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以為是爛片,結果一看真香,譚松韻的這部劇,讓人停不下來 谭松韵:美貌与才华并存,无人能及!

以為是爛片,結果一看真香,譚松韻的這部劇,讓人停不下來 谭松韵:美貌与才华并存,无人能及!

Hello! Welcome everyone to watch the news about Chinese stars. This is today’s news. I thought it was a bad movie, but it turned out to be really good. Tan Songyun’s drama makes people unable to stop watching it. Tan Songyun: Beauty and talent coexist, no one can match it!

Tan Songyun: Beauty and talent coexist, no one can match her! In the entertainment industry, there is a high-profile actress, she is Tan Songyun. Not only because of her outstanding appearance, but also because of her outstanding performance in acting career.

Nowadays, Tan Songyun is 33 years old, but she still maintains the enviable “milk skin”, which makes people sigh that her beauty and talent coexist, and no one can match her! Tan Songyun’s beauty can be called a talent.

She has a pair of big, watery eyes that seem to be able to speak; her slender body has graceful lines, giving people a fresh and refined feeling. Her facial features are exquisite and three-dimensional, and every detail exudes charming charm. However, her appearance is matched by her inner depth and talent.

As an excellent actor, Tan Songyun has shown extraordinary talents in the field of acting. Not only can she easily handle various types of roles, but she can also perform outstandingly in every role. Whether it is a pure and lovely girl or a strong and independent woman,

Tan Songyun can interpret the role vividly and convincingly. Her performance is not just superficial, but can go deep into people’s hearts and touch the softest part of people’s hearts. It is worth mentioning that Tan Songyun has always maintained unremitting efforts and enterprising spirit in his career.

Not only is she not satisfied with the results she has achieved, she also constantly challenges herself and pursues higher and further goals. It is precisely with this kind of professionalism and persistent pursuit that Tan Songyun can stand out in the fiercely competitive entertainment industry and become the focus of attention.

It can be said that Tan Songyun is like a bright star, shining with a unique light. Her beauty and talent coexist, making her impossible to ignore. Although time has left traces on her face, she still maintains a youthful and beautiful posture, showing the most charming charm of women.

I believe that in the days to come, Tan Songyun will continue to create more brilliant achievements and become a dazzling star in the entertainment industry! As time goes by, Tan Songyun’s beauty and talent blossom, making people full of expectations and imaginations about her future.

First of all, Tan Songyun’s continuous progress and breakthroughs in her acting career will bring her a broader stage. With the accumulation of experience and the challenges of roles, she will reach new heights in performance and present more colorful life styles to the audience.

Whether it is a movie, TV series or stage play, Tan Songyun will become a high-profile actor, bringing more touching and shock to the audience. Secondly, Tan Songyun will continue to influence more people with her charm and influence.

As a public figure, she is not only an actor, but also a person full of positive energy and love. She will continue to actively participate in public welfare activities, pay attention to social issues, use her actions to influence more people, and spread love and hope.

Finally, Tan Songyun will continue to maintain her love and pursuit of her career. She won’t stop walking or making progress. Whether in her acting career or in life, she will continue to challenge herself and pursue higher realms. It is this kind of unremitting efforts and persistent pursuit of dreams that

Makes Tan Songyun an admirable and admirable female model. To sum up, the coexistence of Tan Songyun’s beauty and talent is undoubtedly one of the secrets of her success. She is not only an actress, but also a woman full of charm and courage. Her future will be even more brilliant.

I look forward to Tan Songyun continuing to create more excitement and bring more surprises and touches to the audience in the days to come! Tan Songyun is not only an excellent actor, she is also a versatile artist.

In addition to her success in film and television dramas, she is also actively involved in music, literature and other fields, showing her amazing all-round talent. In terms of music, Tan Songyun not only has a beautiful voice, but also has excellent musical expression.

She has released many solo music works, some of which are extremely popular and loved by fans. Her musical works are diverse and full of personality, ranging from tender and lyrical tunes to powerful rock styles, demonstrating her multiple charms as a multi-faceted artist. In addition, Tan Songyun is also a writer who loves literature.

Her prose and poetry works are often included in literary magazines and receive high praise. She uses beautiful words to interpret her unique insights and insights into life and the world, arousing readers’ resonance and thinking. Her literary works are not only artistic expressions, but also expressions of her inner world,

Demonstrating her ability to think deeply and express emotions as a literary young man. In addition to her success in the field of art, Tan Songyun has also won widespread praise for her positive attitude towards life and helpfulness.

She often participates in charity activities, donating books, school supplies and other materials to children in poor areas, and uses her actions to convey love and warmth. She also actively advocates environmental protection, public welfare and other social responsibilities, and uses her influence to influence and inspire more people.

To sum up, Tan Songyun is not only an actor with both beauty and talent, but also a versatile artist. With her outstanding acting skills, diverse artistic talents and positive attitude towards life, she has won the love and respect of countless audiences.

I believe that in the days to come, Tan Songyun will continue to bring more surprises and touches to the audience with her unique charm and talent ! In Tan Songyun, we saw the perfect combination of beauty and talent, and also witnessed her relentless pursuit of dreams.

Her story tells us that as long as we have persistent pursuit and an enterprising mentality, age will not be a shackle that limits our progress. I believe that in the future, Tan Songyun will continue to illuminate our path forward with her unique light and bring us more inspiration and touch.

Looking forward to her more brilliant performances in the future, Tan Songyun is unmatched! 02. I thought it was a bad movie, but it turns out it’s so good. Tan Songyun’s drama makes people unable to stop watching it. 1. Reality

Comes first. Not only is the lighting real, there are no filters, the life and work scenes are also restored, and there is no wide open The halo of the heroine. Although it is an idol romance drama, the lighting is very natural. Tan Songyun’s dark circles, nasolabial folds, and

The acne on Lin Gengxin’s face are clearly visible. Lemon, played by Tan Songyun, is a boss secretary who often works overtime and is on call 24 hours a day. The boss has a grumpy personality

And is very difficult to get along with. He changed many secretaries but could not make it within a few months. Tan Songyun managed to survive for three years. The dedication and pressure behind her work can be imagined.

Tan Songyun’s fatigue and dark circles are very real, especially when she wakes up after staying up late and working overtime all night. Her messy hair, bare makeup, and wearing pajamas are particularly real, just like how we get up early at home every day.

It’s much more real than what we have seen in other idol dramas. She is always glamorous and has exquisite makeup. She doesn’t take off her makeup when she sleeps. Sometimes she even wears leather shoes when sleeping. It’s so fake.

Secondly, regarding the work content of Lemon, the details are also very detailed and true, and the content is very down-to-earth. Today’s to-do list is very detailed. I woke up at 6 a.m. and started preparing for the day’s work schedule. While taking the MRT, I responded to work messages and arranged meeting times.

When I arrived at the company, I took the folder to be signed that day to my boss’s office and copied the materials. Prepare the information for the conference room, expect the store to open after nine o’clock, and pick up the clothes for the award ceremony…

The arrangements are very orderly, which is very consistent with the personality of a secretary for three years. After Lemon returned to the company, the bosses of the three departments were being lectured by their boss, waiting for Lemon to come to the rescue.

The boss said he wanted tea or iced tea with milk. Lemon then turned around and made hot coffee with milk. Several executives watched and sweated. The boss suddenly changed his mind. Who said I wanted to drink tea?

They say they want tea, but actually they want coffee. This boss is quite difficult to take care of. Lemon’s online complaint: Sometimes drinking tea means drinking coffee, and sometimes drinking tea really means drinking tea. The specific situation should be analyzed in detail. No wonder everyone is confused, but only Lemon can control it.

This kind of ease is what Lemon spent three years observing and sorting out: thirteen things to note when making coffee, eight things to note about dry cleaning, twenty-one things to note about eating habits, thirty-eight things to note when traveling…

These This is only part of it. Lemon also needs to negotiate business and sign contracts with the boss, build good relationships with secretaries of other companies, exchange information, pay attention to industry information, and report to the boss at any time about the trends of the bosses in the industry.

In the evening, the boss got drunk while socializing. Lemon, who had already got off work, had to pick up the boss and take him home to drink a glass of honey water to relieve the hangover.

The boss, Lu Jiming, as the founder of the company, was not just showing off. Through the smoke bombs released by the other party’s secretary, he recognized that the other party was acting for a show and that he really had the intention to cooperate, and finally sent Lemon to negotiate.

The plot is realistic and down-to-earth, with sufficient details. The character of a senior secretary is stable. She is a top financial student, and her abilities are far beyond that. Her dream is not to be a secretary, so it is natural for her to propose a job transfer.

2. Many idol dramas like to use dubbing for original lines . The heroines in many dramas have the same voice, and it’s hard to tell them apart. Especially this kind of urban drama, using original lines, is so popular.

The play “Please Call Me Director” uses all original voices. Tan Songyun is from a major and has a good command of lines. Her plays are basically all original voices. Lin Gengxin’s basic dialogue skills are also good, and the scumbag Northeastern accent adds some cuteness and contrast to the character.

3. Tan Songyun’s acting skills are so good and very engaging. Whether it is her ability to deal with daily trivial matters with ease, her caution, professionalism, and dedication when facing her boss, or her tact and ease of handling when negotiating with an interested company, Tan Songyun’s acting skills are very natural and real,

Just like a real secretary at work. Tan Songyun’s handling of Lemon’s emotional transformation is also very layered. The first scene that impressed me deeply was when Lemon asked her boss to transfer her job during dinner.

Before asking the boss for a job transfer, she felt entangled and anxious. After drinking and emboldening her, she bravely proposed it. The boss proposed to renew the contract and double the salary. Lemon understood the urgency and desire in her heart. When the boss denied her ability to work,

The gorilla can do this job after training. Son, Lemon’s face was full of anger; the boss said that the work was so easy and he could get such a high salary. Lemon’s eyes were filled with tears, feeling aggrieved and unwilling.

The boss couldn’t understand, so Lemon decided to take the boss to her home to see that the place where she lived every day was actually another place where she worked. The boss’s first reaction was still: Don’t trick me.

The second scene, when Lemon takes his boss to his house to get angry, is even more highlight. Lemon told how difficult it was during the day, how difficult it was for Lu Jiming, and the various precautions, which

Were simply more complicated than a space shuttle. He worked as a secretary in the company during the day, as a nanny at night, and when he got drunk in the middle of the night, he had to drive as a substitute and deliver it to his home for recovery. Wine honey water.

On call 24 hours a day. If you don’t answer the phone for three seconds, you will get angry. If you don’t answer the phone at two or three o’clock in the middle of the night , you will get angry. You can’t have uncomfortable moments and have your own life.

This secretary life is so suffocating. Tan Songyun performed the hardships, grievances and unwillingness of social animals, and sacrificed too much in order to be a better version of herself. Tan Songyun’s natural and delicate acting skills made the audience feel deeply involved.

Lin Gengxin remains in good condition, and his acting skills are also very natural. He has native Northeastern-style lines, which is very comical and does not stretch his hips. I originally thought it was just a short drama, but the plot, details, and acting skills of the actors are all very solid.

Two days after it was aired, its popularity rose to second place on the Internet, making it another dark horse. Tan Songyun has been dominating the screen in the past few years . Tan Songyun has been on the rise in recent years. The post-90s actress has already mastered several hit dramas and has

Become a popular star in the first-line, becoming a strong competitor to Yang Zi. At first, he was just a simple nobleman who didn’t have many roles in “The Legend of Zhen Huan”, but he successfully attracted attention. When he appeared, he was very cheerful, meaty, and loved to eat. He was the only

Character in the Gongdou drama that made people feel warm, sunny, and innocent. Starring in a classic drama with many talented actors, Tan Songyun still left a deep impression on people. Later, Tan Songyun and Liu Haoran’s youth campus drama “The Best of Us” was also very successful.

Both of them have soared in popularity. Tan Songyun, who is almost 30 years old, can play the role of a high school student without any disobedience. Tan Songyun won the title of Most Promising Actor of the Year.

This time “Call Me Director” is broadcast, there is also a “dream linkage between Geng Geng and Director Pan”, which originated from this drama. Because the actor who played Director Pan is now the boss of the company, he was criticized by Lu Jiming at the beginning, but Lemon helped to save him.

Good works always have filters. Even many years later, the audience will still remember the characters in the play and bring their own emotions. Tan Songyun was later nominated for Magnolia’s Best Actress for her life drama “In the Name of Family”, which was a great recognition of her acting skills.

The costume drama “Under the Brocade” and the house-fighting drama “Jade Heart” are all popular After the show was aired, word-of-mouth and popularity soared. The co-actor Ren Jialun rose to the top, and the old-school male god Zhong Hanliang also proved his market appeal.

Tan Songyun has gained a firm foothold with each of her works. Tan Songyun, this Sichuan girl, also graduated from a major in Nortel. She learned classical dance and folk dance when she was a child.

The baby face has good popularity with the audience, and the national popularity established by each work. She does not rely on her appearance to compete for favor, and is

Not keen on marketing and promotion. She is low-key and solid in acting. With her fresh, natural and excellent acting skills, she uses her works to speak for herself and becomes her own heroine. the road.

Tan Songyun has a good eye for selecting dramas, and she seizes every opportunity and performs every role with her heart. Her future is promising. Lin Gengxin’s funny attributes Lin Gengxin is also a unique presence in the entertainment industry. Among so many handsome guys in “Bu Bu Jing Xin” back then,

Even though he was the number N male, he just stood out. Today’s development is still the most significant. Thanks to Lin Gengxin’s excellent own conditions, he is tall and straight, with sharp features. He is obviously handsome, but he always has a youthful look and is very recognizable.

Off-screen, he doesn’t have the baggage of being an idol. He doesn’t even bother to pretend. He doesn’t know how to say nice things. He loves playing games and eating spicy strips. He is very down-to-earth and has a high popularity among the people.

Even though he is always photographed changing girlfriends, because the boy is unmarried and the girl is unmarried, no one accuses him of anything. The “Chu Qiao Biography” co-produced with Zhao Liying has a strong sense of CP and sparks. Even now, some people are still thinking about fishing Yu Wenyue out of the lake.

In recent years, Lin Gengxin has also participated in TV series and movies, but the response was mediocre until this “Please Call Me Director”. Lu Jiming, played by Lin Gengxin, is a poisonous and overbearing CEO. He is a very good person, but he has a long mouth that makes people frightened.

If this role is not performed well, it is easy for the audience to feel disgusted. But Lin Gengxin’s down-to-earth performance and his lines that have a strong Northeastern scum flavor add a lot of joy to this character. Watching him bickering with Tan Songyun in the play,

Tan Songyun tortured him to the point where he had no ability to fight back. Just very happy. “Call Me Director” truly restores the work and life scenes with full details, depicting the sadness and pain of migrant workers. Tan Songyun’s acting is smart and natural, and Lin Gengxin is hilarious and sadistic.

This light comedy emotional drama is worth watching.

►Playlist 谭松韵 Tan Songyun :
►Playlist 任嘉伦 Ren Jialun :
►Playlist 白鹿 Bailu :…
►Playlist 罗云熙 Luo Yunxi :
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  1. 一位專業的實力派演員,會因年齡增長而演技更趨成熟,細膩,松松是最佳例子👍加上她不斷努力學習,細心鑽研,對每個角色都用心揣摩,所以松松每部劇絕對值得期待👏💯💯永遠支持妳,加油💪💪🫶

  2. จิง ถ้าเข้าไปดูแล้ว ออกจากนางไม่ได้เลย ตอนนี้ติดนางมากก ต้องดูหนังที่7 แสดงทุกวัน ตอนนี้ก้อยังดูอยู่

  3. เธอ Seven การรับงานละครแต่ละเรื่องที่ได้รับต้องใส่ใจในบทบาทของตัวตนเหมือนมีการบ้านบทบาทต้องเล่นให้มีชีวิตชีวาและใช้ชีวิตอยู่กับปัจจุบันทำให้แฟนๆที่ได้รับชมแล้วอินตามไปกับเธอเพราะผู้ดูเป็นคนตัดสินในสายตามากมายมีทั้งติมีทั้งชมเป็นเรื่องธรรมดาแต่อยู่ที่ตัวตนความใฝ่ฝันมุ่งมั่นและชอบก้าวไปข้างหน้าความสำเร็จแน่นอนรักนะสาวน้อยน่าเด็ก🤟🙆‍♀️🥳❤

  4. I really enjoy watching Tan Song Yun's dramas. She acts very well and naturally, really a versatile actress, love her❤❤

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