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【ガールズバンドクライ 12話】ネットの反応と視聴者の感想 トゲトゲプロへ 桃香の不安と恐怖 仁菜の決意と厳しい現実 眼鏡智ちゃん破壊力 ルパとすばるの適応力【ガルクラ アニメ反応集 実況考察まとめ】

【ガールズバンドクライ 12話】ネットの反応と視聴者の感想 トゲトゲプロへ 桃香の不安と恐怖 仁菜の決意と厳しい現実 眼鏡智ちゃん破壊力 ルパとすばるの適応力【ガルクラ アニメ反応集 実況考察まとめ】

Hello! This time, we will introduce viewers’ reactions to episode 12 of "Girls Band Cry"! This video introduces viewers’ reactions and impressions of the latest anime. I think knowing everyone’s interpretations and thoughts will increase the enjoyment of watching the anime, so please enjoy it until the end! Reality is tough , but it’s a real number. It’s better to be in 3 digits. I’ve lost before… Is this the first time you’ve hit a wall with music, other than relationships that will become a big asset someday? After all, this is Daidas’s office. No, I haven’t done anything wrong, but… There are many professional wrestlers who rose to success by swallowing losing books. That ‘s where they started, and after losing to Daidas, they hit rock bottom. End The 2nd season was perfect, but Daidas’ side is dirty. Nina-chan was positive, but don’t come back. Uncle Pink. I’m glad he’s a good person… I like the way it is now. Finally The hint of the mysterious old man’s voice has finally been recovered.Tomo -chan suddenly gets excited and disguises herself just because she belongs to the agency.It’s cute.Tomo- chan giving up her seat on the train and the photo posted in her room. It was nice to see Lupa smiling when she saw the character turn into something spiky. It ‘s really dark, isn’t it? This is 😱 Unusual cliffhanger… It’s been too long for a week, and I’ll be suffering for a week (T_T) PV voice Was it Mr. Tanaka and not the president? Isn’t 103 views a bit too low? Nakata has only been active for a short period of time even though he signed with an agency, so this is normal . Is this an event where the loser of the race is guaranteed? I laughed a little when I saw four copy-pasted old men appear. It’s sad that the quality and popularity are so low. It doesn’t match… I was disappointed at the end, I’m so excited.The Hina episode was the last one, and there was a foreshadowing that the goods weren’t selling at all (= there were no new products), so no matter how much the people involved are evaluating it, it’s still going to sell. You said something like, “ That’s not true .” Does it feel like the trauma development is coming again? I can’t wait for the idol costume.I wonder if it will be a convincing catharsis even if this turns things around in the final episode.Nakata- san with pink hair, there was a meaningful close-up of her face in the middle, so she played a schedule of songs for Daidas and went against the band. I thought it was a spy who was cooperating with the project. I can’t see a happy ending from here . Is it really a match against a band where ticket sales determine the winner? I have over 30,000 followers, but just tweeting won’t do that. 103 Maybe the manager forgot to notify the official Also, is there any point in Daidas having to fight with Toge Toge, who has just made his debut, and will they cover everything from the battle against Van to Nina Hina’s past in just one episode? It would be a sad loss if they had millions of followers and their debut single was never played.The title also sounds like our ending, so the title of the final episode is positive.I wonder if it’s an ending that captures some kind of small victory. I’ll lose in the main competition, but if it’s like 8mile or Rocky, it’s enough! I’m quitting the band! If they start doing that again, I’ll laugh. It’s a natural result. It’s such a weird thing to say. It feels like the music has been trying to force it to get excited all this time. If they had properly promoted it on a major label, that wouldn’t have happened. It’s the official SNS normally. Just by publishing it, it should grow even more. Without Komei, things would be like this. The reality is , in the end, everything depends on popularity. Isn’t it different when you have tens of thousands of followers ? There’s next week as well, and this week is the end. That’s what I thought. Well, there’s no way it’ll end without a showdown with Daidas. They ‘ll get a big break, make a lot of money, and the members’ personalities will change all the time. Maybe it’s because of the Nico Nico attack? There are fewer views than the night jellyfish group… I was surprised because the members don’t make their own X accounts and advertise it. Today was the last episode, and I cried out thinking this would be the end (´・ω・`) (´・ω・`)That’s enough. People who don’t value 100 won’t sell even 10,000 or 1 million. There was a time when the number of views like this wasn’t reflected in real time and stopped at a strange number, but I wonder if it still happens. That’s the number of views before the anime project started, so Nina is really good. It’s great that they were able to find such a talented new talent. They should do more stealth marketing. Don’t compromise, try to work on 5ch. The girl from Kamatte-chan used to be a big fan on 2-chan. That’s when I got the chance. The initial 3 digits is just a marketing failure by the agency, and there aren’t enough commercials. I want to listen to all of Togenashi Togeari’s songs. Even after the anime ends, they will continue to be a band. I wonder why, I remember the first time I attended a doujinshi sale. I made 50 books, but only 3 sold. It’s amazing how 3 books can be sold. Aren’t all the cast members the same? Well, I thought I was the only one. Even if only 103 discs were sold at 6,000 yen, that means 103 discs would have sold 600,000 yen. That’s amazing. I wonder how Hanada-sensei will end it. I’m really looking forward to it, so I guess I’ll have to go the idol route! It was a waste of time to work at Nina Yoshinoya.If you were to talk about today’s story saying that Nina should be celebrated if you worked at Yoshinoya, then you should have started another part-time job. When Hina was singing a poem at the shrine, Tomo-chan hid behind Lupa-san and looked embarrassed, which was cute. Will Daedus win next week? Or will he lose? What are your predictions? First of all, you’ll probably lose. Even in Love Live, it’s customary for you to lose in the preliminary round in the final episode of the first season, so you’ll lose. Don’t lose in the sales showdown and feel like you’re overwhelmed by the content. Don’t play it, if you do it another day, you won’t be competing against the band. That’s it. Then I lost interest and I like the feeling of growing underground.There were only otakus.I was probably feeling depressed after being defeated, but a positive review from a new fan revived my feelings . Is this the end of our battle? The harshness of reality… It may be like that now, but Nina, who is hoping for a sharp increase in the number of views after next week’s match, believes that their song will definitely reach someone. In her appearance, you can feel the traces of the naive young lady from when she was surprised by Yoshinoya. Of course, it was probably their ignorant full speed that pushed them this far. But reality is cruel. It’s been building so beautifully up to this point, but at the very end it’s thrown into the abyss… The way "reality" confronts us is so merciless that I tremble. I wonder how far and how they will recover with only one episode left. God of rock, please seriously…! As a result of becoming Toge Toge Pro, who showed off their “personality” during their live performances, they were fixated on “songs that sell.” Just like Daidas, who broke through that barrier, the five of them put their “pinky fingers” together. We will try again with a song that is “ourselves,” but in reality, will the merciless “god of rock” be on our side? We’ll see what happens in the remaining episode! Looking at the last number of views, Nina’s thoughts stopped spinning, and I, who was watching, also froze and froze, because I can’t become anyone, and Momoka-san, who was the most heart-teasing ending video ever, was in a good mood. He’s going on a national tour in the yellow car he bought! ! ! ! ! I could totally understand Nina’s reaction and feelings at the end, so it was the most painful thing I’ve ever seen, and it felt like my heart was being ripped out. It’s really painful when we can’t see what we’ve worked so hard to create and when it gets poorly evaluated, and we wonder if it was a mistake. I’m trying hard not to break my heart. This “summary” that takes place right before the final episode is amazing. The initial impulse of belief, the time and place each spent, and the growth that can be recalled and presented from there. So, what is here now is a wall, a gap from the ideal, and in other words, reality. I feel like I’m heading towards the final catharsis after summarizing everything that has happened so far. Up until now, there had been a lot of trouble within the band, but from the perspective of outsiders, the band was doing well, like a Cinderella story, so they suddenly left the ladder. It feels like the end of a sparkling dream and the beginning of a harsh reality. In the final episode, I got stuck in a subtitle, and I was shocked to see him come in. I joined the company, and started working as a professional in earnest. I did photoshoots and trial and error, and the people at the music production site even told me that they liked me. But the reality is that it’s so cruel. It’s a huge difference from when we were excited and excited at the beginning , and it’s sad that Nina’s hobbies of visiting shrines will come to an end … This is a song that Momoka-san made with so much love from everyone. Nevertheless……. Even if a professional praises it, the words "~" weigh heavily on it. Even so, I believe that Nina, who has overcome her past and family issues, will never give up, and that she will save Momoka over and over again. So I can only hope for next time. Tomo-chan is cute even without editing! Also, both Miura-san and Nakata-san, who love Megane Tomo-chan, are hot adults . I wanted to see them decorate that room. Did you do your best, Subaru-chan? It’s hard to confirm the difference in popularity between Egosa and Daidas in terms of the results and the number of views. “Don’t run away from the place where you sing.” The same goes for Rupa and Tomo who go to their part-time job, who were taken care of until the end. “There’s nothing wrong with that.” A place where the five of us who were alone can shout out who we are is a place where the five of us can be connected.The pinky finger that we held up was a song about the five of us.Daidas also sings his true feelings, and I want him to shout out.One more episode left. Isn’t it a lie that it’s over? The gap between Momoka-san’s adult face when she’s looking at everyone and her relieved face when she’s resting on Nina’s shoulder was so big that it turned into a 0. The battle between Toge Toge and Daidas was such an exciting development. Even though there is, wouldn’t it be enough if we didn’t make it a 1 hour special for the final episode? What did you think when you saw the number 103? People who don’t know anything: “That’s a weird number.” People who like math: “It’s a prime number.” People who watched Garukura: “Girls Band Cry Episode 12: The sky gets dark.” This is the number of views of the new song “Fate no Hana” from “Fate no Hana ” when it was first released! (Fucking so loud)” After watching episode 12 like this, is there anyone who doesn’t get excited for episode 13? ? ? ? ? What kind of story, what kind of songs, what kind of live staging, what kind of bonds, what kind of battles, what kind of thoughts, what kind of future, what kind of flowers will be shown in episode 13? I’m so excited that I feel like I’m going crazy . Thank you for watching until the end! If you have any thoughts, points of interest, or thoughts, I would be happy if you could let me know in the comments! This channel introduces everyone’s reactions and impressions of the latest anime. By listening to various considerations and diverse opinions, you may gain new perspectives and discover new things about watching anime, so please subscribe to the channel and hit the good button! See you again in the next video!


名もなき何もかも (Blu-Ray付)


00:00 オープニング
00:24 視聴者の感想!!
07:18 視聴者の感想!!(後半)
12:11 エンディング



ガールズバンドクライ (GIRLS BAND CRY) :


BGMer :
魔王魂 :

効果音ラボ :

Pixabay :

VOICEVOX:もち子(cv 明日葉よもぎ)

りょうご様 :

DeepL :
Google翻訳 :






[About the Video]
The videos on this channel are manually created by the contributor, and are not automatically generated or repetitive videos.

[About the character in the subtitle]
The voice is changed by a voice changer.
Although the video is produced by one person, we prevented the content of the video from becoming monotonous by creating a pseudo-video format in which other people are conversing with each other.

[Regarding youtube’s monetization policy]
This video is an original content in which I actually perform, demonstrate, and read the narration all by myself.
I use images and sound effects frequently to avoid monotonous and repetitive content.
Each video is different and has an independent value.

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#ガールズバンドクライ #ガルクラ
#ネットの反応 #アニメ感想 #animereaction #海外の反応 #5chまとめ #ゆっくり解説 #切り抜き
#2024年春アニメ #トゲナシトゲアリ #girlsbandcry


  1. とうとう仁菜も好きなモノ(音楽)を仕事にして生きる事の怖さを知ってしまったか…正に桃香さんが恐れていた事が現実になってしまったわけだが

  2. ダイダス「ファッ?モモカンがメジャーデビューしてるやん対バンしなきゃ(使命感)」

  3. 配信1分での数字とかの落ちかも。

  4. 大手事務所の力でねじ伏せられ八方塞がり、海外レーベルの目に留まり契約、海外で大ヒット

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