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【ENG SUB | FULL】Sword and Fairy 4 EP3:Yun Tianhe’s First Taste of Wine | 仙剑四 | iQIYI

【ENG SUB | FULL】Sword and Fairy 4 EP3:Yun Tianhe’s First Taste of Wine | 仙剑四 | iQIYI

[English subtitles are available] [Sword and Fairy 4] [Episode 3] Lingsha! Are you really Yun Tianqing’s son? My father often taught me to be fearless in danger and save lives. If he were here, he would have done the same. You all saw it, right? He risked his life to save us. That’s right. Indeed.

Benefactors, please accept my bow. Please accept our bow. Benefactors, please accept our bow. Don’t be like this. My father said saving a life is better than building seven levels of Amitabha. No need to… Seven levels of pagoda. Seven levels of pagoda. Anyway, don’t do this. If you really want to keep scores,

You should smash that unfilial mask. Then, you should produce a play where Yun Tianhe saves Taiping Village. No need. They need to. Benefactors, to educate the children, we did exaggerate Yun Tianqing’s doings in the play. Please forgive us, Mr. Yun. I’ll send someone to prepare a feast for you.

Please, stay for the night. Seeing your sincerity, we won’t stay any longer. Let’s go. Eat something. Get changed before you go. Benefactors! I think we could have stayed the night there. I still have many questions to ask. I told you, we need to uphold our pride. What do you mean? It means

We should have integrity and dignity. We need to have integrity at any time. Even if you’re at your limits, you must stand strong. And at any time, you can’t let others ruin your dignity, let alone scold your parents. Don’t be sad. This is such a beautiful place to camp in. [Chao Lake]

Is this the sea my father mentioned? It’s called the Chao Lake. It’s a lake, not the sea. This Chao Lake sea is beautiful. I told you it’s called a lake. You must be so hungry that you’re dumb again. What are you doing? I’m drilling wood. Didn’t I lose my flame stick?

Drilling wood for fire. A wild man from Qingluan Peak like me is most familiar with this sort of task. This is too damp, it won’t work. Why don’t you get me a dry one? Wait for me. The sword has left the mountain. Pick it up at Shouyang City. Tianhe? Yun Tianhe!

Don’t scare me! The bonfire is ready. All we need is food. Don’t you think there’s always a pair of eyes watching us? Could it be those two demons? No one is here. Don’t worry. I don’t feel any murderous aura. What’s that sound? It must be something again! A bug? Or something else?

It’s my stomach. Why don’t I get some fish from the Chao Lake? What’s this? Is it edible? Of course. This is a rice dumpling. You eat it for the Dragon Boat Festival. I took some on our way out. You told me taking people’s things without permission is considered stealing. It’s immoral.

Stealing and taking are different. If you steal from good people, that’s stealing. If you help good people with bad people’s things, it’s called robbing the rich and helping the poor. Like your father said, humans and demons coexist equally. But if you meet demons who want to kill you and steal your sword,

Do you think you can coexist? Of course not. One party has to die. My father? Where is my father? Father. I left the mountain with Lingsha in the end. But don’t worry. Lingsha is a very good person. As long as I follow her, I won’t be used by bad guys.

By the way, Father, I went to the village where you were born today. The villagers in the village said you were a bad person. I have never felt so miserable before. But I will prove it to them. My father is not a bad guy.

My father is a good man and a great hero. Shouyang. Your father aside, I think you’re already very heroic. If anyone dares to say those things about my father, I’ll catch and roast him alive. Lingsha. Where are we going next? Shouyang. Well. I heard from a villager that

An official officer is looking for your father in Shouyang. It means your father might have been to Shouyang. What’s an officer? Why are they looking for my father? Officers work for the government. They usually look for big shots who did something shocking. My father is a big shot. Let’s go to Shouyang.

Who’s there? Did you hear something? Hear what? Let’s pack up and go. Get up. It’s fine. There’s no murderous aura around here. Brat! Little Pig Demon. It’s you! I was worried about you. Let me tell you. I left the mountain to avenge my father. Also, this woman…

This human woman is not a good person! There’s something wrong with her. I think there’s something wrong with your eyes. Who is not a good person? Let me tell you. I saw it yesterday. Last night, you turned a talisman into a bird and sent it flying away.

That’s a communication spell used by cultivators. Brat. She must be related to the cultivators who killed my father. So I was worried about you and stayed here all night guarding you. Use your little pig brain. I wouldn’t have waited until now to hurt him. Who knows if you’re plotting to steal his sword?

Then tell me, why did you send a letter with a talisman? I… I’m going to Shouyang with Tianhe to learn about his father. I have a friend in Shouyang. I thought I could get my friend to help. I see. You must want your friend

To inquire about my father and this sword for us. Exactly. Don’t worry, Little Pig Demon. I can assure you. Even if everyone wants this sword, Lingsha wouldn’t. You are not cultivators. Hand over your sword and I won’t kill you. What a joke. That female demon yesterday was almost beaten into a dead fish.

I’m not afraid of you. Perfect timing. I’ll hunt you down and eat roast tiger demon today. Only demons eat humans. It’s the first time I’ve heard of humans eating demons. Hearing you say that, I can kill you without concern. Tianhe, shoot! You’re injured! Amazing. Help me up. I let you escape yesterday.

How dare you show up again? We almost died here. You’re like the two cultivators who killed my father. Stop Ice Cube! I’ll avenge my father! Little demon, die! Wait! Wait! Don’t kill it. It’s not an evil demon. It’s a good demon. It’s my good friend. Little Pig Demon, run!

I want to avenge my father! Vermin. Tell me. Why do you want the sword? Feng Xie! Let go of Feng Xie, or I’ll kill you! I’m afraid the two of you are the ones dying today. Wait for me here. One of them is a demon and the other is a Sword Immortal.

That’s not a fight you’re fit for. We need to go. Find a place to hide. He saved me. How can I leave him behind? I need to help. Are you stupid? Stop, female demon! Or I’ll kill him. Leave me! Stop! Don’t kill him! Demon! Surrender now! Don’t hurt Wen Yao! Feng Xie! Tianhe.

Lingsha, are you okay? I don’t want you to die. I want you to live well. Go. Go! No! No! Go! Go! Go! Lingsha. I feel like you always get hurt when you’re with me. I wonder if there are any herbs around here. What are you doing? I’m going to find herbs for you.

I mean the Ice Cube behind you. Out of the way. You moved out of the way just because he said so? What if he’s a bad guy? I… It’s healed! That’s an amazing move! I told you, Lingsha. He is a good man. Fine. Thank you. Thank you, young senior.

Didn’t you always call him the handsome swordsman? Why are you calling him a young senior now? In terms of swordsmanship, he’s a senior. But he might be younger than me. So I’ll just call him a young senior. Foolish. You’re the foolish one. Young senior, didn’t you want to see the sword?

Let me show you. Don’t show him. So this sword is related to the anomaly in Mount Kong. Judging from his furrowed brows, he must want the Wangshu Sword. Oh no. He’s so powerful. If he takes the Wangshu Sword, how can I get it back? What’s wrong with you two?

Why are you both furrowing your brows? Are you afraid of the cold with this sword? No. I’ve never felt cold. He hasn’t cultivated before. But why is his spiritual power so strong? Young senior, you’re so good at swordsmanship. Can you teach me some moves? What are you doing? I’m fine.

What are you doing now? The Qionghua Sect uses this formation to test one’s spiritual power. Test for spiritual power? Let me try. This ring of light is so beautiful. The spiritual power is divided into seven levels. Although you have never cultivated before, your cultivation has reached the first level. Does that mean

I have some talent? Impressive. Let me try. Why is my ring of light so messy? It’s making me dizzy. Is this wild man so unruly that his ring of light is also misbehaving? How could this happen? Am I not talented? Hey, Ice Cube. Every time you ask us questions, we answer you properly.

But why do you ignore all our questions? The formation can’t detect the level of his spiritual power. Since I joined the Qionghua Sect, I have never seen anything like this. I’ll tell you after I find the answer. No need to pretend, just say you’re clueless. Let’s go. Let’s find something delicious. Wait.

Young senior, thank you for saving us. You must be hungry. How about this? I’ll use my Wangshu Sword to hunt some wild rabbits for you. Wangshu Sword? How can you do such a filthy thing with the Wangshu Sword? You call it Wangshu. But… Tianhe, tell him what it is called.

I gave it a name. It’s called “A Sword.” Enough! Why are you so fierce? As the owner, he has the right to name it. Don’t think that just because your sword can fly, it’s better than Tianhe’s sword. The quality of a sword lies in the intention of the wielder.

I seriously suspect that you have ulterior motives. What do you mean by that? Feeling guilty now that I’ve guessed it? You’re glaring at me. He’s glaring at me! Now I think you must be in cahoots with those demons. You’re all after this sword. Lingsha. What do you mean now?

Why are you closing your eyes? You’re glaring at me again! He finally left. Let’s go before he comes after us again. What are you doing? Lingsha. My father told me women are gentle and fragile. You didn’t look like a woman just now. Don’t think only you have a father. My father said

Girls should be as brave and determined as men. You also have a father? Why didn’t you tell me what your father was like? Tell me what your father is like. None of your business. Tell me. No. Lingsha. What is your father like? Who are you? How dare you be so rude?

[Dream Tapir Demon General, Beike] Prince Yunan, you’ve been trapped for a thousand years. Aren’t you bored? I’m here to make a deal with you. Over the past thousand years, you’re the only one who dares to come here and make a deal with me. What kind of deal?

I’ll let you see the sun again, and you’ll help me harm the mortal world. What do you think? I need to first see if you have the ability to let me out of here. If I can’t even do this, I wouldn’t have come here. If I could get out, [Prince Yunan]

I would kill all the Taoist priests and people in the world. Indeed, we have the same goal. But you haven’t gathered your primordial energy yet. Why don’t we use your evil aura to influence the creatures of Mount Bagong first? Shouyang City is going to be in chaos.

Nyuluo Cliff will be in chaos too. Feng Xie. I won’t let you die like this. Lord Beike, I failed to accomplish my task. Feng Xie… If it were that easy, we wouldn’t have waited 19 years. It’s my fault that Feng Xie died. I underestimated the enemy. Get up. I touched that sword.

I didn’t expect it to turn out like this. The wielder of the sword is indeed a master. No. He’s a wild boy with no cultivation. Feng Xie was killed by a disciple of the Qionghua Sect. That’s more interesting. This is Feng Xie’s purple crystal. My lord, I have a request. In the crystal

Is a strand of Feng Xie’s primordial spirit. I want to keep it. I know your relationship with Feng Xie. Of course. If it wasn’t for something as useless as love, Feng Xie would not have died in vain. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked for the crystal.

If you want to keep Feng Xie’s primordial spirit, complete your task first. That stupid Ice Cube makes me feel like he will follow us. You didn’t have to shoo him off like that. He’s a good man. You… You’re just too trusting. Think about it. He is such a skilled swordsman.

Why is he following us? It must be because of your sword. This is called do no harm but always be wary. My father told me this sword was not important. The most important thing is people. Why do you think so many people are trying so hard to get this sword?

If… I mean if… If someone took your sword, what would you do? I would definitely get it back. This is the sword my father left me. Unless… Unless what? Unless you’re in danger. If you ask me to choose between this sword and your life, I would choose you. Wait. There’s a murderous aura?

It’s not murderous, but it’s demonic. But this demonic aura is not murderous. Let’s go. The Sun Emperor of Fusang and the Moon Emperor of Xiji. The four essences and the three auras, condensed into bright light… There’s no other choice. What are you doing? I just didn’t want you to cut them down.

They don’t have a murderous aura. They won’t hurt people. Were you born in the year of the bird? You keep flying around. It’s fine if you want to fly, but you keep scaring us. No, let me try. Give me a chance. Be good. Go back. Look. They didn’t want to hurt us.

They were afraid that we’d hurt them. See? It’s fine now. You can communicate with plants? Communicate? Maybe it’s because I’ve been in the mountains for a long time. My father said everything has a soul. We should meet them with sincerity. So I can be sincere with them and sense

What the plants are feeling. Don’t worry. They won’t hurt us. What level of cultivation is he at, to be able to communicate with all living beings? What are you thinking about? Let me tell you. In the wilderness, the wild man is more capable than you. Leave now. Wait. Lingsha.

Look at the token on his waist. It looks familiar. A token? Let me see. The tokens of the Taoist cultivators all look like this. But the pattern on his token is exactly the same as the one on my stone. Wow, it’s really the same. Why do you have this Zao jade? Zao jade?

This was my mother’s stone. My mother was called Su Yu. My father was called Yun Tianqing. Yun Tianqing? I won’t allow a treacherous traitor like Yun Tianqing to exist in our sect! Young senior. You know my stone is called Zao jade. Do you know my parents? Did they visit your sect before?

If I did not see for myself, I do not know. Stop asking. That stupid Ice Cube. He’s just showing off that he can fly. What’s the big deal? I think he must know about my parents. Let’s go to Shouyang and see what we can find.

At worst, I’ll accompany you to the Qionghua Sect at Kunxu Mountain. Okay. Let’s ask your friend if he knows this sword first. This way. Let’s go. [Shouyang] So many people and so many houses. This is the difference between a city and a village. There are so many people in the city.

Do they all know each other? There are many people in this world. Every encounter is determined by fate. Let’s go to the inn and eat something nice. What is an inn? An inn is a place where you pay to rest and sleep. Let’s go. Let’s get down to business

And find your friend first. What’s wrong with you? Why are you so careless? -Be careful. -Wait. Hurry up. -Clean it up. -Is it a murderous aura? I’m sorry. Seriously. So is it a murderous aura? What’s wrong? Say something. You… Hurry up. Here, take it. Be careful. Lingsha, what water is this?

It smells good. It’s not water. It just looks like water. This is wine. This wine smells even better than ginkgo porridge with dates. You’re not a drunkard, are you? What is this? It can turn people into drunkards? This is scary stuff. You’ll feel dizzy after drinking it and talk nonsense.

And you’ll easily do things you’ll regret later. It turns people into madmen and fools. It’s not a good thing. Have you drunk it before? Yes, I have. It was terrible. So this wine is nothing good. But it smells so good. I think you have the potential to be a drunkard. Put it down.

It’s better not to touch it. Take it. Stop looking. Let’s eat first. You’re about to drool. Here, take it. Thank you. Let’s wait for your friend to finish his work so we can eat with him. Isn’t eating your top priority? The most important thing now

Is to figure out the matter with this sword. Didn’t you say we should return the favor we received? So I’ve made up my mind. I’ll treat your friends to a meal later. But I don’t seem to have money. How about I exchange my sword for your money? Wild man, you’re so silly.

Did I say something wrong again? No. I’m praising you. Wait here. I’ll go find my friend. Don’t move. Stay right here. Okay. Don’t worry. I’ll stand here and wait for you to come back. You’d better be. Silly wild man. When I come back and take your sword,

You may never talk to me again. Good sir, want some tofu? It looks good. As the saying goes, Shouyang has three specialties. White tofu from Mount Bagong, fragrant herb from Nyuluo Cliff, and the beauty of the great daughter of Liu. How can your snacks compare to the great daughter of Liu’s beauty?

It’s rare to catch a glance of her beauty, but my tofu is right here. That’s true. Excuse me. Block the way. Excuse me. You’re blocking the way. Why are you standing in the middle of the road? Get out of the way! Move! Move! Move! Get out of the way! Excuse me. Move! Move!

I’ve brought Yun Tianqing’s son and sword to Shouyang. Employer. Do you remember our promise a year ago? Where is the item? I’ll give it to you when I get the sword. The sword is at the next street corner. Go get it. I won’t go. I’m afraid… You’re afraid he would hate you.

None of your business. Hurry up and get the sword. Otherwise, that Ice Cube disciple of Qionghua will be here again. Murong Ziying? You know him? Young senior! I knew you would come back… Don’t stand in the middle of the road. Follow me. No. I promised Lingsha to stand here and not move.

A bowl of tofu. Okay. Here’s your tofu. I… I… I really promised Lingsha to wait for her there. We’ve made a plan. After meeting Lingsha’s friend in Shouyang, we’ll go to Kunxu Mountain together. Wangshu’s cold aura may hurt you. I got this scabbard made for now. Take it. Don’t lose it. Young senior,

Please don’t blame Lingsha. That’s just how her temper is. Although she spoke a little rudely, she likes Sword Immortals the most. This sword can’t be dusty. Wipe it twice a day. I can feel it if you don’t do it. Fine, I can wipe the sword. But you have to answer my question.

Did my parents cultivate in the Qionghua Sect before? Since you’ve decided to go to Kunxu Mountain, you can find out for yourself. Why bother asking me? He is indeed a cultivator. He has no regard for money. Young senior. Young senior! Young senior. You saved my life, bought me food,

And even gave me a scabbard. You are like my friend now. But I don’t even know your name. You know that Qionghua disciple? Why do you want that sword? Alright, I won’t ask anymore. Well… Can you take the sword without hurting Tianhe? What’s going on? Let’s go and take a look. Let’s go.

Okay. Boss. The money is on the table. Okay. What’s going on? How dare she? Look. It’s a bandit. This bandit is pretty. Yes. What are you doing? Who is this? Look at him. Gosh. [Arrest warrant] This painting looks like Lingsha. I want to show it to her. -Why did he tear it? -Sir.

You tore off the arrest warrant. Have you seen the person in this painting? Of course. She… She is my best friend. Do you know where she is? She’ll be back soon. Sir, wait here. I’ll be back soon. The government will reward you for your report. A murderous aura.

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【Introduction】”Sword and Fairy 4″ is a fantasy period drama directed by Yang Xuan and Huang Ye, starring Ju Jingyi (“Legend of Yunxi” and “Rebirth for You”), Chen Zheyuan (“Detective Chinatown 3”), Mao Zijun (“Marvelous Women”), Mao Xiaohui (“Once and forever”), Baron Chen (“Eternal Love of Dream”), and others. 19 years ago, Qionghua Sect used the double swords of Wangshu and Xihe to trap the demon realm and seize spiritual power, triggering a war between humans and demons, with heavy casualties on both sides. Due to their disagreement with Qionghua Sect’s cultivation philosophy, the disciples of Qionghua Sect Yun Tianqing (played by Baron Chen) and Su Yu left Qionghua and went to Qingluan Peak, where they gave birth to their son Yun Tianhe (played by Chen Zheyuan). Not long after, Su Yu passed away. The young Yun Tianhe is not aware of his parents’ past, and his father Yun Tianqing also passes away due to illness, leaving him to grow up alone on the mountain. Yun Tianhe runs into Han Lingsha (played by Ju Jingyi), a young lady who breaks into his parents’ tomb, and they go down the mountain together to search for his parents’ past. In the midst of their journey, they get acquainted with another lady Liu Mengli (played by Mao Xiaohui). In order to understand his father’s past, Yun Tianhe, along with Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli, become disciples of the Kunxu Qionghua Sect. Qionghua Sect assigns Murong Ziying (played by Mao Zijun), who is similar in age, to mentor them, and the four become companions. As his background is gradually revealed, the four of them, who have originally sympathized with each other, are plunged into deep pain and confusion. In the end, Yun Tianhe joins hands with his close friends and embarks on the path of saving the world by resisting his fate.

【Cast】Ju Jingyi,Chen Zheyuan(in random order)
Mao Zijun,Mao Xiaohui,Wang Yuanke,Zhang Fan,Wang Duo,Chen Chuhe(BaronChen),Li Xinze,Li Muchen

01:30 The opening

《Sword and Fairy 4》
《Beauty of Resilience》 (Played by Ju Jingyi)
《RENASCENCE》 (Played by Chen Zheyuan)
《Love Between Fairy and Devil》
《A Journey to Love》
《Story of Kunning Palace》
《Tiger and Crane》
《My Journey to You》
《Love You Seven Times》

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  1. Ju Jingyi kiku my beautiful wife like is 😎 movie is movie best like lhave is mivie close too my heart ♥ lloveyou my beautifulwife you are the best movie like lloveyou my beautiful wife Ju Jingyi lam loyal husband too you lloveyou forever good mornig too you my beautiful wife Ju Jingyi lloveyouforever

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