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【ME:I】笠原桃奈ちゃんの演技にも注目!意味深な演出に隠された秘密を徹底考察!(Debut Concept Trailer)

【ME:I】笠原桃奈ちゃんの演技にも注目!意味深な演出に隠された秘密を徹底考察!(Debut Concept Trailer)

【ME:I】笠原桃奈ちゃんの演技にも注目!意味深な演出に隠された秘密を徹底考察!(Debut Concept Trailer)

Wait, miu -chan, this miu -chan doesn’t seem to make any sense, must be a bit different from MIU -chan just before. I would like to take a look at the Debut Concept Tailer . Wait a minute, what? The cat at the end is cute, but

Does that mean the story is connected to the show called Nichijoshi, where dreams are expanding ?The story is about the debut that everyone dreamed of while spending time together there. That ‘s probably what I’m saying here.If you had a dream like that, I’m guessing that those of you who are

Standing up for yourself include us, the viewers, and are participating in it . I think it means that everyone has been dreaming of their debut, so I think this includes you, viewers, and fans. Overall, it’s a bit of a future. It’s the world, right? As for what you’re talking about,

The key points are probably that the signal came from space and let’s call it a pink moon.Also, when I look at everyone’s clothes, it’s pretty good. Well, you’re wearing pink and light blue, but considering this is also a predation,

I wonder if the main color is pink.While we were talking, why don’t we take a slow look at it one more time? We’re talking about us, right in front of us, aren’t we? It’s like a voice message coming from the sky , and I think the people wearing those

Headphones, including Momna-chan, are picking up on it, and I wonder if the waveform of that voice is this. I feel the same way, wait, there’s a sender of this voice. This message is so amazing. I know

This. Isn’t this how we defeat the enemy? I don’t know. I don’t know if Momona-chan will defeat me, right ? That’s great.Having items like this is the key.It’s like this.Also, look at it.The train window is also light blue, and this area is also a little pastel, so it’s pink. Also, the light blue

And slightly bright fluorescent colors are becoming more important.It’s Miai with a cat, so it’s Miai, but it’s not Mi anymore, but that’s what I mean.Isn’t the cat going to be like a concept character? I’m writing something like this, right? It’s like a diary, and I feel like Ran-chan was also writing something earlier,

So this probably has some meaning too. Oh look, I’m writing, I’m writing. So, this is a notebook in which dreams are drawn.This is a cassette tape.This is an analogue item.I guess the point is that there are some retro items.It has a number written on it. It’s Se 01,

Momona- chan. What number was it? 01. Does that mean it’s the 1st season ? There’s a universe that seems to be spreading out behind these eyes. Wait until you say goodbye to your wife, Sasako-chan. Isn’t it already a surprise that Sasako-chan appears at

This timing? Isn’t it the most special meaning? Look, wow, seriously, wait, Miyu-chan, this Miyu- chan doesn’t seem to have any meaning. She’s a little different from Miyu-chan from earlier. Look, if we’re together, this Miyu-chan will be able to make this dream a reality. It’s her debut. She

‘s right here. That’s why the cat from earlier is flying. This is flying. Is it a signal ? That’s great. Everyone looks up at this and it’s like this is going to spread around the world. This kind of thing

Is going to be seen more and more like this. It’s the acting part that makes you say, “Oh, neon lights.” That’s nice , but I’m curious.The way they say omiai now sounds a bit like an AI, or an android’s voice , or perhaps it conveys a more and more near-future worldview.I’m

Also a little curious about the swords. Well, the concept is that the girls on Earth receive messages from space and play an active role, so maybe the cat you were talking about earlier might be this cat.What do you think? So, I

‘m really looking forward to this one.Also, I’m wondering what kind of songs will come out like this.I think this debut song is really important, so if it has this science fiction element, it will give us a global view of the world. Now that

You’re able to use all kinds of superpowers all at once, I think that your charm will be conveyed even more, and that’s what’s important. I think this kind of item type or gimmick is very Japanese-like, or it has a bit of that atmosphere, and I think

Morna-chan probably has this as well. I thought it would be similar to something called From Japan, and the visuals, like this high-rise apartment building or this futuristic city filled with buildings, are very Japanese-like , or rather, it’s a bit of an atypical worldview.

When I look at it, I get the feeling that it is incorporating the science fiction elements that have been introduced so far , so this is a concept that is very easy to get noticed as it is released to the world. I don’t think so, and I

Hope that you will push this forward with all your might.I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. Thank you very much .

【ME:I】これは世界でも人気出るんじゃないかな!?大好きすぎるコンセプトに隠された秘密を徹底考察!ME:I (ミーアイ) ⊹ Debut Concept Trailer リアクション
【ME:I】これは世界でも人気出るんじゃないかな!?大好きすぎるコンセプトに隠された秘密を徹底考察!ME:I (ミーアイ) ⊹ Debut Concept Trailer リアクション

ME:I (ミーアイ) ⊹ Debut Concept Trailer
ME:I (ミーアイ) ⊹ Debut Concept Trailer





ARATAの部屋【切り抜き】K-POP J-POP ダンス解説




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