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Announcer 女子アナ美人



[Music] I think I know you say that Wars me there are no red roses without their [Music] or and I think your words have already said plenty [Music] and there are no green Shades without some eny feels for you Fire and Ice Day and Night the things you do B and right black and white I open a new door [Music] feels you Fire and Ice Day and Night the things you do and R black and I open a new door [Music] [Music] bir [Music] there [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] I think I know you say Meed roses without or and I think your words have already said [Music] plenty and there are no GRE Shades without some Envy how feels for you fire and I Day and Night the things you do wrong and right black and white I’ll open a new door starting over [Music] feels for you Fire and Ice Day and Night the things you do long and R black and white I open a new door St over [Music]


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