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Let’s go, Kakeru Pai-sen (Senpai)! OK, Sousuke! Change Soul Set! Let’s Go On! Gao Access! [Yasuhisa Furuhara] [Noboru Kaneko] Previous Episode in Description Box Alright, let’s move on to the questions. – Here we go. – Sure. To begin with…

“What kind of Red (main character) were you on set?” I already asked you, so are we good? What do you mean? “What type of Red was I?” On set, it was like this. Just like this. – Ah… – I watched over silently. – Everyone’s big brother. – That’s right.

– That’s true. – Because I’m older. Even from back then, Sakai who was a year younger… you can see how much of a producer he is now with Junretsu… he showed potential from way back then. – I see. – Yup. Aside from acting…

We old guys had strategy meetings about how to increase Gaoranger’s earnings. So, we wore our Gao Jackets… and went to the Nippon TV’s morning show called Zoom In! I forget who was the host… Maybe it was Fukuzawa-san…

The set has a large glass window in the back, so we wore our Gao Jackets there… so that we can be seen through the window. That was a different TV station though. (Super Sentai is TV Asahi) – Oh wow, was that OK? – No, we didn’t know any better.

But we were found out and the producers stopped us. First impressions. Really simply, please explain your first impressions. So Blue, Takeru, at the auditions… when there were about 10 finalists left in the end… we were told that it was the final audition. I thought he failed for sure. What, really? Wooow.

– The Surging Shark? – Yes, Surging Shark. I thought Takeru Shibaki failed for sure. Later on, I received the roll of Red, and… was told to come back on a certain date to meet the rest of the members.

At that time, I didn’t know anyone’s names yet. I was wondering who was coming. Lo and behold, Takeru was there! I see. Why did you think he failed? Because he sucked at acting! Oh really? Wow… Maybe that was a good thing because it’s all about balance.

It wasn’t like I was good at acting either. Actually, we were all pretty bad at acting. – That’s not true. – No, it’s true. But, I’m sure they looked for the right balance. Thinking back on it… Horie, who was Yellow, was the Red personality during the audition.

– Wow, I see. – Then, he came… and I was surprised to see him as the Blue personality. His color was Yellow, but… – Yes (x3). Oh, I see. – He played the cool guy. In reference to the GoRangers, he was playing a Blue type of personality. I thought, “Oh really?”

Sakai. I already knew about Sakai. – Oh really? – I don’t know why, but I knew about him. – Did you have a previous audition with him? – Something like that. I thought Sakai would be chosen for sure. – Wow, that’s amazing. – It’s because he was good at acting.

– I see. – Yup. Mio was cute. Mio was one out of two finalists. There were only two girls left. So, it was one or the other. – I thought they’d choose Mio. – You did? – I did. Wow, I see. What was your first impression of Tamayama-san when he first joined?

– Well it was… Wait, you’re asking as a member? – Yes. When the audition for the 6th Ranger was announced, I said I would go. I said I would read the script for the counterpart. – So, you went to his audition? – I did, I did.

[Joining the Audition for the 6th Ranger] What I did was, I read the lines like this… There were about 20 people, and I sat and read the lines for the Red Ranger. Whaaaat? But, you’re already the Red Ranger. Then, after it was finished, I was asked how it went.

I already said that I liked Tama-chan before the auditions began. After we finished, I told them I still liked Tama-chan… and hey said, “Ah, OK, I see.” So when I saw Tama-chan arrive… I was elated. “He’s here! I’m so glad it’s Tama-chan” [claps]

GaoRed was one of the examiners in the audition for the additional Ranger. Yes, that’s right. – Wow! That’s amazing. – But actually… it was the two of us, me and Black, at the auditions. – What is it with you two? – I don’t know!

– Why is it the two of you? – I don’t know! When I said I was going, Sakai came too. He said he’d keep me company. – You were both free spirited since way back then. – Yup (x3) – You wanted to do your own thing. – That’s right.

– That’s all really interesting. – Yup (x4) I see. Earlier, when you were talking about Mio, you said that you made her upset. Did you have any fights with any members? I didn’t. Buuuut… Maybe a little with the members who were close in age… But never a full-on fight.

– Oh, is that so? – Yeah. We were so spread out in age. – Ah, that’s true. – Yup. I’ve said this before, but I feel that… when you work together for a year towards the same goal, it’s OK to bump heads from time to time.

I didn’t fight with our group members, instead it was… Gaoranger VS…. Hurricanger? JAC (Japan Action Club = Suits Actors) LOL, them? Also, the assistant directors. I see. A lot. Well, maybe not a lot, but… – You can talk about it now. – I guess so.

How were the people of your generation able to argue with the JAC members? – Well… – Ryu-san (Nishioka) was also like that. That’s true. Well… Looking back on it, what they were telling me was correct, but… my only thought back then was that…

– I had to tell them what I was thinking. – Ah, I see. – You couldn’t back down. – That’s right. Ah, I see. That’s why I was saying disrespectful things. I hear that a lot about this generation. – We all laugh about it now. We get drinks often too. – I see.

They say, “You guys were so insolent back then” And I tell them, “I’m very sorry about that.” “But, I really had to tell you that back then.” I think the G3 members… GaoRed, GoRed and GingaRed… – were quite rambunctious back then. – That’s very true. Right? – I see. – Yup.

Speaking of which, what is the current relationship like with the other members? I go to events with Blue. I went to Vietnam with him last year. – You posted a picture of that right? – Yes (x5) With Shibaki-san. I see Junretsu Black, pretty frequently.

– It’s not like I’m trying to, but I see him frequently. – I see. Wait, I do try to see him too. How about Mio-san? – Mio is… – She retired? – Yes, she retired and… she’s married now, so… she isn’t able to come out to drink with everyone, but…

2 years ago, I saw her for the first time in a long while in the studio for our 20th anniversary voice over recording, – How was she? She was very young back then. – Yes, she was so cute back then. She’s a beautiful woman now.

We all said, “Mio, you’re so beautiful now!” What was she like? Is she 30 something, maybe close to 40 years old? She was already very petite, but… she was more slender as an adult, and she was much prettier. 22 years ago, so is she a year older than me?

She was 16 at the time, so she’s 38 now. Wow! Really? She didn’t look like she was 38. Wow… I want to see what she looks like. Are you ever together in any productions with Tamayama-san? I used to hang out a lot with Tama-chan back then.

– One day he started to get really busy. – That’s true. – He’s very busy. – It’s been years since I’ve seen him. I haven’t seen him. I only see him on screen. Next time there’s a Gao anniversary, I want to see everyone back together.

You guys are a 25th Anniversary Sentai after all. Well yeah, I’d like that. – Right? – Yup. Adlibbing your lines during Gaoranger… Things that you did, not Fuku-san. – Adlib? – Anything that you added, Noborin? I actually did quite a lot of adlibbing, but…

I don’t remember anymore. It’s not like I had a particular phrase. – Ah… – It was just small things here and there. – Just things that I thought were fun. – I see. – There wasn’t anything in particular? – No, but…

Everyone asks if, “I’m so ready for this!” (Yaruki manman daze!) is an adlib. It’s in fact, a real line. That’s right, we received so many questions about that. They asked about, “I’m so ready for this!” (Yaruki manman daze!) That was a line in the script. It was in writing.

I read it and thought it was so embarrassing. I’m supposed to say, “I’m so ready for this”? – You’re the type who thinks that’s cringey. – That’s right. So at first, I thought it was so embarrassing… but as I started to say it…

You know your face is turning red as you’re saying that. You know what though? How should I put this? It was my most embarrassing phrase, but it’s my favorite phrase now. – Oh, is that so? – Yup. – That means you’ve matured since that time, right? – Yeah.

Do you have any memorable stories from filming Gaoranger vs Hurricanger? – Memorable? – Yes. Well yeah, Shun fractured his arm during that time. – That’s right! – I thought filming was going to be cancelled. I was like, “Hey Shun! You gotta be kidding me!” That’s right. “You can’t even fight now!”

“You went and fractured your arm…” “WTF?” – But, didn’t they make it so that he “fractured” it during the robo attack? – They did. I was so surprised by that. Well, Shun-kun is so interesting, isn’t he? – So interesting. – Really. What’s interesting is that the Gaorangers are a lot older.

Especially, me and Sakai. We’re older and Shun’s a lot younger. Also, Yujiro (Shirakawa) and Nobuo Kyo were younger. There’s a one year difference in Gao and Hurricane, so there’s automatically a hierarchy of seniority. Yes, that’s true. Plus Sakai and my personalities are like this, you know? It’s not like we were bossy, and…

I didn’t think we came off as bossy, but I think we were perceived as scary. That’s what they thought of us. So, when I was like, “Hey Shun!” and mind you, I was just joking… “Hey! WTF man?!” I was just messing around… Yujiro and Nobuo were both like this [silence]

They were like, “I’m so very sorry…” Can you tell us about the episode when you were on Gokaiger? Well, to begin with… I went to the set thinking that I still had it. – What? You totally still have it. – So, I went, but…

When we were face to face, after we finished our lines… By that time, we were filming digitally. So, we can check our scene right after. And when we checked the film… I just didn’t have the same youthful sparkle as them! I was like, “What do I do?!”

I thought, “Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!” Really? Is that so? – Really? – I panicked really hard. What?! I just didn’t have the same sparkle as the current actors. – Huh… – Really? Plus, it was the great earthquake that day. (March 11, 2011: Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami)

That’s right, it was 2011. During filming! – What? Really? – Yup! The earthquake hit during filming. – Really? – Really! – It was 3-11 that day? It was 3-11 that day! Whaaat?! Also, back in the days… I learned from JAC and Takeda-san about, Sentai Style.

Things like, how to stand and how to square our shoulders. You know, there’s a particular way to posture when we’re sitting like this. The Sentai Stance. I thought, at long last… I’ve been doing this far longer! Now is my chance. So, everyone was fighting in a battle at a plaza.

The camera was on a crane and panning out. The scene was when I came running in to find them there. So, I find everyone in battle and you see me from the back. I come running in and stop. When I said, “Huh, those guys!” I really put my shoulder into it.

I cranked it like this. The director said… “I’m sorry, but can you do that again normally?” Really? But, you’re filming Sentai!! I thought, “You’re kidding me?!” That’s what you were taught! I was so embarrassed! We posed like this too! – That’s right! – We did this! Do it normally? For real?

– I was so embarrassed. – Whaaaat?! – I can’t believe it. You must’ve been shocked. – I was so shocked. They told me to do it normally… You’re usually normal, but you did that just for that scene. I guess it’s not normal after 10 years. I might’ve overdone it too…

I think I put my shoulders into it twice. I was really putting my all into it. That’s crazy! I need to rewatch that. That’s so funny. – There’s nothing to rewatch because they made me redo it! – Oh yeah! They told me to do it normally! They told me to do it again.

I want to watch the scene that you had to retake. Is it in any “making of” videos? “Making of”? I wonder? – But, you can see that scene. – I really want to see it. Wow, that’s funny! Alright, this is our last one because of time… Gaoranger is very popular overseas.

– You went to Vietnam… – Yes, I did. and you are called over to places overseas. Are there any memorable experiences from your overseas visits? Well… – When Gaoranger was airing, you couldn’t see the overseas reactions. – That’s true. Overseas, I went to Chicago, Los Angeles and Vietnam.

I think I go to Asia the most now. They have a deep rooted love for Sentai. – They all seem like they’re about to cry. – That’s very true. It makes me so happy. Last year, when I went. It had been 20 year before that.

It was an event, so I thought I would take pictures, sign autographs, shake hands and entertain them. But, Vietnam’s Sentai popularity was unexpectedly so passionate. – It’s amazing. – It was so amazing! I went with Takeru, and I asked him, “Doesn’t this seem a lot more intense than back in the days?”

– That much huh? – So much! Wow, amazing. What was amazing was… For the sake of discussion, we all know there are enthusiastic Sentai fans everywhere so, I’ll leave that aside… Instead, Takeru and I went to the convenience store, and the clerk at the store was like… [shocked face] What? For real?

Amazing! Really? – What? – “Are you the Red Ranger?” like that. Wait, was it really like that? Really? – Really! – What? For real? – Was it really like that? That’s amazing. – Yeah. Even when we were walking down the street… it was really like that. [double take] Like that.

That’s an amazing double take. So, that happened. I thought it was amazing. It’s been 20 years and they still remember us like that. Amazing… I don’t look the same as back then, but they still recognize me. Of course, I wasn’t wearing the Gao jacket either.

It wasn’t like Gaoranger was airing that year, was it? No, they aired it about 5 years afterwards. That’s still amazing. So, that happened and I felt very fortunate that I’d been doing this (Gaoranger)… – I understand. – even now. I’ve been invited to events overseas as well, and…

I agree, although I was never recognized at a convenience store. – The fans overseas are so passionate. – They really, really are. Lastly, can you please send a message to your fans overseas? I will always be GaoRed from Gaoranger, for the rest of my life.

If you ever recognize me, please come talk to me. I will take pictures any time. So, if you come to Japan, please come talk to me. If it’s not Japan, then please invite me to events. I’ll be right there. With that, our guest today was… He was the 25th Red, GaoRed, Kakeru Shishi…

– Noboru Kaneko-san, thank you so much! – Thank you for having me. – Gao Gao (Roar Roar) – The Blazing Lion! GaoRed! Bye-bye! We Started Memberships Unpublished videos and Morphing tutorials Details in the description box

Please be sure to like and subscribe to this channel Please watch the next episode English subtitles by Melanie Arayama


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  1. \メンバーシップ始動しました✨/




    2代目バルイーグル 五代高之さん

  2. 次回のゲストに仮面ライダー王蛇🐍兼シャンゼリオンの萩野崇の出演を頼み申すッ💪🔥

  3. アオレンジャー🟦兼ビッグワン🃏兼仮面ライダーV3🏍兼三浦参謀長🗿の宮内洋をゲスト出演頼み申すッ💪🔥

  4. ゲキレンジャーの黒獅子リオ🦁&臨獣カメレオン拳メレをゲスト出演頼み申すッ💪🔥

  5. ガオレンジャーといえばレッドシルバー以外が死ぬ演出が記憶に残ってるなぁ

  6. 自分ガオレンジャー世代だから久しぶりに金子さんの「やる気まんまんだぜ‼︎」を聞けて嬉しかった‼︎金子さんありがとうございます😭

  7. 気に入った組み合わせで百獣戦隊ガオレンジャーと炎神戦隊ゴーオンジャーの共演で合わせて十三人の戦う所を見たい。

  8. 走輔今回のコラボ動画最高でした。僕の当時の推しだったホワイトが結婚してるなんて。ショック…😢😢。実生ちゃん癒しだったのに…😢😢😢。ちなみに補足ですが、金子昇氏は仮面ライダークウガの最終オーディションまで進んだ事があるみたい。ブラック役の酒井氏もガオレンジャー出演前はギンガマン、ゴーゴファイブのオーディションを受けた事があるが、いずれも落選。3度目の正直で受けたのがガオレンジャーのオーディションだったそうです。酒井氏はガオレンジャー放送の前の年2000年に仮面ライダークウガに敵役として出ていました。いつか、このチャンネルにマジレンジャーのブルーとピンク、キョウリュウジャーからキング(レッド)とピンク(ブレイブ夫婦)を呼んで欲しいです。まあ、二人とも結婚してるので、難しいかもしれないけどね(マジブルーとピンクに至っては)。そうそう、走輔のXフォローしました。これからも頑張ってください。

  9. ガオレンジャーの視聴率すごかったですもんね!海外人気がすごいのも納得です!

  10. 俺、ジュウレンジャー世代で90年代後半から2000年代に入ると

  11. 鉄道の旅番組いつも観てます。

  12. ガオレンジャーのナレーション(声:田中秀幸):

  13. ゴーカイレッド、ゴーレッド、ガオレッドと来たら次は是非ギンガレッドの前原一輝さん来て欲しい

  14. 바빠서 2주전 영상을 지금 보게 되었습니다..2024/01/01 기준 성인이 되어 많은 약속들과 2024/01/05 고등학교 졸업식도 있어서 많이 바빴습니다… 현재는 개인 소설을 쓰며 놀러 다니다가 금요일 코로나에 감염이 됬습니다… 변명이긴 하지만 늘 응원하겠습니다 정글포스 도 정말 재밌게본 작품인데 추억이 많이 드네요!

    忙しくて2週間前の映像を今見ることになりました.. 2024/01/01基準で大人になってたくさんの約束と2024/01/05 高校の卒業式もあってとても忙しかったです··· 現在は個人小説を書きながら遊んでいて金曜日にコロナに感染しました··· 言い訳ですが、いつも応援しています 『白水戦隊ガオレンジャー』も本当に面白かった作品ですが、思い出がたくさんありますね!

  15. 考えてみたらガオレンジャーとゴーオンジャーの1つの共通点をあげればガオハンターとガンバルオーの合体パターンがほぼ同じである🐺🦈🐊🐊🐕‍🦺🐬

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