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海賊王裡作者力捧的六個角色! 出場就是一波加強! 最後一人堪稱海賊創業典範! #盤點#山治#路飛#海賊王#草帽#索隆

海賊王裡作者力捧的六個角色! 出場就是一波加強! 最後一人堪稱海賊創業典範! #盤點#山治#路飛#海賊王#草帽#索隆

One Piece King Nakao Tian’s Favorite Six People The first protagonist is growing. His old rivals are also growing But when an old face comes on again Suddenly it looks more powerful. Still can’t help but sigh I lost what he did It’s become so awesome Damn it. He’s got it. Like Lucky.

Oda really likes holding Luci At that time, it was still cp 9 He was caught in second gear by Luffy. I almost died. The story on the title page was chased by the navy after being dumped by Spandam. Two years later debut shake yourself up a white dress

He has become the chief of cp zero. The men of cp zero beat Drake and the Three Ghosts at Ghost Island Apu Escape Although it cannot be said that cp zero is very strong But at least the cp 9 at that time was far from comparable.

And Lu Qi killed Lao Cai during the World Conference. Furious and flexible little people Sigh is also a pillar of the Eight Treasures Water Army Straw hat big ship regiment 3 ship in charge I don’t know how to evaluate it for a while.

It can only be said that he was forced to guard against Sigh. Included in the theatrical version of Oda’s participation Lucky is out of the limelight The city of gold relies on the command that the nobles of the world despise. Red Dog Fever in action Sabosmog Combo Skill Break Giant Barrett’s One Arm

A foot stop behind Ludge. It completely destroys the giant Barrett’s dropped arm. Stopped Barrett from fitting in again Not just in front of Saab show operation Also touch porcelain eagle eye broken meteorite operation Lucky is called cp The strongest in 98 years have great potential

But Oda can see that he is holding him. Second, many people around this person are more attractive than him. But he is really strong This man is a red dog. The prototype of the red dog is the actor Kan Yuan Fumita It’s an actor that Oda likes very much.

There is nothing wrong with holding your idol. It can be said Top one of the aspects of the war Also in order to better let the red dog show The pheasant and the yellow ape have all shown their abilities before. Red Dogs in this fight.

It can be said to kill the red eye The last man against the white beard remnants There was an old sand on the edge. The red dog in the back even won a captain. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are super destructive disasters One is the ability of white beard

The other is in the Red Dog comics. Although the two men were short-lived But more cruel As a result, although all red dogs were driven through the cracks by white beards. But it can also be seen that the Red Dog is the protagonist of the Navy. Three generals down Two clothes slightly dirty

Oda gave up all mvp’s achievements to Red Dog. And then there’s the Red Dog and the Green Pheasant. The Red Dog won the position of marshal. The third is when a new character comes along Found that he actually has all the bug level configuration For example, Might Moon Oda Mita has three-color domineering

This is one in a million Mita has the ability to listen to all things This is comparable to one piece Can also read the text of history Because this is the light moon family engraved text Even Roger has to rely on this. He also ended up in Lavru.

If it weren’t for Roger White Beard, he could crush Oda in strength. I feel that the hardware on Yuda is in place. One Piece Configuration Light Moon Mita and Samurai plot It is also the emotional core that runs through the whole and the country chapter.

The emotion between the straw hat group is not the most important The chapter on the country of harmony is much longer than any previous chapter. Enough to see how much Oda attaches importance to the Kingdom of Hatsuki and Mitsumoto Fourth, although it was doing bad things at first.

But when his charm was discovered His charm overshadowed his former evil. For example, Lao Sha Lao Sha was defeated earlier. But the story of Wei Tianying’s title page and the single title page Some small additions to the character of the other side of Lao Sha

For example, Old Sha, who is afraid of water, holds an umbrella for a starling. In the war on top Lao Sha is even more brilliant There is nothing wrong with the temperament. After that, Lao Sha was at ease Occasionally appear is reading the newspaper Old sand has not been abandoned

It is very likely that Lao Sha will come back later. fifth in sbs In addition to Oda said that the prototype of the red dog is his idol In my impression, I seem to have said that I like Baki. That’s right. Baki, relying on his overlord’s luck, has repeatedly sealed the gods.

In addition to the top of the war to open live The matter of becoming Qiwuhai Baki often appears in White Beard’s memories and talks. Often with Roger Karp Warring States red hair and others appear together Baki’s qualifications are really awesome Oda also really likes Baki Sixth growth speed crush the protagonist’s black beard

From the gangster with zero bounty to the four emperors with more than 2.2 billion bounty Get the second fruit ability in the top war It is also possible to absorb the third fruit later. The first thing is to hold Blackbeard as one of the ultimate bosses. Plus, it’s a simple fire-like operation.

Luffy’s life-for-fire style is really not a hang-up. Overall Oda to hold a man In addition to personal feelings There are also plot needs But I have to say that the shapes are very brilliant. The most attractive thing is these people. their own charm punch in every day

Drake, who can still get two salaries after work. To say the pirate world undercover That’s definitely a feature The most representative ones are what iron pieces are invincible cp Nine Travel Agent Tyrant Bear Join from the Luo maniac Krazon Drake Big removal n pieces of virgo artificial plasma pass jiro

Jiu Xia has a kanshiro You’re not undercover Who Undercover? And the Mengqi family boss Huang Lao Huang This is purely taken seriously Do not entertain This is the brightest of Drake’s undercover. Usually undercover should eliminate their previous identity The second time also have to cover up What have you done before?

The foundation is not clean Easy to check the water meter But Drake’s direct showdown clearly stated I used to be a naval officer Not small. So the fallen rear admiral was also a tag he carried with him. This is better than hiding something. It’s good to be found out from behind.

Psychology is still more delicate. Anyway, being an undercover has to be real. it is true and exquisite Drake 2 years ago Debut as a 222 million Bounty Supernova ranked fourth I’m sorry for the reward if I don’t smash a few bottles. Those spiritual guys on the island just started when they didn’t agree.

Or just do it without saying anything. But Drake is a maverick Instead of fighting, he became a peacemaker to persuade him to fight. To fight to the new world Apparently, Drake didn’t want to bring the Navy in. But I can’t stop the brothers from making a few meals.

Luffy over there is almost hammering the head off the dragon man. High and low is to attract the general The dog was Drake, who was undercover in the Navy. Accompany these supernovae. High and low also can’t escape the life of being beaten He took a laser from a pacifist.

I got a light-speed kick from Old Huang. Anyway, Drake just stood there. Huang sir look at me and act Watch me act with a wink I am undercover There is no stop in the middle of Lao Huang Come up and let the world wave dry Drake up. Old Huang said you are undercover

It’s a coincidence I also have to say Lao Huang almost kicked the result and cried again. In short, it is estimated that Drake will have to scold in his heart. My childhood dream is to be a navy Very not easy to become In the end, he was cleaned up by his own mother.

After 2 years Get to Cado. That’s the Kespotle in the pirate camp. Don’t say it’s passive sabotage That is also a clock Fishing and paddling every day after work Go to the bathhouse with Hawkins It’s also Drake. It’s none of my business. Hang high

All I care about is catching a bridge and selling a mask. Of course, I don’t know if moral Rick has dizzy milk. There is also a dizzy what problem After entering, he lay down directly. Nami motionless bring down a 0.2 billion-plus supernova Next, it became a fan meeting. Hawkins

Drake, the two men have forgotten why they came here. Plus the previous explanation in situ It’s a sea warrior. Sola and Jerma 66’s ashes Manny The three men’s fanaticism for such things adds to the rule. I can’t help but accept my son. As the saying goes If you want people to know

Unless you can do nothing. Only can not contain the fire Drake finally lost The good days of mixing two salaries back and forth are over. Because let go of Luo got a good beating Bryant showed Drake a clear path. Join forces with Luffy At first Solon and Jupin were strongly opposed.

Drake had to squeeze into the car Sauron won’t let him get in the car. But under the brain circuit of Luffy In the case of Apu coming to make trouble Drake finally squeezed into the car Nice guy.

It looks like we’ll have to leave Red Dog alone for New Year’s Eve dinner next year. Great route mixed for several years Comparable to cosmetic surgery Change a face On this magical sea Only a few operations can make a person change his head directly.

Not to mention the absence of a period of time or years of people What have you been through this time? Probably can only use this sentence to lament their changes The changes in Kirby and Berumiber are quite inspiring. Two faces that can’t survive level three. Under Karp’s training, he completed the extreme transformation.

Tall the temperament is handsome It’s not just a change of head. Even people have changed directly. No wonder Kobe didn’t blow himself up Luffy Solon couldn’t recognize who it was. However, separated from and Kirby. It will take Luffy Solon one month to end at Justice Island. Just like Luffy said

Even if there is a limit to the growth period From passers-by to bosses And a few cadres from the Red-haired Pirate Regiment. In addition to the red-haired Beckman Jesus cloth change is relatively small But the temperament is more handsome than 12 years ago Outside BENDICK NECK BATTLEMAN LEME ZEUS Musician Punk

And his monkey All can be found in the windmill village 12 years ago The year they If it weren’t for some iconic features It’s really hard to recognize Of course, only the appearance of garbage road, except for becoming burly The rest is unchanged.

These depend on time how to wear also have to go through some training And some are immediate Alrita Rely on a slippery fruit to complete the color value reverse attack Even Luffy called her a beautiful woman when he saw her. It’s the only time In addition to the power of the devil’s fruit

Shan Zhi can also be responsible for changing people’s heads and kicking them down. Painting style changes directly The ramen man from the Cavendish sea train, Wangze And then there was Dibalu. I was really kicked. I can’t even recognize my mother. But it was ugly before the whole thing.

After the whole thing, I have been trying very hard to get closer to Cavendish. But how do you feel still handsome so oil Compared to Cavendish It’s not a level at all. Compared with the straw hat group, it is a little less childish. A little more mature

More is biased in favor of shaping Sauron is getting stronger The main reason is that Luffy and Wu Suopbi did stand up before. And Nami Robin’s change is even greater. More than one size. Some cosmetic surgery is purely the pot of the animation group. Although Marco does look a little like a pineapple

But he got black hair on his debut. I’m giggling with my partner. Who would have thought that this product was actually the captain of the white beard team? And then Marc got better and better-looking. And Robin’s skin color is also wrong. However, Robin’s experience also rounded the animation team’s pot.

Previously during 2 years in Alabastan In the icy kingdom of labor Later, he was taken care of by the dragon. And unlike Luffy, they need the wind and the sun. It’s logical to turn white after 2 years.

And the change in the face value of the four emperors can be said to be a roller coaster. Is plastic surgery When I was a child, my aunt was not ugly, was she? It’s a little cute. But it’s not enough to say how beautiful

I didn’t expect the aunt to become so beautiful in her twenties and thirties. And the body has become a great I can only say that when I was a little baby fat Later it grew open At first, it was just an aunt in sbs. Side face at the age of 28

Later, the graceful figure of the aunt also appeared frequently in the memory. And then the face of the Rocks Pirate Group was really beautiful. Only then, because he had 85 children in 42 years. Even the best foundation can’t afford to be built like this. Yan value figure directly useless

The roller coaster is a facelift And with the country small tolerance It’s just that he’s the opposite of Auntie. At first, Xiao Neng was one of the big beauties in the country Known as the charm of female ninja boy killer Later, because she became a ripe woman with rat fruit.

Of course, that’s what he calls himself. Although there are still beheaded men’s double ponytail But it’s clearly a two-headed ratio. Thanks to the green cattle, they drained the extra nutrients from their bodies. Xiao Neng returns to youth The appearance and slim figure are great. A great route full of magic

For some people, it’s a plastic surgery hospital. For some, it’s a gym. For some, it’s a hair salon. Plus there are plastic surgery experts Shan Zhi Shaping expert green cow The existence of such people. A few days on the great route. It’s hard to stay the same. Why did Roger become a king?

In addition to strong strength and clear goals OneA group of pirates is like a company. First Roger as captain Roger was not only a great poet and manager But also know how to save costs before going to sea At the cost of a fire stick, Raleigh and a boat were collected.

With the cornerstone of the sea gallop later got a terminal illness In Gemini, I took Kulokas. Can have an accurate estimate of their illness and maximum degree of treatment Later, I was trapped by the body of history. So they dug up the light moon Oda again. It’s equivalent to getting the wealth code.

And Roger’s road to king These three crucial puzzles are all from Bai Piao. I have to admire Roger’s ability to recognize people and white wolves with empty gloves. The most important thing is It’s almost done with a three-inch tongue.

In addition, on the sailing road, there must be some thorns who come to look for trouble. Barrett is one of them Although Roger defeated it many times But it didn’t kill him. Or it’s delicious and delicious when locked up. took him in for three years

Roger, this is not a small pattern, is it? In the end, I left a message. You are very strong Welcome to challenge at any time I wait for you such a word Oh, this sentence macho Barrett is jealous of Roger Even turned into some worship Roger, the pattern immediately sublimated. Speaking of patterns

Or EQ vision For a long time before Navy headquarters and most of the four seas don’t know Karp and Roger teamed up to defeat the Rocks Pirate. Karp was later dubbed a naval hero But information about Roger and the Valley of the Gods All erased by the world government

It’s a bit like Smog Luffy, Alabastan. Even though the outside world thinks Karp led the army to destroy it. All the credit goes to Karp. Roger thinks it doesn’t matter His goal is one piece Don’t care if you don’t succeed Is the belief Also the pattern That’s what it says.

But don’t be an idiot for Roger He already knew that Karp was definitely a loyal man. Never forget the love of fighting together So later in the prison togu Although confident Roger said nothing about the events of the Valley of the Gods Er, Karp really can’t say anything about this favor.

Roger hid it for ten years It’s too old and spicy In addition to these There is also an essential factor Luck in that era. It’s not just Roger. and the golden lion white beard Neither of these can be easily reconciled by Roger. But the golden lion doesn’t just want one piece

He also wants the Opeace which is to rule the world White Beard just wants family Not interested in One Piece. First of all, Luo and Bai’s goals do not conflict. and then would have admired Roger’s golden lion quick success Forcing Roger to join forces See the fleet of golden lion crush class

Roger is ready to gamble his life Sudden storms and waves Dried the golden lion to the end. Vigor injury Later, Roger and White Beard became friends. Although he is also an enemy and a friend But the Golden Lion and the White Beard still approve of Roger.

So Roger’s strength is the necessary capital to become a king. The pattern is good Time or luck King also depends on right time, right place, with right people. After all, the Jianghu is not just about fighting and killing. The Jianghu is more worldly.

Before I got on board, I was already very blue and fat. From the very beginning, Luffy’s fool sketch Begin to have the image of the fish man and the cognition of sand sculpture Begin to stumble halfway Grace and Resentment to before Lan Fat Jiping Officially Becomes Helmsman of Straw Hat Regiment

Even Ping said This can always take me to play Although Jiping joined in the middle and late stages But with the straw hat group The main reason is that the bond with Luffy is very deep. And even the boss will join This is equivalent to bringing a full-scale number into the league.

Early fame. seniority depth To strength have strength To status have status To team And the team. After all, Jin Ping was an April Fool’s Day orphan from an early age. April Fool’s Day that lawless place Want to mix some tricks It’s got to be a punch and a punch.

In this way, he became the April Fool’s Day 2 figure under Tiger’s predecessors. Tiger leaves Fishman Island After opening your own adventure Even Ping naturally became a fool’s street leader. But this little shabby place has been cleared several times. Others would rather be chicken heads than chicken tails.

Even Ping is to make chicken heads. Also want to be a phoenix hand Only 30 years old He’s already the little boss of King Neptune’s Army in the Dragon Kingdom. So now I see more than 0.4 billion bounty hanging to join the group The helicopter is one of the four major forces.

Everyone warmly welcome The team is in a steady position. After all, more than ten years ago, people were mixed up in black and white. Not only do they have the Sun Pirates Encountered something Shake people or fish with a phone call. A group of brothers and Jinsha brothers came to help the venue.

After the young Jin Ping became the elite of the army I could have slept in the office drinking tea every day. But the man of chivalry is for the country and the people. Even Ping’s chivalrous spirit is not to do a few a day.

Helping an old lady across the street makes you miserable. So he stole Tiger from Tianlong’s family to protect him. and former partners to form a troupe of solar pirates At first, very Ping and Aaron were both radical. When you meet the Navy, it’s all about dying. But because of the Korla incident

Even Pingcai from a radical racist Gradually move towards reason and maturity Because the childhood sister-in-law Kerla It’s the slave that Tiger rescued from the Tianlong people. Although fish and humans are feuds But an innocent little girl They can’t really hate it. Except for the late stage of blackened cancer, Aaron

Other people also like Korla A seemingly harmonious blend of humans has emerged from a school of fish men. Finally got a deeper hatred When Tiger sent Corra back to his hometown Without knowing The villagers’ SAO operation has made the pit miserable. Tiger, who boarded the island alone, was besieged by the navy.

Although the flat arrived in time Saved Tiger. But because the injury is too heavy On the deathbed to warn even flat Although these people are shameless to the hard core But solving hate with hate In exchange for only hatred Racial Harmony Is the Hundred-Year Plan to Save Fishman Island Tiger died.

Jin Ping took over from Tiger Also from this start Even began to metamorphose One is Tiger’s death He had to rethink his way of living with humans. The second is because of Korla. Even sees the good in humans. After accepting the world government’s invitation to Qiwuhai

Even Ping went from being a radical cynic to having a brain. The responsible boss of Jinping Then give the old yellow a dry The dragon who pushed the city was fished out. It’s just that Aaron is one-track minded. Still not satisfied with the indignant after breaking up with the flat

After taking a bunch of younger brothers to the East China Sea It is also because of Aaron’s self-mutilation of Nami’s good girl. After that, of course, Jiping also apologized to Nami. Nami is also very generous Smile If it weren’t for you to get a good price.

I ‘ve already beaten you up as much as Lousin. Only after taking the captain’s seat Fishman Island happens to be in a period of internal and external troubles. On the one hand, it’s the extremists, led by Holdy’s diaosi. Began to spread rumors Assassination and princess framing human hatred

The second is that Fishman Island is the first battle into the new world. Plus the fish man himself is worth money Countless pirates have fucked up fishmongers. The lawless Bai Piao Fortunately, the white beard pirates group with the strength of crushing Cleaned out these borers Put the fish island into its own power

Temporarily solved the foreign trouble So Shunping has always been grateful to White Beard. However, it hinders the identity of Qiwuhai At ordinary times can only sneak to the white beard boat Tipper to string through the door and have a drink. He once challenged White Beard to be flat shortly after Ace’s debut.

So there was a fierce battle with Ace for five days and five nights. No tie I don’t know whether the two collapsed or could not hold their urine. Finally, both fell to the ground. Looking at the experience before the ship. Fishman Island Shoulder

The boss of the sun pirates group and the white group are very familiar with each other. Pseudonym Qiwuhai Therefore, this time I have to say that I brought my resources into the group. rich dowry increased strength Happy The Four Generations in One Piece Rely on the Ship King

Red hair once said a word Since we’re bringing the boat up Then stake your life So the boat is not just a boat. We usually call this kind of person the king of ships. Jack is not the only one who depends on the ship king.

First of all, the first generation depends on the king of ships. The one who asked out the girl at the sea restaurant. A Navy captain taught by Yamagi After this thing Bandi was demoted to be a sword commander in the border waters. Drinking every day. Depressed Finally not long

He saw the first version of Luffy’s reward order. Fenbudi thinks he’s done it again. That kind of kid Looks like one punch could kill Promotion, salary increase, official reinstatement Marry Bai Fumei It’s time to get to the top of your life. Suspicion is divided Did you drink too much

I don’t see the number of 30 million bounty. come early Not as good as a coincidence Just in time to meet a group of straw hats After the distribution of Di directly staged a berthing operation Little pirate brothers in the East China Sea, rush As a result, Luffy didn’t do anything.

Really didn’t do it He was forced to use his head directly. And saw that horrible man again The first generation of ship king ended this wave of operations by jumping into the sea. The second generation depends on the ship king Karib. Karib was a supernova during the reunion of the Straw Hat Group.

The goal is to destroy the Straw Hat Regiment. Then fame Finally on the way to Fishman Island Karib caught up with the real Straw Hat. and then just put the boat on The bandits who have been on the run for 2 years must be frightened. Brothers give me a rush

Of course, it’s also a coincidence This kitty cat is a sea beast of the original Aron Pirate Group. Once they were given a psychological shadow by Luffy. When I saw the old friend, I pulled the boat and turned around and ran away. Karib, a wave of chicken blood It’s a one-man show.

Luffy’s expression seemed to say Dude, look back. You seem to have been thrown The most important thing was when the three main players went out to fight kulakan. Karib hides in a barrel I still think I can turn it over. As a result, Frankie stared for a long time. After discovery

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet Franky said You pretend as if nothing had happened Really very simple Just put the karib into the nail bucket The third generation by the ship king That’s the famous Jack Drought, the king of the ship.

At that time, the Warring States period Tenghu Crane was responsible for escorting the ship. I think Mingo doesn’t have any hope of going out. But hearing someone from outside to save himself Smile Did Cado finally come up with a trick? I didn’t expect Jack’s words to make Mingo laugh directly.

Just two old men an old lady Who do you think I am Brothers, give me the boat to lean on It’s not enough to rely on the marshal’s ship. Jack then leaned on another animal in the main district. Brothers. This time we can get the boat on.

As a result, he was thrown into the sea by the elephant’s nose. Can’t move As a fool Although can’t die But we can only wait for Brother Cado to find people. Kedo said out of the house Don’t say I’m your big brother I am the false four emperor

You are the real big brother The fourth generation That is, the new generation of backer King Kidd during the 2-year period I remember I tried to rely on red hair once. It ended with the loss of an arm and the country. Kidd Bounty 3 billion In terms of bounty

Kidd did get closer to the redhead As a result, the First World War of Al Barf Kidd feels this distance is so close and so far away The situation at that time Kidd first met a bunch of red-haired pirates. Kidd came up by boat

I just want to eliminate those who block the road first. At first, the red hair was very kind and asked the younger brother to withdraw. It means to let the enemy have something to do with me. As a result, Kidd will not stop until he comes up.

It takes ten seconds to kill the red hair. After Predicting the Future This just can’t sit still This is no longer a question of recklessness. But arrogant There is also a god to avoid me not to avoid I am more than god cow force So since we’re bringing the boat in

Then do a good job of consciousness Kidd’s ship was also directly bombed by Donley and Brocky. This wave of direct explosions on top of the war show, the whole prison break five. A senior Taoist elder Lao Sha The handle of a fishman’s circle is very flat. A fish stroke

But it’s always a surprise. A never-decent fight But little Ivan, who can always get away with it. At the top, before the war, Luffy cooperated with Sauron Mountain and them. And these advances into a lineup of inmates put together. I always feel that I can’t fight with each other.

In addition to the bounty unknown small accident The other four because there are two original seven Wuhai The total bounty was only 646 million. A few people hang this shabby bounty through a diving competition Old Sha came up and carried the banner of gank.

At the beginning, he stole the house and grabbed the 5 billion’s white beard directly. Never mind As a result, it is right to do it. This wave of operation is very old sand, followed by the classic proposal scene. A group of people slowly squeezed through the crowd around old Shamingo.

Just one word of booing Marry him and a pigeon-egg diamond ring booing is out of the question. Diamonds are now in Mingo’s hands.Not lacking The scene can give you a hug Don’t say pigeon eggs The diamond ring with the size of ostrich eggs can also be opened for delivery. Old Sha said

5 billion the white beard I dare to fuck you This 0.3 billion-time follower better get out of here. Lao Sha stole the house of Pirate Fang If you are not satisfied, you have to pull up the navy’s highland tower. It’s a show, Marshal.

The Warring States period has a face adhering to the principle of fairness among men. Hawkeye has no fruit ability Lao Sha doesn’t need a single arm to block it. Hawkeye very flat punch dry kneeling Moria unarmed contest Mihawk Full Field tp Run Support Protect Luffy for a while

After a while, he fought with White Beard again. It’s okay to send another express Key Sea Current Over Shoulder Courier Baki Wave Live SAO Operation Old Warring States trembling with anger You say you go fuck him You don’t have to ignore his arrogance in putting lipstick on his nose. Can still stand pile

Let Hawkeye Chop Although can’t put the eagle eye how But make him sick. The world’s largest swordsman is more than enough In the end, these people also made a small cooperation. There’s little Ivan in the front row, the red dog. Here, I was punched directly in the face by a red dog.

Red Dog Hits Bullseye I didn’t think there was nothing at all. A heavy makeup mask perfectly solves a word At the same time, it also delayed the rescue of Luffy by Jin Ping. Although the red dog chased him back to the ice But Old Sha came to the rescue with a knife.

Cut off the red dog in the middle. Then fly the flat road flying melon to the sky It was sent directly to the great god Baki who passed by in a daze. After Baki miraculously escaped the Red Dog’s skill Under the cover of the Munchian Kussae Completed this sacred relay race

Let Even Ping Luffy escape. The best sixth person must be awarded to the well-intentioned old Huang. And the Prison Break Five is also on the battlefield of the top war. Shine Strange and wonderful lineup Unbelievable cooperation There is no danger of loss. 1 billion Pirate with the Most Brand

This man bounty 1 billion The ivory on the body alone is worth 0.9 billion Equal to more than 100 The king of mountain thief sige has more rows than a large gold chain and a small watch. Well-done Gao Fushuai Walk straight and walk straight No matter who is in front God kills God.

Buddha Killing Buddha So perennial bandage Defeat death threatened to lay down the left room With cat viper dog arashi sleepless Five Days and Five Nights No tie Visible its will is firm After the top with poison gas quickly solve the battle No sloppiness Clean

There is quite the demeanor of my younger brother, Cado, who breaks the bottle after drinking. Orders to save Mingo I thought the rhyming team had already given face. But in Jack’s eyes, it’s a small scene. What big sauce still ketchup Get the boat up there and taste the sauce.

If I hadn’t rushed to the left room for a full body massage. On the three spirit of the old fire Brother Jack takes over the Navy headquarters every minute. Come to the left room Seeing that the ivory hung by the masseur has a better face than his own.

If you come up, you’ll have to smash the venue. The owner as compensation A set of massage techniques for the owner’s signboard is presented That call a comfortable Then I lay quietly in the water and took a bath. Actual row surface So Jack has three treasures Ivory knot boat cool shower

One operation, one sao Nothing to love two moves Often floating in the Jianghu How can I not get a knife? If it weren’t for little brother Cado to stop the fight. It’s no use playing black chicken baifeng pill for nine days. For Jack.

There is no problem in this world that cannot be solved by a roll of bandages. If there is Then get in the water and take another bath. From interns to industry leaders For a teenage strength is not very strong sea newcomer From trainee pirates to industry leaders

This is an inspiring and arduous journey There were four named trainee crew members in Roger’s regiment back then. Among them were redheads of the same age and Baki I was just two kids on Roger’s boat. Although the two failed to follow Roger to Lavdru But after Roger died Everyone goes their separate ways.

Baki also turned down the red-haired blackout invitation After many years Red hair ranks among the four emperors. Formed the most balanced strength Red-haired pirates with the highest average bounty And Baki stumbles But on top of the war fame All kinds of strange SAO operation God of the First World War

Was given the name of the great god Paki The other two trainee crew members are cat viper and canine arashi This is a pure accident When Mita was abducted by Roger White beard was angry. As a result, I never thought of a cat viper. Canarashi followed Mita and secretly got on Roger’s boat.

This is to borrow one and get two free. Roger cats and dogs make a lot of money. White Beard Blood Accompanies the Four Emperors Cado used to be a Pirate intern in the Rocks Pirate Corps At that time, the age of 20 at most Although with mace

However, I haven’t eaten the stupid fish fruit yet. Later, on the day of the dissolution of the Rocks Pirate Regiment. Sister Lingling will fish and fruit magic animal species Qinglong form This fruit was given to brother Kedo Because there is such a period of fate

Therefore, the aunt still has the help to the younger generation of Kedo. White Beard Pirates These later captains of the White Regiment A lot of it started as pirate interns Teenage with white beard Of course, in the eyes of the white beard Except for Mita. Never mind whether it’s new or old.

They are all sons and daughters. Among them, when Mark was a pirate intern Being taught to be a man by the old-timer Raleigh with a finger. Reilly really taught the younger generation a lesson. With slowly growing Then Marco made it to the team captain. White regiment second-in-command top war and three generals fight

On Kedo’s turf Another man fighting with Ember and Quinn. It’s not what it used to be But in the White Beard Pirates There was such a trainee crew back then. Later he changed the fate of the white regiment Even changed the pattern of the sea since then

A boy named Emperor Ride got on the white-bearded boat. Because it is different from the body structure and physique of ordinary people. Blackbeard doesn’t need to sleep So there’s more time to plot his blockbuster plot. In the end, he would do anything to pit his teammates. Pit World Government

From a humble trainee crew successfully to the four emperors So in general Now the red-haired aunt Kedo in the four emperors Aunt Blackbeard became famous earlier. But the other three are At first, from the identity of the trainee crew in the other pirate group. Finally grow into the four emperors

The 22-year-old little loli granulated sugar Two Legal Lori in One Piece A Perona a granulated sugar on the dress up Both of them are dead with the little crown and the little bear. Sugar is a small crown of bringling on the top of the head. Bear Shawl wear on the body

That’s a coincidence Two years ago, Perona also had a small crown. With a Kumasi The two match is true a little tight Does Laurie like these looks? I don’t know I also dare not ask This little girl resembles Cai Wenji in the glory of the king Petite and cute 10 years ago

Look at the appearance of growing up must be a big beauty Ten years have passed Mingo’s hairline has moved back. Baby waste grew up Luo Dou became Qiwuhai Sugar is still so small The reason is that he ate a childlike fruit that not only keeps Lori forever. Eat this fruit.

Every year can not only unscrupulous children’s day Can also receive red envelopes In addition to these benefits The ability of this little girl is a bug. You can seal other people’s accounts at will. You can also clear the account data Turn a living person into an empty number. Even the divine number

Just touch it and turn it into a toy. equal to in-situ evaporation burst Hauvapol requests to turn on microphone communication Request for formation of Shawadica group have to say Mingo dares to put granulated sugar beside him It is also a master of art and boldness.

This one thousand one day the little girl upset Touch it in situ Mingo. Do you think this doll is cute? Even if granulated sugar has such a bug of fruit ability Helpless met Wu Suopu As the saying goes Behind every successful wuthorpe there are two great loris If Perona only laid the wuthorpe

Lori Killer’s Title The granulated sugar is the direct achievement of the great god Wu Suopu The original plan to assassinate granulated sugar by the group of Wu Suopu failed. Sugar really wants to give it back in its own way. But I didn’t expect to be smart.

Pull Wu Suopu out of an unprecedented expression bag. After changing with the sugar limit Sugar Buff Disappeared Wu Suopu’s team turned against the wind. The first time sugar into the morgue Although behind the sugar awakening Trying to turn Luffy and Rowe into toys

This is also the place where granulated sugar has no solution. No one can be hostile to a child for no reason. Especially when Luffy saw the food, he couldn’t walk. Luo is not too vigilant After all, he can’t walk when he sees a bear. Just when it’s on the brink

Under the aura of the great god Wu Suopu Awakening A long-range emojis shell was fired. Sending granulated sugar into the morgue again See? The family must be neat So sugar has since had a psychological shadow on long strips. Wu Suopu did it too hard. Ruined the little girl’s lifelong happiness

Top 10 Strange and Fun Places in One Piece The straw hat group passed through many interesting places along the way. Every place has an amazing freshness Each place also has a unique and interesting landscape and culture As expressed by One Piece The world is such a vast archipelago of shampoo

It’s very busy here at the same time. People of all kinds gather here. It is also a distribution center for pirates who have ventured from all directions. environment is very complex The Shambland Islands consist of 79 Archman mangroves The huge tree roots form the unique landscape here. The most distinctive or bubble culture

Here you can experience the bubble car Luffy they have played. And the bubble ferris wheel Although fun here but also dangerous Shampoli is very close to Mary Joya and the old Navy headquarters. There is also a naval presence on the island. Despite this There are also frequent fights here.

Because it’s really hard to manage. The zoning of the island is clear The number of the number shall prevail. 1-29 are human trafficking and illegal zones. The bar where Kemi was auctioned to play chess The straw hat group was later filmed flying. It’s all happening here It’s kind of a government-licensed strip. 30-39

This is Soap Bubble Park. a place of leisure and entertainment The most complete play facilities Nami Robin used to shop here Brooke once held a concert here 40-49 There are mainly sightseeing areas and specialty shops After 2 years Sauron gets on the wrong boat near the fish shop and split the boat

Right here 50~59 are mainly shipyards and coating craftsmen It seems to be the unit of the old man Reilly. Should normally work here 60-69 are the naval garrison and government entrances and exits. 70~79 is mainly hotel street For the crew waiting for permission to pass Mary Joya. After 2 years

Due to the relocation of the Navy headquarters Shampoli Islands The whole island has become a lawless place. A paradise of quarrels and troubles Two empty islands fly 7 kilometers up from the blue sea. Reaching the North Sea We have to fly another 3 kilometers. It is really come to this paradise

Of course, if you don’t pay 100000 Bailey tolls. They’ll be chased by the empty island police. The Straw Hat Group first landed on the Island of the Gods. Southeast of Angel Island Island clouds and empty shells meet almost all the daily needs here. The guide’s soft and elastic can be processed into sofas.

Chair bed as well as building materials and various bold ideas It can also be made into a suspended canal. There are more than a dozen empty shells. Covering all aspects of daily life The empty island has a very abrupt land This is God’s Island.

400 years ago, the ocean current poured a large piece of pressure. I got it Can and uncle chestnut head on the island The half of the building on the street is also left behind. Including the golden city that Nolan witnessed with his own eyes. 400 years Natives of the island of Gaia

Sandia and the Aborigines of the Empty Island Has been for the land and faith and continue the war But it’s okay now The empty island has become a complete paradise. Here you can really treat gold as dirt. And the ordinary rubber band In their eyes is a magical treasure never seen before

Wusop gave them a big bag with a rubber band. Beyond the Island of the Empty Back Gods There is also a large area of cloud sea and cloud island There are other empty islands out there For example, the small empty island during Nami’s spiritual practice. Aini Road Once the hometown of Bika Kedo

I don’t know which one the bungee monk onlookers are watching. In short, the blue world is very broad More so in the sky. Three Water Capital This is a very beautiful city The builders of the water capital use wisdom A clever combination of terrain and water here.

Built a city building in the shape of a fountain Orderly distribution on the slope and the surrounding gentle strip Surrounding the fountain are seven shipyards Bringing together the best craftsmen 800 years ago Pluto came from here It has always been the most prestigious place for shipbuilding. Beyond Fountain Island

There’s also a large area of plains. Samevery lively Sea trains that can connect multiple places Stop at the main gate of Fountain Island Blue Cham There are multiple entrances. Each entrance is a water elevator featuring the city of water

Use the rise and fall of the water level to send tourists to the desired location The city’s internal rivers are dense Everyone basically travels by swordfish Blu. Warm and prosperous Very nice atmosphere in the water city There are many snacks to taste in the small shop on the street

Mask Carnival at a specific time That time Residents can wear their favorite personality mask to dress up themselves Of course, the water capital also faces a thorny problem. That the water level keeps rising Year after year The water capital has always built a new city on top of the old city. very special

Gods of Water After the tsunami Residents will leave excellent sea salt on the eaves It’s a very precious cooking dish. Shanzhi got some back at that time. Four places in Dresrosa with a holiday style The island is surrounded by huge rocks The scenery is certainly not here for the scenery.

Because of the fragrance of flowers Rich cuisine Hot dance The young opposite sex is Dresrosa An important reason to be the land of love and passion cyrus and Scarlett, Senier and Luce Amingo Hill and Violet There is also a lovers’ avenue in the island. Everywhere Couple in Love

What Dresrosa can’t do without is love and love. Except the color of love There is also a beautiful sunflower field in the island. Directly is the existence of the network red card In addition to this It’s also a secret base of operations for the little people.

There’s one that leads directly to the center of the island. The Secret Passage of King’s Heights Even Brother Ming doesn’t know The most exciting entertainment for the residents of the island is to watch the duel field. Competition Players only have to enter the field. It can’t be managed Do everything to survive

Achieve victory Bring the audience a thrilling perception of violence and blood. After the reconstruction of Dresrosa The old King’s Heights were abandoned during the reign of Mingo. The seat of the Liku people In the position of the flower field, the 50000 Islands were restored. This should be a sweet tooth lover’s paradise

The shape of the island is also the most unique in the world Looks more appetite The buildings on the island are made with the fruit abilities of the various ministers. If you are greedy, you can eat directly. But so many are angels Just look at it and I feel it

In the nations you can see all kinds of strange inhabitants and costumes. They come from different races In the nations anything can be alive Might be a little scary at first But slowly should feel interesting In fact, only say aunt’s children The management of their own territory is quite good.

Everyone live in harmony The usual sense of happiness is also relatively high But aunt’s violence is a criticism. In addition to the life of the family on a regular basis. Once the madness is launched Then it doesn’t matter whether the people live or die. Destroy at will on the island

If you come to the world to travel such things It’s a coincidence. Probably won the lottery. Six fish people island is located 10000 meters under the sea The outside of the main island is covered with a huge double-tiered bubble Vessels that break in through improper paths

Generally, after breaking through the outer layer, it will fall into the middle air interlayer and then fell to the bottom of the sea But the Sonny is more awesome. Even broke two floors But it was still swept away by the sea in Mermaid Bay. Luckily, Cami rescued Luffy.

There’s a giant tree named Eve near their Fishman Island. It will transmit sunlight to Fishman Island. So there’s a day and night here, too. Bubble culture is equally prevalent here. Some creatures have bubbles installed on them. Act as taxi and fish bus Don’t worry there are no bubbles

Fishman Island has a gas reservoir that can make bubbles The kind that can be carried Bubble-making coral gadgets are also not unusual In addition, there are classes here. Beneath the mermaid bay is the coral apartment Not much sunshine here the rent is cheaper This is where Cammy lives

At that time, Luffy also asked Cami Are you poor? This question is a bit too straightforward. And Papa Valley is the famous designer of Fishman Island. Living in the best part of Fishman Island At Foley Hills You can see things like pipes all over Fishman Island. This is the highway of Fishman Island.

Right above the main island is Dragon Palace City There is a contact gallery and the dominant link together This is where the royal family is located. Dragon Palace City is very magnificent Of course, none of this matters Of course, coming to Fishman Island is to play with Mermaid in Mermaid Bay. until dawn

Chizuo Furry Duchy A country like on the back A moving island So want to find it It is better to have a life card inside. It’s not easy to get to this island. or fly. It’s either a balloon ride or a weird way to climb up.

At the far edge of the left room is a towering wall It’s good to look around the city wall. A circle further inside is very dense vegetation. and several unusually tall buildings The heartland is where the urban fur people live. As long as there is no malice

The fur race is still not hostile to humans. Often expressed affection and intimacy with a face-to-face Karuchu. To be more intimate is to exchange clothes. In a position close to the main head There is a most important landscape That’s the whale forest Tall tree trunks shaped like whales stand there.

The buildings of the house except the stone houses and castles There are many spongebob pineapple houses on this side of dog blue. O Father Snake There are many stilted buildings and Southeast Asian style buildings here. Eight Terror Three Sail Ship Each of the first few places has a unique view.

But this is not the same Because I came here to escape by playing the secret room. Every part of the island of terror is full of weirdness Tombstones everywhere Silently watching your people Like a moving carpet A gloomy operating room The dark corridor An empty courtyard

And a well that doesn’t know what’s going to crawl out Yeah, these could all be zombie-infested places But in fact, if your psychological quality is strong enough These things really have nothing to be afraid A bunch of zombies are scared out of their way by Brooke How do you say

This place is both scary and funny Mostly the pile of seemingly broken stuff that Moria brought in. There are a lot of treasures inside. The castle in Kedo, Jiugui Island, is actually quite nice. Ghost Island is surrounded by a ring of towering cliffs The main body of the castle is a giant skull

If you enter from the main entrance There is a spacious and exquisite garden There are small bridges and flowing water inside Various decorations in the flower courtyard and a very large knife The skull tower is brightly lit looks very lively In the center of the castle is a very spacious event venue

At ordinary times, it should be the place where the subordinates hold a banquet. The rooms in Terrace City are built around the venue. The atmosphere inside the castle looks very nice Of course, there are more exciting shows on ghost island. On the left outside of the castle adjacent to the hill

There are tourists everywhere. That’s where Black Maria and a bunch of beautiful women are. At that time, when Shanzhi saw the brothel, he couldn’t help rushing inside. As a result, the aunt was dressing inside. Shan Zhi came out with a black face. Ten Bomb Tip Island

The latest adventure of the Straw Hat Group The amazing thing about this place is that it’s different from all the islands before it. Egg tip island seems to be the island of the future In fact, it belongs to the past Such a highly developed civilization existed 900 years ago. That’s right.

False Archaeologist Nico Robin The real archaeologist Bega Punk Bomb Tip Island Egard The name is straightforward. The shape of the island is also a huge eggshell. There will be some huge machinery in the nearby waters. Sea Beasts and Robots Also in the Institute. The structure is completely different from the previous painting style

Some things are holograms But if you wear light pressure gloves, you can feel the light. A general in the navy headquarters is within his mouth. Of course, the island also has real food There is an unmanned cooking machine But to pay Luffy they are not strange Bai Piao plus illegal entry

Let somebody else to hunt down The Institute used technology and hard work to re-engrave the empty island. Soft soft bullet island cloud Those who went to the empty island said they missed it very much. Frankie, on the other hand, was surprised. In addition to this

And the body can go straight through the door Taxiable Floatable Lightweight boots that can be imprisoned There is also a training warehouse for cultivating blazing angels. Adventures of the future island What’s just starting to appear is really very different from what it was before.

This is just part of the adventure path of the Straw Hats. There are a lot of pirates such as supernovae Their routes vary Must have experienced all kinds of magical adventures The straw hat group has passed through these places, which is only the tip of the iceberg.

As One Piece has been expressing one thing That is, the world is vast And a lot of good things Gentle people waiting for you and their unexpected encounter full of hope for the future Stay in awe of the past This is the place where One Piece will always be a classic

If you put all the people Luffy invited into a group of pirates. Well-known Luffy has invited many strange guys to become partners. If Luffy eats invitation fruit These people and creatures cannot refuse Invite the invitation of the fruit power What will the straw hat group be like?

First of all, Luffy will have a potential Huge lineup of main cadres They are Essaab. Sauron Hill is very large and that’s right. Remember when Luffy invited Essaab on his boat when he was a kid? Later from Alabastan Luffy invited Ace again. Yamato Words In the country of and

Luffy also seems to mean an invitation. However, Yamato did not take the final step. In short, this is the main lineup Plus other partners This configuration does not lose the red-haired group at all. At the same time, Luffy will also have the world’s top boat craftsman. Frankie and the Iceberg

These two are disciples of Tom, the master of shipbuilding. Similar to Choba’s situation. Franky is not the first ship to be invited by Luffy. The iceberg is But the iceberg technology There must be nothing wrong with that Frankie and the iceberg build a Pluto Is that the problem

That minute can build a bunch of shared Hades on the great route. Use as needed Convenient for you, me and him At the same time, a new branch of the Straw Hat Regiment will appear. Members of the Sagans have Roadfly and the Orc from Ice Fire Island. Orc

I think everyone is very impressed Luffy’s hasty speed at that time was familiar with others. Let the side of the solon all feel At the beginning, my joining was not so hasty. The reason why Luffy is also a member of the Sagittarius Because Luffy also invited Jin Weimen’s lower body

Pay attention only to the lower body The whole body of Jin Wei Men was not invited. Luffy I simply feel that I have installed the lower body of somebody else on myself. cos centaurs are fun Then Luffy will have a sea orc Yeah, it’s the kung fu manatees in Alabastan.

When Luffy defeated the Kung Fu Manatee According to the rules Kung fu manatees are willing to worship Luffy as their master Oath to follow each other all the way Luffy is ready to take this group of sticky little fans The result was stopped by the partners in time.

At that time, Luffy will also have the entire Auntie Pirate Group. Because Luffy did convey through Polkmousse Let the aunt group into their own exotic invitation Because when Sanji was threatened to go to Cake Island to get married Luffy is more inclined to find a way to have the best of both worlds

But you also know Luffy’s brain circuitry can come up with the best of both worlds. Luffy said It doesn’t matter if our family Shan Zhi gets married. After all, I don’t want to delay Shanzhi’s happiness. But we don’t want to be your family either. Little brother over there So Luffy had a brainwave.

Just tell Polkmousse When the time comes, you will submit to me. Nice guy. The straw hat and big boat group is a group of aunts, isn’t it This statement out Shocked four. It’s hard not to wonder What was Luffy thinking? There will be several different types of women around Luffy.

In addition to Nami Robin Daiwa And Princess Vivian’s female Emma, who was invited in Alabastan. Luffy seems to have never invited But the relationship also belongs to the kind of partner is not better than partner There will be two more strange group pets on board.

Luffy invited over the zombies in the horror three-masted sailboat Unicorn and zombie tree There are two little girls on board. One is the Millennium Dragon Adis invited by Luffy There is also a small jade and the country at the end of the chapter Xiaoyu said he would join Luffy after he learned Ninjutsu.

Luffy said when you learn That’s no problem And long before I met Yamagi The invited treasure chest uncle Carmon Carmon can go to the small garden on the top of the straw hat regiment to be a caretaker. There’s Nami’s orange grove Robin’s Flower Plants of Uthorpe

Camon’s living habits and image are more suitable there, by the way. In the small East China Sea Luffy also invited a one-horned fairy to join him. In the end, Luffy will have one. The world’s top logistics medical team They were the first doctors Luffy invited. In Gemini A

Once One Piece Roger’s interpreter Kulokas The second one invited the doctor, Doris, a doctor on the bone-piercing island. And the fact that he didn’t even know he was a doctor in the first place. Joe beard uploaded as a reserve good Jabba was right.

The Confederate Rowe is also half a member of the Straw Hat Regiment. can also be counted This medical level. Please enjoy the sit-ups It’s hard to die. These are probably the invitation to Luffy, the fruit power. The full members of the straw hat group invited Is the match of the lineup wonderful?

However, Luffy’s style of inviting others to join has always been the same. What do you think of such a straw hat group? get up to the hall down the kitchen into the bridal chamber Get into the bathhouse Two years after the mountain rule Because of the power problem

Basically, every chapter has to be turned over and over again. And then I don’t know where to start was affixed He’s just a cook. This shabby label What about the irreplacable position of cook on the ship? reduced to a reason to stand for prevarication No.

The fighting capacity of Shan Zhi is not so good. And the importance of a cook to a team Especially the importance of Luffy On the way to Totland, you can see simple reasoning. Shanji is gone. Luffy has to lose his mind. Eat Jabba

Luffy has to come to Luffy as soon as he eats Jobasolon. Sauron Luffy began to get angry with each other Nami has to come and hammer these two away. Luffy fell down Even Ping had to lie down and give Luffy a blood transfusion.

When Sauron falls down, no one will block Nami Robin’s knife. Minutes cut away Nami is very flat. The Sunshine is in danger. Frankie was captured alive. Nami Robin Brooke’s gone. spiritual food Combat power decreased sharply Brooke was captured alive. Tank Mage-Auxiliary Assassin

The powerful back row shooter Wu Suopu will have to be cut. Although it is serious nonsense In fact, what I want to say is Each partner is irreplaceable. Mix the identity of the mountain chef with combat effectiveness. Not so good After all, Luffy also said I’m going to eat your Shanji cooking.

And without you, Shanzhi, I won’t be the king of thieves. Five stars from the captain. Shan Zhi’s craft and foot righteousness are indispensable Of course, the title of King of Ancient has a long history. To say that Shan Zhi is also miserable enough First, the body was used by Nami.

Caesar beat him half to death Because after the change back to the body Nami found that her original clothes had been changed. Then Shan Zhi was knocked down by Nami’s blow. Dragging the seriously injured body to kick against Viagra

Just because the feeling of a fractured bone came to the fore a little bit It was black. Even if that’s not what I saw and heard. In the world of pirates Milk can fill teeth long bone Bone fracture is nothing at all Besides, this follow-up can still be alive and kicking

Continue to play against Viagra Happy running forward In fact, Shanzhi’s fate is more funny than bumpy than that of others. Especially when I was photographed in Kamabaka 2 years ago. Luffy Solon has a real lady around each side. A little bitter practice is acceptable.

Yamaki, on the other hand, has suffered a double saturation blow, both physically and mentally. Fortunately, the monthly step plus combat suit speed Plus color Two legs push on the sky Shoulder to shoulder with the sun Three combat effectiveness is not low for a while

His ability is more inclined to the combination of resourcefulness and force. Alabastan rescues Luffy by posing as Prince Mist Before they defeat the martyred Gabra on Justice Island Drake Justice Island was brought down again in the land of peace. After the First World War prescient control of the gates of justice

Let the navy directly stupid force Caused a series of rear-end tragedies. Thus successfully blocking the level After 2 years, it also provides the fastest support for partners. Winning or losing is normal. Some people just can’t beat And after the even-ping join Luffy really has a lineup of one emperor and three players.

Even Ping Suolong Shan Zhi corresponds to land, sea and air respectively. So the role of Shan Zhi from the life aspect to the station cubic face In fact, they are all very important. Nami’s Invincible Best Friend Wu Suopu For the two ladies on the boat At ordinary times, boys are more skin-skinned.

There’s day after day Sand sculptures at regular intervals People who commit anthomaniacs doze off all day long after watching them get fat. Even eager to try Want to resist Although Wu Suopu is also very skin But I can always play with Nami. Maintain a relationship like a good sister

Can be called a good friend of Nami After all, the first criterion for becoming a good best friend is character or something. Be sure to hit it off In times of crisis, you can also huddle together to keep warm. Uthorp and Nami as members of the timid trio

Naturally, they are the best couple. In fact, as early as we entered the great route When I met a serious old man, Kulokas. Nami Thorpe was so scared that he almost merged into one. Early laid the foundation of good girlfriends Later, Wu Suopu invented the weather stick for his best friend.

And constantly transform it It became a weapon that Nami couldn’t put down. Therefore, Wu Suopu’s skin is not inferior to the three main forces. However, Anna Mei beat far less than them. And these two very timid people Also often forced to go out together to play wild an ad

A mage auxiliary is all crispy Into the wild area Once it’s cut The back row can only adhere to the principle of running without beating. My best friend has been a long time. Even the escape looks the same Especially in the horror of the three masted ships These two plus a Jabba

Not running away is preparing to escape The most important thing is There are some things between girlfriends that can infect the disease of not being able to land on the island. Originally a result unique to Uthorp Later, Nami also got it.

Anyway, it’s just a variety of excuses not to land on the island. It’s really a good girlfriend. Even if scared to death also have to die together There are others who are arguing about who is stronger. And Wu Suopu and Nami are weaker than each other in daily life.

To grab the life-saving whistle given by Ganford One said he was Ruoruo’s mother to open the door for Ruoruo. Weak home. One said he was Ruoruo’s mother who gave Ruoruo cannonballs. weak burst Next to Robin can’t help but spit What you’re arguing about is quite special. Good girlfriends, of course

To maintain a united front What praise and blame big combat Grasp the slotted head If you boast, you will go to heaven. The characteristic of being depressed when you scold Good girlfriends tacit cooperation A spray on him A compliment to her oh

It turns out that this is the negative fruit on one side. One side is encouraged by the effect of fruit encouragement Once Luffy starts being stupid Nami and Wu Suopu will unite and teach Luffy to fly like Luffy. It’s a merciless beating. Daily Lessons

Luffy is also an important link for good girlfriends to maintain close relationships. Good girlfriends want to unintelligent together Just together Just here in Nami and Urthorpe That is reflected incisively and vividly But when Urthorpe reunited in 2 years Claiming to have graduated from the gall group

But as a best friend, Nami hasn’t graduated yet. Girlfriends will infect each other again So this just left the shampoo These two, as always, were caught in a few words by Robin. I almost scared the urine. Nami, this is bringing Wu Suopu back to the bravery group again.

Before, I saw that Wu Thorpe’s face was a little dirty. Two years later, Nami also offered to help Wu Suopu apply facial cleanser. Also behind is Urthorpe. The first person to recognize Wanda was wearing Nami’s clothes. I thought something happened to Nami. This girl is worried.

In short, this group of girlfriends is both unintelligent and cute. Also can be called the best Those nice group clothes worn by the straw hat group. The straw hat group each wear their own characteristics Yamagi’s Suit Sauron’s Robe Nami’s swimsuit These main styles are almost unchanged outside

Sometimes a team has to be neat. spawned all sorts of gangs The first is in the series Prince of Dubai This is the first time that the straw hat group has worn the same style of clothes. It was out of disguise and the local climate.

Although the characteristics of this group suit are said to be a piece of cloth on the top of the head I am the richest in the world. But at that time, the straw hat group was poor and left with this dress. Luffy is hungry to eat slippers This suit was purchased by Yamagata

And Shanzhi is also carrying private work. I bought two models of dancer’s accent for Nami Vivian. The greedy Shanzhi was elated and slightly embarrassed. Nami likes it very much According to Nami’s later explanation with Jin Weimen It’s called fashion Yamashi also said that by comparison

Solon and Uthorp are very much like two thieves. However, in fact, Solong Shanzhi looks good on it. After all, they have always been the existence of clothing racks Then a group of people across the desert Nami Vivian is like everyone else. Wearing a robe Water City Carrera T-shirt series

After the straw hat gang beat the island of justice While resting for a banquet in the water capital Put on a casual outfit Provided by Iceberg Boss Carrera’s logo is printed on it. Although it looks unremarkable But also each has its own characteristics For example, Nami wears a hooded sweater skirt.

Three choices is a Sao powder shirt Wearing a tie Wu Suopu seemed to be wearing this group suit at that time. It’s just blocked by a pair of suspenders outside. It’s a perfect match for his state of mind at the time. And the country of kimono series

In the country of Hezhi, Jinwei Gate, we have assigned tasks to everyone. Assemble the rebels in secret First of all, in disguise Except that Luffy changed it at Sukiyaki The clothing of other partners should all be provided by Jin Weimen. Since Nami once said that the milk belt is fashionable

The guard door is also wrangling The ninja of the land of peace is like this. Let the spring light of Nami leak out Raised his eyebrows and took advantage of it. Ghost Island Viking Series In order to break into the enemy camp This suit is still provided by Xiaojin clothing store

Nami Robin remains sexy the rabbit looks good on it It’s Sauron, when there are suddenly two more corners on his head. In the high cold with a silly not leng Deng lovely It didn’t take long to change back the shirt It looks better this way. Bega Punk Future Series Straw Hat Group

The latest set of future island adventures The style is similar to that of the Beiga Punk members. However, it is different from other people’s painting style. The eldest brother of the flat looks like a holiday. Seconds become silly Of course, it’s not just even Ping who’s on vacation. And this suit of Sanji

Especially the boots look bulky But according to Boni and Nami This dress is very light Nami and Robin look good as always That’s right. Oda knows the clothes of the future Then Shanji spit out Franky. You look like a pervert in everything you wear As always, it’s in Frankie’s heart.

But Franky’s wearing pants this time. really shocked Suit Thug Series Straw Hat Group’s Most Special Group Clothing A whole gang smashing the momentum of the field At that time, the golden lion was stopped. Luffy entered slowly in the fog in his overcoat. Other crews are on standby on both sides

This shot is also one of Luffy’s most handsome shots so far. One Piece Experience Dress Series A set of group clothes closest to the temperament of the king group The whole is red tone The fighting spirit looks very high Indeed as expected, people rely on clothes. horse by saddle

The straw hat group does not look like a group of pirates when they are in casual clothes. But after changing into this suit of clothes The smell of the sea thief on top of the world came up at once.

Similar to this one, there is also the one in the beginning of the movie. It also has the temperament of a king group. In contrast This set is more luxurious It’s like getting the big secret A group of men turned into aristocratic pirates. White Evening Dress Series

Remove the temperament of pirates and gangsters The straw hat group has a variety of faces that have never been seen before. They changed from pirates back to master Big miss All over the honorable The most beautiful pups in the Golden City Casino Luffy’s Tropical Suit Solon’s Nocturnal Mix-Up Suit Shan Zhi’s dashing style

Nami Robin’s Steady Power On Modeling These guys haven’t lost anyone yet. Then the black night A series of handsome mirror One of the major features of the theater version again. Is the straw hat group always walk in the forefront of fashion in the main line Change all the clothes you can’t wear here.

Nami, as always, is the coolest one to wear. Only the lower half of the shirt tied at the waist Reveals the swimsuit Add a bit of tension to the monotonous night clothes. Uh-huh. Nami is a rock punk series conveyed by Dong The straw hat combat uniform in red’s theater version is mainly black

There are rivets on the dress design Although the style is roughly the same But Nami’s more avant-garde Shanji is more like a medieval knight, like a gangster brother. Franky’s Moxigan is more rebellious and abnormal. Each has its own characteristics And look carefully at the words Sauron was wearing something similar to a sword

Ping has a similar haircut to Quinn’s Luffy wears a hat similar to her aunt The Kaima League called OK Straw Hat League, which knows how to kill people and kill people. In addition to these styles of uniform color group clothes Straw hats and some nice clothes.

For example, at the beginning of every theatrical edition They’re all on vacation That kind of holiday casual wear it also looks very pleasing to the eye Although not in the traditional sense of the uniform But when they get together, they feel big. It’s the dressing style of the straw hat group.

In addition, there are three or two people’s special group clothes. For example, the doll clothes made by Kushima Jinwei Gate for Luffy Solon. Luffy is a red fish Sauron is a white cat Looks silly and cute And also andNational Khefeng Samurai Series The corners of their helmets have been changed in detail.

Brooke is the shape of a curved bone Luffy’s is the horn of the unicorn fairy Joba’s is the antler Franky twisted his foot at some angle turned into a moon Maybe it’s the star sign that sets it off. All right. Even this has a personal style and the Navy Supernova series

If Karp saw the old man, he would laugh his mouth shut. And cake island. Luffy Nami Brook Joba Pedro Galot The exotic dress on him. The above is the group of people who have worn a pretty good-looking group suit. In short, the straw hat group has never disappointed people in wearing it.

0.9 billion Dobelli’s Juicer Private Placement Collection Aunt Sihuang once had dessert and four stars. Among them Snager before the main character came to Cake Island. Kneel first as a tribute Losing a mess Kicked out of the group chat Terriga lost again without rhyme or reason. A man defeated in Luffy’s belly

The face of the falling star is only supported by card 2. There is also a star. It can be said that it is the only falling star in the audience that has not lay down. Of course, that’s only because he’s done so few shots. 900003200 with a reward Bailey’s Milkshake

The Smuji people send the nickname to the water king. Also 0.9 billion bounty 0.8 billion’s legs. A veritable long-legged beauty Theoretically, paddling does not mean that strength is weak. Master Huang can both row water Can also play a play More seconds to get people Strength is strength Paddling is an attitude

So Smudge is like Master Huang. After a big battle, all teammates were seriously injured. A minor injury I’m just slightly dirty clothes. As soon as he appeared, Smudge showed off a wave of coquettish operations. squeeze sister juice This ability to fry the fruit can blow out the moisture of the object.

Of course, a drained creature will die. However, for a period of time, the casting time is not yet available. Touch and die. After this bug. Brooke slipped into the treasure room I also got the key Start prying history text Milkshake sister is very calm very confident Blocked outside the door Brooke

Thinking that if that bone came out, he ‘d be killed. I thought Smokey could fight Brooke with a sword. But my aunt liked it very much. Brooke is a strange beast in the eyes of aunt. There is a death-free gold medal Just take it alive

At the very least, show the strength of Jiangxing’s second highest reward. I didn’t want Auntie to do Brooke herself. Smooji was forced to paddle a wave of water Also hit a bottle of soy sauce If you want to say that the descending star with the best mentality is also the Smudge Castle.

After the occurrence of the situation Smudge is afraid of affecting his plans for the next day. I hid things directly from my aunt. All the passages below the fourth floor are blocked. Overconfident operation of death Directly cause the situation to worsen to the tea party Knowing that Jinping has mutinied

However, Smooji acts like nothing happens. As a juicer and bartender Juice for visitors from all directions seemingly calm on the surface In fact, a batch of panic Sure enough, Luffy Jiping Brooke and the others have come to smash the venue. A series of SAO operations on the house to uncover tiles

Directly make the aunt angry Undercurrent tea party and wedding stage It finally turned into a group fight and a boxing ring. After the mirror used by the crowd to escape was shattered. In the melee Smudge has finally got a chance to show his strength. First I caught Nami.

As a result, he was caught off guard by Lei Jiu’s kick. Shunshui human feelings Let Shanzhi hold the beauty back. And healed over two strokes It doesn’t take any advantage at all. And then with the help of Garrett Quickly caught Ray Nine. This is even Smudge’s brightest record in this melee.

Later, he was responsible for hunting down the Straw Hat Regiment and Jiping. It shows the ability of an inflatable doll. A sword in the past Special effects full See the fate of five kill In front of Shunping and Nami, direct space is true. It’s a little awkward But Smudge’s ability and Hawkins’ ability

The beauty of the same thing is that Who is near them? That must be no good Milkshake sister followed aunt to the country of peace. Even eat twice closed door Cheating a pony. One foot over a waterfall Dozens of episodes can’t be turned over. Said she was weak

This reward, this ability can’t be seen as weak. Since I’m here And the country Still looking forward to his and the country’s performance Be sure to be a woman with legs from the neck down. Don’t be a woman with legs under the reward. Straw hat gang Each person’s degree of simplicity

Feel in the straw hat regiment Two people who are currently mature and impeccable. It’s Robin and Even Ping. Although they are not the oldest in the group However, life experience can be full level state At the time of landing on ghost island Luffy, they rushed forward with excitement.

Robin Jinping is like two parents. Slowly and leisurely watching other partners in the back Compared to even Robin is even more puzzled. I want to fool Robin. Feeling really is more difficult than the sky Robin was the only one who fooled others from beginning to end. Mature royal sister temperament

At any time, it seems that you can hold others firmly. Ice and Snow Clever Robin The only time someone else took it. It is to protect partners and listen to cp 9 Let go of the straw hat group of word games Only in front of partners. Robin can become so simple

Similar to that is the Even Ping On the outside, even alone. Super reliable super steady But when it comes to getting along with partners. Immediately became a simple old salted fish But on the whole, it is still stable at the mobile level. Then there is a little bit of simple Sauron.

Early Sauron, though, seemed rather dull. Borrowed money did not spend a cent Instead, she owes Nami a loan shark. Be a cow and a horse for Nami But maybe she was scared by Nami. Sauron upgrade speed is extremely fast By the time Robin gets on board

Sauron was the only one who wasn’t taken by Robin For a long time, Solon was wary of Robin. But Sauron can’t stand it no matter how stable it is. Just follow Luffy and see When there is no Luffy around Solon It’s unusual to be in a good country. cause trouble

When Dello’s blood pressure bursts There is absolutely no Luffy around Solon. Then there are some simple Nami Nami seems to be the most innocent person But Nami shrewd is shrewd However, it has nothing to do with IQ alone. I feel that he is actually quite simple sometimes.

The way to handle Nami is not And quite a few take the money to buy him He will take the bait Praise him hard He will be lost Intentionally scare him. Say what He really believed I feel that Nami has been a very simple person since she was a child.

Just some experience that he had to learn some survival skills But nature has not changed Remove the masquerade of a strong woman Who is not a soft sister Then there is a very simple mountain governance Yamagi though wit But he kept a lot of pure things from his childhood.

Such as chivalry and self-sacrifice When Shan Zhi was beaten in the most embarrassing way It’s the time to meet the female enemy. But as long as it’s a woman’s cry for help Shanzhi will still rush through without hesitation After all, seeing and hearing is on call

Also, there is a stem on cake island. He said that Shan Zhi was afraid that Auntie would use Luffy’s family to threaten Luffy. It’s hilarious Shan Zhi is too simple I’m worried that Auntie will threaten Luffy’s family. Luffy is the weakest mountain in his family. You can’t not know

And then there’s the very simple Brooke and Franky First of all, Brooke is the oldest of the Straw Hats. But the mentality can completely match the Luffy They just met. Encrypted communication with Luffy. This can be seen from the flying of happy Brooke spent 10 years in the Devil’s Triangle

As a result, when talking about ghost ships He is also a timid group When I was in the Shampoli Islands, I could bring bad Joba. Qiao Ba still wants to work hard Brooke fish with Joba As a result, Joba got beaten up. Giant grievance Franky is also a big brother in age.

But a lot of times, Frankie and Luffy are just as innocent as they are. And still keep the romantic man Transformers robot these very pure feelings The most interesting thing is that Franky is the most easily moved in the straw hat group. Its tearpoint is very, very low Easily influenced

Because of this very simple reason Frankie and the Straw Hats fought side by side on Justice Island. The remaining three simple houses undoubtedly take the top three. And other people’s simplicity compared to theirs Not a realm at all That’s right. They’re the fun trio, the sniper king. Meeting with two fans

Can let the three of them to make a good I really looked at the people next to me one by one. Is really a dare to play Two dare to believe And the three of them can be interested in all the novelties And very easily deceived

Although Wu Suopu is known as the cowhide king In fact, he himself is quite easy to cheat In this There is no doubt that the most simple straw hat group is Qiao Ba No one. Food and love to play He believes Nami is a man in everything he says. Urthorp is dead

There are too many things that Joba believes in. When I met a group of fake straw hats Although Luffy Joba has mistaken me for someone else But Luffy was at least confused. When did the relationship between Sauron Shanzhi get better? Joba, there is no doubt at all. All the way to the past

Finally, I was angry and cried But all in all In fact, the straw hat group of people outside Everyone has a mature side. But in front of the partners have a simple side On the boat after all Everyone can express their most relaxed side without scruple.

Is the real simplicity only left to the best person Those honest enemies in One Piece Speak honesty in the world of pirates Just as outrageous as a pirate would do good.

This should be a world where the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle, who is the stronger and who has the right to dominate. However, the operation of honesty is not much. These are clean. Representative model Of course, is the integrity of businessmen

Folk Songs to Burn Fruit as Prizes in Tadushima Let King Zhang go The result is really not a fool Burned fruit in the arena The prize is real. Let’s not leave a name in history for this operation. It’s honest anyway. Let a person admire Saab took a bite Immediate ability.

Such as fake replacement Children without deceit Even if Mingo had trusted Diamanti Can fix everything Can be replaced by a fake Just in case Mingo can’t have imagined But Mingo is a businessman So as the leading group of the underground world Mingo really practiced what is the first quality of a qualified businessman

That is the integrity After all, even if Mingo wins the scheme Losing a sign is not a glorious thing. Speaking of businessmen And the Cross Guild After the ass was stabbed The Cross Guild immediately sent money to the killers. This is very efficient have to say Cross Guild is really rich

The ass is a lieutenant general That would be a lot of money. Ming Ge has done this too. It’s just that I haven’t had a chance to pay yet. Mingo fell. And the pirates give money to others It’s more outrageous than him to do good.

It seems that the Cross Guild is accurate that Lao Sha’s family is really thick. The main thing is to say that if you send it, you can’t find a blank check. Then there is cp 9. Except for Spandam Ludge. After a while, I still have some integrity.

The first time was at the Water Capital Iceberg Mansion At that time, Luffy came to stop cp 9 and took Robin away. Ludge relies on the advantage of the 64 version. It has absolute suppression power on Luffy. But before Robin and CP Nine reached an agreement. That’s Robin, go with them

But let the straw hats go. Supposedly, all the people with the ability of cp 9 at that time came. Straight to catch all the straw hats It doesn’t take much effort. Except Urthorpe was an accident cp 9 doesn’t mean to catch straw hats He even shot Luffy and Sauron out.

I don’t care anymore including later on the sea train In the conversation between Robin and Bruno Found that this agreement has been maintained It seems that cp 9 did not say that there is no principle at all. However, what is more engaging is And it’s because of this little bit of principle

Underestimate the determination of the Straw Hat Regiment to snatch back its partner. Lead to a full loss The second time was when CP 9 was defeated and fled to a small town. Even if Luke is at stake The cp nine people did not benefit from bullying the weak. but to start a circus

Street entertainer Clean the town and so on Trying to earn medical expenses Luke expressed his gratitude to the doctor when he recovered from his injury. And incidentally helped the town take out a gang of pirates. Sun Luqi represents the world government However, the world government has done a lot of barbaric behavior.

In fact, it is still very rare Katakuli The battle of Lufi and Kaji It’s arguably the most special battle of the moment. Because the two men’s battle transcendent winning or losing On top of winning or losing One-on-one, one-on-one A kidney to a kidney The two even had a tacit understanding. Carl said

Straw hat boy although this is my home But when you get out, don’t say I took advantage of Katakuri. Because the duel of real men is also a battle of integrity. similar alsoThere’s Francie and Samuel These two are the real turn-based style of play. One person, one move to see who falls first.

Samuel, after falling from the sky with a hug Frankie’s actually hurt a lot. But Senier didn’t choose the way to win. When Franky gets up Samuel no longer hit back Direct frontage to meet the coming crit Though the battle was lost But it was recognized and respected by Frankie.

Smokey also has two very principled operations. The first time was in Arabia. In order to return the favor of Luffy Decided not to interfere with Luffy’s move to fight Lao Sha. Until finally Tina went to besiege the straw hat group. Until after Luffy’s escape Smog is still a little happy.

2 years ago version of Smog If you want to arrest the exhausted straw hat regiment at the last minute Still holding a pinch But not only did Smog not do that Instead, he refused the five old stars. Second time in Ice Fire Island Smog and the pirates are teaming up again

To snatch Rowe’s heart Do not hesitate to use a lot of smoke fruit To achieve the goal of confusing Virgo As a result, Vilgo beat him up. This version of Smog Although not enough to capture Lu Fei and Luo after the war But all Smog could do was almost killed by Mingo.

And there’s no trace of the gang who sold the straw hats. Smoker really needs physical skills Have integrity Be domineering Have integrity To strength Have integrity Wash more kind Lieutenant General Ahe will serve as Lieutenant General General Staff of the Navy Headquarters. Although not many appearances

But the identity background is definitely also the existence of the veteran level. Contemporaneous with Zefakapu Warring States This service for several 10 years do not say When he was young, he was also an iceberg beauty. From the top of the war comfort Karp this point of view.

He is also a person who is cold outside and hot inside. With his ability to wash the fruit It’s not like other people’s ability to mass destruction. It will turn your opponent into a freshly dried dress. The body cannot move freely. After washing and drying

The evil of the mind will be washed away a little If this buff can be stacked and washed several times more The evil-doer pirates may also cross the road by helping the old lady. A good man who is very helpful. Don’t look at He usually gentle Grab Mingo. That’s a face-to-face shooting.

Mingo’s boat is not only all pink And more kawaii, more kawaii A few miles away, I saw Mingo at a glance. See the crane That’s like Joba seeing the hungry wolf version of Luffy. Mingge’s temper has never been afraid of anyone since he was a child. Middle-aged people are full of coquettish words.

Dare to make gestures in front of the pheasant Don’t say Mingo is bold enough to be in Tadoshima. I still want to join hands with Tong Hu secretly. Mingo said I see sincerity in your eyes Tong Hu said the same to me Then you two are not talking on the same channel.

If you want to say that you are good at gesticulating, you can’t see it either. Then Mingge, who was behind the top, dared to shine a foot on Tong Hu’s head and body. But Mingge when he was young and energetic. Only I saw an attack of crane scare syndrome.

Oiling the soles of the feet Whole body fried hair Just run Therefore, Mingo is also quite distressed. Theoretically Mingo’s thread fruit can be suppressed by the crane’s washed fruit. Dead Of course. Mingo is also afraid of being washed white. The most handsome villain is his man. Black and white eat underground world

Middleman Dresrosa Max You should enjoy it. He still has to chase after the white tower behind his ass. Mingo said he likes to be a bad guy. Don’t want to help the old lady across the street So Mingo is a wise man See natural enemies know run

Ming’s brother Jack, who came to get him after his defeat, obviously didn’t wake up. Not only Mingo but also Lieutenant General Crane, who has three points in his honor. And the Warring States and Vine Tiger Jack’s brother ate the fruit of the boat. Boatman

But no matter this or that, a ship will dare to attack the navy’s array. The rattan tiger and the warring states crane wondered It’s because our rank is not conspicuous enough. Or is our face not famous enough Here is a detail of Mingo’s smile.

I don’t know Ming Ge because someone came to get him and smiled happily. Or was Jack laughing when he leaned on the boat? I thought it was so cute that I had to explain it. Like White Beard, he uses some magic tricks to get people. After all the war on top

Two wise men will be there. Good guy. The crane that Brother Ming did not dare to move directly Jack dare to provoke Also Kato Tiger and Warring States Sure enough, Jack was mummified. Ming Ge continues to eat in prison Just watching Mingo talking nonsense there

Mingo blame Tenghu can’t see the sincerity of his eyes. I told him a lot of real-time politics without teaming up with him. He also promised to send newspapers to Mingge every day. Since then, he is not only a admiral. Still insist on Mingge’s bosom elder sister Anyway, these two people are quite harmonious

The devil needs a partner. Mingo as a dark figure in the world of pirates Compared with the old sand, which is also good and evil. Mingo is worse. He is extremely ambitious Theft of the country by cruel means Many become toys. erase the memories of their loved ones achieve domination

Building a huge underground world interest chain He hates betrayal Hand blade relatives Hand and Foot To eradicate the dissident cold-blooded ruthless show incisively and vividly A man of such character as Mingo He’s supposed to be like that to anyone. But it’s not At least not on the other side.

Mingo is a young master who is loyally supported by his subordinates. He was also the benefactor of most of the members of the Don Quixote family. Everyone in Mingo’s current family Including his brother Clarson, who didn’t reveal his fours at first. At first there was no escape. No upside down at the beginning

Baby run with others And Diamanti, who thinks he can’t finish his job, and so on. Lao Sha also has loyal subordinates around him. But the nature of the Baroque Society of Work Belonging to a mysterious underground crime syndicate Before the final battle plan Most of his subordinates have never met Lao Sha.

And the Don Quixote family is similar to the nature of the family from beginning to end. But this family is half real and half fake. Lao Sha is more direct He doesn’t trust anyone What I need is my men. And Mingo’s half-truths What he really needs is family.

This has a lot to do with Mingo’s tragic childhood experience. A is that he also needs to leave him to the people who work unconditionally. Mingo’s men are like Monet Sugar bb Waste Bafaro. Including Luo who left later. Not an orphan. Is homeless Picked up or taken in by Mingge Among them

Monet’s loyalty to Mingo is a bit unbelievable. Perhaps Monet’s feelings for Mingo are no longer simple. Monet was sent by Mingo to Caesar as a secretary and monitor. From a normal woman to a later transformation No regrets about becoming a bird woman. When the situation is irretrievable

Monet was also ready to die with the straw hat. I plan to fly everything here together with these black materials of Mingo. Smoke out The last of life Monet firmly believes that Mingo will become a pirate This can’t help but remind people of the kind of feelings for Luffy partners

But in the end, Caesar mistakenly stabbed Monet in the heart and detonated it. No success I ‘ve seen all kinds of big waves. Mingo has become extremely gloomy at the moment. The oppressive feeling of anger came up at once. Although Mingo is really vicious But he must still have feelings for his men.

Then there’s Vilgo He was the first group of people around Mingo. But for so many years For going undercover in the Navy. He did not have the security and rights he deserved in the family. Although he made it all the way to Lieutenant General But for so many years

He’s always put Mingo’s business first. What a heart of stone Virgo It also shows how loyal you are to folk songs. He cleared obstacles for the elder brother of the people. One of the most difficult cadres When Virgo was cut off by Luo Da for more than a dozen pieces

Ning Ge comforted him by phone worm I’m sorry. Old man. You ‘ve been with me the longest It’s been really hard for you. Vilgo, who heard these words at the end of his life, was satisfied. Smile from the heart And Senel Raul said when he lost. I’m sorry. Little Lord Including Gulatius

The loyalty of these people is true. It shows that elder brother is a brainwashing master Is the supremacy of their own interests Can let the subordinate easily pay his life for him But who would be stupid enough to work for someone else for no reason? Mingo, when they’re cornered helped them

Took them in Mingge is usually good to these subordinates. is also true Also help in the outside owe a 98 million Bailey’s Betty Waste And spent the money to kill those who were up to no good to him. In the end, the five personality reasons of baby five completely left Mingo behind.

Running off with someone else is another matter. Mingge has received health care for his subordinates. Just a little Mingo Luffy White Beard is a great benefactor of his own crew. But Luffy can fight Justice Island to save Robin. White Beard can fight Navy headquarters to save Ace.

And Mingo’s approach to Monet’s wish to die with the straw hat Although there are sad feelings But he still indifferently motioned for Monet and Virgo to clean up. Get ready to hit the road Usually when it’s okay Mingo can be unconditionally good to his subordinates. Once the accident

Mingo will also agree that his subordinates will die for him unconditionally. Because Mingo hates people betraying him. Those who follow me will prosper Those who go against me perish On the surface, Brother Ning is a good boss. But the lives of his men and the interests of the family.

This is also the biggest difference between him and Luffy White Beard’s treatment of the crew. Of course, maybe in the hearts of Mingo’s men. They also don’t ask Mingo to do those operations like Luffy White Beard. Like Robin and Ace They also don’t want to bring trouble to their partners.

Just because Luffy and White Beard did it and did it We admire him so much. And for Mingo’s men They think it’s only because Brother Min is nice to them. That would be enough So you can work for the minority owner. Then it’s their own business

Take the standards of Luffy and White Beard for the crew. Mingo is not desperate enough for his men. It’s really not fair to think about it. Because Mingo was not a good person since he was a child. His target was never Luffy and White Beard. Personal Idea

Can achieve the level of philanthropist Mingo How many can there be The devil needs a partner. And there will always be someone to admire. The Don Quixote family is one such group. Mingo has been a tragedy since childhood and even now. Later, these cadres made loyal but meaningless sacrifices.

The negative side of the Don Quixote family was entirely made by Mingo himself. It can only be said that there is also a friendship between the wicked. But do evil After all, one day there will be a sin.

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  1. 捧誰都可以,捧的好看就好

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