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[SUB] 도쿄 산책 코스 추천, 레트로한 동네모음 야네센 | 야나카, 네즈, 센다기 | 네즈신사, CIBI, 카야바 커피, 고민가

[SUB] 도쿄 산책 코스 추천, 레트로한 동네모음 야네센 | 야나카, 네즈, 센다기 | 네즈신사, CIBI, 카야바 커피, 고민가

Hello guys. Today I’m going to introduce about a town named Yanesen I’m currently in a town called ‘Nezu.’ The term ‘Yanesen’ is a combination of three towns: ‘Yanaka,’ ‘Nezu,’ and ‘Sendagi.’ This area has many tourist attractions like Nezu Shrine and Yanaka Ginza. It’s a quaint yet beautiful town There are many things to look around today~ Shall we go? I think there will be quite a lot of people today (Bunkyo Tsutsuji Matsuri: April to May) because Nezu Shrine is hosting the Azalea Festival right now. It’s the perfect season for it, so there are a ton of tourists here. Since this is a famous spot, there are plenty of signs, so I think we’ll be able to get around without having to search much. This area is originally a quaint town, which is exactly my style. It has a nostalgic, old-fashioned vibe. Usually, it’s not this crowded, but during the month-long Azalea Festival, it gets pretty busy (it’s a famous azalea spot in Tokyo!). Do you all like azaleas? I love them, so I take photos whenever I see them. (Have you all tried azalea nectar? Haha.) When I was a kid, I used to pick flowers and taste the nectar. They were beautiful back then, and they still are now! Wow, I’m already amazed by how beautiful they are! #Nezu Shrine Guys, it’s a weekday, but it doesn’t matter… It’s crowded! Wow, there’s this interesting tree here. They say a white snake used to live here, and if people made a wish, it would miraculously come true. I’m going to make a wish here too! Wishing everyone health and happiness this year…* I thought I was just here to see the azaleas, but they’re also selling food and unique vintage-style goods, so there’s a lot to see and it’s really fun. You see the sign that says ‘Senbon Torii’? ‘Senbon’ means a thousand, and while there aren’t exactly a thousand torii gates, but there are a lot of them so it’s a popular photo spot at Nezu Shrine. It kind of reminds me of Inuyasha, and the torii gates feel like they harmonize with nature. However, there are azaleas to make it even prettier. I’m here alone today, so I don’t have anyone to take pictures for me… but then, a Korean tourist overheard me and took some photos for me! I’m so touched. There was a kind Korean person behind me who took my photo . (so touching). (The torii gates aren’t very tall!) They’re about my height, So tall men should watch their heads and that’s why it makes it more interesting. I gave you some tips in the Kanda Station episode~ (Basically, Inari shrines seem to be guarded by foxes.) Inari shrines have foxes, which are holding things like balls, books, or keys. The flowers in bloom all around were so beautiful. Ah~ so pretty~ The flowers made me feel so happy. The flowers are so beautiful that any photo you take turns out great! I bought a ticket to go to the azalea garden! Is this heaven? 😇 It’s so beautiful. There are about 100 varieties and around 3,000 azaleas here. Since there are various types of azaleas, some bloom early and some bloom late. Since there are various types of azaleas, some bloom early and some bloom late. Because of this mix, I’ve heard it’s always beautiful no matter when you visit. I’ve walked around once, and there are so many photo spots that you can keep taking pictures without repeating any. The garden is on a slope, so you can see all the flowers at once, which is great. There’s an admission fee, but since you’re here, I highly recommend enjoying everything inside. I thought I found the most beautiful angle, but then I discovered another stunning view. You can see it, right? You can see the torii gates and the shrine, and the different angles each have their own charm. Wow, guys, it was like heaven! As a flower lover, I was so happy I heard it’s also beautiful during the fall season, so I think I’ll come back again. I’m so happy! Guys, I’m really satisfied, but this isn’t the end. We still need to properly explore Yanesen! I’m planning to walk toward Sendagi Station. Right now, I’m walking from Nezu Station toward Sendagi Station. Recently, as I film for YouTube, I end up walking a lot. When I want to visit a specific shop, if I don’t plan properly, I end up taking detours and walking even more. So this time, I decided to move efficiently and planned everything out properly The locations are arranged like this! You don’t have to start at Nezu (It’s a good idea to plan your overall route before moving!) if there’s somewhere you want to go, I recommend studying the map as well (It’s a town where everything is within walking distance!) The total distance is about 15-20 minutes, but if you just start walking blindly, you’ll end up walking much more! Arrived at Sendagi Station! I’m going to check out a nearby shop. Even though it’s right in front of the station, there aren’t any big commercial facilities. Now I understand why Yanesen is known as a great town for strolling. The shop I want to visit is right here – it’s Chibi Tokyo! CIBI東京店です! While we wait for the menu, let me tell you a bit about Yanesen. *Origin of Yanesen The name ‘Yanesen’ comes from the combination of ‘Yanaka,’ ‘Nezu,’ and ‘Sendagi.’ Housewives from these towns started publishing a magazine called ‘Yanesen,’ which gained popularity and even won awards. The name caught on as people started referring to the three towns together. First, the latte has arrived! I heard the latte at Chibi is delicious, so I’ll try it first, haha. Cheers~! A good coffee doesn’t lose its flavor even with milk! That’s why I think this place deserves to be called a coffee spot! The rich, strong smell of the coffee…! The sandwich is also here 😊 Enjoy your meal! The sandwich looks delicious and perfectly matches the atmosphere of this place! Just looking at it makes me happy…* I’ll enjoy my meal! It is really full of vegetabels! Crunchy, crunchy The sandwich is packed with fresh vegetables and crispy bread…* I was so hungry that I focused on eating! CIBI is known for its coffee, and the main branch is in Melbourne, Australia! The coffee here isn’t heavy, and the smell is fantastic. Guys, I had a really delicious meal, and above all, the atmosphere was great and the staff were friendly. It was truly a healing experience. The streets here have simple, charming vibe, don’t they? The shops are all small, but each has its own unique feel, which is wonderful. I’ve just finished lunch and am heading toward Nippori Station. The area is mostly residential, but it’s very charming. As long as you have comfortable shoes, walking around this neighborhood is really enjoyable. I’ve been here once before, and it was very pretty. This place is a renovated space of a house that’s over 80 years old, called ‘Ueno Sakuragi Atari.’ Ueno Sakuragi Atari The name means ‘to rediscover the life that this street has preserved until now and to continue and spread it.’ The name means ‘to rediscover the life that this street has preserved until now and to continue and spread it.’ It’s nice to see these kinds of buildings being preserved. The menu here is quite varied and looks delicious! I wanted to have coffee here too, but since I already had a latte, I decided to try the Japanese-style black tea instead. It’s a slightly different kind of black tea! I also ordered my favorite pudding, haha. a combination of sweetness and bitterness A beautiful pudding arrived! I’m going to try it! (It had a slightly firm texture!) What does it taste like…? It’s good! The caramel has a bittersweet taste while also being sweet! It’s an art… (Ranked #1 caramel pudding by Fujii Mina) It’s the best pudding I’ve had recently…!! Now, a sip of black tea~ It has a slight hojicha-like smell This seems perfect when having Japanese food. This Kayaba Coffee shop originally opened in 1938 but closed in 2006. It was reopened with the help of the Historical City Research Society! It’s great that buildings with such history can continue to exist, as they help create the town’s atmosphere! It’s great that buildings with such history can continue to exist, as they help create the town’s atmosphere! Wow, no matter how much I walk, beautiful spots keep appearing so I’m enjoying exploring the interesting town of Yanesen Finally, I’m thinking of heading to Yanaka Ginza to have a look around. #Yanaka Ginza This is a famous spot in Yanaka Ginza, the Yuuyake Dandan steps! #Yuuyake Dandan So, how did you like the tour of Yanesen today? There are many temples and shrines around here, which gives the area a good vibe and a healing atmosphere. There are many temples and shrines around here, which gives the area a good vibe and a healing atmosphere. Yanesen is a charming town, full of emotion and peaceful. Then, that’s it for today’s video I walked 11.000 steps~ Let’s go home!

#후지이미나 #도쿄 #야네센

야나카, 네즈, 센다기!
소박하고 아름다운 동네였어요😊


Yanaka, Nezu, Sendagi!
It was a simple and beautiful place😊

📍CIBI Tokyo Store

📍Kayaba Coffee

📍Ueno Sakuragi Atari
東京都台東区上桜木2-15-6 〒110-0002

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  1. 볼 때마다 느끼는 거지만, 미나님은 웃는 모습이 참 이뻐요.
    (1:15) 혹시 꿀을 쪽 빨아먹는 건 진달래가 아니라 사루비아 아닐까요? 그리고 이맘때(6월)이라면 진달래가 아니라 독성이 있는 철쭉일 수도 있어요.
    (2:25) 일본을 우리나라 사람들이 천개의 신이 있는 나라라고 불렀었어요. 그리고 일본도 삼족오(세발 까마귀)의 나라니까 천개의 도리이는 그걸 상징하는게 아닐까요?

  2. 東京在住なので、行ったことがない場所を見ていると行きたくなってしまう😆

  3. 오늘도 일본여행 하는 느낌으로 잘봤어요 ㅎㅎ 한가지 신기한게 연예인이 혼자 거리에서 카메라 들고 촬영하고 있으면 한번쯤은 쳐다볼만도 한데 그런게 전혀 없네요😮

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