi SHIMIZU The abandoned hospital, in which the spirit of the girl who we based Kiriko on is trapped;

later was sold and now is used as a part of an amusement park.


死にかけたウサギを惨殺した幼い弟・大悟と声の出ない姉のキリコは異母姉弟。父は童話作家で「人魚姫」の 絵本作りに没頭している。ある日映画館でスクリーンから飛び出たぬいぐるみのウサギを手に入れた大悟は、夜な夜な巨大なウサギに連れられて、遊園地や廃病院をさまようという幻想に悩まされる。キリコと父も次第にその悪夢に巻き込まれていく。



監督: 清水崇

脚本: 林壮太郎, 保坂大輔, 清水崇

製作: 小椋悟, 谷島正之

製作総指揮: マイケル・J・ワーナー 内野エスター

出演者: 満島ひかり, 澁谷武尊, 香川照之

音楽: 川井憲次


撮影: クリストファー・ドイル

編集: 堀善介


配給: ファントム・フィルム

公開: 日本の旗 2011年9月17日

上映時間: 83分

製作国: 🇯🇵 日本

言語: 日本語

In Japan, Kiriko (Hikari Mitsushima) and her younger half-brother Daigo (Takeru Shibuya) live with their father Kohei (Teruyuki Kagawa) who is a book illustrator. One day Daigo inexplicably beats a rabbit to death outside his school and subsequently stops attending classes. Kiriko becomes worried by Daigo’s behaviour while their father ignores the problem as he is caught up in latest job: a pop-up book about The Little Mermaid. Later, Kiriko takes Daigo to watch the 3-D horror film The Shock Labyrinth involving a rabbit doll which appears to float out of the screen and into Daigo’s hands. Daigo takes it home. That night a large version of the doll pulls him through a cupboard into a fairground. The next night Daigo is pulled by the rabbit through the mattress of his bed. Kiriko follows him this time and the group goes to an abandoned hospital. Later, Kiriko tells her father that “Kyoko is coming. I saw her. Daigo too.” Kiriko then recalls when she was younger and Kohei brought home his pregnant second wife, Kyoko. Kiriko attacked Kyoko and now Kiriko and Daigo seem to believe that Kyoko has come back to haunt them in a rabbit costume and are determined to destroy the doll.

『ラビット・ホラー3D』【2011】The Rabbit Horror 3D AKA Tormented

Directed by: Takashi Shimizu

Written by: Sotaro Hayashi, Daisuke Hosaka &
Takashi Shimizu

Produced by: Satoru Ogura, Masayuki Tanishima

Cinematography: Christopher Doyle

Edited by: Zensuke Hori

Music by: Kenji Kawai & The Japanese Band Scandal

Hikari Mitsushima
Takeru Shibuya
Teruyuki Kagawa

Distributed by: Phantom Film

Release date:
September 7, 2011

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