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🍑MOMOMETALが可愛いすぎる🍑【MOMOMETAL is too cute】 #shorts #japan

🍑MOMOMETALが可愛いすぎる🍑【MOMOMETAL is too cute】 #shorts #japan


◆◆◆BABYMETAL「ギミチョコ!!」をカバーする佐藤佳奈アナ◆◆◆ #shorts #babymetal


  1. Momometal will remember this past year forever, she is having a huge blast being the new member of Babymetal, and she has more than delivered the goods, this girl is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥, plain as that. Her Momobanger is really going to be something I don't want to miss. Scream or growl, we will find out on March 3rd. Kitsunes up world 🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊

  2. メンバー皆髪の毛も変な色に染めたりせず美しい黒髪を靡かせながら踊る所にも凄く魅力を感じます。

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