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[SUB] 케플러X하이키 현역 아이돌들이 생각하는 성공 클라스 기준 딱 알려드림! (feat. 멕시코 요리 한상) | [케바케 식당] EP.15

[SUB] 케플러X하이키 현역 아이돌들이 생각하는 성공 클라스 기준 딱 알려드림! (feat. 멕시코 요리 한상) | [케바케 식당] EP.15

Was there anyone you were amazed to see? I think it was MIYEON. For me, it was Jang Won Young. She had the longest legs among everyone I’ve seen in my life. I want to get my parents a car. – A house? – Sir? The Midas touch that’s attracting attention in the restaurant business. The owner Lee Su Ji. The chef who’s now good at cooking, Mashiro. The chef’s who’s always been good at cooking, Xiao Ting. The consistent chef Kim Chae Hyun. What do you mean by consistent? Consistently good. Consistently cute. Consistently pretty. Consistently eating a lot.

I admit the last part. It’s an honor. You all claim that you’re good at cooking. What are you talking about? People keep saying no and they’re not sure, you keep saying that you’re good. That’s what you call learning by rote. That’s what you call brainwashing. To be honest, I listen to today’s guests’ song every day in the car. Me too. Because I’m in the title, I can’t refuse it. Where? The building? You mean between? Is it the building or in between? It contains a rose. Xiao Ting? Mashiro, can you sing it briefly? I’m a rose bloomed between buildings That’s not a hint. You pretty much revealed it. Let’s welcome our 15th customers. Hello. I’m RIINA of H1-KEY. Hello. I’m WHISEO of H1-KEY. She’s really pretty. She’s tall like a building. They dressed like a stem in a rose and a petal. So, tell us what you heard about us. We heard that you’ll send us abroad. with your food. We’ve renewed. Any place you want to visit? I want to visit Australia. Kangaroos? I suddenly want to change it. From where to where? I wanted to go to Paris, but now I want to go to Africa. We should send them to the place they want. Let’s set out to the place of passion just like us, Mexico. Passion. Why did you ask where we want to go? Just to be polite. Do you want to go to Mexico? Yes. Then let’s make Mexican food. My chefs secured the ingredients from Mexico in a rush. Chef Ting. Where did you get it from? From a very famous side. A famous site. Side. I’ll introduce the ingredients first. Tomatoes. Avocados. Onions. Lemons. And these are nacho chips. Can you guess what I’m going to make? Guacamole. I love guacamole so much. She researched it in advance. That’s how she prepared it. Really? No, I’m lying. I thought that was true. Chef Chae, what are you making today? I have tortillas. Beef. Cheese. Do you like cheese? – Yes. – Yes. I have cheese. And instant rice. Instant rice in Mexico?

You can get it there too. From markets. I have chicken. Beef. Shrimp. I love shrimp so much. That’s not how you reacted when we introduced our ingredients. We’re kind of disappointed. Because I like shrimp. Please begin. Why did you leave so much avocado? She’s only giving us the healthy part. Have you always talked like that since you were young? We don’t have any foreigners. Whereas Kep1er has many. We want to recruit a foreigner too. But it didn’t work out. So did you recruit a fake one? Yes, I’m a fake foreigner. I didn’t know about the relationship between H1-KEY and Kep1er. – What kind of relationship? – A complicated relationship.

You debuted two days apart. If it’s only two days apart, you’ve probably run into each other before. We shared the green room. Oh, I remember. It was a huge room in the basement. It was dark. Right. It was the K broadcasting station. We met for . She had fried chicken on our table. Anything nice to say about me? It was a pretty long shoot. She talked to us a lot. What did I talk about? That the fried chicken was good. Did you steal theirs? Be honest. I remember one. Yes. Come on. She wasn’t wearing her shoes. Oh, yes! She sat down on our couch without shoes. And she talked to us while eating fried chicken. Everyone, shows are fabricated. Don’t believe what celebs say. – Chae Hyun. – Yes? – Are you mixing it? – Yes. I stir-fried meat and rice. I just need to make a wrap. A celeb you want to ask for a number is here? It’s hard to pick just one, but if I were to choose only one, I’d say Chae Hyun. I guess I’m popular. I heard you two are good at variety shows. Let’s have time to promote yourselves. There’s something unique about WHISEO. When everyone’s going, ‘Oh!’, she goes, ‘Oh?’ You have to be born with it. Now, what do you think RIINA is like? The question murderer. ‘Is she curious about that too?’ She keeps asking questions. The question murderer, do you have any questions now? My question now? I bet you’re curious about my number. How can she be so witty? I’m curious about that. My boss taught me well. Thanks. Ting and Mashiro, you have to say one before you go home. Okay. Your song, ‘Rose Blossom’. Young K wrote the lyrics. Yes. She’s a big fan of Young K. I was a big fan of him too. When he wrote a song for us, I felt like a successful fan. I’m curious. Did he say he’ll give you the song after writing the lyrics?

He wrote the lyrics a long ago. It somehow came to us. Does he get paid or did you give him a gift or something? We performed at the same festival before. After performing ‘Rose Blossom’, we came down the stage, and he was watching us. We were so grateful,

So we prepared a gift and a letter. We gave them to him in person. Why don’t you say something to him now? Tell me you should go for a meal later. Young K, if you don’t mind, why don’t we go for beef and wine Together? Good. I’ll join you only for beef. Me too. You said you had a cheesecake before coming here. How many cheesecakes can you eat? But cheesecakes are kind of greasy. But you can eat a lot with coffee, right? Maybe half of the whole cake? The four of us can eat the whole cake.

Yes. What about burgers? I ate up to two and a half burgers before. What about ramyeon? I had up to three and a half cup noodles. Isn’t it amazing how she says it like nothing? Do you not gain any weight? I move a lot and talk a lot. I sweat a lot.

Until I can pass out at night. She’s like a Border Collie. I love guacamole so much. Can I look forward to it? Yes. Chef Chae, what are you doing? I know! It’s Shin-chan. What’s in your mouth? That looked so natural. Is there one for us too? Yes, I’m just sampling it. That’s a big sample. Are you sure that’s sampling? Not a meal? This is good. It’s ready. Hola. This is wonderful. I respect. I don’t only eat well, but cook well too. You’re good. You’ve conquered the whole world now. Can you introduce your dishes? I made tacos. Beef, chicken and shrimp. I made three kinds. It is Mashitaco. Mashitaco. That’s witty. Mashitaco. I made the taco’s best friend. It’s guacamole. I call it Bestie. Everything tastes good when you make a wrap. I call it Can’t Stop Burrito. Can’t Stop Burrito. But there are only five. Either Mashiro or Ting won’t eat. Start with what you want to eat first. The taco looks really good. Go for it. Eat the taco. I forgot to explain it. It became soggy. You should’ve told me earlier. It’s a disaster. It’s good. Hola! It was worth coming here today. I think it’s a success today. I thought you were going to fail. But it’s good. What do you want to try next? You said the burrito was good. Try it at the end. I’ll try it last. So, I’m going to try the guacamole. Go for the bestie.

The taco’s bestie. You should try it with the nacho chips. Can this be a meal? They eat it with bread or nacho. Do you like it? Really? You look like human guacamole. Human guacamole. This is really good. Is it? I like how it has a strong taste of avocados. I can barely taste the onions. It tastes like what you get from restaurants. – Really? – Really? I must be a genius. I’ve never tried guacamole before.

I wonder why you pay for this. Why do you eat this? It’s bland. It’s just crushed avocado, isn’t it? Is that what people like? Do you like it? – Be honest. – Do you want to try mine? Last but not least, it’s the burrito. It looks really nice. I’ve been looking at it. Do you like it? Isn’t it good? No wonder you turned around to eat it. – I told you it was good. – Because it’s so good. Isn’t this Mexican gimbap? I’ll cut it for you. – Enjoy. – Thanks. Thanks. You seem to enjoy it. How is it? Do you feel like you’re in Mexico? Close to Mexico. Yes? Close to Mexico. We’re on the way. We’re almost there. This is really good. Wow. You should really get paid today. Finally. Let’s make some more. You have nicknames. The bobbed hair? The sexy sugar girl? What do they mean? You’re turning red like your hair. The sexy sugar girl means there’s a seal emoji among emojis, and it looks like a sexy seal. I said I like that sexy seal and sent it to my fans.

The sugar girl is from while I was performing live. Someone said in the comment that WHISEO shouldn’t take a shower because she’s sugar and water will melt her. So I said, ‘Oh, I must be a sugar girl.’ There are 3 famous bobbed hair among celebs. Tell us who they are. Oh, I’ve heard that on a radio show before. The 3 famous bobbed hair. Nucksal. Nucksal, Choi Yang Rak and RIINA. I’m sorry, but which radio show? It was Bae Seong Jae’s radio show. She’s in the center of the 3. So she was called the last. Congratulations. Everyone, there are no 3 bobbed hair celebs. There’s only one. It’s RIINA. Remember that. There’re no 3 bobbed hair celebs. There’s no RIINA. I’ve been having bobbed hair for 40 years. Remember me. I heard you’re the miracle of a small agency because of ‘Rose Blossom’.

How did you feel when you first heard that? How did you feel to hear that it was a hit? We climbed back up the charts. It was released on January 15. It made the charts in March. It’s still in the top 100. Is the singers’ first wish making the top 100? Now, it’s making the top 100. And first place on music shows. Have you placed 1st on music shows? Once. After placing 1st, do you go out on the streets or look it up every morning? Do you do that? When our place was going up, we checked it as soon as we got up, and someone shouted it out loud on the bed. ‘We placed this on Melon!’ ‘We’re in this place today.’ And we talked about who covered it. A lot of people covered it. Then we talk so much in our group chat. Kwon Jung Yeol. Young K. Lee Mu Jin. And many idols sang it. It was amazing. You’re good at making harmony. You’re Lemon Candy. Until it gets colored Running out of breath is the highlight. I should copy that. That’s serious. Can I sing like that for all songs? This song is still in the top 100. You performed in the year-end awards. They perform in many gigs. And you’re on KebyKe Restaurant. Have you got paid yet? That was very tough. Why is that?

I don’t know where that is. I don’t know what it means to be paid. I don’t know how far we’ve gone. I’ll ask your manager. Sir? If you get paid, what’s the first thing you want to do? If we get paid a lot, I want to get my parents a car. What if your mom says, ‘I like English.’ Only if I can afford it. WHISEO, what do you want to do? I want a house. Did they make that much? You have a different definition of success. What makes you successful in your opinion? Making it in the chart upon releasing an album. That’s cool. RIINA, what about you? You know big concert halls? – Like Gocheok. – Jamsil? I want to have a concert in Jamsil. Yes, the light stick. If you only look at the place, it might look successful, but you feel it with your skin when you have a concert. Where do you want to perform? Tokyo Dome is the biggest in Japan. You should send a message to the person who lends the concert halls.

(To. Tokyo Dome managers) Please let us Kep1er perform in Tokyo Dome. She’s fluent in Japanese. ‘I’m reserving Tokyo Dome. Thank you.’ She said it in a tough manner. ‘Make a room for us.’ Why are you good at it? Is it your major? No. When I was a trainee, I learned Japanese for a long time. How long have you been a trainee? 6 years. 6 years? WHISEO, what about you? 9 and a half years. Since Grade 5. Did you go straight to the rehearsal studio when you woke up in the morning? After school. Sometimes I got off school early or sometimes I stayed at school all day. You must’ve been happy to get off school early. They wouldn’t like to practice. Really? You have those days

When you want to stay at school. Right. While enjoying my day at school with my friends, I had to sign out. While we were talking, ‘I have to go.’ If it was boring, ‘Bye.’ I left right away. I signed out if I had math, but I stayed for Korean. Did you like Korean? Say something to your math teacher. Sorry. What about you, Ting? Is it the same in China? I think it was about the same. It’s up to you. I see. If you want to leave early, you can. But I wanted to study, so I stayed at school. What’s it like in Japan? I think it’s similar to Korea now.

But when I was a trainee, I only practiced on weekends. Did you go to school on weekdays? I went to school. I rested after school. I never spent a full day in a rehearsal studio like in Korea. About 2 or 3 hours of lessons. After 2 hours of practice, it was over.

So when I first came to Korea, it was really tough. Is there any unique system trainees learn in their agencies? I have one. – What? – I learned to beatbox. You don’t learn that? No. Can you show me, please? You’re so good at it. Teach us. Say po. Po po. You’re good. What else did you learn? I had sex ed and how to use social media. Why learn social media? After the debut, if this appears in the background, it could cause a problem. You learn that in advance. Anything else? Anything interesting? I learned to twerk. It was the girls’ hip-hop class. ‘We’re going to learn how to twerk today.’ You have to soak yourselves in that vibe. So we turned the lights off. In a dark room, we played sexy music. A sexy song with some beat. With some beat? That sounds like fun.

If a trainee gets caught eating, they’re in trouble. I got in trouble for eating ice cream. Did that happen to you too? It happened a lot. I have a story to tell you. There was a rooftop. ‘Let’s have lunch’ ‘on the rooftop.’ Mangwon Market was nearby. There was so much to eat.

So we bought a lot of food and ate on the rooftop. Then it got windy. The sweet and sour chicken bag fell to my boss’ terrace. ‘We’re in big trouble now. What are we going to do?’ My boss’ room was open. That was your chance. We were scared. I went to scan it, but it wasn’t there. I wonder what your boss thought about it. ‘I’m having sweet and sour chicken for dinner tonight.’ While performing, was there anyone you were amazed to see? You. Even when the camera is off, you’re always consistent. You only talked about me eating drumsticks. That I had fried chicken with my shoes off. Anyone really pretty? I think it was MIYEON. I was surprised. I stopped turning my head. For me, it was Jang Won Young. She had the longest legs among everyone I’ve seen in my life. I thought she was born to be a celeb. For me, it was WINTER. She copied my hair. WINTER cut her hair like mine. I thought she brought my photo to the hair salon. WINTER, good job. Your role model. It was a good choice. If you have something to say, come to KebyKe Restaurant. I like that. That was a good one. This will be my last show. I’ve been happy as a comedienne.

I know you’re very busy. Is there something you want to do before this year? Anything you want to try? Have 3 of our songs in the top 100. Have 3 songs make in the Melon chart. Cool. What about you, RIINA? I’m the same. Since ‘Rose Blossom’ climbed back up the charts,

Now I want our new songs to be on the charts. I want our songs to make it in the charts. In the second half of the year, I hope Kep1er and H1-KEY’s songs fill 1 to 10 in the charts. We had a good time with H1-KEY in Mexico. Let’s wish them good luck with applause. Let’s say, ‘KebyKe Restaurant,’ ‘we’re open today’ together. Try to be sexy. KebyKe Restaurant. We’re open… We’re open today. It felt like a delivery from a good Mexican restaurant. – It was good. – It was tasty. Isn’t it 3 or 4,000 won for one taco? That’s very cheap. One big burrito is… 6 or 7? 6,000 won? Since avocados are expensive, maybe 8,000 won? 5,000 won for guacamole? The food is really good, but she eats it while cooking. So keep your eye on her. What? What? Hello, KebyKe Restaurant viewers. This is Lee Mu Jin. Let’s meet at STUDIO HORAKHORAK at 6 p.m. on April 3. Do you have time Can we meet It’s nothing special I just want to meet you

#하이키 #이수지 #케플러
#샤오팅 #마시로 #김채현 #케바케식당

열정 텐션 가득한 하이키 리이나X휘서와🔥
열정의 나라 멕시코로 떠나요✈

아이돌 연습생 시절 들었던 이색 수업부터
아이돌들이 생각하는 성공의 기준까지!

군침 싹 도는 멕시코 요리 한상과
흥미 하잇한 토크 타임🐣

맛 보장 토크 보장 케바케 식당 OPEN 합니다💡

[케바케 식당] 💜매주 (수) 18시💜


  1. 하이키가 진짜 친구들이 너무 맑아요 🥰❤️ 말 한 마디 한 마디에 되게 보는 사람 기분을 좋게 만들어요 ❤

  2. Very good episode with Mexico in mind! ❤ As a mexican I can say they made a good meal, just don't put sour cream on tacos and put salsa! I loved the interaction of the girls so much, I love Hwiseo and her sense of humor ❤

  3. I am so glad H1-Key got invited to this show. They seriously need more collaboration with Billlie and/or Kep1er.

  4. Winter and Mashiro in one frame? Wwooowwww I can't help but anticipate thattttt! Salute to you boss if that were to happen 🙇🙇🙇😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️

  5. 3:59 There was no mistake, let's move on 🤭

    10:38 With the most evil smile 😈😂

    12:11 99z chingu 🤗

    12:38 Replay was not necessary, it was in the original footage 🤣

    12:54 Ting's dramatic reaction, hands trembling and all 😂

    13:06 Ting always comforts Shiro during those moments ☺

    14:19 The self proclaimed genius at it again, love the head tilt 😎

    20:47 Shiro is good at Japanese and Ting is good at Chinese 😉

    25:25 I was high key (pun intended) expecting her to say Xiaoting based on her reaction at ISAC 🤣

  6. 케플러 진짜 예능 잘하네~~
    리이나는 프듀때부터 봤었는데 꾸준한 노력과 자기 관리를 통해서 실력도 외모도 넘사벽이 된 케이스~~

  7. It was so cute that my Kep1er made Mexican food! I grew up in the central valley of California, so I've had some of the best. All 3 dishes looked yummy. Love you Kep1er! Mashiro!😍

  8. Kep1er and H1-KEY both have 1 in their names and their debut dates are only 2 days apart, impressive ✨

    let's fly high y'all 💕

  9. 안타깝지만 투자대비 손익분기점을 못넘어서 정산해줄수가 없는거임.음원수익은 가수에게는 적고 앨범,굿즈판매나 콘서트가 주수익원인데 하이키는 아직 수익이 적음

  10. She is the Symbol of Courage ⚔,

    She is the Symbol of Strength 💪 ,

    She is the Symbol of Heart ♥,

    She is the Symbol of the Dreamcatcher ✨.

    " She is and They are the first and always" , Eternal Legendary Dreamcatcher

  11. The idol follows a path ,

    The Legend make their own way ,

    " She is and They are the first and always" , Eternal Legendary Dreamcatcher ✨

  12. 마시로 발음 참 좋은듯 채현이 이제 그냥 플러팅 머신이네 ㅋ 휘서 연습생을 거의 10년해서 발성이 좋은거구나

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