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In this video, I would like to share information about the increasing possibility that the largest economic shock in human history will begin in the neighboring red country.In the video I just posted the other day, there was an order to liquidate Evergrande Group. I shared the information that was released , but

In that country that has a distinctive socialist system, we in a capitalist country have gone bankrupt long ago, and companies that deserved to exist have survived like zombies. In that country, everything is temporary , and things happen that are unfathomable to our common sense.In other

Words, they hide everything and end up causing trouble to the whole world.This was also the case with that disease. The same thing will likely happen in the financial sector in the future.As expected , Japan’s major media outlets have also started reporting on the abnormal situation occurring in that country

, but the major media outlets in Japan and the United States are reporting on their own country’s economy. If you accept the information that the country is doing well, it could be fatal.I hope that by knowing what is actually happening in the country right now,

It will be useful for the people of the five cities and towns in their crisis management. Please watch until the end . This channel provides information on what you can do to protect yourself and your family, and on how to prevent Japanese people from being

Deceived any further.If you have not yet subscribed to the channel, , Please subscribe to our channel . Now, we have covered in past videos that the situation in the neighboring red country has become considerably more dangerous

, but it has reached a point where we can no longer hide it. It has been a hot topic on the internet for at least two years that Evergrande Group is on the brink of bankruptcy, but it has not gone bankrupt for quite some time.Therefore , the recent bankruptcy drama of Evergrande Group.

I think too many people are unaware of how dangerous this is. However , I am neither an investment professional nor a financial professional, so I cannot use charts to predict the future. What I focus on is information based on the realities of the common people.The

Reason for this is that statistics are the result of the accumulation of the realities of the common people.Therefore , the items I will discuss this time are: 1) I would like to proceed with the following topics: 2) Extremely low consumption

2) A rush for foreign companies to escape 3) Banks freezing accounts due to cash shortage 4) Government order to sell Japanese real estate In conclusion, from that country. I think that the economic shock that is about to begin will be of a scale that will affect everyone, at least in Japan.It

Is said to be one of the largest in human history, so we each need to think about how it will affect us. I don’t think this situation is possible.The negative effects that spread throughout the world at the time of that disease have developed in ways that no one could have expected.In

This case, I think that in a sense, the negative effects will be even worse . , we need to brace ourselves and confront the situation.As far as the real estate sector is concerned, we must not forget that the Evergrande Group is still on the verge of bankruptcy.This

Is from 1, but in that country, there are currently 2 There is a custom of celebrating the Lunar New Year, which is called Spring Festival, from the 10th of February, and the holiday usually ends around February 18th.At

That time, a total of 9 billion people return to the countryside to celebrate the New Year. This year, however , the situation seems to be completely different from usual.The spread of that virus has seemingly come to an end, and

The Japanese tourism industry, which had been expecting inbound tourists, seems to be suffering quite a bit . I think the related industries are disappointed, as expectations were high, but just how disappointing it was that, according to an article on Diamond Online, regarding flights from that country to Japan, the forecast for

2019 and 2024 is In January, it was only 49% compared to the same month.In other words, half of the flights operated remained empty.The reason behind this is that many ordinary people simply went into a saving mode. It is said that people in that country like to brag that they are richer or

Have a better life than others, even if they are in debt, and if they do not do so, they will not be able to maintain their superior position. Despite having a culture of There are hundreds of millions of people out there who are now

In a frugal mode , going so far as to refrain from buying grains and vegetables , which is causing farmers to cry out. It is difficult to grasp the actual situation because the government of the country does not allow posting of such information on social media, but what is happening now is that

There are so many such screaming and angry posts that the authorities are forced to delete them. We can know from the fact that it inevitably leaks because it is not available in time.Why are people trying not to even buy vegetables? Why do wealthy people refrain from traveling abroad?

Strictly speaking, it is better to buy food from a place closer to home. This phenomenon all started with the collapse of the real estate sector.The image that we have of people in that country being very rich has changed, except for a small number of people. This

Refers to people who have apparently become wealthy through real estate investment.A small portion of the wealthy are Communist Party officials, and their per capita assets are in the tens of billions of yen. However, many of the other people were apparently rich, built on so-called debt.And

This leads to point 2, which is how the country was appealing to the world. is the purchasing power backed by a population of over 1 billion people , but most of the country’s estimated 200 million investors have begun to lose their assets due to the collapse

Of the real estate sector. , Real estate prices are not plummeting.In that country’s characteristic socialist system, there is an order that the prices cannot be any lower, so there has been no crash, but there are people who want to sell at a lower price.

Isn’t it hell for them because they can’t sell it and turn it into cash? 200 million investors can be said to be 200 million households, and if that’s the case, 3 people per household means 600 million people. Purchasing power is disappearing. This is clearly visible in the decline in corporate sales.For

Example, this can be seen from the fact that Apple, which never offers discounts, has started selling products at discounted prices.Foreign companies are withdrawing one after another. The reason behind this is not just the declining purchasing power of the common people

. Coupled with the risks of a social system that is too unique, there is a rush to escape. Just the other day, there was a report that the company responsible for Apple’s assembly factory is completely withdrawing.

The problem is that millions of people will become unemployed due to the relocation of foreign companies overseas.As I mentioned in the previous video, even civil servants in local governments in that country are not paid their salaries. This has been going on for several months, and not only that, but they

Are also demanding the return of bonuses paid in the past, so the state has reached a state where it can be said that the country is bankrupt . As a result, the purchasing power of the common people is being lost, and the number of people taking out debts is

Decreasing all at once, and the banking sector is running out of money.Many people will need cash this Chinese New Year . I think even Japanese people can understand this, but they arrange for a medical examination at the end of the year in order to give a New Year’s gift.It’s

The same in that country, too, and there is a custom like that , but for that reason, even if you want to withdraw your own savings from the bank, you can’t withdraw it . If this kind of thing starts to happen , a negative chain

Will start to occur, so it will be in a very dangerous mode . Bank failures occurred as a result of bank runs. Although the negative effects of the bank failures seemed to have been ameliorated by the quick injection of public funds , the situation has now become dangerous again.

Regarding the last point 4, although this is good news for us Japanese people , we are not in a situation where we can be happy without letting go.Firstly , the problem that the wealthy people of that country are buying up all the land in Japan

Was brought up in the previous video. However, what is happening now is that people are selling real estate in Japan to convert it into cash.The reason for this is that there is a shortage of cash. Apparently, this was ordered by the Communist Party’s hidden head of state.If you disobey this order,

You will be arrested.Rumor has it that the property is being sold at a 40% discount, so I am thinking of buying real estate. It seems that some properties are becoming available that are very affordable to people.However , this is not something that people can be happy about.Because

Of this phenomenon, real estate prices in Japan may plummet.I wonder how much the people of that country are selling. As I introduced in a previous video, we have purchased an area of ​​75.6 square kilometers in Japan.The 23 wards of Tokyo include Shibuya, Meguro, Sumida, Toshima

, and Chiyoda. , the total area of ​​Chuo Ward has been bought by foreign companies, including those from the neighboring red countries.At least as far as we know , if they have been manipulated and bought by people from the neighboring countries. There may be cases where it is difficult to understand

, so the actual situation may be several times higher than this.This is just an equivalent of land, and it is unclear how much the figure will increase if condominiums, etc. are included.If all of these If a property were to be sold off, how much would it affect the real estate market?It

Is a standard pattern that the people of that country end up spreading harm all over the world.In reality, the situation is even worse. Therefore , I think there will be a difference in the quick decision you make when something happens depending on whether you are

Aware of this situation or not . It’s true that if you know the general outline of a situation, you can make a profit by taking advantage of it, but people who don’t think about it and are encouraged by the government and advertisements will be left behind. Isn’t that

A bridge that is too scary for a timid person like me to cross ? What do you think? Regarding the sale of real estate in Japan, which I mentioned last,

Even the people of that country who are money worshipers are afraid of being threatened by dictators. Since it can be carried out with the sound of a crane, I think we must also bear in mind

The horror of the National Defense Mobilization Act, which is enshrined in that country’s law.There are approximately 800,000 people from that country in Japan. There is a possibility that an order that could be called an act of terrorism may be given by the president of a nation.This

Can be inferred from the fact that the fishing fleets that appear almost every day in the Senkaku Islands are doing so under the orders of that dictator.From the perspective of international law. However, anti-social acts are being openly carried out all over the world, so

We must abandon the theory of good nature that says there is no way such things can happen. This is why we say it is necessary to keep an eye on information on red countries and candy countries.Statistics are just statistics, and

If the conditions for extracting the data change, the exact opposite will occur. The picture is starting to emerge: What is happening in the red country next door will definitely be a negative influence that will spread all over the world.It will soon affect all industries , whether they are investing or not.

I think it’s safe to assume that there will be negative effects.This time, we have focused on a small portion of what is happening in neighboring red countries, but there are time bombs in American countries as well , and the same is true in the situation in the Middle East.

I do n’t think there has ever been a crisis like this before , so I don’t think there is anyone who can tell you the details of the scale of the damage. In the end, it all comes down to what I always say, which is

To promote food stockpiling and stockpiling of daily necessities.Although there are limits, it is worth the effort to survive even a little. I believe that if we can overcome this, the world will move in a better direction.I feel that

People who are not good at it are currently in a situation where their survival is at risk. It is said that this is because many ordinary people around the world have begun to realize that they have been deceived for a long time. Evil acts end when their methods become public,

Which is what I feel is happening now, and I think there will be many victims in the process of eradicating them. I don’t know exactly what will happen, but I think it would be a shame for people who don’t think about what would happen if sea lanes were disrupted,

At least in Japan, which is a major importer. Even though the major media has repeatedly reported how inconvenient the lives of those affected by the disaster are, those who do nothing will surely regret it. However, even if nothing happens, you have nothing to regret.If

You have watched the video up to this point, we strongly recommend that you prepare even more.Together, we will persevere and survive. Let’s pass on the wonderful times that will come next to our children.Thank you for sticking with us until the end.That’s the end of this story

, but your support will be the power to create the next video, so please click the like button. I would be happy if you could turn on “channel registration” and “notification settings”. Also, I would appreciate it if you could write your opinions and impressions in the comment section.Thank

You for watching until the end.It was Curiosity TV.






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・【強制接種】もはや庶民に選択の自由はなくなるのか? 全体主義の流れを止めなければ56されます#269

・【2024年問題】恐怖!物流危機が私達の可処分所得に影響が出る #180



・【【AI時代】本当!? AIが人格を持ちあなたを破産させる#334

・【人類最大の危機】全体主義者による世界統一政府樹立の危機! W機関の陰謀が明らかになりました#278











効果音提供 オトロジック(




  1. ボーナスが支払われなくなるのは解るが、返還は無いだろう、異常ですわ😥中国なら有り得るにせよ…


  2. そうなんですよね、中国の状況が気になります。大量に出回ってる日用品の大半が中国製品になりますので、今後入手困難にならないか?と感じてます。もう少し日用品を追加購入しようかと毎日考えてます。

  3. 嘘には3種類ある。嘘、大嘘、そして統計…英国の歴代首相ベンジャミン・ディズレーリの有名な言葉です。生きる為に真実を見抜く目は必要です。

  4. 株式等も今日売られてましたね😅

  5. 「真実」さんは知ってると思ってましたが違うのかな?

  6. 今、不動産購入は悪手ですよ



  7. な~んも分からない オイラみたいな 幼卒のオッサンが言うのもなんですが
    30年前のネットも無い時代の 日本バブルの時と同じにしか見えないです・・・^^;

    当時のビートたけし師匠が 土地だ家だを 買え買え言われて
    コレはおかしいぞ?・・・・って 思って買うの辞めて
    止まらないで突き進み 家を買っちゃったのが明石家さんま師匠・・・・・・・・

    ・・・そのあと さんま師匠が 買っちゃった家を売るまで 随分くるしんだよね・・・・・・・・・^^;
    ・・今の状況って コレと同じだと思いますが・・・・・


    広大集団をはじめとした 「不動産バブルの虚偽」 が明るみになってきたこの状況で
    ただの「バブルが弾けました~^^;ゴメンゴ・・・」 なんてレベルで終わる分きゃ~ないと思うんスけど
    「売りの中国買いのアメリカ」で 世界経済動いてきたのに
    アメリカと中国が弾ければ 勿論世界が不況になるのは至極当然・・・・・


    どちらが正しいかは この後3年くらいまでに結果は出ると思いますが
    今株持ってる人は 最高値の今 売った方が良いんじゃないかな~っ・・・って思います^^;
    今株持ってる人達 自分としては 正直うらやましいんですケドね・・・・^^;


    今売れば 儲けは確実・・

    今売って 数年後落ち着いた時に また買いなおせば

    この後 バブルは弾けたら その後買うぞ~~~・・・・・・・・・
    と おもいつつ
    ただただ1円でも溜めて バブル後に備えます・・・・・

  8. いつま動画作成、配信いただき、学びをありがとうございます。









  9. 近年、都心に建ったある分譲タワマンの購入者の多くが隣国の人だと、同僚から聞きました。

  10. CN50のチャートを見る限り、底を打ってバブルに向かって上昇していくように見えるんですよね。

  11. 全く通常運行なんですよね。多少の不便はありますが不自由は今のところありません。4月あたりからかなと思う。

  12. いつも有益な情報をありがとうございます。

  13. お疲れ様です(´-`)_🍵  色々出てきますね。。。
    ようつべ シャナ子の部屋。[Vol.0860]プロポーズ大作戦 
    ホルムズむず 海峡  封の鎖 と 海上の 自衛の隊が 海峡の警備で 出動す

  14. 技術を無償でよこせとか C国ではビジネスなんてできないからな…

  15. アメ公の方は、ホル◯ズ海峡を直ぐに封鎖させようと躍起になって いる! 封鎖になったら、日本はお終い!8,000万人が餓4するよ!間違いなく

  16. 政府も、ますごみ、国民になにも知らせない。8000万人が餓死は政府も加担して、そうなったら?喜んでいるのでは?岸田は大喜び、グローバリストも大喜びだ。

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