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Actress 女優

久松郁実 ボイン姉ちゃん

久松郁実 ボイン姉ちゃん

久松郁実 ボイン姉ちゃん

Cookie face we walk along the Golden Sands just like to love us we’ll be holding Hands watching the world go by under a clear blue sky people are dancing lovers Romancing now a holiday of a Life Time in J just you and I and a night of a thousand stars he calls me Cookie face he loves my cookie face spending the summer day with his cookie

Face wow I’m his cookie cookie C cookie Face love is a way to get Together we make this love of vows last forever summer is in the air we have our love to share being beside you you and your cookie face a holiday of a Life Time in J just you and I and the night of a thousand stars he call me cookie face he loves my

Cookie face spending the summer days with his cookie face W his cookie cookie C cookie face he call me Cookie face he loves my cook face spending the summer day with his cookie face well I’m his cookie cookie cookie cookie face a cookie cookie C cookie face while his cookie cie cie [Applause] C [Applause] night night going cookie cookie cookie [Applause] Face [Applause] For Cook cookie cookie face cookie Face cookies cookies C cookies [Applause] All cook Cie cookie face you walk along the golden s just like two lovers we’ll be holding Hands watching the world go by under our Clear Blue Sky people are dancing lovers Romancing now a holiday of the Life Time in Jero just you and I and the night of a thousand stars he calls me Cookie face he loves my cookie face spending the summer days with his cookie

Face W I’m his cookie cookie cook a cookie face Love is a way to get Together we make this love of vows Last Forever Summer is in the air we have our love to share being beside you you and your face a holiday of a Life Time in J just you and I and the night of a thousand stars he calls me Cookie face he loves my cookie face spending the summer

Days with his cookie face W I’m his cookie cookie C cookie face he calls me Cookie face he loves my cookie face spending the summer days with his cookie face W on his cookie cookie cook a cookie face a cookie cookie cook cookie Face [Applause] For give me my cookie [Applause] Face cookie cookie cookie [Applause] face not For For [Applause] Face cookie cookie cookie face cie Face cookie [Applause] Cookie all cookie Cookie cookie face walk along the Golden Sands just like to lovers will be holding Hands watching the world go by under a clear blue sky people are dancing lovers Romancing now a holiday of the Life Time in J just you and I and the night of a thousand stars he calls me Cookie face he loves my cook face spending the summer days with his cookie

Face wow I’m his cookie cookie cook cookie Face love is a way to get together we make this love of vows Last Forever Summer is in the air we have our love to share being beside you you and your cookie face a holiday of a Life Time in J just you and the night of a thousand stars he calls me Cookie face he loves my cook face spending the summer days with his cookie face W I’m his cookie cookie cook a cookie face he call me Cookie face face he loves my cook face spending the summer days with his cookie

Face well I’m his cookie cookie cook a cookie face a cookie cookie cook a cookie face while I’m his cookie cookie C cookie face

この動画はWindows Movie maker で作成しました

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