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[SUB] 도쿄 맛집 탐방☕ 커피 오마카세 편 | 커피 맛집, 콜드브루, 밀크브루, 드립커피

[SUB] 도쿄 맛집 탐방☕ 커피 오마카세 편 | 커피 맛집, 콜드브루, 밀크브루, 드립커피

Hello guys, today’s topic is.. Must have an item for going to the company! The drink I need for Monday morning! Yeah, that’s right! Today’s topic is coffee! Do you like iced americano? or hot americano? or probably some people will like latte like me?

I wasn’t interested in coffee at all when I was a teenager till my but when I turned 30’s, I suddenly started to be interested in it. It’s good of course! My taste has been changed but I’m still beginner for drinking coffee

I’m going to nice place to learn about coffee today I’m looking forward to drinking it! Shall we go? I introduced this town named ‘Kiyosumi Shirakawa’ on my Youtube channel! Did you watch it?! I wanted to show you many things at that time,

I also went to coffee shop at that time and it didn’t show up on that video That’s why I wanted to visit again and I’m here faster than I thought so I’m very happy The place I will go is like coffee Omakase

so I’m very looking forward to drinking it because it’s not that common thing in Japan Uh? I can see it a bit? It’s called KOFFEE MAMEYA Kakeru It showed up in quiet residence area

It feels neat and sophisticated, yet it gives off the vibe of being remodeled from a warehouse! Let’s go inside! As soon as you enter, they take your coat first, so it feels like stepping into a hotel lounge a bit.

I’m the only person who came alone and everyone else is foreigners It seems like there’s a lot of buzz overseas, and with the staff wearing white attire, each one assigned to a team providing explanations, it feels very trustworthy and luxurious, don’t you think? Ah, yeah it’s ok

This is a non-alcoholic cocktail, made with pineapple How does it taste to you? It does have a syrupy feel to it… Since I find it a bit difficult to eat raw pineapple, it’s okay for me since I don’t have an allergy. Although we use pineapple for our signature,

Although we use pineapple for our signature, could I change it to hot chocolate made with oat milk? Then signature please Something urgent has come up, but the truth is, I’m not really allergic, I just can’t eat raw pineapple because it upsets my stomach

But the truth is, I’m not really allergic, I just can’t eat raw pineapple because it upsets my stomach When the staff asks if there’s anything I can’t have, I usually just brush it off, thinking it’s best to avoid mentioning it in detail.

But this time, I casually mentioned, ‘I just can’t eat pineapple,’ and surprisingly, they have a mocktail called ‘Montail’ here, which is a coffee cocktail without alcohol but with fruit, and today the fruit happens to be pineapple So I changed the menu

They say they can switch it to a cocktail using oat milk as part of their signature menu. Although it’s not currently available, do you know about Momos Coffee? It’s from Korea.” Oh~ Korean coffee? We’re requesting all of them to be roasted.

We have ‘La Cabra’ from Denmark, and ‘Homeground’ from Singapore. This particular one is being roasted in Switzerland. Wow, you guys are using many different countries These are Italy, Indonesia, Australia This is a World trip It’s also a world tour, and this is where the coffee-producing countries are.

Oh, really? The countries where the coffee is produced and where it’s roasted are different! That’s amazing! Cold brew coffee and non-alcoholic cocktails. This and this This one is cold brew coffee, extracted for 14 hours. And this one is a non-alcoholic cocktail, made with cocoa syrup, tea-mute pepper, and rose tea.

Wow, I’ll try the cold brew in the black cup~ Excited for the first sip! Wow, it’s surprisingly clean and crisp! I’m not sure if this expression fits coffee perfectly, but it’s lightly clean, not too weak or bland. It’s a bit lighter than the iced Americano that Koreans usually drink.

It wasn’t too strong, so I could enjoy it lightly! (One sip for coffee, one bite for chocolate) They also recommended alternating between the pistachio chocolate and the coffee. The subtle pistachio flavor paired so well! Sometimes I find coffee a bit overwhelming,

but with such a clean taste like this, I think I could drink it more often I should probably try this too, right? (Drinking coffee with the smell first!) At first, it has a hint of acidity, but despite not containing alcohol, it feels like a juice with a coffee smell

The combination is strangely good, so whether you’re a juice enthusiast or a coffee lover, I think you’ll enjoy it. Give it a try! It was also interesting how they served the coffee in the black cup

It felt like they were intentionally emphasizing the aroma and taste of the coffee. ( That’s why I can focus on coffee’s taste😊) Since MAMEYA-Kakeru is famous here, I thought this was the first branch, but the original one is in Omotesando! This is actually the second branch!

But at the Omotesando branch, there’s no café space you can only purchase coffee beans So, if you want to enjoy coffee in a space like this, you have to come to the MAMEYA-Kakeru branch in Kiyosumi Shirakawa. and I heard they also have hongkong locations too. It’s really cool coffee place~

I ordered the signature course here, which includes tasting five different types of coffee When they mentioned that, I was actually worried about not being able to sleep if I drink five cups of coffee in a day

When they mentioned that, I was actually worried about not being able to sleep if I drink five cups of coffee in a day But they reassured me that the total caffeine amount would be equivalent to about two cups! I felt very relieved haha You don’t have to worry about drinking coffee!

*Milkbrew : It operates on the same principle as cold brew, but instead of water, milk is used for steeping Guys, it’s my first time to try milkbrew and I’m looking forward to drinking the most! I’m most excited about the milk brew menu!

*Cold brew : It’s the process of steeping ground coffee in water This operates on the same principle as cold brew, but instead of water, milk is used to make it. It has a whole new taste and a slightly sweet flavor but it’s not sweetened with sugar

It seems to become sweeter during the extraction process, not artificially sweetened I initially thought it might have a similar feel to a latte, but it actually offers a different flavor profile from a latte! Naturally sweet, smooth, and in the end, there’s also that characteristic coffee richness

Definitely recommend it to people who like milk! Next one, I will make drip coffee so if you are ok, then please enjoy the smell too Now we’re going to make drip coffee, and you can smell it! It’s the scent that lets you experience the richness of the coffee

Drip coffee made right in front of you! Pouring water over the coffee grounds little by little. Repeat the process 2-3 times, and it’s done! It’s ready, everyone! Since it’s made right in front of you, it feels even more special. Well, let’s give it a try!

I wonder how drip coffee tastes…? Well, compared to the coffees I’ve enjoyed so far This one has some acidity, but the aftertaste is so clean. I think I can appreciate this level of acidity They say coffee tastes different when it’s freshly made and as it cools down

Honestly, I prefer it right after it’s made, but the changing taste like a gradient is quite appealing. It’s kakao cookie Thank you グラスも今までは黒だったけど The cups have changed from black to a more earthenware-like feeling, and it seems like there’s meaning in everything, so it’s quite enjoyable This is the last mocktail,

And among all the menus I’ve had so far, it has the most unique smellど (*Amazake: A traditional Japanese sweet, low-alcohol beverage. Similar to Korean amazake but with a different taste profile) What’s fascinating is it’s like the Japanese amazake It has a fermented smell,

It’s sweet, and in the end, there’s a chocolate-like flavor. (Enjoying various smells) it’s not just coffee; it’s a new kind of beverage. They make the mocktails right in front of you like a bartender, and it’s quite fascinating to watch

They make the mocktails right in front of you like a bartender, and it’s quite fascinating to watch It makes you think about coffee differently and it’s a space where you can learn and grow Today I came to the KOFFEE MAMEYA Kakeru coffee shop and how was it?!

I’m still beginner but I felt like I started to be more curious about coffee because of this It feels like I’ve only taken one step into the deep world of coffee, but now I have a strong desire to learn more and continue to grow

*Kiyosumi Shirakawa : A holy place for coffee* Kiyosumi Shirakawa town is a holy place for coffee? Since there are so many great coffee spots here, anyone interested in coffee should definitely come here! That’s it for today’s video! Bye-bye~

#후지이미나 #일본여행 #도쿄맛집

커피의 깊은 풍미를 즐길 수 있었어요!
여러분은 어떤 커피를 좋아하시나요👀?


I was able to enjoy the deep flavor of the coffee!
What kind of coffee do you like?

東京都 江東区 平野 2-16-14

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  1. 심각했는데 후지이 미나씨 영상보다가 씨익 웃고 있는 내 모습을 발견했습니다 감사합니다

  2. 가끔 피곤할때 미나님 미소를 보면 자동으로 힐링이 되는 것 같아요^^ 오늘도 잘 봤습니😊

  3. 다이어트 커피 꿀팁= 16시간 공복후 인스턴트 커피 5~8g + 천연 스테비아잎 100%추출 1g백 마시기 그리고
    운동가기전 한잔 더 마시기=하루 2잔
    천연 스테비아에는 "테르펜"=혈당과 체지방 감소 효과 성분이 있어 유지어터나 다이어터에게 추천드립니다
    특정 브랜드는 언급하지 않습니다 스테비아잎 100% 추출 찾아보세요.에리스리톨과 섞인거 안됨…주의하세요

  4. 같은 커피인으로서 언젠가 저런거도 오마케세 나오것네 했는데.. 결국…….무한 경쟁 없는 일본이 부럽습니다.

  5. 꺅! 너무 가고싶었는데 예산의 문제때문에 못 갔던 카페예요🥲 그래서 블루보틀 본점으로 갔었는데 이렇게 미나쨩이 소개해 주셔서 넘 반갑고 기쁘네요❣️❣️ 덕분에 대리만족했습니다😆 자막이 있어서 바리스타분의 설명도 잘 들었구요!💙
    만약 제가 바리스타였으면 미나쨩같은 미녀 손님이 오셨을 때 넘 두근거려서💓 설명 제대로 못 할 것 같아요…ㅋㅋㅋㅋ히히
    미나쨩 항상 잘 보고있어요! 앞으로의 영상도 감사히 재밌게 잘 볼게요🧡 늘 응원해요🥰🥰🥰

  6. 오~ 깔끔한 영상과 평소랑 다르게 조금 빠른 템포의 편집, 매력이 흘러넘치는 동시녹음!!
    보기만 해도 행복해지는 미모와 미소까지!!
    백만점 짜리 영상이네요~~!! 좋은 영상 고마워요~

  7. 카페인 못먹는 몸이 되었지만 미나님이 소개해준 럭셔리한 커피 마셔보고싶네요

  8. 커피 오마카세도 있다니 신기하다 2명이면 1만엔; 한잔에 18000원이였던 파나마 에스메렐다 게이샤 인가도 마셔봣지만 그냥 잘하는곳의 핸드드립 콜롬비아나 과테말라가 제일 맛있던데 과일향나는 커피들은 진짜 이건 도대체?? 같은맛이던.

  9. 방송을 볼때마다 느끼는게 뭐든 대단히 열심히 하는 미나님의 모습이 정말 멋지고 매력이 있다고 생각 되요.

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