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【ELDEN RING エルデンリング】(後編)まずは黄金樹の化身と戦ってみる!そしてナナは刀探しの旅に出ます!PC版 ※ネタバレ注意

【ELDEN RING エルデンリング】(後編)まずは黄金樹の化身と戦ってみる!そしてナナは刀探しの旅に出ます!PC版 ※ネタバレ注意

Everyone, I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. Just in case, I said "I’m doing it right now." It cracked and fell with a sound like something breaking. I’m looking at you. I’m blocked. As always, this girl, Konona-chan, is blocked. I’m home. Well, I guess it was heavy, I guess it was heavy, but it was probably because of the system, and I might have put too much stress on it, so the quality, the details, the system, so it’s the best image quality. When I tried to deliver it to you, I didn’t do anything and it seemed like it was putting a huge load on it, so I was like, uh, what are you trying to say about the quality? I dropped it. I changed it a little bit, and there were some things that turned out really well, so there were some things that I thought I could lower, like the shadows, water, grass, etc., and then I lowered the other things a little bit like this. I guess it would be annoying if it crashed, but I turned it on for a while, and when I turned it back on, those people attacked me and it got really tough. Right now, GPU is 65%, memory is 12g, CPU is 55, maybe something like that. It seems like something was at its limit, and I just came here , but I ca n’t see what kind of strange girl this is . Nana-chan is no good at all. It’s strong, strong, strong. No, I’ve already run out of FP, so I might as well take a break. What should I do? Should I get my computer repaired once ? I’ll check this out. Should I watch it? It’s been acting weird . Maybe it’s because I’ve been streaming every day lately. Maybe it’s because I’ve been doing things that put a huge load on me every day. I’ve been fighting with so many bodies at once , so I’m trying to catch up. I guess my computer isn’t working , so I’m going to go get the hole now.If it seems like it’s going to fall now, there’s nothing I can do about it.Maybe, that’s true.I was on vacation in May, so I beat Mr. King’s derring-do. If I manage to defeat it , I’m not supposed to be dead. I have money . Okay, fight, fight, this, this, this, this, etc. This person has something. Titans are effective. Hey, there’s a lot of that. Right, what is this? I couldn’t go here. I’d fall down again, so it’s a cave. I’m looking for some sort of cave. I’m underground, underground, where it touched the ground. Where is it? The enemy has found me. I can’t see it. It’s strange. I can’t see it here. It’s here. I can see it . Is it here ? Is it here? It’s not like 1, right ? Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, please please please please please please please please I’m not good at this weapon. Yoko, I’m surrounded by you, please stop, please stop, stop, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, uh, uh, first of all, I want something that’s falling, so I’ll pick it up, right? Tosword , I can’t force it anymore. Wait a minute, hurry up, what’s this, doggy, doggy , doggy, doggy , I’m sorry, you can’t do this, you can’t be surrounded.I think I was taught in the beginning that I shouldn’t be surrounded.Let’s go pick up some money.I have money. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run , run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run . I bought a lantern, but I don’t have it equipped.I feel like that ticket all the time.It ‘s not this troublesome.I wonder if I should put it in the coach.What kind of blessing memory is this?What can I use here? I’m talking about the last place I visited here.Then I changed the lantern, my dad, and I imitated Condeling Redding.My computer crashed and I was playing while I was checking on it.A journey to find a sword.I’m on a journey to find a sword. But someone is talking to me.Where are they saying hello ? Well , we can level up, right? Well, we can. What should we do? We ‘re going to level up. This is it. [Music] Well, we’ve raised the bar. Sadly, all Americans are Americans. I know , but you said you could increase your self-sufficiency and have 15 medical facilities.I don’t really understand, but even if you increase the firepower, you should always light a lantern on that planet.If you do this, it won’t go out. It’s better to keep the lantern on all the time This game is dark It’s dark no matter what time I look The jar is talking My friend peeked in I ‘m stuck in this place I know I’m stuck in this place What kind of horse is this ? No, I was wrong. I did a little bit. That horse was made. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter . It’s good that I hit it . I’m glad. What did you give me ? What did the hero do? What did he give me? Material? Physical attack. If your physical attacks increase from time to time, you should eat it before the boss battle.I wonder if someone put a message here.This winning guy can’t do anything like a message. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, even though I ‘m here , there’s a festival where you have someone with you and a wonderful voice that’s great. It’s the same thing, right ? It’s a little dangerous here , so I wonder where we’re going . Wait a minute, that’s it [Music] Let’s go to Bakocchi . Is this east better than this east? I don’t know. Should I have looked into it properly? I’m traveling all over the place, looking for a sword. I’m on a trip . What should I do now ? I should stop fighting. I have n’t really done anything, but I’m tired of all the fighting. I decided to stop in a place like this. I met the same thing. That ‘s right, quickly get the sword and see what’s under it , what ‘s the arm , what’s the arm, etc. I forgot what I was doing just now, but it’s dog time. It’s okay to have a sword today.It’s different.Every time I look for a sword, it’s a day of travel, so I’m sure there’s something wrong with it.I’ve been here before, so I’m playing it.What are you talking about?Why don’t you change that part? I should buy it.I don’t have any money, but how much is this?Should I buy it to recover my stamina ?How much do I have right now?I’ll change both 678AkuNice to meet you, Condering ChannelAne, nice to meet you, Imayu Please take your time and look at it.Today I’m on a trip looking for a sword.I see, can’t I buy three?Let’s buy one. Maybe a dog will come out I guess I’m scared without a weapon After all, I guess it’s scary without a shield That’s it , right? Just releasing that blessing is meaningful. The journey to release the blessing is a bittersweet experience. [Music] Something like that came out [music] It’s not a dog It’s not a dog It’s not a dog It’s a dog I know Because it’s a long dog It’s an attack It won’t die It won’t die What is this? But I can kill it, but wait a minute , I can’t see it, it’s coming back to life . I guess I have to hit the soul properly if I don’t hit it. [Music] Hey, but when I kill it, the weather gets better. Isn’t that what it means? The weather got better. Isn’t it just that the weather has gotten better? I couldn’t do it properly if I didn’t do it properly. I’m glad I did it properly. This is no longer an enemy. I wonder if it’s wearing a mask. What are you talking about? Give me some advice, Mr. [Music] It’s not like you won’t be able to fight unless you fight like you do now. What are you supposed to be doing? You haven’t read it properly. I was told not to get close to you , but no, no, no, I want to read a different message. I wonder if I fought with this person. It’s different from my future lover. I want to read this, this, this is the one I’ll read after he’s gone. That ‘s what it means.Okay, I’ll learn. 7 will learn.At first I’ll be stupid, but I’ll learn gradually and become an old man.I was told to go ahead, but if you say that, I’ll go to that cave . Let’s try to follow the path. What’s on the screen ? What’s that? No, don’t give up . What’s going on here? There’s going to be rich people ahead of us. If you tell me to go and fight, I’ll go. Ah, there’s something going on. First of all, my head. What should I do? Everyone, let’s read first. Read. I like it. My line is effective. I wonder if I’ll fight that. I wonder if I’ll fight a little ship . I don’t have any money right now, so I’ll just do it. [Music] I wonder if this is the weapon I want to see. [Music] How many times? But there ‘s a guy that comes back to life. I guess the interpretation is that if I don’t hit here again , I won’t die. If I don’t do what I’m doing now, it seems like I’ll be revived more times. Let’s go and see how the horse calls and fights.The horse says it’s effective.The horse says it’s effective, but it comes out a lot just as it says.You should defeat those around you first.It ‘s not a normal attack.It’s a method that won’t kill you. I won’t die, this is difficult . This weapon of mine is difficult. It’s terrible. It’s terrible. It disappeared when I asked it to defeat me, but the little one disappeared. Where is it ? This person is troublesome. These guys are a bit too foul-mouthed. I’m so troublesome that I ‘ve become abusive. Where are you? I don’t come out until nightfall. But there’s a bar downstairs, so it’s a pain. I ‘m here. I want to come here. It’s difficult. It’s difficult. I ‘m a different person . It’s not a ship bag bug, it’s Airu-chan , it ‘s not a ship bag bug , it’s Airu- chan, and I fell down at 7 . It feels good, it feels good, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work , this is bad too. Wait , it’s dangerous, we won. We all won. I got the next cat. Thank you for everything about the skeleton. Is this okay? Is this okay? Onion? Thank you so much . I don’t know what I got. What was Shinone? I was able to defeat it with this weapon . Hey, maybe I should get off my horse. Where did I go? I don’t know what’s going on here, here, here, where the sword is. I wonder if it’s different. Here, I’ll wait and get off, and the enemy will be there. Ah, I can’t go, but I can’t go if there’s a group. There’s something amazing about it. I can’t go there. All I can say is I can’t go anymore. Oh, I can’t lock the door. I’ve been here once in this area with the key in my hand. Okay , thank you. Everyone seems to be in the wrong direction. You have the power to grab that person’s leg from earlier . Why don’t you introduce me to someone? I’ll accept the introduction. I’ll lend you a picture. I ‘ll kick you. I’ll do it separately. I don’t have time to think about what I’m holding onto, so I don’t know what I’m holding on to. Is it going to hurt me? I understand. Are we going to go here or there with the map ? [Music] I can’t go pick up the sword now. I knocked it all over, but I can’t hear anything falling.It doesn’t seem like something is there, but for now, I guess it’s like going underground.What ‘s the Japanese word for “ takataka” ? I’m in trouble . I guess I have a crazy head. I wonder where I was before. I wonder if I should live by breathing. I wonder if it’s here. I’ll use it. I do n’t have it in my inventory. It’s not a key. Thank you. There is a book , let ‘s memorize it one by one . I wonder if I can use it. That’s the scary one. That’s the dog guard. How many dogs are there? Mr. Turtle . What’s the boss battle? Let’s go and see . It’s a treasure chest . Ah, the one who got this. I’m not the one who said, "I’m talking about a dog. I’m calling it a turtle." It’s not this. The one who said, "I should wear this." Is this okay ? These are the two that you recommended last time. I only remember the rain, the turtle , and the turtle.Wow, what a dog.What kind of dog is it?In this world, I don’t understand what a turtle is called a dog.To me, this heart reads a turtle as a dog, and reads a dog as a turtle.That ‘s how ferocious it is. A scary turtle, a gentle cute dog, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know. I don’t really understand dogs.I think it’s better to explore this area because of what we have now.Is there still more to explore besides that?If you’d like, please let me know.If you’d like, please don’t force me. I just fought here and there with that person.Ah, it looks good.What ‘s the enemy ?Ah, I got the head of a giant dragonfly.Thank you very much.This person just told me about it.I went to the place with the red mark. I wonder if it would be better to move on? Rather than that, where is it? Is there still a long way to go? Is it still east? Is this here or here right now? Is this the village? I wonder if it’s all of a sudden The tree looks like an enemy Aim for where that person is again I wonder if it’s under here I’ve been under there I wonder if it’s not under here It’s scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary , scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary , scary . What’s this? Yell, ale . It’s not the place I want to come to. It’s not the place I want to come to. I feel like I’m feeling faint after touching the ground. After that , I touched the blood and died. That’s what I call red. This is where I can go from here. I wonder if the height is different. It looks like it’s different. It seems like I have to go like this.It ‘s a good thing that I have it , but it seems bad.In fact, the strongest sword is here.Is this here, or is the red one here ? I mean, I’ll give you some information about this. Where is this ? Where is this? Wait a minute. Where ? Wait a minute. The strongest sword is here. But this is where Babos is probably doing his best. Hey, what the heck ? Well, that’s the thing. I can’t use it yet , so I’d better go here before that. I don’t know if I should go here or there, but even if it’s wrong, I should go. Apparently, I can’t remove this. Yeah, I was wondering what you were thinking. It ‘s close . I’ll just add it. I can’t move on . Sorry, 3 pieces. Oh, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, and roll. It’s not a good idea not to check it every time I pick it up, right ? Where is this ? I can add combat techniques and attributes to the weapon. It can be used for melee attacks. I don’t really know how to use it . Like, this is it , Marika . I’m talking to Melina. I’ve been here before. Wait, wait, where is this? I’m in here , but there’s a low gate ahead, and there’s also a beast in front of me. I’ll check this out. I’m sorry, I ‘m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I ‘m sorry, I’m sorry, but I’m here. It’s the enemy I ‘ve been waiting for, it’s the enemy, it’s the enemy, it’s not the enemy , it’s not the enemy. What is this? Well, it’s not like we’re going to fight. He’s cute. He’s cute. It says "I’ll give you the root of death." You can give it to me . What should I do ? I have one of my blood. What should I do with it ? I wonder if there are people who have fought this guy like Apegu Tengu.Is this good ?Here , this is what I did.I got the second one.I can do it with this.Oh , that’s it.It’s okay to fight . Wait a minute, wait a minute, he dies This guy is really strong, I wonder if he ‘s in a strong area, I was surprised, but for now I have to go out and rest and go get some money Let’s do this. Let’s read it. What’s written? Ah, no, no, no, I need an item. Let’s give it to him. Let ‘s go get the place where he died a while ago. Wait, why are people dying here? Oh, let’s go to Moba over there. What did you do ? Who did you fight? What are you guys doing ? The recommended level is over 60 around here. There’s no need to travel that much. It’s time for an emergency. First, get on your horse and collect the money. 3 Hey, what’s a lie? Oh my god, where’s the money? Where ‘s the money? Where’s the money ? Where’s the money? Where did it die ? I ran out of money . Wait a minute. What? Nene, please help me, no, no, no, why did Monpa disappear? Wait, wait, wait, wait, no, no, no, no, there’s no point in doing this. There’s no way I can win anyway. If I lose, it won’t reset . I don’t know what the situation is, so I’m out of control. When I leave here, I don’t really know what to do here, so I guess I have no choice but to fly all the way here. It was here earlier. There ‘s a place to warp to. If I don’t put a marker on this, I’ll forget about it. What should I do? [Music] You can take it east from here or kill it . No, what are you doing? There’s a festival here. I haven’t read that you will fight with me someday, but it looks like this is the place to go.War , I also put myself in a warrior’s pot.I wonder if it’s going to be the same thing.I’ll get used to it. Let’s do what we want, let’s be a hero There’s a narrow place ahead that won’t open from here But the fat guy will have a hard time here, but there’s a lot of stones Oh, he’ll have a hard time The one who said he’d go find the shelf and investigate. There are so many main stones, and I can’t seem to get them. No , no, no, I can’t seem to get them. I can’t seem to find any, so I’m thinking, why don’t I just do this here? But I guess the level here is high, I can’t find it, I ‘ve given up, I can’t open it, I can’t do anything, uhm, there’s a narrow place ahead, but the fat guy can’t go, so I guess it’s impossible.It was from another entrance.That’s the exit. I see. I see. Thank you . Is this the exit ? The place where that girl first went is near. Thank you. It says there’s a dead end. Where did I go? I don’t remember, I don’t remember, I guess this is where I crossed my legs. It’s in front, it’s around here , it’s on top, but it’s underground, so it’s on the bottom.It’s close to where the person above was.If I didn’t have that hint, I wouldn’t be able to play games.It’s true.There are now 7 chalice bottles , and they’re getting stronger and stronger. Let’s go Hmm, I feel like I’ve seen something like this. What’s this before? A marker or something. I don’t remember what kind of marker this is, but I should delete it. What game ? There’s no one in the game, so I searched for it, but there’s nothing special about it. [Music] That mark is a voice asking for help. As I was doing this, the pressure point came from the jar.This blessing is coming.I wonder if I can climb up there.It looks different here and there . Thank you. Is this different? Wait, isn’t this here ? Wait a minute, mark here and here . I don’t know what to do. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is it. I’m going to erase it again. Furthermore, the above is different, different, different [music] Yeah, sturdy When I explore, I use rainbow-colored stones and it becomes a guidepost and it’s fun. This isn’t it . I’m hitting the ring in the middle of nowhere. I ‘m dead, I’m alive. Things are going well. I guess I was in too much trouble, didn’t I? Here it is! The marker will come out properly like this . Thank you for your hard work . Thank you for not giving up and giving me hints. Thank you for not giving up and giving me hints. I finally found it. Oh my god. There’s a trick to this right away , but it’s in a place that’s a little hard to understand.I’ll try my best, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to find it.But there’s a group , so what should I do?It’s so troublesome. This race is so troublesome , I have to do it twice, so I ‘ll do my best, and I’ll hold it with both hands. There’s also the battle where I can’t revive it [Music] I was fooled. My mother tells me that she has a valuable item, but I have to move on to her, I’m getting lost, and there’s a liar . I can’t go, so I don’t know , but I’m not sure if they’re telling me to be careful with the duo from now on, or are they kidding me? Besides, they won’t blow me away unless it’s an extraordinarily big experience. It’s not a sword right now , so uh… Yes , where are you? It says it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, there aren’t 3 of us. Wait a minute, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, can you wait? It says, write it. It happened, I believed it, I still believed it, I still believed it, oh no, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, please stop it, I don’t feel like I can win, no, I don’t feel like I can win, what should I do if this person doesn’t exist ? Yeah, it’s a little tough. I had some practice stuff , but wait, now this is weak , but I wonder if it’s bleeding. This is what I wanted to get. This is what I wanted to get. Wait a minute, I don’t know, it’s a guess. So what is this? I did it. I did it. Thank you. It looks like this. Oh, then when you said you had a weapon, you were talking about this. Oh, it’s so fast, so quickly that you can use it. Let’s use it on someone. Something like that. I ca n’t do it, the message was true. It’s cool . It’s okay to just move on. Wait, the text that gets in the way. R2. Oh, R2’s combat technique. Oh, I was wrong. I guess I was using R1. This one is stronger. It’s over . I used up too much waiting MP and the body door opened and I defeated him. By the way, [Music] Well, there’s no blessing near the boss, so you should go and get the blessing once. [Music] I heard that was the case, so come here. I had to do this. I forgot that FP consumption was so intense. I had to do this. I forgot about this one. Where did that heavy jump-like door go? Oh, here it opened. I ‘ll make a comeback , but is it better to stick with F1FP? Which one is a bit harsh? What can I give you, medical care ? Or I’ll do my best in FP. I’ll review the combination of the transformation power promise. I see. Review it. Mirue Level up first and recover half of your HP now If you’re going to use the sword, it might be okay to use spirit.I’ll give you life, let’s pay an hourly wage, then I’ll give you spirit.But even if I say this, this is all I have. Yeah, I haven’t used it since it’s only temporary. If it were to recover HP little by little for a certain period of time, it would be fine as it is now. If it recovers half of it , the damage will be huge , so I think I’ll increase my mental strength a bit. I don’t have many clothes that have reached 82. Yeah, yeah, I haven’t gotten that much yet. It looks like I haven’t gotten that much yet . Let’s go here . Is this okay? I wonder what will come out. I’m not used to this weapon yet. Hey, I’m already strong enough. It’s decreasing, but I don’t know what’s going on. I’m scared, but it ‘s so fast. Wait , wait, wait , wait. Why is the current good guy, thank you, thank you, what? What is the current apparent setting, oh, what is the setting? Wait, the dangerous and dying setting is, uh, everyone is about to die, uh, that ‘s the good one, okay Talisman is the name of the place. Recover HP with a single blow. That’s what everyone else does. It’s just me right now. I’m the only one who has a name. Everyone has that setting. Ah, the place name recovers HP with a single hit. This is what increases your ability values, but there are only 2 of them. I can’t attach it. It’s right here. I can’t increase the space. Thank you everyone. Thank you. That’s the setting. Well, it was easy. I defeated it easily. And now I can’t get poked in the head anymore. Now I’m in a pinch. Even if there are, there will still be more as the story progresses . I think it’s better to talk to Merry and that girl. But I wonder if there will be Rio in the main route. If I go a little further, I’m sure it’s increased by one. After that, let’s move on to the main route. I feel like if I talk, I’ll move on to the main route. What is the main route? Is it going ahead? This is a big tree different from the incarnation that we defeated today. It’s not there anymore, but it’s dark and I didn’t take it. So, thank you for your concern. Is there a way to go beyond Rigi? I don’t need to talk to Melina separately. What is this, instead of a dining table? The Round Table How do I get to the Round Table? I want to strengthen my weapons here. Why can’t I go to the round table? I have to talk to him about it. I have no choice but to talk about it. Why are you interested in the sword? I don’t think it was difficult to use, so the bottom left corner of the app is gold without yellow. I’m sorry I didn’t hear what you said. I forgot. Bottom left of the Golden Tree. I’ll be waiting for a moment. Bottom left of the Golden Tree. Something like this . A round table. Is it about the Round Table? Okay. Thank you . I’m sorry . I forgot. Everyone’s idol Melina. I’m sorry. Bottom left from here. No, wait , thank you for the big blessing. Ah, let’s move on to the big blessing. Oh, I’ve come, I’ve come. I’m already going to strengthen it. I don’t have enough money, but the gold is right from where I am right now, at the very beginning. That’s where I went, okay? I was starting to not understand a lot of things . People like this were talking about this and that . I think anyone can do a lot of things with the materials to become stronger once they get stronger. I wonder if the stage sword will be quite a while away. I can do it in the next day or so. I can do it with this one . The required ability values ​​are high enough. I don’t think it’s possible to beat the boss of the cave yet. Oh, oh , then I’ll use this for a while. I think it’s okay to just think about it, thank you, thank you, the strongest one is a different strengthening material, so I think you can train her. Thank you, that’s helpful, thank you. I’m grateful. Then I ‘ll go and get that one . Here it is. [Music] Why? I hope the rain stops. Let’s take another day. [Music] Is it still going around ? They’re going the other way. It’s better to do something from the church. [Music] Thank you. There’s a tray on the tree. I understand. I can’t leave the book because it’s a big tree . It’s not here . It’s not here. I just killed it. I was surprised. There’s another one. Sorry, I’m sorry. It’s not here. It’s a big tree. It’s not here . It’s not here. Is there a big tree ? Is there a big tree? It’s not big. It’s near the place where I talked to Erina. This is it. I see. If you remember that you can start getting items for Afu now, it’s okay, okay , the third Marika church . There’s still some room, but the important thing is that you got it. Bear is strong. Bear is strong. Let’s try it. Wait a minute, there’s a lot of people. It’s so bad, it’s so bad, it’s so bad, the famous character Pats is strong , he’s really strong, he’s surprised, he’s strong now, he’s strong, he’s even bigger, he’s stronger, Kuma’s family, I’m sorry Kuma-chan, I always bullied Kuma’s family. I feel like there ‘s two of us, oh, oh, I’m surprised, I’m surprised, stamina, oh, stamina, stamina, stamina, stamina, stamina, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute , it looks like they’re going to catch up with me, don’t let them catch up with you, I think it’s just one of them running away. Then the two bears attacked , as expected of Bear’s family, but where are they going? Well , I’m sorry for doing this, Bear-chan . It was my fault. Bear-chan was bleeding. It was an easy lesson. Catfish first. Children first. I may have gotten really angry at what I did to him, but I’ll go again. [Music] Wow, was it my brother? Was it my brother ? I can’t die now. Wait a minute, there should have been one more. I want to do the first one. What should I do? It’s dangerous, isn’t it ? It’s dangerous, brother. It’s not too much. Big brother, big brother, it looks so good. It’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it ‘s dangerous, doesn’t it have money? It’s a bit dangerous. When I’m in trouble, I try to move forward too strongly . I wait and laugh. I’m so strong that I laugh. Where’s my money ? Oh, this, I’m sleeping. I can’t sleep. I won’t wake you up. One line ahead. It ‘s okay for this bear to be a bear.Even if it’s a small attack, if you hit it repeatedly, you can aim for bleeding.It ‘s good that you didn’t take it at all . I wonder if I’ll be able to tell when it happens. I couldn’t help it. Yes, the blood is gushing out. It’s not even bleeding yet. Who is this? It’s really strong, but the blood was scary. It’s a weak bear here. Hey, who is that? That’s an amazing bear. But wait a minute , he was bleeding at the end, so I was able to defeat him. It’s funny. There was nothing interesting or funny about it. He’s cute, but the mom who’s crying out to her, mom, seems to be the strongest. Her family was killed. It’s a bit of damage, so it’s effective for high HP. [Music] There’s a plate here, a plate, a tray. These kids are rolling around . What is this ? It’s not this. Oh, thank you. This temporarily increases maximum stamina. Does this mean I drink one? This is also this. Is this wrong? Did I take this? It strengthens the attack. It’s difficult to know which one is better.Increase the number of talismans equipped.This is an amulet bag.How do I use it?Is this also used as a blessing?Isn’t that what it is? It looks like I’m using a bag, but that ‘s what I’m saying.I’m sorry , but I’m using it.Thank you very much . That’s because when this bear is around, I’m scared . He’s hugging me. The love he’s holding me is too strong. He loves me so much. He’s playing with me so much. What should I do? This bear is also interfering with my recovery. Mr. Yoshida is so intense. Wow , wait a minute, wait a minute, no, no, no, no, no, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary R1r2, oh, oh, I’m hugging you, I don’t have to keep hugging you . Oh yeah, it bleeds at the end. It’s only at the end that it bleeds. It’s chipper. I think he was really loved. Now, what’s going on? Here, here , this spring, here , this is not the spring, here , here , here . No, I can’t help but feel nostalgic. Which way should I go ? I’m here, but I’m looking for something. Wait , wait, wait, Mr. Ego , isn’t Condering dangerous ? There’s a ball in the middle. Is it better to use a horse? This is correct . Gusan is correct. What is this ? Wait a minute, no, no, no, no , it ‘s not what I’m talking about right now , so there’s something like a poison deciphering drug that I didn’t write about. There’s no antidote that seems to be around here . Okay, now, you’re in trouble, you’re in trouble, you’re in trouble, you’re in trouble, you’re in trouble, you’re in trouble, you’re in trouble, you’re in trouble, you’re in trouble, you ‘re in trouble, you’ve got to do this once, crab ball, now, crab ball, what should we do? [Music] ] I want to eat a ball [Music] Hey, there ‘s no mouse , it’s still alive Stop it, stop it, wait a minute, you took that, you took that , you took that key, you did a great job, thank you , what’s a mess, a mess, a mess I feel like I’m coming, my taste is my taste [Music] But I made it into a sword and strengthened it, so I’m going to go with this. What’s wrong with that? What was this person doing? [Music] What is everyone doing now? It’s like I was asking for a favor , or something like that.First of all, I feel bad for him, so I’m going to have some regrets.I wonder if everything’s okay.Let’s go for a bit. [Music] Is something good coming out? There’s a little something like that. There’s not much recovery. It’s not like a battle. What’s this here ? It’s like that turtle. Stop, stop, stop. There’s no recovery. There’s no recovery. There’s no recovery. There’s no recovery. There’s no recovery. Wait a minute. Wait, please , please don’t come, there’s so many people, what should I do, what should I do, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, run away, run away, run away, run away, there’s something wrong with the screen , yeah, it’s not fun like this, it’s a dreamland. Takako isn’t here, Mickey Oh, I said, oh, what’s this, this is different? There’s something here, right? There’s something here, there’s a treasure chest . Hey, I’ll wait a minute. You’re talking about things like this. Where can I take you home? I’ve fallen prey to the mana of fighting a private war . There’s no recovery here . I can’t run away from here. I can’t run away anymore . If there’s an exit somewhere, this place will be like hell. I wonder where I’ve come. Where, where, where, what, here. I can’t go home until I get my clothes in a trap . I can’t go home until I get a new blessing. If I die here, where will I spring? Will I spring here ? Okay, I’ll die. Then here it is . What should I do? What blessing is this? What is it? I’m sure it’s springing up. I’ve never seen bombs before, so it’s not a blessing. I’m a little surprised. I’m surprised. What should I do with this? It’s hell. It’s hell for everyone. Here for now. It’s an escape game that you should try and beat.It looks interesting, so let’s try it.Here we go again, but this one is recovering and reviving, so I’ll do my best while recovering.Which way should I go ?Those kids seem to be okay, so I’ll leave it to them. [ Music ] It’s okay, I’m an idiot. Okay, I can’t afford it. I can’t afford it. I can’t pick it up. I can’t win at all. I can’t afford to take it. I just took it , so let’s go. I’m going to need this material someday. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute , do n’t you don’t need it, don’t you do n’t need it ? I’m going to take all I can, this is where I’m going someday, I’m going to visit this place too I’ve just been blown away I ‘ve come this far while doing this No , it’s not that far away than before. It’s on this map, after all. It’s not necessary in terms of the story. It’s a place that comes a little further on, so there’s no need for a place, but it’s a little further on. That means I’m going to have to find a place to come to, so now I’m free. I can come here whenever I want. I mean, I can come whenever I want. Well , I’ll just have to go get the map. Is there a place nearby? If you want to go get just that map that’s nearby, please tell me where it is, where it is, and where it is.Wait, I want to take that Takaishi in the final.When the map comes out, it’s outside.I want to fight.Drop something that dies. This person has been stalking me for a long time, and I’ve had the trouble of being here. I don’t need anyone. I can’t let this in. I can’t let this in. No one can let me in. This person is strong. This person is strong. I’m sure I can’t get in from here. I can’t get past him. It’s starting to look like a quiz from above . Wait , I’ll get the money . I’ll get it back. It’s my fault . Oh , let’s go. I turned on this switch from above . I made a mistake. I made a mistake. As soon as I touched the blessing, I became stronger. For some reason, I can’t get on here . How can I get on the stairs? Let’s go home. Where’s the roof? [Music] I don’t know how to get there , but I can’t find any materials. The broken one jumps . Wait, you’re fine, fine, fine. It’s here, far away after the dash . I ca n’t get the thing on top if I get the money . Thank you . Hey, what is this, what is this, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, hey, what is this person, it’s like a drill, it’s like a magic drill Wait, wait, wait, wait, roll, it’s heavy, it’s heavy, but here, let ‘s remove this for now and say ok, what should I do ? If I kill that kid once, won’t he come back? I know how it works, but I’m wondering if I can do it . Button Jump Button -chan Run and jump with B. I might not be good at this. Well, where should I do it? I wonder if it’s more to the right. Don’t get in my way, don’t get in my way Don’t get in my way Don’t get in my way Don’t get in my way Don’t get in my way Don’t get in the way of this person Ring D dash jump Okay money money I can’t do it anymore I can’t do it Oh but I’m going to go Strange people will gather soon so it’s good Where can I not do this ? Is this the person who was there for you? No, no , no, this is the person. Yes , thank you. The sword is more effective for insects. It ‘s not in there , it’s falling. Wait a minute, you idiot. I was a little surprised that it wasn’t there, and now it’s just barely working out. [Music] Let ‘s go, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, there’s no way here, but I want to go to that place. I can’t do it without holding dash to jump. It’s impossible, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, it’s impossible. Well, with a controller, you can jump and dash while pushing. You can’t force it . It’s difficult. It’s a little difficult to operate with one hand. I see. Right , Nice to meet you, Condeling. It’s not that I’m not good at dash jumping, but rather that I’m good at dash jumping. This is what I’m doing right now, I just remembered it, I just remembered it, the face-to-face button , whatever , I got off, I got off , I’m dead, I ‘m in the way, I can’t add more fingers, that’s enough , oh, do you mean from the back? Just wait a minute , you, you, wait a minute, I’m going to get so bad that I’m getting so bad Everyone help me, I ‘m getting so bad That’s how Hiromari-san condescending Hey , I got through it, but I can’t go back to what I was.It doesn’t make much sense. That’s what I said , wait a minute, I’m surprised.Wait a minute, it ‘s fine as long as it’s not that drill.Ah , this guy, this person, this person, maybe this person can’t do it.I’m worried about what’s to come.Should I give up? I’m prepared for that. Maybe it’s impossible. If I just collect the money, I’ll see. This weapon is unenhanced, so I guess it’s tough. It’s true that the sword is better . That’s not true. That sword is better. But physics 47 is also good. There aren’t many, but I’d say it ‘s more difficult to say if you don’t need anything.Rating: 12 It’s too reckless.If you do something, it won’t generate any attributes.That’s why I said that.In voice, I just take the map.There ‘s clearly a difference in level. It’s wrong, it’s wrong, right, left, over here, over here . This is the loop I dropped. I understand. How do I get there ? It’s hard to get out on the road. Also, the enemy must be very strong . What did they do ? It’s easier to go south. Which way is south? It ‘s better to go south. It ‘s easier to go south. It’s easier to go south. This way is right. Well, this way is right. It’s not big . I know, I know, yes , this is it, the fireflies are here , the enemy is over there , it’s over there, I get it, I get it, thank you, I don’t know what it means, it’s really greasy water, it’s so bad, it’s been dropped on me, it’s scary, what the heck is going on, I’m being raped. It’s no good , I can’t get it out, it’s over , it’s like that, it’s amazing speed , it’s physical strength is the worst one, oh, okay, merit, the map has been released, oh, it’s been released, everyone, there’s something that looks like a crow. Okay , let’s just fly to a random place. Wait, maybe it wasn’t nearby. A blessing came flying over . There was definitely a blessing around here. There was a blessing. I didn’t do it. I did something wrong. No, I messed up. I should have opened one. Since I can go out of the cave, I’ll probably end up starving. So what are we going to do next? I said what I was going to do. I said what I was going to do. What am I going to do? It’s right, right in the middle of the lake. The correct answer is where to go from there . It flew from the middle of the lake. Now the sword is fine. Right now, the sword is strengthened. 5 plus 5 . At this point, 5 is strong, so I raised it. Um, the lake is lower left. This is different. Lower right. Ah, I made a mistake like me. There are no mistakes. It’s not a mistake . It’s like me. I’m happy. We’re friends. You don’t want to be friends with me. I think it’s true. I wonder if it’s the same as before. This scarab here is holding up the heavens, isn’t it? Wait, what is that scarab? It can’t roll that ball. It’s wrong. It’s rolling. It’s rolling. Where are you ? Where are you ? Hahaha. Hey, why did you bring me to this place? What are you going to do? You called me to this place and told me to fight. I wanted you to watch Dogma 2. You don’t have to fight. If you show me this, you’ll start telling me to fight. It ‘s a lie. Wait a minute. I ca n’t do this. I can’t go. If I saw it, I couldn’t get close to it. It was a bear. Wait a minute. What should I do? This is it. What should I do ? It’s meaningful . I can’t do anything even if I leave. I can’t do anything , but don’t fly away. Do n’t go . It’s okay to bleed. It seems to be quite weak and soft . It’s at an appropriate level, but it came out . This is it. Why are you doing it so much? [ Music ] It can fly far away, but it’s gone. Let’s give up . Even if we give up on that fire-thrower, it ‘s enough to fight with a roach . I don’t have any money, so please tell me the cat is Roach. Oh no, I can’t do it anymore, I can’t do it anymore, I can’t do this, I don’t think I can win, but I’ll try and do it some more What should I do? Everyone wants to see a little more. Wait a minute, wait a minute [Music] Excuse me. Fight hard. I feel like I’m going to win, but Afruat ‘s Lalo meaning is different, different pitcher Roach in 3 is a horse.I feel like I can win. I wonder if it’s already in a state where it’s gone, this, this, this, this, this, it’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone, it ‘s gone , where is it ? It seems like there aren’t many people who close my channel unless they’ve been on my channel for a long time. Hey, I love withdrawals, so it doesn’t really make any sense. There are early stages. It’s better to aim for the bridge . Is it irrelevant? When you’re riding a horse, what about the horse? It’s not the face, I don’t know what you’re saying. No, but I ‘m fine. [Music] Hey, wait a minute, that’s true . Thank you. If we don’t rock, I’m sure Lochi will do his best. I’m already turning into Loach. The horse is falling on its own. I can’t win the rent at all, but what should I do? Aim The horse is about to die I can’t run Toretto Good luck with the horse Ro Good luck Gerard I’m sure you’re close to me That’s good Okay I wonder if Trent is recovering his strength I wonder if Trent has penetrated I’m glad I heard Melina’s story The horse said, “I’m not going to let it go.” The horse said, “ I can’t do it anymore.” Maybe it’s a little impossible. Maybe it’s impossible. I was able to fight better in the beginning. When I’m riding the horse, “ Even if it disappears, I can still call out. ” Okay , Dondoko-san, Condering. The enemy is doing it , the button is right, it’s not at my feet , it’s not at my feet , oh yeah , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no . I won’t be able to beat this because I’m going to get beaten by this . I don’t think I can win. Is this the time to learn this or that ? I have no intention of learning the moves. Dorick, who is the dragon? [Music] Get close to him and dismount, then put down your horse. Basically, the original doesn’t get caught, so don’t try to aim at it. It’s already coming, coming, coming, coming , and there’s no way you can avoid it by rolling on a horse . There’s no way you can do that. Everyone get off the coder and watch it. Sorry, sorry, me too . Stage Jump [Music] Nene, I’ve lost a lot of weight, I’ve lost a lot of weight, ah, if I roll the maga, Na-chan will definitely be dug out, right? I feel like I’m lucky that I’m bleeding. I don’t understand anything. It’s no good if the fire comes. I have to ride the horse, but luck is on my side. Luck is on my side. I’ve never done a jump before. I made a mistake in jumping. If I didn’t do it, I’d attack without thinking about the recovery.I’d forgotten about the recovery.[Music]It was made of music, right?When I lifted my foot, it would just jump up and down.If I just jump up and down, I’m desperate.This isn’t what it’s like now. Is it a jump, what is this, what is this, what is this now , what is this , this is my first time playing it, I see , Deming, I see, where is the defeated bottle? Okay, I won’t be able to recover, which means my recovery will be reduced by 1. Right [Music] Alright, alright, okay, I get it. Take it easy. Take it easy today. Enjoy it. Jump Jump I forgot the jump button. I don’t know anymore. I know it’s okay. Just put your feet up. If I feel like I’m about to do something, I ‘ll jump. [Music] I haven’t counted. I can’t count the number of horses. Oh, that’s fine, that’s fine, that ‘s fine. No, I’m watching Condering slowly. Hey, give me a break. Wait, wait, wait, I almost made a mistake. It’s going to be hard to do this. Dragon, you’re fine with that. Where are you? I want to disappear, it hurts, it hurts, no, it’s over halfway, so I wonder if that’s it. Now I tried to jump on the button with Nechan. But we just didn’t make it in time.Everyone consciously knew that it would be better to jump for this one.We also know that we couldn’t jump because we cut it too much. I don’t know. I was looking at it and I was able to defeat it. Yay , I got the dragon’s heart. I know I know what it is. I defeated it. Thank you for defeating me. I don’t think I’ll be affected by Fromm. Thank you, everyone . It’s the current Dragon Ball. It was burnt. It was a mess, but I’m glad I was able to defeat it. It was in tatters, but nothing fell off. Thank you , LEGO. No, there’s still an hour left, and I feel like I’m going somewhere else. There are weapons in those ruins. Which ruins is this? Where is this? Is it over there? Or is it over here? I’m surprised. Something fell down and burned. This is it. Kana 13 I picked up a warped thing near here. I don’t know if it’s a horse or a cow, but is it a game where you ride it and defeat birds? No, today I happened to be riding a horse. Oh, it certainly looks like a cow. It looks like a cow. It was roasted. Near the ruins Oh, I took this weapon, right? There ‘s a crab ball in the basement Crab ball Damn it, the image quality is a bit bad The screen is going to be terrible Didn’t I take this? I took the tube. I took it. I took it . Wait, uh, didn’t I take it? Did I take it? I might have lied. I didn’t take it. I didn’t take it . I didn’t find it. I lied. I lied. I’m sorry. I lied. I don’t know where it is, but I don’t know where it is. [Music] It was here or there. If you get blown away by Wa, you might die. Wait, wait, you can recover once. The tricky part is that it’s a war trap right now. [Music] Wait, can I raise my level? I ‘ll raise my level . Where’s it ? It’s getting stronger . How do I get there ? I can go there with a horse. I can’t do that. What’s the point of twin blades? [ [ Music] Why did Daru equip it? [Music] Yeah, Cage- o, no, no, no, I’m strong. I don’t have enough strength. 18 I can’t use 15 now. So, if you’re strong, you’re strong. If you’re weak, you’re weak. Swordsman style. Everyone is strong. Is it strong? Then when I say weak, I mean weak. Hold it with both hands, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, let’s go in. [Music] Oh yeah, yes, yes, yes. Yes, it’s heavy. I can’t fight because it’s heavy. It’s so heavy now that it’s even dangerous. I see that it’s for Kudos. I might like it. I might like Momo-chan. Yeah, thief’s movements . I can’t use this because the dragon is running out, so I added it to the envoy dragon somehow. It’s good. It’s good. You can use it to release the big rune. There aren’t many people who use it, so it might be good for streaming. You can also block by hand. You can also hit guard counters. You can also hit guard counters. Radagon accessory. Yeah, I can’t follow the story at all. I can’t follow the story even though I’m swinging a weapon. It’s useful when you get caught in something. That’s all I can understand.This doesn’t make any sense, but ah, it’s long.Talisman Radagon’s 1 tape plus I see.I don’t have it, no matter what. Yeah, I think it’s possible to hold it upright with one hand, but the way you swing it doesn’t look very cool.Well , let ‘s try to recover it once. Yobu ‘s guard is not 100% effective, so please add HP. I understand. Because of the appearance problem, I may end up quitting because I can’t use it after all. But that’s true, I’ll give it a try [ Music ] Hey, this is how I can run away, that’s which one, this way, this way, nothing ‘s wrong. In the end, it’s just crab balls . That person is that person. But in the end, I still prefer my own sword, but if I have one more, I wonder what it will be like. Yeah, I bought it. Did I really get it ? This guy [Music] How many voices are there? Well, you ‘re just a voice, you’ve done a good job, you’ve done a good job, you’ve dropped something, you’ve got a feeling , you can’t read the weapon, nothing comes out.I’ve fought with the best horses.First of all, it was A, but now it’s easier to fight. What should I do with my weapon ? What am I supposed to do? Wait a minute after this. My heart has become pure, and my reward is a lot of money. Then I guess I should increase my weight. I can raise it. Strengthen my weapon. I don’t know if it’s better or not, but I still don’t know if I use this weapon or not . It will make me stronger to a certain extent. Ah, it’s a striking weapon. For example , it’s like putting two here and here in the equipment section. If this one is the main one and this one is the one who carries things like striking, then I have to change it every time so that I can hold it [music] I feel like I can use it as equipment when I need it [music] That’s fine, but if I do that, I won’t be able to hold it unless I increase my strength. If I were to replace it with a different one, I would think that if it wasn’t a replacement, I’d use something that I’d keep.I see , this is a blow, this is a blow, or this is also a blow.This is also a non-blow and this is weak . It’s a pain and I want to get rid of it, but if I do that, I’d better improve my strength.By the way , I’m okay with being kicked right now because I’m wearing something like that, and thanks to that I’m 18. That’s how strong my strength is. I want to raise it, Jill , oh yeah , rail, yeah, yeah, that’s right, I’ve got Latarcon, so I can have it now.Then, I want to go with the sword as the main one, so I took it.I want to go with the sword as the main one, so I’m going to strengthen one of my blows. It’s more like what I said earlier. It seems like a blow is definitely necessary. Then, if I have to go to the trouble, I want to use something like this. I need this kind of power 40, but I don’t have a sword or a pine tree. I have a little more blow , but this is it. Is this the way it’s handled? This is fine. Isn’t that a blow? I can’t even read that properly anymore. This, this, this, this, this, this, this too. [Music] A big hammer. This is no good. A halberd. I can’t use it, so I can’t do it for a lot of reasons , but most of the time Barley Prefecture Barley Prefecture Barley Prefecture is different Barley Prefecture What’s the best way to hit? I wonder if it’s okay to be Mr. Kindem. Nice to meet you. Below the Condering weapon, it says "Blow, it’s true. Blow." Thank you. Third, it’s under that title. Thank you, Thank you, Albert. It’s stable though. Albert is stable. Even this isn’t a blow. If I can, I’d like to use it. It’s quick to use this and that as my main weapon [music], but it will be quite a while later, but if it’s a blow, the Glaze Glade Stars are strong. Glaze Glaze Glade Stars, with both hands. Oh, I put my hands up, put my hands up [music], this kind of thing is going to be a blowout, yeah yeah, but I feel like there are too many things that I have to give up in order to do that, so I guess it’s a bit of a blowout. Are you kidding me? I was able to defeat it. I defeated it. [Music] I was able to defeat it. I was able to defeat it . I somehow managed to defeat it. It was a heavy moth, but I couldn’t do it. The sound is so good. What’s that sound? It hurts. I try to defeat this person. It doesn’t fit at all. But something’s a little weird. No, no, no, no, no, no, this isn’t it . Wait a minute, wait a minute, you guys are just getting in the way. [Music] Don’t die. Just think about the blow when it’s time to use it. Wait . The blow requires a surprisingly strong strength of 22, but the striking weapon can also defeat nearby guards. Don’t use the blow on this dragonfly. Tomato Goodbye, then wait a minute.I’m sorry for doing this.I’m sorry.Thank you.I feel like that.So then, when I was told that I have a sword and one more, what do you mean by one more striking weapon? You mean one more kind of different kind, right? In case you can’t fight with a sword depending on the enemy, it would be better to prepare one more thing [music] that you need. Everyone is saying no, right now, it’s probably a blow. It’s weird, so you can usually defeat it with that. Yeah , yeah, yeah, it’s possible to clear enemies that are effective with blows, but when you get close to a skeleton, it’s better to use a sword. Everyone is telling me that it’s easier to conquer a striking weapon if you have a strong striking weapon.Ah, it’s okay to use just one main weapon.Moonlight SwordAh, if you pick up the money , you’ll understand. Okay, I understand that. Then I realized that I still want a blow, but when I say one more, I mean a blow, so I’m thinking a little too hard about it, so I’ll think about it when the time comes. If you have any, I would be happy if you could tell me more. Meat If you eat this person’s meat, it’s almost as good as it is. I understand that most of the things can be done with a sword. I don’t get it at all, but [Music] If you think the wood is hard, throw away the knife. It would be a shame if I had a big hammer to hit with a wooden stick or something like Moha , but there are options to change it to suit the opponent, and if you think about it in terms of level, it’s easy to say that it’s the same, so it’s normal to use a different weapon. I understand that even if you only use weapons, you can do something unexpectedly, but if you get tired of it, you can change it . Who is this? Kuma-chan suddenly dies! It ‘s a little scary, but Ashina-san, Shina-san, it’s been a long time since I last saw you, my wife, the wife of the fierce Yoshida. Oh, wait a minute, it ‘s been a while, it’s dangerous , it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it ‘s Yoshida-san. My wife is too dangerous. Don’t run away. There was something about Nacchan. There was something about Yoshida’s wife . [Music] I’ll give you downloadable content. Come see me. [Applause] Hey, something happened. It’s not like I cheated on you. Isn’t it enough to just go home in the morning ? [Applause] I don’t know what to do, wait a minute, what should I do? Oh , that’s a good one, I found one. We only have 30 minutes, so it’s going to be quite difficult going forward, but whether it’s difficult or not is a little different.My wife’s quality is good.Well, I’m glad I defeated her.Well , I guess I want to see more about the night shift.Today. I guess I’ll end this here in 30 minutes.If I ‘m going to proceed with the main part, I’ll be able to do something in 30 minutes.Go ahead with the map or look for clothes . Adjust the last boss just right Wait, wait, who is that Blaive? Tell me who Blaime is. Tell me. Tell me that Furo-Furo Bly-kun and Flo are the same. Sorry, sorry, everyone is over. The scam has begun. It might not end. Only 30 minutes left. Because of that, Bly-kun is a werewolf fight. Wight is going to the base from now on. He ‘s also an NPC who plays with the wind. The live performance is in the middle of the forest. This is the forest. Is this the forest? This is this . This is this. This is the forest. Eh, this is what we’re going to do. I’m going. I’m going to go. Wait a minute. Then I’ll give you some flowers. I’m sorry for all the waiting. I’m going to get bored. I’m going to go get some flowers, so everyone, just wait a little. Those who want to go, those who want to go together. Let’s go , let’s go. [Music] Let’s go. [Music] I just lost. I was washing my hands, so I was washing my hands. I was washing my hands, too. I’m home, Bear. Is the bear forest? The forest is Kuga Yoshi-san. It’s different when my husband is here. I didn’t wash it, but I washed it. I’ll wash it. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait , wait, wait, wait . I remember who this is, Yoshida-san. This is the Yoshida-san next to me. He died, but wait, wait, he must have a lot of money. I forgot to raise his level . This is the next one, how strong was he? He was sleeping, he was sleeping, wait, please, please, let me take the money, let me take the money, let me take the money, let me take the money, please Hey, wait a minute, this person is terrible, terrible, dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, a little too scary, seriously . I want to run away , but I don’t know which button it is. You hugged me, but my love was a little too heavy for you. You’re saying something like that. There’s also someone saying something like, "How do I get there ? R1r2R11 Is it RT? Is it RBRB? Is it RT ? The tick in the back The stick in the back The stick in front I wonder how it’s going to go Two attack buttons Not a tick Not a tech This one or this one This one or this Either one Wait a little longer and that one Oh, I guess I hit two words in succession, or I misunderstood the right and left.Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute, even if it’s Ma-chan’s ex-girlfriend, I have to go here. I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know what’s wrong with this, Talisman, what , what, what is Talis , isn’t this here ? There ‘s a place to go from here to the first church and talk to him. All you have to do is find him at the feeding party. How to talk to him about Kuma-chan’s ex-girlfriend’s feet. But that’s not Kuma-chan’s ex-girlfriend’s foot. I’m scared, but what are you doing? I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I want to talk about it a little bit, but it seems impossible. I guess we should just cut it off from there. Is there a way to do that? I made a mistake in this one . MAK [Music] Need , that ‘s over. Wait, I have money , so I can buy a jar. It doesn’t matter how many jars I have. It’s better to have one. Okay, good -bye. So, for now, I’m going to go downstairs and send some kind of signal , and I’m going to go another time , so I’m right, but the bear is like [music], wait a minute, raise the level, stop leveling up, forget about it. But I got it because my fingers snapped. How do I do it ? I’m going to get off now. I guess this means I have to replace it. [Music] Where , where did I get off? Where did I get off ? Where ‘s the blue ? It’s cool. It’s cool. It has long legs. Yes, I can win. I want that armor. So what do we do after this ? I’ll meet you and the others somewhere. I don’t want to say goodbye. I won’t come with you. I won’t travel with Nana-chan. That ‘s great, like in Lake No. 1, flying to the blessing of the lake, flying to the blessing of the sea, flying to the blessing of the sea, even though it’s in the south, this southern [music] style is handsome, isn’t it? It’s scary . I wonder if it’s here. Wait a minute. [Music] Excuse me, Wa-san. The ring is almost over. Okay, let ‘s just go to the ones that still take a while. Ah, this , Flo , Flo, again, ah, this time, it’ll end easily , but 8 It’ll be over in a minute Let’s just go in Let’s just go in Let’s go Let’s go just once Yukin Ah hamon muff Help I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know What are you saying? Summon me, thank you, thank you, no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I have to summon it, I have to summon it, I don’t have to do it, I don’t have to do it, I don’t have to do it, I don’t have to do it tomorrow, I don’t have to do it, I don’t have to do it, I don’t have to do it. Okay, so that’s what it is. I won. I can see the event. I summoned Brave and I saw the event . Too bad I won. I won. I wanted to summon it . I didn’t understand. It’s okay to win . I feel like a strong person. Oh yeah. Events when summoning. I was there for a while.Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla oh the weapon I have now is good I want to try it one more time I failed yeah yeah what the heck is it really the same process as Pa ? But it was a bit too strong. I shouldn’t be jealous. It’s okay to talk more. Let’s get along. Let’s get along. Let’s just be friends. We’ll remain more than just friends. Well, hey, you know, I didn’t really hear the comments. I’ll watch that video again. Most of the streamers use it, so I don’t like it, I don’t like it , I don’t say it here, I won’t say it, no, no, it’s Brave’s fault . I’m really sorry, everyone wanted to see it. I really failed. Is this it? This is it. For now , let’s see what it is. It’s strong. It’s easy to use. But I ‘m going with a sword. Now, Sofa, that’s a good weapon . Thank you, Lego. It’s a weapon that is said to be strong. It’s one of the stylish things. My shoulders are in love. It’s dangerous. I’m going a little on the edge. Hey, this is cool. That’s cool. It’s okay. Hey, I’m brave today. I wanted to fight with you. I failed . Cool. [Music] ] I’m strong in combat skills, so I guess I’ll end this today.I regret it the most , but if you’re curious about how it will turn out on someone else’s stream, I think you can probably watch it on other streams, so please forgive me. I can’t show it to you, but I’m going to eat, eat, eat, eat. When I’m done, I’ll eat. It’s like we’re together. Let’s go. Let’s go. Well, see you tomorrow at 12 o’clock. Which one? Starting at 7 o’clock tomorrow. I’ll be doing it again tomorrow from 5pm, so if you’re free, please come and see me. See you at the next live show. It’s Deling-sama . Bye-bye.

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