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【精選】波音又出包急墜險落海?美石墨戰拜登急求非洲? 新聞大白話

【精選】波音又出包急墜險落海?美石墨戰拜登急求非洲? 新聞大白話


《#新聞大白話》TVBS 56台/YouTube頻道 每日下午2點
●由#錢子、#翟翾、#陳諺瑩、#王淺秋 與大家一起4小時精彩新聞內容討論與解析


  1. 川普說的好像烏克蘭帶走美國600億美金不用還的樣子…不是說要還的嗎? 那樣再借600億美金有問題嗎? XD

  2. 出現了那麼多的事故,還不足以證明波音飛機的安全性有大問題嗎?


  3. 纽约時报,在西方传媒中,它造假😢😢😢😢新闻,拿第一,它成了造假的代名詞。

  4. 不会不要评论,如果成分不合,可是成分到对方都有检查,还是对方的问题?每家公司都是,一样的成品到买家一定检货是对的成分。

  5. 現代的歐美西方政客政棍,整天在疑神疑鬼,標榜民主自由燈塔政府已經變成神經質。

  6. 波音機如安裝了有中國制造的產品, 那為了國家安全, 美國FAA是不是應該立即停飛全美國波音機甚至全世界的波音機嗎?你美國玩的起嗎?😂

  7. 你確定是900嗎這個非常非常愛說謊的基督徒的十字架國家自己說的話可以相信嗎我也是基督徒不好意思我不會也不喜歡撒謊

  8. Unique to Boeing 737 Max 8, The Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System 機動特性增强系統 (MCAS) is a computer software incorporated to control the nose tendency to pitch up during a specific extreme manoeuvring situation. The MCAS will push the nose down after receiving the sensor data from the Angle-of-Attack Sensor 攻角感應器. It keeps pushing the nose down if the sensor data were inaccurate until the plane touches the ground. This was what had happened in the plane crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia in 2018.

    The MCAS Computer Software was outsourced by Boeing to an USA based, Indians run company named the Collins Aerospace Company.

    After the two planes crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia respectively, the exact reason(s) why the planes were flying like a headless fly has not been stablished. It is also unclear if the software had been modified to date.

  9. The nose of Boeing 737 Max 8 tends to pitch up during a specific extreme manoeuvring situation after the classic Boeing 737 was modified to compete with Airbus 320 by changing the two engines and relocating their positions to avoid the bigger engines being too close to the ground level. After the modification, Boeing announced that the pilots of the Classic Boeing 737 are NOT required to be trained about the effects of the modification and the incorporation of the MCAS. The pilots can fly the Boeing 737 Max 8 like flying the Classic Boeing 737 planes.

  10. 美國賣飛機就如同黑道大哥在賣兄弟茶,除了威逼商家一定要買外還賣的特別貴。昔日常常有美製飛機失事造成空難,每次都死一堆人,但飛機的製造公司都會找到一些歸責於買方的人為原因使事件不了了之。

  11. 乌就是讲打到最后一兵一卒,所以米国成就泽司机了,如果台湾也喊打到一兵一卒也是这样的下场,死的是人民无法收拾残局。这就是无知无能政治家的惨景,最后从棋子变成弃子

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