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Ariana Grande Went Too Far 😳

Ariana Grande Went Too Far 😳

Ariana Grande just released her new song yes and and fans are not happy the song has some suggestive lyrics which cause people on Twitter and Tik Tok to call Ariana out by saying that she’s victimizing herself and taking zero accountability for her actions one of her lyrics says your business is yours

And mine is mine why do you care so much who’s di why do you so much and while some people were praising her for the clever and ingenious lyric others were saying that this is beyond disrespectful to Ethan Slater’s ex-wife as many have claimed that Ariana is responsible for

Tearing apart their relationship ship



  1. It's funny because she's not even that pretty, just rich and famous, the wife looks better tbh😂

  2. First of all i dont get ppl saying that she tore them apart like tf the guy was 99% responsible cuz he knew he had a wife and children like fr….the dude cheated and at the moment it seemed to be her but he could have done it with anyone….so he is the main hOmeWrEcKeR

  3. Penso che le persone dovrebbero farsi i fatti loro, avete una vita no?! nessuno dovrebbe mettere il naso nella vita privata di uno.. che comunque non la conoscete.Lei e una "Grande " cantante ha talento e questo è tutto quello che conta.

  4. SHE CANT STEAL ANYONE SHES LITERALLY INNOCENT LMAO HE IS A HUMAN LEAVE HER ALONE SHES NOT A HOMEWRECKER OK ITS ETHANS MARRIAGE NOT HERS SHE DIDNT DO ANYTHING. If she dumps him, so? Let her have a relationship if she wants. Stop wasting ur energy on this and if you don’t like the song ✨skip it✨. If you really don’t like her, just don’t follow her. It’s that simple. Even by liking this video and giving it views you’re actually still giving her fame lol so why not leave her alone if you don’t like her instead?

  5. Ariana stans:
    25%: stating that shes allowed to do it
    25%:directing everyone to ethan so they can avoid their prwincess ariana ever doing anything wrong😢
    50%:yes, and?

  6. I always hated Ariana Grande. Look at 7 rings, that song was literally her just flexing her wealth. Now she's flexing the fact she broke a family apart and took away a kid's father.

  7. Her new blonde hair makes her look older… probably not the look she was going for😬 But as bad as her looks have gone, her new home wreaking personality is worse. And she’s proud of it???

  8. How was it all Ariannas fault if he was married to the lady for 10 years. His marriage was longer than hers and he had a kid so how is it all her fault😭

  9. Bruh… it’s a new song ppl are jumping to conclusions! And it’s trending rn so that tells me it’s good! Paparazzi can sometimes take things out of context and that may be the case. Regular people mess up… she is only human. All in all the music is good and who are we to judge if we don’t know?

  10. Bro she did do something wrong, but at the end of the day shes not the one who made marriage vows. Hes more at fault.

  11. Im not on favor for this behavior but… She's and artist what did you expect? She's not going to live a normal life because shes not a normal person. she's completely out of reality and she knows that there's nothing she can do that's bad enough for her to stop being relevant, she's huge and no matter what she does, like it ir not she'll never pay real consequences for her actions.

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