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When I deliberately took off the chain of my teacher’s bicycle, I was caught by the school wench. “Here are five yuan, don’t tell anyone. ” “Ten yuan! ” “Fifty yuan, no more! ” The school wench took out my phone and I sent it to WeChat with hatred. I paid fifty yuan

To help the teacher fix the chain and successfully became her student. When I went to the tutor’s house for dinner, I saw the school boss yelling at her: “Mom “. When we were choosing a tutor as a sophomore

, I had only one target person since I entered school – Teacher Song An. ! She is a junior in clinical psychology and it is very in demand . The chances of being picked up by non-junior students are very low. In addition, her class

Is full of seats. I don’t have the opportunity to attend class and become familiar with her, so the possibility of being selected by her is even lower . Therefore, I I had no choice but to find another way . Teacher Song commutes to work by bicycle on weekdays.

I walked around for a few days to know when she went to work and where the bicycle was parked. On Thursday at three o’clock in the afternoon, I sneaked to the parking shed and squatted next to a black old-fashioned bicycle. My plan was to remove the chain. I

Pretended to be passing by Teacher Song when he got off work and offered to ask Ying to help with repairs. Then I introduced myself to Teacher Song. Being familiar with each other increased my chances of being selected. The early planning went very smoothly and I successfully removed the chain. I seemed to see

Teacher Song in the near future. A sudden voice that smiled kindly at me broke my fantasy: “What are you doing? ” I was so frightened that I fell to the ground and turned around to find a boy standing under the banyan tree. Isn’t this the school’s top student Song Linxi?

When I first heard about Song Linxi from the roommate who ran the confession wall, I scoffed . After I went to college, I couldn’t even recognize all the boys in the class , but there was such a thing as a school idol? I didn’t vote! Later,

She showed me the photo of Song Linxi that was posted on the confession wall. He looked really good, tall and handsome, and wore a pair of thin-rimmed black-rimmed glasses . He looked like a celebrity, but

It only cost me two hundred a month to live on. What does campus survivor have to do with it? I didn’t expect to see this handsome guy today , he is obviously a devil! I stammered a lie: “I was passing by and saw that the chain of the teacher’s bicycle fell off

And I wanted to help put it on. ” He pushed up his glasses and said calmly: “I saw it all . ” At this moment, a lot of things popped into my head. Scene : He sent me to the confession wall and I was scolded by the whole school. Teacher

Song’s kind smile turned into a serious reprimand . I was criticized by the whole school and turned into a street rat ! I hurriedly took out the money I had left in my body and begged: “Classmate Song , I’ll give you five yuan. Can you please don’t tell us? I’m a good person.

” Although my sneaky behavior makes it difficult to get along with good people, he didn’t say anything. I gritted my teeth. : “Ten dollars! ” He was still unmoved. He couldn’t even afford ten dollars . Dating with a man is indeed a costly job: “Fifty dollars can’t be more!

” If he doesn’t accept the exposure, expose it . I’ll die. Song Linxi finally nodded: “Add a WeChat account. ” I wondered, “Can’t you just transfer money directly? ” “I’m worried that you are a bad person, so I can find you in the future .” Hey, money worshipper!

I angrily added his WeChat account and transferred 50 yuan to him . After Teacher Song got off work, I passed by by “coincidence” and saw her looking at the bicycle distressedly. I walked over with a smile on my face: “Teacher Song, I am an applied psychology student.” Hibiscus from Class 2,

Did your bicycle chain fall off? I can help you fix it. ” Teacher Song smiled gratefully at me and I quickly fixed it: “Mr. Song, Hibiscus from Class 2 Applied Psychology, helped you fix it. ” “Thank you. ” I continued: “You’re welcome. I’m Mu Jin from Class 2 of Applied Psychology

.” Teacher Song nodded with a strange expression: “I understand, classmate Mu. Goodbye. ” After she left, my palms were sweaty and my heart was pounding, hoping for everything. smoothly! When I was choosing a tutor the next day, I filled in Teacher Song’s name with trembling

. The results came out that night, and I was selected. The rice with pickled cucumbers was especially sweet these two days. Teacher Song asked us in the first group meeting if we would like to join our senior brothers and sisters. We were doing experiments together and everyone nodded.

We were assigned to a new project. In the early stage, we mainly helped the brothers and sisters. Teacher Song is dedicated to researching Alzheimer’s disease and has published several related articles in SCI District 1. She is a leading figure in the college . She was very strict with us when we were studying,

But in life she was like a kind mother who spent money without mercy. She even invited us to her house for dinner on weekends. My classmates and I bought a bouquet of carnations downstairs when we rang the doorbell and opened the door, revealing a picture. With his handsome face , I was dumbstruck,

But Song Linxi didn’t seem to recognize me. I raised my voice and said, “Mom , your student is here. ” My mind was buzzing, Mom… Teacher Song asked us to sit down , and Song Linxi happened to sit opposite me

. I felt like I was sitting on pins and needles, and my back felt like pain . From eating to chatting with the teacher, I didn’t find a chance to be alone with Song Linxi, so I had to hold back all my words online. When I

Returned to the dormitory, it was already night . I opened WeChat without any notes tremblingly. Friend: [ Good evening , Senior Song ] – Song Linxi, who is a freshman this year, can cleverly close the distance between us by calling him Junior . He replied quickly: [Hello

] [The moonlight is so beautiful tonight ] – Not organized yet As for the language, I first made up a random sentence and sent it “…” I seemed to be able to see Song Linxi’s speechless expression and pointed my finger: [It’s such a coincidence that Teacher Song An is your mother

] [It’s indeed a coincidence ] How should I answer this? I don’t think fifty yuan can seal Song Linxi’s mouth. For three years, I grimaced, poked my head out of the bed and asked my roommate : “Taotao, how do you please someone? ” She has more experience in running a confession wall

And interacting with people than I do. “Male or female? ” “Male ” “Are you enlightened? I thought you only had experiments in mind .” Tao Tao’s eyes flashed with curiosity, “Who is it? ” ” It’s not what you think. ” Tao Tao didn’t ask

Further questions and replied casually while watching the drama: “Let’s greet each other three times a day. Women chase men. ” I ignored her last words and looked back thoughtfully. Don’t think about me for lunch and dinner. I almost worked part-time in the school cafeteria during the two meals. Breakfast

Was included and breakfast was cheap. Song Linxi was a popular figure on campus. I easily found out about his class schedule. Early the next morning , I bought a tea egg and a cup of soy milk and sent them to their class. There were many people

In my class. I wanted to sneak in, but I didn’t expect that he was sitting in the front row with an upright posture. He could be seen in the crowd at a glance . It was impossible to keep a low profile.

I had to make a quick decision. I bent over and rushed to his table from the front and squatted down. He was obviously caught. I was startled and looked at me in astonishment. I burst into laughter and said, “Song brother, haven’t you had breakfast yet?

” He raised his eyebrows and said, “I’ve eaten. ” Why didn’t you act according to common sense? The plan cannot be messed up. I kept smiling: “I knew you didn’t eat it. I bought it specially for you. ” He was silent for a while and his

Long index finger hooked the bag in my hand: “Thank you, Senior Mu. ” He took it, he took it! He is willing to take my secret to the coffin, right ? Tears filled my eyes immediately. I struck while the iron was hot and gave me breakfast for three consecutive days.

Finally, my breakfast budget for this month was spent. I dug out a bag of lychees from the small refrigerator in the dormitory . Taotao brought them from his hometown. With an expression on my face , I hurriedly said: “This is an edible lychee .” “Hahaha!

” The students sitting next to Song Linxi laughed so hard that he looked away with complicated eyes. After finishing the experiment in the evening, Tao Tao came back to the dormitory and asked: “Hibiscus, are you dating Song Linxi? ” I was stunned by her words and she continued: “It’s on the confession wall.

” This was posted by my senior Tao Tao, and I only saw it now: “If you don’t make a move , you will already .” The most difficult thing to do is “Song Linxi confessed her feelings to me several times during military training and he rejected them all.

How did you manage to give you breakfast for four days in a row? ” I took the phone in confusion and saw an anonymous submission—— I half-crouched in front of Song Linxi’s desk and handed him a photo of lychees [This girl seems to be a senior, hahaha,

It’s so funny. I gave tea eggs to the school girl for three days in a row and today they turned into lychees ]. The comments at the beginning were quite mild: [Laughing. I broke down and gave you lychees for breakfast, right? 】【At the scene, she said, “This is what lychees

Can be eaten.” I burst into laughter! 】【It’s been four days in a row. I’m so determined, but Song Linxi won’t accept this, right? 】 There was a harsh voice gradually from behind: 【I was sitting behind the school grass, and he only accepted the breakfast when he saw that she was about to cry.

What a scheming woman! 】【I have seen her working part-time in the canteen and library , and I have seen her eat pickled cucumbers several times. Is this condition worthy of pestering the school bastard? Do you want to eat swan meat? 】【This woman has a maximum of 4 points, I don’t even like it.

】Tao Tao couldn’t bear it when he saw this. He grabbed his phone and “abused his power” and deleted the article . She comforted me: “Don’t be angry Jinjin . “A lot of crazy people .” I wasn’t angry. I was just thinking about how to face Song Linxi. Will he give away lychees tomorrow?

At this time , he sent a WeChat message: “Is it convenient to come down?” 】I ran to the balcony and took a look. He was standing under the banyan tree. He seemed to sense something and raised his head to meet my gaze. His lips parted. I panted and went downstairs .

Before I could tell him about the confession wall, he suddenly said: “You can be my daughter.” Friends? ” My eyes widened: “Huh? ” He lowered his eyes and thin eyelids half-covered the emotions under his eyes: “Pretend ” “Many people confessed to me and caused me trouble. ” Is this Versailles? “In return for

You taking off my mother’s bicycle chain, I won’t tell anyone. ” My eyes lit up: “Deal! ” Was it me who lost? It must not be! He held my hand and said, “Let’s make a show. ” He took a photo of our fingers intertwined.

This was the first time I shook hands with a boy. When he let go, I sweated nervously. Song Linxi’s cold and fair face. A faint smile appeared on his face: ” Good night, girlfriend. ” I was stunned by his smile, and suddenly I went up and

Heard Tao Tao exclaim: “The school girl added me! ” Then, she looked at me in shock: “Jin “Jin, are you together? ” I hesitated and said, “Reluctantly, so to speak. ” Tao Tao sighed and posted the official announcement photo that Song Linxi sent her to the confessional wall.

The crowd was shocked: “This is okay!” 】【Was the school girl taken down by tea eggs or lychees? I can do it too, woo woo woo ] [Please, girls are good too, okay? She has full GPA in her freshman year and is still the senior in her grade! 】【Is it so awesome?

】Tao Tao used his private account to praising me for being “in a relationship”. The next day, he came to our classroom to deliver breakfast to all of us in the dormitory. While eating small cakes, Tao Tao said with emotion: “I wish you a long life together.

” When he first showed up, I said I was surprised , but I soon understood that he was just putting on a show. I hooked my fingers at him. After he came over, I whispered in his ear, “You don’t need me to pay you? ” He glanced at me

And leaned in. I whispered in my ear: “No need. ” I was overjoyed and said without hesitation: “I love you! ” Two wisps of red appeared on his face, he removed his eyes and coughed a few times: “I’m leaving, there are still classes later.

” Our whole dormitory waved to the male Buddha: “Goodbye. ” Song Linxi called me on Friday night: “Would you like to go to the library together on the weekend? ” I felt his love for acting but had to refuse harshly: “I have something to do on the weekend.

“In order to show that I wasn’t perfunctory with him, I sent him my weekend schedule on WeChat. I would go to the laboratory in the morning and give one-on-one tutoring to high school students in the evening. “Afternoon? ” “Visit my mother in the nursing home. ” I noticed his feeling of loss. He

Asked casually: “Would you like to go together? ” He agreed quickly: “Okay. ” Song Linxi was waiting for me at the school gate. The afternoon sun fell on him through the leaves, coating him with a faint light . He just stood like that, and As if his straight green shirt attracted attention

, I walked over from behind and patted his shoulder . He turned around and handed me a cup of milk tea. It was Dongpo lychee raw coconut milk. I grinned: “You are a very nice person. ” It’s sweet. The milk tea swept away the sultry heat from her body.

Song Linxi opened an umbrella and cast a shadow over my head: “How do we get there? ” I said embarrassedly: “It’s only an hour and a half’s walk away . I don’t have money to take the subway this month .” Two hundred yuan for living expenses

, two hundred yuan for lunch and dinner at the cafeteria where I work part-time, no accident, it is completely enough, but there are too many surprises this month. The first time I met Song Linxi, I spent fifty yuan, plus the breakfast for three days

. I really had no money to take the subway. ” I’m sorry.” Song Linxi looked regretful: “I asked you for fifty yuan earlier because I was worried that you would not add me on WeChat because you had ten yuan in cash.” I wondered: “Why did you add me on WeChat at that time?

” Could it be that Do I really look like a bad guy? He was startled and his eyes flashed slightly: “I -” I remembered the story of the tea girl and suddenly realized: “Oh, you added me because you want to sell the tea grown by your grandfather. ” Song Linxi laughed angrily

And I said angrily: “Just a joke. ” He transferred 100 to me, but I only took 50 and transferred the rest back: “I can’t take what I shouldn’t take. ” Mom said, people must be ambitious, so

My tuition, living expenses and the money my mother spent in a nursing home were all covered. I earned it from my part-time job during the winter and summer vacations. I can accept the breakfast and milk tea he brings because it is to cooperate with his acting.

As for the other things, I can’t accept them. Song Linxi didn’t say anything. It’s an hour and a half away. The subway only takes three stops and half an hour. I came here every week, and the nurse recognized me. She was all smiles: “Xiaojin came to see your mother again.

She is in the back garden. ” “Thank you, Sister Lin .” I quickly found my mother. She is sixty-four years old and her gray hair is neat. Sitting on a wooden chair with her hair combed back and pinned with black hairpins , she stared blankly in the air

. I walked up slowly and softly called, “Mom. ” She turned her gaze to me, her expression shrinking as if she was afraid of me squatting At her feet: “I am Hibiscus. ” “Our little flower is only seven years old. How can we be as tall as you?

” She gestured with her hands in mid-air, her face full of defense, and I felt a touch of sourness in my heart. Patiently said: “Aunt Mu is so smart. I am a new nurse. Xiaohua doesn’t have time today to ask me to play puzzles with you .

” I took out the puzzle from my bag. My mother got excited and clapped like a child: “Okay, okay.” Ah .” I spread the puzzle pieces on the wooden chair and played with her. Song Linxi sat beside me silently and played for a while. After her mother’s expression suddenly changed,

She disrupted the half-finished puzzle pieces. She stood up holding on to the armrests of the wooden chair. I said in a daze, “Xiaohua is after school. I’m going to pick up our little flower home. ” I looked at the time at

4:30. It was the time after school when I was in the first grade . I lowered my voice and said, “Are you Mujin’s mother? I’m Teacher Wu. , Hibiscus has gone home. ” She looked at me blankly: “She’s home. ” I nodded affirmatively, “Just go home.

” She looked at me, and after a few seconds, her eyes gradually became clear, and she smiled softly and kindly: ” Xiaohua , come to see your mother. ” My mood was like a clear sky that cleared away the haze . I held her shoulders

And rested my head on her thin shoulder: “Well, mom, did you have fun today? ” “Happy, I am happy when I see Xiaohua’s mother. ” Mom I touched my head and looked at the quiet Song Linxi, “Who is he? ” “This is my friend. ” “Is Xiaohua’s boyfriend? ” My

Face heated up: “Mom! ” Xiaohua’s boyfriend, my name is Song Linxi. ” My mother looked at him with the eyes she looked at her son-in-law: “Song Linxi has a good name and is also handsome. ” “Thank you, auntie. ” Song Linxi smiled like a spring breeze, making people feel close to each other.

My mother squeezed away my hand. Holding Song Linxi’s hand: “Lin Xi, please help me watch our little flower eat. It wo n’t be good if she doesn’t care about her when she’s busy and starves her body. ” Song Linxi lowered her head and said meekly: “Auntie, don’t worry,

I will definitely take good care of the little flower. ” I looked at these two people who were like mother and son, gnashing their teeth. “Little flower, can you call me?” Song Linxi is usually taciturn, but he has a good way with the elderly.

My mother was so coaxed by him that she laughed from ear to ear for a long time . They also agreed that the next time they would see each other, we would go back during the rush hour after work. The subway was very crowded and

I couldn’t reach the handrails. I followed the flow of people. Shaking Song Linxi suddenly took my hand and put it on his bent arm: “Hold on ” “Thank you ” The touch under my hand was not as thin as he looked and a bit strong. It turned out

That he was wearing clothes to look thin and taking off his clothes. When I was thinking about my fleshy figure , someone else squeezed in. I was squeezed so hard that I was almost pressed against Song Linxi’s body.

Song Linxi was a little over 80 meters tall, and I was just 1.6 meters tall when I reached his chin. The visible part was that his white T-shirt wasn’t covering it. The delicate half of the collarbone was so embarrassing. To break the embarrassment,

I took the initiative to mention the nursing home: “Are you surprised that my mother looks a bit older?” “Huh? ” “Actually, my mother picked me up and adopted her when no one wanted her. ” I was just a few months old when my mother picked me up. I

Was dumped next to the trash can. She saw me when she was picking up cartons. She held me in her arms from morning until night and no one came to look for me. So she sent me to the police station. The police searched for me.” I haven’t found my biological parents for days.

The police suggested that she either adopt me or send me to an orphanage. She was not married and had no children, so she adopted me . Over the past twenty years, she has worked hard to raise me and send me to college , although she failed. She gave me a rich life

, but she didn’t lack what others had. Two years ago , she showed symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and got lost several times. I was worried about leaving her alone in my hometown. In order to complete her studies and take care of her at the same time,

I She was brought to the city and arranged to live in a nursing home. In order to pay for the nursing home and her medical expenses, I spent all my free time making money. I whispered, “This is a secret, don’t tell others.

” Song Linxi didn’t answer me. I looked up at him doubtfully and met his bright eyes: “My parents divorced when I was in junior high school. I grew up with my mother. This is also a secret. ” I was stunned for a moment, then looked at him and

Smiled . Someone got on the car again, and I was hit and fell into his arms unprepared. I put my nose against his chest and smelled the faint citrus fragrance on his clothes or on his body. He stretched out a hand to protect me. I lost the movement of

The back of my head. In the small space he created, my heart beat faster and faster. The heartbeat in my ears became faster and faster. Song Linxi accompanied me to the nursing home every week and was very obedient to supervise my meals every day.

I was in the cafeteria. After I finished my job, the people in the cafeteria were almost gone. He was sitting peacefully. I said helplessly: “You don’t have to stare at me like this every day. I won’t be hungry. ” “I just listened to my aunt.

” He moved my mother out. , I was speechless. Occasionally I would be bumped into by his roommate, and I would be teased: “Brother Song , you haven’t had dinner with us for two weeks. You have a wife and you have forgotten about your brother.

” Song Linxi glanced at them with a nonchalant look. I glanced at them and told them not to stand here and be an eyesore. When they left, they greeted me with a swish: “Goodbye, sister- in-law! ” I blushed, lowered my head to eat, and said nothing

. One Sunday night, I was tutoring students outside the school and walked out of the community when I suddenly fell down. When it started to rain, I couldn’t bear to spend money on a taxi , so I had to sit in a convenience store and pray that the rain would stop soon

. Song Linxi chatted with me on WeChat and asked me where I was. I took a photo of him outside the window and lamented that I didn’t bring an umbrella when I went out today. He didn’t reply. Rain After half an hour, Song Linxi pushed open the door of the convenience store

Out of breath. The umbrella in her hand was dripping: “Let’s go. ” I stared at him absentmindedly. Everything around him gradually became unreal, but he became clearer and brighter. On the way back, I Question: “Song Linxi, why are you so nice to me?

“This has gone beyond the limit of “pretending to be in a relationship”. He paused for a moment, and the world seemed to have quieted down with his silence. After a while, his voice was like light shining through the dark night and crashed into me desperately: “Because I like you.

” My heart beat violently a few times. I looked at the rain outside the umbrella, and moved my hand quietly to the side. He held my hand firmly, and the seemingly calm and red tips of his ears betrayed his true emotions. The corners of our mouths couldn’t help but turn up.

The road leading to the dormitory is extremely short today. I returned to the dormitory later than usual today. Tao Tao and the others came over to gossip: “I saw the school sweetheart sent you back to go on a date today? ” I blinked: ”

What do you think?” After I came out of the shower, Song Linxi called me and said some useless words. He said gently: “See you tomorrow. ” I just put down the phone and the phone rang again . I thought it was Song Linxi acting coquettishly again: “Miss me again?

” Then It was quiet for a moment and I glanced at the incoming call. It was a strange call. At the same time, an unfamiliar deep male voice sounded: “Miss Mu, I am Song Linxi’s father. I want to talk to you about your deliberate approach to Song Linxi.

” Song Linxi’s father’s words kept me awake all night. I couldn’t sleep. I asked Tao Tao to answer my questions in class the next morning. When I arrived, he slowly looked up from his iPad: “Miss Mu, please sit down .” Song Linxi is similar to his father

, but their temperaments are completely different. Song Linxi is like water, which looks cold at first . Once you touch it, you will feel the softness. Lin Xingchuan is like a piece of ice, cold , majestic, and aloof. His eyes lightly glanced at

Me and I felt suffocated. As if there was nothing to hide, I sat down solemnly: “Uncle Lin, I don’t know what you mean on the phone. ” Lin Xingchuan raised his lips and said coldly: “Your target is the top Alzheimer’s disease research institute in country M.

The head of the research institute is Song An. Doctoral supervisor , you approached Song Linxi. First, you approached Song An through him. Second, you wanted him to pay for your study abroad. ” “Song An’s daughter-in-law has a greater chance of success than Song An’s students. ” “I’m right. Right, Miss Mu?

” My whole body was cold. His eyes were like looking at a piece of stinky garbage. “How much is the coffee? I’ll transfer it to you .” He stood up and left. I stopped him, “No need. ” I stubbornly blocked his way . I gave him

Thirty-eight yuan of my coffee money, and nearly a week’s living expenses. When he left, his eyes were sarcastic , as if to ridicule my useless self-esteem. The first time I met Song Linxi was not in college but in high school. He was surrounded by a few gangsters in a box.

He was taller than the gangsters, but he was hunched over and lacked energy. I saw him wearing our school uniform before shouting outside: “The security is here! ” The gangsters ran away , leaving Song Linxi to pick up things all over the floor.

He patted the dust off the book bit by bit and put it neatly back into his school bag. I went over to help him pick up the farthest book , patted it clean and handed it to him . He took it with both hands

. Only then did I realize that this book looked lifeless. The boy had a pair of beautiful hands. His voice was so low that he could hardly hear it: “Thank you. ” “It’s okay .” I thought about it and added, “If you are taller

And more fierce than them, I’m sure they won’t dare to bully you. ” His head was shaking. I didn’t dare to say anything: “Hmm. ” After this incident, I always had a bunch of snacks in my desk pocket for no apparent reason . They were all from brands I had never seen

Before. They didn’t look cheap. I didn’t know who sent them at first until he showed up a few days later. After school in the afternoon, he stood at the door of our class waiting for me. When I came out, he stumbled and asked: “Senior, are the snacks delicious?

” I then realized that it was from him . Just when I wanted him not to give it away, he suddenly took out an envelope. I was dumbfounded by the love letter. Song Linxi was wearing thick black hair and glasses that were thicker than a beer bottle. She

Looked like she had just returned from a beach vacation. She was dark and thin, and looked gloomy and lonely. It was a very dark time for me. Several classmates saw it. When my mother picked up cartons from the trash can, they laughed at me behind my back for being a nerd. They

Laughed at my mother for picking up trash , saying that my whole body smelled like trash. When he confessed to me, I heard the sudden laughter behind me, and my face went crazy. I burned it, grabbed his love letter and threw it on the ground: “I don’t like nerds!

” Song Linxi’s face turned pale and he hurriedly said: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” I rushed home regardless, and my mother saw me. He looked shocked and asked me what was going on. I felt like I had been taken away from my body and actually shouted to my mother: “It’s all your fault. Others

Are laughing at my mother for picking up garbage!” I cried on the pillow and fell asleep while crying. When I woke up, it was completely dark. My mother was not at home . She went out without her mobile phone. I couldn’t contact her . She was like an ant on a hot pot

And was about to call the police. She finally came back. “Where have you been? ” she said in a hurry. Standing at the door: “I’m going to buy you lychees. ” The fruit shop is on the next street. “Why are you coming back so late?” “She murmured: “Something happened on the way.

” After my questioning, she said she got lost. How could she get lost after we have walked this road for so many years ? I just thought she was older and was confused for a moment. The day before the college entrance examination, there was a postcard from my dream school

In my drawer. It wished me that my dreams would come true and all my wishes would come true. During the summer vacation after graduating from high school, my mother’s amnesia was getting worse. I took her there . The hospital diagnosed me with Alzheimer’s disease

. My mother was very sad. She was worried that it would harm me and asked me to leave her alone. I held her and cried uncontrollably. I regretted my late rebellion in high school and made me hurt her again and again. I panicked that she would forget. Who am I?

I’m afraid that she won’t be able to wait for me to let her live a good life. I searched a lot for information related to Alzheimer’s disease. I know that the top research institute is in country M and there is Teacher Song An, the most powerful expert in related fields in the country.

She is there. My dream school to teach was just to choose her as my mentor. It was too difficult. I started preparing since I entered school. When I was a sophomore, I heard about Song Linxi from a graduate student. In the photo, he was standing next to Teacher Song An,

Turning his head slightly to look at the camera. Long and tall, with natural beauty and beauty, my heart beats very fast. Every Thursday at three o’clock, Song Linxi will go to the library by that road . It’s hard to get into the top research

Institute . All I do is just to give I worked extra hours the next day, and when it was almost time for my part-time job to end, Song Linxi came again. He took out a piece of paper from the canteen stall opposite my part-time job, wiped the two chairs and the table clean

, and then smiled at me energetically. I looked away, finished my work meal and moved past him to find another seat . He was stunned for a moment, then came over with a plate and smiled good-naturedly: “So you want to sit here today. ” I changed seats again,

And he realized something was wrong and followed me. I asked cautiously: ” What’s wrong with Xiaohua? ” I said coldly: “Why do you want to sit with me? ” He was surprised and shy: “Aren’t we boyfriend and girlfriend? ” “No, we are just pretending. ” Last night…” His smile was rather forced,

Like a half-withered leaf hanging precariously on the treetop: “I thought you liked me too .” “I don’t like you at all. I was afraid that you would tell Teacher Song about me. Bad words. ” His eyes flashed with a hint of hesitation: “Did I do something wrong to make you unhappy? ” “No.

” I inserted my chopsticks into the rice: “I don’t like you and I don’t want to pretend to be a couple with you. ” The game affects my study and mood a lot. ” After saying that, I lowered my head to eat and didn’t know when he would leave.

I couldn’t taste the food at all. After school in the afternoon, he said on WeChat that he was not angry and left because he was worried that it would affect my meal and delay my afternoon. In class, he asked me if there was anything he did wrong that he could correct.

I just replied: [You disturbed me ]. Half an hour later, he sent me a message: [Sorry ] He didn’t send any more messages. A few days later. , Song Linxi’s roommate secretly added me to ask if Song Linxi and I had quarreled: [Song Linxi buys several breakfasts every day

And doesn’t send them to you ] [I ate shrimp dumplings, egg tarts, and siomai for several people for several days. If you eat any more, my abs will become a whole piece! 】【You don’t know how low his air pressure is right now. We dare not speak even while playing games in the dormitory!

] I replied: [We broke up ] He seemed to be frightened for a long time before replying: [Oh ] Tao Tao and the others also vaguely guessed something and never mentioned Song Linxi in front of me again. I will participate more in the experiment.

If I can After finishing the credits in my junior year , I published an article in SCI District 3 before graduating and asked Teacher Song An to write a letter of recommendation. I also have the opportunity to apply to a university in country M and enter the institute to live as usual.

Song Linxi seems to have left no trace in my life. On Saturday afternoon, I went to the nursing home to visit my mother . She was in good spirits today and smiled when she saw me: “Little flower ” “Mom ” “Lin Xi doesn’t have time to come over today?

” She stretched her neck and looked behind me, with a look of disappointment on her face. When she heard the name off guard, my heart ached and my eyes filled with heat. Only then did I realize that I wasn’t as indifferent as I thought. “Xiaohua, baby, what’s wrong?

” Mom hugged me distressedly , “Did you have a quarrel? ” I bit my chin and shook my head. Her voice became gentler: “Are you tired from studying? It doesn’t matter, Mom believes you are the best. No problem can trouble our little flower .” I hugged her tightly and choked: “Mom,

I’m just a little sad .” “I’m not sad, Mom. Hug. ” I stayed in the nursing home for a long time today and saw that I was about to go to tutoring. I reluctantly left after it clicked. As soon as I arrived downstairs in the community, I received a call

And heard the gasping sound on the other end. My heart was in the air and I asked nervously: “Sister Lin, what’s wrong with my mother? ” Sister Lin was anxious. Said: “Mibiscus , your mother sneaked out! ” At this moment, the sky was falling

. The surveillance showed that a few minutes after I left , a few old people got into a fight . My mother took advantage of the nurse to stop the fight and sneaked out. When I saw this, I immediately called the police . My mother was in a special situation.

The police didn’t let me wait for 24 hours and accepted the case directly. They comforted me not to worry and they would try their best to help me find my mother. My mother was in poor health and couldn’t walk far. I thought about all the places she might go

And I took her there. The most common time was when I was passing by Haixin Bridge in Hailin Square, I found a lot of people gathered underneath. Some were fishing for something. When I passed by, I heard them talking: “It can’t be a corpse, right? ” “Maybe, it’s quite heavy.

” The back of my head It was like being hit hard and my head was buzzing. It must not be a big sack. I picked it up and opened it to find a bag of decoration garbage. They were disappointed. I sat on the ground with relief and cried like a madman.

Everyone around me looked like a monster. Look at me “little flower ” “little flower ” someone is calling me, the voice is getting closer and closer . I raise my head and meet Song Linxi with tears in my eyes

. He has a plaster on his right hand, his face is pale and he is running towards me eagerly. I feel like I am being swept into a big wave. , the victim who finally grabbed a piece of driftwood grabbed his hand and let out a suffocating cry: “Song Linxi,

My mother is missing! ” He seemed to have known it for a long time, and comforted me without any surprise : “Let’s go together. You will find it if you look for it. ” The phone rang and I answered the call and heard the voice of redemption: “Miss Mu,

Your mother has been found. ” We took a taxi and went straight to the police station. I saw my mother at a glance. She was sitting alone on a chair, with her back hunched over and nothing. She looked around helplessly and confused. She was so pitiful that

I looked at her up and down. Except for her clothes being dirty and her shoes missing, there was nothing wrong with her. I was both happy and angry and couldn’t help but lose my temper at her: “Mom, why are you running around? You Do you know how worried I am!

” She looked at me blankly and murmured: “Lychee ” “Xiaohua cried, buy her lychees ” “Xiaohua likes lychees the most. ” Only then did I notice the tightness in her hands. The bag that I held and didn’t let go for a second was filled with fresh lychees. “I’m sorry

.” My tears flowed down. “Mom , I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be angry. ” I lay my head on her knees and kept confessing. : “I’m sorry ” She doesn’t blame me and she will never blame me. The nursing home apologized to us. They promised to strengthen care for the elderly

And waive all subsequent expenses for my mother . They were sincere and my mother was fine. The night passed like this . I gave It was very late when my mother took a bath and watched her fall asleep before going back to school . We called a taxi and

On the way, I asked about his injury and he said softly: “On the way to see my aunt, I got a scratch. I got a minor injury and put on a plaster before going there.” , I just wanted

To contact you when I realized that my aunt was missing. I saw you under the Haixin Bridge. ” He looked at me intently. His eyes were as bright as two moons in the dim environment . I touched them gently: ” Are you still in pain? “He took my hand little by little

And his movements were as careful as if I was worried that I would throw him away. I held his hand and found that his palm was wet. He smiled with satisfaction: “You care about me, I don’t hurt anymore. ” I thought Our current relationship is like what I said to him. I

Didn’t know what to say for a while . He broke the silence first: “My father has been looking for you, right? ” I was surprised, and then nodded: “Yeah. ” “He said, you did it on purpose. Are you approaching me

Because you want my mother to recommend you to go to the research institute of her doctoral supervisor? ” I lowered my eyes and said, “Yes. ” He suddenly tightened his grip on my hand and his voice was trembling: “Are you willing to hold hands with me?

” ” No, it’s because I like you too. ” I thought of the love letter that I had treasured for three years. His handwriting was beautiful and each stroke was serious. There was no graffiti

. He wrote it for the first time when he was in high school. At the beginning of the school year, I gave a speech as a representative of outstanding students. I said on the stage that there are shadows in life

, but there is more sunshine. The shadows are just accessories of the sunshine . He was depressed all day long because his parents were divorced. My words made him remember it. We met again after a long time when I helped him chase away the gangsters who were extorting money.

When I patted the book clean and handed it to him, he thought, I am the sunshine. We returned to school and walked on the path. I said, “I have read a lot of that love letter.” Every time I read it, it feels like you are encouraging me

, you are saying, “You are good, you are good. ” “Actually, I am not as good as you think. I have low self-esteem and am sensitive. I feel embarrassed because my mother picks up cartons in the trash can . Obviously I do too. She picked me up like this.

” “I am cowardly and timid and dare not be angry at the people who make fun of me, but I vent my anger on the people who love me the most. ” “I am selfish and deliberately approached you in order to choose Teacher Song.

” I am calm. Looking at him with a smile: “Do you still like me like this ? ” “So, you didn’t throw away my love letter. ” A gentle smile appeared on his lips, and I discovered that his dimples were very shallow, so shallow that they were almost invisible

. Xiaohua, you are very good. You have been in the top ten of your grade for all three years of high school; you will help the classmates you have never met to drive away gangsters; you love your mother very much , work hard to make money to give her a better life,

Study hard, and want to cure her disease .” He reiterated: “You are really good. ” I looked at him directly and seemed to see the gloomy and silent boy in him . After three years, he has changed, but he has not changed. His heart is still so pure.

He stopped suddenly and nervously held my shoulders. His hands and lips were trembling, and his voice was muffled: “So can I be with you? ” “It’s not like pretending, we are really together. ” I There was no reason not to agree. He looked like he was about to cry with joy.

He held my waist and his arms trembled uncontrollably: “I can…” I saw his thoughts and asked knowingly: “What can I do? ” He couldn’t speak for a long time, his face turned red . I smiled and stood on tiptoe. I hooked my legs around his neck and

Pulled him down like a puppet, letting me manipulate him. After letting him go, I licked my lips: “Is that so? ” His face turned red as if he was drunk: “Yeah. ” When I returned to the dormitory, I The corners of their mouths didn’t even curl up.

Tao Tao and the others joked: “Hey, yo, you ‘re back together, right? The sour smell of your love is almost killing me. ” “It’s killing you! ” I rushed over and started fooling around with them. After we got back together, Song Linxi’s roommate was also happy.

He sent me a WeChat message overnight to thank me: [Brother Song was giggling in the dormitory ] [He finally came to life and I dared to speak loudly while playing games ] [Senior sister, you are my god! 】 It was my birthday two months after we were together.

Song Linxi said he had prepared a surprise for me. He blindfolded me outside for ten minutes and then let me go to the teacher’s house. “Happy birthday! ” My roommates, classmates and The teachers all arranged this party together. My heart is warm. This is the first time I have such a lively birthday.

Song Linxi arranged a program. He played a birthday song on the guitar. He was wearing a white shirt and holding a 41-inch guitar. Sitting on the black sofa, his eyes were always on me. I was drowning in the love in his eyes.

Teacher Song sighed beside me: “Lin Xi has only wanted to study since she was a child. One day, she came back and told me that she wanted to go.” “Learn an instrument ” “I haven’t seen how he plays it even after learning it. It finally came in handy today.

I can use it to coax my wife. ” Teacher Song winked at me and my face turned red. It turns out that my rejection of him in high school had an impact on him. It’s so big. In the second semester of my junior year, I applied to a university in country M

, which has the world’s top Alzheimer’s disease research institute. After I arranged for my mother in my senior year, I applied for a full scholarship to study abroad , plus I saved up for three years of part-time work in university. The money I earned can completely cover my tuition and living expenses,

So I don’t have to worry about financial problems. My excellent grades, papers, and recommendation letters from Teacher Song An during my college years allowed me to successfully knock on the door of the graduate school. The life of a graduate student is not easy.

Almost all of my I spend all my time in the lab. Song Linxi is very clingy. He takes up almost all my free time. I have video calls every day . At 11 o’clock in the evening, I just came back from the lab

And washed my face. I was getting ready to go to bed. He called me again. He was very busy over there. It was quiet and I could only hear his shallow breathing. I smiled and said, “What did you do today? ” “I missed you today. ” “How much? ” Someone knocked on

The door. I joked about Song Linxi and went to open the door. What appeared was someone I mean. The unexpected person Song Linxi was still holding the phone. He said to the phone: “I really want to eat, sleep, and miss you, and I miss you in class.

” “So I came to find you .” I hugged him in disbelief, and he was still in his dream. As soon as the holidays came, he couldn’t wait to get on the plane to see me. After graduating from college, he also applied to the school here and we lived together. During

My Ph.D. studies, my laboratory successfully developed a specific drug to cure Alzheimer’s disease . No longer an incurable disease

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