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سوف نقدم لك عملية صنع مرآة مثبتة على الحائط باستخدام الورنيش. أولاً، ضعي طبقة أساسية على الخشب. سوف نقوم بكشط السطح يتم إنشاء الخدوش عن طريق كشط السطح. يتدفق الورنيش إلى الفجوات والعصي. ستحدث هذه الخطوة فرقًا في المنتج النهائي. تحضير الرذاذ. انتقل إلى منطقة العمل حيث سيتم الرش. كشط السطح مرة أخرى. إذا كنت تستخدم طريقة تجفيف خاصة، يمكنك تحقيق هذا المظهر غير المستوي على الجانب الآخر. تحضير الورنيش. من خلال سكب الطلاء على قطعة قماش والضغط عليها، تتم إزالة الجزيئات الدقيقة المخبأة داخل الطلاء. الطريقة التي ترونها هي إحدى التقنيات التقليدية. سوف نطبق الورنيش على السطح. إزالة أي أوساخ عالقة على السطح. اتركها تجف ببطء في غرفة تحافظ على الرطوبة. نحن نبحث عن مؤيدين على موقع يسمى Patreon. إذا كنت مهتما، يرجى الحضور! تطبيق ورنيش مرة أخرى. هذه المرة، سيكون الورنيش بمثابة الغراء. رش مسحوق الذهب. الجانب الآخر أسود والجانب الآخر ذهبي، مما يخلق تصميمًا يشبه القمر. تلميع الجانب الآخر لجعله عاكسًا. يمكنك استخدامها كمرآة عن طريق كشطها حتى تنعكس. إنه عنصر ممتاز يمكن استخدامه كفن أو كمرآة. من خلال تثبيته في الردهة أو غرفة المعيشة أو مدخل منزلك، يمكنك إعداد نفسك في أوقات عشوائية. سوف أقوم بتلميعه بمنظف. وأخيرًا، قم بتلميعه جيدًا يدويًا. شكرا لكم على المشاهدة حتى النهاية. يمكنك عرض المنتجات من قسم النظرة العامة.

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▶To Our Supporters
We are looking for people to support our activities on the “Patreon” website. For more information, please see the URL below.

▶Craftsman Profile
Kohta Makino / Makino Urushi Design
Kohta Makino is the fourth generation of Makino Urushi Kogei, which has been in business for over 40 years.
He has been creating unprecedented lacquering techniques, saying, “I want to create a new look for lacquer by applying traditional techniques.
He is adapting to the changing needs of the times and opening up a new era of Urushi.

▶Craftsman Passion
Combining traditional lacquering techniques with a new aesthetic sensibility
Lacquer has been incorporated into the daily life of the Japanese people since ancient times as one of the finest natural paints.
Its use has become more sophisticated with the development of Japanese culture, producing not only everyday utilitarian items but also outstanding crafts that are unique in the world.
Inheriting this cultural lineage of Japanese lacquer, the company is involved in the production of a wide range of objects in which lacquer is used, from shrines and temples to contemporary art.


© 2022 Suigenkyo Ltd. All rights reserved.

#process #crafts #glass #japan #craftsman #kyoto #craftsmanship #asmr #satisfyingvideo

00:00 Make the base
01:21 Carve the base
02:20 Prepare the paint
03:23 Spraying
04:31 Scrape the surface
05:27 Strain the lacquer
06:08 Apply the lacquer
07:55 Apply the lacquer
08:25 Put gold powder
09:18 Make a mirror by polishing


  1. Gracias por el tutorial, ahora a fabricarme mi propio espejo con laca negra que tengo a montones de latas arrumbadas aquí en el patio trasero de mi casa.

  2. Столько труда а в итоге хрень. Где тут зеркало не понятно. Просто полированный лак.

  3. Почему не показали как оно отражает? Очень хотелось посмотреть на зеркало в действии.

  4. I wonder how cold it is in their workshop. They’re wearing a lot of layers for indoor work. Is it for the lacquer or just lack of central heating?

  5. It is beautiful and I appreciate your work! I must ask though why the uneven gold portion? Personally It upsets my sense of balance and symmetry. I was just wondering if this is a traditional way of making them, or just the artists creative choice? Beautiful work though! ❤

  6. That's beautiful! Some thoughts:

    1. The gold standard for creating perfectly flat surfaces is to rub three of them together in pairs, with the appropriately-sized grit/sandpaper/etc. in between. (Switch to regular lapping near the end, of course.) Look up 'Whitworth Three Plates Method' for more info.
    2. If you look up 'diy router sled' for another way to flatten boards. You don't need to use a router, of course, just the method. You can, for example, use a plane/sanding block/etc. Whatever tool you are using, the method will result in fast, perfectly flat surfaces.
    3. The perfect tool to pick up debris in paint/etc. is actually a syringe needle, as the tips are incredibly tiny and are sharpened to be generally flat. Combine that with the hollow center and you have a microscopic spoon, perfect for getting under the smallest particles. Even better, by pulling back on the syringe a tiny amount, you create negative pressure to hold them in place. You also can get them cheaply in many different sizes.
    4. You should defintely expand beyond Patreon, as many people are boycotting it over its tyrannical political and ideological stance. Ko-Fi and Liberapay come immediately to mind, and you can have accounts on as many other services as you want.

    I hope that these ideas help you to create even more art faster, with less effort, and even greater financial gains.


  7. It's probably incredibly useless, that's why he isn't showing the end result.

  8. If rubbing his skin on it is the finishing process then I'd say that's worse quality than even most peoples first DIY home car paint jobs. I stop at about 3,000 to 4,000 grit sand paper. My skin would damage that significantly. Although hey, have fun … summoning Japanese demons or whatever someone does with one of these ugly black mirrors.

  9. Фигня какая-то. Зачем и ради чего столько мучений? У меня на заводе сделают такую же круглую штуку в разы быстрее. Не понимаю, зачем столько не нужного ручного труда. Я бы понял, если бы получился какой-то нормальный результат, а так и человек кучу времени потерял пока это всё делал и я пока это смотрел…

  10. Странно, вроде бы такой предмет, но как не просто его делать, а так де выглядит очень красиво в итоге. Жаль нп показали как отражает.

  11. The lax PPE is honestly kind of stressful 😭 Mostly watching him spray without both ventilation and a mask for potential fume risks. This is super cool but my god everyone please wear your personal protection equipment!! That way you can create beautiful art for longer. ☺️

  12. I remember my mother made a bowl out of paper and glue and for the outside she used laquer and polished to for hours until it reflected. absolutely amazing.
    the lack of a mask is concerning. please dont inhale fine dist and color particles. it is very dangerous long term.

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