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I’m the second in charge of this prison. guarding the world’s most vicious prisoners There’s agents inside who steal state secrets. The Devil. the richest man in a rich country The unforgivable warlord of sin Even if it is casually released one Can make the world tremble

This day I was practicing calligraphy in the office Suddenly a guard came running in in a panic Report 2 Home Something happened in the prison. Kill god and wolf fight Kill God is the killer world’s famous king of killers He was jailed for assassinating the president of the United States.

The wolf is the leader of a huge organization in the underground world. Soldier Sell nuclear warheads in jail Take my word. Let the two of them sweep the three toilets at once. Not obedient Just say I’ll push their heads down the toilet again Is the second in charge The guards grabbed my writing

Just turn around and run outside But then another guard came running in in a panic. The big event of the second head is not good. The butcher thinks the food in the canteen is not good. and the cook. and wounded several of our brothers

Take my words and let him wash the dishes in the kitchen for a month. Not obedient I’ll go there myself. Hang him in the square for three days and three nights. After all, contact with its idle handwriting Just turn around and trot of understanding Unexpectedly, he ran in again in a hurry.

A prison guard Two in charge Something happened again. The night devil who killed the family of Admiral Snow Country is crazy again. Tearing down our brig At this time, Qi can’t help but feel some headache So he threw out a pair of handwriting written by himself again. Toss it to the guards

Said to let him break his legs Lie in a cell for a month. One less day I’ll just throw it in the cesspool for a day. Prison guards dare not neglect Take self-help The fire ran out But when I was idle, I couldn’t help patting my forehead.

That’s a lot of shit in this little prison. Dad hasn’t heard from me for 3 years. hemp I’m sick of it At noon, I went to the playground to inspect the prisoners as usual. The prisoners all lowered their heads one by one. Dare to look him in the eye

At this time, a down payment on a felony ordered a French fries for leisure. respectfully said Two in charge. You eat fries Can you help me send this letter to my family? After it’s done I give you 0.1 billion My family has plenty of money Two small days in charge.

I also have a letter here Can you help me send this letter to my wife After it’s done I gave you seven wives from my island. I have been in a bad mood recently You guys leave me alone If anyone dares to repeat another word

I’ll throw it in the sea and feed it to the sharks. After the prisoner tour Dong Xian is back in his office Love book Unexpectedly, a prison guard rushed into the second-in-charge house again. There’s something there’s something there’s something there Which is not afraid of death? Getting me in trouble again

No, it’s not This time it’s not the prisoners. There’s a female general outside Escort the prisoner here And a very beautiful female general, right? I like this beautiful woman general. Also named to see the second master you She said she still knew the big boss. I still know my father. Tell him quickly

I’ll go out and see him I saw dozens of soldiers waiting outside the prison. guarding a cage A vicious man was trapped in a cage. Ha ha, wait for Lao tze to get out of this broken cage You have a handsome One by one also don’t want to survive

The pressure of the prisoner The soldiers around were so scared that they couldn’t help turning their heads. As if afraid of being remembered his own face At this time, I also brought people to the front of General Li You are Qi I have an extremely dangerous prisoner here to hand over to you.

That’s right. I am seven. What is the prisoner to give me This prisoner is the king of terror of the four kings of the underground world. Beard Superior designated to be detained here Then the jade dragon came up put a document in the hands of seven I signed my name casually.

Give it back to the other side. I ‘ve already signed Do you have anything else By the way, there’s something else I want to tell you The engagement between me and you I mixed up I don’t know if you have any opinions See only this time

The soldiers in the rear also looked with contempt. Look at seven and say Road A small secondary warning I can’t believe I want to climb up to General Yu, who is already a lieutenant general. It’s ridiculous. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s like a toad Looking in the mirror looks ugly

Play with flowers and so on You also saw I’m not the only one who thinks so Even my men feel the same way. We are not people of the same world. I agree that we are indeed not people of the same world. But you’re not the one who repented

It’s my wife waiting for a break. Wife is in a hurry Are you out of your mind A guy like you who can’t find a girlfriend. What to install installed Excuse me. Let you down I have found the object Cut I don’t believe it Then tell me where you found it.

I found this treatment. Online to take you to experience the tenderness of Japanese girlfriend Korean girlfriend’s hot The Shame of Treasure Island’s Girlfriend The strength of Western girlfriends. There are thousands of girlfriends of all types you like. You can choose them. Remember to wear headphones when playing to experience the ultimate enjoyment

The link in the lower left corner is open for a limited time. Single friends download it quickly All right, then. Then the king of terror is yours Please keep him in the cage Otherwise, many people will die. Bruce Lee got on the bus after speaking. Take the soldiers away.

And the idle is not taken seriously at all. He opened the cage at will. Just release the extremely dangerous underground king’s beard. Boy, you should listen to that woman But you’re pathetic She got divorced. Ha ha, I don’t have the heart to kill you I’m the second in charge of this prison.

He’s guarding the most vicious prisoner in the world. On this day, a new escort from outside the prison brought in a very arrogant crime. commit The female general in custody also specifically reminded me Don’t let this extremely dangerous criminal escape from prison. And I just opened the cage

He was released on the spot. Kid, you know I don’t have the heart to kill you I’m in a bad mood Why are you so long-winded Say that finish to rest It’s like dragging a dead dog. dragged the king of terror beard into prison Right now. Another guard came running Say

Your father sent you a letter. It said there was something very important to tell you, didn’t it Let me see oh What dad wants me to marry Joe ball dream Father’s words. Don’t dare not listen I had to sigh at leisure. Decided to fulfill the engagement Prisoners inside the prison

I heard the news that I was leaving the ghost prison for a while. Everyone is beating the gong Happy smile I’m leaving Are you happy? Tell you guys I’ll be back any minute You make a record for me Who would have let it go while I was gone? Give me a grudge back

I just shot him So I took the engagement with me On the plane to Qiao Qiu Meng’s house Unexpectedly, he met Jade Xiaolong, whom he had just met. Didn’t Miss Jiayu tell you Why did you follow the plane repeatedly? Is this interesting? Meet this kind of person

I don’t even want to say anything. Then he took out a magazine he liked to read and read it. Right now. Three tough robbers broke in. Three artifacts were aimed directly at Jade Xiaolong’s head. Put down the magazine. Take a look at the situation

Then he brought the magazine up as if nothing had happened. With no eyes This is a real coward. Fortunately, Miss Yu has broken off her engagement. General Lee You arrested our boss Beard But it’s causing us a lot of trouble.

Ha ha, it seems that bearded men still have fish to slip through the net. I haven’t been caught yet. Or there’s power behind the beard. This is not the jade general You should be concerned You ‘d better come with us It depends on whether you have the ability Cut the crap

If you don’t want to die, come with us immediately. Ha ha I’m sorry to surprise you all. I’ll arrange for someone to come over and deal with it immediately. It won’t delay everyone’s flight. You are Lieutenant General Royal Dragon Jade General Your skill is really amazing Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Be able to make a flight with General Yuxiaolong It’s our pleasure. General Yu is completely unsafe on this flight. Qi etc It seems that we are not a world of people Please stop pestering me I don’t care about them at all. He left directly in stride. Jade Little Dragon

Looking at the wedding book left on the waiting seat. To understand the truth of what Turns out he didn’t come with me but to find another woman As soon as I got off the plane, I saw a familiar man. This person is Wang Wanjin, the richest man in Zhonghai City.

The man made a 90-degree bow directly to the leisure. The crowd around me was terrified. Who is that? Am I right? Is that Wang Wanjin, the richest man in China Sea? You’re not wrong Wang’s richest man bowed to a young man. Is he a big man from the imperial city?

Mr. Wang is really troublesome for you Also came to the airport to pick me up Two in charge It’s very kind of you This is all I should do These two bottles of 50 years old Maotai It’s a gift from me for you. What are you doing preparing gifts for me?

And you can’t get some gifts when you come to the house. I have treasured these two bottles of Maotai for many years. It’s just for you, the second master. What you said seems to be quite reasonable. For the sake of you so sensible Then I’ll take it Then wait

Carrying two bottles of old maotai into the jstars courtyard Qiao Botao saw that he was waiting for a while. Also happy Ha ha idle I got a letter from Old Qi two weeks ago Looking forward to it Can be regarded as to give you hope to come Uncle Qiao and other immortals

You came Just as you are going to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Qiu Meng to get the marriage certificate Uncle Qiao, is this too urgent? This is something I already discussed with your father You can rest assured Seven Equivalent I didn’t think after college You really went off to be a prison guard

What a bad luck How did the pig mouth talk to others Can you marry Equivalent It’s a blessing you ‘ve had in your last life. Dad, look at him. All these years Still a prison guard How can you tell me to trust He can give me happiness Don’t say it again

When the leisure heart More wordy I’ll cut you off from father-daughter relations. Can’t I marry me? Uncle Qiao Pang Here are two bottles of 50-year-old Maotai I gave you. Also please smile And also 50 years old Maotai Do you know how much two 50-year-old bottles of Maotai are worth?

Is that what you, a little prison guard, can afford Enough. There’s no room for your mother and daughter to question this. Don’t argue with these two women. Hurry into the house I’ll teach you Aunt Pang to make you something delicious Then he was warmly invited to his home by Qiao Guotao. Great hospitality

But unexpectedly mother-in-law Pang Xiuyun Directly 20 million the value of the idle delivery. Two bottles of 50-year-old Maotai were all dumped. I made a plate of drunk shrimp. Look at the shrimps you make from this wine. They are all yellow. A look is fake and shoddy products

I guess I can’t eat this plate of drunk shrimp. The second master sent two bottles of Maotai worth tens of millions to his father-in-law. Unexpectedly, his mother-in-law suspected that it was fake wine. All used to make a plate of drunk shrimp Finally know the truth Scared to death on the table

Look at the shrimp made from this wine you sent. It’s yellow. A look is fake and shoddy products I guess I can’t eat this plate of drunk shrimp. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let’s take it and pour it So as not to eat bad stomach That’s not good.

I believe that Idle is definitely not such a person. Don’t you eat this plate of drunken shrimp I’ll eat it. Old Guan will be here in a moment. Do you think the dishes on display are suitable for him? The voice did not fall

A man of the same age as Qiao Guotao walked in. Sitting at the table This is my old friend Just call him Uncle Guan If he’s in a good mood Send you two paintings Then you can be developed Laoguan Art of a National Brand

Even a random painting is worth millions and so on. I remember drunken shrimp is not Xiuyun Is your best dish? How today this is not to see my old Guan This is where you words There’s something wrong with this drunk shrimp’s wine game today.

It was old Joe who just recruited this fake wine from his good son-in-law. I’m afraid to eat bad stomach That’s why Lao Guan smelled it with his nose. Suddenly changed his face Quickly took the drunk shrimp from Pang Xiuyun’s hand to himself. Wait. You said it was made of fake wine Yeah

This shrimp can’t eat ah At this time of the old Guan can not take care of any etiquette He picked up the chopsticks and put a shrimp into his mouth. Old Guan, spit it out quickly If this spider is sick, it won’t be good. If you like it I’ll make you another one.

The entrance is fragrant and silky After a moment of endless aftertaste This is rareThe good wine I’m afraid it takes 50 years of old Maotai to have some taste. This word out All three of the Qiao family were stunned on the spot.

The old Maotai worth tens of millions was actually used to make a plate of drunk shrimp. violent things It’s just a waste of time. Xiuyun, do you have ore? I remember you were not still by the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce. Did you drag your 20 million arrears?

How do you turn your head and take 50-year-old Maotai? Such a waste 50-year-old Maotai Old Guan Are you sure there’s no mistake Are you kidding me? How could I be wrong Last time I drank this wine Or at the cultural exchange held in the imperial city three years ago.

The smell is to let me never forget ah I didn’t expect you to spoil it like this. This 50-year-old top Maotai It really hurts me to death Tang Xiuyun and Qiao Qiumeng’s mother and daughter were immediately full of embarrassment. Even if they are killed, they don’t believe in leisure.

A little prison guard can get hold of something so precious See, I’m just saying it’s not that kind of person How is it possible to send wine to fool me Qiao Xiumeng smiled awkwardly. left the table Then I told my best friend all about what happened to me. Lin. What a toad

Want to eat swan meat A small warning is also worthy of climbing you. Zhang Shao has been chasing you all along. Hey, I can’t help it either. It’s not all a dream forced by my family. You rest assured Tomorrow I will think of a way to make him look ugly.

So he’s embarrassed to pester you again. Really? Yuwen, it’s very kind of you Qi declined Qiao Botao’s stay here He was ready to return to the cloud given to him by the king of eternal night. Please take a break from the villa. Don’t go back on the way

When I was idle, I immediately felt something was wrong. Come on out. What do you want to do furtively I heard that you seem to have a very unusual relationship with Jade Xiaolong, right Today is the day you kneel down surrender Or do we break your limbs Take you away again

I have nothing to do with him You better not mess with me Or you’ll regret it Ha ha ha ha ha You’re just a little prison guard. Also dare to be rampant in front of us We are the king of terror The four heavenly kings under the beard

Still not quick to kneel down to grandpa kowtow to admit his mistake and die It’s all said Tell you not to mess with me It’s a suicide. After that, he strode away. It wasn’t long before Yu Xiaolong also came with the team. Looking at the four heavenly kings on the ground

Suddenly scared out of a cold sweat These four people Isn’t it the four heavenly kings that our military has a headache? Who can easily kill these four difficult guys It’s horrible. When idle ah One person autumn dream marriage development too fast We really need to cultivate feelings.

He’s meeting some friends at a sports club today. You also go with it I asked him to pick you up Ha ha ha ha ha Equivalent This is my best friend Li Yunwan You guys get to know each other Hello, hum Don’t dawdle Get in the car.

Zhang Shao, they are all waiting there Then the carp drove around at night The group soon arrived at the fencing club. I saw Zhang Shaojie and several rich boys waiting for a long time. Ha ha autumn dream cloud night You’re finally here. Right. Who is that man behind you Don’t ignore him.

He’s just a toad who just wants to eat swan meat. Bitch What did you say Do you believe it or not I’ll rip your mouth off Don’t be angry My best friend always talks like this. Don’t take it to heart Autumn dream, you don’t have to spoil him What is bullying a woman?

Have the ability to go in with me, Zhang Shaojie Zhang Shaoning really can say Laughing at West How could he be your opponent? That’s right, Zhang Shao You promised to help me get back from the black oil burn. How about 20 million arrears? Autumn dream you can rest assured

Although the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce is a big money man But they will give some of my Zhang Shaojie’s face. I already asked for you I believe they will give a response soon in these two days. Thank you, Zhang Shaohao Then I will accompany you in to do some gesticulations. Xi Waoxian

You’re crazy Zhang Shao is the third runner-up at the National Fencing Fans Exchange Conference. He just hit you Can give you to shit Men talk. Women shut up and go. Let’s start gesticulating quickly. Then wait The others came to the fencing club.

I saw Jade Xiaolong and Zhao Heilong also lining up on the stage. Isn’t that Zhao Yunxiu Is this guy chasing jade dragons It’s a bad sight. Zhao Heilong once disliked the bad food in the canteen in prison. The canteen was smashed.

Then he was carried to a telegraph pole and hanged for three days and three nights. In the end, it became Zhao Yunqiu Qi. See no. My belt of 24k pure gold It’s the glory of my infrastructure army. How about Hillbilly You must have never seen it before

I’m not interested in these fancy gold belts. Because the sword is used to kill I’m the second in charge of this prison. guarding the world’s most vicious prisoners This day came a guy who didn’t know whether to live or die Want to fight with me

But only to find that I was directly taken away by a silky series of moves. Swords are used to kill. Not for play. Without the strength of words Next time, don’t pretend to be forced in front of me. After that, the pliers directly threw away the sword in their hands. Ready to leave

The faces of the crowd at the scene all showed surprise. Impossible is absolutely impossible You must have used some kind of trick This is just a trick to win Zhang Shao It must be like this You must stay and apologize to Zhang Shao Naive and idle with a cold hum

Turn around and leave Because he doesn’t care about these boring guys. Right now. Jade Xiaolong also saw the back of seven leisure Also can’t walk God, the jade general I ‘ve admired for a long time has come to me. I should not be dreaming You are the dream of Jojo. General Jade

I am Qiao Qiumeng What can I do for you It’s okay. It turns out that this is the fiancee Qi is looking. Although it looks pretty But it’s still far from me. After that, Yu Xiaolong left with a neat team. Right now. Zhao Heilong also came up with two small places and said

Are you guys secretly saying that General Yu is not Mr. Zhao no no Even if we eat leopard bile I dare not speak ill of the general. no, it’s good If anyone let me hear anyone speak ill of General Jade I’ll kill him. That’s right. Brother Lung

The 20 million payment that Joe’s group was dragged to your company. Can you raise your hand? Put it away. 20 million little things also look for me. You handle a plate yourself Lao Tzu finished Zhao Heilong chased in the direction of Jade Xiaolong Jojo dreams of meeting such a big man.

Also scared for half a day speechless Zhang Shao Is that 20 million loan from our Joe’s group? Really don’t come back Xiong Meng, don’t worry Longge and I were joking just now I’m sure I’ll get this 20 million back tonight. Okay, thank you, Zhang Shao I’m not so angry. That guy runs fast

If he dares to pretend to force in front of General Jade What do you think will happen That also can’t be jade general hit shit ah Ha ha ha ha ha ha After leaving the fencing club He sat on the second head of Rolls Royce, who guarded Wang Wanjin in Zhonghai City.

Our Zhonghai City is a very strange disease. I’m afraid it’s not long. I am the richest man in Zhonghai City It is also thanks to his account that he has achieved today. I am willing to put my years of treasure to share with you Just please save his life

I think he is not no good But it depends on whether your baby is good or not. It’s the therapy line I ‘ve been secretly playing. Take you to experience the tenderness of Japanese girlfriend Still hot for his girlfriend The Shame of Treasure Island’s Girlfriend The other girlfriend’s strong.

There are thousands of girlfriends of all types you like. You can choose them. Remember to wear headphones when playing to experience the ultimate enjoyment Lower left corner when link line is open Single friends download it quickly All right. For the sake of you so sensible I’ll just go and have a look

Huang’s hand This is the hundred-year-old Polygonum multiflorum medicine I have found specifically for you. I have already adjusted it for you As long as you drink it You can get rid of the disease. Labor medicine Mr. Wang You have worked hard to see me these days. When I get well Must help medicine

Mr. Wang has more policy support. Support the development of our traditional medicine The royal hand is polite. Save people and cure diseases That’s just what we doctors do. Sure enough, ginger is still the old king of spicy medicine. Mr. Sun can directly take medicine to the disease Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Mr. Sun can’t even invite him if he has money. 11 Shut up. If you want to live a few more days That bowl of soup medicine is best not to drink Where did the bastard come from? What qualifications do you have to question the old drug Don’t be angry, Mr. Sun.

This is my good brother Qi et al festival Also please don’t take it to heart Mr. Wang, please take care of your brother. Otherwise, don’t blame me for not giving you the face of the richest man. In fact, what you have is not a strange disease. It’s someone who wants to hurt you.

If you drink this hundred-year-old medicine soup made of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. Instead, I won’t live for a few days. Smelly boy What are you talking about You’re not going to be grandstanding in front of the old man. Do you think I’m not as good as you Mr. Wang

If you don’t discipline your brother Don’t blame me for not giving you face Wang Wanjin also gave a wry smile. Where does he dare to discipline the prison devil Since you want to die Then drink it I won’t stop you Royal hands don’t have to be on the heart This bastard.

I just want to find some sense of existence in front of the old man. You can rest assured to continue to drink medicine All right, Doctor Sun. Then Huang Wen, a veteran, drank the soup in one gulp. Moment later The body feels comfortable.

Ha ha, the king of medicine is not the kui is the king of medicine This medicine soup is directly to the disease Except I feel so much more comfortable now Doctor Sun is really Hua Tuo alive. That’s awesome. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Doctor Sun is a miracle in the medical profession. Young man.

You see how healthy I am now What do you have to say now You’re too early to be happy You’ll be dead in ten seconds If I’m okay in ten seconds You kneel down and kowtow to Sun 11 to admit your mistake 54321. Save me ah ah

Sun Qingxuan saw this behind the scenes Suddenly the whole person is stupid Then he stabbed the wolf again. It’s a hammer again. It’s been a long time. No effect at all Because he knows If you really put the royal hand to death. That oneself also can’t escape Your medicine is very good

It’s a pity that his sympathy can’t stand the size of Polygonum multiflorum for a hundred years. It is strange that such a tonic soup will not die after drinking it. This little gentleman also please comment Little Mr. I just talked too much. Please forgive me a lot Look at the royal hand

Over the years, I have worked hard to contribute to society. Also ask you to help And at the moment, they are indeed blind to Taishan Mingxiu. Let’s give it a royal hand. Lao Wang I have a lot of projects here that don’t need royal guards for the town. All right.

For the sake of his contribution to society Then I’ll help him Then take the lead He kicked Huang Wenlang out with one foot. Huang Wenlang hit the wall In an instant, a mouthful of blood spit out. I’m the second in charge of this prison. guarding the world’s most vicious prisoners

Today, I am affected by Wang Wanjin Soto, the richest man in Shanghai. came to the hospital bed Treat strange diseases for the royal family I gave the shooter a kick. The shooter flew out on the spot. hit the wall Then one bite of blood spit out Royal guard Are you all right?

Is it idle How dare you not want to treat Even if you miss How dare you hit someone? Stop it. Xiu was rude to his husband. This master is saving me Not hit me Then Sun Qingxuan hurried to the side of the congestion. pick up a little with a piece of paper

Put it to your nose. Smell it. This fish blood is poisonous. Not the kui is the king of medicine It smells good. It’s really toxic inside. And not the usual poison. Thank you, Mr. Qi, for saving my life Please worship me. All right, all right. No need to kowtow

You will continue to contribute more to society It’s the best reward for me. Okay. Mr. Qi I hope Mr. Qi can give me a chance Take me as a disciple I would like to follow Master Qi study art well To serve the motherland in the future Excuse me.

I don’t have time now. Let’s talk about it later. Right now. I suddenly got a phone call At first glance, it was Li Yunwan who called It’s not good to be idle Autumn Dream is being filled with drinks now. Come and save him. I wanted to refuse on the spot. But suddenly remembered

When he was kicked out by the Qi family In their most sad time It was Joe who dreamed of giving himself a lollipop. Let him ignite the hope of life Okay, I’ll be right over Secretly tell you Click on the lower left corner to download seven cat novels Search peerless dragon

Unlock the story of the first scene for free in advance. Mr. Yu, I have finished all three drinks. Can you repay the 20 million you owe our company? Now that you ‘ve had three Then I’ll return the 3 million first. You don’t speak credit Joe can’t say that. I just said

I’ll pay you back if you drink it. I didn’t say how much. Let’s do this. Joe total You dried this drink in one breath. I will return the 20 million payment to you directly without any difference. What do you think Chief Yu, I really can’t drink any more

You can return my 3 million first Oh, now that you’re here How can you not drink it? You have to drink today. If you don’t drink, you have to drink. Yu Zong, please give me a face Mengmeng really can’t drink any more today. What are you? To be old I give you face

He does not drink Maybe you drink Joe, I gave you a chance. See if you can hold it yourself. I saw Joe dream without saying a word I picked up the big bottle of drink and drank it gurgling. But his stomach betrayed him. Because it really can’t fit

Mr. Yu, I really can’t drink any more. Let me go to the toilet and adjust my condition. No, hurry back to me You must give me all this drink in one minute Otherwise, you won’t get any money back. Mr. Yu, please let me go. I really can’t drink no more

I ‘ve changed my mind now You must have another bottle now. You roll Yu Kaihe was so angry that his eyes were red Give Qiao Qiao Meng a direct kick He was kicked and passed out on the spot. How dare you beat me up Lao tze see you are impatient to live

Good night, Mengmeng is in big trouble. Maybe. Today will kill people is in this period Kick open the box door and broke in Come up, hurry up, right For opening a box is a big mouth to drink your sister to drink If you want to drink, you won’t drink it yourself.

Boy, who are you? How dare you hit me? Do you know that you ‘ve already made a big deal? It’s none of my business whether you drink or not But bullying my wife That’s open to question. bully your wife What can you do to me We’re from the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

Zhao Heilong is our boss What Zhao loach’s men When is a woman who is qualified to bully my wife? Ah ah ah Cut the crap Hurry up and take out the 20 million you owe the Joe family. Or I’ll kill you today Smelly boy Do you want to owe Think crazy It’s crazy.

Your whole family will not live Ah ah ah no The landlord you say again I don’t mind Let you disappear directly from the earth Uncle, please stop fighting I really can’t take out the money. All right, then you go back Let Zhao loach give me the 20 million payment Get ready.

I’ll come and see him in person later. I won’t worry later. You don’t get out of here if you kill your hands. What are you doing here? Don’t you two wait You don’t want to die You know you just hit them so hard. How serious are the consequences? Shut up.

If I hadn’t arrived in time Both of you may have gone to hell to report I have work to go first You’ll have to find your own way to get her home. Then Li Yu called Zhang Shaojie in the evening. Let him send Joe Joe’s dream back to Joe’s house. The next morning

Come to Joe’s house I saw Zhang Shaojie sitting beside Qiao Qiao Meng. At this time, Qiao Qiumeng just woke up. Qiu Meng, it’s good that you’re okay. You rest assured Is that I have brought you back Want to see more exciting content of the old iron Don’t spend any more money.

Click on the lower left corner to download seven cat novels Search peerless strong dragon to read the whole book for free There’s also a great urban drama. Must be fantasy Ancient romance and other themes Click on the lower left corner and try it quickly. I’m the second in charge of this prison.

Guarding the world’s most vicious prisoners It’s the same as me fighting the river on my own. Save in time but don’t In the end, Zhang Shaojie took the credit. Qiu Meng, it’s good that you’re okay. I have brought you back Urgent and Idle Where the hell have you been this punk

Mengmeng encountered such a dangerous thing I can’t believe you’re hiding When the little head turtle What did Zhang Shaojie save? What the hell is going on here You still have the face to ask Yesterday Mengmeng went to the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce’s Yu Kai and recovered the arrears.

As a result, the other party was filled with drinks. If it weren’t for Sister Zhang’s timely appearance I saved the dream. What will happen to him? Equivalent Since I gave you the autumn dream to take care Then you have to take the responsibility uncle and aunt

You two don’t have to be too polite Am I good friends with Qiu Meng? This is what I should do Autumn Dream was saved by me from Yu Kaihe When did it become your credit? Yes, yes, yes. This has nothing to do with me In fact, it’s all thanks to the Qi brothers.

Zhang Shaojie’s move to retreat Pang Xiuyun’s dissatisfaction with his leisure directly reached the peak. Did you really save me last night? Dreams are not me. Can Qi still save you? Qiu Meng was rescued by Zhang Shao last night. Your father and I saw it with our own eyes last night, didn’t we?

I also seem to remember something Thank you very much Zhang Shao Weekend I asked Li Yun to send you back yesterday evening. You don’t believe You can ask him Rest assured I’ll ask Speak of the devil. Right now. Li Yun also called in the evening. So you came

It happened that you went with me yesterday. You don’t drink much Should remember things clearly You tell me the truth Who the hell saved me last night Autumn Dream You really don’t remember anything I drank a bottle of coke yesterday Really don’t remember

Yesterday it was Zhang Shao who rescued you from opening the box. Zhang Shao looks at opening the box Want to do something to you He and all his men were beaten up. Zhang Shaoreally is a hero and a teenager. Is it idle Do you hear me? Let’s see how you justify it.

It is useless to know how to explain it now. Because he has seen it Li Yunwan and Zhang Shaojie have colluded Want to embarrass yourself So also too lazy to explain Straight away from Joe’s house This Qi Waxian is really a loser Nothing has been done

Even want to rob the credit of investment promotion I believe there must be some misunderstanding Dang-hyun is not that kind of person Right now. Qiao Guodong, Qiao Guotao’s eldest brother He also brought his daughter to Joe’s house. Guo Tao, you can’t discipline your daughter well. Let her get out all day

Do you know how much trouble this will cause our group Eldest brother have something to say Don’t get angry as soon as you come up. Your daughter went to talk business with Mr. Yu of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce yesterday.

As a result, I drank too many bottles and knocked Yu’s head open. The Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce is also due to this. Vetoed the 20 million of our company’s payment. How can our company operate? In my opinion He doesn’t deserve to be president of our Joe’s group.

Who said Qiu Meng was not worthy to be the president of the Qiao family? Now that things have happened I believe Autumn Dream will handle it It will not affect the company’s business. Then I’ll give you three days to figure this out If you can’t solve it, you will step down consciously.

Let my daughter Joe Qingyu take his place I’ll take care of it The other side Idle has returned to the prison office I practiced calligraphy. Right now. Wang Wanjin called And the current royal guard is very sorry for the last incident. So I went with Mr. Sun Qingxuan specially.

Receive in person at the gate of Tiandi Hotel You Would like to have a meal with you I’ll be at Huang’s hand in a minute. You eat here too. Who are you? I don’t know your royal hand I’m Shaodong from Zhang’s Group I had tea with you last time. Go away, go away.

Don’t hang out here. Today’s young people really have no bottom line. Zhang Shaojie knows the relationship between random climbing This will not work Then I had to go back to Joe’s house. Zhang Shao didn’t expect you to have such a relationship with Huang Sishou. It’s really great ha ha

It’s all thanks to my father. This is nothing Royal Hand What kind of distinguished guests are you waiting for here? I’m afraid it’s a big leader waiting for the province to come down. If I could be the one who made the royal capital The big man to be greeted outside the hotel gate.

That’s a lot of scenery. Excuse me. Am I a little too late Mr. Qi It’s very kind of you It doesn’t matter Can you come here? I’m satisfied The royal hand is right. Who is this little brother? Why haven’t I seen this is my savior, Qi Zhangxian

My life is the little brother he saved. It’s really young and promising. President Sun I heard my men say There is a man named Zhang Shaojie Their real estate company has a huge deficit. It’s about to go bankrupt. Even if you lend them money

It is estimated that it is also powerless to return to the sky. Huang’s hand is really a golden eye I saw the problem at a glance. Of course I won’t lend money to Chang’s Group. Mr. Qi Tell you the truth I need your help with one more thing this time

What can I do for the royal hand? Just say it. No need to beat around the bush My little girl is sick Medical for many years. Even Mr. Sun can’t be cured Therefore, I would like to ask Master Qi to give it a try. Mr. Sun can’t cure the disease Yeah.

So please also Mr. Qi Can you come to the rescue line I will take a look at it when I have the chance. Right now. Li Yu passed by the super vip private room of Tiandi Hotel in the evening. I accidentally saw Qi et al. Xian and Huang Wenlang Wang Wanjin

Sun Qingxuan sat at the dinner table one by one I just looked at the carp balls How is this possible? He was the one the royal hand had just greeted outside. Li Wan excitedly prepared to tell the news to Qiao Qiao Meng Found Zhang Shaojie is introducing them to a profitable investment project.

We, Zhang’s Real Estate, have just decided to increase our capital and expand our shares. Mengmeng, do you want to think about Zhang Shao You’re not kidding us To increase capital and expand shares Is your company short of funds? Of course not. Our company is ready to go public. is preparing to issue shares

I bet if you buy You just need to wait for dividends. If it weren’t for our good relationship I’m not going to talk to you about this. Several people in the Joe family heard such a good opportunity to make money. Can’t help some surprised

They all want to invest to make a lot of money. Not even knowing it was a scam. Zhang Shao, count me in I ‘ve contributed 10 million to subscribe for some shares. Good to say good to say You and Mengmeng are girlfriends. I give you this face

I will give you 10% more in proportion. Enough fun Zhang, I am willing to contribute 20 million to subscribe for shares. Good dream dream I’ll give you 15% more for the shares you subscribed. Zhang Shao is really too atmospheric This period of time thanks to your care and help for autumn dream

My aunt is welcome. This is what I should do Wait. I have a good news here Should be able to make you some money You get all the money out We invest together. Uncle Joe doesn’t know what business it is. Can make you so sure

Zhang Shaojie’s Zhang Real Estate is ready to go public. It is said that this is inside information It hasn’t been revealed yet. He made a point of telling us the news. Let’s make big money with them If that’s the case It’s better not to buy their shares. Zhang’s group has a serious deficit

Will be bankrupt at any time I estimate that Zhang Shaojie is mostly making money. Ready to run. What Idle You’re not kidding This Chelsea man with gold feet Cheating the mother-in-law of the second master into a mess. The mother-in-law’s family not only took out all their own

He continued to call all his relatives and friends around him. All fall into this man’s trap Uncle Qiao, you must not fuck Zhang Shaojie When their company is going bankrupt What Idle You’re not kidding Is it idle I think you’re talking nonsense. Zhang Shao will not deceive us Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You can rest assured We grew up watching Zhang Shao grow up He’s not gonna lie to us Uncle Joe, I really didn’t lie to you Today, when I was having dinner with Huang’s hand The farts they said themselves You’re a little second-class guard. Can also let the royal guard invite you to dinner

Is it idle Please stop bragging Cows are blown to heaven by you While everyone is blaming the idle One side of Li Yunwan is silent Because he remembered I did see it at the World Hotel. The line of eating with royal guards and others. Since you don’t believe me

Then I don’t have to advise you After that, he was angry. At this time, Li Yunwan also followed up In front of the idle Why are you standing in front of me I’m in a bad mood right now How did you know the Chang Group was going bankrupt?

Ready to roll money to run away I already said it once I guess you’re not deaf I believe what you say I ‘ve decided to withdraw the 10 million shares I bought in the Cheung Group. Whatever. I’m curious When they don’t believe what I say Why would you choose to believe me

In fact, I have been watching you Including lying today Put your credit on Zhang Shaojie’s head. In fact, I also want to see your performance. After my careful observation Found that you are really a good man Watch me forget it Don’t flatter me here. I’m not used to listening

Master, go to Genting Villa What kind of leisure to live in Genting Villa It’s the top rich area in the middle of the ocean. It seems that this guy is really a hidden boss. I just returned to the big villa in Genting Villa. Prepare to take a break

But there was a knock at the door. Wait for a look through the crack of the door It’s Jade Little Is this woman sick? I can’t believe I caught up here. Come and bother me, Prince Yongye Is Mr. Doe at home? I am Chinese Lieutenant General Yu Xiaolong.

I ‘ve admired you for a long time This time I came to thank you for helping us solve the King of Terror. The Four Heavenly Kings I am too lazy to pay attention to it Lying directly in bed and sleeping Ha ha, Yu Xiaolong never responded to each other.

Disappointed himself turned and left Jade General How about Have you seen the King of the Night? No, the King of Eternal Night doesn’t seem to want to see me. He may have felt too guilty because of what happened back then. That’s why I don’t want to come out and meet people.

I hope he can get out of the haze soon. The country needs people like him. It’s not good to wait Mengmeng went to the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce to find a way out and solve the problem. Do you want to help him? For the sake of Joe’s kindness to me.

I’ll help him one more time Joe, you’re really on time. I’m really sorry for what happened the day before yesterday. Please forgive me a lot. At this time, Yu opened the box and took out a room card from his pocket. Handed to Qiao Qiumeng

Qiao Qiumeng looked at the room card in his hand. Also a face of doubt The Prime Minister What does this mean If you want me to forgive you But first you have to follow me to the next hotel. Show your sincerity Let’s wait on me when I’m in place.

Oh, I’m happy. I’ll forgive you Mr. Yu, this is not appropriate, is it I’m a married man It’s okay. I won’t abandon you Yu Zong can discuss other things well. But this is really not a good thing. Ah, bitch. I gave you a face, didn’t I

It’s really a toast, not to eat and punish Yu Qianhe grabbed Joe Dream directly. Just drag him to the left next door. Joe had a dream and his throat was almost broken. Also did not play any role If you dare to do anything excessive to me

I will definitely call the police to arrest you Hum, who dares to catch me? I’m waiting for the suspect to kick off the opening and closing directly. This moment Suddenly the surrounding crowd were stunned I think you don’t like the big bowl of noodles. Must eat a big bowl of prison rice

Autumn dream, are you all right I’m all right Oh, my God. This kid dares to mention Mr. Yu of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce. This can be a good show Yeah, yeah, yeah This time even Jesus came. Can’t save him Is it idle You he meow dead

How dare you hit me at the door of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce? Our boss will not let you go when he recruits the black dragon. Hi Waiting Fairy You run Run as far as you can You’re really in trouble this time. I’ll stall him for you He’s right.

You ‘ve caused a lot of trouble. Ah, then you have to tell me how big it is. How big is the goods? You’ll find out in a minute Ha ha ha Qiao Qiumeng knew that something big was coming soon. It was not good. So he grabbed the mobile phone from Yu Kaihe’s hand.

In front of the idle said Hi Equivalent You go I’m about to lose it. Take Cao Chong’s mobile phone directly from his dream. It was thrown directly to Yu Open Box He wants to call their boss Zhao Black Dragon Just let him fight Don’t be afraid of Qi Wait, think you’re crazy

Zhao Heilong is famous for being inhuman. If he comes We both have to die Hey, boss. Someone is doing something at the gate of our Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce. Come quickly. What, someone dares to make trouble in front of my Zhao Mouren’s house? I’ll be right over Qi et hyun You run

If you don’t run, it’s really too late. I’ll help you with the top Can you stand it? What do you take to the top Right now. Zhao Heilong took his younger brother to fight the monster angrily. Chairman Zhao You are finally here It’s been years since nobody dared me

Zhao Heilong’s company did something at the gate. Tell me what the hell is going on here Chairman Zhao Here’s the thing Last time Joe’s supplied us with goods of 20 million value. Quality is not good I refused the request for payment I didn’t think he would give up. Ready to seduce me

But I refused on the spot. He refused and called her husband over. Just beat me up Chairman Zhao Don’t listen to him It was when he made a move on me My husband can’t watch it anymore. Stop it Do you think I need to care who is right and who is wrong?

The man who hit me at the gate of my Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce is your fault. Who is right and who is wrong Lao tze don’t care about the boss wise Boss Mighty Right now. Zhao Heilong took off his eyes and took a look. It was Qi’s leisure.

The great demon was immediately so scared that he almost became incontinent. Because he never forgot the paint. Wait for 1 year. The scene of hanging him from a telephone pole for three days and three nights. He meow is actually Qi Idle This great devil.

The man in front of me who was tied to a telephone pole by the second boss. It was the boss of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce who recruited the Black Dragon. It is said that this person is a well-known ruthless person in Zhonghai City. But in front of the two heads

He’s only worthy of being a poor little loach. On this day his younger brother opened the river. But in front of Zhao Heilong, he offended the second woman in charge. Brother Lung This is the boy who hit me at the gate of our Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

You must make the decision for me Zhao Heilong took off his glasses took a look It was found that Qi and others disliked the Great Devil King. He was so scared that he almost became incontinent. What? Yu Kai and this bastard dare to beat the wife of the second master.

Is this the rhythm that wants to kill Lao Zi? Then Zhao Feilong gave my fish a direct blow and a heavy blow. Just open and press the fish to the ground. It took half an hour to feel less. This scene directly stunned Joe’s dream. Boss, you have the wrong person I hit you

I’ll pay you It’s for you to work at the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce. It’s not for you to run around with my reputation. At this time, opening the box is also a face of meng force Dare not to force more Because he didn’t know why his boss suddenly changed his face.

Joe is always really embarrassed This guy makes you unhappy I am deeply grateful It’s okay, it’s okay It’s very kind of you, sir. Joe always sorry It’s my fault I ‘ve been single for so long. I didn’t control myself for a while. That’s why I offended you. Been single for too long.

I don’t know. Find a girlfriend. It’s not that I don’t want to find Can’t find it Can’t find it is you didn’t find the right place You can go to the next Ailiang Can chat with beautiful women to relieve boredom Can also find the object

The photos of beautiful women above are all real people. beautiful and gentle good character The key beauties are generous when chatting. You see, just for a moment There are a lot of household registration beauty take the initiative to say hello to me

Recently, many new beauties have moved in anxious to take off the list. The conditions are very low. Single brothers between 25 and 45 years old are welcome. Thanks, boss. I’m going to check it out. Joe always looks back.

I will ask the company to settle the 20 million payment owed to you Joe’s family. After all, this is indeed our illegal I’ll pay you double the agreed penalty. All right. Thank you, President Zhao Zhao Heilong also has been afraid to look at the face of leisure

Afraid of being caught in prison again. So I had to pretend that he didn’t know Xiaolong. I have something urgent here Let’s go first. Uh-huh. Then Zhao Heilong slipped into his Rolls-Royce Turn around and run away Just at this moment Zhang Shaojie is also a big monster dream Are you all right?

I heard something happened on your side. I came running right over I’m all right It’s okay. If they dare to continue to default or give you a hard time. I, Zhang Shaojie, will never let them go. Zhang Shaogang just won’t Is it you who called President Zhao

At this time, Zhang Shaojie was stunned. Don’t know what happened But she still did not hesitate to prepare to take the credit That’s right. I called It was you. I will say why President Zhao’s attitude suddenly changed It was Brother Zhang You give him a call Call President Zhao

It’s just a matter of lifting a finger I just said a few words to him casually. You can talk to Zhao Heilong Must have paid a great price I really don’t know how to repay Zhang Maiden Ink and ink, this is nothing at all. As long as it can help you

Even if it is to let me Zhang Shaojie for you I would also like The side of the idle I ‘ve never seen such a face thicker than the city wall. So I couldn’t help but snort Laugh out loud What are you laughing?

If it weren’t for Zhao less a phone call to save us just now We have already reported to the King of Hell. Don’t hurry up and come here Thank you, Zhang Shao I’m too lazy to explain anything to this ignorant woman. Then turn around and leave Wait, you’re back.

I bought this 3 million valuable share of Zhang’s Group for you. After that, you will wait to eat dividends with us. It’s all thanks Zhang Shao now has seven aunts and eight aunts to thank us If he hadn’t revealed the good news. How can we catch up with this bonus?

Uncle Qiao, how much did you spend altogether? We have cast a total of about 30 million Plus the relatives we ‘ve talked. A total of about 60 million By the way, I know all about what happened today. You don’t stand up for power to help Qiu Meng. Very responsible and responsible

I appreciate the leisure In fact, we say that you also hate iron but not steel. Why don’t you go to work in our Joe’s group? I’ll ask Uncle Joe to arrange for you to start with a salesman at the bottom. Aunt Tang That won’t be necessary I have my own plan Uh-huh.

Not good. We can’t get our money. Zhuhai Bank is dragging its hands and refusing to lend money. What’s going on? Didn’t you reach a settlement with the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce today? Why aren’t they willing to lend? I’ll take care of it I know Sun Xinzhang, president of China Shipping Bank.

I asked him to speak He probably won’t refuse Sun Xinzhang, President Sun is also something you can afford. its isotropy Please, can you make a draft before you brag? Ha ha, let me solve this matter Zhang Shao, maybe you have a way

Sun Xinzhang, president of China Shipping Bank, gave us a loan 2 billion. Zhang’s Group Watching him beg dad to sue grandma begging us My dad just agreed to take it I’m going to ask him to solve this matter. I’m sure it’s no problem. Thank you very much, Zhang Shao

I will repay you well when I have the chance. The jones are so gullible Anyway, Lao Zi will probably run to the United States in two days. There’s no harm in lying to them before they leave. I didn’t pay much attention to it when I was idle.

He went directly to a restaurant with Li Yunwan to eat. What he didn’t expect was Actually, I met Xiaolong in this proud snow. Why did you suddenly come to Zhuhai I’m here to annex Xiang’s group. It is said that Humen Group is also suppressing Xiang’s Group recently. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Humen Group seems to have no more assets than Xiang’s Group Why can they hold down Xiang’s group? Humen Group has Longmen as its backer. Do you think they can press against the group? That’s no surprise You want chestnuts from the fire Now is indeed a good time

After listening to the side of Qi I couldn’t help sighing silently for Xiang’s group. Because Xiang Lei, founder of Xiang’s Group It’s the investors who funded their own construction of the Youdu Prison. East Ray has embezzled some big warlord A batch of uniforms worth hundreds of millions of dollars

As a result, the face was left only to Xiang Lei and his sister, Xiang Xiang Two lives also East ray out of guilt He gave up the position of chairman to Dongqing. What are you thinking Maybe you still want to help Xiang’s group out of trouble How do you know

Xiang’s group is kind to me. I do have to help I promised Xiang Donglei to do it at the right time. Help Xiang’s group’s eastward situation Then he came to Xiang’s group. I’m looking for your chairman, Xiang Xiang Please, sir. do you have an appointment No. I came from Dongmei

We told the total Anyone associated with East Ray. One of our lawyers does not receive Mr. Please go back. He was ignored. Flashed straight in Because Idle has sensed that something is wrong. Then he blasted open the door of the chairman. I saw a strange man covered in homemade mines.

The lighter has been lit in his hand have prepared for the worst Don’t move. If you take one more step I will die with you Pay attention to the eyesBefore this man is not afraid of death All tied up with bombs And he pulled out a lighter Ready to detonate at any time

What kind of grudge For him to be able to do such extreme behavior No one is allowed to come here If anyone dares to come one more step I’ll die with him Mr. Wen, it’s useless for you to force me like this.

Blame it on your new electronics factory’s product quality is not up to standard East please you this smelly woman Don’t you want to give me a little way to live? I will not sign the contract. It’s no use forcing me Since this is the case We’ll all die together. Okay, okay.

Anyway, I survived to the east Qin Gate This is a fluke I’m dead so I can be with my parents earlier. At this time of the idle is also speechless I can’t think of East Love in this life-and-death situation. Can still be so weird East, please, you bitch.

I advise you not to push me What did you ink Hurry up and press it. Big deal we die together At this time, Wen always shivered with anger. So directly lit the fuse in the hand Ha ha, I am a factory owner

Dragging you, the boss of a group with a net worth of billions, to die together. I’m worth it in my life. Driving Who are you? Why do you want to help me I’m your brother East Vito, I’ll help you I don’t need help Please go back.

I don’t really want to take care of this shit. Look at Dong Lei’s contribution to help me build the prison. I just reluctantly agreed Do you know if I don’t help you You are now sitting on a large group worth billions of dollars. Soon it will be over. You’re not lying here anymore.

I don’t believe I know you’re being held down by the gantry I also know that the people of the imperial city Xu family are ready to enter and join hands. Even even the jade dragons Everyone seems to be interested in the big cake of Xiang’s group. Even so

You’re just a little prison guard. Take what to help me I naturally have a way to help you I now need a position lurking in your company But the position can’t be too low, okay Then I will serve you as Deputy Minister of Xiang Shi Group Just sign it.

So I took the contract I signed my own big one directly. Then he turned and left Then I came to China Shipping Bank I’m going to get back the 20 million of money from Joe’s Group. Please, sir. What business do you want to handle

I’m here to recover the 20 million payment from Joe’s Group. It turned out to be to collect debts Our manager Zhang ordered You take this suit over Let the ball dream put on Then ask him to come and talk to our manager Zhang in detail.

You he meow incredibly dare to block the payment You don’t want Right now. Zhang Zilong, manager of China Shipping Bank, came over. What is the person How dare you run wild in my China Shipping Bank Don’t want to live Manager Zhang You are here. How dare he beat your assistant in our bank

Don’t be afraid Now there’s a big brother I am in no one dare to touch you Now manager Zhang is here Smelly little son Niu Dong is beating me in front of him. Why do you dare not to give the principal face You better give me a reasonable explanation today

Or I’m gonna bankrupt Joe’s today Then I’ll give you a chance Darling put on this suit Give me half an hour to run on the street Then I will take care of the payment for the goods of Qiao’s family. Who do you think you are What if I say no

Then I’ll have to ask Governor Sun to handle the matter. Then I made a direct phone call to Sun Xingzhang. Three minutes later Bank President Sun Xinjiang came in a hurry. President Sun You have come There’s a little punk here I was just about to take care of him. Mr. Qi

Let you see the ugly I’m not strict That’s why I let this kind of outspoken mix come out of my hands. President Sun What are you doing here I’m a confidant of your company. You bastard. Lao Zi beat you to apologize to Mr. Qi on your knees. Believe it or not

I’m gonna fire you right now Although Sun Xinzhang does not know the origin of the other party But seeing the bank president gave him three points of face. I know that the other party is definitely not easy. Mr. Qi I was wrong I’ll call someone right away

Pay the 20 million of the Joe’s group. Please don’t remember the little people It’s not that simple Unless you can run three laps down the street in this dress. Makes me happy I will forgive you Mr. Qi Can you change the way This is too embarrassing

I don’t want to say the same thing twice. It’s up to you Then Zhang Zilong took the women’s clothing. running around the bank gate The crowd around them all burst out laughing. good, good You look good in women’s clothing Don’t wear it next time. Mr. Qi I’m really sorry

I’ll personally arrange the payment for the Joe Group. Good. The company has received 20 million yuan. Oh, my God. The payment has finally come down Zhang Shao, your efficiency is too fast, isn’t it A few hours to help me solve the problem of payment Zhang Shaojie is also confused at this time.

Don’t know what’s going on Mengmeng, since I promised you It will be done This is nothing at all Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Autumn dream why are you so happy Maybe the matter of payment for goods has been settled Yeah.

Thanks to Zhang’s lack of payment for goods, it can be done so easily. Did it ever occur to you This may not be done by Zhang Shaojie Not Zhang Shao Who else could it be For example, your old cock is idle now. How is that possible

He’s just a little prison guard who hasn’t seen the world. How could he be so capable Mengmeng, since you don’t realize how good it is That’s no wonder I took my love from Qi Are you stupid If you do good deeds, you don’t know how to stay in the cloud.

Uncle Joe has been so kind to me I help Joe’s family and Qiu Meng do a little thing This is nothing Do you know the credit you helped Qiu Meng get the loan? It was counted in Zhang Shaojie’s head again. Today dream also personally called Zhang Shaojie expressed gratitude to her

Go on like this I think your head will be green. These two are really imaginative. a thick-skinned It’s really a pair of Wolong Phoenix chicks Who says no? Here, I’ll give you a toast Wait, I’m gonna go to the bathroom I then waited and went to the toilet. Prepare the drainage paint.

Next to a strange man directly into the urine Hey, it’s on me. If you do this again Don’t blame me for being unkind to you Second, go to the toilet. Unexpectedly, he was given a face by a man of low quality. And the other side is also happy to whistle

Pretending to be like nothing happened. Hey You peed on me Can you watch the dog? Are you bored It’s your honor to pee Lao Zi is an executive of Humen Group. Leopard elder brother is idle also said nothing Just press Brother Bao’s brain directly into the urine tank

Then Wang Bao was served by the second master. Grunting and drinking You’re really big in the woods Any bird has leisure. What took you so long I thought you were afraid I ‘d let you pay the bill So I broke my urine in advance. Don’t say it. Let’s get out of here

If you don’t go for a while, you might get in trouble. What trouble Then I saw Wang Bao with his younger brother. Quickly surround the leisure and Li Yunwan. Stop Nobody wants to leave today. Brother Bao, what happened? This little bastard. He just moved his hand at Lao Zi in the toilet.

Don’t you know him Brother Bao, I don’t know this little pimp. But he offended you Is my enemy I’ll do it for Brother Bao now. You teach him a good lesson Brother Bao, right Why didn’t you drink wine in the toilet just now? Drink some more, little bastard.

Did you know that Lao Tzu is from the Humen Group? The chairman of Humen Group is Lao Tzu’s uncle. You’re from the Humen Group How about Do you know that you are afraid? Once it is realized, climb under Lao tze’s crotch quickly. Then leave the calf next to you for me.

If he can serve me happily tonight I can just forget it happened Brother Bao, in fact, she and I are just ordinary friends. Not a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship Then I don’t care If you can’t do the conditions I said. Then you will not walk out of the gate alive today.

Brother Bao Yun Wan is my good friend. Do you think you can give me a face Don’t implicate things to Yun Wan Hello ha ha Did you hear what Zhang Shao said? He actually asked me to give him a face. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha What bullshit

Zhang Shou really took himself as a spring onion. And no pee Take a picture of yourself. What the hell? Right now. Jing Jie, the wife of shop-owner in the store, also came with a drink. After seeing him, everyone was honest. Many What makes you so unhappy? Jing Jie, I know the rules here

But this matter is not my pick of the head It’s a little punk Hit me And put my head in the urine trough He’s right. It’s just what he looked for first. You hit Brother Bao Is your wrong Come and kneel down to apologize to Brother Bao What are you?

Is this teaching me to do things If you have to jump out and pull the rack Then don’t blame me for not giving you the wife of shop-owner’s face. Young man. I’m going to see how you don’t give me face today. Just as the war was about to start

Yu Xiaolong in the next-door bay called Jing Jie. Jing Jie’s incident today gave me Yu Xiaolong a face. Let’s just say I owe you a favor. Now that you ‘ve spoken, General Jade Then can I not say yes Jing Jie this is how to say

Wang Bao, you’re in the bathroom and you’re pissing on somebody else. There was something wrong. Someone called me about this today. Let’s call it a day Well, then I’ll give you a face today for Jing Jie. If there is another one’s face I won’t even finish Wang Bao retreated with all his men.

At this time, Li Yunwan also sighed deeply. You just called Jing Jie That’s right. If I hadn’t made that call. You’re probably eight pieces by now. You really think they’re the ones you can piss off I think you got it wrong Whether it is the Wang Bao or the realm

I didn’t even pay attention If they hadn’t even run away I have to teach them a lesson You ‘d better not say such words in front of people Otherwise, I don’t know how to die by then. Do you know how powerful the backer behind Jing Jie is?

Then I ‘d like to see how good his backer is. Jing Jie also told all about what just happened here. Own big backer Ye Feng After hearing this, Ye Feng was not happy on the spot. What, this little rabbit is eating leopard bravery Even my Ye Feng woman dare to bully

Or give General Yu a face Don’t make a big deal out of it. General Jade’s face must be given But I ‘d like to warn you and teach you a lesson. This little eyed boy Lao tze, I was beaten in prison 2 years ago.

No one dares to look down on me so blatantly Then Ye Feng He Jing elder sister took her hands down to the front of the rest And the rest is just looking at the newspaper. Didn’t pay any attention to them Smelly boy Are you the one who contradicted my woman?

I won’t embarrass you You put down the newspaper right now. Since the penalty of three cups Then kneel down and apologize to Jing Jie Let it go He’s meowing. Are you deaf? Mr. Ye Stand You sit Who do you think you are Mr. Ye Don’t be angry

My friend, he just drank too much Said is drunk talk Also please don’t mind I certainly don’t mind Otherwise, I wouldn’t have given him the chance What are you to give me a chance Whining It’s annoying. What, isn’t this a fucking ride? How could he be here




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