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JUDGE EYES:死神の遺言 #10 八章スタート!ここから観ても多分大丈夫!初見プレイ※ネタバレあり

JUDGE EYES:死神の遺言 #10 八章スタート!ここから観ても多分大丈夫!初見プレイ※ネタバレあり

JUDGE EYES:死神の遺言 #10 八章スタート!ここから観ても多分大丈夫!初見プレイ※ネタバレあり

Hello everyone, I’m Kana. I’m a little confused again this time, but I’d like to do Jachazu. I’ll start by confirming things, so please wait for a moment. I think it’s okay. I ‘m just checking the sound as usual. I’d like to start after I pass.

[Music] It’s okay. I’m sorry for the orchestra. It started a little late at the scheduled time. Once again, I’d like to continue today. Thank you for your hard work. I’m sorry I’m a little late . Tae, it’s been a while since I’ve streamed again, but today

Starts Chapter 8 Parent-Child Parent-Child Reverse Moon Parent-Child Reverse Moon Yes, I’d like to come. Well, as usual, the first few seconds at the beginning are the same as last time. I ‘ll start at the end, so let’s go along with everyone.Chapter EThe one who has to go first is me.Okay, then I’d

Like to go [music] What was behind the murder of the Deputy Director of the Drug Discovery Center ? Addec 9 brought huge profits to the center, leading to the possibility that all the incidents were orchestrated by someone, but the prosecutors did not care and killed lawyer Shintani. It seems like

He named his original detective Ayabe as the culprit. It’s not Ayabe, right? But why is it that Father and Son Sakazuki Chapter 8 The ball that came out of the corpse was definitely struck by Ayabe’s gun? That’s Shintani. I’m sorry for the star [music] , but

I didn’t want him to realize for a while that we were suspicious of Ayabe.After all, it was the murder of an active police officer.When an arrest is made, it takes a lot of time to deal with the politics and the groundwork. The bad guy who’s been doubting you all this time. You

must have been friends with Aya to distract him. Well, it was all a farce. We’re very serious. Besides , this is the end for you. Detective Ayabe illegally leaked information obtained in the course of his work to outside parties.We will pursue this matter thoroughly.I hope to hear from you

Someday. There was a rumor, Detective Ayabe, listen to me, I’m about to be arrested. Apparently I was stabbed by someone with a sword.Aren’t you surprised? That’s what I heard earlier, too, so now you’re with the people who are doubting you. Everyone’s looking at me. I want to

Ask you to defend me. You’re the only one I can rely on in this matter. I understand. I’ll accept your request. It’s between me and you. I’m going to meet you right away.

Who was the one who set me up then? So how will this end? Kenji Izumida will be in charge of that in court.I’ll win.I’ll win.I’m looking forward to it.I’m sure I’ll win.To Izumida, but you’re someone’s puppet [music] .My real enemy is that someone [music]That’s cool

, sir. Ayabe’s defense NAT Please take it at the office.Once I understand, I ‘ll go to Hoshino-kun, who must be interviewing Abet.Anyway, I’ll go there right away.Ah, I can’t see the mastermind at all even though he’s moving. I can’t see the mastermind Hello everyone, welcome. Thank you for your continued support today.

It’s been a while since I had those holidays for a few days. Yesterday I wasn’t able to stream for a while, so I’ve been away for a few days, but starting today, Chapter 88 Parent-Child Gyakutsuki. Well,

It means that the parent and child are forced to buy Gyakutsuki.How many times do they say this as a parent and child because they are now a parent and child? I’m sorry, um, but it’s been a while.Okay, then , um, I’m going to take a taxi to the office.

I need to set up this pin so that I can ride for several tens of meters.As you know, how far will I go so as not to get lost?To the Hara office?To the Hara law office ?Okay, let’s leave.Yes, please. As for who the mastermind was, it would have been better

If it hadn’t been here. I’m so happy that you’re relying on me because I forget the roads and roads when I ‘m not there. You’re relying on me , and the prosecution has been waiting for me. I’ll be able to meet with Detective Aya soon. Thank you, get ready. Let’s

Go, let’s go. Okay, let’s go. I’m sorry, Star-kun. Hey, I’m sorry. It seems like there’s already a rumor going around town about an arrest. It’s an arrest of an active detective . It leaked out everywhere. You should go to your room right away. Let’s go. I guess I should take a taxi.

Let’s keep bumping into each other today. We ‘re bumping into the wall. Here we are. The person who wants to protect Masu Atek 9 must be the mastermind. Deka has been arrested for murder. It’s a shocking sight. Don’t sound so happy. This is Mr. Hoshino from Gendai Law Office. You’re young but reliable.

Won’t you please defend me? I haven’t been in court for a long time, so I ‘m fine with proof of that. It worked in the village as well. I’m Hoshino. Thank you very much. I’m your senior. If it were me, Well, if it was the culprit, then Ayabe-san is innocent.

Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, maybe, maybe. Before I defend Aya, there are a few things I need to confirm. Arata was able to sing with your gun. Because the guys said that the cleaning chambers of the balls seemed to match. I’m sorry, but I’m sorry. Pistols

Have a spiral groove on the inside to stabilize the trajectory of the bullet. The grooves leave scratches on the ball. That’s the battlefield. Those grooves have their own characteristics for each gun, just like the bottom of a human being. In other words, each handgun is different. This time,

The cleaning marks on the ball from Shintani’s corpse are the ones on my gun. So it was really Ayabe- san’s gun that hit Shintani-sensei. Oh, Madness is definitely my gun. That means someone framed me.

The new culprit will kill Shintani. That’s why I went out of my way to get detective Ayabe’s gun. It was also quite difficult. How do you remember the day Shintani was killed? We were drinking at the tender, Kuroiwa. After that, I was alone for a while, and then I left the store,

And I don’t remember what happened after that.I got hit on the head with something, and suddenly darkness suddenly exploded from behind. I’m not sure if it was the location where he was killed, but it

Was probably near a store. After all, it was all balls, so it’s still unlikely that he was a detective. What’s more, while he was unconscious, the location was shown in the video, so his memory of where he was was on the bench. When I woke up

On a bench at an automobile park in Kamurocho, there was no one else around.It must have been quite a while from the tender.I must have been carried away by car.I was unconscious for about an hour. But I later found out that Shintani had been killed at the time, shot by my gun,

So the gunman had taken the gun from him, and the gun was actually in my pocket. After he hit Shintani with my gun, he returned everything to its original state. In just one hour,

The number of bullets that had been reduced in Pro-Jan Pro remained the same, and all traces of use were completely erased. But if you look for clues from the refilled balls, you’ll find that they’re all the same, so it’s impossible.In

Other words, Aya’s gun was used by the new criminal, but you can’t prove it, so you’re at fault . I don’t know if anything was done or not, but nothing was stolen, not my notebook or my gun, so it was a hassle, and my usual

Routine was being rammed through, which is probably the sadness of being an unscrupulous detective. I’ll admit that I’ve already reported it, but that’s probably what the culprit was aiming for. He thought you wouldn’t cause a fuss, so

He chose you as the person to pretend to be wet, and everything was calculated. When you left the scene and left the scene, your gun was on the battlefield. I was told that it was a fact.When the bulletin board came out, I was the prime suspect, but none of my colleagues around me

Knew about it. Kuroi always had me by his side during the operations. He was there to keep an eye on me. Now that I remember , when he asked me about my alibaba, what was my answer? I was sleeping in the park. Well then, everyone, please believe me. Let’s not

Hmm, I didn’t play Shintani. I was framed. You’re panicking. You’re the one who saved me, Yagami. Do you think I’ll be saved? No, I heard something stupid too. It was you. There’s no other way to answer that.But you trusted me and nominated me.I’m really happy about that.I was framed by the new criminal, so I’m going to act on that premise, Ayabe. Aya doesn’t seem like a detective, but she

‘s not that evil and she’s smart, so she wouldn’t kill someone with her own gun.The new culprit is a mole after all, isn’t it?Oh, of course she’s the prime suspect, so let’s start with that. People who are close to you are close to you, the head of the village village.Ah

, but I don’t know where that person is.That’s right.But first, I’d like to ask the man in Matsugane.Maybe he can find out something.Well then, I … Once I went to the office to report to my current teacher, there were all sorts of incidents happening in various places, in the

Present and in the future, and the incidents that were happening in various places were intertwined in a complicated way, and I was having a hard time processing them in my brain. Why don’t you go to the office to find someone to meet Matsu? No, there was a Matsugane Gumi office, right?

Wait a minute , um, let’s take a look at the store. It’s not a store. It’s store information. Let’s take a look at the shop information. It’s not here in Matsu. It’s not here. It’s here. It’s the Matsugane Gumi office. Okay,

Let’s take a taxi. It’s far away, so we’ll take a taxi. Mioyatsu-san, aren’t you at Matsugane Gumi? Are you going to go there ? Well then, where is that? It’s totally different. Well then, we’re off. It’s a place I saw a while ago, but it’s already in my memory.

It wasn’t here at all. I trained in a taxi. I took a taxi. I took a dash. In the end, I ended up running. I’m sorry, everyone move back, everyone move back, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I ca n’t run right away, I can’t run right

Away. I found something good. Wait, wait, wait, wait, stop holding it and then putting it down. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. I ‘d rather have a bicycle than a steel pipe. I guess I should sleep for a while. Meneshi Tokina, uh, this is here,

Matsugane-gumi, that’s here, right here, right here. I can’t tell you where he is, so don’t give up. My father is gone, right? People change all of a sudden, so my father is gone. Now I understand. If you’re going to say that much, I understand. There’s an intrusion from outside.

I’ll do it with a sword. There was a book about how to deal with people who can’t read maps. Is there such a thing? Is it a book for people who can’t read maps ? Well, if there is such a thing, I’d like to read it.

It’s the same in the real world. I feel like I’m lost, so I wonder if I can get in from somewhere. I wonder if my father next door is really there. I can’t go there. I get it. How about I use that drone and take a look

? Here it is, right above here. Isn’t there something I can climb? That or that. I know, there’s a powerful Sket. There ‘s a powerful Sket. For me, there ‘s a powerful Sket . There’s a powerful Sket. Wait a minute . Um, good evening. It’s not a wife, it’s Charles. Let ‘s go

To Charles.Charles is in charge of the group, so there might be some information.Here, here, here, here, Kaito-san used to be in charge, he was in charge, and there’s some shitty place here. Is that not there ? I’m going to ask my brother from the east.

I’ve got some information to ask. Or, I want to know where the head of the village is, but he’s apparently disappeared somewhere. So, where are his parents? The group’s office. It’s already

Been decided that you can’t go to a place like that. Mr. Fuji’s father is in a similar position to Kami. If he knows where he is, he might become a target for the association. That’s right. He should be in a safe place now. It’s safe, but

I don’t know where it is, but you can still contact me and ask if you can meet us. I understand. I’ll contact you as soon as I get a reply.

Can I call your cell phone? Ah, that would be helpful. Thank you very much for your cooperation.I heard from someone.It seems like I was trapped by a mole.In the end, no matter what, the mole is the key.So, first of all, I’m going to

Attack the head of the ham that is connected to the mole.From there, I’ll attack steadily. It would be nice if my father knew where the head was, but let’s wait for some contact from the East. I’ll go. I’ve gotten some information,

But I haven’t gotten any information yet. I haven’t gotten any information yet, but I’ll probably get some kind of contact from the East. I would like to go out to Kamurocho at night, believing that I will receive it.Now,

Where should I go to play today?Well, I haven’t been able to play at all yet, so I will use this time for a while, as I did last time, when I was waiting for someone to contact me.

There were quite a few times when I was waiting for a call from a friend, maybe Hoshino-kun, or someone else

. It was really slow to get a call from a friend, and I was having a lot of fun by then, so I guess it was when I was waiting for a call from my friend Sugiura-kun. Well, let’s take a look at something. In the meantime, I’ll make some money. Um, thugs. I

Can earn money by defeating the thugs in the area, but there are some quests. There are no quests. There are no quests. I wonder if there are any unexpected quests. Wait a minute. Please go to the bartender or bartender, go to the bartender

, ask the bartender for the quest, it hurts you guys [music] Switch to a bit instead of Uiichi, switch to the club, and fight the people of town. There are also quests that you can’t get unless you increase your sensitivity.Oh my god, this is it.Thank you, Mr.

Bicycle.Thank you, Fuji. I wonder if people ‘s sensitivity will increase Hoihoihoihoihoi everyone, excuse me, excuse me, go to the bartender and see the quest Oh, that’s it. There were like 1000 people. 1000 people who make medicine . I wonder if I can go into the

Bar or not. I’ll go to the bartender to find out what kind of quests there are. Is this the one on the bulletin board in the office? Yeah, that’s right. If I recall correctly, last time I looked at the bulletin board in the office, there weren’t any other quests.

I don’t think it appeared . I can’t talk about it now. Maybe I won’t let you in . I can’t talk to the lady who can’t come in. Oh, can I talk to you for a second? Can I talk to you about that

? I’m brushing up in class. I wonder if you can’t see me. I wonder if you can’t see me. Well, I couldn’t talk to you. Well, why don’t we play a little bit? At the batting center. I’ve only played it a few times, but

Let’s play a little batting game at the batting center. At the batting center. This place is already here. Hey, why do you want to play at night ? I want to fight, so I’d like to play as much as I can before I get a call from the East,

Okay? Hey, what are you guys doing here? What are you doing in a place like this ? I like the kick, I’m asking you to keep up. I wonder if there are any unresolved items on the to-do list . I see that there is a to-do list.

Thank you. But now it’s not working, I just have to wait for word from East.I’ll play with you.As expected, I’m singing this time. No, there weren’t any girls singing. There was always a girl here doing live performances on the street. Well, let’s hang out for a bit. Let’s go play.

The batting center was here. Yoshida Batting Center came. I didn’t expect it to be Tohto. At this timing. Higashi, how about you, Osan? Let’s love you. There’s a hidden place a little outside of the town where Kamigiku’s two hands are. Take a taxi there. My father has already left

Kamuro Kiku. Don’t keep him waiting too long. Okay, so I want to move on to the main thing, so I’ve just arrived at the batting center, but I’m going to head to the taxi stand.I’m sorry to keep Maoya-san waiting so long, so let’s go, not here, but this park. Right, I’m

Guessing you’re going to the auto park where Ayabe was lying.Well , then we ‘ll leave.Oyasan, you must have been hiding from somewhere and came all the way to this shop just to see me.

Ah, it was clearly said to those of you who can’t cooperate once. Good night, please take a seat. It’s been a while since I stopped writing taboo answers. Mr. Kaheio probably heard it from the east, but we want to hear it. Well, before we go,

Let’s have a toast. It’s definitely a nice restaurant. It’s quiet here. It’s been a while since we last had drinks. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a drink with you guys . Thank you, man. Taboo. After all, Hamura won’t let me down

. He’s the Matsugane group with Hamura. He’s the one running our group . I’ve never heard of that. I don’t know where Hamamura is. He hasn’t reported anything like that, so why is he bringing us here? If this was the case, we wouldn’t have to go out of our way to meet up.Ah

, what, what, what do you mean, old man? What do you mean? Before you know it , this rice field is like this. Don’t mess with Ham anymore . What I’m chasing now is a mole. It’s on my head. I just want to hear the story, it’s the same thing.

You know that Hamamura and Mogu are deeply connected, but forget about it. If you say no, it’s dangerous for them to touch you. Trust me, what’s wrong with them and why ? If you don’t listen, you won’t be able to back down.There are people in the background who I don’t know about

, but there’s nothing more I can say.If you really can’t back out, I’ll have you become a body that won’t be able to move for a while.If you don’t die, you’ll live there

. I’ve been taking care of you guys since I was a kid, and I don’t think I’ve ever said that in a patronizing way.So this is the first and last time.You guys should leave town for a while.Do me a favor, even if just a little. If you’re doing that, then just

Listen to this request.The sword is also connected to the drug discovery center.It’s connected to the Okubo incident three years ago.No matter how much my father says he doesn’t know, I can’t yield to my idiot father.My father’s orders are for me. Absolutely, but I’m

Now a member of the Yagami Detective Agency. Great answer. Ah, that’s right, old man. Please go to the east. You’re a great person. Of course you should prove it. You’ll make me do something difficult. You’re an idiot. You’re making a face. You have no choice but to

Do it. When you have no choice but to do it, come kill me. That’s the man. Are you going to lecture me like that now? Let’s go. We’ll fight against the East. I’ll make it easy for you, Barak. Did you eat? Higashi Wait a minute, let me switch over here

. Lerere yore light, light, light, light. Higashi is a little strong. Higashi, wait a moment, uh, there’s a medical kit. I’m sure there’s still a tonkatsu bento and a manouchi bento . I’m not really motivated to do anything other than eat [music] and I’m a man

, but if I don’t get serious to some extent, I ‘ll get killed too. Higashiyaba Meat Wake up I’m sorry, I got a lot of help, but I have no choice but to go now. Hey , nice, nice skirt-san, Mr. Kaito, let’s attack, Mr. Kaito, let’s attack, let’s eat, let’s eat, let’s eat. Eh, oden, let’s eat oden, oden, eat oden [music] It’s terrible. I’m causing muscle loss.

Even with the medical kit, I can recover. Let’s do it. East is also busy. Let’s fight a little here. Let’s get out of the pond. Everyone, pond to pond. That’s right, that’s right, so come on out Okay , I fought to keep you from killing me. You knew it was going to end like this, so you did what you did to keep me from getting killed. Compared to all these gangsters, I’ve become rotten compared to you. I’m not like you , Tabo. You’re no longer what you were when I first met you. You’re being sloppy, old man. You’re still not what you were when we met 20 years ago. Hey, you’re doing that, Kaito. Oh,

Dad, that guy is a spiritual arrow god. Yeah, every time we see each other, it’s like this. You’re young, Kaito. It seems like you really like it when Cato doesn’t hit you. No matter how many times he does it, he persists and sells the result. Are you gone somewhere

? You’re not going anywhere. You’re a rotten brat who came all over the place. It’s you [music] that’s rotten. You’re not alive, kid. In fact, it’s time for me to look at you too. Then, before I knew it

, the only place I had to live was in the city where I was collecting all this garbage.Isn’t that what you’re in too? Don’t ask me , I understand . I’ve been making irreversible mistakes since the beginning of my life. That’s why I know that you’re the same way.

By the time I realized that, I had no choice but to become a yasa . But at your age, it’s not going to rot anymore. [Music] I just said that it’s a bad town that collects garbage. In reality, it’s different. This town is full of

People who know they’ve hit rock bottom and then try to climb out of it. If you’re interested in that, I’ll tell you all about it in detail next time . Don’t fight over my answer again. Your kindness oozes out. Was this your father’s encounter ? He’s old. Well, today’s drinking is hopelessly bad.The

Person you all call Mog is the assassin that Ham is keeping.Oh, I knew it.There was information after all.Whenever someone needs to be killed, it’s always the same people in the killing village. I’m sure it’s him. Who is it? Where did you find him? It

‘s a big deal. Many people have used the same trick, but they haven’t left any evidence behind. He looked at Mo’s face. I’ve never heard of you. The only one who knows my face is Ham. You can’t really guide me. But if I go to a village or a village, they

‘re just being used as tools. I can’t see their faces, I can’t see their shadows. If you mess with something like that, there’s no turning back. Do you guys know that ? If you’re going to regret it, do it after you’ve done it. Older Tadakuni always gets ignored like that.

Dad, I’m sorry, but I ‘m sorry . No, can I just say one thing here ? But the Matsu I know is not the kind of group that commits murders.The Matsukane group is a village,

But I won’t say it over and over again.Times have changed, and the Matsugane group of today is a ham division . It’s my decision as the boss that I won’t interfere in any way as long as I leave it to you. Thank you for taking care of me until

Now . I feel like I’m a daughter who’s going to get married. It ‘s become like I’m going to steal something from someone. In the end, it’s become like Hamamura’s whereabouts. I didn’t understand. We’ll have to start over again.

There was a hint in my father’s story. I see. Ham was the Matsugane group. Even if he disappeared, if the village was actually at the top, then without him, the group would be in trouble. The fact that Shigi sometimes doesn’t work

Means that he must be communicating with someone from the group somewhere.If that voice ends up in Elya’s whereabouts , does that mean it’s going to take a long time to see if you understand what I’m trying to say? For example, if you wiretap the Matsugane Gumi’s office, you might be able to

Find out where Habu is, but setting up an appearance machine in such a place was such a rampage that he was arrested. If you do that, you’ll seriously get killed. That’s why you’ll have to have the skills to pull it off. Sugiura-kun, are you going to let Sugiura do it?

I’ll contact Sugiura. In return, you’ll have to make arrangements for the eavesdropping period. At best, that’s fine . Find it. Once you get it, meet up at the office. Donki, donki. It’s true that you can’t fail. You have to get a high-performance eavesdropping device. It’s going to be dangerous.

Who is it? Mr. Yagami, the executive of the Prize Alliance brought his subordinates to Yagami. It seems like they came to look for Mr. Prize Alliance. They’re not persistent. We’ve been fighting over and over again, but the people of the town

Are being violently attacked by them. Please help us. Damn, what should we do? Damn, dammit, at a time like this, I’ll fight you. I was supposed to get a listening device. It’s getting really bad, so I have to go and help out. I just wasn’t able to get violent enough, so

I think I’ll go on a bit of a rampage against the guys from the Prize Alliance. Hey, I want to go in a straight line to that big guy. I better fix that muscle strain before I go there . Wait a minute, can’t you just run with this, this, this, this?

I found the umbrella you were on. He’s so strong and ready to kill me! This guy’s in a fighting pose, a boxing pose. Fighting pose, rau ya ra ora ra ra ora, breaking down in a cramped room, ra, ra, ra , ra, oh, ya ba

, ya ya ya ya ya. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, now is the time, now is the time for the medical kit, now is the time for the medical kit, uh, I would like to replenish it. Hey, you came here to play a game of men against men, right ? You

Bastard, you’re muscular. This is a special skill from Emata. You can sleep for a while, Kio Nose . We’ll ensure the safety of the city. Don’t push me, you idiot. I brought me here. I forgot this person’s request is that Kasai is not Kasai, or if I took it down and brought me,

I promised it. You brought me to a place like this. You probably owe 800,000 yen to a bank. They asked me to collect it. Yes, you’re the one who’s going to collect it. It’s been confirmed that you have money. Every week, it’s expensive. I bet you ‘re playing around with soaps,

Kasai. Do you like it too ? I’ve looked into it carefully. I’m not going to answer it quietly. If you don’t, then I’ll come out, I’ll come out, I’ll come back. It’s a courtroom. I’ll defend myself in court.

I have a bachelor’s degree. You’re a lawyer. You’re abusing your drumsticks. You’re abusing your old job. It seems like you’re doing a lot of bad things, but if it goes to court, will you just be concerned about the debt?

I’m sure you’ll be accused of your usual bad things as well. If that happens, I know how many years it will cost me.I guess I should just give it back.At first glance, I was calm, which really helped.It’s me, okay, okay, okay,

Thank you.It was just a matter of getting involved, so it was okay to be a ghost, but please accept my feelings. Well then, the rest is Honda. I guess Honda was also knocked down. Apparently he ‘s very good at fighting, so be careful, that muscular guy.

Okay, before I go to Tsukumo-san, uh… I went to the first floor. Thank you Mr. Roerke. I’m so happy. Thank you for a happy Valentine’s Day. Thank you for being so cute . Happy present I want to protect and protect the harmony of the town while going to the clouds

Ugh, wait a minute, don’t leave it, I won’t leave it anymore I’m jealous Oh yaoi, it’s not a picture, it’s not a picture Okay, let’s be honest, Hona might still be on the map. It’s here. Oh, let’s go. I’ll go to Hoda’s place, and then I ‘ll give Hoda a little shove to that Zenikane-san. I promised him, so wait a minute. Hey, it’s big. I wanted to see the big one Oh wait a minute Hoda

Oh no that’s not Hoda this doesn’t look like Hoda This cat is dangerous This cat is dangerous This is amazing Did you see this ? Hey, I’m not saying “Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come

On, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, I’m not here. Wait a minute! Corn is huge. Corn is that big one from earlier. I wanted to try a little fight with that one. Yeah, I ‘ll make it happen. Yeah, it was extremely powerful. It’s normal after all.”

There are many times as many people as there are , so I lost once to Hona. Hey, where ‘s Honda here? Where’s Honda God? Oh, that’s not Honda. I found him. If I defeat you, I’ll give you a lot of money. I’m sorry I’m giving you a reward

, but I’m going to get you to eat and buy me a nicer shirt First of all, you go to Donki, go to Donki, go to Donki, go to Doki, you bastard, this bastard, this [music]

Bastard, which one is this? Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Wait, wait, it hurts, it hurts, wait What should I do ? There’s no medical kit anymore. There’s no medical kit. Even if I’m knocked down, I can still eat my lunch. Let’s eat. Let’s eat. I can’t recover anymore.

It’s like this. I had no choice but to do it. I’m scared for the first time. I’m scared for the first time. I’m scared for the first time. I can’t run away. It’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous.

Run away, run away, run away, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous

, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous. This guy is in trouble, this guy is in trouble, this guy is in trouble, wait a minute, wait, wait, wait, shit, wait a minute, this is outside, this is outside. Next up is Hokkaido, right? This is Hokkaido, uh, famous bridge, what ‘s

The follow up on the prisoner Tatsuya Gamo, who escaped from the prison? It ‘s read as “Gamo Prisoner Gamo.” This is Gamo inmate number 3. Years ago, he was sentenced to prison for murdering an organized crime resident

. However, on the 5th of last month, an unknown prison break was discovered, and the police called for vigilance today . The Metropolitan Police Department has announced that the suspect may be hiding in Kamurocho.

They called for information on sightings of the suspect and announced that they would further strengthen vigilance in the area.Why are all these bad guys gathering in Kamurocho?Maybe they are trying to rise up from the depths of the earth? I’ve fallen to the point where I can’t go any further, so

I wonder if this person is trying his best to live up to his fate and meet his fate?A powerful informant from here in this town has been given a “Eho” legal fee. They have also announced that they will pay him 1.2 million yen.

He looks bad. What he’s doing is already showing on his face. This is disturbing news. It’s the worst thing to happen if you run into someone like this. But I wonder if he’ll get a reward. Incense is 1.2 million yen, thugs, thugs. You probably won’t get 1.2 million unless you defeat

Thugs about 200 times , so it’s a good deal, but you guys can’t afford it. I’m sorry, you guys. It’s the other person again next time. If you don’t hurry up a little, you can move the cursor and see what ‘s

Going on. But where are you? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, we have to defeat these guys. Don’t ignore me , God . An old bastard asked me to beat the shit out of you.For whatever reason,

I’m glad to be working with you again.There’s a lot to talk about, but let’s talk about the rest with our fists.It’s too much flesh.You should have fixed it somewhere . Emergency Medicine I needed a medical emergency kit. Wait, couldn’t something fix it? They don’t have it anymore. Oh, this can’t fix it.

This can’t fix it. There’s nothing I can do to fix it. It ‘s too big. There’s nothing wrong with being so big. Now I have no choice but to do it with Honda. Oh, let’s do it. I’m like, oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. Let’s feel each other fist-to-fist, man.

Let’s put our fists together, let’s do it, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come

On, stop it, stop it, stop it, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! No, no, no, stop it.

If I lose any more muscle, I ‘ll turn into mince. [Music] I’m sorry, I wasn’t good, I was weak, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m going to go to the auto park and see Mr. Morohoshi. I ca n’t stop. I’m being told to stop, but I can’t stop. It’s okay.

I’m a little heartless. I feel sorry for myself. I feel sorry for myself. I’m so heartless. I don’t know how to fold those stairs. I felt a little different from usual. Come on over here or Mr. Ya. Let’s take a look at my body.

I’ll fix it once. 20,000 yen is a lot of money for having my body looked at. Ah okay, okay, okay, I was able to get the treatment again. If you need anything , please come by. Thank you. And I bought a medical kit, which cost up to 40,000 yen. That’s expensive. Oh, wait

, but it didn’t work at all. I was just motivated, but I’m motivated. I’m always at 120%, but it might be quite difficult to fight those four heavenly kings when I’m a bit out of shape.Even

Though the power of each blow is huge, the one that scared me the most was that big man with his huge body. Hey, the big guy eating potato chips. He’s gone. The danger level of the town has dropped from 10% to 1.0%, so he’s gone. Now,

Let’s go to Tsukumo-san. Who are you? Thank you for defeating the leaders of the Prize Alliance. Town. Everyone was also grateful. I sent my item to the delivery box at Mr. Yagami’s office. He spoke only as if he was going to go. Thank you

Very much. I haven’t been able to defeat Kambo, but I’m glad that Nema-san was happy. Kim-san will get angry if I don’t defeat him a bit. I had high hopes for this, but I’m disappointed. Is this

Okay? Tsukumo-san, it’s been a while since we met in person. We talked a few times on the phone, Tsukumo’s room is fine, and I’m always here. Are you Yagami? What are you doing this time? I can’t say it out loud, but I want a wiretapping device. Tsukumo, I don’t

Know much about that kind of thing. Who do you think I am? I can make it right away as long as I have the ingredients. I can’t make it myself. I made it myself with the ingredients. There is no more reliable product than this. It’s a friend’s price, so it’s great

. I’ll leave it to you. I’ll collect the materials for the eavesdropping device right away. There’s no need to do that. It’s not here, but you can get it here. That’s the mystery

Of the heart solder. It’s an online store. If you are in a hurry, it will be delivered to you, so just prepare the money for the arrow.If it costs about 100,000 yen including the cost of materials and my labor, that’s the price you paid

. So, I understand. When the money is ready, please call me and I’ll arrange the necessary parts. I have the money. I already have about 400,000 yen. Are you ready? 100,000 yen including the cost of materials and gussets. It’s yen. I’ve got it ready.

Hold on. Hold on. I’ll give you the money. Now, I’ve run out of money to ask. I’ll contact you when it’s finished. Please wait a little bit. Okay . Now Tsukumo. Once Tsukumo makes it for me, all I have to do is set it up in the Matsugane-gumi’s office.

Well, I guess I’ll just wait for Tsumo to contact me. Now that I have some time, I’ll go ahead and play. Well, I’d like to go to the Yoshida Batting Center this time.I just got a phone call just at the right time , so I

Think I’d better buy some lunch boxes.Just in case, I ate quite a bit, so I’ll leave tomorrow. I see that you can make money, so I’ll let you go. There was a batting center earlier, and there was also a game center. I wonder if

The game center is a place where you can play games. Let’s all run away. Let’s all run away. Hey, I’m going to the batting center. It feels like they’re chasing me inside. It’s okay. They’re chasing me inside. They’re freaking out. I wonder if this is a pattern where I have to

Fight. The windowpane was messed up.The windowpane was all messed up.It was at this store today.I’m going to take it easy.Well then, I took a few puffs and bought some cigarettes.Now that I think about it, I wonder

What kind of cigarettes they are. I wonder if it was something like Seven Stars. Haha. There’s a cigarette called Seven Stars, isn’t it? A fluffy woman. We’ve been dating for about half a year.

Maybe it’s time to take the next step. A fiery boy. Ah, we should do business with humans every day. And as a sportsman, you have to train hard. You’ve come to understand that. It’s not like that anymore, but I like that about you. We

Talked about it, and the two of them said, “Okay, let’s go. Yes, let’s do our best.” Well, young people, there may be some misunderstandings, but don’t give up Girls and boys, let’s try which course is it 300 yen per time? Well, what is a home run course?

I don’t know the challenge course, so let’s try it as a home run course . Cancel the decision to swing the bat Yes, if you know that much, then choose the monster you will face. It’s like this. Challenge to see how many home runs you can hit out of 10 pitches.

Clear with A rank or higher. The legend who attended the Showa baseball tournament is now Resurrecting the straight 2 seam I don’t understand it at all. Baseball, let’s go from the Showa era monster. Okay, I’ll do it . Cut the bus. Wait ,

Wait , ok, ok, ok. Okay, this is what it’s like. Oh, it’s so fast. You’re so bad , don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic, look carefully Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay,

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Let’s do it again Let’s do it one more time Which course is it, 300 yen per time? Homura course Home run course What will we do if we run out of money ? It’s like this.Okay , oh no, Pearl, hurry, hurry,

Hit, hit, hit, hit, it’s not going to make any sense unless it’s a home run.Okay, but it’s hitting, it’s hitting, oh, oh, oh, it ‘s slow, it’s a magic ball, it’s slow , it’s slow . What is this magic ball that I want to shoot? When should I shoot it? This

Is a tube base. It’s not good at all. It’s not good at all. Let’s try a challenge course. 30,000 yen gradually disappears. I wonder what the challenge course will be like. Please take a look at the explanation.Input the timing cross to match the course with L to match the course

According to the batted ball on the machine.How to clear the ball. Hit the ball back and hit the panel installed in the batting center . Hits and hits are determined based on the position of the panel.Well , I guess it’s the same as

Before.Let’s start from level 1.The levels are the same as the one in the Showa era, but different from levels 1 to 3. I want to go from level 1 of the monster of the Showa era , cut bass cut bass, nice home run ,

Ok, ok, ok, even the home run is level 1, ok, ok, ok, ok, it feels good, ok . The heavy ball of the Showa monster is two seams two seams.The heavy bullet was faster.It was a little faster.Oh , it’s good.The pressure is on your hand.Why do you feel the weight of the bullet?

You just feel the weight in your hand. I’m getting used to it, I’m getting used to it. I’m level 1, but I’m okay. I wonder if the timing of the hit changes slightly depending on the course where something is thrown at

Me. Thank you very much. Let’s stop , uh, wait a minute, uh, wrong, wrong, stop , uh, it was pretty fun, uh, now that I think about it, there’s panties here on the second floor. By the way, here, I was arrested, but I’ve already been arrested,

So I can’t talk about a lot of things. I wanted to ask you something , but I was disappointed.Let’s go shopping together.I think I’ll need some food at this time and replenish it.Well, the best thing is Kotobuki.I’ll buy just to change this.That’s all. I think that’s fine, but there’s more. I’m sorry. I’ll

Get another one . I’ll buy a bento too. I ‘ll buy a bento, too. Thank you. I wonder what I’ll use it for, like pocket tissues. Well, I wonder if I’ll put in a cabaret now.

Isn’t this the Prize Alliance of the Prize Alliance? Well, it’s one of those hideouts in the powerful world. There’s a mission that Kubu can do right now. There’s a mission that he can do right now. Let’s go and see.

I’m not sure how far we can go, but here. Wait, I’m a little disappointed.I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it until the end, but I can play around with it a bit.What do you think?Brother, are you sure she has breasts ? It’s boobs, boobs.

Don’t you feel like boobs? Hey, you’re Yosuke, yay, Yagami. It smelled like this. It smelled like a pervert. What are you doing ? Oh, Catch’s bites, no. You’re a lie, you came as a customer, right?

This girl had a cute face and smelled amazing. You weren’t a student at the part-time job at Catch, but you were a vocational student. Why are vocational students so angry? There are surprisingly many students who work part-time jobs like this.Anyone can do it, so maybe it’s true, but I’m not interested in it.Well,

Well, there are circumstances, and she looks like a child.Yagami-san, what are you doing with her breasts? So, how can you catch me like that? Is there a way to catch me like that? Would you please invite me? There’s a deep reason behind that. I

‘m inviting you because you’re big. I said I’m an ass, but there are some circumstances. It seems like there is one, but I have no choice but to go here. Ah, it seems like there’s a reason, so I’ll just show my face. Thank you.

Your likeability will increase. Maybe you’re in trouble with money ? It’s not that way. My family is rich, but I don’t want to be taken care of by my parents, so for some reason, that’s what I’m interested in. I ‘ll talk about that later, but first of all,

There’s a girl I really recommend with her boobs. She’s so pure. It’s a good piece.The first time, I used my glue, so it doesn’t look like a catch.This cat doesn’t look like a high school student anymore.Is it okay to go that far? Please drink as much expensive alcohol

As you can. I was wondering if you were going to a shop like that, but here it is. Is it okay to pay? Is this okay? You can put this in . I’m fine, I make a lot of money, both my family and my family are rich. I earn 500,000 yen a month from catch. Seriously, I

Can’t earn that much from catch. I’m too wide-eyed. Yeah, this job is performance-based, so Yagami-san is the only one here. The thing about this is to call out boobs as much as possible. Boobs. Even men instinctively react to boobs, so I’m not planning on doing that, but

The store is Apple Pie and the store is right on the street where the site is located. After all, it’s an information center. This place says “Information Center.” Buy it at the window. Please nominate someone. Apple pie Al pie I saw it somewhere. Someone was talking about that old man on the way.

Apple pie Madoka. I see. I’ll go. Tell the staff to follow Yosuke. I’m having a smoke at the smoking area of ​​the Ecam Theater near the square in front of the theater, so you can come over when you’re done. I know you’re smoking too. I’m going to go right

Now , I’m going to go right away, I’m not going to go right away, I don’t understand that system at all, but the information center has a lot of information about various shops and such shops, so it’s an information center. Does that mean that there is a catch at the

Information center that introduces various shops ? I don’t mean a catch for each shop, but a catch at the information center. Where is Apple Pafal? I was running to Apple Pafal but hey, I want to go to Alpai. I was saying, “Where is Alpai Alpai? Somehow, on the street.” It

‘s a bit strange. I missed it. Apple Pafal pie is where this shop is. Hey, apple pie. Apple pie rest area. Ah, it’s around here. It’s Madoka-chan here. Ma-chan. I’m going to the window. This way or that. I’m heading to the apple pie. I don’t have time to deal with you guys.

Please give me a break now. Right now, I’m fighting, fighting, I don’t want to break my rules, I want to go in a clean state, everyone, run away, everyone run away, this way, this way, everyone run away. What’s the matter? Sorry to have kept you waiting. The spiritual product has been completed.

Yes, I’m sorry if it’s really early, but I’ll come to the store to pick it up. I know it’s after the apple pie. I’ll go right away for the apple pie. I’ll go later Please let me go here. It’s so sexy . How many times and twice? Then

Everyone, let’s go to the dream world. My heart is pounding. It’s my first time, so can you please be kind to me ? I don’t know the system, so I’m nervous. I’m sorry, welcome. Is there a girl you’d like? Erm, I’m sure that’s your name, brother. If it’s me, I’m open.

There’s a lot of things going on. An older sister with a face that looks like she’s seen something before. Brother, I said my service is good. Here I am, a girl.Actually, I’d like to nominate a girl named Madoka , but there’s something wrong with that.Yeah, it’s a bit difficult,

But I understand that Madoka will come up with a complaint. Please tell me a story. Yes, it’s okay. I’ll give Yosuke the payment. Ah, Yosuke-san, I understand. Yosuke, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him. That kid, brother, you have to be patient and do your best . That kid is here. Hello,

I’m Madoka . Excuse me, Madoka. There are all kinds of kids. What’s up with Neto, Nee, and Madoka? It’s like the natural type. Yeah, this silence [Music] Huh ? You’re still young. How old are you ? Well, yeah. If the customer gets drunk, you might talk. That’s kind of what I was told. Don’t drop that expensive

Money . That ‘s what I said, probably the sales talk I learned here, but I was thinking, “Do you want to drink anything?” Come to think of it, Yosuke-kun asked me to drink as much expensive alcohol as possible. Is this 20,000 yen guy who can order alcohol okay? It’s 20,000 yen.

It’s okay, so I’ll bring it to you. It’s Yosuke-kun’s free time. Thank you. This bar sells pretty strong alcohol, but I feel like I can still go. I’m sitting down . Hmm, no, I can’t continue the conversation. I can’t continue the conversation. I

Can order another one of those same people. Yes, thank you. It’s bad. I’m getting drunk. I can’t do it. My eyes are ruined. I can’t drink any more. Oh, I look pale. Ah, I think I forced myself a little. That’s terrible, Tsukumon. I have to go somewhere,

But after this, I have to get better at drinking, so I can’t hang out in a place like this. That’s it, that’s all. Just take Madoka out. Madoka-chan, Madoka-chan, Madoka-chan, Madoka-chan, Madoka-chan, Madoka-chan, is nowhere. Madoka-chan, let ‘s talk for a moment. I’m sorry that I came out without permission, but that’s

Just the way it is. Where did you go, Madoka-chan? Wait, I can’t walk straight. Maybe because I’m drunk, I can’t walk straight anymore. Hey, Maka-chan. I don’t know what he meant by saying, “I’m serious about dating you. Please do your best with me.” I wonder if it’s

Because I kept saying things like “I’m serious about dating you.” I wonder if it’s because I said something. This restaurant here is what you call it. Everyone is drinking alcohol normally , but that’s Madoka. Amaka-chan isn’t there. Hey, Tencho. Hey, he’s never going to let me down. I ‘m

That Madoka-chan. I have a customer from the past. Well, please. You came again. Where was Amaka-chan? She got drunk on the way the other day. Well, let’s do our best today. Let’s drink a lot and contribute to the sales. Why did this happen? I can’t drink any more. Ah, the customer looks pale.

Ah, I think I overdid it a bit. Is this more like déjà vu? If I don’t get stronger first , it’s all déjà vu. Is this the end? I wonder if I was fooled. I thought we could play more, but it was just

That. Yosu-kun said he would buy me something for the first time, but the second time. After that, I probably paid the money I just paid myself. What if something happens at a time like this? I’m a little dizzy. I

Can’t drive straight at all. I’m even more drunk than I thought. This is no good. This is no good. Let’s walk. Let’s walk. Let’s take a taxi. Actually, it ‘s a bit more, but it’s a bit dangerous at this distance. At a time like this , I’m going to do

Something like this. It’s my first drunk fight. Wow, that’s amazing. It’s a drunk fight. It’s my first drunk fight. I’m strong . I can run. I can run in a straight line. Okay, ok. Okay. I wonder if I’ve gotten sober. The fight is here [music] or here.

It’s really fast. It’s good to make. Yagami. You were fast. I can’t beat your work speed. I’m honored to receive your compliments. Please take a look at the product. It’s a type that can be disguised by being plugged into an outlet.

The reception range is 100m. The radio waves are extremely strong. Even if there is a vehicle like an iron plate between them, there will be no problem. It’s on top of a building. I wanted something like that.The power supply can be controlled remotely with a remote control, so even if it’s a

Great detective like Eya, the power source can be controlled remotely. It’s probably difficult to spot the opportunity. That’s a bit redundant. But thank you. Thank you for your help. You’re welcome. Okay. Okay. I ‘ll take this back to the Yagami Detective Agency.

Okay. Pick up the screw. Okay. Okay. I’m not drunk, but I’m a little drunk. I don’t know what to do, should I take a taxi? It would be faster to take a taxi. I’m going to plant it in the office

And go somewhere. The head is going to leave then. I’m going to get information on where the head is. It’s good to be here. It’s good to be here. Alright, la, la, la, la. There are a lot of people passing by, so I want to go on top of the car.Okay, come, come, come, come, come, see. I’m sure you’re in. Alright, sit down. I don’t want anything to do with this closet.

Considering Shintani-senpai was in this closet, they’re telling me to set up a wiretapping device in the Matsugane group. I’ve already heard the story. Well then, Sugiura-kun, please explain to me. I’m sorry, but even if you were forced to sneak in, you’re always out at the group office, and the delivery service is also

Being watched by security cameras, so if you get caught, it’s fine and it’s not a half-killing joke. That’s right. That’s right. What should we do? Kaito-san, well, don’t get angry, so I thought of another option. If sneaking in is impossible, you can just sneak in. Hey,

Listen to me, Tabo. Don’t you recognize this guy? He’s wearing a flashy disguise. I’m sure it’s Matsukankai’s No. 1 fashionable guy, Ta-kun, who loves fashion.He doesn’t take off his clothes even at night.By the way, this guy has a similar physique as Turbo, and he has a similar physique to me

. If you were a mask, you wouldn’t notice even if the contents were swapped. Yeah, I’m sure you wouldn’t notice. That’s a good idea. Or me? Well, I’ll have to disguise myself as Konoda and go under. First, find him and see if he’s wearing a jersey and sunglasses. The rest

Is easy, just enter the office confidently and set up the eavesdropping machine. I’m sure it’s me after all. Thank you. Well, you’ve lost your mind, Kai-san. You might return to the Matsugane Gumi one day. That’s what I thought

Until today.If I suddenly rebelled against my father to the face, I wouldn’t be able to do it anymore.I’ve done that, so I guess I’ll just have to leave the [music] somewhere else . Are you going to strip down and eat? Pack your clothes and leave. Ah, let’s

Go right away. Well, this place is small. The arrangement of the cat is a little bit. I don’t want to criticize Ototo’s fashion, but there are some people who have changed in this world. After this. Will it happen?

It seems like they have no idea where Ta-kun is. He used to run a cabaret club called Shigi, so he might show up there. I think the cabaret club is called Emerald Hills. It’s on the west side of Shichifuku-dori. Well, let’s go there first. Let’s go to Nishi-o Street

And find Ta-kun. But that’s super close to Matsugane-gumi’s No. 1 Fashionable Fashionable Bancho Fashionable Banchou Kaata office. Let’s run. Wait, wait , wait. It’s coming out, wait, wait, wait, oh, I totally forgot, but I’m sure there’s a villain in Hokkaido who escaped from the prison he escaped from, or maybe the

Prison he escaped from.He said there was also a dangerous guy who escaped from the prison hiding in Kamurocho.I’m sure it’s somewhere. He’s hiding, isn’t he? If you find him, he ‘ll give you 1.2 million yen as a bonus, so there’s no chance they’ll meet by chance. He ‘s probably hiding somewhere. I

‘m sorry, but hey, there’s someone here who looks like a little girl. Hello, are you two there ? No, I didn’t come here to play, but Emerald. This is the store where the Matsugane group has their butts. Yeah, what is that? I’m looking for someone, but I don’t know who

Ta is. See, he always wears flashy jerseys. He’s wearing his clothes and wearing glasses even at night. You know that guy . That’s right, that’s him. You know where he is. I was here just a little while ago. There was a

Customer who was a little troublesome, so I took him somewhere. I went to quenching , which is the perfect job for me.I took him somewhere.I think he’s from Tenkaiichi Street.There’s a vacant lot behind the building that doesn’t get many people, so

That kind of wisdom will work. It’s a golden rule to go to a deserted place if you don’t want to burn in. Why are you being so arrogant? Let’s go, let’s go. You’re on the street. You helped me.

That’s the girl who taught me this. Please wait just a little while. Just a little bit like that nose. Please wait. I ‘m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. Well, let’s get right to it. Wow, it’s quite spacious. It’s not in this area behind Tenkai 1st Street. I

Think it’s in this area. They said it wasn’t popular, so I’ll try the Mayaki. If I couldn’t get in, I would have run away. Maybe I was in too much of a hurry to get in. Hurry up,

Hurry up and find me. So I quickly set up a raid on the Matsugane Gumi office, and it was all over . I guess you mean around Taneko ? There’s a cuff like an Excelsior here. Let’s go . Let’s fight. We’ll do this to the enemy

. We’ll defeat the enemy with some scary weapon. Scat. This is a normal park. You can go here or there from around here. Let’s go over here. Isn’t it here? Isn’t it there? It’s not here. It’s not here. This means it’s not here. Is this

Area different from this one? Is it from Taihei-dori here? Well , north-southwest, maybe this way. Let’s go there. There’s no place to go to the park. There doesn’t seem to be a place like a back alley, so I want to go there, you guys

. Don’t worry, you won’t get it. You won’t get it at all. I can’t have it. I’m going to hunt a little. I’ll get 10,000 yen from the orchestra. It took up a lot of time. Well, it’s not from over there, it’s from here.

Yeah, yeah, I was surprised. That old man’s shop only sells coins in cash.I think they have a sign posted at the entrance, so don’t let them touch it.It ‘s a really glaring lie.The girls are complaining.It’s Yoita-kun, oh seriously, all the time. I’m a little impressed that you’re dressed like that. Tsume is Yagami.

I know the face of the group’s target. It’s so annoying. That’s how I am. You should run away. Damn, it’s because of you that I was able to run away. He was just trying to extort money by making some strange connections.

It’s doubtful whether that customer was really chasing him or not. It’s serious, and he’s so upset. It’s a good thing that he’s such a person, so even if he gets chased off, he won’t complain. I can’t tell you, you’re a robber.

Could you please lend me the clothes you’re wearing? How much do you think they cost? I don’t know, but you shouldn’t be walking around wearing such expensive clothes. The jerseys have a nice shine to them. If I take them off now,

I won’t have to look so painfully, and I’ll have clean clothes, which will be a big help.In other words, I think it’s better to take Win-Wun with me.Don’t blame me.If you want these clothes that much, you’re going to have to steal them. You know, whether you know it or not,

I feel bad for my sleigh. Is this a challenge for you without knowing how strong I am? It’s a challenge. You’re here, you’re here, you’re here, you’re here. You ‘ve pushed me into a corner , don’t make a fool of yourself, I’ll stick to it.In the end, I’m

Sure the information about not fighting Yagami hasn’t been passed around to the Matsugane group.Oh, I ‘d be in trouble if someone saw me.This guy has quite a bit of money in his wallet. I’m so stuffed inside. If you touch it, you’ll be robbed. Yes, I know. I

Mean, the clothes are fine, so I’m just going to borrow them. If a former lawyer says it, I’ll believe it. Oh, and it’s just as big as it looks, and what’s up with your hair? Ten’s hair is on point. It’s okay if you’re not happy.

Well then, I’m going to head to the group’s office to set up a wiretapping device. Oh, I can ask Fujisanda-kun. What are we going to do ? As expected, it’s so cold at this time of year, I can’t leave him alone. It’s risqué.

The lines are so gentle that you can see the risqué lines quite clearly.I’m the same as the one with the cracked surface.Even if I go, it wo n’t be of any use.Thank you very much.I’ll definitely understand this.Don’t hit me.It’s okay, Taro-kun. I got some clothes. Yes

, I’m sorry. I can’t help but be laughed at and laughed at. It’s your clothes. Yes, it’s not mine. Well then, let’s meet up in front of the group’s office. Okay, I’ll go right away. It’s okay, Mr. Den, you’re awake though. I think Ta-kun’s pants are briefs type, which is nice.Well

, it seems like it’s quick to go to Matsugane-gumi here or by taxi.Let’s take a taxi.Ugh, this is so embarrassing.I wonder if it’s because Ta-kun is dressed like that . Those guys aren’t going to get involved. Well then, we’re leaving.

I don’t think things will go well, but I wonder if it’s okay. Even if you’re wearing a mask, if you’re wearing a mask and wearing a mask, your colleagues who work with you will notice. I wonder if we can go here or to the Matsugane Gumi? Where are Sugiura and Nagare Sugiura?

Sugiura made me wait. Hey, Sugiura. You’re the wrong person, aren’t you ? You’re teasing me. Don’t be funny. It can’t be helped. It’s more destructive than I imagined . It’s okay for you to infiltrate. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. In any case, it’s definitely weird.

Let’s get it over with quickly. If you set up a listening device inside, I’ll monitor it right away, so as soon as the installation is complete , escape. Okay, I know, I’m only going to appear somewhere, so get ready. No problem, I don’t have to prepare anymore. There’s no problem anymore. You’re gonna

Laugh so hard. You really need to remember this. I don’t want to look in the mirror, so let’s go. Where should I set this up ? It’s obvious that I’m still making the most of it. Next time, please tell me a good restaurant. I wonder

If you’re thinking of a book. I can’t hold back my laughter anymore. I’m laughing so hard. I can’t forgive this guy. He’s making fun of me. I’ll make sure to set up a plan for you, Otaka.

Have you resolved the issue at Emerald Hills? Well, right now, the group is in trouble because of Yagami’s sword. I guess you’ll have to take care of that. You’ll be away for a while. Please do it, I’ll go to the convenience store. I’ll be back in about 5 minutes.

It seems like he hasn’t noticed. I’m conveniently alone now. Let’s set up a wiretapping device before he comes back. Hmm, where should I go ? There’s an outlet. There’s a place here. This place is okay. This place looks suspicious. There’s a cord running behind the flowerpot. Maybe there’s an outlet behind it.

Okay, let’s move it out of the way for a bit. This is right here. I’m going to set up a listening device to search for 3 places. I’ll check 3 places. Okay, I want to put this back here, but it’s okay. Right now, there’s an outlet where there’s electricity.

Okay. Okay, okay, here it is. Generally speaking, there are only a few places where you can find an outlet, so here it is . This is a bit unsatisfying, but I’m not

Sure if I’ll say this, but I’m a little worried. Just in case, I’ve set up one in my father’s room as well. Oko [Music] Oh, that old man is hiding right now , so he’s hiding here. If you look

Here , you’ll see that the old man’s room is really small. I can find it. Quickly get out of there . I understand. And is there anything that could be a clue? Is there anything in particular that could be a clue to Mog ? I can’t see anything other than that. Okay,

Hey Taro, what are you doing? Don’t just go into my father’s room without permission. If something were to happen, it would be my responsibility as I was on duty, but hey, tell me something, you guys, don’t be so angry.Has Yagami been found out?I don’t think he’s going to come and kill

Me. Don’t give it back, I did it. Thank you for seeing through it. I’m going to get violent. I’ll make a mess of it. If I get violent at this office, I’ll get another scar on my face. There’s a scar on my right and left eyebrows,

But again. I’m going to make it, I’m going to make it, I’m going to make it, I’m going to make it, I’m going to make it, I’m going to make a big deal It looks like I’m going to be checked a lot, but I wonder if it’s okay. What should I do ? The power outage was over, I loved it, it was dangerous. Mr. Yagami, the power outage earlier was probably your doing, or thanks to the eavesdropping period, I

Could hear everything. I immediately tripped the breaker on the building. As expected, I was saved . If I do, I’ll probably get some support. Let’s get out of here quickly. Ah, I accomplished my goal. I set up all four eavesdropping devices.

It’s okay. I waited a while to see if the eavesdropping devices were working properly. I ‘ll eavesdrop on them with those earphones . It’s okay. They’re working properly. Thank goodness. A member of the crew is calling somewhere right away. It’s the village on the other end. They’re reporting on the current commotion.

Do you know where Hara is? Wait a minute, Naga probl. Naga probl. It’s like Bakukamurocho Noba, but it’s a sales bomb. If you’re looking for a bird, just ask a gambler.If you’re looking for a bird, just ask a gambler.The people in the basement, under the Kobo,

Will know.When it comes to how much it is, I can handle it all by myself. I understand, thank you for your help. I’m making progress. I’m making progress. Um, I’m going to get gambling information from Raman. Okay, please wait a minute. I have a really runny nose, and the pollen is making me

Watery. If you’ll excuse me for a moment , then I’ll get some information from Raman. I’d like to go there to get some information and do some research. Come on up, wait a little. I’m being told, but I’ll just keep going. It’s around here. This way.

Takokoko, come in, come in, come in, come in, go in, go in, go in, go in, go in, go in, go in, go in, go in, go in, go in, go in, go in, go ahead, ignore the prize alliance guys [music]

No way, no way, they’re chasing me, they can’t get in. Ah, they disappeared. They disappeared. I put Po-chan in the water, and she disappeared. Okay, let’s listen a little and quickly. I’d like to go. Well, this is it. No, no, no. Okay. I didn’t want to open it.

Well, even though there are gambling enthusiasts here, or people who are familiar with the town’s affairs, I couldn’t read everything. Um, the store clerk seems nice, but this… I wonder what’s wrong with people. I feel like I’m a gambler. He’s been hanging out with

That woman. It’s more about the bunny than about sex. What’s this guy doing? Why don’t you ask him? I’ll talk to him. Is that okay? I don’t know if you can do long bombs in Kamurocho, but there’s no place to sell

It.Ah, it’s something outside of Champions, but it’s definitely a place that normal people can’t get into.Do you know?I’d like you to tell me where it is. Well, you can tell me, but I don’t think I know that woman very well.Oh, I’m sure she’s pretty good, but I’m sure she’s gone.What

Is that?I want to have a drink with her. I don’t want him to call me, no, no. Why would I

Have a better chance of success if a good-looking guy asked me out? Well, I’m a humble guy. There’s no way I could have asked him out like that. So if it goes well, please let me know . That’s a skill, but just

Because you caught something like that, there’s no way you’ll be able to do it well after that.Let’s talk to you.I think it’s better to go straight with this kind of thing.It’s a little sideways, please. She’s quite a high school student. She comes here often. She likes drinking and gambling.

She’s also a good guy. She’s a good guy. I ‘d like to be seduced by a movie-like line once. This girl has a big ass. Okay, but what do you drink? Before a martini game, I always

Drink a shake instead of a martini. You know a lot about movies. Will you let me drink it? I ‘ve got some friends. Let’s have fun together. Great clothes. I told you all I wanted to do was drink, right? I also like gambling. I like hot games that make you tingle

. If you could beat me at poker, you’d be fine. I’ve never been with you before. I wanted blackjack. It’s too hard to explain, so I can’t do it anymore. Wait a minute for an explanation. Uncle is coming.

I’m not sure if I can ask him. Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up. Can you give me an explanation? Wait a minute. I’m ready. Well then, let’s try it. Let’s have some fun. It may be important to understand the explanation,

But luck is also important. Erm, explanation, explanation, operating method, operating explanation, rules, see the explanation. No, this is difficult. Well, there are 10 pages of explanations, but let’s just get a rough idea

Of ​​the Texas Hold’em rules. 5 cards out of a total of 7 cards, 2 cards in your hand and 5 shared cards. The conditions for winning a poker called Texas Hold’em are to create the strongest hand when you have a small down, and to have the strongest hand when

You win . The flow of play for folding is that in the first round, cards are dealt, in the second round, three shared cards are dealt, and in the third and fourth rounds, one card is shifted, and the round where everyone’s bet is the same. Conditions for proceeding:

Everyone’s bet amount is the same. There is one round of checks. Yeah, yeah, yeah, somehow I understand. When the 4th round ends, everyone’s hand is revealed. During the showdown , the person with the strongest hand wins, so what? If you don’t know whether it’s a strong hand or not, then the next

Action you can take in each round is to make a fixed amount of chips.Pick the same amount of chips as the person before the call.Pick one more chip before the rise.Chek check chip. Stop the hold and pass it on to the next person without giving it, and get off this match.Well, the bed

Is possible to act if the chip is not out.The check is if the chip is out.I don’t know about this part either, but this part is already over. The big pre-pre blend and the little play

Do are forced chips at the beginning of the game.The players who are forced to play are the players whose dealer button turns next and the player who turns next . I don’t understand, so the first explanation doesn’t make any sense at all.

Well, let’s just remember the roles. One pair. Two cards with the same number. Two pairs. One pair. The more the pair crawls, the more the three cards are cards with consecutive numbers. 5 cards are Star Star Instrument Strength Stray Straight or Straight 123455 cards are the weakest Weakest straight This is the weakest

Flash Cards of the same suit I see but 5 full house Full house has various combinations of one pair and 3 cards , so there are various things. Which one is the strongest? In the end, it’s a combination of a straight from 10 to A and a flush that doesn’t apply to

Either role. It’s a combination of high cards that

Don’t fit any role. It doesn’t matter whether the person who made the winning role with strong cards or not, is the one who wins at the same time. Judgment In the end, there was a brief explanation of what was the strongest card.There was an explanation of

What cards were strong.There was an explanation of each role , but I couldn’t remember the first three pages of explanation. But I don’t understand the last explanation, and the first explanation is already 0. What should I do? I’ll try again. I’m an

Idol from a group of girls I know well from the city. I have the same tip as the person in front of me. All you have to do is put out more chips than the previous person.Well then,

You need to get the hands that will put out more chips than the previous person. It ‘s still a call-end round. What’s the point of using the 2nd round item? This doesn’t matter. For now , I’m holding everything like this, but wait a minute , it’s 8 and 4. People can’t see it.

It’s not 2 pairs, it’s 2 pairs, 8 and 4. What should I do in a situation like this? Well, should I rise? It’s like a contest where you can win. Everyone’s holding on. Is it okay to say Rise? [Music]

Is it going to be released when the last round 4 is over and you say yes? Well then, you’re in trouble.Hitomi, an idol in the street, has better roles than me. So, I kind of understood that. Is that okay? I’m going to start raising again here.

There’s still a bit of a rise. I’m going to give the next person a check chip without giving them a chip. I’m looking at how I’m going to do it. 2 Pairs 34 2 Pairs 2 It’s a pair and there’s nothing else , right ? I won, I won, I won, I won,

I won, I won. I was just jealous of my loss. That’s right, the game was all about luck. This time, I wasn’t on my side. But Lulu is quiet here and goes with the flow. Well then,

Let’s have a toast. Please follow the rules. My brother is having fun with his girlfriend. I win the game . I can drink with her. Grab your drink and go to your seat. Is it true? Before that, tell me about the bird that can produce a long field. Ah, then

You’re not a champion. There’s only one store that doesn’t have a sign, so there’s a store that doesn’t have a sign that you can easily see. It’s a champion. Slowly shutter the shutter 3. I’ll knock twice.

Then I’ll be asked what your requirements are. I’ll say the password. I’ll ask how Otsuki is. I’ll knock and ask Akobat. Next , he’ll say he’d like to eat steak. He says Chateaubriand Bleu Rare. So I’ll let you in.

The door is in the basement. Thank you for saving me. Well then, cheers. I’ll refrain from doing so. I have to go right away. I can’t catch anything. I have a nice ass, but it’s a waste. Oh yeah. She has a ucca martini. So don’t steer, just shake and it

‘s dark. This dull man’s brain is the same as mine. It sounded like a code. Steer. Ask Sugiura to tell you where it is. How did you know where the village was? Takaaah, I was outside the champions, but really, where are you outside the champions? There’s only one

Store with no signboard. I guess I can go to the underground bird from there. What should I do when I find Hamamura? I need to get rid of my frustration.To be honest, I can’t help but talk about this after all.You’re a quick talker.Let’s go.Oops,

I’m sorry, Kaito-san.You’re not the champion. It’s a bit far . Maybe I should take a taxi. It’s not that far. It’s not that far. It’s not that far. It’s not that far. It’s about the same distance, so I ‘m going to walk.

I’m sorry. I’m a little nervous. I’m getting choked up, so I’m switching to mouth breathing to deliver the food.I can’t breathe properly anymore, so I’m delivering the food to you through the mouth.The Champion Street password is already clear, so I’m going to go to a store that doesn’t have a sign.

I’m looking for a big noun from the movie 007 Where did you go to Matty earlier? What kind of alcohol did you want to see at that Chesheik with Matty? I don’t know much about alcohol at all. This is different. This is not here. There’s no sign. Is there a sign? Kabu Tokyo,

There’s some bad guys out there. They’ve noticed us. I don’t think they can walk . Ah, they’re here. Switch to the big one, turn around, and as soon as they see you, they’ll attack you ! Conconconcon [Music] Give it to me, give me it

I’d like to find a shop that doesn’t have a sign.Here’s the champion.Let’s go from here.Let’s start from here and go around from the left.There’s a sign posted.There’s a sign here too.Just go around a little bit and go there. Eh, I’m in too much of a hurry here.

There’s a sign posted here. Follow Magic-chan. It’s Mr. Fuji. Is this place different? I’d like to go around a little bit and then go into that alley on the inside. There’s a sign posted around here. It says shellac here, so is there a sign on it ? Lack-Lack is amazing.

There are so many doors, and where there are signs and where there aren’t, it’s a little hard to tell which shop’s sign is here . They’re all out here. Hey Tabon. Isn’t this the store that’s connected to Tori? There’s no sign of the store anywhere.

This is the door. Should I count this as a door? First, knock on the door three times. The requirements are: Is Otsuki doing well ? Is Otsuki today? Is Otsuki doing well? Is Otsuki doing well? Is Otsuki doing well? It seems that he wants to eat steak.

As expected, this cannot be answered by someone who doesn’t know this password. Chateaubriand Bleu It’s rare , right? Chateaubriand Blue. Rare. What is it? Blue rare. I received an order. Go ahead and have it. When you ‘re done, let’s eat the meat. [ Music] I’m here. It’s underground. It’s so spacious

In this shopping street. I set up a gambling parlor.It’s pretty big.It’s pretty big.There are women playing there.It’s hot, it ‘s hot, it’s long, it’s not that long.They don’t all look like they’re rich. That’s right, Kato-san, the pieces were all lined up. Come on, come on. It’s

A game. Come on, come on. The waves are finally coming back. We’ve done it. Let’s go. Hey, where are you guys standing? It’s a nuisance, but it’s been a long time, hasn’t it? I had a hard time finding it. It’s okay to go. I’ll be there anytime. I’ll finally

Be able to fight with Ha’s head. The person who said it was super is also dangerous here . If I don’t eat my bento, I’ll wait for my bento and eat my bento. Excuse me.

I think I should eat a lot of sushi here and drink some alcohol. But I can’t get drunk with this. Even if I drink this, I can’t get drunk. I’m probably feeling kind of intoxicated. I felt like I was stronger if I did it. Did you see it

? It’s coming. It’s coming. Don’t take a break . Don’t take a break . Hide in the map. It’s over. It’s over. It’s like this. Go, stop it, stop it , stop it. Mikkeralara, wait, wait, wait, wait, drop it. Don’t drop it, don’t drop it , do n’t drop it,

Don’t drop it How can I grab it? Okay, this is Ken ‘s line about how he could go , who could go, who could go, who could go, who made it in time, who managed to make it in time.I don’t know if he made it just in time or not, but

He was able to make it. Ham, you’re doing quite well, aren’t you? [Music] Hamra You should definitely listen to Mog’s story here, Mr. Me. He’s pretty strong, isn’t he ? Stay calm and calm down. Let’s fix the muscle strain first. Alright, here we go. One point is better.Bra is strong.I can’t lose

Until I hear the information.Wait a minute, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, this is sushi stuffing, sushi stuffing, sushi stuffing Let’s eat sushi, let’s eat lots of sushi, okay, okay, okay, okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, you’re strong, you guys

Have quite a fighting spirit, and a little more, Habu, and a little more, okay Fuji-san, just make sure you’re done with the final pose , are you done? Be more violent. I don’t care if you give me the 100 million yen that was stolen from your group’s safe, it was your

Money. In total, how many people were killed by the Reikai guys, Shintani, and others? Before he was killed, Shintani said that Mogu’s murder was not related to high-ranking people, which means he had enough information to say that . That’s why I kept my mouth shut.

I didn’t let Nagun use Aya’s gun. I didn’t know that what Shintani was grasping was something that would connect the Kamurocho murders and the drug discovery center. I knew that Addec 9’s Riken was also involved. If you don’t like me, I’ll kill you. Listen to what I have to say. The

Village Drug Discovery Center is starting up. Kido is the mastermind behind it. Is Kido different ? I won’t reply. If you don’t like me, I’ll stop you with my breath. Fuji [ [Applause] Isn’t he angry? When Shintani called the drug discovery center, he tried to call Shino instead of Kido.

Apparently, a lawyer named Shintani called us. The person he called was Ono was trying to get information from him before he was killed.The mastermind seems to be returning.There’s a fire.I wonder if someone started the fire.The phantom thief.His minions take Hamamura, whose English is bad , to take him somewhere. Well ,

You were saved. Were we saved? It’s okay now, Ayako . It’s over. Somehow, you were saved. In that condition. Please wait a moment. Your nose is runny. Wait a minute. The final mastermind is a lie, isn’t it? Even though he’s the leader of Anoshi’s drug discovery

Center and the team leader of Atech 9, it was said that there’s a guy behind Kido, right? But the mastermind is Little’s father said there was something dangerous in the background with Ham and Mog in the background.Black is the mastermind behind it.How many times does he say that? I really

Can’t see it at all yet, but it feels like that little girl, but I’m sorry, the runny nose has gotten really bad.Yes, it’s not connected at all, but if it’s a little girl, then Ono is somehow behind the scenes. I wonder if there is some kind of

Connection between Yaza and the person behind the scenes, but I still can’t quite figure it out. From Ham’s reaction, it seems like Shino is the mastermind. Shino seems to be a pretty important person. It seems like he’s not very concerned about it, so I called Arata directly

And tried to ask him about it, but no, I can’t get through at all, but I still don’t know if it’s possible. Maybe I don’t have it. I’ll have to look into it a little more . I wanted to ask the people in Tamura’s Anoha Village a little more

, but unfortunately I didn’t get much valuable information this time. I’ve done it, but it feels like it’s time for the next one. Yes, thank you everyone. I’ve successfully completed Chapter 8. This is probably Chapter 12

There will be Chapter 12, and then probably the next one. It seems like Chapter 13 is the last one, but it’s not yet yet . Well, I still have no idea what’s going to happen, so I have to help Ayabe as well, so I’m going to

Try to figure out who did Shintani right now. There are still a lot of mysteries surrounding this , but it really hasn’t been connected to me yet, and I haven’t connected it to the Okubo-kun incident from three years ago that I was in charge of, but it ‘s probably due to drug discovery.

I think the center probably tried giving that old grandpa, who had dementia, some kind of medicine, and made a mistake , and he didn’t die, so he killed him and blamed it on Okubo. I’m kind of thinking that

Maybe he blamed me for that, and that that incident with Grandpa Wa-chan from three years ago was just that.Yes, I still don’t know what will happen until the end, so I’m proceeding with predictions. I’d like to come, so I’d like to end today with this.If my schedule doesn’t change tomorrow, I

‘ll be broadcasting from around the same time tomorrow, so if that’s convenient for you. If you meet me, please come and see me live. If you like the video, please click the good button and if you haven’t subscribed to the channel yet, please

Do so. Thank you very much for your supportive comments. I would be happy if you could support me by clicking the good button on the video. Thank you for the second time. Thank you for your hard work. Bye-bye. See you tomorrow. Bye [Music] Bye


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