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The system asked me to capture the male protagonist, capture him and dump him. It’s simple. A woman chases a man, and there’s a veil between them . As soon as we sat down for our first meal, he took out a gift, “Miss Li, welcome to join me.” My wedding to my girlfriend

…is the system crazy? The male protagonist is not single! I was selected by the dark system to become a branch NPC. I had to complete all the tasks before I could return to the real world. Unfortunately , my task was to fall in love with ten different men one by one

And get rid of them . Fortunately, my task grid was already nine. That is to say, now I only need to break up with one more man to get through the situation perfectly. Fortunately, breaking up is not difficult. At this moment, I am having a very romantic French meal with my mission target

. White candles and red wine come from behind the screen. His name is He Chuan, who plays the melodious violin . He is the boss of the He Group . He is 28 years old. He is 18cm tall. He has a gentle and handsome appearance

. He wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his peach blossom eyes. He talks elegantly and has a funny figure. He is well dressed and looks thin when he takes off his clothes. …Although I have never seen it before , looking at the looming mermaid line in the shirt

And the male waist that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom , it can be said that it is particularly interesting in this environment. It is quite embarrassing to break up with such a high-quality partner. I pinched it. Put your thighs up and calm down.

I have to go back quickly. I just got an offer from the Fortune 500. I can’t covet beauty here. I know that the task deadline will be up in three months . What danger will I be in? He Chuan cut the steak and gently pushed it in front of me: “Try this

Top-quality grain feed that was flown in early in the morning .” He is so gentle and grown up. I have never met such an elegant man , let alone talk to him. Forget about love , I gritted my teeth and stamped my feet, putting down the knife and fork in my hand,

“He Chuan , I want to break up with you…” “I invite you here today to discuss my wedding with Yuanyuan. ” Have you ever seen someone tripped by your own tongue? I ‘m already tied up, and I can’t swallow my saliva instantly. My throat is dry and I start to cough. He

Chuan quickly poured me a glass of water. “Are you okay, Miss Li? ” I drank the glass of water in one gulp and I took a breath and looked at him: “You mean you have a girlfriend… right? ” He nodded, frowning slightly, looking good

But obviously saying, Li Qingyi, have you lost your memory ? “We are scheduled to get married on the 16th next month. Yuanyuan and I are here Is your wedding plan correct ? What are you going to say? What are you going to share with me?

” I quickly pushed the steak he had cut over: ” I can’t eat the steak myself, let’s share it…” I especially Meow, you know that the system is definitely not that conscientious. In the last breakup task, he is not my boyfriend at all , and he has a marriage partner.

He Chuan calls me Miss Li. We are not familiar with each other to the naked eye. He calls his fiancée Yuanyuan , who is obviously his true love Bai Yueguang. The prerequisite for breaking up is that I have enough money to throw away, power to let go, and not to be a mistress!

What a cheating system, this is clearly asking me to challenge my own moral bottom line! That night He Chuan talked to me a lot about the details of the wedding. It was obvious that he cared about his fiancée staying up until dinner was over. He insisted on taking me home

And the driver drove me. We drank and sat in the back seat a little too close to each other. The wind was blowing loudly, and I felt a little bored for a moment. He Chuan deliberately moved to the side and kept looking at

Him for the entire journey. He is not a scumbag in the first place, and I can’t do anything to win love with a sword. The plot suddenly froze here. When I got home, I asked the system what I would do if I couldn’t complete the task within three months.

The system’s tone was full of gloating: “You will die~” The wavy line… I couldn’t hold it in for a long time: “Why did you choose me ?” System: “I don’t like you, I’m glad! ” System: “Wrack your brains, I don’t have much time left for you!

Don’t try to run away, I can hear every word you say “The curse words came to my lips and forced me to swallow them . I knew that I had encountered a dark system, which was really unlucky. Other people’s systems were as tender as water. My system was sinister and cruel

. I thought about it all night, but I didn’t have a clue until dawn . It was not until night that I fell asleep and was woken up by a phone call. I slept all day and answered the phone in a hazy state : “Ms. Li? This is Xu Yuanyuan

.” Xu… Yuanyuan… I woke up with a jolt. It was He. Sichuan’s fiancée “Is it convenient? I want to see you. ” At 8:45 in the evening, the soothing music was playing in the clear bar. The atmosphere was full of petty bourgeoisie. When I arrived,

Xu Yuanyuan was already sitting in the small box and personally mixed a cocktail for me to chat with her. After saying hello, I sat down and took a look at He Chuan’s fiancée. With just one glance, I understood why He Chuan didn’t marry her . To be honest, she is so beautiful.

Can you imagine that otherworldly elegance like a fairy falling into the mortal world? ? Especially her frown and smile, elegant and charming. “Ms. Xu , you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. ” “Thank you. ” She smiled slightly and pushed the wine in front of me.

“Ms. Li praised me like this for the first time. It seems she is sincere.” I mean it. ” “That’s when…” My heart suddenly skipped a beat. Yesterday, He Chuan said that I had discussed the details of the wedding with them. We must have met before

, but she said this was the first time we met? I suddenly became alert and picked up the glass: “Miss Xu is really good at joking. The last time we met, I was…” “You just came here yesterday, right? ” The wine in my hand almost spilled. I became completely alert and

Leaned back. Damn: “What do you mean? ” Xu Yuanyuan rolled up the sleeves of both arms. In addition to the large bruises that were already black and purple, there were also burns from cigarette butts! She lowered her voice and cried: “Miss Li, I need your help

.” Then I listened to a story that made my chest explode. Xu Yuanyuan was He Chuan’s Bai Yueguang. At that time, she liked her senior brother He Chuan and wanted to get her. The senior brother framed her and turned her into a

Useless person. He robbed her and forced her to become his fiancée. He even violently abused her when they disagreed. The shocking scars on her body were bloody and ironclad evidence. Who would have thought that the handsome, handsome and polite CEO of the He family

Would be like this? He’s a pervert who beats women! “Why didn’t you call the police? Let him go to jail! ” “It’s useless! I tried, his wrists were all over the sky, but he found out that my death was even more ugly. Only by letting him give up on me

And letting him fall in love with someone else can I escape the sea of ​​suffering. ” Looking at She spoke sincerely and I suddenly calmed down: “Then what do you mean by looking for me? ” Xu Yuanyuan stopped talking and looked embarrassed and guilty. I immediately reacted: “You want me to seduce him?

Make him fall in love with me, and then Take the initiative to break up with you? ” I’m a little funny . This eldest sister is really kind. She asked me to sacrifice myself in order to escape. But what she said next shocked me. “I know, you are a time traveler,

Your mission is to get rid of him. ” Uh. …”As long as you let him break up with me and then be with you again, and then you break up, you can go back immediately, and I can be free. Besides, I feel like He Chuan is interested in you

.” “Ms. Li, I’m really at my wits end, help me. ” Xu Yuanyuan cried so hard that the pear blossoms were covered with rain. She looked like a delicate little white flower , but her words set off alarm bells in my heart. Does she know that I am a time traveler?

How on earth did she know? I considered my words and wanted to speak: “Miss Xu, you…” The phone rang suddenly, and Xu Yuanyuan trembled like a frightened bird: “Yes, it’s He Chuan’s call. ” The box door was pushed open, and standing outside the door was It was He Chuan.

He smiled as warmly as water. “Yuanyuan, I haven’t been able to contact you all day. Why didn’t you tell me when you went out? ” His voice was low and sweet, but it gave me goosebumps. Xu Yuanyuan stood up tremblingly and tried to pull out a Smiling, “Achuan,

Miss Li and I still have some details to discuss about our wedding. ” “Don’t forget to tell me next time you go out, okay? ” He Chuan hugged Xu Yuanyuan and turned to leave. He turned around and nodded slightly to me. I smiled and the smile became more and more perverted!

Both of them left, and I was left alone in the box, sitting in a daze . I had to do a task. If I didn’t do it, I would die . But if I did the task, would I be able to survive? The garbage system tricked me

And actually chose a perverted domestic violence man for me! Just look at Xu Yuanyuan’s wounds and you will know that if I follow the garbage system’s arrangement, I will lose my skin even if I don’t die! “The rubbish system chose some lousy target just to kill me!

” I mumbled and cursed in a low voice . Oh no, why did I curse? “How dare you curse me? You don’t want to live anymore, right? ” The sharp voice of the system rang in my mind. The next second I started to have a severe headache

. “Li Qingyi, I advise you not to ask for trouble. With your physical condition, two more… You will die! ” “This system warns you again not to challenge my authority , otherwise you will only be the one who suffers! ” I had a splitting headache, and my eyes were blurred and my

Consciousness was blurred: “I know, I know! ” “Kneel down and apologize to me! Otherwise I will not forgive you! ” The sharp voice of the system echoed in my mind. I couldn’t even feel my limbs. I lay on the ground tremblingly: ” I ‘m sorry, Sir. Also, this will never happen again.

Please let me go…” I didn’t want to die yet. The strong desire to live made me cry out. “Please, let me go. ” However, all I heard was that the system was arrogant. Then I fell into boundless darkness. When I woke up again in the hospital, I opened my eyes

And felt sore all over. “Are you awake? ” A little nurse was surprised when she saw me waking up: “You have been comatose for three days.” We all thought you wouldn’t wake up. ” I blinked weakly and said this sentence, which is really a wise saying. I will never scold the system again.

Of course, I mean I can scold it in my heart and I scolded it viciously ten times in my heart. It was only then that I came to my senses and asked, “Who sent me to the hospital? ” As I asked, I was about to sit up,

But it didn’t matter if I didn’t move. I felt sore all over my body when I moved. I rolled up my sleeves and trouser legs and actually looked. The nurse , who had large bruises all over her body, also came over to take a look: “It’s a bar staff.

You may have caused this injury accidentally when they were carrying you. ” Good guy, how strong is he to be able to squeeze out so much? But then I thought about it , the bar staff didn’t know me and they had done their best to send me to the hospital.

I can’t ask them to be so gentle to me. I was hospitalized this time because of the system’s punishment. I don’t have any pathological problems , so the doctor also checked me. Nothing happened, but they allowed me to be discharged from the hospital despite my strong request.

I went through the discharge procedures, and because of the pain all over my body, I limped on the road while thinking about what to do next. It was already the 22nd. There is less than a month left before the wedding of He Chuan and Xu Yuanyuan on the 16th of next month.

He Chuan is experiencing domestic violence. Xu Yuanyuan wants to break up but cannot. So Xu Yuanyuan hopes that I will seduce He Chuan so that he can fall in love with me and get rid of her. I lost He Chuan and my mission was

To break up with He Chuan. Now that I have settled down, my only way to save my life is to follow Xu Yuanyuan’s request . I also have to seduce the person before their wedding and then break up with He Chuan. Thinking of this, I rolled my eyes and was

Speechless. The rubbish system actually forced me, a moral pacesetter with a high moral level, to think of the three as three ! Born to be unified, it is very wicked! “Squeak–” A Bentley stopped next to me. “Miss Li? ” The window slowly lowered and

He Chuan’s handsome face wearing sunglasses appeared in front of me. “Why do you look like you have difficulty moving ? Do you need help? ” Regardless of his An Jiahe behavior, this face is still pleasing to the eye. “Ah, An Jiahe… I don’t mean Mr. He, hello. ” Oops, I’m talking nonsense.

Looking at He Chuan’s tight lips, I quickly thought of a solution. “I was hit by a dump truck two days ago and it was quite serious . I just got out of the hospital .” I said a few random words and just wanted to get away quickly . “Dump truck?

” He Chuan seemed to want to laugh: “Miss Li or… ” Get in the car and I’ll give you a ride. ” The noise inside the car is very small and there is a faint smell of grass. It is indeed a luxury car. Rich people really enjoy it!

I sat in my seat obediently and my mind was racing. Even though I had made it clear that I had to play my own part for the sake of my life, I was still very resistant to He Chuan. A few punches, really life-threatening. “Ms. Li seems to be very afraid of me?

” He Chuan in the car also kept wearing sunglasses and tilted his head to look at me slightly. “Mr. He was joking .” I smiled politely, “We are Why should I be afraid of you because of the service entrustment relationship ? ” “Really? Can we have a meal together tonight?

” I was a little conflicted in my heart about what this man meant. On the one hand, he was punching and kicking Xu Yuanyuan and was affectionate, but on the other hand, he actually wanted to Seduced me and wanted to treat me to dinner? I thought again that

There was no reason to refuse the contact opportunity that came to my door with a system task. “Can you? ” “Yes, yes, ” I replied hesitantly. He Chuan tilted his head and looked at me again and smiled: “Don’t be so afraid of me. ” Ms. Li ” Damn, this smile made

My skin crawl even more . It was 7:55 in the evening. I really didn’t expect that He Chuan would take me to his house. “Miss Xu… there will be no such thing.” Do you have any opinion? ” I asked hesitantly while standing at the door of He Chuan’s house

. “Yuanyuan is not here today .” He Chuan sat casually on the sofa. “Please sit down ” came to me. I thought about it, so I sat across from He Chuan. On the sofa: “What does Mr. He want to say? ” On the way here, I thought what He Chuan’s purpose was

, but as soon as I entered the door, I understood everything . There were no servants, and there were obviously no bowls and chopsticks on the dining table . This shows how he looks ready to entertain guests The fact that he invited me to dinner has proven false. He had something to say.

He looked up at me and said slowly: “I’m busy today and have reserved food from the restaurant. It will be delivered later. ” After saying that, he looked up casually. I followed his gaze and saw that the clock on the wall slowly reached the number 8 at 8 pm.

He Chuan pondered for a while and said, “What is your system task? ” Me! shock! stay! What’s wrong with one or two of these NPCs asking me about my mission? I hesitated: “Mr. He, I don’t understand what you mean .” “I can help you complete your system tasks

, but only if you do one thing for me first .” A warning bell rang in my heart . He was by no means an ordinary NPC . Sitting up straight: “What do you want me to do for you? ” He Chuan looked melancholy: “I want Yuanyuan to come back to me.

” Then I heard another completely different story. In this story, He Chuan Xu Yuanyuan and Xu Yuanyuan were childhood sweethearts and even made a baby. The relationship was very good until Xu Yuanyuan was deceived by a green tea senior when she was in college. She gradually became wary of He Chuan

And no longer believed in him wholeheartedly. In addition, during that time, He Chuan was working for the family business. Busy did not realize that Xu Yuanyuan’s heart was no longer on his side, so he logically said, “Give her freedom and go too far.” Xu Yuanyuan cheated

And even had the child of senior Green Tea. He Chuan was very heartbroken but was willing to forgive Xu Yuanyuan. He accompanied her to the hospital. A few years after the incident, the two of them planned to get married and set a wedding date

. However, they did not expect that Senior Green Tea would come back to seduce Xu Yuanyuan and leave He Chuan. So Xu Yuanyuan had a quarrel with He Chuan on the eve of the wedding, and then hanged herself. If you have to break up

, I’ll keep my mouth shut. The completeness of this story is better than Xu Yuanyuan’s version. “Then what does Mr. He want me to do? ” “I will advance the wedding date to the 1st of next month. ” “You finish the wedding planning and decoration as soon as possible ” so quickly?

He Chuan saw my subtle expression and said, “I want to marry her as soon as possible. ” “I can’t lose her .” He looked a little melancholy, “Only in this way will she not leave me .” It was obvious that these two people had their own purposes. I couldn’t believe

It. I nodded calmly: “I understand. I will communicate with my team as soon as possible. ” He Chuan nodded with satisfaction. He looked at the clock on the wall and it was already 8:45 . He asked casually: “Li What is Miss’s system task? If it’s not too difficult ,

I can help you complete it. ” I didn’t say anything, just looked at him quietly . He looked relaxed and calm. “Ding dong——” The doorbell rang and he stood. He stood up and walked towards the door, “Sir, I am the food delivery boy from Hong Du Lai Hotel

. The meals you ordered have arrived. Please check them. ” “Thank you. ” He Chuan walked to the dining table with a full meal, put it down and said with a smile: “There’s still some time for us to eat and talk. ” I looked at my watch. It’s 8:55.

What do you mean there’s still some time? I walked up to him and looked down at the food. I happened to see that his Longines watch was very expensive. He looked like I could not afford it if

I saw it. But at the same time, I also saw a trace of light hidden under his watch strap. The purple color of my pupils is a bruise! Why does he have bruises too? I raised my head and looked at him and asked sternly: “He Chuan, who are you!

” He Chuan looked at me and said with a smile, “Who do you think I am? ” I wanted to speak but I heard the bells and quilts in the villa. When the clock struck 9 o’clock in the evening , I wanted to say something, but He Chuan looked at me

And shook his head slightly , “Let’s eat first. ” The food was eaten, but it didn’t taste good. The servants and driver of He Chuan’s family also came back one after another. Apparently He Chuan had arranged for them to leave and deliberately created an environment where they could communicate freely.

He Chuan sent a driver to take me back. On the way back, I asked the driver: “What kind of person is Mr. He? ” The driver was obviously very talkative: “Mr. He He is a kind and hard-working person, and he is very kind to us.

He will give out red envelopes during the New Year and holidays! ” It doesn’t matter how nice people from Hechuan are to me . I continued to ask: “How is the relationship between Mr. He and Miss Xu?

” The driver She glanced at me and said, “Ms. Li doesn’t have thoughts about Mr. He, right? ” “How could that happen? ” I quickly apologized and said with a smile, “I’m their wedding planner and I want to get some other ideas from you. ” “Oh. Oh, well,

Speaking of it, Mr. He and Miss Xu met each other a year ago … It can be said that they treat each other with respect, but it is also understandable. This is how adults get along…” “What? ” I recalled Xu Yuanyuan The stories that He Chuan and He Chuan told me respectively

Were all lies! My reaction shocked the driver and he was confused: “What’s wrong? ” If their story was false, why did He Chuan have to marry Xu Yuanyuan? Why did Xu Yuanyuan have to break up with He Chuan? Why is this rhythm of putting things together and trying to break up

So much like… a system? Could it be that they are also people selected by the system? I quickly rolled up my sleeves. The large bruises on my arms seemed to be the same as Xu Yuanyuan’s. My bruises appeared inexplicably after the system punished me . Is this the same for Xu Yuanyuan?

No, she still has scars from cigarette burns. Could it be that these scars appeared after punishment from the system? I quickly continued to ask the driver: “By the way, does Mr. He have any hobbies? For example, smoking, drinking, or other sports? ” The driver thought carefully

And shook his head: “Mr. He is very self-disciplined and reclusive , and I have never seen him. He has the habit of smoking and drinking. ” Sure enough! Xu Yuanyuan’s claim that He Chuan was involved in domestic violence and that she had cigarette butt burns on her arms cannot be established at all!

So their scars are caused by being punished by the system! If both of them are selected by the system , what is their mission? I recalled their story carefully. Xu Yuanyuan wanted to break up but couldn’t break up. She even wanted me to seduce He Chuan to achieve the purpose of breaking up.

So her task should be to break up with He Chuan. He Chuan noticed that Xu Yuanyuan was alienating him and wanted to break up with him. The wedding date should be brought forward to get married as soon as possible, so his mission should be to marry Xu Yuanyuan.

But I still have a question. He Chuan most likely knew that I was also selected by the system through the sentence “An Jiahe” I blurted out. So how did Xu Yuanyuan know that? What about? It seems that I must meet her as soon as possible.

When we met for the second time, Xu Yuanyuan was very haggard, as if a pale dandelion was about to fall apart after being blown twice by the wind . She started crying when she saw me, “Ms. Li, what should I do? ” Chuan secretly moved the wedding date forward!

” She suddenly grabbed my hand: “Miss Li, you are the only one who can help me, please. ” I calmly withdrew my hand, glanced at her and slowly took it off. I didn’t say anything about the coat I was wearing , I just kept staring at her expression.

Before I entered the game world, I had learned some psychology-related knowledge, and now I can put it to use. Xu Yuanyuan saw me taking off my coat, revealing a short T-shirt. Her expression was a little dazed, and then her eyes saw my arms. Her eyes widened slightly and she couldn’t believe

It. She raised her head again and looked into my eyes with the muscles on her face trembling slightly. “You…” Xu Yuanyuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva . “I will contact you again .” After saying that, she stood I stood up and took my bag, looking like

I was running away. I sat down and slowly put on my clothes to cover the bruises and cigarette scars on my body . Of course, I burned them with my cigarette butts yesterday. After all, I only have two left. This is an opportunity for system punishment. Don’t waste it casually. “Does the system

Have only one time traveler in each world? ” The system seemed to be in a good mood today and said lazily: “Guess~” God damn it, it’s a wavy line again. I cursed in my heart. But he still said respectfully: “Then what if there is a conflict between missions between different time-travelers ?

” The system’s voice became shrill and very harsh: “Whoever completes the mission will not be able to complete the mission …” “Complete. If you don’t do it, you will die. ” From the first time I traveled to the game world, I have discovered that my system is very bad, has a bad personality

, but also has a low IQ, and is cutely stupid. For example, it can only recognize and analyze spoken words . Any statements involving system secrets or insulting the system will be punished by it, just like last time, but it cannot associate or see some superficial manifestations,

Such as the bruises on my body and the fake cigarette scars. After Xu Yuanyuan saw it, I already understood what I meant , but the system didn’t realize that I had recognized the identity of the time traveler with Xu Yuanyuan . I thought this might be a mechanism that could be used.

After all, I don’t want to die because I didn’t complete the mission, and I don’t want to let go after completing the mission. He Chuan and Xu Yuanyuan were sent to death. We are time travellers. We should stand on the same front and must not be manipulated by the system. I

Received another invitation from Xu Yuanyuan that night. She set the agreed time at 7:50 a day later. I recalled The last time I met He Chuan, I called He Chuan’s phone number again . Sure enough, when He Chuan and I appeared together a day later, Xu Yuanyuan’s expression was slightly trembling

. Her tone was very stiff: “Ah Chuan, why are you here too? ” I Neither He Chuan nor He Chuan spoke. He just sat down and looked at the clock on the wall. It slowly came to 8 o’clock. “Every two days from 8 to 9 pm is the system update time.

During this hour, the system cannot monitor our conversations .” It was He Chuan who spoke, and he continued slowly, “So, what information can we exchange during this time ?” “W-what do you mean? Ah Chuan, I don’t understand you . ” Xu Yuanyuan was still pretending to be stupid, “Miss Xu!

“I was impatient, “The three of us are time travelers and we must unite to overturn the garbage system! ” At this point, He Chuan glanced at me with a subtle expression and hesitated to speak, “Am I a bit vulgar? ” I tilted my head and asked . He Chuan coughed lightly: “A litte.

” Xu Yuanyuan suddenly covered her face with her hands and began to cry bitterly. She started to go crazy: “There have been nine hundred and ninety-nine worlds and we are just short of the last one… Please let me go. Don’t do it again.” It’s torturing me. I want to go home.

” He Chuan and I were stunned on the spot. It could be seen that Xu Yuanyuan was really a little broken. “As long as I complete the mission of this last world, the system will let me go home. ” , please stop messing around, please!

She actually struggled to kneel down for He Chuan: “Please just break up with me, okay? As long as you agree to break up, I will do anything! ” He Chuan and I quickly pulled her up and sat her down. Her face was completely distorted and she looked really pitiful.

As she told it, we learned her story. It turned out that she had been tortured by the dark system for a long time . In addition to having to distort her own values ​​​​to complete the task, she also had to comply with the requirements of the system.

Going against her heart and becoming a vicious female supporting character, she committed murder and arson. At first, she was told that she could clear the level by completing ten tasks. Later, it became a hundred tasks , and then it became a thousand tasks. Xu Yuanyuan also once wanted to resist

Her deliberate violation of the system’s requirements. But what awaits is endless torture and an increasing number of tasks. In order to return to the real world , it is like a spiritual sustenance. Xu Yuanyuan is currently doing the thousandth task. “As long as I complete this task, he will let me go home.”

“Now that things have happened, do you still believe in the system? ” I couldn’t help but say, “And the tasks of the three of us are in conflict with each other. Only those who complete the task will survive. Those who fail to complete the task will die.

” Xu Yuanyuan was silent, but her tears were The fall is faster and He Chuan is luckier. This is the first world since he was selected by the system. “But based on our information integration, I think the purpose of the system is not to let us pass the mission

But to see our endless progress in the game world. ” “Being tortured and wasted, ” He Chuan concluded: “In other words , it has no intention of letting us return to the real world. ” Hearing this, Xu Yuanyuan cried even louder. I patted her back: “We can’t go on like this.

We must “Resist. ” “Do you have any good suggestions? ” He Chuan asked. I didn’t answer. He turned his head and looked at Xu Yuanyuan: “Has your system disclosed some in-game details to you , such as how you know me?” The identity of a time traveler?

” Xu Yuanyuan sobbed as she answered: “It’s very bad… The day before you traveled to this world, it took the initiative to tell me that a time traveler would come to this world tomorrow . It suggested that I kill you. ” “Kill. “Kill me? ” “Yes,

Because your and my tasks are in a competitive relationship. If I kill you, no one will compete with me . ” I looked up at the clock on the wall and it was already 8:58: “I have seen other The time-travel novel system generally relies on time-travelers to survive,

So it will be kind to the time-travelers. ” “Then why is our system so bad? Doesn’t it survive with the help of our power? ” “What is its purpose? ” The system’s What exactly is the purpose? Is this world real? What is outside the world? I was leaning on the sofa cushions,

Drinking ice-cold Happy Water and eating fried chicken, when I was suddenly warned, “This system reminds you that you have done nothing for two consecutive days. ” The sharp voice of the system echoed in my mind, “No. Travelers who have completed their mission well are trash.

This system can wipe you out at any time. ” Before I could reply, He Chuan’s phone call came. His voice was very weak. There was a banging sound in the background , as if someone was banging on the door. “Come to my house. …Hurry up

, I can’t hold it anymore…” After saying that, his phone was disconnected . Oops, He Chuan is in danger. I came to his house as quickly as possible , only to see his door open and the house full of messes. I searched everywhere anxiously

And finally saw Xu Yuanyuan and He Chuan in the basement. He Chuan was tied to a chair and was obviously fed drugs and was a little delirious . Xu Yuanyuan looked anxious and her tone was trembling: “Be good, let’s break up, okay? Let’s break up. ” He Chuan was so weak

That he didn’t even have the strength to shake his head. ” Pa ! ” “Xu Yuanyuan slapped him hard and knocked his head away. “I said let’s break up! Do you understand? ” Xu Yuanyuan’s whole body felt uncomfortable. “Break up! Promise me now! ” “Are you crazy? !

” I rushed over and kicked this crazy woman away. “I said! Why are you doing this when we are on the same boat ! ” “I just want to complete the task. Am I wrong? ” Xu Yuanyuan seemed to be able to be kicked by me. “I want to go home. Why

Are you stopping me! ” “You are so selfish! Haven’t you ever thought that the success of your mission means that all our missions will fail? Can’t we succeed together? Do you want to go home together? ” “I can’t care about that much! ” I was really confused. I looked left and right and

Picked up a shovel. Fortunately, Xu Yuanyuan didn’t have any weapon in her hand , so I wouldn’t fight her desperately. “You want to What are you doing? ” She wanted to get up, but couldn’t. “Bang! “I knocked her unconscious with a shovel: “Go and have a good dream!

” After that, I threw the shovel and turned around to untie the rope around He Chuan: “Are you okay? Can you still walk? “He Chuan Some couldn’t help but glanced at the shovel on the ground and said weakly: “Let’s go to your house first.

” I struggled to move He Chuan to the car and then suddenly thought of a problem . Now is not the time for system update. The conversation I just had with Xu Yuanyuan has been leaked. Why are there no system penalties for system tasks ? I glanced at He Chuan,

And his eyes were also very complicated. “Let’s go first, we’ll talk about other things later. ” The clock on the wall reached the number 8 and it was the system update time . He Chuan looked much better. He leaned on the sofa: ” What is the purpose of the system

You asked last time ? Regarding this question, I have a new idea. ” “The purpose of the system is to collect our negative energy .” I was a little confused and he continued: “Think about it, since I came here After traveling across the world, I was threatened by the system every day

And lived in anxiety every day. “Is it because the system doesn’t want you to be leisurely and enjoy life ?” I remembered the time when I was paralyzed on the sofa at noon, but the system suddenly warned me, “It seems like “It’s true .” “Xu Yuanyuan is an obvious example

. She is timid and afraid of getting into trouble, so the system gives her the hope of destroying her again, distorts her outlook on life , makes her unwillingly become a vicious female supporting role , and then harvests her guilt and regret

.” “The reason why your conversation with Xu Yuanyuan today was not punished by the system is because Xu Yuanyuan’s negative emotions have reached their peak. If the system can benefit from it, it will not punish you .” I couldn’t help complaining: “Evil emotional capitalists!

” He Chuan looked at it angrily. He glanced at me: “Are you scolding me? ” Oh yes, He Chuan, but President He is a proper capitalist! I was suddenly curious: “This is your identity in this world, so what is your identity in the real world?

” He pushed my face and pushed me away: “My suggestion is to focus on the problem in front of you, OK? ” “OKOK ” The wall clock on the wall struck 9 o’clock, and the two of them had no idea , so they each went to sleep, without talking all night.

But somewhere in this world, there was a person who was so excited that he stayed up all night. Bottles and cans of various colors were everywhere on the floor. The red, purple, green, etc. gases look very ominous. “That girl is so surprising.

She can draw so many bottles at one time…she is really rich! ” The next day, I received a call from Xu Yuanyuan. Her voice was weak. “Can you come and see me? ” He Chuan beside me nodded slightly , so I agreed. I came to Xu Yuanyuan’s residence

And opened the door for me. She looked even more fragile. She poured me a glass of water. Sitting opposite me , “My mission will expire in three days. ” She spoke slowly and I remained silent, not knowing what to say . “Do you really have any idea? ” She looked at me expectantly,

“Now… …We haven’t thought of a way yet. ” “Really? ” The light in Xu Yuanyuan’s eyes dimmed. “Then forget it. ” ” I’ve had enough after going through so many worlds. ” “In order to survive, I can play any role , such as being vicious. “I’m too tired, really. ”

“People’s emotions have an upper limit. I often feel that I have exhausted all my emotions. Now I am like a blank slate. ” Paper, an empty shell. ” She looked at me with empty eyes: “If there is really no way, forget it, maybe dying is a kind of relief.

” “Miss Xu…” I said with some worry, “If you can return to reality. “Can the world help me apologize to my parents? I can’t accompany them anymore if… they are still alive. ” I took the address Xu Yuanyuan wrote to me and walked downstairs. A sense of powerlessness surrounded me.

Although she said Yesterday, I hurt He Chuan by going my own way, but I did it out of self-rescue. After all, it was a garbage system and a lack of integrity! I gritted my teeth with hatred. Although this kind of hatred is exactly what the garbage system needs , I also hate it!

Trash system, I will kill you when I get out! I was gnashing my teeth and thinking about it when I suddenly noticed the back of a man. He was wearing a crisp suit, but his head was shrunk and he looked familiar. Isn’t he… I rushed up and

Caught him in a few steps: “Mr. driver, why are you here! Eh? You… …Isn’t it Mr. Driver? ” The person in front of him was the driver I had seen before. At this time, he showed a suspicious expression. “I’m not the one. ” He shook his head, “I’m sorry ,

Miss, I don’t know you. ” After saying that, he became anxious. I left in a hurry, “Are you okay? Who was the person who just talked to you? ” It was He Chuan’s voice. He grabbed my arm and looked me up and down, but I couldn’t recover

. The driver of He Chuan’s house came, Why are you here? “That person is your driver, don’t you know him? ” “My driver? ” He Chuan looked at me strangely, “My driver is a woman! ” That night, He Chuan took me with him. I adjusted the surveillance

, but the face in the surveillance was definitely not the face I saw. “It’s not him .” I whispered into He Chuan’s ear and said, “It’s not this face .” He Chuan’s ears were slightly red: “Speak carefully. ” “I strongly suspect that he is…” I pointed to the sky and

He Chuan nodded to express his understanding and signaled me to stop talking . After coming out of the police station, I was very confused . I clearly remember that the driver’s face collided with mine today. The man who arrived It’s exactly the same face

, but why did it change during the surveillance? Could it be that the owner of this face, who can control the world to this extent, is… the system? I paused. He Chuan looked at me doubtfully. His intuition told me that I had caught the bug in this world.

I slowly said, “I understand… the secret of this world .” I stood on the rooftop of the 25th floor and took a step forward. He Chuan, who was shattered to pieces, was horrified: “Are you sure this will really work? ” After thinking for a moment, he said again: “You come down and

Replace me .” I shook my head: “Only I have seen him. Only I can force him to show up.” “After that, I turned back to look at He Chuan and said to him: “My real name is Li Qingyi. I live in Community Z, C Street, H City.

If you can return to the real world , can you go and see my cat? “He Chuan Noodles Color panicked: “What do you mean? ” I looked down at my watch: ” If he doesn’t come to see me within an hour , I will jump out of here.

” I looked at He Chuan and said to the system very seriously. : “I, Li Qingyi, keep my word. ” “The psychologist is here! ” A well-dressed man slowly walked over under the cover of the police behind me. My pupils shrank, and sure enough, he pressed his face against the driver’s face

And pursed his lips and said to me: “You Is there anything you can’t think of that you can talk to me about? ” “Okay. ” I pointed at the police and He Chuan. “You all retreat, I will only talk to the experts .” Seeing the police and He Chuan retreating far away,

I took a deep breath. Then with a breath , the police rushed over and knocked the expert down. Then he took out a knife from his pocket and put it on his neck. In an instant, the police pointed their guns at me: “Put down the knife! ” Why bother?

” The system under me spoke slowly , and the voice was still as sharp and disgusting as ever. “What are you talking about? This is just a world I created. This system can create as many as it wants! ” ” It doesn’t matter. ” I pushed the knife forward again, “Let us leave

Or I will kill you first and then commit suicide! ” “Do you think suicide can threaten me? ” “Of course, otherwise why would you come? ” I He smiled and said , “My death will affect your business, right? You punish us and exploit us but don’t want to kill us

Capitalists. It’s the same. Am I right? ” He was struck by what I said and remained silent. As I said that , I stabbed the knife forward a little more: “Are you an entity? You should really die if you are killed. ” “I’m curious why you entered this world?

Is it… to provoke us?” The time traveler makes us fight and profit from it? ” “You acted as the driver just to make me distrust the two of them, right? Didn’t you expect that I would join forces with them? ” “You underestimated us too much!

” He said with some difficulty. : “I’m letting you out, please take the knife away. ” “Let the three of us out, right now! ” “I don’t have the authority…” “Stop talking nonsense! ” I stabbed him in the shoulder with the knife and he screamed in pain. ” If

You keep talking nonsense, I’ll stab you in the neck with the next knife! ” He took out a remote control from his pants pocket and pressed it twice . I looked up and saw He Chuan disappearing slowly. I guess Xu Yuanyuan did the same. They should have left.

” You…” Still want to bargain? I raised my hand directly to stab the police behind me and shouted: “Shoot to protect the hostages! ” Then, a white light enveloped me. “Whew! ” I sat up suddenly from the bed. Was it a nightmare? But it was too real.

I picked up the phone and there was no message on it. What day is today? My mind is in chaos… Oh, by the way, the system! I rummaged around and finally found a chip under my pillow. Is this related to the system? I hurried out and went downstairs

To call the police, but I bumped into a woman who was howling crazily. I quickly stopped her and she turned around, and it turned out to be Xu Yuanyuan! “I’m back, I’m back… Wuwuwu…” She cried heartbreakingly, “Li Qingyi! ” A familiar voice came from behind, it was He Chuan, “Are you okay!

” He ran to the ground and gasped: “I’ll come over to you as soon as I wake up. How do you do? ” I looked at him up and down. I didn’t expect that he also looks like an elite in the real world . It’s great. Everyone is fine.

I smiled and hugged one: “Let’s go. ! Let’s go to the police station and call the police! Catch that damn emotional capitalist! ” “Were you okay afterwards? I was worried about you ” “Why are you so worried about me? Do you like me ?” “Can’t you? ” “Okay, I I also like myself

Hehe~” (End) Story 2: I participated in a love show with my ex, the actor, and we got into a fight in the first episode . After the show aired, online comments exploded and CP fans who bought stocks disbanded on the spot. Wei fans were so noisy that passers-by were watching the fun.

Only the fun-loving people started to smoke cp and gave us a cp name of “Twisted Melon Sweetness”. Netizens are “forced”, and we are “melons”. Me: “Haha. ” A month ago , a love variety show approached me. The director was Director Wu who had helped me before. In order to return the favor

And because the schedule was free, I took the show. At that time, I never thought that it would happen today. In this situation , I looked at the person across the dining table. His eyebrows were as beautiful as they were six years ago.

But now, facing such a handsome face, I was on pins and needles. Who would have thought that the date guest arranged by the director team would be my ex? Boyfriend! It’s still my ex-boyfriend who I fucked up! I have been able to sit upright since I became a Taoist.

I have the confidence to face anyone based on the results I have worked hard for so many years. But only the one in front of me makes me feel guilty when I look at it more. Why would a big movie star come to participate in a love show? !

Are you so free? You don’t need to read the script or join the group! I was complaining crazily in my heart , but I still had to keep a smile on my face. After all, not many people knew what happened between us. Now that there are so many cameras facing

Me, I have to keep pretending . I am a professional actor, I can do it! Today is the first episode of the program. The main purpose is to get the two parties familiar with each other, so a small question session was prepared on site to ask each other about topics of interest.

I looked at the hand cards prepared by the director team and gave a few reference topics. Anyway, my mind is so fuzzy right now that I can’t think of anything. I cleared my throat and spoke first: “Do you know what Mr. Ye’s usual hobbies are?

” Ye Jinchuan looked up at me, his eyes His eyes were so heavy that he couldn’t tell what his emotions were. He just stared straight at me and didn’t speak for one second, two seconds, three seconds… The scene became strangely quiet. I seemed to be judged by his eyes,

And I was restless in this quiet scene. Just when I could hardly hold back the smile on my face, he finally answered: “I don’t have any hobbies. ” Although it was a perfunctory answer , I couldn’t help it. I finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt like I was alive.

Then I asked a few questions along the card and he answered them one by one. Although his attitude was relatively cold , at least the embarrassing situation like before was

Gone. I just looked forward to finishing this part of the question as soon as possible. Then at the end, I was asked to ask the director what was going on, “What kind of fruit does Teacher Ye usually like? ” “Peach. ” I was startled. I looked up and

Found that his eyes were indeed focused on my face. I wanted to change the subject but heard him ask: “Teacher Sheng, do you like peaches? ” “No. ” “Why don’t you like it? Peaches are delicious. ” “There’s no reason, I just don’t like it. ” I wanted to avoid this question

, but Ye Jinchuan refused and insisted on asking the question. After going back and forth, I was also irritated and then… Then we started to quarrel and it became a hot search topic “Sheng Jing! What do you want me to say about you ? How could you quarrel with others on the show!

” “You have been in the industry for so many years, how can you still make this kind of mistake? Look, everyone on the trending search engines is watching your joke! ” My manager, Sister Wang, was talking crazily in my ear and I was shaking my head like an ostrich. Buried in the Arms

Is a program that adopts a live broadcast format in order to express reality and doesn’t even leave me the opportunity for post-editing. Ye Jinchuan and I are both actors with high national reputations , especially Ye Jinchuan who has just won the Best Actor Award. Sheng

Originally said that it was a big gimmick for actors like us who don’t often participate in variety shows to be in a romance variety show. In addition, we got into a fight, which suddenly set off the Internet. Now there are several hot search comment areas about this matter on Weibo.

Here, the two Wei fans who bought stocks and our CP fans disbanded on the spot, were at loggerheads . There were also a lot of passers-by who were watching the fun and eating melons among them. Sister Wang was so angry that she was furious. The phone never stopped, so

I quietly hid aside. I want to get into trouble with her, but I feel a little aggrieved and I don’t want to quarrel. Who told him to keep holding on to “Tao Zi”? My name is Sheng Jing, but this is not my original name. My original name is Sheng Tao

. My friends like to call me Sheng Tao. I said “peach”. Ye Jinchuan also called me that. Ye Jinchuan and I met eight years ago. At that time, we were just two little guys running around on various sets every day just to get more opportunities.

One day, when a crew was waiting in line for an audition, Ye Jinchuan sat next to me . He is really good-looking, which is my favorite kind of appearance. I am a beauty lover, and I was immediately attracted to him. I went up to chat with him. Unexpectedly, we actually got chatting.

At the end, we added each other’s contact information. Later we Both of us were selected for that drama. Although they were just two supporting roles , it was a big production. We were very excited. But

When the drama was about to air, the whole drama was buried due to tax evasion by the lead actors, so no one knew that we were together. No one knew that even though we had acted in a drama , we fell in love because of the drama . Yes, we fell in love

Not long after the filming. Falling in love with Ye Jinchuan was really a good experience. He is nice, good-looking, good-tempered and talented, and even He knows how to cook well. He will call me “Taozi” tenderly, analyze my acting skills seriously, will

Walk a long way to pick me up when I come home late, and will try his best to satisfy my little temper and little hobbies. We are still We were two little fools , but they were two happy little fools. At that time, I felt that such a good boyfriend

Would not be replaced by my daughter, but I still couldn’t talk too much. Absolutely, I was really faced with this. An entertainment company took a fancy to me and promised to package me well and make me famous. However, they had to debut as an idol first and then switch to acting

. After all, they have to be popular first so that they can have more resources. They put a lot of demands on me, and I was able to do most of them with gritted teeth. But there was only one thing they asked me to stay single.

I was really confused for a long, long time, to the point where I almost lost confidence in this industry. Although I laugh and laugh every day on the surface, I am always so worried that I can’t sleep late at night. I run back and forth to the set.

The income I get will only be enough to eat, drink and spend my youth. Year after year goes by, and I can’t see where my future is. I often think about the meaning of my persistence year after year. When will I get good results? No one can answer me.

After all, there are too many people in this industry who will never get ahead in their lifetime, so facing this once-in-a- lifetime situation. I was tempted by the opportunity. After thinking about it for a week, I decided to break up with Ye Jinchuan. I called Ye Jinchuan to my house

That day. He was very happy as soon as he walked in and told me that a crew member who auditioned before had passed the audition and it was a very good role. He bought a lot of things. He celebrated with me and brought me a pack of fresh peaches.

I tried my best to put on a smile and happily finished the meal with him. After the meal, I packed everything up. When the two of us were nestled on the sofa , I knew that it was It’s time to tell the truth. I still remember that time.

His beautiful eyes were filled with tears but he managed not to fall. His jawline was taut. He looked at me. He didn’t question why I abandoned him. He just came close. He asked me pleadingly, “Can we not break up? We can keep it secret. I can be your secret boyfriend. It does

N’t matter if we don’t meet as often as we do . As long as we don’t break up, okay ? ” I have already made my choice, so I shouldn’t keep delaying him. He shouldn’t be so humble. He can only be a shady underground boyfriend. He obviously has such a strong self-esteem.

In the end, he still left me. I haven’t been out for a week. The bag of peaches he brought on the table. It stayed there quietly all the time, from being fresh and plump to becoming wrinkled due to water loss, and finally turned moldy and rotten.

I took the bag of moldy peaches out and threw them away. What was also thrown away was our relationship in the past two years. I changed my name, from Sheng Tao was changed to Sheng Jing. From then on, I could never see anything related to Taozi. Later,

The drama Ye Jinchuan told me about that day became really popular. He also became famous because of the brilliant role he played. I was really happy for him, but I restrained myself from disturbing him. At that time, I was participating in a talent show according to the company’s arrangements.

Only by getting a debut position can I really have better follow-up resources . I didn’t dare to relax. After all, I had to work harder than everyone else. How could I waste the opportunity I got from letting down such a good Ye Jinchuan ? Fortunately, everything went smoothly afterwards.

I made a successful debut, and the follow-up resources are also very good. I firmly grasped these opportunities until today, I am finally a household name and a big star. And Ye Jinchuan is the hottest new actor. I thought the two of us

Should be like two people from now on. There is no intersection between parallel lines. At most, we may bump into each other at some large party and nod to each other, which is the best result. I never expected that we would be on the same love show

And have an affair in the first episode. It was such a lively event that Sister Wang was called away by a phone call. I lay on the sofa bored and continued to browse the hot searches on my phone . I clicked on the time in reverse order and watched slowly

Until a comment broke into my sight [Welcome] Please pay more attention to our “Strong and sweet melons” cp. Friends who are interested can come to our cp super chat and check out the link here~] The accompanying picture is a picture of me and Ye Jinchuan together.

The two people on the screen are actually I can see some tenderness and affection . This technique is a bit amazing. I accidentally clicked on the link and it felt like I had opened the door to a new world. Everyone in this super story was beaming with joy, which

Was completely different from the “war-torn” atmosphere outside. Everyone knows that the cp owner they are consuming is still on the hot search because of the quarrel, but they don’t care. The most prominent thing is that I eat what I want, and I don’t care whether you live or die

. Moreover, the fans in Chaohua call themselves Leziren and emphasize “the evil deeds”. “It is their greatest virtue, the joy of licking their heads and raping them, that makes them addicted. There are many technical and mobile people among these fans. It has only been one day since the show was aired,

And now there are already many fan stories and fan pictures in Super Talk. What attracted me just now was a hot picture in Chaohua. I couldn’t help but scroll through Chaohua. My brain told me to stop looking. Don’t look. This is all fake. Don’t you know it yourself?

But my hands are completely inoperable. Ah, I was still clicking on various links, and my eyes were frantically searching for good-looking pictures and articles. After I read several fanfics and silently saved several divine pictures, my strong self-control came back and ordered me to quit. It was so talkative

, so dangerous, I almost got addicted to it. The activity content of the second episode was mountaineering. I guess I wanted the guests to get more familiar with each other and get along more naturally and easily during the mountaineering activity. Surrounded by green water and green mountains, I have to say that

The program team found it This place also took some effort, but when I looked at the iceberg next to me, no matter how beautiful the scenery was, it couldn’t melt it! The last time we met ended up being like that. Now that I see Ye Jinchuan,

I feel guilty and a little bit more embarrassed. When I first arrived at the scene in the morning, I tried to say hello to him to break the ice. He just responded lightly and turned around and walked away. Obviously there is no intention of reconciliation! But the show contract was signed and

The cameras were set up. No matter how embarrassing it was, we still had to record it. I bit the bullet and climbed up. The eyes behind me seemed to burn two holes through my back . Is this psychological torture? I’m a scumbag. People, I deserve it … Sure enough,

The effect after the second episode was very bad. Netizens commented: [The expressions of the two of them were serious, as if this was a wild jungle survival show ] [Sheng Jing climbed so fast, it seems There is a wolf chasing her behind her . Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha . ! 】I feel very ashamed,

Especially when I see Director Wu’s always smiling face now as worried as a bitter gourd, I feel even more ashamed. I originally participated in this program just to repay Director Wu’s favor, but now I may not be able to repay the favor and still owe him a debt. The pen was even bigger,

“Xiao Sheng, although I don’t know if you and Mr. Ye had any issues before .” Director Wu said seriously , “But, you said that you must have good results when participating in a program .” I also I don’t want your popularity to be damaged after the recording is over

, and it will be difficult for me to face you. ” Director Wu’s words made me even more shameless and I immediately promised him that I would adjust my mentality in the following chapters. After Director Wu left, I lay melancholy on the bed, flipping over my phone with my phone . Hey,

You still have to tie the bell to untie it. If you stretch your head, it’s a knife, and if you shrink your head, it’s a knife! I found Zhao Jing, a friend of mine who Ye Jinchuan and I had worked with before,

And asked her indirectly if Ye Jinchuan had any new hobbies in the past two years. She was laughed at mercilessly [Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I see your The show is on hold ] [So you two are really quarreling, it’s not the effect of the show ] [What’s going on?

Mr. Ye, who usually has a good temper, why are you quarreling ? Please tell me quickly, I’m so curious ] I typed angrily: [Go, go, go, don’t join in the fun here, I’m about to get bored ] [angry jpg] [Just tell me

If you know what hobbies he has had in the past two years ] The other person replied to me instantly: [Hobby, he likes drinking. 】【drink wine? 】【 When I have nothing to do with Teacher Ye, I often drink alone and have a good capacity. 】I am a little confused.

I remember that Ye Jinchuan used to be a teetotaler and now he can drink so well? But it’s also possible that I’m rich now. Maybe I’ve realized the benefits of expensive wine and started to drink it. I didn’t think too much about it. After thanking Zhao Jing, I put away my phone

And hurriedly went out to buy wine to apologize for such matters sooner rather than later. After a while, if all the courage I finally gathered is gone, it will be over! When I stood at the door of Ye Jinchuan’s house with a drink, my belated guilt finally spread to my heart. My hand

Wandered back and forth on the doorbell for a long time without pressing it . Then the door suddenly opened . Ye Jinchuan stood inside the door, “You are still here?” “How long will you stand there? ” “My video doorbell keeps reminding me that there is a bad guy at the door.

” Me: …Thank you, video doorbell Ye Jinchuan was wearing soft home clothes. Now he seemed more lazy and comfortable, which made people unconsciously feel a little more close. I smiled and said, “Sorry, I didn’t notice. ” Ye Jinchuan looked at me and seemed to let out a long sigh,

Then turned sideways and let me know. On the way out, “Come in first. ” I quickly followed him into the back door. The decoration of Ye Jinchuan’s home was very simple, or it could be said to be empty. The house was large

, but there were no decorations except for a few commonly used pieces of furniture. It was very similar to his character, clean and tidy. I put the wine on the table. Ye Jinchuan poured me a cup of honey grapefruit tea. I looked at the water in the cup and was a little dazed.

He still remembered that I like honey grapefruit tea . “What do you want to see me for? ” I came to my senses and quickly spoke out. Today’s purpose : “Well, the show has been aired for two episodes. I don’t know if you have watched it, but it has no

Effect. It’s a bit bad. “Director Wu is so worried that his hair is turning white. I really feel sorry for it . After all, it’s not good for what happened between us to affect others. ” Ye Jinchuan didn’t answer, so I continued, ” I’m sorry for what happened before. I feel very guilty.

“I came here specifically to apologize to you today. I know that no matter how much I say, it’s just empty words. If there is anything you want me to do, please tell me. “As long as it can calm you down, I will do my best. I did it.

” I mustered up the courage to look directly at Ye Jinchuan and tried to let him see my sincerity, but he looked away. “So you came to tell me this because of the show today? ” “No, no ” I was a little embarrassed.

“Actually, I have always wanted to solemnly say sorry to you, but I was worried that I would disturb you. “I’m really sorry . “This program is also an opportunity, otherwise I may never have the opportunity to apologize to you in person like this.

” Ye Jinchuan lowered his eyes. After being silent for a while, I pursed my lips and clasped my toes on the ground. I was already preparing in my mind how to deal with him if he really made any tricky demands. Just when I was thinking about similar scenes in many TV series,

He spoke. “I have nothing to calm down. ” I was surprised when Ye Jinchuan picked up the wine on the table. “It’s a good bottle of wine, but it’s a pity that I don’t like wine. ” “Huh? But I asked others and they said you…” He

Interrupted me with a chuckle. “Just because you drink it often doesn’t mean I like it. ” “I’m sorry ,” I said in embarrassment. “Then I’ll give you another gift some other time. ” He shook his head, “No, this one is pretty good. I understand what you mean. Please come back.” “Yeah

.” When I walked out of Ye Jinchuan’s house, I was still in a daze. How could things be resolved so smoothly? I also prepared a lot of heartfelt words to plead for his forgiveness, but I didn’t expect that they would come in handy . But it’s good to have solved the problem.

The stone in my heart finally fell to the ground . Now I had an explanation for Director Wu, and I happily prepared to go home. Suddenly, the lonely look he had when he said he didn’t like drinking suddenly appeared. My heart was stung for a moment.

I turned back and looked at his house . I don’t like wine, but I drink often to relieve my sorrows? It’s a pity that even if he really has any worries, I’m afraid I won’t be the one he confides in. I’m just a co-worker now.

I shook my head mockingly and turned around to go home. After that day, when Ye Jinchuan faced me again, it was like meeting an ordinary colleague. That way, I can say hello normally, talk about some innocuous topics , and talk about the details of the shooting in a friendly manner

. I am very happy with the shooting and I work hard to use my acting skills to create a sweet atmosphere. After several episodes, the effect is very good. Director Wu is also very happy on the set. He looked so happy that even Ye Jinchuan would smile and watch everyone making fun together.

I turned on my phone again and started browsing netizens’ comments. I thought everyone would be stunned by the pink bubbles in these issues, but it turned out to be something else. The style of painting [They must be professional actors. If you look at the recordings of Sheng Jing and Ye Jinchuan,

Who can tell? They were on the hot search topic because of their quarrel a few days ago. This atmosphere, if I hadn’t been well versed in variety show scripts, I would have I ’m going to be deceived. ] Me: …It’s hard to be deceived by today’s audience. Although I want to get recognition

, it’s not recognition for my acting skills! You guys are so sober, which makes me feel very unfulfilled! I opened the super talk last time depressingly , but I didn’t believe it. People here can’t take sugar? As expected, everyone in Super Talk was happily sharing scenes from various variety shows

And even analyzing our micro-expressions and psychology frame by frame. I was content to watch Super Talk for more than half an hour and felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. Suddenly, a picture attracted me. What caught my attention was the screenshot of Ye Jinchuan helping me when I almost fell down,

But the focus of what I saw was not the action. When Ye Jinchuan leaned forward to help me, he bent down and the necklace and pendant he was wearing were revealed in his collar. It looked so familiar that I enlarged the picture and enlarged it again. ! ! !

It’s really the couple ring I gave him on the first anniversary of our previous relationship! Help! My brain was racing and I thought of countless reasons why he would keep the ring on himself , but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was only that possibility

, maybe he still… no no no! I shook my head crazily to get rid of this wishful thinking. Does it mean I still have feelings if I carry it with me all day long? Of course not, it’s also possible that he wanted to use this ring to remind himself

That he had been hurt by me before and not to have any more feelings. When my thoughts were racing and I couldn’t sit still, I stood up and walked around the living room several times before finally calming down a little bit . The ring doesn’t mean anything . Maybe he’s just nostalgic.

I said this to myself, but I still didn’t give up and thought about that answer. What if it really was that reason? I clicked on Ye Jinchuan’s circle of friends when we broke up before . They deleted each other’s contact information. This WeChat account was just added a few days ago.

His circle of friends has no restrictions. I can always view the content from a long time ago. I scroll down bit by bit. He likes to share some corners of life. He does There are several lovely sets of tableware in the kitchen cabinet that I gave him before; on the corner

Of his study table is a CD of my favorite singer; on the corner of the balcony where he rests is my favorite flower; …if Only the ring can be said to be that he wants to remind himself to remember the hurt I have caused him.

How to explain these small things that almost fill his daily life? Can it also be said that he hates me so much that he insists on living? Are you hinting at yourself all the time? Of course this is impossible. My heart is pounding. The unbelievable thought just now appeared in my mind again

, and it gradually became clearer and louder. Ye Jinchuan still likes me. I have insomnia. As soon as I close my eyes, Ye Jinchuan’s ring will appear in front of me . I thought that his beautiful eyes full of tears from six years ago. I thought that time had passed so long

That the memory would have been blurred. But no, every bit of it was clearly visible, making me tossing and turning. The next day was the day of recording the program. I carried two big heads When the dark circles arrived,

The makeup teacher screamed and went to get more concealing cosmetics to cover my dark circles. I sat on the chair and closed my eyes to rest . “Did you stay up late again last night? ” It was Ye Jinchuan’s voice, and I opened my eyes.

I saw a pack of steam eye masks in his hand and he was handing them to me, “Use this and apply it hot for a while, it will have some effect. ” He was wearing white casual clothes today and his whole body looked warm and sunny. My heart started to I’m jumping

Like crazy, I’m really going crazy. Since last night, my mind has been recalling everything about Ye Jinchuan. Six years ago, I forcibly locked up all the memories about him. But last night, they were finally no longer under my control and broke through the confinement.

He caught me off guard and occupied all my thoughts , forcing me to admit that in the past six years, I have never forgotten him. I even wanted to go over and take off his collar and take a closer look to see if the ring was still there.

But luckily I still had sense. “Thank you .” I took the pack of blindfolds and sober up. Sheng Jing, please draw a picture between you with your own hands. If you hurt him, don’t bring more troubles to his life. It doesn’t matter if the ring exists.

Everyone will be nostalgic for the past, right? If you tell him now that you still have him in your heart, you will treat him as a person. What kind of pet comes and goes when you call it?

If you want a career, leave it alone. If you want a relationship, you can’t bring it back. There will be no possibility between you. This is what you knew when you made the decision six years ago , right? The recording location for this issue is an amusement park.

Different from other couples who went to play some small projects suitable for taking pictures and interacting. As soon as I entered the park, I went straight to the roller coaster and the pirate ship, which I would never experience at all. I need more. The fast wind

Whizzing by and the loud screams released my unspeakable inner feelings at the moment. Ye Jinchuan looked at me with some distrust: “Can you really do it? ” I puffed up my chest: “Of course, don’t underestimate me. ” Obviously he didn’t quite believe it , but he still followed me. However,

The facts show that human psychology is psychology, and physiology is physiology. The two cannot be confused. Although I passionately thought that due to the entanglement in my heart at the moment, I

Would definitely compete in the extreme event in the amusement park today. I had to go back and forth several times before I could express myself completely, but the result was that after just one ride on the roller coaster, I started to tremble , my face turned pale, I stopped sweating, and

All the thoughts in my mind were thrown to the back of my mind by the roller coaster. To a certain extent, , the goal has been achieved. Ye Jinchuan helped me sit on a nearby bench, “What are you talking about, and you still have to show off when you can’t play anymore

?” It’s not all because of you. I silently complained in my heart, “I’ll go nearby and give it to you.” When you buy some things , just sit here and don’t run around. ” Ye Jinchuan told me, “I know, don’t worry. ” I waved to him. I leaned on the bench and

The sunlight filtered through the leaves and dazzled my eyes. I used my arms to block it. In front of me, I am a little intoxicated in this spring afternoon. There is warm wind, sunshine, the fragrance of flowers, the singing of birds , and Ye Jinchuan.

I sit here quietly waiting for him to come back, just like six years ago. I am greedy for this moment … Ye Jinchuan is very I’ll be back soon. He was so considerate. He bought a lot of things, including mineral water, motion sickness medicine, cold milk biscuits… He even bought band-aids in advance.

He put the milk and biscuits into my hand . “If you don’t feel uncomfortable anymore, Just have something to eat. I see that you didn’t eat much in the morning. ” Breakfast was arranged by the program team. I had a poor appetite and stopped after two bites. Unexpectedly, he noticed

That I was sitting at the same table with the female guests, not far from them. The table was still a little far away. I silently took the food and lowered my head to take a closer look. It turned out to be a niche brand of biscuits that I used to like.

“You can actually buy this . I haven’t seen this for a long time and thought it was discontinued. ” I was a little surprised. Ye Jinchuan smiled. Laughing , “I didn’t expect that the store owner said that he really liked this product that he had been looking for for a long time.

” I nodded: “This cookie must be of great significance to him. ” “Yes, sometimes old things can convey emotions. It’s irreplaceable. ” I looked sideways and saw Ye Jinchuan leaning on the back of the bench. The sun was making him squint. He stretched out comfortably, like a lazy cat. What about you?

I want to ask him, do you collect so many old things because they are irreplaceable? Why don’t you blame me? Why are you so nice to me ? “What’s wrong? ” Ye Jinchuan asked me, “It’s okay. ” I shook my head and smiled at him, “Okay, let’s do this first,

Mr. Sheng, take a break and we’ll take a photo right away. ” I’m in a bad state recently, and many people can see it. Today’s magazine I have taken the picture back and forth several times but still can’t find the feeling I want.

Sister Wang walked towards me with a glass of iced Americano , “What’s wrong with you? You ‘re so distracted. You haven’t had a good rest in the past few days ? ” I took it. The coffee in her hand tasted bitter after taking a sip.

Sure enough, I still don’t like iced American style. “I don’t know, my mind is in a mess. ” “You have something on your mind? Why don’t you tell me? ” I shook my head, “Hey, if you don’t tell me, I won’t either.” You can guess that it has something

To do with Ye Jinchuan, right? ” Sister Wang has taught me everything about me since I signed this company six years ago , including my previous relationship with Ye Jinchuan. I looked at her expressionlessly. “I knew this day would come from the moment I found out that your date was him

. Why did the old relationship rekindle? “It’s easy to understand . After all, Teacher Ye is so good and it’s normal for a person to be unable to control himself. “You have also successfully transformed into a powerful person now. Now that you’re an actor , you can fall in love

. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your public relations .” I held my forehead with both hands: “That’s not the case. ” Sister Wang was curious: “Teacher Ye doesn’t like you anymore? ” I shook my head, “That’s because you don’t like it.” Him? ” I also shook my head, “Hey, what’s going on?

You’re trying to kill me. ” Sister Wang’s gossip soul was burning and she wanted to grab my shoulders and shake me crazily to make me say more . I had no choice but to tell her all my recent discoveries and feelings.

“The current situation is not a question of whether we like it or not , but that we can no longer be together. ” “Why? ” “Don’t you think that I I dumped her for my career , and now I feel like it’s shameless and irresponsible

To push her to get back together after I want to fall in love? ” “That’s a bit silly to say, ” Sister Wang thought with her chin in her hands, “But it can’t be all right. Thinking about it this way, “I hear what you mean

Is that you two still have some feelings for each other , but now you can’t get over that hurdle. ” I nodded, “Is this your own unilateral idea or does Teacher Ye think so too? ” “I’m just me. I feel so embarrassed when I think about it. Why do you

Dare to ask him what he thinks? ” I buried my head in the crook of my arm. “That’s your own difficulty. Have you ever thought that maybe Teacher Ye doesn’t care about this at all?” The question is, “You have made the decision for both of you by yourself, and

Killed the relationship without asking for his opinion. But if Mr. Ye really cares about the issues you have raised, why would he still treat you now?” He has feelings. “He doesn’t even know that you also have thoughts about him. He has been obsessed with you for so many years

. Waiting without a response. Just thinking about it makes me feel a little pitiful .” I raised my head and looked at Sister Wang: ” really _ “She said earnestly, “You are a fan of the authorities. ” “Because you have been trapped in guilt about what happened six years ago,

So you always feel that it is an insurmountable hurdle. “But how can emotional matters be so clearly explained? Are you willing?” He is willing, that’s the most important thing. ” Sister Wang’s words were like a hammer that knocked open the cement head that had been lumped together these days.

I jumped up from the chair and hugged Sister Wang: “Great! You You’re so right! Sister Wang, you are such a wise man! ” “Hey, coffee, the coffee is going to be spilled! ” Sister Wang staggered around to steady the cup in her hand, and I quickly ran to the shooting location

. After the filming is finished and the work is done, I will go find him! I was lying on the bed with my cell phone, and I was deleting, typing , and deleting things in the message box. How should I say it more appropriately?

Wouldn’t it be too abrupt to directly say that I invited him to dinner? After all, we still only cooperate on programs. If you want to find a reason, what reason should you find? I racked my brains and tossed and turned on the bed

[Producer Liu asked me for your WeChat account, should I give it to him? 】 I haven’t thought of a suitable reason yet, but Ye Jinchuan suddenly sent me a message, which shocked me. “Oh oh, okay .” I immediately replied with an OK expression from the other side

. I gritted my teeth and took advantage of this opportunity to not look for it. What’s the excuse? I asked directly: [Are you free tomorrow? I’ll treat you to a meal. ] The message “The other party is typing” in the chat box lasted for almost a minute . What on earth was I

Typing in such a hurry? It took so long to type and I was almost ready to send another message. He came back when the emoticon relieved the atmosphere [So you just wanted to ask me this after hesitating for a long time? 】I sat up suddenly and said,

“Holy shit, brother, did you keep the dialog box open just now?” ! Then wouldn’t it be possible for all of my 20 minutes of writing, deleting , and writing to be seen? Ahhhhhhhhhh! Execution in public is nothing more than that [Awkward yet polite smile jpg] I tremblingly replied with an emoticon [Haha,

I was just talking…] I will immediately find a mound to bury myself [I will be free tomorrow ] Ye Jinchuan replied I crawled out of the mound again [Okay! Then I will send you the time and place later ] [Hmm ] The phone automatically locked the screen,

And my big smiling face appeared on the screen. It was a bit worthless , hehe, but he agreed! I just wanted to throw my head up and laugh. I chose our favorite restaurant before. It tastes good, but the price is expensive

. In the past, we were confused and had no money in our pockets. We only came here to have a meal when something good happened. It was okay later. I have money , but there will never be a chance for the two of us to come together.

But today I can make up for this regret. I ordered a table of dishes according to Ye Jinchuan’s taste in my memory . He wore a set of casual clothes today, which looked very good. From the moment he walked in, I My eyes were attracted to him.

There were only two of us at the table. Ye Jinchuan didn’t talk much. I simply tried my best to keep the atmosphere from getting colder. It took more trouble than me and the investors to eat. Ye Jinchuan suddenly pushed a dish on the table to me.

“Your favorite squirrel mandarin fish ” in front of me “Don’t be so nervous when eating with me ” He looked at me with a gentle smile on his face “The most important thing is to eat well ” “Oh

” I lowered my head and picked up a chopstick of fish and put it on the The smile in the bowl crept up to my cheeks, and I felt a little pleased that he was caring about me. It must be so. I put my mind down and ate in peace.

Occasionally, I thought of a topic and chatted with him for a few words, and the atmosphere felt more relaxed than before. The meal was almost done, and we started. We chatted miscellaneously, ” Have you noticed that Director Guo’s new movie is looking for actors recently ?

” “I see, Sister Wang is contacting the heroine. The role is very good , but it is an IP adaptation. I still have the original work. “I haven’t read it .” “I’ve read that book before, and it’s really good. ” He slowly explained the plot of the original work to me. His

Voice was warm and clear, and it took me back to an afternoon six years ago when the two of us were sitting on the sofa and listening. The other party analyzed the plot of the movie he just watched and the acting skills of the actors bit by bit.

It seemed as if the six years of separation had never existed. “Ye Jinchuan, have you ever resented me? ” I asked this question out of nowhere and waited for my reply. When God came and wanted to have a laugh, he saw Ye Jinchuan looking at me steadily . “I was resentful at first.

” I clenched my hands. “At the beginning, I didn’t know what I did wrong , so I was abandoned by you like that. ” He He lowered his eyes and said, “But later I gradually realized that love is the icing on the cake , not a necessity of life

. “That opportunity was very important to you at that time . I can’t ask you to give up your career because of love . In that case, you won’t be you anymore. “Your choice is not wrong. ” He My eyes were serious and focused, and I was at a loss for

Words. I didn’t know how to respond . I wanted to say no, I did let you down. You don’t have to think about me like this. But these words stuck in my throat like a sponge, making it impossible for me to speak. Ye Jinchuan smiled. For a moment, he changed the topic,

“Don’t talk about the past. What’s the matter with you today? ” “It’s okay, I just want to have a meal with you. ” The words that had been brewing for a long time were swirled around the tip of my tongue and swallowed again, but still couldn’t Ignoring the hurt he suffered,

I couldn’t easily say “Let’s get back together.” Next time, try a better time. “Really, you almost thought you wanted to talk about getting back together with me. ” I looked up in shock. Ye Jinchuan’s smile was obviously just for this. He made a joke to lighten the atmosphere

But it played right into my heart. My heartbeat began to speed up. I heard my own voice: “What if I said it was true? ” I looked directly into his eyes: “What if I said that I really wanted to be with you? ” Are you getting back together? ” At this moment,

The flow of time seemed to slow down around me, and my heart beat against my chest. I saw Ye Jinchuan’s surprised expression, saw the corners of his mouth opening and closing , and heard him say, “Then I will really agree. ” Ye Jinchuan and I After getting back together,

I still felt like I was dreaming when I got home . My feet were as soft as stepping on clouds and even my walking became light . [Sister Wang, I really got back together with Ye Jinchuan! 】【I know, I know, you’ve said it three times now. [I know you’re excited, but it

‘s getting late . Put down your phone and go rest! 】I closed the chat box so happily that I didn’t want to rest. Now even if I am asked to sleep, I can’t fall asleep. I touched that cp super talk again . Now only the people here understand me best!

It’s different from the time I came to peek at the screen, where I felt like a thief. Now I walk into this super talk openly. No program has been broadcast in the past two days, and everyone is still reminiscing about the contents of the previous issues.

I rummaged up and down looking for food from the smallest details. I knew that many of the details were deliberately created during the shooting , but now it seems that they actually make me blush and my heart beats . [Have you noticed that Teacher Ye’s eyesight is basically invisible? After leaving Sister Jing,

He even rode the roller coaster while looking at Sister Jing next to him! ] Below are multiple screenshots from several episodes of the program. I looked at them one by one and became more and more shy.

It turned out that he had been looking at me like this during the recording of the program. Why didn’t I notice it? Netizens in the comment area were also very excited [Yes! It’s so exaggerated. How can anyone ride a roller coaster with their eyes open?

Even if you open your eyes, you can still pay attention to the people next to you. I can’t even eat this candy without eating it.] [And his gaze is the kind that doesn’t make people feel pressured, just simply caring. Look at how happy Sister Jing is.

Completely Didn’t notice that Brother Chuan has been staring at her ] [Sister Jing is indeed a little too happy hahahahahahaha ] [Wife-staring mania ] [He loves it so much ] [He loves it so much +1]… The following words are “He loves her so much” ”. I followed at the end and silently sent

“hey hey ” on the trumpet. I burst into laughter holding my phone on the bed. Ye Jinchuan and I fell in love just like that. But what makes me strange is that no one has any doubts about our relationship. !

I originally thought that if I was filmed, I would take the opportunity to make it public, but over the past few days, I have found that everyone seems to agree that our relationship must be innocent. There is no ambiguity and Ye Jinchuan and I are getting closer and closer on the show.

The director praised our acting skills as professional actors. Naturally, the two of us went out to eat together and were photographed. Netizens thought that we were just colleagues going out to eat together. Occasionally, we posted sweet comments in the Weibo comment section, saying “Thank you for your hard work in business.”

Even in the farewell Weibo comment section on the day the show ended, other groups of CP fans were reluctant to leave. But under our Weibo, only fans were picking up my sister/brother to go home

. Is there only that little one in the world? Are the people in CP Super Talk willing to believe that we are not innocent? As soon as I clicked on Super Chat, I saw the administrator’s post floating at the top [The show is over

And everyone knows that the two teachers are ordinary colleagues in life. From now on, let’s enclose our own territory and don’t disturb other people’s normal work and life. 】It’s over. Even the people here don’t believe that the two of us are really

In love. We actually have a single persona. I ’m so angry that the crayfish in front of me doesn’t smell good anymore. “What’s wrong? I’m so angry. ” Ye Jinchuan took off and peeled the crayfish. I wiped my hands clean with my gloves . He had just been peeling shrimps for me.

There was already a mountain of shrimp meat piled up in my bowl. I punched his shoulder: “It’s not all because of you! ” Ye Jinchuan smiled and held me in his arms. His hand: “It’s unjust. Even if you want to be sentenced,

You have to give the poor people a chance to defend themselves .” “It’s not like you quarreled with me in the first episode of the show and now no one believes that we are really together. ” “So that’s what happened.” ” Ye Jinchuan laughed, and the laughter got louder and louder.

I couldn’t help but pounce on him, directly pushed him down on the sofa, and attacked the ticklish flesh on his waist. “Let you laugh again! ” Tsk, this man’s waist There are so many muscles everywhere that it’s hard to even find an itchy flesh. “Okay, okay, don’t laugh, don’t laugh, spare my life.

” Ye Jinchuan cooperated with me and quickly begged for mercy. In this posture of being knocked down, he reached out and put his arm around my shoulders . At that time, I just wanted to see your reaction to the name Taozi, but you denied it outright, so

I couldn’t help but ask a few more questions. “Who really wanted to annoy you? ” “I’m sorry.” His beautiful eyes looked at me with a look of mercy. I felt itchy in my heart. Besides, I was indeed guilty at the beginning and I couldn’t blame him entirely.

I silently held his waist with my hands and rubbed my head on his chest a few times , all as a way to comfort him . “Then what should I do now? This situation and The public relations methods that Sister Wang prepared at the beginning are different

. Do you want to make it public? ” “Don’t worry, aren’t you about to join the group recently? Let’s go over there and disclose this matter at any time .” I nodded to him before The script for Director Guo’s new movie that I mentioned is about to be negotiated and

Has been sent to me. I have been busy reading the script for the past two days while also working on the original work. Time is a bit tight, so I haven’t been able to go out with him much

. So Ye Jinchuan changes every day. Hua came to my door to deliver food to me. “There is one more thing. You are not allowed to deliver delicious food to me anymore. ” “If this continues, I will have to lose weight before joining the group

.” A muffled laugh came from his chest: “I obey your order. ” “I thought everything was going smoothly. Who would have thought that I would suddenly encounter a mad dog that came out and bit people? Early in the morning, I was woken up by Sister Wang’s call and

Asked me to read the hot searches. I forced my eyelids to open and opened my microblog. Bo just took one look and he suddenly woke up. #生璟无码法# A black hot search was conspicuously hanging at the top of the hot search list. There was also a black and red word “explosion” next

To it. When I clicked on it , the first popular content was The marketing account posted [Recently, Director Guo’s new movie is about to start filming . I heard that the heroine has been tentatively selected to be Sheng Jing.

However, someone broke the news that Sheng Jing was seen going to Director Guo’s residence at night. I wonder if it has anything to do with this role. The editor is also very curious. 】The accompanying pictures below are very blurry candid photos. I can barely see the back of

A woman entering a residential building. The night I went to talk to Director Guo about the role, we talked in the stairwell . If they could change the angle, they could Director Guo and I were photographed chatting at the door of the building. Can this be faked?

It seems that the movie cake this time is really good. Some people are greedy and want to throw dirty water on me before the contract is signed. According to the normal plan, I should sign the contract with the crew today . Now that something like this has happened, it will probably take

As long as it delays the follow-up, even if I clarify, they may have already snatched the character away. Moreover, this kind of negative public opinion spreads quickly, but it is difficult to clarify. Many passers-by may not pay attention at all and only remember one negative point throughout the process. Impressions:

Looking at the way these ghosts and snakes are running around in the hot search, it seems that they have spent a lot of money to buy trolls. This kind of dirty trick is also going to succeed

. Do you really think that I have been in the industry for so many years and am just a freeloader? Next to me, Ye Jinchuan was awakened by my movements and opened his eyes drowsily, “What’s wrong? ” “It’s okay, Sister Wang has something to ask me about. You can continue to sleep.

” I comforted him , then picked up the phone and walked over quietly. I called Sister Wang back in the living room , “How is the situation now? ” “Our lawyer here is already preparing a lawyer’s letter , but the matter is too hot now. A lawyer’s letter alone may not be enough.

We need stronger evidence .” Sister Wang’s voice came through the receiver, and she could hear that she was a little tired. Even when she was anxious, she might as well sleep. “”Who said I can only do anxious things? Maybe I have something to do?” “You have something to do?

” I sat upright, “What can we do? ” “We make it public ” He said seriously, “I sent you there on the day you went to Director Guo’s house. I can testify for you. ” “And if we make it public, the publicity can cover up the matter and buy you time

. After that, you can get the surveillance to clarify it thoroughly. This matter can be passed smoothly. ” I suddenly realized that this is indeed a good method. The common routine of crisis public relations is to use bigger hot events to cover up small hot events. However, I was a little hesitant.

“If this doesn’t involve you in this muddy water. ” Ye Jinchuan laughed and came up to pinch both sides of my cheeks with his hands. “I really don’t know what you are worried about in your little head all day long. “How could you get involved in muddy water?

“I am born with things that are made out of nothing. Since I am here Isn’t it right for me to clarify it for you on the spot ? How come your total score is so clear ? “Do you still want to break up with me? ” “How could it be!

” I quickly expressed my loyalty. How can I bear to have the best boyfriend in the kitchen ?” Ye Jinchuan was successfully amused by me. He took my hand and put it on his knee. “Tao Zi, I can feel that you have been quite nervous since we got back together

. ” I’m afraid you may care too much about my feelings. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Sometimes I would rather wrong myself and want me to be happy. “But I am with you because I want to see you feel more relaxed and happy .” His eyes were gentle, which made me feel soft.

“Emotional matters are always two-way. Personal choice , don’t bear everything on your back , and the past is long gone. You owe me nothing, and you don’t need to compensate me for anything. “If I have any wish that you must fulfill, then there is only one

I hope you can be a happier Taozi. I hope I can bring you happiness and peace of mind when I am by your side. ” He looked at me, sincerely and sincerely. I was a little stunned. Ye Jinchuan is actually not a person who is good at words.

This seems to be my first It was the first time I heard him speak such a long paragraph , but every word pierced my heart . I hugged his waist, my eyes were a little moist . He was really after my heart. It was like a gift tailor-made for me by God.

I held him in my arms. Looking at him, it was as if he had finally found a harbor to rest. Ye Jinchuan pulled away my hand and looked at my expression carefully, “Why are you still crying ?” There was helpless pity on his face,

And his lips slowly fell on the corners of my eyes and kissed me softly. I shed tears and tossed them all the way, finally reaching my lips. This kiss was gentle and careful , containing melting love . It slowly probed my lips, making me intoxicated. I couldn’t help but sigh

That in ancient times, I must have been an irresistible beauty. Ye Jinchuan, the stupid king of conspiracy, said it was indeed a good way to disclose our relationship and clarify the specific situation of that night for me, which directly detonated the Internet. In addition, Sister Wang prepared

A set of public relations punches, and all the attention of netizens was attracted away. When the surveillance video was released in the evening, everything finally came to light. The crisis was over smoothly, and the movie was not affected. I breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time,

I finally had the time to start watching and have fun. I happily scrolled through Weibo and looked at netizens. There are all kinds of shocked looks in the hot search [Damn, the fake CP that I laughed at for so long turns out to be real

] [These days, there are still people who are really in love on love shows ] [We had a quarrel in the first episode, but in the end we were still in love Is this show so great together ? 】【I have started to rewatch that show. It looked funny at the time

, but now I find it has a lot of sugar… I realized it later. 】The ratings of the previous love show soared again, and even Director Wu came happily. Congratulations to us . I have been watching for a long time. I was so happy that I couldn’t close my mouth.

In the end, it was Ye Jinchuan who seduced me with male sex. I was able to make me put down my phone and fall into the arms of a beautiful woman. The filming of the movie took more than half a year. Ye Jinchuan also joined the new crew

And we started the movie. After being in a long-distance relationship, I could only chat on my phone every day after filming , and my life was very fulfilling. The hard work paid off. More than a year later

, the movie was released. It was a success at the box office and received critical acclaim. I was also nominated for Best Actress for this movie. On the day of the award ceremony, I was so nervous that I was about to go on the red carpet.

I was still in the car and kept thinking about Ye Jinchuan, who couldn’t help but laugh when he saw me like this. “Don’t be nervous. I watched the films selected this year and your performance is the best.” If nothing else happens, the prize will be yours. ” “Really? ” “Really, believe me

.” “No, no, no , I still can’t think too well about the result first , otherwise it won’t be me, and I will definitely be very disappointed. My expression will be laughed at when the camera captures it… ” Ye Jinchuan leaned over and kissed my lips.

I swallowed my words before I finished speaking. “Are you still nervous? ” He looked at me . The corners of his mouth unconsciously raised: “It’s okay, just a little bit. ” “A little bit? ” “Well, just a little bit. ” It was our turn on the red carpet.

I stood up and was about to get off the car with him and when I passed by him, I heard him say, I said, “I love you. ” I looked back at him in surprise and looked into his shining eyes. He asked, “Do you still have a little bit of that?

” I tried to control my expression so that I wouldn’t laugh too much . “No, Ye Meiren, you used this trick to divert attention well . You can say more in the future. ” Ye Jinchuan smiled and stepped forward to hold my hand and follow me out of the car: “Your

Majesty the Queen .” Outside the car, the lights were shining and there were no cameras. The flashlights pointed at us kept flashing, the sound of camera shutters and the shouts of reporters came one after another. This was destined to be an unforgettable night. But I held Ye Jinchuan’s hand next to me

And looked at him with a smile . I was invincible, “Sheng Jing, you have never been You have already been on leave for a month after winning the Best Actress award. When are you going to come back to work? ” Sister Wang called me again. I won the Best Actress title

At the award ceremony a month ago. When the media was hyping up the new Best Actress, Ye Jinchuan and I have secretly “eloped” to the Maldives while taking advantage of the rare vacation . “Not yet. The vacation is so comfortable and we are already happy

. I’m very happy to hear your tone. What’s a good thing? ” “It ‘s really a good thing that you discovered all this. It’s a good thing worth being happy about. ” Sister Wang no longer concealed the joy in her voice.

“Do you remember the last time someone bought a troll to steal your movie? ” “Uh-huh , didn’t you say it was the work of Lin Xue’s team? ” “No. It’s her fault. I was originally thinking about when to express this bad temper. But she herself was photographed this morning.

“I said she was throwing dirty water on you for no reason. It turns out that she is that kind of person. This is based on herself.” “I’m saving people. ” “Huh?” Such a big melon? ” I quickly clicked on Weibo while hanging up the voice call,

And sure enough I saw that the hot search list was very lively. Liu Xue’s incident this time was directly photographed in a real picture, so her team couldn’t even post a clarification. “This is really evil. You’ve been punished. ” I flipped through my phone and ate the melons carefully. “But

Is there any handwriting from you? ” I still know Sister Wang. She is a character who will seek revenge when she has a revenge. She must have suffered such a huge loss last time. Angrily , “Oh, I don’t have such great magical powers. I just added fuel to the flames and

Found some navy to help her expand the scope of communication. ” Sister Wang’s proud look seemed to appear in front of my eyes and I couldn’t help it. She also followed her and laughed, “Okay, the fun is over. Since you still want to take a vacation, I will give you a job first.

” “Enjoy the vacation. ” I put down the phone and looked at the broad-shouldered Ye Jinchuan who was walking not far away with a smile. Narrow waist and long legs. I whistled at him. His smile was endearing but helpless. “Handsome guy, can I buy you a drink? ” “Of course.

” He sat down next to me . The evening breeze blew past me. The recent comfortable life of the skirt made my heart calm down and I started to think about things about eternity. I held his hand: “Ye Jinchuan, why don’t we get married?

” I looked sideways at him, his face was a little surprised, but he quickly The surprise turned into a sparkling smile in his eyes. “Okay. ” He took out a small velvet box from his pocket. Inside was a delicate and beautiful diamond

Ring. The size of the diamond was very attractive to me, a woman who is used to seeing jewelry. Stars are very big. “Taozi, are you willing to spend the rest of your life knowing each other and growing old hand in hand with me? ” He knelt down on one knee and

Held up the small box devoutly. Now the surprised person became me. I handed my hand over and said, “I do. ” Although it was the answer he already knew , Ye Jinchuan looked very happy. He put the ring on my finger and stood up to kiss my forehead

. The size of the ring fit my hand perfectly. I didn’t even know it. When did he measure my finger circumference? I looked at my hand happily: “When did you start preparing ? I thought I was going to propose to you tonight .” I took out the men’s ring I had prepared.

The style was based on the previous couple’s ring that he had always worn on his chest. He hired a specialized jeweler to make subtle changes and used the best materials , but he was one step ahead . Ye Jinchuan reached out and gave it to him. The ring strap said

, “I have been preparing for it for a long time. I have been preparing for it two years ago. ” This really made me not expect that two years ago was when we just reunited on the show . “At that time, you knew that we would definitely reconcile?”

“Ye Jinchuan shook his head: “I don’t know, but this is my heart’s expectation .” I leaned over and kissed the finger with the ring. “Congratulations, your wish has come true! ” Those days and years of separation made us Replace it with the countless good things in the future

, Ye Jinchuan, life is so beautiful, I just want to share it with you

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