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[SUB] 도쿄 맛집 탐방🍚 쇼가야키 편 | 일본 가정식 전문점, 돼지고기 생강구이

[SUB] 도쿄 맛집 탐방🍚 쇼가야키 편 | 일본 가정식 전문점, 돼지고기 생강구이

Hello guys, today’s restaurant is a menu you can’t pick without this, when you talk about Japanese’s home style food. That’s Japanese homemade style ‘shogayaki’ Shogayaki is a menu similar to ‘pork bulgogi’ with ginger in it. I also uploaded a video on how to make it on YouTube before. *Representative dishes of Japanese home cooking eaten at home. You can think of it as one of the representative dishes among the menus eaten at home. However, I think many people abroad haven’t tried it yet, so today I want to introduce it properly! Here it is! *Akasaka: One of the central areas of Tokyo, Japan. I’m in Akasaka, and I heard it’s a 5-minute walk from Akasaka Station. There are a lot of great restaurants here, so it’s a competitive town. I think it’s definitely delicious, right? That’s what I think! Shoyayaki is good for your body! t’s inexpensive to make! And it’s easy to make too! *Healthiness + affordability + convenience These 3 reasons why it’s a popular menu and it’s the most eaten menu in Japan. I’m not good at cooking that much but I make shogayaki often. I’m not good at cooking that much but I make shogayaki often. It’s that easy to make haha That’s why I think people who live by themselves eat this Since Akasaka is a town with a lot of companies, it’s always crowded. There are also many really tall buildings. This area has a bunch of restaurants together. It’s said to be a 3-minute walk from ‘Akasaka-Mitsuke’ station and a 5-minute walk from ‘Akasaka’ station. It’s said to be a 3-minute walk from ‘Akasaka-Mitsuke’ station and a 5-minute walk from ‘Akasaka’ station. This must be the place~ Shogayaki Baka~ Baka means ‘fool’, right? So it means ‘Fool for Shogayaki’. It’s rare to find a specialty Shogayaki restaurant, so I’m looking forward to trying it out. Shogayaki Baka (Shogayaki Specialty Restaurant) ‘Shoga’ in shogayaki means ginger, and ‘yaki’ means grilled. That’s why they sell ‘Kochi ginger’ here. Let’s go in! First, it seems we need to buy a ticket from the vending machine. Here, the menu is quite varied. There’s a "Kobuta" option and a "Recommended" option. There’s a "Kobuta" option and a "Recommended" option. "Kobuta" means ‘piglet,’ and if you choose the "Kobuta Mori," it seems to be the smallest size. However, I think the recommended option would be better for me, so I’ll go with that. I’ve bought the ticket from the vending machine, so let’s go in! I found a seat that’s comfortable for solo dining. I’ll show you the menu properly! I was surprised by the variety on the menu, but I decided to go with the basic option. The items below are arranged The first one has a lot of garlic. The second one uses pork loin for the Shogayaki. The third one is described as having an ethnic flavor, so it seems to have a different taste. There are also various toppings and side dishes. Looking at it, all of them are healthy menu items. It’s the kind of food that feels like something your mom would make. Being able to eat such healthy Japanese food while working is great. Having a place like this near the office would be perfect! After waiting for a bit, the shogayaki is finally here! Guys, I can tell the ginger smell is incredible Since I sometimes make it myself, I know that shogayaki is a dish where you use ginger, soy sauce, mirin, and cooking sake. It’s a bit like Korean bulgogi with a hint of ginger. When I make it at home, sometimes I use fresh ginger, but you know those ginger tubes? I usually use those, so the smell isn’t as strong. But here, since they’re using real ginger, the smell is really strong, and I’m excited to try it. Let’s dig in! Yum… as I chew, my brows furrow in genuine appreciation… Hmm! When I make it, there’s a light ginger flavor, and with the sugar, cooking sake, and mirin, it turns out a bit sweet. But here, it has a more mature flavor. *Quick note! Shogayaki Baka uses ‘Kochi Rock Ginger’ from Kochi Prefecture in southern Japan, which gives it a richer smell. Mmm~ Delicious~ Today, I want to introduce you all to a dish called shogayaki! This content started from that desire. When I decided to search for the best shogayaki restaurants, I honestly didn’t expect to find a specialty restaurant. But Tokyo is big! I was surprised to find one haha Especially in Akasaka, where lunchtime competition is intense and the reviews are good, so I decided I had to come here! (The origin of shogayaki!) I was very curious about when shogayaki first appeared. I didn’t really know either, but I wanted to properly introduce shogayaki to you, so I did some research. I didn’t really know either, but I wanted to properly introduce shogayaki to you, so I did some research. Even Japanese don’t know about this since it’s a dish that’s been around since childhood and people might not know its origins. Records indicate that a similar dish existed in 1913. Originally, ginger was used to mask the wild gamey smell of pork, which is how shogayaki started. Originally, ginger was used to mask the wild gamey smell of pork, which is how shogayaki started. *Using ginger to cover the pork smell was the beginning of shogayaki! Initially, it was more like yakiniku, but the awareness of shogayaki as a distinct dish grew in the 1940s. A restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo, looking for a simple and easily mass-producible menu item, found shogayaki to be cheap and quick to make in large quantities, and its popularity grew from there! Shogayaki pairs really well with rice. A bite of shogayaki, a bite of rice—so delicious! The rice tastes great too! (Looking around) (It’s a great place for office workers to have a solo meal!) Almost everyone here is dining alone. And everyone, while eating shogayaki here, you’ll often hear people saying, "Okawari onegaishimasu", which means "Another serving, please." This place offers one free refill of white rice. Okawari means refill. Shogayaki + rice = perfect match Shogayaki really pairs well with rice. So, I understand why people want to add another serving of rice while eating this. It’s such a friendly place. Shogayaki is a dish often made at home, and when I think about similar dishes, hamburg steak and curry come to mind. and when I think about similar dishes, hamburg steak and curry come to mind. *The three big dishes of Japanese home cooking: Hamburg steak, curry, and shogayaki. These three are common and seem to be dishes families enjoy together. *The three big dishes of Japanese home cooking: Hamburg steak, curry, and shogayaki. These three are common and seem to be dishes families enjoy together. I hope we can introduce these dishes on our channel in the future! Today, we tried the "Shogayaki Ginger Grilled Set Meal." How was it? It’s not a particularly unique menu item, but as a Japanese person, it made me feel very comfortable and happy. It seems like it’s not well-known to people overseas yet, but I hope you now know about this dish. I hope you will encourage you to try shogayaki, a healthy and delicious dish that warms the heart! That’s it for today’s video! See you on next video~

#후지이미나 #일본여행 #도쿄맛집

건강하고 맛있게 먹을 수 있는 가정식
소소하지만 든든하고 따듯한 한 끼였어요!
민트분들도 오늘 저녁 잘 챙겨드세요😊


A healthy and delicious home meal
It was a small but reliable and warm meal!
Mint fans, make sure to eat dinner tonight. 😊

📍쇼가야키 BaKa 아카사카미츠케점
東京都港区赤坂4-2-4 赤坂LeeBLD 1F

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  1. 민트분들이 궁금한 메뉴 추천 받아요!

    여기에 댓글로 남겨주세요🤗🍴💚



  2. 앗, 저도 무척 좋아하는 메뉴인데 한국에선 잘 없어서 좀 곤란했습니다만… 오늘도 감사합니다~!

  3. 글쎄 모르겠어요. 음식이 뭔지 식당이 뭔지 생강이 뭔지 모르겠어요.
    미나씨 이뻐요. 보고 있으니까 참 좋네요.

  4. "이쪽이에요!"부터 시작되는 중단발 치트키 임팩트 🙂

    식사 시간때 맛있는 메뉴를 소개하는 시간이라 더욱 좋네요 🙂

    귀여운 돼지가 BaKa라고 쓰여진 옷을 입었는데 "바보"라고 생각할뻔했네요 🤣🤣

    나중에 유튜브 라이브 이벤트로 직접 만든것 먹어보면서 소개하는 시간도 있으면 좋겠어요 🙂

    날이 더워지는데 건강 잘 챙기세요 미나누나 🙂

    오늘도 랜선 일본여행을 준비해주셔서 감사해요 미나누나~~

  5. 작년 여름 휴가 때 뉴오타니호텔에 숙박해서 아카사카미스케 역을 4일 내내 드나들었어요. 미나님 걸어가신 길과 간판 다 기억나네요. 이 영상 일찍 만들어주셨으면 가봤을텐데 아쉽네요. ㅠㅠ 작년 휴가 때 미나님 영상에 도움 많이 받고, 시부야 오모테산도 가는 길에 있던 오코노미야키집에 가서 아내가 대만족했던 기억이 있어요. 미나님의 좋은 영상 항상 잘 보고 있습니다. 감사합니다.

  6. 정말 구미가 당기는 쇼가야키로군요! 한국의 돼지불고기하고는 색달라 보이는데, 기회가 된다면 꼭 먹어보겠습니다!

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