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[사나의 냉터뷰] 그동안 잘 지냈어? 오랜만이다 🦊 l EP.5 덱스 편

[사나의 냉터뷰] 그동안 잘 지냈어? 오랜만이다 🦊 l EP.5 덱스 편

[사나의 냉터뷰] 그동안 잘 지냈어? 오랜만이다 🦊 l EP.5 덱스 편

welcome to Sana’s Special Fridge Interview. Today, we have another PPL that fits perfectly with Sana’s Special Fridge Interview. It’s a new product from Saero Saero Apricot. Firstly, the color is just so pretty and I saw a love story of saero9mi in the advertisement. The package also reflects that beautifully making it look so dreamy and pretty. There are two foxes two pairs of cranes and let’s see what’s inside. Wow, it’s so cute! Even as an adult, I still love this kind of things. It’s so cute, what the heck? The set is so, so pretty. There are two bottles of Saero Apricot two glasses and even two coasters. This set would be perfect to take to the Han River or somewhere similar for couples to have a lovely time together. Looking at the Saero Apricot bottle there’s a cute fox under an apricot tree enjoying apricots. There’s apricot inside me. This Saero Apricot actually contains real apricot juice, which makes it very delicious. I really enjoy sweet drinks so I’m looking forward to this. Can I try it now? Ah! I should have done that earlier. It’s so cute. It’s really smooth. Compared to other fruit soju it has Saero’s unique smooth and refreshing taste with the sweet and tangy flavor of apricot well expressed. And it’s even zero sugar. When I drink it, it tastes sweet but it’s zero sugar, which seems unbelievable. But it makes sense because it’s Saero Apricot. This would be perfect to enjoy with friends. I highly recommend it! Alright, it’s time to introduce today’s guest. I’ve heard that many people wanted to see us together again and our previous interview almost reached 10 million views. So, with a grateful heart I invited this person again. Let’s call him out now. DEX, please come out! – Hello. – Hello. Just have a seat. So, DEX, as a guest could you please introduce yourself. Hello. I’m DEX. Nice to meet you. This feels strange. – How have you been? – Good. You’re driving right into casual talk. We’ll be doing it anyway, so. Have you been well? Yeah, I’ve been good. How long has it been? – Almost a year? – Ah… I see… But… I wasn’t nervous outside but now that I see your face, I suddenly feel nervous. When he came in I thought "Oh, it’s been a while!" but he didn’t look at me at all. I wanted to see you when I came in. Usually, we use the waiting room together but instead of using the waiting room, I decided to start right from outside. – So, you didn’t go to the waiting room? – Yeah… So, I was waiting outside. Ah, it’s starting again. It’s starting again… But I wasn’t nervous earlier but now I really am. How do you feel sitting here again? When you did Sana’s Fridge Interview, I thought I couldn’t come as a guest. – Really? – Yes. Because our schedules never matched. But today, I found a perfect day. Is this fate? How did we manage to meet like this again… – Why are you so busy, oppa? – No. I saw your advertisements, and there are so many! Just two or three… I saw that one you were wearing sportwear – running like a cheetah. – Oh, yeah. You run really fast. That was from last year. – Yeah, eight months ago. – You’re really busy! You’re so busy and popular that I can’t keep up with you. No, that’s not true. You only found out that I was almost confirmed to be the MC for Special Fridge Interview recently, right? That’s right… When you heard that, did you think "I want to be on the show"? Because you said earlier that you thought you wouldn’t be able to appear. – Yeah, actually, I did… – Did you have that planned in your mind? No, no, it wasn’t like that. Actually when I heard you were going to be the MC I thought – I must not go on as a guest. – Why? Because I knew I’d end up smiling uncontrollably like I am now. I thought I’d just support you and cheer you on from afar. But then, I also wanted to see you again after a long time and I wanted to try sitting in the guest seat. When I was the MC it was more about listening to the other person’s story – That’s right. – and empathizing with them. But as a guest, I get to talk about my own story so I thought it would be fun to have that experience again. Especially with Sana. I thought in this way. If you hadn’t added "Especially with Sana" at the end I was going to say it myself! Did you forget that part? Since it’s Sana hosting I really wanted to come on as a guest. – Thank you. – You’re welcome. It’s so hot! How have you been lately? Just doing this and that, appearing on Special Fridge Interview… How about you? Recently, I’ve gotten really into motorcycles. I thought you always liked them? I did, but back then, it was more like "If you’re a guy, shouldn’t you know how to ride a motorcycle?" It was just that kind of thought. Now, I want to ride like a pro. It’s a mix of competitiveness and a desire to learn something new. These days, I’ve been riding a motorcycles and it’s so much fun! – It’s so fun. – Really? Does it suit you well? Yeah! It really suits me. When I think about why it suits me so well it’s because of the adrenaline… In our daily lives, I don’t really get that adrenaline rush. Really? The only time I felt that rush was when I met you. After that, I didn’t feel that kind of adrenaline But now, riding a bike I get that adrenaline rush again and I love it. So, I think I’m really into bikes these days. Is that why your outfit today has that masculine vibe? Do you know the movie "Crows Zero"? Well… I got a costume concept brief. Before our outfits were decided "This is DEX’s outfit." None of the other guests had something like that like sharing the outfits. Did it come before the script? So I thought it was so cute. I thought, "He always plans his outfits like this." It was so cute. Actually, we prepared a lot this time. Almost more than preparing for a year-end awards show. I asked why they put in so much effort and they said, "Because it’s for Sana." So this outfit it’s an actual – Japanese school uniform. – Oh, that is. – It’s a real Japanese school uniform. – It looks like a middle school uniform. – Really? – It says "middle" on it. – "Middle"? Where? Here? – On the button. Really? Uh… So I bought it second hand and had it tailored. – Really? – Twice, actually. The original length was down to here. We shortened it once and then decided to shorten it again – to this length. – Really? – I’m touched. – I bought this with my own money. – Really? – Yes! – Why? – Huh? Because it’s the outfit I wore on Sana’s Special Fridge Interview so I wanted to keep it. So, I’m planning to buy the pants with my own money too. – Really? – Yes. What’s up with this guy… I kind of want to cherish and remember it like this… – Really? – And most importantly, I really like this. But how about wearing this on a regular day? – Uh, well – Kind of weird? I think you could wear it in Korea. but in Japan, people might think "What kind of middle school is that from?" My face doesn’t look like a middle schooler’s… But it suits you well. – But aren’t you hot in that? – Huh? Last time we met, I didn’t notice – but you were sweating a lot inside… – Right. But today’s outfit seems a bit thicker than last time, doesn’t it? Because I always feel hot when I meet you it’s not that special. You’re just acting tough! No, really… I can’t forget that until now. When you were doing this the makeup artist noticed that your ears were turning red and tried to cover it up with foundation… – On my ears. – Yeah. But I saw that on the spot – so I thought I could see that just by looking at it like this. – Uh… But after that our Special Fridge Interview was out there for the world to see we got a lot of tomato-like comments. There were just so many reactions, a lot of responses, right? Right, are they still blushing? Is it okay now? – Blushing? – You’re blushing even more as you talk… Because you are focused. After the video was uploaded I watched it for the first time and I wondered why my face was so red. It was embarrassing to watch. Our last interview got a lot of views. Like around 9 million, right? Did you expect that? – I never imagined it would get that many. – No. Neither did I. I really didn’t. But I think it’s because I was so real that people found me cute and not because of my abilities, but because of Sana’s. – Did you see the comments? – Comments? – There were a lot of comments, even in foreign languages. – Yeah, there were many. I don’t think those people are my fans but they must think Sana is amazing. No, you’re amazing. When this episode goes up and if people who watched this decide to watch the previous one again. – That would be great. – Maybe it could reach 10 million view, I think. When we were filming last time did anything happen afterwards? I got a lot of flak! From my close friends. – What? – My close friends were like "How dare you meet Sana and feel embarrassed?" Your friends, especially the guys usually don’t see much chemistry between you and girls. Right, and my friends are already big fans of TWICE. Because your activities overlap with ours. So, TWICE is already the best for them and I was filming with Sana. They said various things. I received many death threats… – Death threats… – From people around me… Fortunately, your fans just found it cute, so I’m really thankful. You are good at recognizing your ally. I remember we met for the first time – when you where cheering for me. – Yes. Anyways, after seeing and talking – Yes – and spending time with me, were your view of me changed somehow? Well, now I have seen her once, she’s just Twice Sana. No that’s not it. – No, I was even more… – Maybe you can feel more close. No. Actually I felt a bit more uncomfortable after seeing once. Why? After seeing you in person you felt more unreal. I felt distant between you and me. How did you feel unreal? Just, all of the things here. People seeing this video will know. Fans will feel sympathy. Well, because people wrote so many comments were there some impressive ones? I didn’t wish you to be that happy. Go to the military once more. Where people gathering to find trouble about me again? – Those are some impressive comments that I remember. – Really? There’s a comment. That one was also very impressive. He was a confident wolf everywhere. But when he became a shy puppy in front of her, a cute shiba inu became a foxy fox and started to attract him. I’m not always cute in daily life. And there is a happy squid, looking at that. There is someone looking into the future. Please come as "Sana’s Fridge Interview" guest, Dex. There were comments like this, so we got a chance to be together again, right? Yes, that’s true. A lot of people wanted, that’s why "Fridge Interview" gave a chance to meet again. But, really. That "Fridge Interview" was loved by so many people. – Our staff said they watched the video for 3~4 more times. – Really? That’s not much. I saw it more. – I saw that long video for – How many times? I just watched it without skipping. I lived for few days with that feeling. Like doing something and like just watching it every minutes. – Really? – Yes. I was with the CEO and because I was watching it always, he asked me, is it that happy? For real so I was doing my work and he was looking at me with a grin, I remember that. I know that you posted me in your Insta whenever I upload "Fridge Interview." Did you see my story? Yes, everytime. I posted them myself. Then did you also pick those stickers yourself? Sure, after looking at the video, which sticker will match more? Just thinking all those little things, trying not to have bad influence to you. Let’s do it more clean. When there is a girl guest, you do it so cute and pretty. And when Yohan Byun as a male guest came out, – it was so clean. – Yes, that’s right. – You felt it. – So how can I understand this? How can I interpret it? To not have any misunderstanding to others I tried to make it clean and neat. But it want to say compliments to you, I wan to hang a angle ring top of her head, but let’s not do it. Did you hang crown? That crown – took me long time to choose. – Really? To select the most beautiful crown. You are really delicate. No. I love this program, "Fridge Interview" and want it to be popular. So I did it to give them a little help. – But they don’t need my help. – No, it’s huge. "Sana’s Fridge Interview" is getting more popular. No, you put comments. – Compliments? – You put comments. But why did you put those comments? It’s yours. No. I never thought "Fridge Interview" is mine. No, it’s "Dex’s Fridge Interview" so I’m "Sana’s special Fridge Interview." No, now many people say "Sana’s Fridge Interview." – There is those opinion. – No, people are saying it because your reaction. – Really? – They are not doing it for real. Thanks to you I got to be friends with actor Yohan Byun. – Really? I didn’t know that. – Yes. – Really. – How? I’m telling here for the first time. – After I posted that story and – Yes. Yohan Byun was telling me he shooted "Dex’s Fridge Interview" with Sana. No, it’s "Sana’s Fridge Interview" and thank you so much for coming to the interview. It’s thankful that he liked it so much. – There was a movie coming up lately. – Yes. He asked me to come to the preview. – You went there? – Yes I had a schedule lately. About two or three days ago, right? That experience was very new. I never had that kind of experience before. He can just look at the story and think, oh he posted one. But calling me to thank you in person, I felt really touched. I had a really good experience thanks to Sana. Well, you had contact with the production crew and recommended some guests? Because as a subscriber, if I watch "Fridge Interview". In "Sana’s Fridge Interview" if I think which guests should be in the show, maybe some guys Sana will be interested in? Who was there? Well that is all up to Sana’s preference, writer needs to know that. – Then, "Sana’s ideal type special Fridge Interview." – No, that’s not that kind. That will be issued in another way. I just want to see Sana and a guy’s chemistry. – That’s all I want to see. – That’s why you are here. That’s why. Power up the air conditioner. Should I take off my clothes? When you were a MC in "Fridge Interview", were there some hardships? Maybe Sana can understand a little bit, our personality is a bit hard to meet people not that close. – Right. I had a hard time struggling with that passive personality. – But just going for it – You are an introvert? – Yes I am. – Liar. – Really? – You are not saying the truth? – I am. – For sure? I am a shy person, so all this was very new and awkward. But by doing it many times, it’s fun. – Like. – You meet beautiful woman? – It’s like finding a new ideal type. – Hey, what are you talking about. But really, there are so many beautiful people coming here. – Were they not your pick? – No I don’t take responsibility for that. – I like her and also her. – I… It’s not my thing, when the production crew told me about Sana, I told them – "Never have her as a guest." – Why? I will not shoot that one, I won’t be able to take progress. But you really came to the show. Yes, that’s the story. But thanks to this program I met so many people and gather so many fun stories, so I thought, let’s just have fun. – What was your hard things this time? – I also have but other people also have important and valuable things, like the title of the work or the inside stories. – So if I make a mistake about the names, like that. – No. – That was kind of hard. – We can edit those parts. I also have a question. What was the most happy thing by doing "Sana’s cold interview"? Meeting you? Great. – We have a signature question? – Signature question. – Year 2024. – Yes. In May, what is your ideal type? Before I told that cute and sexy are my ideal type. – Bur it changed. – How did it change? One that has the same vibe as me. How is more natural. – How do I say? – Very human. – So. – No, that’s not it. What I wanted to say was… – Before you focused more to the appearance, but now more to – Yes, a little bit more. – the heart. – The inside. Yes, I wanted to say the inside. I see the inside and before I didn’t really know the importance of conversation. – If the person’s appearance is my style, conversation becomes more fun. – Yes. And there was times when conversation felt tired. But now, if we take in the same vibe, we can enjoy something together in the same vibe, so this kind of person is my ideal type. Then your three seconds rule is now gone? Liking someone in three seconds. It never disappears. That will never change but the importance of that rule is more less. Saying these things, you are telling you saw woman in three seconds by yourself. – Yes. – You did. In first sight, that was pretty much of it. Bu know, even if I have that feeling – I don’t pay attention to it much. – Will that be easy? There is a three seconds rule. – It’s hard. – You thought "This is the person I was looking for." But you also need to know weather the conversation will turn out good or bad. – So now there is another standard? – Became more picky? Yes. I think so too. Because I don’t have many spare energy. Why? I don’t want to waste needless energy. Now, I want to make relation with a clear person. You were making clear love with a person. But someone that is perfect to the three seconds rule showed up. Then what about starting a new love? – If every part fits into it? – Yes. Then I will marry her. Transfer marriage? Yes? No. – When I am dating? – Yes. You were having relation to have marriage. Love was stacked up but suddenly, there is a person with a perfect appearance. Then that will never happen. If it was about marriage. No one knows. I also want to ask a question. I want to know Sana’s year 2024 ideal type. No, last time when I was in your show, because I was an idol, I hid all of those things. You did. – I know you as that kind of person. – Yes. – I will again hide yours. – You are not that kind of person, right? – Me? – You are someone I can trust. – Yes I am. – Right. – That sure. – Let’s move on. – Anyways, you were so busy, so you got a resting period. – Yes. How did you spend your time? I’m shooting a drama also. The big issue is that I move to a new house. – Really? – Yes. Didn’t you say it’s close from here? Yes, I used to live in Incheon but now in Seoul. Great, how did you feel? You must be happy. My life quality has improved? And the shop is close so. Even the shop is close? Not that close. – That so great? – Yes? Before it took about more then a hour. – Now shortened to 30 minutes. – Yes. Really this The quality of life here is so different. Sana, you’re in Seoul, right? Of course, I’m in Seoul. Are you trying to subtly find out my address. Again? Like this… Is it above or below? But it’s not my house. Don’t most people do like that? Buying a house can wait until later when I find someone to share my life with. Why are you giving me that look? Do you think like that, Sana? Yeah, because even if I have my own house if someone else comes into my life then what would I do? That’s nice, really. You seem like a wonderful person. Can you tell me about the roles you’ve played as an actor and the stories of those projects? Well, for a short project coming out next month I play a delivery guy. It’s a mystery that unfolds while he’s making deliveries and it might be a little scary. I saw the teaser. You saw that? It’s getting hotter these days and it’s the kind of project that’s good to watch in that kind of weather. I hope people enjoy it. What was the line you said while collapsing at the end of the teaser? It was so memorable. Why are you doing this to me? Right. Wow, your acting is really great. The drama I’m currently filming also has elements that many fans will love. There are a lot of action scenes, and I’m always wearing a suit. You know what stands out about you, don’t you? With just the action scenes, you’ve nailed it. Honestly, I’d prefer if they didn’t give me any lines. I just want to use my body. But you deliver your lines so well. How can they not give you any? Anyway, this year if both of those projects come out it’ll be fun for viewers to choose between them. Why do you say it so modestly? You could just ask people to watch both. Then, please watch both of them. I would like to move onto your fridge. I’m a bit hungry. I hope you cook something delicious for me. Alright. I will do my best today to cook something delicious. Let’s go. The fridge has changed. Right, it’s Sana’s special fridge interview. Then let’s open my fridge. I think there’s nothing interesting. It’s very colorful. Purple, pink, green. I guess it’s kind of distracting like my personality. First of all, as a someone who works out, eggs. I need some protein. I really drink a lot of protein drinks. Recently I’ve been drinking Perfect Power Shake. It has 20g of protein. But this one has 27g. I wanted to get more protein, so I’ve been drinking Labnosh protein shake. Isn’t Jihyo the model for Labnosh? – Yes. – Right? Because I’m a fan of her! I’m going to make something for Sana using bananas. I think this Greek yogurt is for that. I feel like I haven’t been living a good life. I want to live a good life, so I ordered them to cook few times. Do you know acai bowl? I love it. I wanted to make something similar to that acai bowl in my own way with Greek yogurt and triple berries. I love berries. It should be frozen to make it like slushy with a blender. Wow. Let’s try with this today. What do you use that for? – This one? – BBQ sauce. It’s from VIVID. When I did Dex’s fridge interview, actor Junhyuk Lee showed it to me, so I bought it myself. There are many flavors. Mustard, ketchup, BBQ. It’s one of the best items I’ve been using well thanks to the fridge interview. Bean soup, I always have it in stock. When I have enough time, I put these two together in a big glass when I had protein shake and bottomed it. Like grain shake. You bottomed it? Yeah because it’s a hassle to eat them separately. I used to eat these together before going to work, it was my routine. Now I just drink only Labnosh. What about the cake? Was it someone’s birthday? No, I was going through Kakao Talk Gifticon I recently got, and there was this cake. So I tried it and it was so good. I had the half of the whole cake at once and then the other half the next time. You eat a lot. I finished it in two times. I love chocolate cake. You eat it because you like it? Yes, I like it. Multteok. Do you like multteok? Yes. I had one yesterday, too. Really? When you want to have a glass of soju at home, it’s very easy to cook. If there is a change in what I eat these days, you can see meal kits. I used to buy ingredients to cook. But honestly, I couldn’t do that anymore at some point. Because you are busy? I’m busy and if I buy ingredients, there is so much left. That’s right. – Yeah. – Yeah. So if you use meal kit, you can cook in a very short time. Right, it’s quick. So I’ve been using meal kits a lot. What’s that? – Don’t you like wine, Sana? – Yes. You like wine, right? I brought it with me because I wanted to recommend it to you. It’s pepper from foreign country and it tastes like bell pepper. I want to see it. There’s cream cheese inside. Wow, have you tried it? I have. – Is it good? – Yes, it’s good. I don’t like vegetables, I don’t like paprika or bell pepper. You don’t like vegetables? – I don’t like vegetables. – I love bell pepper. It’s small so I want you to try it. I feel like I always eat something from guests’ fridges. You just eat it in one bite. Here. I think Sana likes wine or champagne. So if you eat it with those. I think it would go well with whiskey as well. It’s so good with whiskey. Because there’s cream cheese in it. As you eat it, you can taste bell pepper that makes you feel good. I think you can taste – savory cream cheese together. – It’s good. I think it would be good to eat when you drink by yourself. Yes. I think you get to have a lot of information as a host of the fridge interview. Then was there anything you wanted to have from other’s fridges? When Yeeun was here, she brought rice cake. What kind of rice cake? Pumpkin injeolmi. Pumpkin. Especially, I never thought I like rice cake, too. Yeah? I don’t usually eat rice cake, about buying Greek yogurt with my own money. but I wanted to buy that one. There’s always rice cake – I know what you mean. – right next to the cashier at the store. It’s always that wood shelves. Right. As I go through your fridge, I feel like you had showed your fridge before. – I had. – Right? To me, there’s more variety. You mean I’m spoiled? No. No. It’s very interesting because I thought my fridge would never change. Especially, I never thought about buying Greek yogurt with my own money. I still remember me saying to guests Greek yogurt? I couldn’t understand. But I bought it. When I was a guest, I think I had yogurt as well, not Greek yogurt, though. I think so. You thought "I don’t understand"? Yeah, a little bit? – Hey. – No. I didn’t know the taste of it. But I’m getting interested in little by little. Then will you cook for me now? Yes, for Sana. What is this? It’s a new apron. This is my mood for today. – What color? – Sana… This one looks more lovely. I will try a lovely one. Like this. I hate myself. Let’s start cooking. I, Dex princess, will cook for Sana princess Japanese steamed egg. Oh! And I’ve been doing a diet with Greek yogurt to have a good life. It’s my routine. It’s healthy and light diet. Let’s put gloves on. It already sounds so delicious. Then would you help me? Yes! What do you want to do? I will do whatever you trust me to do. Then, you can chop this little by little, right? To sprinkle. To sprinkle? Never mind. Not this. Then just assist me. Can you give me that bowl? One? Yes, one for now. You crack the eggs first. You know there’s chalaza in the egg. You have to take this out. Why? It makes egg chewy when you eat. Like this. Anyway, it may not look like a big deal, you need a lot of effort to make this. It looks difficult. You need skill to make steamed egg. Oops. And then, if you have removed chalaza, stir it like this. You can do this. I can. Now you trust me. Stir it well. Meanwhile, can you give me that one looking like sieve? Alright, you sieve the egg using this. I did once, let me do one more. To make it silky. Wow, it’s completely different from the previous one. The most important egg is ready. Now what should we do? Don’t we have to put soy sauce? – Right. We have to season it. – Right? – For real Japanese taste… – It looks so expensive. It is really made in Japan. Have you watched me breaking the ice? Breaking the ice? You haven’t? Has Sana broken the ice? You haven’t. I’ve watched everything. I mentioned you while breaking the ice. I think I’ve watched it. – Like this – No, you missed it. Didn’t you say that you do it like Dex? Liar! Your ears are red! I really watched it. If you can’t hide the fact you’re lying, don’t say it! I’m not lying. We need to season it. If you put too much, especially soy sauce, the color may change. And add some rice cooking wine. Mix it like this, please. – Yes, let’s put it in. – Shall we put it in like this? Why did you come up with this recipe? First, it’s because I have to put a lot of work into it. I thought you might be craving some Japanese food. No one has ever cooked a Japanese-style steamed egg for me before. It requires a lot of work though. It requires a lot of work though. Chop these chives. You tend to make a lot of sound effects. Like "chop, chop, chop". Oh, "thinking out loud"? What do you think about guys who say sound effects out loud? The sound effects… I like it! I got some chives for garnish. In the meantime, I will whip up the Greek yogurt. What was the touhgest thing while you were shooting a TV show? I used to go blank a lot. I can’t recall the lines! I have moments where I go blank. Some might say I am an amateur. Recalling the lines on the scene would be a totally different thing from simply practicing the lines alone. Even when I’m not fully ready I need to do it anyways. On the scene no one is waiting for me. Did you mess up your lines a lot? The no-goods… I’m glad that they didn’t kick me out. The right balance of Greek yogurt and triple berry would be two handfuls of triple berry and one whole cup of Greek yogurt. I will blend them. This would be enough. It’s the right timing to… – I will check out the steamed egg! – Great. The interesting thing is it was flat earlier. But it has a dome now. It looks so pretty. It puffed up like a balloon. When this is ready we are done, Sana. Was there any actor or actress that you found most impressive? Off the top of my head, Yum Jung-ah. We often say the word, "aura". I was taken by her superstar aura on the scene. I was overwhelmed by her aura of confidence to be on the scene with Yum Jung-ah. Did you get any compliment on the scene? "It’s getting better!" If I can’t make any improvements that’s the major issue! I was relieved that I’ve improved a bit. One, two, three. It looks like an ice-cream! We are done! Can you name this steamed egg recipe? When it was ready it looks like a yellow balloon. So I would name this, "balloon steamed egg". Oh, that sounds cute! This acai bowl which doesn’t really look like it though… I’ve been playing around with the recipe as a part of my workout regimen. If you could add protein powder or granola you can make it a healthier diet. I would name this "gain some muscles". Like "build muscles"? Let’s give them a try! We should try this one first because that’s a dessert. Bon appetit! It’s good! I’m bummed a bit. I think we should have removed the heat when we first opened the lid. It should have a texture of a pudding. I’m bummed a bit. I like the bottom end. Is it? It’s moist at the bottom. We should try "gain some muscles" next. "Gain some muscles"! Bon appetit! I enjoyed the steamed egg though! It’s good, right? It’s filling. Do you like it? It tastes like an acai bowl! Well if berries were more frozen it would have tasted more like an acai bowl. Well… The recipe can be flexible. You could twist the recipe to your liking. Is there any specific role that you would like to take on next? A romantic comedy! A romantic comedy! I would like to be on a romantic comedy! You know the drill. Instead of firing a gun, I tweaked into "Sana’s cupid". Let me show it to you! Follow me! What’s the most expensive one here? Probably, "La Mer"? Then, I would like to get "La mer". And the one in the middle. I’m back again! You got this! You could do better than that! You got this! I will give it a try. Since Sana is feeling under the weather… That’s how it always has been. You aren’t doing any better than me! You are only good with guns! Let me try this way. Sure, I will give that a try. It’s all your fault when it doesn’t work. – No way. – It is. Oh! You got it! The anti-wrinkle dual function cosmetic. This works like my favorite eye cream! I would like to get that one. A body wash might be much easier. That’s what I need the most now. I will try them both. Oh, she got it! Infused water cream! Thank you. We haven’t seen in a while! How was it? I met you for the second time today. I’m glad that we got more comfortable around one another. With your lead, I was able to share a lot of my thoughts. How was it? I agree that we got more comfortable around one another. That’s a relief. You were a host back then but today you came onto the show as a guest! I was glad to hear a lot of your stories. True. I did talk a lot about myself today. When you were hosting the show I’m sure you had to hold onto a lot of what you wanted to say. You have to hold onto a lot of what you want to say, right? Because the host should listen to the guest. Do you have any goal going forward? I would be working on a lot of different things that most of the viewers might not have expected. My first goal is to excel on those other areas. Plus, since many seem to be interested in my workout routine I would be capturing those via my YouTube channel later this year. I will do my absolute best. That’s what I wanted to say. Also, to ONCE… Hi, ONCE. This is Dex. I met Sana for the second time today. I hope you could also get the opportunity to meet her in person. Let’s root for TWICE! We are Dex and Sana! – Bye. – Bye. For those who would like to get an access to Dex’s favorite self-bought items that were featured on the show, we are offering "up-to-10,000-won-off" coupon which would be available for the next seven days. It would be only available for the next seven days so please check it out on the description box. I hope you make the most of it. Bye! One, two, three.

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기다려주신 구독자님들께 전하는 선물 꽃다발💐

ෆ 영상에 나온 덱스 찐템이 궁금하다면? 여기서 확인 가능!

ෆ 냉터뷰 구독자 EVENT 선착순 쿠폰 받으러 가기!

▫이벤트 일정 : 5/23 (목) 22시 ~ 5/30 (목) 23시
▫이벤트 내용 : 덱스 픽 냉장고템 할인! (선착순 1만명, 최대 1만원)
▫쿠폰 코드 : 천만뷰게스트
▫등록 방법: 컬리 앱/홈페이지 – 마이컬리 – 쿠폰 – 쿠폰 등록 – 쿠폰코드(천만뷰게스트) 입력

📍 지금 부산에서! 상큼달콤한 새로 살구를 만날 수 있는 ‘새로운 살구 정원’ 팝업스토어 운영 중!🌿🦊(~6/9)

🌸 타임 코드 🌸
02:48 얼타는 강아지된 김덱스 등장🦊
10:18 사나 편 이후 주변에서 살인예고 받았다는 덱스 ☠️
18:13 냉터뷰 시그니처❤️‍🔥 2024년 5월, 현재 덱스의 이상형은?!💃🏻
22:43 배우 김덱스가 전하는 작품 설명🎬
24:16 원조 냉터뷰 MC의 냉장고 전격 공개 💥
30:20 덱스의 요리타임🧑🏻‍🍳 빠지면 섭섭한 곤듀앞치마 등장 🎀
36:27 오늘의 메뉴 📋 풍선 달걀찜 & 득근하세요
38:10 총잡이 앞에서 보여주는 사나의 큐피트 실력💘
39:48 오랜만에 방문한 덱스의 소감🎤

#사나 #덱스 #냉터뷰
@TWICE @dex101

117가지 맛있는 즐거움, 일일칠
117 kinds of delicious pleasures, 117

Presented by 117 STUDIO


  1. ෆ 영상에 나온 덱스 찐템이 궁금하다면? 여기서 확인 가능!

    ෆ 냉터뷰 구독자 EVENT 선착순 쿠폰 받으러 가기!

    ▫이벤트 일정 : 5/23 (목) 22시 ~ 5/30 (목) 23시
    ▫이벤트 내용 : 덱스 픽 냉장고템 할인! (선착순 1만명, 최대 1만원)
    ▫쿠폰 코드 : 천만뷰게스트
    ▫등록 방법: 컬리 앱/홈페이지 – 마이컬리 – 쿠폰 – 쿠폰 등록 – 쿠폰코드(천만뷰게스트) 입력

    🌸 타임 코드 🌸
    02:48 얼타는 강아지된 김덱스 등장🦊
    03:13 바로 반모타임 갈기는 용맹 강아지
    04:46 사나의 냉터뷰 절대 안 나오려고 했다는 덱스?!
    06:03 덱스의 근황 = 🏍 (feat.아드레날린? 샤드레날린!)
    07:05 연말 시상식 못지 않은 덱스의 의상쇼
    08:35 첫 촬영 때 귀까지 파운데이션 바른 토마토 덱스💦🍅
    09:32 🔥축 덱터뷰 사나 편 (곧) 1000만 조회수 하🔥
    10:18 사나 편 이후 주변에서 살인예고 받았다는 덱스 ☠
    11:48 1편 레전드 댓글 모음zip.
    13:21 사터뷰 매회 홍보해준 스꾸 장인 김덱스🎀👑
    15:02 💥최초공개💥 덱스, 변요한 배우와 친분 형성!!!
    16:31 냉터뷰 MC들의 공감 토크
    18:13 냉터뷰 시그니처❤‍🔥 2024년 5월, 현재 덱스의 이상형은?!💃🏻
    22:18 최근에 이사했다는 김덱스
    22:44 배우 김덱스가 전하는 작품 설명🎬
    24:16 원조 냉터뷰 MC의 냉장고 전격 공개 💥
    25:02 덱스 추천 프로틴 음료 💪🏻
    25:58 이준혁 배우님이 추천했던 비비드 저칼로리 소스🥫
    27:00 사나도 좋아하는 물떡🍡
    27:10 바쁜 일상러에게 추천하는 밀키트 2종 세트🍚
    27:44 와인러버들 주목‼ 안주로 찰떡콩떡인 체리페퍼 크림치즈
    28:50 사나의 냉터뷰 최애템은? (feat. 가루 폴폴 샤샤햄찌🐹)
    29:45 절대 내돈내산 할 줄 몰랐다는 음식?!
    30:20 덱스의 요리타임🧑🏻‍🍳 빠지면 섭섭한 곤듀앞치마 등장 🎀
    30:47 덱스곤듀(?)가 사나곤듀를 위해 준비한 메뉴 공개🥣
    34:02 신인 배우 덱스의 고충 🤦🏻‍♂
    36:27 오늘의 메뉴 📋 풍선 달걀찜 & 득근하세요
    38:10 총잡이 앞에서 보여주는 사나의 큐피트 실력💘
    39:48 오랜만에 방문한 덱스의 소감🎤
    40:51 사격중지! 아군이다! 원스들에게 한 마디🧡

  2. My cheeks hurt from smiling for so long. Can’t blame Dex for being smitten by princess Sana, she has us all whipped 🤩😍

  3. 솔지2 저번주까지 쇼츠반복했는데 솔지2 진영이는 인제 생각도안나네😂
    잘가 솔로지옥ㅠㅠ 냉터뷰 덱사 무한반복중❤

  4. 사나 앞에서 바보처러모여요. 방송이니자제부탁합니다. 덱스펜멀어지고싶어요. 사나님은 정말 귀엽고 진행도 잘하시네요.

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