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盤點海賊王推進城的著名囚犯! 一半狠人組成黑鬍子海賊團,地下六層堪稱BOSS聚會#盤點#山治#路飛#海賊王#草帽#索隆

盤點海賊王推進城的著名囚犯! 一半狠人組成黑鬍子海賊團,地下六層堪稱BOSS聚會#盤點#山治#路飛#海賊王#草帽#索隆

Propel into 1~6 layers of famous prisoners Deep Sea Prison On the windless belt on the first half of the Great Route It forms a triangular closed loop with Justice Island and Far Navy Headquarters. However, this place is called heavily guarded. The impregnable fortress has been repeatedly disgraced.

The reason is that there is a lot of talent in it. In the event of an accidental rebellion and a prison break Sometimes it’s hard to crack down on these stunts. First floor at sea There are no prisoners here. Except there are suicidal defenders and warships on the periphery.

Mainly to do some pre-prison preparations here. Like flushing prisoners with 100-degree boiling water. Even so People like Lao Sha Jinping Ace were baptized in the shower. Don’t even frown Officials or special personnel need to check their belongings here. The next part below sea level is the real hell.

The first layer of Red Lotus Hell The criminals held here have relatively minor crimes But to advance the city this ranking of prisons Not everyone can carry a bag to check in. Entry threshold is also the start of 10 million bounty Here are our old acquaintances

The great god Bakibaki lived only on the first floor. And haven’t been stabbed a pair of sea floor stone handcuffs Because Brazil was confused at the time. I dug up the secret base of the navy. When you are caught, you may be overwhelmed. No ability to show

The Navy didn’t know he was capable. Based solely on the criteria of his 15 million bounty Just ordinary treatment The result is the ability of the Israeli-Pakistani Just say take off the handcuffs and walk out of the cell. It’s like no one’s land The second level of the beast hell

The only monster on the top floor is the blue orangutan. And this layer has a chicken, snake, human face, lion. Poison Scorpion sphinx Beast Full Seat Candle Male Third Brother Bounty 24 million being locked up on this floor His ability to escape from prison is as good as Baki. It’s unfortunate that

Third brother was stabbed with a pair of sea floor stone handcuffs. Fortunately Luffy Baki makes a big noise on the second floor. It also destroyed the monitoring room on this floor. Bucky can get the key, unlock the lock and let him go. Third brother thus regained his freedom

In addition, Aaron who was once caught pushing into the city Although not explicitly said What floor is he being held on Take Aaron 20 million the level of the bounty No more than Level 2. Third Layer Hunger in Hell.

This floor is almost full of vicious pirates who have passed the 50 million bounty. In addition to mental torture The heat coming up from the scorching hell below. Baking here is very hot Plus water and food It’s better to die than to live.

At first Xiaofeng, who 32 million the reward, was locked up on this floor. While the bounty does not reach the threshold of 50 million But some pirates will focus on the specific situation. With the prisoners half-dead The lively and optimistic little room singing and dancing in the cell Attracted Baki and Third Brother

Xiaofeng can get out of prison When Luffy and Sphinx fight Xiaofeng helps He also imitated Solon to make Luffy happy. Luffy said Although not really Sauron But see Tucki you’re still alive Still very happy After the two opened the world friendship tour Fourth level searing hell

In the middle of this layer is a pool of boiling blood Everywhere is burning fire The Luffy Four are new here. Like ants on a hot pan three and four These two floors are also infested with crunches. fruit Awakened Jailer Beast In Hannibal’s memory A bounty 50 million female pirate Mies Olieb

Arrested by the Navy at the age of 28 was trying to seduce Hannibal with beauty thus escaping from prison But it was stopped by Magellan incarcerated here. Life and death is unknown so far Master one of Bounty 75 million Dazporis was also held on this floor. For such a harsh environment

Mr one is quite calm. Later, when the Luffy team returned from the bottom up mr one as old sand’s right-hand man Taken away by old sand The fifth layer of extreme cold hell All the pirates and ice banks with a reward of over 100 million yuan are held here.

There is also a low temperature environment and the upper layer can be called ice and fire. The forest of the extremely cold hell is reared with a large number of murderous kings. Luffy lost in pk with Magellan Magellan locked up on this floor But soon rescued by Xiaofeng Luffy had a huge cellmate

Chino or mushroom Strength should be good People around him when the boss rescued Luffy Xiaofeng left the key to the prison These guys also managed to escape from prison in the end. Chinoco also joined the army in the top war. Morrie, the current captain of the Western Army of the Revolutionary Army.

It was also locked up in Propulsion City 100 years ago. It should be locked up on this floor. But he used the fruit’s power to dig a tunnel The secret escape succeeded. Little Ivan was once locked up in a very cold hell. Later mysteriously disappeared from prison

In fact, little Ivan came to the tunnel dug in his partner’s tomb. And the lightning of his own men Created a very special underground 5.5 layer transvestite paradise There are secret entrances to here on the first five floors A lot of prisoners will accidentally enter Outside this mysterious disappearance

It’s called the ghost show or the devil’s invitation. Besides, Xiao Feng didn’t die either. It’s now the replacement for little Ivan. Become the new owner of the 5.5 layer live a very happy life The Sixth Infinite Hell The prisoners on this floor and the previous floors are not the same concept at all.

Many are enough to shake the sea pattern of people Strong strength High bounty Killing like hemp hold key intelligence At least to account for the same Roger One Piece He was detained here after he turned himself in. for Roger. He wants to run. It’s the same everywhere. But he turned himself in

So it’s the same everywhere. Later, he entrusted his unborn child to an enemy, Karp. Then there was Ace, who had already reached the 0.55 billion bounty two years ago. It’s just that Luffy was a step late. Earlier, Ace had been sent to the headquarters of the Navy.

Then Qiwuhai is eligible to be locked up on this floor. Lao Sha Pingping was the first to experience it. Mingo came in the back. Not only live in a large single room Also tied up solidly Because Mingo knows some of the secrets of the world government. So use Magellan to personally guard

To prevent some killers from destroying Mingo’s mouth. Half of Blackbeard’s men came from here. The former caretaker of the propulsion city saw Captain 2 of the Black Regiment and his stream. Magellan was held for indiscriminate killing of prisoners after Fugitive crackdown on Magellan It is urgent to let it out. Results Stream backwater

Other Black Regiment Captain 4 King of Evil Government Captain No. 6 Catalina Dapon Captain 7. San Juan Wolf 8 Captain Big Nine Choate The winners in their cells. Although the top in the war The elder brothers were spitting blood by a palm of the Warring States period.

But it can come out of the sixth floor. Real strength can be imagined is not weak And of course there’s one Douglas Barrett, who dared not even take the black beard. Also took this opportunity to escape Therefore, level 6 of the promotion city is also called the boss supplier of the theater version.

The Golden Lion, who was once as famous as Roger White Beard, broke his legs back then. escape from this prison Known as the first prison escapee in Propulsion City Say it. Maury who dug the tunnel actually escaped much earlier than the Golden Lion. The world in the theater version 3 d 2y

King of Destruction Bondiwald Role in the game The Red Earl and Barrett are the same Also black beard. When releasing people, take advantage of the chaos to escape from here. A hair Dongbo, a face with a fork scar The bald, tattooed man with earrings is also on the sixth floor.

Looks like he’s the boss of his piece. The current situation is unknown In addition, the original cp 9 agent is now volley six Fosford also has the background of advancing the city prison break. But I didn’t say what floor I was locked up on. Because it involves rubber fruit information and government intelligence.

The number of layers should not be low And Cordow, who loves extreme sports. The death penalty alone was sentenced 40 times. I don’t know if it’s a regular visitor to Propulsion City. Top the wave of prison breaks before the war. A total of about 250 prisoners, large and small, escaped.

There is no lack of boss level Only in various theatrical versions of the future. Those people may as always Luffy will be dragged into his own theater version. a beating Top War and Ghost Island War Comparison Top War and Ghost Island War are the plot of One Piece

So far the most exciting two super big group battle The same has had a huge impact on the situation afterwards. First of all, from the standing open position Especially after cp zero and entering the main arena with enigmatic strength

The sum of the forces on the ghost island has the momentum to level the war on the top. Top in the war Capu Warring States Two Legendary Naval Stations red dog green pheasant yellow ape The three navy generals together domineering debut Hawkeye Bear Old Samingo Female Emperor Jiping Moria Blackbeard

At that time, the new and old seven wuhai all went to war for their own purposes. Among them, the three female emperors of Laosha Jinping are Luffy’s Blackbeard, who replaced Old Sand, was rebellious in person. Led an upgraded version of the Blackbeard Pirates to pick up the leak.

And Lieutenant General Crane’s branch of the Fifth Middle School Vice Admiral Admiral Giant As well as a group of elite naval generals such as Smogtina T. Penn. A group of pacifists who fought in the Naval Scientific Corps and the 100000 Navy elite assembled from the four seas Four emperors white beard this side

Except for Ace on the execution table and Saatchi who was killed. Bring Marco and other 14 team captains. Plus your own 1600 There are also 43 new world pirates under their command. Number of troops 50000 Too many captains. Just highlighted a few of them. Another is Luffy Baki small 10000

They pushed a gang out of the city In addition, it involves the red hair of the four emperors. Four Emperor Cato Supernova Luo et al. Light is involved in going to war and preparing The number of people who came to the war was as many as 15 to 200000.

Ghost Island War This side of the cafe is not small either. There are two four emperors, Aunt Kaido, who are allied to sit in the Beasts Regiment. Three Ember Quinn Jack A few people above alone have a total of 12.7 billion bounties. Much Bailey Oda made a big deal

A ten billion subsidy was specially arranged for Luffy. But down the comparison pull down the volley six son anticlimactic Blessed 546 million Bounty He was abused by Jin Ping with few moves. But shake out a lot of information Supernova Hawkins and Aunt Arp Brought a star and several ministers Basic full-court paddling

The brute overlord payer laughed and waited for these beasts. Opening Total 30000 Big Snakes Here is Kanshilang Fu Lu Shou’s Yuting Fanzhong and so on. Luffy’s straw hat regiment participated in the war. Red Sheath Nine Heroes and other warriors of the kingdom of peace Garotwanda and other fur warriors

Supernova with Rowe and Kidkylla and Daiwa, the good daughter of the temporarily allied Drake Kedo Super Foreign Undead Marco God assists the Jade Emperor Jade Luffy The number of fighters on this side is 5400. In addition, now the world government’s cp zero has also intervened.

As well as the sudden appearance of the number of masters and followers Ghost Island Wars Not As Good As Top Wars But this time, the straw hat regiment is the main force. As for and on top of the war White beard and three generals when the protagonist is more exciting than which

Vary from person to person Second, in terms of the impact of the war. The Ghost Island War had a bigger impact The top war and the ghost island war are all about one thing. It’s the alternation of the old and the new. Changes in the pattern of the sea Top War

Ace and White Beard died on this side of the pirates. Blackbeard snatches earthquake fruit The Navy’s side later gave way to the Warring States Period. The battle of marshal of the red dog and the green pheasant broke out. Because one piece is real. It opened the era of two points of great navigation.

Navy Headquarters Moves to New World World Conscription and other events Although the war on the top caused major changes But the pattern of the sea has not yet shaken What about the ghost island wars, like Marco said Next up is the superstar. Before this Five Supernovae Face Two Four Emperors

It’s a very intuitive explanation. These supernovae are going to break the pattern. including Joey Boy Nika, the sun god Lord, Demon Fruit, etc. The amount of information is much more than the war on top. Direct involvement of the world government Getting closer to the final chapter. Compared to the top war

The Luffy who was kicked over and over The Ghost Island War is also the key to Luffy’s move towards One Piece. In the subsequent impact The Ghost Island War is more powerful. Third, from the combat ratio is also the most important point After all, so many bosses are here Just watch them fight.

Don’t hit him with a bang How can it be called a war? This point Two battles have their own characteristics On top of the war fruit ability duel more exciting The protagonist is more than the magma frozen flash Three natural systems and one of the strongest superman systems Earthquake

And Marco, who made a stunning appearance. Old sand saved everywhere Tathagata Palm of Warring States Top War Also various fruit abilities The Peak Battle of Swordplay White Beard Ming Xiu Plank Road Dark Chen Cang Warring States fortification layer by layer Clever use of separation meter

Top war is a combination of wisdom and courage advance layer by layer Ghost Island Wars Are Blooming in Crowds There are plans on the surface. It’s here.Site Everyone is fighting on their own. I don’t even know what plane my teammates are making. The rush of recklessness is over.

This kind of accident is frequent. The first half was very confusing. Number of paths of opponents with fixed positions in the second half It’s actually quite interesting Then there were more surprises from the Ghost Island War. For example, Luffy’s overlord color entwines Shanzhi’s lineage factor awakening Solon Awakening Overlord Color

Robin shows demon form Kidd and Rowe’s Fruit Awakening, etc. Although a little combat power is not enough The meaning of hanging up If you don’t struggle with this In fact, the battle of ghost island is not much worse than the war at the top.

After all, this is an unprecedented scene for the protagonist group. The fire must have started. Fourth, from the emotional display point of view The weight of the war at the top is still unsurpassed. It’s not just the death of Ace and White Beard. It also foreshadows the relationship between Karp and Ace.

Ace and White Beard’s Feelings The Feelings of Lufei and Ace White beard and the crew’s feelings and so on In the context of this war as a life and death These feelings are more moving Oda is to make you cry And then there’s the Red Dog’s obsession with his own justice.

Karp’s dilemma between justice and affection Kobe’s reflection on this just war is enough to make people think. This side of Ghost Island can’t ask him to match the heaviness of the top war. In addition to the straw hat group trust each other as a support

Emotional aspects and top wars are not a type on Top war is the end of the old times Ghost Island Wars are the rise of a new era A tragedy destined to be difficult to calm One is the perfect as it should be. Which one you like actually depends on the individual.

But there are some similarities between the top war and the ghost island war. There’s a thing all over the place A foreign aid who wanders in incomparable scenery Top of the war is old sand Ghost Island is Marco There is a person who seals God in a seemingly funny way.

The top war is live broadcast. And a great god who speaks ill of the four emperors Baki ghost island is feeding balls everywhere Jade Emperor Xiaoyu, who also coaxed the Four Emperors to be happy Of course, One Piece has a huge war in the end.

The remaining two four imperial regiments should be on stage. including the revolutionary army straw hat big ship regiment Supernova Naval Headquarters world government Even a few of them, Wuhai That one is bound to be the ultimate war beyond the top and ghost island. The Pirate’s Most Unsolvable Weapon Luffy’s Supreme Slippers

Put on your slippers, run, jump There are many inconveniences But Luffy has apparently merged with his flip-flops And Luffy’s slippers aren’t just for fighting. Can also be used instead of hands to applaud Can also be used as a reserve grain Hungry Luffy almost ate his slippers. But after some fighting

Luffy’s slippers are not undamaged. He was once killed by Lao Sha. But then Luffy got another pair of identical ones. Before the supreme black drag has been developed This is also normal Second pair of slippers It is also one of the most loyal partners on the road of Luffy adventure.

And this pair of slippers also has a proud record. When Luffy is not yet armed with color and domineering Whether the opposite is the enemy’s sword or cp 9 iron Or face the three navy generals Luffy’s slippers always take the lead The opponent is very strong

But also dare to compete with evil spirits After 2 years of training Luffy’s strength completes qualitative change This pair of slippers has also grown a lot with him. In Dreslo When Saro was about to die under Mingo’s bean shoes Luffy blocked Mingo’s foot in time. Luo can see clearly below

It was a familiar slipper At the moment, the fierce overlord color began to collide. Boldness of vision burst But the two did not move. presents one of the classic famous scenes Then Luffy opens fourth gear Here’s a light-wearing operation Luffy ditched her slippers before

But this slipper will be on your feet for a while. After a while, I am very confused when I am not on my feet. Let’s think of it as an evil spirit that insists on fighting a strong enemy with his master. Next, when I kicked Mingo in the face

Luffy did not forget to attach armed color to the slippers Hardening or with or without the potential for large black drags Mingo can’t resist even if he hardens his defense. Even the blood spit out by Ming Ge is a strong word. Also lamented that these slippers are really cow force

After the slippers showed their power in front of Mingo Again in front of the general Fujiko show courage Facing Vine Tiger’s Gravity Knife without the slightest fear Face the Blade When Karl’s Tulong was about to drag Luffy’s face Slippers cooperate with the stubborn biting force of Luffy’s feet Clamping Carl’s Earth Dragon

Luffy took advantage of Carl’s stupidity Get out quickly and flexibly. At this time, Luffy’s slippers have already fought cp 9 with blood. Face the three big will Anger Kicks Over Qiwuhai Hard Rattan Tiger Playing Carl On the road to become a pirate Of course he’s got a crucial battle ahead of him.

Defeat the Four Emperors Luffy attached the newly learned overlord color winding to the slippers Teacher Lu Shuai Kai’s Eight Fasting Lines Fight with the Four Emperors from a Long Space This pair of slippers completed the confrontation with the four emperors. And then a kick in the face Teacher Kai has sobered up

Kick your belly again. Cado is another mouthful of old blood This is a pair of slippers that have been hit hard by the four emperors. After Luffy became the King of One Piece Luffy will be remembered The companions who made kings with him will be remembered.

The straw hat that represents the inheritance of will will be remembered. The slippers at Luffy’s feet should also be remembered. After all, it’s the same as that straw hat. This is a pair of and one piece of the king of the sea The Evolution of the Domineering System in One Piece

If we use our current cognition to understand domineering As early as when the red hair saved Luffy, there was overlord domineering. But obviously there was no concept of domineering in the early days. for a long time The purpose and details of this mysterious force are also not defined

Until the red hair meets the white beard Aggressive son was formally proposed Although there was no concept of domineering in the early days But this mysterious force occasionally appears First stage chaotic period Luffy Sauron shows superhuman perception Luffy sees through Third Brother’s two places in the small garden.

A kick kicked the real body out. Luffy said it was by intuition. Sauron more cattle approval one breath awakens two mysterious power That is, the signs of seeing and hearing color and armed color. When playing mr one After calming down

To comprehend the power of the unity of man and sword to cut iron After reaching the realm of being able to feel the breath of all things Can even accurately perceive their own knife Buried under that rock. Finally, I took the knife to the defense. This fortuitous awakening of perception and defense-breaking ability

Early and not too much specific description At the beginning This mysterious force Only occasionally in this very vague form. Therefore, the domineering exposed old sand does not appear to be domineering at all. Defeated by Unblocked Luffy This leads to the old sand will not domineering

It becomes a hole that is not easy to fill. However, although Lao Sha did not show the traditional sense of domineering But it will color five or five Aggressive ah Can be said to be the rarest of a domineering After entering the second stage of development

There are specific forms of expression and groundbreaking definitions of knowledge and color. For example, Enilus’s heart net is just an empty island. Does not belong to the blue ocean culture circle After later Raleigh’s domineering course Knowing that the new network belongs to the knowledge color

Aggressive Aini Lu’s ability to see and hear even now Some parts are very advanced existence Aini Lu can combine his own thunder fruit Let the new network achieve an ultra-large range of perception and eavesdropping. Later, cp 9 came on stage. demonstrated a somatic technique Name is iron

Iron blocks can not only harden defense You can also attack with iron punches like Gabra. Although the iron does not belong to the domineering But it’s kind of like a later armed color hardening So the iron block is also seen as a simple version of the armed color. But still modest

This is obviously a thinned version of the armed color And there’s only five paper guns. Six King guns or something. Although it is not clear that they used domineering But at least there is domineering That smell. Red hair and white beard where the domineering concept is put forward Also overlord color

The show of domineering in the true sense will be accompanied by bursts of powerful gas. stun the soldier or deter the opponent The milestone stage of the domineering system in the third stage of perfection Top before and after the war Aggressive began to use on a large scale

For example, the three-color domineering female emperor And some people around him will also use domineering. Luffy has been subconsciously overbearing in succession. Reilly cut the face of the yellow ape war peach pill Flying in the air, the three big ones will block the shaking wave of white beard.

White beard also used domineering when he played the three general, etc. After that, Mr. Reilly clearly explained the domineering system. Overlord Color armed color See and hear color Three-color domineering system Added some basic definitions and basic usage For example, overlord color needs natural qualifications. Domineering can hit the entity of natural ability

Seeing and hearing color can have different development directions The fourth stage of maturity Aggressive while continuing to flourish Also extended. More usage information color domineering like enilus heart net Vine Tiger’s Color Mood World Card II’s Short-term Predicting the Future Uthorp’s ultra-remote location perception As well as Yamaki’s, I prejudged you. Prejudged my prejudgment

Many people have different emphases on what they see and hear. It’s a bit of a blooming flower. Overlord color started with chicken ribs Except Zheng Yun Xiaobing The strong will not be greatly affected virtual meaning comparison After the overlord color winding is defined Overlord’s aggressiveness has made a qualitative leap.

Luffy for the Five Emperors At first, it was not surprising that Kedo was standing with a hammer stone. Armed color as the most popular and most important means of attack and defense Natural perfection is more detailed Armed color domineering can be divided into hardened winding Four techniques of external release and internal destruction

Very, very proficient in domineering people All four techniques can be used simultaneously. where hardening and winding are common External release is a higher-order usage. For example, the three will resist the white beard’s shock wave. Battle Escape Maru’s Foot Air Alone Ice Also Stunned Bounced off the alpaca negative

Make full use of domineering liquidity Greatly enhanced offensive and defensive capabilities This is a skill Luffy really wants to learn. Although the armed color domineering in the closed and the country is called Liu Ying But in fact only to reach this stage of the armed color domineering Cai is truly called Liu Ying

Under the guidance of the National Soldier of Hezhi Luffy Mastered Liu Ying And internal destruction is armed color The highest-order usage of domineering so far It can be seen that Reilly’s mastery of domineering is very high. Inject domineering into enemies or objects to destroy them. Achieving penetrating and armor-piercing effects

Luffy has also mastered this technique. In short, the domineering system has been perfected all the way. The process of maturity is still relatively long. Therefore, it is normal to have a slight contradiction and gap between the front and back settings. Overall Pit filling and series connection are still perfect.

Those strange adorable pets in One Piece There are often a variety of animals in One Piece. So some pirate regiment Or some people have cute pets around them. The pheasant and his penguin camel Ah, the green pheasant of the outgoing Navy general. I found a big penguin to travel. This penguin named camel

And the frozen fruit of the green pheasant naturally fits well. And have the habit of sleeping anytime and anywhere Although this penguin is carrying a big backpack looks lovely Rotten tail field half jokingly said He’s cold-blooded inside hardcore style Looks like he’s still a pretty good penguin. The Warring States and His Goats

This sheep looks very cute. And every time I come on stage, I eat waste paper obediently. But goats like to eat paper. So the Warring States simply used it as a shredder. There is such a ridicule This sheep is actually a paper shredder that ate the fruit of sheep and sheep.

Except this sheep. Warring States two years ago, a seagull often stood on the hat After 2 years With another gorilla. The old director of the Navy Zoo is well deserved The Vince Mook family and his cat. The driver of Vince Mock’s royal car is a big cat.

Also wearing the jerma 66 iconic mask and dress Plus a kind and festive look and a fleshy figure. looks very flattering Perona and his Muppet Bear Kumasi Uh-huh Although Perona is usually very harsh on Kumasi Don’t let him talk casually But Perona thinks Kumasi is very important. Without the company of Kumasi

Perona had to hold Solon like Kumasi. Forced him to play with himself. Send Solon back to shampoo after 2 years I picked up Kumasi by the way. Although there is no shadow to give him life But since then, it has been held by my side. Zimone and his rabbit Kembe Meow Meow Meow

Simoni called Quimbe a cat But it’s actually a rabbit Simone and Kembe were inseparable Their behavior. Sometimes it’s special, like Cornis and his Arc Sisi. Yo yo yo This cloud fox has a wealth of body language and imitation talent At that time, I imitated Shan Zhi. Uthorp told Konis the whole story

Of course, Cornis and his pets have a tacit understanding. Can you think about what to say for a while Luki and his pigeon Hadley Ah ah ah ha ha While working undercover in Water City Pigeon Hadley has been on his shoulderUpper Gesticulating Can also replace Luci message But this is Lu Qi’s ventrum

Because after Lu Qi opened his mouth to speak The pigeon seems to have never spoken again. Ludge will also be based on his identity Change the pigeons into different costumes The boatman wore a red tie during his time. Showdown After the identity is black tie and coat cp Time zero is white hat

A white dress The Iceberg Mayor and His Hamster Tyrannosaurus Rex This hamster was when the straw hat group came to the water capital. The iceberg just picked up one. And on the spot took a very domineering name called Tyrannosaurus Rex After 2 years This mouse is still there. After seeing Franky’s reward order

Looks very happy The White Star Princess and his Shark Mecaro Sasha I have my ideal Kill Sasha This shark is wearing a Papa Valley convict suit. Has been the white star trapped in the boudoir to talk to the object Although it’s a huge shark But actually very gentle character also very sand sculpture

Put a white star princess that big in her mouth. Want to laugh can’t laugh I can’t sneeze if I want. I don’t want to bite the white star. So also can only be careful Just hold back to the limit Can give it to toss enough Princess Vivian and her Karu Duck

When Vivian was young, Karu Duck was his playmate and mount. Because often run long distance A jug hanging around his neck I don’t refuse to drink or anything. Drink to the full once After encountering the straw hat group Often teased by Luffy Thorpe But even if the crisis Seriously injured

We will also escort Princess Vivian to her destination. Luffy and his kung fu manatee oh They were Luffy’s windfall in Alabastan At that time, Kung Fu Manatee learned from Luffy two years later. In the original plot One of them reunited with Luffy Also learned to armed color domineering

And imitate the master’s fork on your chest Also formed a sea beast pirate regiment Follow the Master’s Pace The Lady and Her Serpent. Salome This non-venomous python has a goofy look. In addition to being a special seat and cushion for the female emperor At ordinary times is also with the female emperor

Salome also has strong tracking capabilities Top after the war soon caught up with Luo’s submarine But Bebo was shocked. Luffy’s Reserve Grain Choba Although Joba is really not a pet After all, people give nickname a punch a Joe beard But the Navy doesn’t seem to have figured it out yet.

The position of this civet cat From the very beginning, the Navy defined Choba as a marshmallow-loving pet. Tony Tony Choba offers 50 Bailey Although Joba has since proven repeatedly that he is not a civet cat Not a pet. But the brave pirates But they ‘ve been treated like civet cats.

Bounty has also been pet level Rod Nautical Sepper Bounty 500 Bailey Joba’s he-is-brother Fei Bo As the No. 2 character of the Sea City Heart Pirate Group I don’t know the price of five newspapers. I’m afraid there’s another one in the Navy. According to Feibo’s harmless appearance Also give him as a pet

You can see these pets in addition to being cute pets Most of them also have their own other specialties. Some will kung fu Some will imitate. Some run fast. Some are sand sculptures Mainly in Luffy’s eyes. They can all be grain reserves. One Piece Kong Island Specialty Plant Species

The empty island is in One Piece and there are many other things Like the phone bug Life Card Mangrove Bubble and so on And being energy as living with the empty islanders Tools that are closely related to combat It was once a refreshing thing.

Later, Wu Suopu exchanged a rubber band for a pile of empty islanders. For all kinds of invention transformation The first one of the most common scallops In life it can store the wind and release it As a source of power for vehicles For example, in V8 and on board

There are also skates or skateboards at the feet of magic soldiers and mountain warriors. Shoes are generally equipped with four small wind The skateboard is usually equipped with two slightly larger wind shells. there is a large size and a small size Power is also different. Konis to lend to Yamagi

Their crow is equipped with a double wind back. In battle Vapa’s incendiary gun also has a wind tablet in it. Can be stored to release the gas Spray it Blue and white flame burning Strong destructive power after detonation The second shock is absorbed Release it after impact

Air Island fighters commonly used combat weapons Generally attached to the palm of the hand People with super physical quality will not be more comfortable to get it. But there’s also a backlash The stronger the power of absorption The greater the recoil

The third row shell strike is an advanced version of the impact back. Ten times as powerful as shellfish. Endangered Extremely Rare Wapa, there’s a It only takes one time to defeat the Shura, one of the four divine officials. Late Island Eni Road It’s just that Eni used electricity to activate his heart again.

Later, I will go to Big Vine Island. But the recoil of a platoon strike is enough to kill a man. It can only be said that Wapa also has blood lock But with three forced blows behind his back, he couldn’t avoid a serious injury to his right arm.

The fourth spray shell is a closed high-end version. The release of the wind is stronger than the ordinary wind cup are extinct shellfish belong to rare species But the straw hat regiment is in the ancient Viba salvaged from the sunken ship. It is equipped with air spray shells The power is very sufficient

Generally do not need to drive full power After driving to extreme speed You can rush to the ark with Luffy in a big golden ball. In battle Spraying shellfish can greatly increase the speed and strength of the punch. The disadvantage is that it will break your clothes.

For example, the official Nirvana Aini Road Install the 200 shellspray shells brought from card B in the early years on the ark. Can leave the ship in a failure state Can also be stable floating in the air The power is considerable The fifth tone is used for recording and playback

Mainly used for music recording Lu Fei and Wu Suopu, who played for the first time, were extremely curious about this. have a good time The sixth lamp is stored bright light Used as a lighting device similar to a table lamp The first time I saw Jabba, it was very interesting.

The seventh water pump is generally used for fire fighting tools Old sand should be disgusting this thing The back of the eighth image can be photographed and transmitted. Can record playback video The straw hat group was told by the old lady at the door. You can go in without paying the entry fee.

But the old lady didn’t tell the consequences. And take photos to record After the result was made illegal entry Empty Island Police According to Photos Capture the Straw Hats at Angel Island The ninth hot equipment is generally used as a cooking tool in life. Shura’s searing gun is equipped with a hot back.

Punctured objects will suffer from high temperature burns even ignite it Can increase destructive power Tenth rock cup can store fire In life, the use of extensive fire cooking and so on The mount of Shura was equipped with a rock quilt. The mouth can fire

The role of the 11th cloud back cloud back is more extensive Mounted in the foot can spray clouds Flexible flight Similar to Six Moonsteps You can also make cloud roads. Move fast on it Also divided into players For example, Enilu and the official Awu. have this in hand

The second is to find the cloud god official nirvana Use it to release swamp-like clouds The third is the god cloud official shura Use it to release the air guide Undetectable verve to the naked eye imprison a person in silence A parasitic line similar to Mingo

The fourth kind is iron cloud god officer ohm Use it to release light as a cloud Hard as a cloud of iron thorns These thorn-like thorns can form a low-fitting birdcage. Ohm also had this cloud on the hilt of his sword To be formed that can be arbitrarily deformed

But a very hard blade But Yunbei is also the only one of all empty islands. Take an empty back that cannot be used in Qinghai. 12th It is normally said that this thing is the storage of aroma Make it into a saché or something. But in battle it’s more about storing farts

Used for a soldier who does not fight. No. 13 Flash is similar to flash bombs This back was installed in the twin guns of the Sandia warrior Brabham Can interfere with enemy vision when shooting At that time, Brabham used the wind back cloud back flash. By air combat suit against Sauron

Let Sauron is very annoying But for the first time, Solon used the troubles born for the sky war. Phoenix series skills will defeat it The 14th slash is also a very rare species. Only the shellfish used by the magic soldiers Origin does not belong to this empty island

Were imported from other empty islands Chopping power can break the shield and kill the opponent Captain of the Magic Daredevil has a belt with ten chopping backs. But in front of Robin Give yourself seconds. The 15th laser By Shandia Warrior Mantis A weapon in the hand that resembles a laser sword

A tree with a diameter of more than ten meters can be cut off in the middle. Power is not small Then Wu Suopu fell off an empty island Some common types of backpacks My best friend Nami has improved the weather bar. to transform their own

A giant slingshot that can carry a variety of enhanced ammunition All But with the improvement of the domineering system The continuous upgrading of everyone’s fighting skills The empty island has gradually become history. How did Lao Sha’s perfect plan lose step by step? There are hundreds of pirates who can play tricks. Clodo Flamenco

Blackbeard, wait. But on grand strategy They and Lao Sha are not on the same level. Old sand is strategizing Don’t even need to show up Just play the 10 million population of Alabastan Lao Sha wants to subvert the regime in Alabastan And then get ancient weapons Pluto establishes military power

Above the world government On the surface, he used the government’s identity as Qiwuhai to crack down on pirates. gained the great trust of the king and the people became a national hero secretly organized baroque crime syndicates to hunt and kill pirates Raise funds

The manufacture of dancing powder has long been banned by the government. Use this kind of thing only to rain in the king’s royal city Seize the surrounding rain Cause the surrounding 3 years without rain Severe drought causes riots He also asked his men to transport the dancing powder to the palace.

Intentionally exposed midway Let the public perceive that the people have accumulated resentment and hatred. Point the finger at the king Hebra Though a good king But there’s no way to find the killer. Because the old sand underground identity is little known Even before his senior cadres finally fought.

I don’t even know the true face of my boss. The informed Vivian and Ikalem were also unable to convey the information in time. Old sand in the dark use of fruit ability to create sandstorms Drying up the freshwater resources of the oasis Even directly destroy the oasis city

Let the two sides intensify the contradiction That’s it. Insurgent army increasing Then it went from 700000 to 2 million. Day of final battle Old sand let sister Christmas mole ability to steal the king Xiaofeng impersonates the king with imitation ability Burning and looting in rape flower city and wounded the rebel leader

Kill Old Sha And let them inadvertently leave a large number of weapons for the rebels. This wave takes off directly 2 million rebel army from all roads directly to the royal city The old sand with high prestige reaped the benefits of the fisherman. Just wait for the takeover. Plan to get here

There is nothing wrong with Lao Sha’s strategy. Because the old sand control the heart This is terrible Basically, there’s no good solution. But Alabastan is also an offensive and defensive war on all sides. Yamagi showdown after mister prince Swap for Prince with Joe Raccoon Rescue Luffy from the mountain

They indirectly sabotaged Old Sand’s plan Shanzhi Handsome Rescue But Lao Sha did not panic He has a backhand Because the key that feeds the banana evil is fake. The real key is still in my hand. But the old sand is really unexpected

The third brother who was also fed to the crocodile is still alive. Shanzhi used third brother’s candle key to save Luffy Third Brother gave Lao Sha to the pit And it’s important to note A little boy saw Xiaofeng posing as a fake king.

But Lao Sha always has a back hand in doing things. He had already arranged on the bell tower enough to blow up the royal city. Bombs that killed millions of people When the straw hat group of cadres after the war The desperate aerial relay sent Vivian up. Extinguishing lead The lead goes out

But this bomb is still a timed one. So Bell was regardless of life and death. Take the bomb to the sky before it is detonated Insurgent army chiefs’ spiking has also been witnessed Klokdahl is the murderer of the state Sa said the killer was Klokdahl. What’s the matter with my old sand

Well, even if it is, how can we stop the rebellion? Too naive It turned out that Lao Sha was already in the Wehrmacht and the insurgent army. Planted a lot of undercover Whether it’s Princess Vivian or the smash to come forward to the theme war The undercover agents will sabotage in time.

Even hit the smash again This is the case from beginning to end. This war was played by Old Sand. It’s reached a point where even the leaders of both sides can’t stop it. Which know this time suddenly heavy rain First of all, Smog explicitly denies that he did it himself.

Is it caused by Lao Sha’s defeat? Anyway, that is to say, I don’t know how the fish came in such a timely manner. Old Sha is quite Zhuge Liang’s plan in the upper valley. In person Things cannot be strong in the sky. The war was interrupted by this heavy rain

But the rebellion is not over. Rebels say they saw the king kill and set fire to him in Rape Flower City. How to explain this This time The little boy who witnessed Xiaofeng posing as a fake king was brought by Ikalem Tell the story Plus the sound of pico and smash

I can finally be heard. ToEveryone here just put down their weapons And then there’s Luffy. Lao Sha seriously underestimated Luffy’s waist strength in sit-ups. Luffy died directly at the hands of Old Sand at least three times. None of them died. Once in the desert, Robin dug it up.

Luffy asked for meat and was taken away by Bell. took care of for a short time Second time at the palace. Although Lao Sha has changed from a sand crocodile to a drowned chicken But Sha sucked Luffy into a mummy. Old Sha hurried to the temple underground palace

As a result, Luffy’s crooked water just fell. saved him. For the third time, he was poisoned by the old sand hook. Saved by Robin. In fact, Robin also gave old sand to the pit several times. In addition to saving Luffy Early know the existence of Shan Zhi I didn’t tell Lao Sha

Saw Yamagi sneak into the Swift I didn’t tell Lao Sha either. Records of the Pluto Robin deliberately fooled Old Sand Lead to the old sand people and money If you count how many links in Lao Sha’s plan have been destroyed That’s really not ten. There must be nine. The most frightening thing is

Any link in this has not been destroyed. is enough to rewrite the global Old sand’s plan will not be ended Even at the end of the day, Old Sha was lying there. People around are still wondering Why is Mr. Crocodile lying here? Come on, get up. Cool on the ground

It can be seen that Lao Sha’s strategy is profound. Strong Penetrating Power Stability of Big Orange But Sha is a villain in Alabastan. It’s a pity that he lost But it is also the day to die He should have been Luffy does not hate the enemy Luffy’s character is often to fight

To things not to people Will not judge the essence of man from the standpoint of others But Luffy’s not a bad guy. It’s extreme justice if you don’t let the dead chase down like the Luchi Red Dog. Take his partner. The opponent who killed his loved ones Luffy will also bear grudges

But the integrity of a man himself But Luffy can empathize with it. The first general Zefa Zepha, because he was desperate for the Navy. Hate the pirates Going down an extreme path. He wants to destroy the new world. And took Luffy’s straw hat Well done Luffy’s Sworn Enemy

Although personally revealed some inside information to the straw hat gang But Luffy said He does his I fucked my straw hat and I must return it to one piece. I must be Zefa and Luffy had a final showdown of faith. Luffy finally got his straw hat back A happy smile

Zefa also had a good time. Luffy revisited There is no hatred between the two. Ze-fa is not inherently bad Nor extreme. He understood that Luffy only wanted freedom and dreams. is a good boy Zefa let Luffy go on the adventure own against a large navy Make a break for your own beliefs.

Luffy is not only a kind uncle Shouting the far away Luffy Looking at the direction of punishment for a long time This is not only not annoying More is respect Second-largest general Tenghu Luffy and Fujihu meet for the first time Casinos in Tadushima

At that time, Luffy did not know that the uncle in front of him was a navy general. But Tenghu knows it’s the Straw Hats. Also know that Luffy is a good boy What Luffy did in the back Although the vine tiger can not see the eye But all in mind

Luffy sort of helped the government clean up the mess. So much so that in the end, Vine Tiger went to catch Luffy. Also all kinds of can’t help but put into the sea Luffy to see the vine tiger blind Mobility inconvenience Out of integrity What? I’m going to put skills

I’m gonna kick your ass Tenghu should be reminded in advance Also bluntly do not hate uncle You make Tenghu speechless and want to laugh. Finally, let the straw hats go. It’s also a pity Can’t look at Luffy Must be a kind face Third Strike Monster Lieutenant General Smog

Luffy and Smog go from sworn enemies to teammates Not so much that Smog is often on Luffy’s side. Let’s say that Smog is always on the side of justice. Especially in Arabia. Luffy also told Smog that I don’t hate you. This kind of words finished still giggle Smog is also very speechless

The fourth original general green pheasant The first Navy general Luffy encountered, the Green Pheasant When the Navy How many times has he shown mercy to Luffy? Luffy, that’s personal experience. Although not said to the pheasant I don’t hate you or anything

However, the pheasant should also belong to the original navy that Luffy does not dislike. Luffy doesn’t hate the navy. There are still a lot of them. And then, for example, Keby Berummber. There is still a general appointment between Luffy and Kobe. All in all Feeling apart from the red dog

There is no navy that makes Luffy special. Fifth Old Sand At first, Lao Sha and Luffy hit each other in the eye. But I can only say that the fate is wonderful. Old Sha changed from a man who wanted Luffy’s life to a savior of Luffy’s life.

Luffy doesn’t like Lao Sha much, does he But for Luffy personally He has no reason to hate Old Sand anymore. And is the so-called old sand production must be a boutique mr one Xiaofeng’s third brother Robin started to be Lao Sha’s people. But they’re not bad in nature

Later helped Luffy for various reasons. He saved Luffy’s life many times. Robin also became Luffy’s partner. It doesn’t matter if your position is different at first. Fate to block also can’t stop This is more important than anything Lao Sha can also be said to be one of Luffy’s benefactors. 6th Katakuli

Carl goes from disdain for Luffy to taking combat seriously Then to a fair fight with Luffy at one’s own expense. Carl’s a respectable opponent He also slowly recognized Luffy Until the end The two still have the strength to continue the fight Only Kar 2 was impressed by Luffy’s determination and momentum.

Automatic admission of defeat Luffy’s mouth does not say But he put the outer cap over Mr. Ka-er’s mouth. Table to Carl’s respect Luffy pays such a solemn tribute An enemy who beat himself up in a mess. Teacher Card 2 This is the only seventh Kedo

The reason is that these two are in love on the roof Still laughing, watching and playing with feelings Luffy felt hearty It’s getting more and more interesting Teacher Kay is negative I was afraid that Lu Fei would say Cado, be my partner Luffy has no reason to hate Kedo. Think carefully

Luffy’s personal grudge against Kedo It is not as heavy as Luffy to aunt to black beard At first, Kedo didn’t hurt Luffy’s partner or target Luffy. On the contrary, it was Luffy who beat Caesar and beat Mingo to make him angry.

Just because of what Rowe said at the time about La Cato’s proposal to disembark. And Luffy wants to be a pirate At least to fuck him a four emperor By the way, mind your own business with the country. Luffy is not like the Red Sheath Samurai. It’s normal to beat Kedo with hatred.

After all, just to complete the main task Except for these, like Baki. Caesar began as an enemy of Luffy Baki once broke Luffy’s straw hat Caesar experimented with children. Only later also helped Luffy Even saved Luffy’s life Can’t say it’s a group now Anyway, Luffy doesn’t like them much.

But I don’t hate Hawkeye. Ever evaluated Luffy Luffy has the most terrible power on this sea Can turn all the people around into one of their own Indeed, even the eagle eye after the war. I can’t help but get involved with the straw hat group. All in all In this adventure

Except the red dog. Everyone can be their own. Bellyband Boy Sauron’s Classic Dress Up Three Drop Earrings Three knife flow of three knives white short sleeves on sauron green pants Boots tied to the arm of the hood This is the standard wear for the first mid-term. The most important thing is

According to the waist seal that Sauron has been wearing, Xiaofeng He gave the rope the nickname of a small bellyband. Although Luffy these boys Early in the main line of the plot not often change clothes But Solon was the first of these boys to change clothes. Early in Aaron Paradise

Solon changed it into a blue one with wavy stripes. Blue short-sleeved cardigan in a curly pattern Ice Fire Island was not the first time Sauron robbed clothes. This one was also robbed by Sauron on the spot. To the cold biting island Solon started to play again on his clothes.

Either wrapped in a blanket Either shirtless Start winter training I was wearing a long down jacket. Later, because of winter training, Karu duck was put on it. Then defeated a soldier on this island Another cotton-padded jacket. After wearing the standard version back during Alabastan And a turban and gown.

After Lao Sha was defeated I changed into a more casual gown. I changed a blue vest at the empty island. Also wearing goggles and a backpack On the sea train Sauron changed a yellow short sleeve with zipper This is how s combatant Solon Justice Island after the fight In the water capital

One is to help people with baby Wearing an ill-fitting shame vest and a T-shirt with the Carrera logo The straw hat group is basically one piece for each person. But it is said that Solon really likes his standard wear The three-masted sailboat of terror is wearing it back.

And Solon rarely changed his pants and shoes 2 years ago. The most is to change a coat But some of the original series have changed. to the dark island. First, Perona was wrapped up in her own bear. I found a dark green cardigan in the castle. Who can only wear eagle eyes

It can’t be a baboon. After 2 years Solon arrived at the sign-in place with the first place in the group. Sauron is still trousers with boots A pretty handsome long coat on the outside tied a streamer But the status of the bellyband and the turban remains stable.

This suit has been worn from shampoo to Dresrosa. Opening Of course, Ice Fire Island robbed a cotton-padded coat and Ice Fire Island on the way. I ended up wearing a green jacket. It’s all on the outside of this dress. When it comes to the Tadoshima suit thug, Black Samurai Solon, comes on stage.

A headscarf tied a domineering open A little poem read Playing Abusive Pickup Pretty handsome. Toshima Finally Sauron took off the black suit outside Only wear a white shirt I switched back to my trousers when I was in Zowu. He was wearing a blue short sleeve over his boots.

After that, it was dropped for 2 years. Until in the land of peace In the image of a lost hip flask ronin Wearing a white kimono inside and green outside It didn’t take long. Sauron was captured in a samurai mansion

Sauron, dressed in a white robe, seems to have a heart like an ancient well. In fact, the heart has been killed Then the tornado destroyed the parking lot. At the back, Sauron changed into the same long coat as before. Only this set is black When we landed on Ghost Island

Jin Weimen helps everyone in a short disguise After a wave of fierce battles between Ghost Island and the Double Spring Seriously injured Sauron was wrapped in a bandage by Yamagi After the famous knife nose haze Famous Dao Green Algae Cross Blade Shines on Stage until the present

Sauron has got rid of the bandage Join forces with Shan Zhi to deal with double disasters At the fashion show of the Straw Hat Troupe Let Sauron change his clothes to play. He was also forced to change his lace-up boots. Crock pants and jackets No way Sauron forced to open

Participated in the fashion show At the end of this special piece on the Long Island Adventure Sauron standing high Watching the distant ship leave I was afraid that Solon would say This ship does look familiar. In the theater version of the world of the strong Sauron was wearing a shirt

The chic only buckled a button And smartly caught the falling dumbbell The back was replaced with a deep V-neck short sleeve. The finishing touch is his printed coquettish turban. Then there’s the team suit. Thug Solon’s suit is a waistcoat and a shirt Wearing this dress, I used the ghost to cry nine times.

Ashura wears a pair of sunglasses in the theater version z Plaid Shirt Blue pants One more sip of wine Become a clip name scene Several people changed their clothes after taking a shower. Sauron changed into a special artistic suit wearing a pair of black frames Unprecedented painting style

Finally, I changed into a big red shirt. Put on a turban and start the show. Easily beat Ian Solon’s long coat has come in three colors. Red Green Black Gold City Sauron opened with a pretty handsome hat. a camouflage shorts As a dashing semi-naked man. A white dress at the back.

Inside is the last uniform night clothes Because Solon has been doing it for most of the time. So I just tucked it in at the beginning. Night Clothes So that he can finally be reasonably unified with everyone’s costume. The original clothes also pay attention to a foreshadowing Operation Fever Begins

Sauron was wearing a green antique dress. But say antique This sleeve is more and more confused Then mix and match flip-flops quite good I changed a pair of overalls at the back. The extra pocket was used to hold wine. When gesticulating with a barnacle Sauron pulled the upper body down.

Tied on the waist This way of wearing is also Sauron’s habit. At the end of the egg. Surprise discovery Solon actually wears the same classic style as 2 years ago It’s just that there are no buttons on the collar. But anyway At first glance, I still feel very kind.

Eight powerful families in One Piece First of all, the Monkey D family, which has strong strength and contacts. Capron Luffy These three men were across the Navy. pirate revolutionary army three forces But also hate the dragon man In the end, the three of them joined forces to fight against the Dragon Man.

It’s not impossible These three people are not only carrying the existence of the child in their respective circles. The connections are even more extensive. Navy Hero Karpin the navy Although it is not to the point where everyone listens to him. But at least the prestige is high

Whether it’s the stem of the New Year’s Eve dinner Or Luffy’s wedding joke Waiting for the Navy headquarters Every time there is only one red dog left. Red dogs can be searched if they are unhappy or unhappy. Dragon’s Revolutionary Army has Chief of Staff Saab And then there’s East Army Beloberti.

Western Army Murray Lindbergh of the South U.S. Crow Tail Large Air Route Army Small 15000 Captain Revolutionary armies spread around the world The number of people should not be less. Luffy in addition to the large ship group Friendly forces can be said to be all over the world.

To ten thousand meters empty island Down to Wanli Fishman Island Desert Country Arabastan Kingdom of Passion The Water Capital under the Dresrosa Fountain The country of and above the waterfall All hold steady 11 Qiwuhai Li At least half of them are related to Luffy, the 85 sea.

Four emperor red hair is his guide One Piece’s right wrist is his master Caesar. At that time, Kedo and Mingo were compared with Luffy. The background pattern is small The White Beard Pirate Group, one of the Second Original Four Emperors White Beard likes to collect his son everywhere. Except no blood relationship

It’s essentially the same as the family. The White Regiment not only has many powerful captains 43 new world pirates under his command It is also powerful enough to come out. Although the white regiment on the top of the war losses

But an imperial regiment would dare to brush the entire navy’s top lineup alone. Still very worth respect The third dream to collect the Charlotte family of all races It’s also a consanguinity-based group of pirates. The Fourth Emperor had 43 husbands. 39 daughters. 46 sons. From a fair lady to a greasy aunt

Although the aunt’s family is at the level of the Four Emperors Regiment But it’s still not enough compared to the Munch D family. So there was a terrier who said Shan Zhi Worries Auntie Threatens Luffy’s Family In fact, Luffy wants to say Just come back and cook your meal.

Don’t ask about my background in social affairs. Don’t you know the water? The time clan who created the text of history four or eight hundred years ago. Light Moon Family The representative figures of the Guangyue family are Guangyue Oda and Guangyue retainers. Red Sheath Nine Xia Mitsumoto Oda and White Beard Roger

These two legendary pirates are comparable to the worshippers. Oda is also a hero on Roger’s road to the king. In addition, the light moon family and the fur family also have deep feelings and origins. The fifth focuses on the underground world victory

Black and white eat the Don Quixote family that holds the rule together. Except for my brother, Clarisson, who’s undercover here. The others are not related to Mingo either. headed by a folk song They trade people Artificial and other devil fruits Arms and other business

Customers can be said to be all over the world world government Cato serpent Other countries and pirates are involved philanthropist Mingo likes to pick up poor children. training into cadres Like Dellinger Afarro bb five Five Monet Sugar and Early Get Away The young ones are all sixth.

Focus on science and technology to change life The Vince Mock Family of Mutation Reverses Life a long time ago The Kingdom of Jerma ruled by the Vince Mock family Belonging to the first power in the North Sea

Later, the Don Quixote family of Mingo also started in the North Sea in the early days. Constant expansion of power The Vince Mork family is a little overwhelmed. Exit the North Sea Gaji used to work with Bega Punk Quinn. After Use the pedigree factor technique to transform your own children and military bodies.

On Cake Island. Jiazhi wants to marry the four emperors Let Jelma get back to life Before the unified North Sea Cake Island incident Gilma is also a member of the world government. Moreover, Jiazi’s right to speak is not small.

It allows the world government to change the reward order of the mountain government to only the country. Seventh Green Pepper Family Green pepper 30 years ago, the reward has reached 542 million Bailey also has a three-color domineering Also belongs to the era of the Great Pirate

In the German island, Lao Cai awakened the ancestral power. After inheriting the position of pillar of the Eight Treasures Water Army Become Captain No. 3 of the Straw Hat Regiment Except for the Eight Treasures. There are also two treasure water army and other brothers with this number.

If you don’t agree, please ask the water army. There are also many brothers in the green pepper family. The eighth is the Frost Moon family of the famous knife forger and dragon-cutting warrior. The Frost Moon Family is as famous as the Light Moon Family And it’s been a powerful swordsman family for generations.

The river in Sauron’s hands A text and Yan magic are all from the hands of Frost Moon Gengsaburo And Sauron can always see the shadow of dragon horse and cow ball However, Oda denied that Shuang Yue Niu Wan was Sauron’s father. Maybe it’s just fatalism If there is a blood relationship

The background of the three main straw hats can be described as various prominent getting deeper and deeper in the theory of blood The second-in-command strength of the six imperial regiments ranked sixth, Sauron. Sauron made rapid progress Especially after getting Yan Mo

In the ghost island blocked a second aunt Kedo’s horrible combination of skills Get up in case of serious injury Once again cut the aunt Prometheus And with a nine-knife flow to cut Cato. After a period of recuperation And after taking the special medicine Sauron is up again

Together with Yamagi, they toppled Ember and Quinn to the ground. Sauron is currently playing Ember appear somewhat passive Fifth place kataku li katji really have no weakness Can only say that the debut too early At that time, Luffy was still at the level of being punched by the four emperors.

High-end three-color domineering has not yet started I have a little understanding of advanced knowledge and information in the back. But the card two forced out of 90% of the strength Plus, the more you get to the back, the more inflationary your strength will be. Card 2 loses when ranking loses On this drop

Objectively speaking Carl has been suppressing the existence of Luffy all the time. The second half of the card is not so easy. In addition to Luffy in progress A large part of the reason is that Card 2 is too real. It’s too hard to give yourself that. Charisma is out.

But after hurting a kidney, Kaoji received several sets of heavy punches from Luffy. Significant decline in all aspects of physical strength and mentality Until the end, Card 2 also lost on Luffy’s will. If you want to fight, you can really fight. There are not many pirate second-in-command people with overlord color.

Not counting the bugs of the Rocks Pirates. Also, Rerica II and Solon are intertwined in overlord color. After this setting is stable The strength of card 2 has a lot of room for improvement. After that, we can guarantee three and fight for two. But for now, let’s do it first.

Carl’s experience is even more extreme. Coupled with the ability to open the energy deformation of the fruit is extremely flexible Arrange an opponent of the same level without aura for Card 2 It’s hard to make Uncle Ka Fourth place approach is now slightly suppressing Sauron But overall at the moment

The performance in the whole match was indeed mediocre except for meat. Solon Marko, the second-in-command counterpoint general. Although the four emperors can’t beat But there are also back In contrast Even if it is to play auxiliary But first he was beaten up by multitasking Marko. be dragged

Now I’m pulling with Solon here again. The opponent who played the rating also played slightly passive. Of course, this does not mean that Marco is really so far away. Because Marco is using his various forms. Including partial bestialization and the strongest form Orc Form has entered Human Form Ember got a beating

Not strange After all, Ember’s orc form and full strength have not yet been demonstrated. But the Battle of Ghost Island is in its final stages. In fact, even if the embers show the real strength Not enough to reverse the war. There is a high probability that Sauron will continue to hold back.

Even finally become the experience pack of Solon impact 1000000000 plus bounty. Seriously doubt Oda’s little mind Yes At the beginning, Solon had enough eye-catching performance in front of the double spring. In order to let Solon after the logical single brush After all, in the country of peace

The growth rate of the leading group is not a bit faster than before. In short, of course, the sword is not weak But not as strong as imagined The third place and the stream The strength of the Blackbeard Pirates is generally recognized. Positioning only under Blackbeard

There was no hard fight on the stream deck. At most, he followed the black beard to crush the white beard remnants. Only one sentence Is the strength of the stream and Magellan named How much did Luffy collapse in front of the general two years ago? How vulnerable to Magellan

But after Luffy found a way to deal with it Magellan’s strength is not so exaggerated But there is also the strength of the edge of the emperor’s position. The stream’s reference to Magellan’s words is also reasonable.

After all, it was such a person who wanted to compete with Sauron in the later period of the year. This strength growth space should be left in the stream Second Marco three big will Including the four imperial aunts, they can’t easily hit Marco. The multitasking Marco on ghost island in extremely difficult

Need to expend a lot of physical strength in the situation Short suppression of Ember and Quinn Finally, the physical strength down And when the Mirror tried to attack Sauron and them… Marco is flying again. Blocked in place As if to say alas I can’t do it anymore I fell, eh I’m good again

In fact, the strength gap between these people is very weak If the full state of Marco and the above several people are singled out respectively Marco’s body domineering In a short period of time, it will not seriously hurt the other party.

But there’s nothing wrong with a brief suppression or entanglement of an outbreak. And Marco’s bugiest place isn’t here. but the ability to recover First Beckman. The second-in-command of the Red-haired Pirate Group, known as the Double Yellow Group. On the setting Beckman is the true father Strength has always been linked to red hair.

For example, life card red hair is the sun then Beckman is the moon And Beckman has a very high IQ. Strength comparable to red hair or something And what the meeting king said. It is almost equivalent to the official declaration that the red-haired group is the most balanced reward.

The most balanced strength of the iron wall The pirate regiment has acquired the double fruit of the black beard extremely inflated In front of the red hair, but also can only from the long-term plan obviously qi deficiency

It can be seen that the overall strength of the Red Hair Group is not parallel imports. The red-haired one-armed white beard Beating red dogs is a serious strength of the four emperors. This shows that Second-in-command Beckman should be the current first father. The most double-standard operations in One Piece

In the view of Supernov and Chief General Zepfa. Monkey dauphine behavior in the yellow apes It’s a naked double-label operation. Dealing with others One bite at a time is terrible. One foot, one supernova, resolute After meeting Luffy, I started to play it. First of all, Apu is very wronged.

At that time, the eight-foot mirror of the yellow apian kicked at the speed of light. Give Apu seconds It’s Luffy here. Where is it safe to kick This is for fear that Luffy will be caught by the red dog. Hawkins is also very aggrieved When Khuangape kicked him

Skill seconds refers to which to play Where Not the kui is steady and ruthless To Luffy here Not only did it stretch infinitely before casting There is a hundred steps through Yang a shot in the head That skill will come and shoot off Luffy’s key. Second, shoot through Baki’s collar

Maybe the original sight Let Luffy have this identity to seal Little Ivan shouted and his voice was broken. Kirby shouted and his voice was broken. Beckman’s freeze skill broke the problem. When shooting supernova, I didn’t blame Sendrak for being wronged. At that time, when the yellow apes put their skills on them

That is the feet up light fall seconds kill Not a bit of sloppiness To Luffy here On Solon, he was stunned by lifting half of his leg. Just held out until Raleigh came. a good one The master of card point, Zefa, is also very wronged. This eight-foot stroke jade can hit the target.

Is this something that a stroke master can do? In the view of Marco Black Beard Golden Lion Karp and the war country don’t want to hide Why don’t you just see how these two people beat them at the beginning? Catch a golden lion alive with a hammer

Monmarco’s hand shook the black group upside down in turn Karp makes Luffy’s laugh Sun Quan gave seconds a blow to the Warring States. Let Luffy’s balloon offset most of it. This is the same as the strength with which Aunt Kaito shot the fourth-gear Luffy. It can’t be compared at all. Marco Blackbeard

The golden lion only wanted to report the two old men to fight fake boxing live. In Ming’s opinion An unspoken rule for recruiting a navy general Must play Such as rattan tiger Tenghu in dealing with the issue of Qiwuhai Especially against Mingo and Rowe. It shows the courage of a navy general.

Pull down a meteorite in seconds Mingo and Luo are really a little silly. This man is ruthless, regardless of the enemy. I don’t know who this hit. I can see that Tenghu is ruthless and even smashes himself. But when it comes to dealing with Luffy. Ninggordon thought the world was too dangerous.

Tenghu was piling up masonry and rubble for a while. Then Tenghu started the double-standard operation. At this time, the people of the island haven’t crowded to the shore yet. The vine tiger that explodes the sky star is not to hit down When feeding Mingo and Luo meteorites

But I haven’t seen Tenghu act like this. When Tenghu just wanted to smash down and run away The people of the island ran to the shore. Obviously, it’s Monchidi, who is similar to the yellow ape. Vine tiger behavior in the eyes of the red dog If you can

He really wants to sue the navy headquarters and the world government together. Top War It’s clearly a green pheasant and a yellow ape.The first to rush to the front In the end, only the red dog hit his face full of blood.

The more you think about it, the more something is wrong with the red dog. Huang Yuan Blood Abuse Supernova Top of the war but when actor Karp Needless to say, the double-standard record of the Warring States period The Warring States who seemed to support the Red Dog

He even recommended the pheasant as a marshal. The war on the top is frequently dropped. The pheasant then fought the red dog for ten days. Rattan tiger bully anger red dog But a smiling face bid farewell to Luffy Red dogs understand A bunch of fucking people play I’m not just navy headquarters

Red Dog Talks Face with Five Old Stars Five old stars told him to fuck off Said you sakaski have what face to pick hair But when the red-haired shanks showed up The Warring States said so Ah life and I Who said I I’m your

My hometown shows you how old I am in Karachi. Look at the double standard in the attitude of Siamus Don’t be too obvious When the red dog is the most angry is Luchi Also stepped on him on the way. Red dog realized oh You guys

You’re going to someone’s house for New Year’s Eve dinner, aren’t you? When the straw hats were most like pirates The straw hat regiment can be said to have done all the good things along the way. This kind of non-mainstream pirate group is very few after all. But because of the environment

They sometimes go against the norm Become a true pirate The First Special Wind of the Three Executioners Coordinates of Alabastan From this island to the waters of Alabastan After a five-day voyage Luffy colluded with pre-allocated food. Wu Suopchoba Karu Duck was stolen including bait

This is also the third time I want to buy a refrigerator with a lock. But the sudden appearance of a sea cat Inspires the killing of the three main forces Three people instantly open their teeth and claws Ready to kill. It scared the sea cat. But Bei Wei stopped it in time.

Tell them The lucky cat is a sacred creature Can’t eat It Later to cross the desert mountain governance While preparing food for three days But haven’t had a chance to take a bite The luggage from the midway fire was stolen by a fraud bird. Continue to starve.

When Luffy was chased by a giant lizard The three main forces seem to see the hope of survival. Excited to use the combination technique for the first time Ferocious join forces to fight monsters Actually just for a bite to eat Nami instantly began to sympathize with the lizard. Second, the gold thieves

Coordinates Empty Island Although Luffy is not a greedy person But money can buy meat can repair the ship Can do a lot of things So many gold Luffy saw also confused So this time Luffy is uncharacteristically Wake up Nami and go to steal gold with everyone.

The empty island dweller who mistakenly came to give away the golden tree It’s time to come after them. The straw hat group thought they had done something extraordinary. Carrying a bag of gold run Escape the empty island The third thugs who take advantage of the danger Coordinates of horror 3D sailboat

The Straw Hats were dealing with Big Oz. I just didn’t expect Oz’s feet to stick in the ground. I can’t pull it out Became a punching bag at the mercy of others In the face of such a surprise scene Straw hat people collective black

All the wicked went up and were beaten by Oz, which was a group of people who did not speak martial arts. Fourth, the vicious robbers who rob clothes. Coordinates Ice Fire Island Extremely Cold Land Without knowing the situation A few people in thin clothes From Burning Land to Extreme Cold Land

Also exposed the opposite tea beard with people to chase and intercept Several people shivering with cold See this scene overjoyed Robin’s frozen out of his demonic form. Delivered to the door of immunity Don’t be white. Don’t tea beard What they saw was a murderous leader with a 0.4 billion reward.

With three devils like eating people True Pirate I was scared when I saw it. The Devil of the Fifth Raw Eating Partner Coordinates on the way to the nations Joba at the beginning of the upload Luffy Sanji didn’t know that Joba was a doctor.

I just think he’s a deformed reindeer and a grain reserve. Fun and can eat So this subconscious when Luffy was starving to the point of losing his mind. Complete outbreak If you catch Jabba, you’ll eat it raw. Fortunately, Nami stopped it. Sixth Suit Thug Breaking Nami was imprisoned by the golden lion

Luffy brought people to find the golden lion to fight. In the past, there were many scenes of straw hat groups making their collective debut. But this kind of scene is unique in the world of the strong. What is oppressive feeling This is the feeling of oppression

It’s more like a gangster who comes to check prices. So the Straw Hat gang incarnated the real pirates. The causes and consequences are wonderful enough. All the wicked Only temporarily Can’t change the happy essence of straw hat kindergarten at ordinary times One Piece in the fashion magazine cover level of the reward order

Someone’s reward order can make this statue a long story. Suddenly let the population spit fragrance But someone’s bounty The action, posture and temperament can be called a delicate portrait. Cavendish’s Reward At the time, cabbage was offering a 0.28 billion reward. Become the magnificent supernova of the year

The wanted notice posted became an idol poster. be robbed A time is also the scenery infinite But in the world of pirates The fundamental means to maintain a hot search is better than who So in the second year, the very evil generation stole the limelight. Although cabbage heart imbalance

It’s a mess to start a fire. But have to say His face value and reward order are really flirtatious to impeccable Also, Shanji’s plastic kick can barely achieve this effect. Sauron’s Reward If we say that Kevindy Xu’s reward makes tender feelings exquisite Then Sauron’s is a tough guy with iron blood.

The first two offers a 60 million reward Once 0.12 billion All the images used are damaged by war. The face is still a little immature But this angle this temperament is also very handsome After getting The 3.21 version of the bounty order From immature to mature

There is even a trace of aloof and disdain in the eyes Simply put, it’s a drag that flies up. A look is tied with a headscarf The state of poetry recitation just cut off Sauron’s local arrest warrant in the country of Hehe It is the low and domineering painting

The same is painted without contrast, there is no harm If Yamagi can get one like this Dream can laugh awake Red-haired reward order The photo looks handsome at first glance. Then look more handsome After all, the fruit of face can also give the camera a face. Of course, red hair is already handsome.

I just feel that the photos are handsome and have some sense of operation. I felt like Beckman was holding this hair dryer nearby. Give his hair an atmosphere There will also be a red-haired self-timer reward order. Red hair is to let the camera give him a face first Selfie out a delicate photo

Then find five old stars to save face Let them use this selfie as a reward photo. Then smile slightly You’re done I’m so fucking handsome Brooke’s Second Edition Reward His second edition is unique. In the direct is his concert poster changed into a reward order A singing skeleton with fancy typography

This is the only fashion that is different from rock and roll. Nami and Robin’s Reward At first Nami’s 16 million version of the reward order It’s really a scene shot as a magazine photo. It was at the last water party. The person who took pictures of Nami should be the flame photographer.

At the time, he called himself a magazine reporter. Later, Nami called out and was cheated. Nami’s second edition of the 66 million reward order is still so charming The posture is still the same It’s just that the angle goes from the side to the front.

It seems that people have been cheated to take photos again. Solon spits directly When was it filmed? Look at the sling and the background. It should have been taken on Fishman Island. Robin First Edition 79 million Reward Or Lori period

The second edition of the 80 million was filmed in the final stages of Justice Island. The temperament of the royal elder sister with a side face is still very good. Robin’s mom Nicole Olvia also has a bounty Robin and her mother are colossus Almost the same person changed his hair color.

Robin Third Edition 0.13 billion Robin, this edition is true. Some amazing Yujie’s beauty and temperament are impeccable. Robin’s second and third editions have put skills When the petals can be said to be the perfect embellishment Marshmallow with Jabba every time Luffy had Wu Suopu several times before. The difference is that

Joba is used to garnish marshmallows Because 100 Bailey really can’t afford marshmallows Female Emperor and Hawkeye’s Reward How do you say this temperament of eagle eye It’s that she really rowed wildly with a black knife at night. You’ll also think he’s really handsome in rowing. The female emperor’s picture should be taken casually.

Although so casual But the female emperor seems to be talking about filming My body looks good The female emperor’s reward order also appeared in the fanatical operation. The bounty shown below Or the original bounty before he became Qiwuhai. 80 million Ace’s Reward

When I first became famous, the reward order was still a little green. The back is even more open. If Luffy’s reward photo is a happy boy Ace’s temperament is a high-spirited and handsome big boy. And the action of the two’s reward makes the photo very similar. Oda may have done it deliberately.

In the dark My brother is paying tribute to my brother. Ace’s bounty was as high as 0.55 billion two years ago. Not only the supernova identity He also refused the invitation of Qiwuhai. Killed in the top war It is more or less difficult to calm people.

The playful bosses in One Piece were abused first. Then overtake on a curve This is Luffy’s consistent fighting style But these bigwigs who are against Luffy It’s really not entirely dead. Even they have a lot of other things to do in a hurry.

The main reason is that Luffy was not seen in the beginning. Is to play in the forum to play Mingo does not give up Mingge was the one who played most happily in the top war. I didn’t enjoy it in the end. When Luffy broke out Mingo said Let him go

This is fun Results Luffy entered the new world The first thing is to destroy Mingo’s supply dens. And captured the supplier Caesar Monet. The two cadres of Volgo have really become cannon fodder. Ming brother hum a smile Play heart big It means that Luffy’s life will soon be over.

The situation is under control This wave does not lose Mingo Social Bureau Challenge Competition I wanted to lure the snake out of its hole. I didn’t think it was to lead the wolf into the room. Plans don’t change fast Not only the burnt fruit as bait was eaten by Saab

Also offended a large number of people Mingo means a group of super soldiers. The situation is under control This wave does not lose With the sugar was twice stunned The cadre war was also defeated. Luffy camp pushed to high ground The situation in the island is gradually heating up.

Luo’s Gamma Knife scared Mingo a lot. Mingo climbed up to show that the birdcage was shrinking. Drag to Later I carry the whole house to die The situation is under control This wave does not lose Wait for Mingge to show the things at the bottom of the box. Show fruit after awakening

The fourth gear of Luffy is over. Luffy didn’t flash or big The situation has really reversed. Mingo, take advantage of the victory and pursue it Get rid of some of the birdcages. It can also save some losses. In the blink of an eye to see the egg

Why is Mingo here with Princess Violet? Dance the ballroom Then he played puppets here. Is there any mistake at the critical moment? Mingo Luffy camp’s wet nurse continues to add blood Birdcage shrinks slowly Luffy up again Mingo said I still have my big move. The situation is under control

This wave does not lose As a result, Luffy went out again with six gods. Ming Ge didn’t eat a set of injuries That’s it. Ming, who was taken into custody by the navy, smiled. Lao Tzu’s life is still there The situation is under control This wave does not lose

Ning Ge upholds that you can make a small profit every time. But I never lose the principle Play yourself into a spring Commander Lao Sha and others have explained another truth. All kinds of shows and all kinds of games are possible. But the mend knife is the top priority

Confidence is easy to turn back big things Old sand in the desert is really blood abuse Luffy Throw Luffy, who has lost his ability to resist, into the bunker. Watching him slowly swallowed by the sand Old sand contentedly confident Back to spit waste time on such boring things

But what Lao Sha never imagined was Robin later saved Luffy. The operation of fishing up the main character It also indirectly led to the collapse of the old sand. Although Lao Sha understood the importance of the mend knife But it’s too late So is Eni. While he’s in a rubber and rubber daze

Can’t operate flexibly here But the overall strength is undoubtedly still crushing Luffy. Not only did he not pay attention to Luffy Also directly with thunder metallurgy into a golden ball He trapped Luffy’s hand. Lay down the ark Let him die fend for themselves

Destroying the empty island with thunder is the primary purpose of Eni Road. Launching a thunder also requires physical strength Fighting with Luffy will only consume a lot of physical strength. It’s not fun But how did Ainelu think Nami rides a Viba that ordinary people need to train for 10 years to learn.

Bring the Luffy on. I wouldn’t have thought that this golden ball not only helped Luffy break up Lei Ying. In the end, Eni Lu was overwhelmed by himself. In the end, Einelu’s brain went completely blank. It is purely because I have played myself out. Cado can also play supernova

Collectors live up to their reputation The key is that Kedo a stick of thunder and gossip seconds after Luffy Cado still wants to tame Luffy Can be a good fighting force Kedo Xicai But Luffy fromto just tame other people and other creatures And Cado didn’t send Luffy to the 18th floor of hell.

Shedding skin Just let him move bricks and rice Internet addiction is not familiar to the root So Cado still overdid it. Another big boss is about to be killed by his own operation. Pharaoh Khuangyuan Ze, a general who has never used power, said Kusoapian too dependent on fruit ability That’s right.

But the body of the yellow ape is not bad. One-armed block Marco’s upside-down gold hook Combine the speed of light with a kick. on the island of shampoo In situ golden monkey independent foot Kick the strange monk who is close to 4 meters away for several 10 meters. Plus through several walls

The tg strength of a supernova with one foot is obvious Mainly the fruit ability of the yellow ape can be perfectly replaced and surpassed. Navy Six Moonstep t Lao Huang has an eight-foot mirror paper gun. Blue horn old yellow has laser and light speed kick Only old yellow has elements

Iron is best not to learn So the sparkling fruit is really the best. Ability is not white In addition, the yellow apes are also very strong in swordsmanship. But only against tough opponents. And when the salary is in place, it will be taken out. Say it with Ze Fa

Kusoapian too dependent on fruit ability The yellow ape immediately pulled the sky out of the cloud sword It seems that I rely on fruit ability But also not entirely dependent Then let the teacher check the fencing homework Although it is also the fruit ability to change But look at this skilful operation

Huang ape should also be very strong when playing with real swords. And swordsmanship with Raleigh Riley’s always been a swordsman Aggressive is perfect Even though there is some decline in physical strength The whole is also on the edge of the yellow segment. At first, when the yellow ape skill was accumulated

And cut the face of the yellow ape But Kwanton’s swordsmanship can make it hard for Raleigh to get out. Even physical exhaustion What about the yellow apes? It’s terrible to say one mouthful at a time. It’s hard to do one bite at a time. But it’s honest to operate.

Under the sarcasm of the unintelligent Always carry out a fight with ease The principle of clothes slightly dirty Aspect of domineering The domineering of the three general is not weak The strength of three people is also very close Although the three big will be in a mess in front of white beard

But the general’s mastery of domineering. Top in all kinds of high-end bureaus Khuangyuan was finally shot by Beckman. Become a classic picture Although the yellow apes could not detect someone behind them in advance But there’s actually a bit of Beckman’s helplessness behind it. Because the yellow ape jumped up in front of him.

Put a big move into the sea And then put Rowe’s submarine in a hail of gunfire Perfect to avoid all the right lasers Old Yellow’s Seeing and Hearing Color This must be how much cowhide Although this is a stem But to be honest, the yellow ape should be teasing Ignore Beckman directly

This at least shows that the yellow apes don’t really need Beckman. have this confidence It’s definitely not just relying on fruit ability. It is also necessary to be able to deal with the body skill domineering. Lao Huang’s fruit ability is well developed.

Just line up and kick off the 27th mangrove in the shampoo field. The ground part of this tree is at least 200 meters in diameter. Corner of Kusoape How much extra spending did Vine Tiger’s meteorites put on the Navy Kusoian destructive power amazing Accuracy is also amazing for him Target too big

No challenge A few 10 meters away to shoot the key You said he played it Top priority After all, he shot the key You said he didn’t play Top priority He shot off the key. On the whole The yellow ape is in a semi-serious state against the elderly Wang Deputy Reilly.

The elderly general Zefa has obvious advantages. No Beckman restrictions required Marco can fight old white beard back and forth. This is still a state of fooling around There is quite a mood of not touching the leaves among the thousands of flowers.

If the yellow apes also have a life-and-death battle with the red dogs. The yellow apes will not lose You have a better chance of winning than a pheasant. When fighting with Zepha Huang ape once ridiculed Ze Fa for being too slow. Lao Huang is really not afraid of some high-profile and powerful opponents.

Krusset is very flexible His elementalization is a little more advanced than that of the red dog, the green pheasant. The main thing is to hide from thieves quickly. For example, Zefa threw the explosive rock in the face of the yellow ape. The skill was chopped by the white beard while singing.

But all perfectly dodged No injuries Strong ability to beat fruit with Knockopithecus It seems that the effect is not very big It should be Peak Raleigh that can pose a great threat to Kobelian. Red-haired Beckman Similar to this kind of combat IQ and domineering Top opponents.

The main thing is to have the knowledge and domineering ability to match his speed. The lieutenant generals of the naval camp The Lieutenant General Regiment is also an important part of the naval camp’s combat power. due to some reasons The strength of the Lieutenant General is uneven even polarized

To say strong punch superman Monkey dkap Navy hero Karp, this well-known The reason why he didn’t want to be a general or even a higher position It’s entirely personal will. Hezhong General Navy Staff Washing Fruit Ability For all dare to pretend in front of the original general green pheasant

Ming Ge, who inspired the general rattan tiger to kick, said Mingo himself and his thread and fruit can be washed. Fruit wash to the collapse of the spiritual level So Mingo is very respectful but also scared In the congratulation, the peach rabbit and the tea are added.

Although the official rank of the two men is lieutenant general But both of them are also candidates for general. The peach rabbit’s saber is named Kimpilo It is also a famous knife. His age is unknown. It’s worth considering. Peach rabbit except face Temperamentally, it is much more mature than 34-year-old Nina.

The relationship between Tao Rabbit and Lieutenant General He is still very good. And 76-year-old Hezhong will use Peach Rabbit as his sister. No matter what kind of mentality Hezhong will be young or Peach rabbit that also won’t be too young age conservative It is estimated that Ben is 50 years old.

Not even 50 years old. In addition to these can play Of course, there are also more broken Facing the powerful pirates In fact, the role is not much better than that of ordinary soldiers. Because a second soldier is a second. The particularly collapsed lieutenant general is also a move. It’s not bad.

For example, the financing of the giant lieutenant general of the navy headquarters was shattered by the old white shock. Weapons mask and skull Giant Lieutenant General John Jarndor was wiped out by White Beard. So some lieutenant-general’s strength is the ceiling

Some of the lieutenant general’s strength encountered strong can only lie on the floor One punch superman and one punch transcendence One word difference is a world of difference. There are also some lieutenant generals who start very domineering. But soon realized the reality Like facing Saab’s confident Bastille

Lieutenant General Hassabo’s Claw of the Dragon Crushed weapons masks and cranium Lieutenant General Maynard who sneaked into the Tadoshima Arena 67 million Gambian with a bounty cut This is Barto’s little brother Barto even dare to burn the flag of a red-haired pirate. Maynard hacked Barto’s little brother That’s good. Then Barto caught him.

Maynard, because he’s not familiar with Bartow’s abilities Relying on a brute force to eat a big loss Most of the lieutenant general although the sense of existence is not strong But the elite will usually need to do a lot of work

For example, to carry out the order of the superior to kill the devil. Escort the prisoners of the advancing city catch part Qiwuhai Attends Some Important Meetings As well as gang-beating their own teachers and so on and so forth. This is about to say that the comparison is insufficient.

More than a demon-killing order In the fifth middle school, there will be a rat-catching ghost spider road Berman burning the mountain. Stolobberry is a good student of Zerfson. There will be more appearances among the five rats. The most ruthless thing was to avoid being charmed by the female emperor at that time.

Self-harm in public Limit pressure gun Admire admire is a wolf destroy Top in the war Five rats and lieutenant general barley had wounded Luffy. The top of the five middle schools will be all involved in the war. Most of the time, I was dealing with the captains of the white beard.

The most eye-catching record That is, the ghost spider is skilled in returning his life to Marco. Upset When the Savior was worried, he was handcuffed to the sea floor stone. Fanatical in action Ghost Spider Stolobery Barley Ding and Colonel Xiu Eun of Xiu Xiu Fruit join forces to resist Barrett

And then the storm that was set off by the big Barrett’s hand. The Flying Giant Lieutenant General is also part of the Lieutenant General Regiment. Like Lieutenant General Sauro, who was frozen by a green pheasant. A row of giant lieutenant generals in the top war, except for the commander in chief.

And the lieutenant general of the direct branch of the route. They will be equal to the headquarters. For example, General Gumir of the g2 branch g8 Branch Lieutenant General Jonathan G5 branch general old acquaintance Smog Once g5 Base Chief Lieutenant General Wilcomingo Undercover in the Navy Finally, it was cut by Luo

But the smart thing about Virgo He knows silently open armed color hardening At least stand longer than a harmful iron block. Fruit of Nine Kinds of Deformed and Strengthened Animal Lines in Choba There are usually three forms. Human form Animal form Orc form The fruit of everyone in Choba

The three forms corresponding to human form Respectively, humanoid can walk upright But the reindeer people who resemble orangutans The animal can normally walk on four legs. The orc form is the most common Choba Bemba However, it is different from other animals. Joba developed a blue wave ball

One that can disturb the animal system Devil fruit of the deformation of the wavelength of the drug Also let Jabba on the three basic forms With a variety of deformation and strengthening The first weight reinforcement becomes humanoid at the same time Has developed muscles and a lot of strength

But it looks more like an orangutan At first, Franky called Joe a deer orangutan. And sometimes Jabba punches like a white beard. That’s why it got the name Joe Beard. Second wrist strengthening The arm part will become extremely strong It’s a bit like Sauron’s Gangli. Two rigid Luo

In this state, Jabba uses hard hooves to attack. Sakura Blowing Snow is also one of Qiao Ba’s strongest skills. At that time the lion did not take It has opened up a piece of iron that is not shallow. As a result, no accident was broken. Third Jump Enhancement The body becomes very thin

Long hands and long feet Has a strong bounce Fourth Mental Enhancement There is no change in appearance But the ability to think intellectually becomes stronger Can analyze the enemy’s weakness For example, Zushima Island defeated two of Wapol’s combined men. Alabastan and Uthorp together Defeat the combination of old four and Christmas

There are times when Joba fails. For example, Robin can’t analyze weaknesses. Instead, Robin held it steady. In addition, Jabba’s mental enhancement has hardly been used in the back. Fifth Fur Reinforcement The whole body is covered with thick hair And become a very Q ball Defense greatly improved

For ordinary physical attacks or blunt force strikes have a good buffer effect Joba developed the Joba Chariot himself You can add weapons to the ball to launch an attack. 2 years later, it was accidentally opened by Tony Flamba. It can be seen that Joba’s fur ball can become bigger. Sixth Antler Enhancement

Looks handsome and cute on the outside Joba was worth 50 Bailey at the time. Except for deerskin Venison That’s even more valuable for the big antlers. Give 50. Joba has no place to reason. Except for the impact In this state, there is also a stronger ability to dig underground holes.

Seventh Foot Force Enhancement completely turned into a reindeer More agile Strong ability to run Choba often uses this pattern during emergencies. And as a member of the timid group I used to see things with Nami Usop. Just run. Of course, the faster you run, the better. Eighth ravaged intensive 2 years later

Joba’s new moves Body size widens This body shape under the body method has become more comprehensive Can jump can jump Can fight fast speed The most iconic point is that a mouth is a classic word. The 9th Monster Enhancement Overdose 2 years ago Three will cause Jabba to enter monster mode

And go on a rampage and lose consciousness Uncontrolled But the body has been greatly enhanced in all directions. After 2 years This pattern becomes controllable. And eat a blue ball And as pass one As a pet as a reserve grain It’s very good to be able to carry the emperor’s sword.

In addition, the effect of the original blue wave ball is only three minutes. Improved with the help of Caesar The back line has been raised to 30 minutes. But there are still side effects The efficacy of a Joba will become a baby The old man will not only become very small

He even calls himself an old man. but it’s lovely So with Choba’s pharmacological skills Qiao Ba played with this fruit very clearly. On the end of Chong Qiao Ba’s continuous efforts and brave exploration of the spirit and country. Joba’s reward will have to be doubled. To show praise

Apologize for a word of disagreement, the polar bear, Paibo Paibo. Polar Bear Fur Clan Lo’s navigator of the Pirate of Hearts Part-time Lo’s Cushion Polar bears have the same hearing and power as humans. extremely sensitive sense of smell Seven times the size of dogs.

And surveying and mapping as a nautical thing is a necessary skill. For example, under the one in Rona And a bear paw print of the map of Dresrosa Luffy and Luo are similar in some ways. For example, Luo’s reward order The back of a backpack in the corner of the photo

Luffy used to hang the back of Wu Thorpe in the corner of the photo. Both captains have a cute-class crew. Joba and Bebo And the bounty on Joe Babebo is equally touching. However, the reward offered by Bo is five times 500 times that of Qiao Ba.

The Pirate of Hearts has a strong Arctic and Antarctic culture. Not only have polar bears been wave Two other highly photographed crew members a penguin called There is also a sea creature called killer whales that can survive in the polar regions. He also called his submarine the Polar Dive.

Bei Bo was born in Zuo House More than ten years ago, Bo once came down from the guide. Accidentally washed away by waves Drifting to the North Sea Then he met Luo, who had been separated from the Don Quixote family for a short time. At that time, exhausted by the wave

Being beaten up by two punks But Luo was young at the time. But from Raodi Diamanti Gulatius The fighting skills learned are not lessons learned in vain. It’s not hard for two punks. And these two punks are Luo’s other two partners now. Penguins and killer whales

Bebo has also become a partner from here. The three of them were Rowe’s first crew. Perhaps for this reason Rowe later called his submarine the Polar Dive. This wave belongs to the veteran crew. Therefore, I will see Bei Bo’s lovely and honest expression in front of Qiang Balu. Himself is the predecessor

Bebo is a fragile mind psychological endurance is very poor So often get a little spit Not angry Instead, the bear will apologize inexplicably. He and Choba are a man who can’t afford to spit. One can’t stand praise When Luffy first noticed Luo in Shambald Apparently Luffy’s interest in the bear next to him

To be stronger than Rowe himself Luffy just asked What happened to the bear? Bebo blushed And twisted to the side Luffy and Bebo had no communication. After 2 years Luffy meets Luo again I actually took the initiative to ask where the talking bear went. So Luffy really likes these strange creatures.

About apologizing anytime, anywhere. The Navy exclaimed. This bear can talk. Bebo will apologize The female emperor called it a mere beast. Bebo will apologize On Daughter Island, fantasizing about whether a female bear will be prompted. This is the country of women. Bei Bo will also apologize

See Father Ray swim across the windless zone And quarelli in front of a sea king sister who was killed by Raleigh. A legendary pirate Even inexplicably feel to apologize Bei Bo is very strong and agile. Also some physical skills So it’s easy to deal with a few Marines.

However, what should I do if I can’t beat it? Directly pretend to die in situ muddle through Except to play dead in front of the enemy That wave in the country of and For eating contaminated fish in the river Eat bad stomach This time I really feel like I’m going to die.

In fact, the most is diarrhea However, Bo was lying in front of Luo in pettish and pitiful. Still apologizing Poor baba The helpless Luo Ma Not only should we worry about Luffy, who is constantly making trouble over there. We also need to take care of the current dilemma of being left and right.

It’s really a mentality that has collapsed many times. But in the face of such a lovely adorable pet selling adorable Luo also can’t carry Can only have no choice but to compromise His uncle Bassolomi bear fitness does not practice legs Fighting without mouth. want to travel Take you fly Protect nephew Wang Lufei

Bassolomi Bear debuted in episode 151. Comic 234 words The Qiwuhai Conference convened by the world government After Lao Sha was kicked out of the group chat The topic of who will fill the position of Qiwuhai will be discussed in a group. The Warring States period saw two of the six seven martial seas.

That’s more than expected. Of course, the eagle eye also came in the back. But mainly interested in discussing the straw hat gang. Bear is reticent Every move is rather low-key The key is the pace and temperament of Mingo’s six relatives who did not recognize him.

And Lafitte stole the show on behalf of Blackbeard. Then to the three-masted sailboat of terror Bear appears quietly behind Perona Ask Perona to travel Where do you want to go As a result, Perona really answered. What do you want to go to? What dark style castle life

The bear didn’t talk nonsense with Pena either. One slap and go You delivered it directly to Mi’s home free of mail. Then the bear went to Moria The proportions of the two men are exactly the opposite. perfectly complementary After simple pleasantries Bear has two things to say.

First Blackbeard took over the position of Klokdahl It has become a sea of seven Moria said, “Well…” the whole is good Next, the second thing The bear said there was one more thing to worry about. That is afraid that someone can’t carry a straw hat boy

Another Qiwuhai will be kicked out of the group chat. Moria was annoyed when she heard that. Who do you think I am? Bear gentle But said vaguely If you can’t I can help you Moria felt that she had no face at all.

Lao Zi is at least a big pirate offering a reward for 312. Back then, he was also a positive figure of Gang Kedo. This is not for you to say I rely on strength Let’s see what it means to beat your face clearly. After the Island of Terror

The bear received an order from above to kill the straw hat gang. It’s here that the bear shows its terrifying abilities. His meat ball fruit is simply developed into a bug. It’s not just the quiet blink before. Also able to bounce everything Plus can pop all the exhaustion and pain

And air cannons that press out all kinds of power And after the Bega Punk transformation A simplified version of the laser bear that has been given an elephant reduction. It is the existence of a defense auxiliary attack. No one in the Straw Hat is his opponent. But after seeing Sauron’s determination, the bear

Puts out the pain and exhaustion in Luffy’s body Solon alone carried these after Witness what a group of people Luffy and his partner are My uncle bear is also very pleased Later in the shampoo He also protected the straw hat group with Mengqi D Kusoian. Put a large sea In here

Bear also made it clear to Reilly that he was a member of the Revolutionary Army. Leave the rest to me Then the bear sent a plane ticket to the straw hat gang. Let them go out for fun. Before leaving Bear says goodbye to Luffy However, Luffy did not know at the time.

What is the real identity of this bear? To the top of the war The bear has been completely transformed and has lost its sense of autonomy. I don’t even know the old 10000. But the Bears and Beiga Punk had come to some kind of agreement before Set a program for yourself.

That is, when the Straw Hats are away. Stay by the Sunney yourself. and protect him After 2 years Bruins covered in scars leave in front of Franky after program ends In addition to the memories of the bear and Longsaab. Their past reappears He became a slave to the Dragon Man.

Bears have been sacrificing themselves for some purpose. But once the gentle bear in the mouth of the people Now it looks like this. How many people feel sad Bonnie, who is most likely a relative of the bear, saw this scene. It can’t hide the sadness and anger And Saab also sneaked into Marygio.

Is to save the bear So Saab and the Revolutionary Army Chief After Marijoy and Vine Tiger Green Cow had a fight. I saw a vine tiger with a bandage on his head. All over the world including dragons and others The surprised expression after seeing the newspaper and the news of the dead man

But this is a piece of news that has no head or tail. What happened at the World Conference? It will probably not be revealed until the end of the chapter on the country of peace. Although they are facing the generals But still want to say The best result is that everyone is fine.

The bear can be rescued. I hope so The fate of Nami and the old men Nami had a wonderful fate with many grandfathers along the way. Back in the village of Cocoa An old doctor gave Sauron their treatment. And give Nami the treatment of arm wounds and tattoos

It’s just that I can see that Nami really didn’t treat this old man as an outsider. And this old man can be said to be Mount Tai collapsed before And the face does not change color stability And the old man is versatile Do the doctor’s job. I also did the tattoo artist thing.

I got it for Nami Now this tattoo At Goat Island Nami plays chess with the old woman in front of her. As a result, the ship was lost. Fortunately, Robin, a chess player, made a move to save the defeat. But Luffy, they work for him Nami coaxed her to be happy

Although Nami’s purpose is only to trap his treasure Robin massaged her The straw hat gang helped him strengthen his dream of going to sea. The old man has no regrets in his life. During the Terror Three-Mast Nami was sent to an old zombie This old man works for Absarom.

His task is to clean and change Nami’s wedding dress. and send it to Abu to get married As a result, this old zombie man really completed this mission. Then Abu and Nami, who was in a coma, got married in a church. This paragraph is true is full of bad taste

However, there is a famous old man coveting Nami is the golden lion The Sea Battle of Aitwall is the psychological shadow of the Golden Lion’s life. Maybe since then. He is particularly interested in weather and sailing. Although the Golden Lion has a weather forecasting team

But he ‘d rather have a weather-sensitive genius sailor. So the golden lion names Nami, who wanted to be proficient in navigation, took Nami away. Robbing people with Luffy And it’s still in the theater version So the golden lion came to a bad end. 2-year training period

Nami arrived at the small empty island with many old men for Salia. However, when Nami first arrived here Once again, he was changed in a coma. Nami saw something she had never seen before here in Hareda. Like the Festival of the Wind and the Yuntang weather ship or something.

Nami sometimes goes out with Hareda Use meteorological science to help areas with difficulties This gave Nami a strong interest in meteorological science. Of course, there are many other old men on the small island. But they stole research materials from Nami. Dissatisfied with the operation of the weather ball and the hijacking of Hareda

But Nami is very good at coquetry. Maybe Urthorpe doesn’t eat that. But this move directly confused the old men on the empty island. Nami is coquetry and cute again. Another threatened island jump But these old men are busy. The last anti-customer-oriented Nami holds these people perfectly.

To say which old men are still around Nami on their own ship. Ask if you don’t understand, Brooke. Brooke is no less active or passive. Get benefits here in Nami In the linkage article Nami also met Roshi Roshi also experienced a two-year reunion here. Nami’s Treatment of Uthorp

Brooke and Roshi are very similar in this respect Maybe Brooke would be a little more gentlemanly But the results are all the same Kicked by a kick Luffy’s classic dress One of the most classic Luffy skin is a straw hat Red waistcoat Blue Curl Pants

Take off your shoes dress is also the standard version of the early Then came a variety of versions. And it was concentrated 2 years ago. For example, during the Isle of Justice During the Terror Three-Mast and during the Exodus to Shambleland Daughter Island period Luffy also passed through the lace-rimmed flower waistcoat.

Be evaluated as very suitable But then I changed into a light blue one and wore it all the way to the city. There was also a yellow one at the little Ivan in Propulsion City. Then the suit followed Luffy to fight the top war. During the 2-year training period

Luffy switched back to the classic clothes So Luffy has several of these little waistcoats in different colors. But two years later, I never wore it again. There’s a reason for this Later, it will be said that Luffy is in the main plot. The first time I changed clothes was to drum island.

First, I changed into a burgundy cotton-padded coat. But because Nami was so sick Luffy gave the clothes to Nami. Blow down on the way to climb the snow mountain Later, Nami lent her cotton-padded clothes to Luffy. Get out of the cold and hit Wapol. But Luffy put the clothes on and almost scrapped.

According to Nami This cotton-padded coat is 28800 Bailey after discount Then Nami did the same thing to Keng Solon. Asking for triple compensation Rounding up again to blackmail its 100000 Bailey In addition, Luffy also wore some very local clothes. in Alabastan Because of the local climate

Slightly considerate to provide Luffy with a suit of clothes. It’s a piece of cloth on the top of your head. My most paid turban gown in the world After defeating Lao Sha put on a white gown happy play After the end of the island of justice Luffy got a white vest

The gc above is an abbreviation of Carrera. Boat and oar logo It’s also a cultural symbol of Carrera and the water capital. to Dresrosa Because you need to dress up Luffy bought a short sleeve with sunflowers on it. Because the sunflower fields in tokushima is one of the most prestigious local attractions

At the Kushima Arena Luffy also wore a heavy Western armor. But because overweight can only be reduced Of course, it doesn’t matter to Luffy. Think handsome is the main After defeating Mingo Luffy changed to a red vest with a cow’s head printed on the back.

On the one hand, most of the culture of the island is taken from Spain. On the one hand, Luffy is commemorating the other. Cows who fought with themselves. To the nations Luffy first landed in Brin’s chocolate town. Not only local. And there are some ethnic costumes

Then there is the kimono and samurai suit of the kingdom of peace. And a cute multicultural suit for landing on ghost island After 2 years Luffy changes clothes frequently But…A set of clothes is the most important It was the same one for Luffy when he returned in 2 years. Some big cloak

It’s the female emperor’s one. But then Luffy left it in the shampoo. The red bell-sleeved top is 100 All aspects are like women’s Yes, it was changed by the female emperor’s red pajamas. And the yellow ribbon on the waist It is also the female emperor’s red blouse with horn sleeves.

Follow Luffy all the time through the Fishman Island Punk Hassard Because of the ice fire island climate reasons Luffy put on cotton-padded clothes twice on the way. Zowu and Zion One are still standard matches until now. This dress of the female emperor may be changed for a short time. But never absent.

Instead of Luffy’s favorite colorful waistcoat Become the most stable collocation of Luffy’s curled shorts And of course, the uncharacteristically classic Navy uniform. But all belong to the original animation And an explosive head wig and a boxing suit. This is also very impressive In addition to this

Luffy also has a very cool and handsome dress. Like the team version of the suit mob mafia in the strong world. Red shirt backing black suit The black windbreaker is quite stylish. And Cake Island to meet Becky When it comes to pk with Carl Black shirt with red suit

In the theater version z When Luffy wore a black jacket to release the overlord color Later, the whole team changed into a red shirt. How many have the taste of being a pirate? And the flower shirts in the city of gold White Dress But to say that Luffy’s most awesome skin

It’s the skin that refers purely to deer skin. The short sleeve with the words “Captain” on it had to lean to the side. And the pale yellow dress I feel that Nami bought this dress to wear on Luffy or Shanji. Not at all.

Shanzhi and Sauron, who worry about each other and are proud of each other. Cover up your worries with very proud words. But the more you cover it up, the easier it is to be exposed. This point It is obvious in Solon, who is not very deliberate.

The sea train rescues Robin. That will steal the house in advance. on the cp 9 train Luffy let Shanzhi might as well make a scene first. Here Sauron is actually contrary to his fearless normal Not only to stop Luffy’s orders Also remind Yamagi There are some very dangerous guys on the train

The strange thing is that You know, in this situation In Solon’s own words Pull out the knife and go up and do it. Solon’s character is not afraid of what his opponent is. That’s not like Solon. Oh, so Sauron was worried about the enemy’s strength.

Actually, I’m worried that the water is too deep. Shan Zhi can’t hold it Of course, what Shan Zhi said is more direct. Asked if Sauron was worried about himself Of course, Sauron quickly denied it. Later, Shan Zhi was taken hostage and returned to get married. Sauron, who was sarcastic along the way.

It was time for Luffy and them to discuss how to get back to Shanji. Solon doesn’t know when he has quietly leaned against the door. Then it was ruthlessly broken by Luffy. This time to ask someone’s mantra It turns into a kick when you cut it. Can only say that in this case

Sauron is not good at covering up his worries. Of course, Shan Zhi will deliberately cover up some kind of worry. But compared to Sauron Shanzhi is obviously much more straightforward. In the amnesia The first thing after the recovery of memory I’m actually worried about Solon catching a cold.

Later, after defeating Gabra at Justice Island Shanzhi Perceived Sauron still fighting up there So I wanted to run over and help. When he arrived, he found that Sauron had successfully defeated Kaku. and got the key Yamashi immediately slowed down. Although Shan Zhi said he came for the key.

But I always feel that after Shanzhi saw that Solon was safe and sound There seems to be a feeling of heart Later, after the Straw Hat gang defeated Moria I met my uncle Qiwu Sea Bear. Sauron let Shan Zhi sleep for a while

Then a man carried the hurt in front of the bear The first thing Shanzhi woke up was to find Sauron again. Later, I met the robot bear in Shamopland. Seriously injured Sauron targeted Shanji also asked Frankie to protect Nami. I ran to Solon’s side to support me. including yamashi

More than once worried that Sauron would get lost 2 years ago in Shambledon Uthorp strongly objected to Sauron going for a walk alone Sauron said he would read the No. But by mistake, I missed a number. No accident Sauron is still lost After 2 years Reunited in Shambodeso Township

Sanji told Sauron not to leave him three steps away. If you get lost, you’ll be in trouble. But no accident Sauron is lost again In Dresrosa Sauron’s knife was stolen Sauron ran after him. Shan Zhi is not at ease also followed out No accident Sauron is still lost So worry to worry

It turns out that Sauron’s fancy loss is hopeless. Two people in addition to this kind of arrogant worry Mutual trust is also of course. Sauron got on the wrong boat Follow somebody else into the water Scared the old man selling fish Thought the green-haired guy was gonna die Yamashi Blunt Don’t worry

Can’t die Then Sauron split the ship underwater. When Solon they came to Zowuthorpe Scared by Wanda Thought Nami they hung up But Sauron bluntly Don’t worry There are no rolls He wouldn’t make that mistake In general We met each other. I wish each other would disappear in front of me.

And worry about each other when it’s dangerous Sometimes they praise each other behind their backs. This contradictory and pulled emotion of loving and killing each other In these two people have long been against each other Those strange islands in One Piece One Thunder God Island

An island of lightning and thunder all the year round On this island, the real lightning is like rain. However, Eni Lu can safely carry a bag to check in. Luffy Brook This can also be immune to lightning This lightning-shrouded island is located in the New World After coming out of Fishman Island

The pointer points to three islands One of the most dangerous is Thor Island. Smog judged that Luffy’s character would definitely go to Thor Island. As a result, Luffy received a call for help from Punk Haddad halfway. I have no interest in those three islands. I went straight to Punk Hassard.

In addition, Supernova Monk Ulji has also been to Thor Island. And I met an umbrella seller. Let the back of the cold old woman II Punk Haddad which is Ice Fire Island As the name suggests Ice and Fire Top after the war

The green pheasant and the red dog, two powerful natural families, have been fighting here for ten days. The climate of an island has changed dramatically. Half hot like in a steamer Half as cold as in ice And the island center has a central It is also the masterpiece of two big men.

There was a pothole in the original fight. But the sea poured into the hole along the cracks of the island. formed a lake So this lake will have creatures that originally lived in the sea. such as sharks. So on this island. Physical and mental will be subject to double torture

Three Burning Islands in the New World Blackbeard’s gang once stopped here for a short time. And molest the captured supernova Pony The island is full of scorched earth and raging fire And the stones that have been baked hot. This environment and high temperature is not suitable for human survival

But the island looks very old. But the megalithic statue of unknown origin Blackbeard was here for a while and was delusional about making a deal with the Navy. But I saw the red dog come with a lot of sincerity. Blackbeard was flattered I ran away directly. A Spring Island in the New World

The climate here is good Supernova Arp was here two years ago. There is also a fierce army of wild boars living here. But the most amazing thing is to jump into the sea from the edge of the island. And will not fall into the sea But can continue to run to the sky

So here is equivalent to everyone All animals can walk. 5 Boeing Islands This is the place where Wu Suopu practiced for 2 years. The blue sky and white clouds are flourishing The important thing is There’s a lot of food here. But these are people who can

Step by step to pull the beautiful appearance of the abyss This island is not a factory island. is a carnivorous plant Unknown Baron, when it feeds The big mouth in the middle will open The petals will close around Let all prey fall into his mouth And there are cannibalistic plants on the island

The more island-like the outsides, the stronger the plants 6 Left House The fur people live here Because the city is on the back of Also known as the country on the back And to the Lord is time to move So you can’t find this so-called moving island by recording the pointer.

If you have a partner on it, you can follow it with a life card. And how to get to the back of the elephant also need to use a little brain Shanji, they floated up with a Caesar balloon. Luffy, they climbed up on a dragon painted by Kanshiro.

Seven long-chain island by ten small islands ring into a circle It is named after the overall shape of a chain. Animals and plants on the island are either particularly high Or especially long. Like a tall bear. A very long dog. Long apples, etc. Other strange such plants and animals

The distinctive island in One Piece There are many, many This issue can’t be said. So goodbye in the next video. Mr. Xiankes, a keen citizen of the pirates In today’s red and black Kay mother four emperor Although red hair does not appear much But he’s often seen in major events.

He’s mostly a middleman and a lobbyist. Passers-by, stability maintainers and other identities appear Small to trivial Big to the sea pattern Red hair can always stand a foot Sometimes there is no blood. A face can be a warm-hearted citizen worthy of the name in the cause of education

Red hair brings Luffy to the road Let Roger’s will carry on Also blocked an arm in the new era This pioneering and exemplary act of enthusiasm For a time let latecomers follow suit Second, he blocked his waist in the new era. Cado is now blocking his daughter in a new era.

Sanks knew that Kidd was obsessed with the title of red hair. have a soft spot So he selflessly fulfilled Kidd. Now Kidd can get what he wants. Perfect to cosplay the role of redhead Being four emperors is also compassionate. No shelves Redhead not only saved Kirby He also praised Kobe Bryant without stint.

In the education of the younger generation Red hair can be said to be conscientious During Ace’s flight to hunt Blackbeard There is also a red-haired figure. Red hair for Luffy Even if he knew that Ace was Roger’s son… But Ace is, after all, the man on the white beard boat

And Ace is also for the ship’s principles. Redhead also does not have the necessary obligation To interfere with the other pirate group to take care of this matter. But the enthusiastic redhead took the initiative to see White Beard. Let’s hope White Beard gets Ace back. It is a pity that

Lao Bai and Xiao Hong have their own considerations. But the red-haired heart arrived It’s enough to be benevolent and righteous. And when the red hair rushed to Marin Vando I stopped Cado on the way. Finally arrived at the scene Rely on the powerful face fruit ability to sweep the audience

In addition to the Baki bosses have to give a face to help calm down the incident Redhead also helped bury Ace and White Beard. Then the redhead went to a mysterious wedding. Good guy. In the new world, everyone is busy fighting.

Only the red hair, the red thing, the white thing, did not fall into the Ace thing. Redhead as an outsider Busy from beginning to end Can’t expect him too much warm heart It’s warm enough. But red hair hides deep merit and name No return He himself can appear on the white beard ship

Can also appear in the office of the five old stars really busy I feel that the navy is a soy sauce maker. Red hair is the true defender of order Except for liking the field. Red hair is also very enthusiastic Eagle Eye is coming. Feelings deep stuffy Ace is here.

Open a party to find white beard Don’t forget to bring a hometown wine Of course, for many years insisted on being a warm-hearted citizen of red hair The saved face is quite scary. So much so that red hair often relies on brushing her face. You can travel all over the world.

Navy Big Man Pirate Boss World government bigwigs Many people will more or less give red hair face This also supports his honor So the enthusiastic citizens deserve it. The Magic Reward in One Piece The highest amount of reward currently known in One Piece Roger’s 5564.8 million Bailey’s Lowest Known Reward Joba’s 100 magnification

Although this gap is terrible But what Roger can do Joba is not afraid to do it either. The Four Emperors of Qioba’s Port 4388 million The 1320 million Quinn Although certainly not as strong as Roger But the performance in the country of and Joba proved

Who is the most cost-effective pirate fighter in One Piece? A pet warm baby Translator walking tool reserve grain Don’t 998 Don’t 598 Packing Just 100 the price of a newspaper. bounty This is also some people are happy and some people are worried. When Sainami was first offered a 16 million Just wilt

As a member of the timid group He doesn’t want to explain in this case. In comparison Luffy vs. BountyThe attitude is just like playing a game upgrade. It suddenly went up so much. Incomparably happy Luffy after his 1.5 billion bounty spread Luffy missed a zero because of counting. Thought his bounty was down

Grief and indignation grief-stricken Crying bitterly The bounty also has a veritable number. That’s the pretty version of Panda Man. Gold 3.33 million 3333 magnification Although the price is not high But the emphasis is on quantity. Panda Man Himself and His Bounty All can be called a beautiful scenery

Straw Hat Group currently has the largest increase in single amount. The record holder is Luffy 0.5 billion to 1.5 billion One-time rise 1 billion The straw hat group has the lowest single amount growth record holder is Joba. 50 to 100 A surge of 50 times

The record holder for the biggest single gain in the Leituan is Uthorp. From the first 30 million to the second 0.2 billion of the island It went up about 6.7 times. Whether it’s Nami’s quadrupling or Luffy’s tripling On a single increase This one is no better than Urthorpe.

The record holder for the fewest single gains in the group is Robin After the Battle of Justice Island Robin Bounty Comes 80 million Whole A little thought This is obviously a long lonely Robin was eight years old. The first reward has been 79 million. It only went up 1 million.

In line with the meaning of the world government So the increase was very small that time. But after the island Robin’s third bounty rises to 130 million Compared to the straw hat group What do other people compare to bounty like? Depression, happiness, unconvinced, etc. Various degrees of concern

For eight years old, there is a reward of tens of millions. For Robin, who traveled north and south. He’s not interested in this stuff. So Robin still prefers the kawaii dragon. A little more Er, no. The picture is wrong That’s right. There is also a reward for the stem

Because the surgical fruit Luo ate was clearly priced at 5 billion Berry. However, Rowe’s reward now is 0.5 billion Therefore, according to the principle of more refund and less compensation For example, it is actually worth negative 45.

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