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[SUB] 도쿄 맛집 탐방🍜 일본식 중화요리 2편 | 시부야 사라우동 맛집

[SUB] 도쿄 맛집 탐방🍜 일본식 중화요리 2편 | 시부야 사라우동 맛집

Hello, guys Today, I’m going to film the second part of our series on Japanese-style Chinese cuisine. Today’s featured dish is ‘Sara Udon.’ Many of you might be thinking, ‘Sara Udon? I’ve never heard of that before!’ That’s why I’m here to give you a proper introduction to it! So, shall we get started? Guys, this is Shibuya Station, and I’ve heard it’s just a short walk from the west exit of Shibuya Station. It’s about a five-minute walk! There’s a central street in this direction, and if you keep going straight, you’ll find it. Did you watch the first part of our Japanese-style Chinese cuisine series? Last time, I introduced dishes like fried rice and sweet and sour pork. This time, I’ve chosen a dish that might make international viewers think, ‘What is this? I’ve never seen this dish before!’ It might be something new and interesting, so you can look forward to it! Oh?! Here we are~ *Nagasaki Banjom Shibuya Branch This Japanese-style Chinese restaurant was opened in 1975 by an owner from Nagasaki to bring the authentic taste of his hometown. They have two locations: Shibuya and Takadanobaba. As expected, there are a lot of people here. It’s 2 PM right now, and seeing so many people raises my expectations. (katamen = hard noodles / yawamen = soft noodles) You can choose between hard and soft noodles for Sara Udon Japanese people usually consider hard noodles to be the standard, so I’ll order that! And I was thinking of ordering yaki-gyoza as a side dish, but I was surprised to see there are four types of gyoza! There are grilled gyoza, boiled gyoza, steamed gyoza, and fried gyoza. I’m curious about all of them, but since it’s my first time here, I’ll just order the basic one! ~Ordering menu~ (This is a familiar food that I’ve enjoyed since I was young!) Actually, Sara-udon is one of the dishes my mom used to make a lot, so I ate it often at home. (This is a familiar food that I’ve enjoyed since I was young!) Actually, Sara-udon is one of the dishes my mom used to make a lot, so I ate it often at home. Sara-udon is a local dish from Nagasaki. My parents are from the south, in the direction of Nagasaki, so Sara-udon is a common menu item for me. However, many people in Tokyo haven’t tried it before. Since Sara-udon is a somewhat unique dish, I did some research on it. In 1899, at the Chinese restaurant Shikairo in Nagasaki, Sara-udon was created by modifying champon. In 1899, at the Chinese restaurant Shikairo in Nagasaki, Sara-udon was created by modifying champon. ‘Sara’ means plate, and ‘udon’ means noodles. When it first came out, it was made with thick noodles like udon! Usually, noodle dishes were served in deep bowls like donburi, but they thought, ‘Sara-udon doesn’t have broth, so why not serve it on a plate? So they started serving it on plates. People saw this and thought, ‘Wow, a noodle dish served on a plate!’ That’s how ‘Sara-udon = plate udon’ came to be! Finally, Sara-udon is here! Guys, our order has arrived~ Doesn’t it look beautiful? The sauce is thickened with starch, dashi broth, and soy sauce, so it’s a dish that stays hot for a long time. so it’s a dish that stays hot for a long time. And the noodles have a texture similar to the Japanese snack ‘Baby Star’…?! They look and feel just like a snack! Let’s give it a try! Yum, it’s delicious! ! I feel bad for saying this, but (Mom, don’t watch this) it’s so much better than what my mom used to make… Sorry, Mom… Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve had such perfectly delicious Sara-udon! This place is definitely a gem! I heard that sometimes you have to share tables here and I thought, ‘I want to eat comfortably…’ But if it’s this good, I wouldn’t mind sharing a table, haha You have to try this! Nagasaki is a place with both mountains and the sea, so the vegetables and seafood are all delicious. It’s in the direction of Fukuoka. The sauce is incredibly tasty because it’s full of seafood flavor! The charm of Sara-udon is that the texture changes over time, allowing you to enjoy it for a long time. At first, it’s really crispy (the noodles absorb the sauce, changing the texture!) but as time goes by, it becomes slightly softer! This constant change in taste keeps it from getting boring. Sara-udon was created as a new genre of champon, so the sauce tastes quite similar to champon. But since there’s no broth, the noodles don’t get soggy, and thanks to the starch, it stays hot for a long time! And guys, the gyoza has arrived! (It turns out it was featured in Season 6 of Kodoku no Gurume!) It’s worth it for Goro-san to visit~ They even gave us this crispy wing part that forms when it’s cooked in the frying pan, and just looking at it makes me so hungry~ Crunchy and delicious~ Crunchy and delicious~ The gyoza has a classic taste, but it’s juicy inside with a crispy outside, which is great. but it’s juicy inside with a crispy outside, which is great. They really know how to fry things well here. The texture of both the Sara-udon noodles and the gyoza wings is fantastic, and neither is greasy, which is nice. For a fried dish to not be greasy, it means they manage the oil and temperature very well! When I’m filming for YouTube, I always think about what town or theme would be good to shoot. In the case of this Sara-udon, I saw it while grocery shopping! Japanese supermarkets sell Sara-udon kits! I thought, ‘This is so delicious, but people overseas might not know about it!’ so I decided to film it. I hope it becomes more well-known because it’s so good. As I mentioned in the matcha dessert episode, ‘noodles’ also have a deep world. Whether you boil or fry them, make them thick or thin, the texture and taste change. It’s really fun to research noodles according to the sauce. Today’s menu was a success~ ❤️ I enjoyed it Guys, today I introduced Sara-udon. What did you think? Since it’s a unique dish, I worked hard to review it so you could get a sense of the taste. This place was re~~ally a great find. If there’s any food you’re curious about, please leave a comment! I’ll do my best to check it out! Please! That’s all for today’s video! There’s a little bonus video coming up! It seems it was featured in Kodoku no Gurume Season 6! – The rich flavor is spot on, and the noodles are delicious. – It’s my first time trying it, and I really like it. Goro-san sure knows the best spots 😆

#후지이미나 #일본여행 #도쿄맛집

도쿄에 가신다면 색다른 면 요리
사라우동 한번 도전해 보세요🤭


If you go to Tokyo, you’ll find a unique noodle dish
Sarah udon, try it. 🤭

📍나가사키 반점 시부야점
東京都渋谷区道玄坂1-9-1 梅山ビル 1F

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  1. 도쿄 리턴즈!
    어제 오늘로 중화요리가 정말 땡겼는데 미나누나의 클립에서 중화요리 컨텐츠가 등장하네요~~

    못보던 중화요리가 한 가득인데 배우면서 감상할게요~~

    간만에 랜선 일본여행 준비해주셔서 감사해요 미나누나~

  2. 잘보고 갑니다. 한국어가 더 자연스러워진 느낌이세요. 좋은 영상 감사합니다.😊

  3. 원래 도겐자카(道玄坂)쪽에 있었는데 새로 자리를 옮겼군요.
    예전 위치였을 때 고독한미식가(孤独のグルメ)에서 소개를 했었죠.
    폐업한 줄 알고있었는데 미나씨 덕분에 좋은 소식 알게 되서 기쁘네요.

  4. 우와아 일본식 중식당 뭔가 새롭네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 우와 사라우동 맛있어 보이네요 걸쭉한 소스에 크흐으

  5. 일본에서 뵙네요. 저는 오늘 들어왔습니다. 긴 여행 중 어제랑 이틀 동안은 미나님이 자랐던 니가타에 있었네요.
    그렇게 큰 도시인 줄 몰랐습니다.
    미나님 덕분에 꼭 한 번 가 보고 싶었던 곳이라 더 좋았어요.

    다시 열심히 응원을….


  6. 硬麺とあんかけソースの組み合わせって、給食で食べたことある気がするな。。味は違うかもだけど

  7. 지난 회차에 이어 일본식 중화요리 소개로군요…!
    매번 일본문화 소개에 흥미롭게 시청하고 있습니다! 정말 맛깔나는 영상이로군요!

  8. 맛있어 보인다ㅎ 근데 런치메뉴에 짬뽕은 있는데 짜장면이 없는게 놀랍네요

  9. 海外の方にあまり知られてない食べ物として、天むすがあります。美味しいですから、一度、試してみてください。

  10. 3:00 일본은 소식하는 이미지가 있어서 아담하게 나올 줄 알았는데 양을 보고 놀랐네요. 지금 밤 12신데 배가 고파짐;

  11. 4:51 미나쨩 멧챠카와이😭❤ 나가사키반점 교자 100개는 사주고싶은 귀여움과 사랑스러움…💕💕💕 맛표현도 풍부하시고, 이해하기 쉽게 잘 설명해 주셔서 너무 좋고 감사해요😆

    식당 이름이 낯익다했는데 고독한 미식가에 나온 곳이군요! 시부야 재개발로 인해서 이전했다던데 전보다 뭔가 넓어진 것 같고 무엇보다 깨끗해보여서 좋네요😄

    더욱이나 미나쨩이 추천해 주신 곳이니 꼬옥 가보겠습니당><

    미나쨩도 고독한 미식가나 와카코와 술 같은 드라마 찍으면 엄청 잘 어울리고 잘 하실텐데😢 제가 다 아쉬워요..!! 언젠간 좋은 기회가 생기길 진심으로 응원하고 바랄게요🙏✨️ 미나쨩 간바레🎉

    (보고있냐 방송국놈들아!🤣🤣)

  12. 구독과 좋아요~ 후지이미나님 한국에서 작품 활동은 안 하세요? 좀 하세요 그리고 예쁩니다 좋은 하루~

  13. 크리스탈 제이드라는 중식당에서 파기름면이라고 있어요. 대만쪽 중식인거 같은데 그거랑 비슷한 계열인데 사라우동도 개인적으로는 좋아합니다. 면을 잘 먹는 동남아에서도 보이는데
    아마 화교들이 전파한거 아닌가 하네요.

    저도 일본살때는 사라우동이나 탄탄멘에 맥주 한잔씩 했는데 힘든 타지생활에서 에너지를 얻으려는 루틴같은거였죠.

  14. 여자가 봐도 이쁘고 사랑스러움ㅎ 남자던 여자던 표독한 표정에 싸울려고 하는 말투의 한국인들이 한국에 많아서 보기만 해도 짜증나는데

  15. 이 매장 진짜 맛있어요. 미나상도 언급해 주셨지만 고독한미식가에서도 고로상이 다녀간 매장이고 지금은 전 가게위치가 재개발에 들어가서 주인장님이 코로나도 겹치고 주변 상권 월세가 너무 비싸져서 장사 그만두시려고 하다가 적당한 부동산이 나와서 지금 위치로 이전결정 하셨다고 들었습니다. 꼭가보세요 !! 일본에 지인들 놀려오면 추천하는 매장입니다

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