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Lizkook hints in Standing Next to You MV

Lizkook hints in Standing Next to You MV

Hi in this video we will see all  the Lizkook hints in Jungkook’s solo   song MV standing next to you let’s  see all the hidden secrets of this masterpiece As you know the female lead in Jugkook’s solo song was Pasha harulia she is a foreign model not Korean  with brown short hair and bangs

We can understand that this model  could very easily represent Lisa   since Lisa is also foreign and she herself had short brown hair with her iconic bangs Please tell me the differences  between these two persons Yes, they were different persons and have in mind that Lisa is the only famous girl  

Romantically associated with Junkook that ever had brown short hair and bangs at the same time Does this intro remind you of something? A girl walking, showing us her back, wearing a jacket with large shoulders and short hair Well not only that but in this  particular scene of Laisa,  

Lisa’s solo song, she says: “You  know just from looking at my back” so it’s like Junkook tried to do a little trick   where the model looked like Lisa from  behind so people will assume it’s her Now about the details in the set, we can see a red line in the ground since the  

Beginning of the MV we see the model (Lisa) walking normally in direction to the sun But then we have Jungkook, who start following the model unintentionally following the red line If you don’t know a red line represents  the fate or destiny it says: “two people  

Connected by the red line mean they  are destined lovers it’s a magical   cord that may stretch or tangle but  never break in other words soulmates” So it’s like Junkook is trying to  represent Lizkook love story and   how fate made Junkook walked  towards Lisa unintentionally

If you didn’t notice all of this happens in a tunnel well I thought why? why would they film this in a tunnel? and then I connected everything jungkook was representing his love story with Lisa,   two big Idols who live in an industry  where dating is considered a scandal in other words

Their entire story took place in a tunnel that is Without anyone knowing, always  in secrecy, always underground of   course also representing the suffocation they went through, having to always be   hidden since like in tunnels there are no windows for us to breathe like they felt

It’s so crazy to see how a  simple jacket hides so much hints so let’s start the first one is obvious because this  jacket is very similar to one that Lisa   used for a private Blackpink  party after Coachella (Week 1)

But not only that, in the jacket we can  see a daffodil which is Lisa’s birth flower also Edelweiss which is Lisa’s favorite  flower, which is also one of her tattoos and lastly we have the iconic eye which could represent the   eye tattoo that Junkook did of Lisa’s eye

In this small clip, we can see  the female lead using an outfit   and doing a pose very similar to one  of Lisa’s Crazy Horse performance The outfit is black and have some see-through and the pose the same positioning of the leg and arm not to mention that the lighting is exactly the same

If you think the use of black and white  outfits was just a coincidence think again This is because it is not coincidence that in the video clip, junkook appears in black and   even with devil wings while the woman, Lisa’s representative, appears in white in some parts

Did you notice that in every scene of this video clip Junkook was always wearing black? In other hand Did you also notice that the model  were black in the first scenes,   than white white and returned  to black on the end of the MV? Well I did… and this is my theory

As you know Lizkook meet before  Lisa’s debut, probably by Bam Bam,   That means this video clip would be representing the three phases of Lizkook Love Story The tunnel part: was their  beginning hidden from fans   and even the companies here both  Junkook and the girl were black which by the use explicit of devil  wings from Jungkook’s perspective 

Black here would mean: “the temptation that is often led by the devil which tries to   lead us to our desires without thinking  about the consequences of that actions” In the first scenes, we can see  by both facial expressions that   both were feeling something very intense that explains the heavy makeup the girl is wearing  

And black leather which is something  that bring a heavy and intense Aura but then we have the second phase and the most difficult:   when they both started meeting at awards shows and later having to come out to both companies

Here we see that the girl begins to have some moments in which she wears black and white,   demonstrating her insecurity and fear of being in a company that had explicit rules against dating when she at the same time wanted  to be in this relationship

Her makeup when she wears white is super light giving a soft Aura like she is a fragile girl,   something we can see through  the very delicate touch that   Junkook makes when he carasses her cheek Junkook, on the other hand, stays  with the black with rigid movements   and intense facial expressions with a fierce look

And finally the last phase would be  after all the storm, that is currently,   where both are determined to continue regardless of other people’s opinions, their relationship hence the use of black again, Junkook  continues while the girl’s 100% return   to black, wich means that YG’s or  haters opinions no longer affect her

Something that perfectly corresponds  to Lisa’s mentality who despite the   criticism decided to participate in Crazy Horse, focusing on what makes her happy Hence the last scene is an intense look between the two with both wearing black Just a PS explaining why Junkook uses the devil wings

Because unlike Lisa who had a  phase of uncertainty and fear,   due to her company and her early status as an idol, Junkook always felt that intense feeling,   being led by his devil who pressured  him to pursue his desire to fight for   this relationship something that in this industry is seen as a sin

Here the devil’s wings do not represent a negative thing since it was thanks to them that,   at the end of it all, they both continued to wear black to be happy because if they had been led by   the white side, what they consider good and pure and K-pop, they would never have been truly happy

Yes, Junkook also decided to make the first public   time he saw Lisa at an award show very explicit in the MV If you don’t remember the first time Lizkook   say each other publicly was at the Asian Artist Awards in 2016 First, let’s look at how the event was like

As we can see there was individual red seats facing the stage and guess what This was Junkook’s scene in Standing next to you As you can see we also have the red  seats directed towards the stage and we have more Please look closely to this girl in particular doesn’t remind you of somebody?

Let’s get back to the Asian Artist Award of 2016 and see how Lisa was in this event I’m sorry but it does remind you of her the funny part was Lisa giving a spoiler about this scene,   when she posted some photos in the Crazy Horse room

We can see the individual red seats while Lisa is in the audience this last look reminded me a lot of Lisa’s scene with Taeyang,   in the music video for their collaboration song “Shoong” so this is the last topic I will talk about the storyline and having in mind  

Everything I said before it’s kind of easy to get everything so we started in the tunnel with JunKook is following Lisa and started their love story here we can conclude it was Junkook who started following Lisa and was the one interested first

However we can see in this first scene that was actually Lisa who saw Junkook first something that makes sense since Junkook debuted in 2013 while Lisa only debuted in 2016,   and opening the car window means exactly that Jungkook was already walking around  to everybody see when Lisa saw him  

For the first time while she was a  trainee still hidden from the public next we have the scene where junkoook is dancing in the stage where everything is   perfect: the perfect lighting, the dance  is very well executed with sexy movements   and perfect vocals like BTS’s Junkook is known for having in all his performances

But then Lisa arrives and she start watching Junkook performing on stage and guess what? The curtain fell and a large hole appears beneath it as a metaphor for the fact that   when Lisa appears, he remembers that what seemed perfect before is not,  

Since he will never be able to reveal  his relationship with her to the public For the first time, we were able to realize how fragile and unstable the structure   of the stage is despite it initially  appearing to be in perfect condition and if we look very carefully this whole progressively becomes darker and darker

Now during his performance,  now that Lisa is watching,   Junkook seems to only care about her  like he is focusing only in her because,   even with her far away comparing with other persons that are closer to the stage,  

His eyes are only looking at her like she was in a pedestal which here is compared with a limousine during this whole process like  I said before Lisa was really   insecure and sad while wearing white  and soft makeup that made Junkook mad

Because YG was trying to make Lisa end their relationship even against her will again hard facial expressions and rigid movements That’s why in the next scene we see Junkook caressing Lisa’s cheek comforting her but then we get to the most intense part where the persons who came with Lisa (YG  

Staffs) and the persons who came from the stage side, Junkook’s side, start fight each other This could represent YG and HYBE fight because of Lizkook in the first Years   of them dating because as we know these two companies were rivals at the time At the time, this fight is happening  notice that Junkook is still performing  

And Lizkook is still looking at each other it’s like they don’t care the fact that they hadn’t given up on being together and didn’t   care especially Junkook made the fight ended but suddenly we have a moment that we think Lisa gave up and decided to go with YG staffs  

Because she is not longer on top of the limo and all the lionizes are leaving the hole also turned almost  completely black representing   the anguish and sadness when Jungkook thought she had truly given up on them look at the stage structure appearing completely

But then Lisa appeared in black again, so she didn’t leave like YG wanted and she and Junkook   meet after his performance with an intense look almost like they were going to kiss each other,   representing what they feel for each  other and how deeply in love they were/are

Well guys this was the end of another video this took me so long to make so please don’t forget to SUBCRIBE and like my video also if you have any more interesting  ideas or topics for new videos,   please leave them in the comments

Thank you so much for the amazing  support that everyone is giving me I love you guys Goodbye

In this video I will investigate Standing Next to you MV and expose all the Lizkook hints that Jungkook decided to include in the MV of his solo song. From scenarios, to small details specifically inserted or even clothes used that remind us of small details associated with Lisa.

Music: Chillpeach – Taiyak:

Please don’t repost this video made by me @thai_lilikook 📍

Related Tags: #lizkookrandomhints #random #hints #lalisamanoban #jeonjungkook #lizkook #kpop #lizkookhints #lizkookcouple #liskook #kookielisa #blackpink #bts #lisajungkook #lizkookshipper #kpopcouples #jungkooklisa #jeonlisa #jungkookmanoban #lizkookinyourarea #lizkookisreal #notcoincidence


  1. This very true,I believe in you,,thank you very much for your vedeo,,I'm a big fan of liskook,lm hoping in the future they're will be together forever in real life

  2. U are really amazing❤❤ how u are able to gather this hints is just amazing i love u soooo much❤❤❤❤❤, liskook will always be real no matter anyone says now when people watch this they will understand why we fight for liskook🎉🎉🎉

  3. ขอบคุณแอดมากค่ะสำหรับคลิปนี้ที่แอดตั้งใจทำออกมาเพื่อสื่อสารกับพวกเราที่ชื่นชอบคู่รักคู่นี้ที่ต้องหลบซ่อนความรักที่ทั้งคู่มีต่อกัน คุณยายรักและเอ็นดูหลานลิซ่าและติดตามเธอมาตลอด จำได้ว่าช่วงที่ลิซ่าเดบิวใหม่ๆ และ JK เห็นเธอครั้งแรกบนจอโมนเตอร์ขนาดใหญ่เขาตกหลุมรักแรกที่เห็นหน้าเธอ และได้พยายามเห็นตัวจริงของลิซ่าให้ได้ในช่วงที่งานแสดงเลิกลาและฟ้าเป็นใจให้ลิซ่ากำลังเดินมาทางทิศที่เขายืนอยู่กับ Bambam เขารีบกอดคอ BB ไว้แต่สายตาจ้องมองลิซ่าที่เดินผ่านไป ตั้งแต่นั้น JK ก็ไม่มองสาวใดอีกเลยนอกจากลิซ่า คุณยายสังเกตุได้ว่า JK มีความจริงใจต่อลิซ่า ทุกครั้งที่ JK อยู่บนเวทีสายตาเขาจะจับจ้องไปที่ลิซ่า และเขาไม่แคร์ที่จะแสดงการไหว้แบบไทยให้ทุกคนเห็นจนมีคนเรียกท่านี้ว่า ThaiKook..BB ได้ชวนให้ลิซ่าเข้าอยู่ใน 97 Lineที่มี JK อยู่ด้วยทำให้ทั้ง JK และลิซ่ามีช่องทางได้ทำความรู้จักกันมากขึ้น และรักกันในที่สุดจนถึงทุกวันนี้.. คุณยายเห็นความรักของทั้งคู่เหนียวแน่นมากขึ้นและสมาชิกทุกคนใน BTS และ BP ต่างรับรู้และสนับสนุนมาตบอด.. คุณยายเชื่อมั่นในความรักอันบริสุทธิของทั้งคู่และสนับสนุนมาตลอด พูดได้เต็มปากเลยว่าไม่มีใครมาพรากทั้งคู่จากกันได้ เวลาที่จะเปิดเผยให้โลกรู้ก็ใกล้เข้ามาแล้ว ลิซ่ามีอิสระได้ทำในสิ่งที่เธอรักหลังจากไม่เซ็นสัญญาเดี่ยวกับ YG..คุณยายขอให้ความรักของทั้งคู่ไร้อุปสรรคขวากหนามใดๆ และได้โลดแล่นบนเส้นทางการเป็นนักธุรกิจร่วมกันและสร้างชื่อเสียงที่โด่งดังก้องโลกเลยนะคะ😊❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  4. I would like to comment on something that even caught my attention in the video that JUNGKOOK made for AUDACY LIVE. There he seems to be telling a story and in it the girl in the videos coincidentally looks like Lisa seen from behind and for some reason I found it interesting because that idea came to my mind. If you can see that video you may agree with me. So the order of those songs would be telling their story.
    What's your opinion about it.

  5. this was a great video. But I am still scared about the fact that what if hate you was also about lisa and they boke up???

  6. You're The Best Liskooker 💛💜
    I Love ur all videos ❤
    I'll Follow u in Instagram ❣️
    Ur all videos are amazing 😍
    I Luv U 💛💜

    Soon ur 1K Sub 💟

    You're My Friend/Bestie?

  7. จริงที่สุดเราขอบเม้นนี้มากถูกใจเรามากๆเลย

  8. Your explanation is really wonderful and I was really shocked by all these details, at first I did not understand the story of his song apart from its lyrics. I meant the video, direction, and acting, Literally when the song came out and this model Pasha appeared she completely reminded me of Lisa, I swear, Far from being a Liskooker, even though I ship them, I just imagined that I would not ship them, and seeing this song and watching this girl really reminded me of Lisa. Even my sister, who is not a Liskooker, said she looked like
    Lisa and I thought she was her, Jungkook is really professional and smart when he brings this girl who is playing Lisa and even her movements in the beginning, she definitely knows and he tells her everything about Lisa so that her acting becomes easier and she imitates her,, so everyone remembers Lisa when this girl appeared in Jungkook’s song, Despite this, I am sure they will deny it like every time, because the ARMYs are well known for this thing, when it comes to Lisa, they become blind, Pasha even sees Aliskooker's Instagram stories and posts, Can they explain what this means? And also after her collaboration with Jungkook? Needless to say, how will Pasha search for things that do not exist and watch them .. if the fans consider them to not like each other and to be co-workers? I really don't know how they think, Likewise, Pasha is a model for Miumiu, and during the “SNTY” era, Lisa always appears wearing Miumiu clothing pieces, Jungkook is well known for how he thinks about the most important details, and even the Armys cannot deny that, and they also say this every time, because if Jungkook really works on something or does something, he always means something specific, and this is known, such as the details of his tattoos, their meanings, his songs, the messages in them, and the places in which he takes pictures, the simplest thing about his ad for Calvin Klein today was that it appeared in the same place where BTS performed their song “On” four years ago.. he focuses on the most important details about himself and the things he loves, such as his group 'bts' , his family, his fans, and Lisa. But when we talk about this in front of his fans, they will deny it and say it is just a coincidence and that it is just a song and nothing else, this thing really bothers me when they contradict what they say every time! They literally want to see them kissing so they can believe they're dating! I don't really know what to say, Basically. they attacked only because we said that Pasha took the role of Lisa, and yeah, if they attack just for our words, how will they react when they actually announce their relationship to the public?

  9. plz can you list all the hints from his songs especially HATE YOU……I don't know whether it's true or not…but I want both of them to be happy

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