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[SUB] 도쿄 맛집 탐방🍱 카이센동 편 | 시부야 맛집, 해산물 덮밥

[SUB] 도쿄 맛집 탐방🍱 카이센동 편 | 시부야 맛집, 해산물 덮밥

Hello guys, today’s restaurant menu is ‘Kaisendon’! (Japanese style rice bowl which main ingredients is seafood) ‘Kaisendon’ means Seafood rice bowl In the past, I introduced a good restaurant named ‘Tsujihan’ near Tokyo station. It’s popular for even foreigners, (You still need to wait for 1-2 hours to eat…!) At that time, I was waiting for 1 hour to eat The place I’m planning to go today is ‘I guess it’s time to be popular slowly~’ type of restaurant now! So I wanted to go there before it’s crowded! Shall we go? t’s just a 1-2 minute walk from Shin-Sen station, so it’s easy to get there once you reach Shin-Sen station I guess you don’t really know about Shin-sen station *The sound quality is temporarily not good due to construction noise around the station…! but it actually takes 15 min to walk to Shibuya from here So you don’t have to come to Shin-sen station, you can use Shibuya station. This is a completely residential area It’s a neighborhood with many detached houses. Ah, you can see the shop sign now, guys. (A shop suddenly appeared in the residential area…!) Without the sign, it seems like a place you’d just pass by. Welcome to the Kai-Sen don restaurant, Mukai! #kaisendokoro_mukai Guys, I sat down. It’s raining today so there are not many people so I didn’t have to wait for too long to come in I guess I’m pretty lucky? When I came into the store, there is a small garden And I can smell the sushi right away so I liked it Also I heard the red color on the menu means recommandation~ It’s called "Kaihodong," featuring a special part of various seafood and tuna, including Uni Tuna pieces are usually big, right? So, there’s a saying that each part has a different taste, and I’m excited because they say here they serve a special part of the tuna. Another special thing I noticed about this shop is that.. you can choose between white rice and mixed grain rice! I always thought Kai-Sen-Dong was all about white rice, but with the option of mixed grain rice, I thought the texture could be different and it could be delicious too. But today, with the desire to simply enjoy the seafood here, I chose white rice, and you can even choose the vinegar! I was curious about both white vinegar and red vinegar, red vinegar is only made in Japan *Sake Lees: Sediment left after filtering alcohol. Sake Less? It’s vinegar made using lees, which are the sediment left over from the process of making alcohol! It’s called that because of its red color. When I asked the staff which vinegar they recommend, they said the red one, haha I searched and found out that red vinegar used to be common in the past, but now it’s considered more fancy than regular vinegar because it requires some aging time or more ingredients. Since it’s not made in the same quantity as regular vinegar, it seems special. I’ll wait with anticipation! Kai-Sen-Dong just came out…! I’m going to eat well! My heart is racing, first bite..! The scent of tuna came right away,, and I think I know why it’s described as a special part of the tuna! It’s divided into the melting part and the part that lingers in the mouth, so the surface melts! That’s why the scent is so strong, and it’s nice to taste it as you chew. Most of all, I was surprised by how strong the scent was. Um~~ It’s so delicious.. I’ll try adding soy sauce to enhance the flavor! Kai-Sen-Dong is quite luxurious. * Shiso: Strongly scented Japanese perilla leaf. It has "Shiso," which is Japanese perilla leaf and cucumber. And there’s seaweed like this on the side? Is it Japanese-style seaweed? Japanese-style seaweed is different from Korean seaweed that it doesn’t use sesame oil, It isn’t sprinkled with salt, and has a slightly dry texture It’s just the scent of seaweed, but I’ll try it with this buddy. The taste of eating with Japanese-style seaweed…?! Seaweed and sushi rice go so well together! I’ll also have some miso soup as a palate cleanser. I thought it would taste good because the seafood smell was in the miso soup too, but it’s filled with a fresh scent, so the match is perfect. I’ll also try the sea uni! (It looks delicious.. ❤️) Sweet.. ❤️ Basically, the seafood ingredients here are good, so it’s sweet, right? With the flavorful and clean vinegar here, this combination is really the best. *Tsujihan: Various seafood flavors such as salmon roe + sea urchin + raw fish Rather than just tuna, I felt a variety of seafood flavors in Tsujihan. *Mukai: A taste that doesn’t get tired of tuna, with sea urchin and ikura. Mukai focuses entirely on tuna and allows you to enjoy a taste that changes slightly by adding sea urchin and ikura. It gives a definite feeling of being the main character! The Kai-Sen-Dong taste that keeps drawing me in.. ❤️ Just like we finished at Tsujihan, adding seafood broth at the end to finish it off..! I can also do it here. At Tsujihan, we asked the staff to add it, but here, it’s prepared for self-service. You know how having soup feels like finishing a meal? I think that’s why I want to drink broth I’ll try adding broth at the end to see what flavor it brings I heard it’s clam broth! Warm seafood smell! Honestly, Kai-Sen-Dong itself is so delicious that there isn’t much left because I ate too much, but I’m glad I can do this. How is the added clam broth…?! Hmm, it really feels like eating clam soup. It’s a soup full of ocean flavor, but it’s not fishy, so it’s a nice way to finish. It was a clean finish with clam broth. 😊 Wow, it was really delicious.. But Mint fans, you felt it without me saying, right? It was really delicious, everyone.. Oh my god~ I enjoyed it! Wow.. I want to shout it out loud, it was really, really delicious. It was so fresh that I almost thought it was the sea here. And they say the broth changes daily, so I’ll have to come back again! Kai-Sen-Dong has a slightly different charm from Tsujihan! It was the best! Open hours: Closed on Wednesdays / 10:45 AM to 1:45 PM Although the open hours are a bit short here: It’s really a must-visit restaurant! I highly recommend it to those who want to taste delicious Kai-Sen-Dong around Shibuya! Well, that’s it for today’s video! See you in the next one.. ❤️

#후지이미나 #일본여행 #도쿄맛집

해산물이 입에서 사르르 녹아요~
사치스러운 한 끼로 추천드립니다🫠


The seafood melts in my mouth
I recommend it as a luxurious meal. 🫠


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  1. 5월 7일까지 1주일간 도쿄여행을 했는데 후지이 미나님 덕분에 대도시부터 소도시까지 즐겁게 구경했습니다. 고맙고 사랑해요.

  2. 얼마전 하코다테 다녀왔는데 미나님 영상 참고해서 잘 놀다왔습니다. 좋은 정보 감사합니다.

  3. 美菜야〜 冒頭から『神泉』ギャグㅋㅋㅋ 美菜の食リポすごく凄く上手かった👏何でもできる子シゴデキㅎㅎㅎ

  4. 일본 요즘 오버투어리즘 땜에 난리던데 압으로도 외국애들 더욱더 많이 일본 가길바란다 … 한 1억명쯤 가면 완전 난리날텐데 빨리 그날이 오길 바람..

  5. 음 접근성도 나쁘지 않고… 내용도 괜찮아 보이고… 단점은 너무 짧은 영업 시간이네요… 와 저렇게 영업 시간이 짧아도 운영이 된다는 것이 신기할 정도네요

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