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I became popular after I had a sweet girl face but wore a large size and black fans and cursed for 108 rounds on Weibo. I became popular #松潏内娱乐### Song Yan##松彏怼黑粉##松潏我的Internet mouth substitute# Looking at half the screen full of hot search entries related to me on Weibo, I cried.

Tears of remorse flowed down my natural face . My pretty nose, my plump apple muscles, all the way to my sharp chin , then fell on my thin collarbone. My tears just flowed into my 36D without any defense. I was so stupid. If I

Had known it was so easy to get out of the industry , why would I have to hold my voice and pretend to be a sweet girl with regrets! I’m so sorry! Two hours before the incident, I was still an unknown little guy.

With my big watery eyes and cute looks, I barely managed to squeeze into the 18th line. The company positioned me as a sweet girl , but I was right. I still have a relatively clear understanding. Apart from this face, I have nothing to do with the term “sweet girl”.

With the power of capital, I can only raise my voice and obey the company’s arrangements. But even so, I have been in the industry for a year and a half. My popularity is still stagnant . Finally, I

Gained a little attention recently with the topic of “the most suitable actress to play the heroine of a certain novel.” I was scolded by fans of the male protagonist for being too stupid and unworthy of sharing the stage with their brother. I put it aside anyway. I’m a stupid person

Who behaves wildly and fucks the company’s personality. How can anyone not be crazy! Just hold on! I firmly believe that “when the mental state is not good, the whole person’s mental state will be normal.” This sentence is very true. Soon after,

A latest comment appeared under the comment area of ​​my Weibo: “Die Green Tea Watch Sword Private” I ‘m pretending to be cute even though I’m smoking and drinking. “Oh, I picked up the knife and replied neatly: “You 6 you 6 you last 6 you take the laser light 6 your uncle

” The other person was obviously confused by the scolding and probably didn’t expect it. The real owner personally responded to the anti-fans. It stayed quiet for a few minutes before the other person responded to me like a cat whose tail was stepped on. My hand speed is not that fast

. In just a few minutes, I said:

His grandma’s eggs. The sixth uncle’s cantaloupe, the sister’s big melon, the grandpa’s big chicken legs, the aunt’s big grapes, the mother’s cucumbers, the father’s big bread, the third uncle’s grandpa’s big plums, the second aunt’s peaches, the third uncle’s watermelon, the seventh uncle’s small lychees, the second uncle’s dragon fruit. My aunt’s kiwi, my grandpa’s cherries,

And my grandpa’s big pineapple . He greeted everyone who had anything to do with him. After all , she is a star-chasing girl, and her fighting power is also quite strong. We criticized her from the Weibo comment section to private messages and then from private messages to The reposting

War got more and more intense . Only when I was yelling at the other person until they were speechless did they realize that I was angry. Netizens all responded with “Hahahaha” and called me the number one crazy female star in domestic entertainment.

Although fans of my opponent’s Xiaohua would still jump out and complain. Two sentences , but there is no need for me to end at this moment. Some passers-by have already criticized me on my behalf , “Song Yan has a real temperament, this is called reality.

” “The character design at the beginning was set by the company, right? I asked, why does the young lady say this every time? When I finished speaking, I had a look that would kill me. ” “I’ve become a fan! I just love to see some female celebrities go crazy!

” ” The contrast between having a sweet girl face and saying the cruelest words ! I love it so much! ” “… “The message my manager sent me started with “Song Yan, do you still want to do it?” It became “Ancestor, you are finally getting a bit popular

And a variety show has come to you.” Sister Rong hurriedly called me back to the company and stepped on the carpet in the president’s office. I was still a little dazed, but Sister Rong had already begun to report on my future route planning

. Lu Chengchuan was sitting on a chair, wearing a straight suit and crossing his ink-colored fingers. There was no emotion in her eyes. She just occasionally said “hmm” to let Sister Rong go on to say that it was so comfortable to sit on Lu Chengchuan’s leather sofa worth hundreds of thousands.

My eyelids couldn’t help but start to fight. When I suddenly opened my eyes, they were so big. The office has become quiet. I don’t know when Sister Rong left. “Are you awake? ” Lu Chengchuan sat on the sofa opposite me. He put down half of the newspaper in his hand

, revealing his angular face. My heart trembled suddenly and I couldn’t help but swallow. Swallowing, “Why didn’t Sister Rong call me when she left? ” Lu Chengchuan let out a soft snort and looked back at the newspaper in his hand. His tone was a little careless: “I did

, but someone kept mumbling about Lu Bapi’s sofa.” If I don’t sleep, I won’t sleep .” Am I really talking in my sleep like this? I was so frightened by my own feat that I broke into a cold sweat. “I was so fierce when I scolded people on Weibo

, but now I’m scared. Look at your future, let’s go.” ” Yeah .” Lu Chengchuan raised his eyelids and glanced at me. Maybe it was an illusion. I saw a flash of smile in Lu Chengchuan’s eyes. I was startled and quickly drove the thought out of my mind.

Lu Bapi, who was usually stern, actually Will you smile at me? You can’t hold the door with your mouth , so I subconsciously said what was on my mind: “Don’t smile at me, I’m scared ” “…” After thinking about it, I added: “This is better than killing me. I still feel uncomfortable.

” As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Chengchuan’s face darkened visibly to the naked eye. Before I could say the second sentence, he said coldly: “Get out. ” “…Oh. ” The first variety show that approached me was recently. When I saw the resident guest “Shen Yi” on a popular escape room show,

I was stunned and lowered my eyes, trying to cover up the emotions in my eyes with my long eyelashes , but Sister Rong still noticed something was wrong with me: “What’s wrong? This show has been very popular recently. ” “I asked you to record this episode in advance and

It will be broadcast more than a week after filming. ” Sister Rong paused and then continued: “Perform well. This is your stubbornness. ” The best time to be a fan .” I echoed with some disinterest as the program was recorded on the second day.

First, a clip of the guests sitting on the bus chatting was shot. I was the first to arrive and was talking to the camera with a smile. Then the second guest came , “Hi…” Shen Yi was stuck in her mouth mid-sentence. Shen Yi was startled subconsciously when she saw me.

Then her expression returned to the same as before, and she greeted me with a polite smile: “Hello. This is the first time we meet. I am Shen Yi. ” I also curved my lips and responded politely: “Hello, Teacher Shen , my name is Song Yan, just call me Xiao Song.

” One after another, other guests arrived . Among the guests, there was a little idol named Ji Xu. She was the youngest and the liveliest one. Along the way, she picked topics and led everyone to chat. “Sister Song Yan, will you be scared when you enter the secret room?

” Suddenly I was cueed and I blinked. Just as he was about to answer, the male guest on the other side said, ” You must be scared of Xiao Song going in because he looks so soft and weak. ” Ji Xu smiled and joked, “Sister Song Yan,

Please don’t hide behind Brother Shen if you want to hide.” I guarantee that the NPCs may not scare you, but Brother Shen’s scream will definitely scare you. ” As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter in the carriage. I had done my homework before.

Shen Yi took on the joke of the show and was the top of the team. Shen Yi , the person in charge , pretended to be angry, and hugged Ji Xu, who was next to him, and responded: “Xiao Ji, you are really getting more and more bold.

Even your brother dares to make fun of him. He also wants to pretend to be powerful in front of Xiao Song. ” Although I know Shen Yi is joking , I still can’t help but think of the seventeen-year-old

Xia Tian in front of me. The boy in front of him was obviously shaken to a sieve , but he still pretended not to be afraid and said: “Song Song, don’t be afraid, I will protect you . All NPCs are fake . I’m not afraid. Just hide behind me. “My thoughts were interrupted

When the director reminded me that we had arrived at our destination. Everyone was forced to wear blindfolds and lined up to get off the bus. In front of me was Shen Yi. He also smiled and did the show effect: “Don’t worry, brother, I’m here to protect you. ” I nodded. The first one

Responded seriously and cooperated: “It doesn’t matter. You have to be mentally stable for a minute. It’s already very impressive. ” Everyone laughed again. This time the secret room was in the Chinese horror style . When Shen Yi and I entered, the staff took us and locked us up in a room alone.

“Please, everyone.” ” Take off the blindfolds .” Following the instruction, everyone took off the blindfolds. The next second, a pale face came directly in front of me and Shen Yi. She opened the screen and hit hard . Shen Yi paused and screamed from his throat,

Sweet girl. After setting up the character for a long time, I subconsciously pretended to be frightened and said with my voice: “Ah, ah, ah, so scary…” I didn’t realize until I was halfway through the sentence , oh no, sister has let herself go now. Fuck the character,

I want to punch her. The earth exploded and I stopped pretending. I switched back to my normal expression and started groping around for a light. Shen Yi looked scared and brave, and followed me closely. Eight hours passed after the entire program was recorded and I returned home . I was already exhausted. My

Phone rang and it was a WeChat message from Lu Chengchuan : ” Have you met Shen Yi? ” The scene of pretending to be scared but then reacting and returning to normal was made into a ghost video by the program team and played back and forth.

The barrage was full of ridicule: “It’s a young lady who doesn’t adapt after falling off the horse ” “I’m scared, I’m pretending ” “… …” But there is a saying that the impact of Chinese horror is really great. They say that they are not afraid at all. It is fake.

The lights flashed and a group of faceless NPCs crawled on the ground and chased everyone. This scene really scared everyone present. As soon as I jumped, I was caught by an NPC by the ankle. Followed by a group of NPCs, they all crawled towards me as if they were looking for a target.

The impact of the picture was like being given a big bag by a monkey from Mount Emei. The escape door in front of me was about to close. But I was controlled by the NPC and couldn’t move. I admit that I was anxious

And the words that subconsciously came out of my mouth were full of anger: “Don’t crawl in the dark! Shout with me! Straighten up! Fly in the sun! Shout. ! Straighten out! Fly in the sun! Shout! Straighten out! Fly in the sun! Shout! Straighten out! Fly in the sun!

“”It’s so scary, ah, ah, don’t touch me, kill, kill, kill, kill, this is sweeping the hall. Legs! Roundhouse kick! This is a spider eating earwax , this is a tornado destroying a parking lot! This is an antelope kick, this is a goat jumping! A crow flies in a plane!

A giant ax chops down a tree! How scary! “”…” The guests present were dumbfounded. The NPC was also dumbfounded. This clip was also kept intact. #松言松语# was trending very quickly. “Who doesn’t love a female star with an abnormal mental state ?” “Hahahahaha , I really didn’t expect that before watching this show.”

Song Yan is so funny. ” “Who is a good girl who is afraid of shouting about crows and flying on a plane, hahahahaha. ” At the same time, Shen Yi and I’s CP also rushed to the hot list. From the beginning of the double branch,

I was like “I’m not afraid of God. “I’m not afraid of the earth” and Shen Yi’s “Don’t touch me, I’m afraid” look. Combined with the contrast in our appearance, he is obviously soft and cute , but he is a strong man. He is obviously strong but he is a poisonous woman

. ” “Chen Yu Luoyan” broke into the top ten of the CP list. Everyone was discussing it heatedly: “Have you noticed that Shen Yi is obviously very scared this time but his reaction is not as big as in the previous episodes ?” “I also noticed it!”

You definitely don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of Yan Yan! “What a man’s little thought. ” I turned over the CP Super Episodes for half an hour without expression, and my mood was as complicated as that of Qin Shihuang, who ambushed Li Yunlong with a mecha to clear mines on Huarong Road

Before I could express my feelings. A series of calls came from Sister Rong: “Ancestor, do you want to die? ” I was already familiar with the inexplicable curses : “What do you want to die? Wanting to die is actually an attitude towards life. Wanting to die is an attitude. Wanting

To die is a kind of open-mindedness. Wanting to die means seeing through the world of mortals. Wanting to die means being pure-hearted. Wanting to die is a kind of cultivation. Wanting to die is a kind of politeness. Wanting to die is an art…” “Have you gotten used to it?

Can you not go to CP with a large size? “Chaohua ” Before I could finish my words, I was interrupted by Sister Rong. Only then did I realize: Damn Weibo has been updated . Now on my homepage, under “Recent Participation in Superhua”, it is clearly listed: ” “Shen Yu Luo Yan”

The CP fans in these four big characters have already started to celebrate the New Year , and I am completely numb. What is more nonsense than having a CP with my ex-boyfriend become popular? Shen Yi and I are childhood sweethearts . We were classmates from kindergarten to university,

So it was natural for us to get together in university. Just like ordinary couples, we would hold hands and walk to the playground at night, and hug and kiss each other downstairs in the dormitory . When did it start to change?

Maybe it was because neither of us could find any opportunities after graduation and struggled to survive with the thousands of dollars we earned as an extra in Hengdian every month. Maybe it was because something happened in my family and I didn’t choose to tell him

. Maybe it was because he saw me getting married from Lu Chengchuan. When I got off the car, I saw him and the female producer coming out of the hotel together. We both chose to remain silent . There is a saying that is right. The more problems accumulate, the bigger

They become. In the last argument, we broke a lot of things. Shen Yi’s eyes were red and his whole body was shaking. He asked, ” I went to the hotel with the female producer , what about you? Are you and Lu Chengchuan clean? ” At the end,

As if he didn’t think his words were vicious enough, he added: “You must have played better at Lu Chengchuan’s place than in the club.” Do you still want to spend it? ” There was a bang, and my brain felt like it exploded. I was a little confused.

I didn’t know whether my focus should be on Shen Yi’s personal admission of sleeping with another woman or on my image. He is so unbearable about this matter that I can’t put the current Shen Yi together with the clear young man in my memory. “Song Song, you just need to run forward,

And your ears will be filled with the sound of the wind along the way. ” “In my case, ” You are the most perfect existence in my heart.” The boy in my memory was wearing a school uniform, holding my hand and running forward. The howling wind was in my ears

, and the boy’s face was bathed in the sun and shadows, flickering in and out, and a feeling of powerlessness emerged spontaneously . “Shen Yi, stop making trouble. ” “Let’s break up. ” These were the last words of our quarrel … I put down the phone and sighed.

Sister Rong just told me that Shen Yi’s team was interested in speculating on CP while it was hot. Sister Rong felt the same. Shen Yi’s popularity is higher than mine. I can catch up on his popularity in the early stage. The ringtone of my cell phone interrupted my thoughts. I

Picked up the phone and the three words “Lu Papi” were clearly displayed on the screen. “Hello? ” “Go downstairs. ” Lu Chengchuan said in a low and magnetic voice. The voice came from the mobile phone. His words were always brief but always carried an irresistible meaning. When I got downstairs,

Lu Chengchuan’s car was already parked at the door. I don’t know how long he had been waiting. From a distance , I saw a hand with clear joints that was loose. I was hanging on the car window, flicking the ashes of my cigarette. When I appeared in Lu Chengchuan’s field of vision,

He immediately put out the cigarette in his hand and “got in the car.” There was still a faint smell of cigarette smoke in the car. I leaned on the car seat and felt inexplicably irritated: “Are there any more cigarettes? ” Lu Chengchuan glanced at me and said calmly: “I

Won’t spend money to help you with your public relations if you are photographed . ” , Lu Chengchuan stared ahead with stern eyebrows, his profile was clean and neat, but the slightly raised corners of his lips proved that he was in a good mood . “So, where are you taking me?

” Lu Chengchuan slowly spoke in a cold voice: “Banquet ” “Not good.” “Female companion ” I rolled my eyes: “Why don’t so many beautiful female artists look for me? ” The next second , I suddenly had the idea of ​​teasing Lu Chengchuan, so I said greasyly: “You like sister?

” Lu Chengchuan After a pause, the driving movements were obviously stiff for a second. The next second, his face changed to the same expression that has never changed forever. There was a faint sarcasm on the corners of his lips.

The change was so fast that I couldn’t help but wonder if I was dazzled just now. “Others” The schedule is full. ” Lu Chengchuan paused for a moment as if “I haven’t sold enough swords.” Then he added: “The only idler in the company who is losing money is you.

” I have always admired Lu Chengchuan’s mouth . He is single. There is no reason why his mouth is so poisonous. I have always admired him. I was thinking about any girl who would step over his mouth and fall in love with him. If so,

I would call her a warrior who loves to charge. The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. I resisted excitedly: “I agree to fuck with Shen Yi now. ” Wave Heat ” As soon as the name “Shen Yi” came out, the originally lively atmosphere obviously became colder. After a pause,

Lu Chengchuan calmly said: “I saw the planning plan handed over by Sister Rong. You and Shen Yi speculated on the CP. I haven’t stamped it yet. If you don’t want to…” I interrupted before Lu Chengchuan could finish his words: “It doesn’t matter, I’ve already let it go.

” I was afraid that he would think too much about it, so I smiled easily: “His popularity doesn’t go unused and he does n’t take advantage of it. Aren’t you a bastard? ” “By the way, I still have 300 million that I haven’t earned yet.

I don’t want to work for you all my life. ” “…” Lu Chengchuan didn’t say anything but just looked at me deeply. After the makeup was done, the dinner was already halfway through I skillfully took Lu Chengchuan’s arm. Apart from his venomous mouth, Lu Chengchuan is single because he doesn’t like women.

I was brought out to a banquet by him before. The whole purpose was to help him block the women who tried to get close to him. All kinds of pretending not to hold the cup steady , pretending not to stand up properly and throwing red wine, pretending to be harassed, crying for help

, all these were stopped by me . Of course, I didn’t stop the one flying towards me waving flowers and hands, because I I loved watching today’s dinner party and heard Lu Chengchuan say it was organized by the Ji family to celebrate the birthday of their youngest daughter Ji

Linlin… The name sounded familiar. I was about to think about it carefully when I heard a delicate female voice: “Senior Song Yan. ” I looked up and saw The moment the person came, I understood why the name “Ji Linlin” was so familiar. Isn’t this

The little green tea I chased after Shen Yi when I was in college? At this moment, the girl in front of me was smiling and her crescent-shaped eyes couldn’t be concealed. Provocative: “It’s been a long time, senior, but it happened that the last time we met, it was the three of us .”

As soon as Xiao Green Tea finished speaking , I noticed Shen Yi standing next to her, holding hands with her . “Yeah. ” “It’s a coincidence. ” I glanced at Lu Chengchuan with my peripheral vision to prevent any woman with evil intentions from

Approaching, so I was particularly perfunctory when I faced Little Green Tea . Obviously, Little Green Tea didn’t want it to end and was still provoking with a smile: “Sister, it’s been two years. Why are there still no splashes like before ? Stupid, I rolled my eyes and ignored her.

However, Ji Linlin took my silence as weakness and said in a sharp and sharp voice: “Oh, no. ” “One thing is different from before. ” “Now It’s me who is standing by Brother Shen’s side, not you .” “I’m telling you, Brother Shen, he never loved you at all.

After you broke up, he…” Before Ji Linlin could finish her sentence, Shen Yi intervened and interrupted her. : “Linlin , okay, don’t you want to stand outside? Let’s go. ” As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Linlin’s little mouth curled up in displeasure, and her almond-shaped eyes

Immediately burst into tears. I felt pity for him: “Brother Shen, why did you interrupt me ? Are you feeling sorry for this woman? ” In a blink of an eye, she looked like As if thinking of something, he glared at me fiercely: “It must be you, the vixen

” “You’re seducing Brother Shen secretly, right? ” There were already many people around who were looking at me. I rubbed my eyebrows and nodded: “Yes. ” Yes. ” Ji Linlin’s face darkened. “Remember to complain to the empress . I want to report the concubine Xi for having an affair with the harem.

” “You! ” Little Green Tea was so angry that she stomped her feet and beat the air twice. To vent my emotions , I nodded solemnly and applauded: “Okay! What an Ansai waist drum! As soon as I started beating it, I became so ruthless that I lost my temper and lost my life!

What a magnificent, bold, and fiery dance that broke out on the Loess Plateau . “Ansai waist drum! ” “Song Yan! ” Ji Linlin’s chest kept rising and falling, obviously angry, “This is our Ji family’s banquet and I didn’t invite you. Are you hanging with some fat-headed, big-eared, middle-aged greasy man

And begging him to take you? ” Did you come over here? “Lu Chengchuan? A middle-aged greasy man with a fat head and big ears? I looked at Lu Chengchuan thinking about this sentence and tried to put Lu Chengchuan into it. However, Ji Linlin automatically regarded my behavior as a sign of guilty conscience.

Now my waist no longer hurts, and my legs He was no longer sour and his confidence was back, and he looked as fierce as a proud little peacock: ” You were right, Song Yan? ” You can even swallow a greasy middle-aged man without feeling disgusted.

” Just when I was about to laugh out loud, a deep voice interrupted: “So this is how Ms. Ji described me in the future? ” It was Lu Chengchuan . I don’t know when they came over. The two people in front of them were stunned , especially Ji Linlin’s

Expression, as if someone had scolded him in public, “If you make any noise, I’ll pull your skin out of your anus.” He was angry and choked with sobs. “I…” Ji Linlin hurriedly tried to explain . Is this the tutor of the Ji family? ” Sure enough, Lu Chengchuan’s mouth will never disappoint anyone.

Looking at the deflated appearance of the little green tea, I thought about all the sad things in my life to avoid laughing out loud. The little green tea just sat on the ground and wow wow! I cried just when I thought this farce was going to end.

Lu Chengchuan raised his eyes and looked at Shen Yi, “Is this Mr. Shen? ” “Hello, I am…” Before Shen Yi could finish his words, Lu Chengchuan interrupted him and looked at him. He glanced at his nose and let out a sneer: “That’s all.

” Shen Yi’s hand that he intended to shake was hanging in the air. The atmosphere was extremely awkward . I laughed until my head fell off. I laughed so hard that I could slap the Ferrari’s 4-knot Nanfu. When the battery came out, I silently gave Lu Chengchuan a thumbs up.

Maybe it was because she made too much noise. Little Green Tea and her father came over and scolded Little Green Tea with a sullen face without saying a word . Tears rolled in Ji Linlin’s eyes: “Dad …” “Okay! Go back and stay at home this week to reflect! ”

After speaking, he put on a flattering smile: “I’m sorry, Mr. Lu’s goddaughter, I can’t make you laugh. “Lu Chengchuan had a stern face and showed no mercy: “Since you know, let her come over and apologize to Miss Song. ” Ji Ming’s flattering smile froze on his face.

Ji Linlin also exploded when he heard this: “Dad! Why should you let me Give this bitch…” “Pah! ” A clear slap sounded. I touched my chin and wondered if the old cows in the next village heard this slap and thought it was time to get up. They plowed two acres of land overnight

. Ji Linlin’s eyes were red. She looked at her father in disbelief: “Dad, you hit me because of this woman. ” Ji Ming ignored the aggrieved little daughter in front of him and sternly said: “Apologise ” “…I’m sorry!

” Little Green Tea gritted her teeth and choked out these words at me. After saying that, he ran out. Lu Chengchuan drank some wine at the banquet and handed over the car to the driver for the return trip. At this moment, he was sitting next to me with his eyes closed

And meditating . It was quiet along the way. I was a little bored and looked up at the starry sky in the car in a daze . Are you happy today? ” Lu Chengchuan suddenly spoke with a slightly hoarse voice. I subconsciously turned my head to look at him and met

His obsidian eyes. There were no lights on in the car , only the light from the street lights on the roadside came in, and the light was very dim. “I’m happy. “I blurted out the answer and I could clearly feel the people around me breathing a sigh of relief.

“I think you are really stupid to stand there and let people fall for so long. Next time, go up and beat her up. If something happens, the company will take care of it for you. ” I didn’t. Thinking that one day such words would come out of Lu Chengchuan’s mouth.

In my impression, he always looked calm and reserved. I couldn’t help but joke: “When Mr. Lu came here, he said he didn’t want to spend money on my public relations. Why are you willing now? Sure enough, my sister is too charming. ” Lu Chengchuan glanced at me and said

Calmly: “I think someone is too bold to touch his nose and face. A few days ago, he was as timid as a quail in the office. He is so smooth -tongued. If you use your energy in variety shows, your popularity should have exploded long ago. ” I kept silent and

Made a zipper motion on my lips to express surrender. The next second, I heard the chuckles of the people around me, with a slightly raised tone and a low voice. It’s so provocative that it makes people’s ears tingle: “Outcome ” The relationship between Shen Yi and I is awkward,

But CP is still popular. The escape variety show I went to last time also invited me again. After the company and the program team had informed each other in advance, arranged and edited The taste of industrial saccharin is so strong that the barrage is killing me. “Let’s talk, let’s talk!

” “If this is not true, then I am lying! ” “I don’t think Shen Yuluoyan is crazy, I do. What are you crazy about? Do you think I have eaten good food like you? Have you ever eaten American Emperor? Do you all know how comfortable it is to lie down on candy?

I have been picking up garbage since I was a child, and now I have never eaten a mouthful of royal food . Seeing that everyone has candy, I am also envious You have a problem with Chen Yu Luo Yan going crazy? You might as well kill me!

” A drama producer saw the popularity and came to us directly with the script. It is a youth campus drama about the male and female protagonists from high school to campus. The story of love redemption and the characters are very close to the two of us

, and it has the basis of the novel. It has been very popular since the official announcement of the drama. Sister Rong immediately gave me the final decision and Shen Yi’s team read the script. After that, it was decided that the drama team would be able to take action, and soon

That night it was officially announced that Shen Yi and I would play the male and female protagonists # shenyi songyan drama reform # The hot search comments below were filled with anticipation, and the filming started quickly . Half a month later, I was assigned to the group.

Before joining the group, Sister Rong said carefully: “There will definitely be a proxy by then. You guys will have to pretend to be more like me and interact more .” I nodded obediently and agreed,

But what I was thinking about was that I would arrive. What should I do if I was so embarrassed that I pulled out a three-bedroom apartment and was photographed? Shen Yi didn’t react at all. He became famous earlier than me. He has been in the industry for a long time

And the drama is enough . I looked at Shen Yi with affectionate eyes in front of me and thought to myself: How did the fans tell that Shen Yi only looked at me? Times are different, these eyes are affectionate even when looking at dogs, but CPf likes

To watch. In order to bring actors and actresses closer together, it is customary to arrange an intimate scene in the first scene. On that day, the video of Shen Yi and I standing in the rain and hugging each other was filmed and uploaded to the Internet. The atmospheric video became a hit and

Netizens were excited and looked forward to it in the afternoon. When Shen Yi and I were sitting in the shed reviewing the script, my phone rang with an unknown number. I hung up without even thinking about it. The next moment, Ji Linlin’s sharp voice rang out from the phone: “Song Yan,

Why do you keep fighting with me? ” “You are just a piece of shit who crawled out of the slums. ” You are not worthy of Brother Shen Yi at all. Now you are so shameless in taking advantage of his popularity just for the sake of fame.

You haven’t had any self-awareness since the last banquet. ” “You want to be famous, right? Brother Shen Yi stopped me before. I didn’t expect you to still be so generous.” You are so shameless and I will block your resources to see who dares to offend our Ji family!

” Where did you come from? I frowned, hung up and blocked the one-stop service. Shen Yi’s expression became particularly embarrassed. I looked at him indifferently. Shrugging: “Continue ” Shen Yi remained silent for a long time. He sighed, his voice clean and gentle, slightly apologetic: “Song Song…I’m sorry, I will handle this matter.

” After Shen Yi finished speaking, I made a phone call when I went out. As for the content, I didn’t hear the content, but he was very angry . He also took leave for the afternoon scene. In my impression, Shen Yi was very gentle and rarely

Angry. The only time he lost his temper with me was when we broke up. That phone call should be After the little green tea caller Ji Linlin was blocked by me, she would go to social platforms like Weibo and Tiktok to scold me, but it stopped completely within two hours.

Shen Yi’s cell phone would continue to answer calls in the next few days. When I called the phone , he hung up with a frown. I had no interest in gossiping and carefully flipped through today’s script. Today’s scene was about the heroine falling from the fifth floor.

The director asked me in advance if I wanted to be a stand-in. I thought to myself. Even if he is a young actor, he doesn’t need to act like a big star. It’s quite safe to use a stuntman, wires, etc. , so he refused to follow “3, 2, 1, action”.

The filming of this scene started on the rooftop of the fifth floor. I planned to jump down, but the Wia made a crunching sound. I felt something was wrong, but the inertia of my body made me fall outside. No one noticed anything unusual except Shen Yi.

He seemed to notice The panic in my eyes came out and he rushed towards me. He held my hand just as I asked for help, but the inertia was too great and the wire failed. I fell together with him. The feeling of weightlessness filled all my senses

And I was in a trance. It was as if someone was protecting me. There was a heavy sound and we fell on the safety air mattress . My eyes went dark. I passed out and woke up. When I woke up, the smell of disinfectant filled

My nose. When I woke up, Sister Rong was surprised and called the nurse. I was confused. Looking at Lu Chengchuan sitting by the bed, “How long have I been unconscious? ” Lu Chengchuan opened his mouth, but his throat was extremely dry. He paused before speaking: “Half a day ” “Where is Shen Yi?

” “Next door ” Lu Chengchuan’s face turned dark. Hei looked at it and didn’t want to mention the name. I turned my arms and legs to see if I was injured. Lu Chengchuan sat on the bedside, peeling an orange and looked up at me: “You’re lucky you ‘re not injured.

” I nodded. Then he asked: “Is Shen Yi injured? ” Lu Chengchuan paused while peeling the orange and continued to be silent until he finished peeling the orange and stuffed it into my mouth. Then he said, “I’m not interested or paying attention. ” “The sweetness of oranges spread in my mouth.

I looked at the news on my phone, but I didn’t feel good at all. It said that Shen Yi was underneath me when we fell. I was not injured , but Shen Yi fell out of his head. Shocked, “Don’t look at it. ” Lu Chengchuan’s big hand came over and pressed my phone.

“You should get more rest now. ” In the evening, Lu Chengchuan came back after answering a phone call. He looked unhappy and left. Only then did I get the phone to check. The online news

About this incident on Weibo was on the one hand scolding the crew for not doing enough safety measures, and on the other hand they were shedding tears for Shen Yi and I’s beautiful love. At this moment, a new entry appeared on the hot search with the title Climbing at an extremely fast speed

#松晏小三# I blinked and clicked in. It was a new account. I directly named her and told her that I knew San Dang San was involved in her and Shen Yi’s love affair and posted 9 pieces of long puzzle evidence. I roughly After reading it, the writing was indeed reasonable

And well-founded. The pictures were also very realistic. As a client, I almost believed that the Internet was like this. It was as high as it was before and now it is as harsh as it was. Groundless abuse and accusations came at me overwhelmingly, “Okay.” “Disgusting

” “She and Shen Yi who were so addicted before turned out to be the mistress ” “I just said that Song Yan doesn’t just look like green tea and does such a despicable thing behind the scenes. ” Sister Rong obviously saw the news and hurried away Come over,

“Is what is said on the Internet true? ” I shook my head, “Then think about whether you have offended anyone. Now there is obviously a team behind the scenes to fuel the fire and want to mess with you .” I ate the fruit on the bedside table and nodded, ” “It’s true.

” “That’s Ji Linlin. ” “She was acting like a monster when I was in love with Shen Yi in college. A few days ago, she even called me and scolded me and told me to ban me . ” Sister Rong was so angry

That I thought if emotions could become physical. Then there should be a three-foot-high fire burning on her head now. “Have you ever been in love with Shen Yi? Why don’t you tell me in advance about such a big thing? ” I stuck out my tongue and said indifferently: “It doesn’t matter.

It can’t be fake, it can’t be fake, so this little green tea is just jumping around now. ” Sister Rong rubbed her eyebrows and said angrily: “Ancestral, you are really my ancestor .” “Don’t worry, I won’t be the female star anymore .” There is a place for me in the city

.” In order to prove to Sister Rong that I am already very skilled in this profession, I raised my voice: “I see you have a new order, please take it in time! Pick up the cup! Label it! Load it Boba! Add water!

Put it into the machine coolly and rock it up and down! Sealing! Is No. 301 here? Is No. 301 here? ” Sister Rong glared at me and poked my forehead with her index finger, with a look of hatred on her face: “It’s just you. Please be patient and have a good heart

. The public relations department of Ancestor Company will deal with it every day. It’s causing me trouble every day. ” Before returning to the company, Sister Rong even turned around and warned her: “Don’t use big names to post randomly on Weibo! ” I nodded like this. Pao Suan: “How could it be

? I’m so well-behaved. ” Then he silently deleted what he typed on the keyboard, “Really? Do you get paid for spreading rumors? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment for spreading rumors? You can’t get any other happiness and joy in life except spreading rumors. Is it fun? Do you contribute to this society?

Can you release positive energy to this universe? Is your life so boring? ” However, I waited for this paragraph for a day and did not wait for the clarification from the public relations . Instead, Sister Rong came over and confiscated it from me. My cell phone

Smelled that something was wrong, so I immediately hid in the toilet and looked at Weibo. The entry #宋晏小三# was still on the hot search list , but it had already been hit by the entries of #鲁成川ENGAGEMENT# #松潏鲁成川# #松潏愿三#. Went down to Lu Chengchuan to get engaged? I don’t know why, my mind went

Blank. For the next few minutes, I forgot how I finished reading these hot searches. Sister Rong opened the door and took away my phone. “Give them all.” ” You said not to look at your phone, don’t look at your phone. ” I nodded dully for a while before I realized that

This morning someone just broke the news that the heir of the Lu family, Lu Chengchuan, and the eldest daughter of the Tan family, Tan Wei, were engaged. At noon, a marketing account dropped a bunch of pictures of me and Lu Chengchuan Every photo was taken very skillfully.

It looks like I am seducing Lu Chengchuan . Now, CPf has been refined and pure. Shen Yi feels sorry for me. Shen Yi said that I have two legs. Some people also accuse me of being a habitual boss who likes to meddle in other people’s feelings. “Before I was really deceived by her.

How many simple characters are there in the entertainment industry ? ” “It’s disgusting. She has been taken care of by Lu Chengchuan for a long time.” “Why haven’t you come out to respond ? Aren’t you really good at attacking anti-fans before? Why don’t you dare to speak out now?

” “…” I don’t care if others scold me or not, but all I can think about is the photo of Lu Chengchuan holding Tan Wei’s hand. In the photo, the girl is wearing a red dress, confident and flamboyant, with bright and majestic features, holding Lu Lu’s arm with a smile. Chengchuan’s hand

, and Lu Chengchuan’s iceberg face that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, had a faint smile, weakening the coldness in his eyebrows and adding a bit of tenderness. I took a deep breath and sat on the bed with my legs in my arms . Sister comforted me: “It doesn’t matter,

The company will handle it. Black and red are also red, right? ” I felt bad, but what was even more uncomfortable was that I didn’t know why I was sad because Lu Chengchuan was engaged. I tossed and turned at night and couldn’t sleep. Sister Rong was always there with me. I said

“ding ding ding——” It was Sister Rong’s cell phone. She glanced at the screen and then at the screen. I went out to pick it up and came back. After she wiped away the previous sad look, her face was filled with joy. “What’s wrong?

” Sister Rong looked at it with a smile in her eyes. He glanced at me and returned the phone to me: “You can see for yourself. ” I opened Weibo with a confused face. Now I was stupid. First, Shen Yi sent a Weibo to clarify for me the previous rumors

About the mistress that he and Ji Linlin. I was completely unaware of the relationship and explained that he was the one who first proposed the CP speculation. Finally, I attached a sentence at the end of the article: “You just need to run forward. Just listen to the wind and noise along the way.

Don’t pay attention to the external voices . I’m sorry, Song Yan. May you get better and better .” There was another Weibo post from Lu Chengchuan. I clicked it with trembling hands . Lu Chengchuan mentioned that his marriage contract with Tan Wei was only unilaterally set by the family

And he had never agreed to it . He had personally come forward a few days ago. After canceling About Me, he wrote a story of nearly 1,000 words. To be precise, it was a story about a secret love.

When he was in college, he rebelled against his family at a young age and ran away , but he was penniless and could not even afford a bottle of water. Fortunately, he met him. I

Ran to the convenience store to buy bread and water and gave him the only umbrella in my hand, then hurriedly disappeared into the rainy night. My heartbeat seemed to skip half a beat , and then started beating as fast as a drum

. The down-and-out homeless man I met in 2008 turned out to be Lu Chengchuan. We had met so early. I suppressed my trembling fingertips and then swiped the screen to look down: “Later, I tried to find her, but that girl just disappeared from my life. It was

Like A dream that left no trace. ” “I met her again just when I thought our fate was over. ” “She was running around on the set under the bright sun with a serious look on her face. Even though she was an extra,

There was something burning in her eyes. “My love for acting ” ” She has no impression of me when I appear in front of her. I think it’s better to just protect her silently ” “…” “It’s my unrequited love for Miss Song

” “I hope everyone will not cause trouble to her again” Unnecessary trouble. ” My heart was beating hard , as if there was an indescribable emotion spreading.

I couldn’t have imagined that such an arrogant and aloof person like Lu Chengchuan would sit there and seriously write down such a long secret love story word for word and make it public. The public opinion about me on the Internet began to improve,

And netizens switched to other sites and started talking about me. I had a super chat with Lu Chengchuan called “Has Mr. Lu caught up with Song Yan today?” I was so upset and my mind was in a mess. I didn’t know how to respond to the call from

Lu Chengchuan. I didn’t know when Sister Rong would reply. I went to the company to deal with the follow-up matters. I was about to turn off my phone and go to sleep when I heard someone opening the door of my ward.

I thought it was the nurse doing rounds on the ward, so I continued to close my eyes and prepare for sleep until a shadow cast in front of me. I realized later that it was not the case. The nurse opened her eyes and met Ji Linlin’s eyes full of red bloodshot eyes.

“Song Yan, are you proud? ” Looking at Ji Linlin who was not in the right state, I slowly fumbled for my phone , trying to find someone for help , but she was quick to answer. She grabbed the phone and threw it to the ground. I was furious.

This is the new iPhone14 that my sister bought not long ago. “No, Miss Ji, do you have a brain problem? I don’t want to hit you because you have cerebral palsy.” , look at your incomplete cerebellum and underdeveloped brain. I sent you to Lanxiang to drive an excavator. You can’t even understand that

I didn’t recruit you or mess with you. You’re targeting me for hooking up with Shen Yi there after being in college for so long. You know what you’re doing. I still feel that I am the most pitiful person in the world . Let me tell you, if I were a dog

Passing by on the roadside, you would kick your feet. ” Looking at Ji Linlin’s dull expression, I hit hard: “What for? Breaking the defense? I said break. Didn’t you just run away with your head in your arms? You are just a clown that your grandma doesn’t kiss and your uncle doesn’t love.

Now you just want to find a crack in the ground to crawl into? ” The scolding was not enough. I took a breath and wanted to continue outputting , but I saw a cold light behind Ji Linlin. I flashed for a second and the knife was placed on my neck.

“Hiss…” Why did I still hold the knife when I was so convinced that I couldn’t afford it? I clutched Ji Linlin’s hand holding the knife tightly for fear that this woman would snap it off if she went crazy. ” Song Yan! Why do you live better than me in everything? Why!

I’m obviously prettier than you and richer than you. Why is Shen Yi?” He never looks at me. Even if we break up, he will still hold the tattered scarf you gave him in a daze! ” Ji Linlin’s eyes became more and more cruel, and the hand holding the knife became harder and harder

. I couldn’t stand it anymore. “You die! Only you die. Only if I have to live my life as I want! Right! Go and die! ” The blade had already cut blood streaks on my neck. My eyes turned black for a while, and I thought I was going to die.

However, the next second, the pressure and suffocation all disappeared . Falling into a cold but very warm embrace, “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I’m here. Ji Linlin is already under control. ” Lu Chengchuan patted my back gently and hugged me tightly,

As if he was afraid that I would do it the next second. The various emotions of grievance, longing, and fear seemed to have disappeared . I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I hugged Lu Chengchuan’s neck and began to cry: “Why did you come here! I miss you so much!

” Lu Chengchuan’s hands also stopped a little. Trembling constantly, he kissed the top of my hair with a gentle tone I had never heard before: “Don’t be afraid , I’m here, I’m here. ” The police took Ji Linlin away. After investigation, not only was this rumor-mongering incident related to her, but

The previous wire malfunction was The incident was also related to her. She was sentenced to jail for intentional murder. Lu Chengchuan waved his hand and said the classic line of a domineering president: ” Let the Ji family go bankrupt when the weather gets cold. ” I rolled with laughter

And asked where he was. After learning these words, he came over and held me in his arms and said eagerly: “Are you my clingy little kitten? ” I pretended to be so disgusted that I vomited and laughed

At him. Lu Chengchuan , an old man who was trying to integrate into the lives of young people, was going to scratch me. I smiled and slapped his hand away, went to get my phone,

And then made a post in the super chat “Mr. Lu caught up with Song Yan today”: “Mr. Lu caught up with Song Yan today.” Extra: Shen Yi, Song Yan and I were childhood sweethearts in college. We just let nature take its course and got together.

I thought we would fall in love, get married, and have children like a normal couple. However, things never seemed to go that smoothly. After graduation, we managed to survive with the thousands of dollars we earned as extras every month. But Song Yan’s mother

This idiot didn’t choose to tell me that I was sick. At the same time, my junior high school girl from the university who had been pestering me also found me. She said that she could help Song Yan pay the medical expenses , but the price was that I would break up with her.

I gritted my teeth and refused, and failed in interviews again and again. Ji Linlin found me again. She said that these were all pointless struggles because the Ji family had so much power behind them. As long as she didn’t let go, no crew would dare to ask us

To watch Song Yan crying alone in the toilet. My spirit was getting worse every day . After compromising, I went in and out of the hotel with the female producer and deliberately let Song Yan see her

, but she didn’t lose her temper. Instead, she wiped her tears and pretended not to see her. When I saw her getting out of the luxury car, I didn’t doubt her, but I thought, at least we have to be together. We broke up for a reason,

So we had our first quarrel after three years of dating. I humiliated her with the most vicious words . Looking at her unbelievable eyes, I knew she was disappointed in me . Looking at her back as she left, I held back tears for a long time. We just fell apart.

We have never met or spoken to each other since that day. The next time I met her was on a variety show. I really wanted to hug her and ask her how she has been in the past few years

, but the reality is that I can only I pretended that I didn’t know her and politely said that after the first meeting, our CP became popular after the show was broadcast. I asked the team to take the initiative to contact her.

The agent thought that Song Yan was a low-ranking celebrity and that she was being promoted as a CP. In fact, she was sucked, but I didn’t care . On the one hand, I want to help her , and on the other hand, in order to satisfy my own selfishness,

Ji Linlin has become more and more aggressive recently and even threatened to block Song Yan. This time, I will not tolerate it anymore. I chose to completely break up with her. I no longer have any worries and I am not afraid of her. It ruined my career

, and Song Yan also had a stronger support. When she fell in front of me, I first noticed something strange about Wia. It was basically a subconscious reaction. I grabbed her and protected her without even thinking about it. After I woke up in his arms

, my manager told me that something happened to Song Yan. I knew it was Ji Linlin who did it, so I posted on Weibo to help her clarify. My manager scolded me and said I was crazy. I had a long dream . She and I were still carefree

When we were 17 years old. Her smile was like the orange blossoms in April. The setting sun coated the sky with a layer of gold. The gentle evening breeze was the sun at dusk, but we woke up to it as the dawn of dawn. I had no other thoughts.

I just wanted to see her again. However, through the glass window of the ward, I saw Lu Chengchuan hugging her tightly. I knew it was time to wake up from the dream. When the dust settled , I had no choice to tell her the truth.

She just had to It’s good to be as happy as you are now. Someone asked me before what jealousy is? I said you imagine your favorite getting married to someone else. But now I’m staring at her and Lu Chengchuan’s grand wedding on the screen,

But I don’t feel the slightest bit of jealousy in my heart, only envy . I envy him for being able to legitimately stand with the girl he loves most.

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