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[ENG/JP] 연습생 11년! 세상이 아무리 날 주저앉혀도 다시 CHEER UP 하게 만드는 지효적 사고 | 아주 사적인 미술관 EP. 06 / 14F

[ENG/JP] 연습생 11년! 세상이 아무리 날 주저앉혀도 다시 CHEER UP 하게 만드는 지효적 사고 | 아주 사적인 미술관 EP. 06 / 14F

[ENG/JP] 연습생 11년! 세상이 아무리 날 주저앉혀도 다시 CHEER UP 하게 만드는 지효적 사고 | 아주 사적인 미술관 EP. 06 / 14F

Very Private Art Exhibition Kwon MiJin (21) Chu YuRi (25) Daebak ‘Individual exhibition of Jihyo’ [50% nervous, 50% excited] My dream started at quite early age About 11 years later, this child who dreamed of a singer became Jihyo of Twice and lived on the stage of her dreams She’d been a trainee for 11 years wow… she’s so pretty When I was wondering if this path was my path, I met Sixteen [Audition program that filmed competition among JYP trainees] If I had given up then, I wouldn’t have the Jihyo I have now Oh, but I really think I would have been so sad if she hadn’t debuted at that time I cheered for her a lot back then [Different sympathizing skill] She’s really F (MBTI) [So cute] and many people got to know Twice through Cheer Up This is the moment I felt the joy of people listening to and loving our song Staff: What was the most impressive picture among these? Staff: Can you stand in front of that picture? [Pictorial PICK] This one! New look of Jihyo, I think this broke away from the static and cute image [Strong fan of <Cheer Up>] I think <Cheer Up> was a revolution All of my friends participated in a talent show competition… [Finally, today’s heroine appeared!] Unfortunately, I didn’t dance on Cheer Up… but I was in a role like cheering up from below Oh, hi! Daebak! [continuously making a fuss] The beauty of being mature was added [Directly observing her fuss] Oh really? Huh? Daebak!!! [Jihyo is walking towards me…] Hello~ [Eyes fixed on her] Nice to meet you~ [A vivid real review] You’re like a wax doll [I very LIKEY that compliment] Oh my, what should I do! / You’re such a doll… It’s really nice to meet you. It’s an honor. [Jihyo-holic] You’re so pretty It’s really nice to meet you. / Nice to meet you. Just one more time… [shaking hands for 2nd time] I saw you from behind and I think you’re a F / How did you know? You were sympathizing with every single thing so I thought you’re a F Oh, wait. I think we need to tear the pictures because you’re so pretty in person [Camera technology needs to improve] [Calm down] So, let’s talk in detail after we sit down? / Sure Could you please introduce yourself? I am Kwon Mijin, a 23-year-old university student majoring in media Oh 23 years old? / I was born in 2002 My younger sibling was also born in 2002 too / Oh really? Can I be your one-day younger sibling today? You can speak comfortably~ / Thank you! Jihyo unnie [Shy fan girl’s fan meeting site] I feel so shy… What should I do.. I am Chu Yuri, a 27-year-old who has been preparing for employment for a long time to enter a public enterprise Nice to meet you~ Yuri? / Yes, Yuri! I’m Park Jihyo from TWICE If you’re 27, in what year were you born? / I was born in 1998 [Living point: Jihyo was born in early 1997] One year difference… / Yes [Daring younger person] Can I call you ‘unnie’ comfortably? / Sure. I’ll just call you Yuri then! Good. Please call me ‘Yuri’ / What I really wanted to ask when I come out here was I was really curious about what kind of image I am to people these days passionate and having endless energy I saw your episode in I Live Alone You were just back from overseas and you arranged your luggage right away. Looking at that, I thought you’re so passionate [After I Live Alone] I think the image has changed quite a bit / Oh, really? Your image started to be friendlier. I saw you eat pig’s feet Bossam! / Goign to Bossam restaurant and drinking in daytime / That’s right My friends think that you have the wannabe body form [Healthy beauty] After you, all my friends want to lift weights / Oh, really? You have a very healthy beauty That energetic image / That’s a good image, I guess? / It’s really good. You made that image. Thank you These photos from this exhibition are very important moments for me, but I’m not sure how the people who see them will feel, so I came with a bit of anticipation and excitement, but what did you think of them? After seeing the baby photo, I actually haven’t seen the rest [No, it’s not that] I was nervous so I just looked at the photo one by one And there was ‘This child here has grown up and become Jihyo of Twice’ so I was so surprised Have you been working since you were a baby? [sharp eyes] I was wondering when that was as the picture looks blurry [Those who have the original photo, contact us(?)] I don’t have that photo too so I looked it up on the Internet. That’s why the picture quality is not good So you were an advertisement model? No, I wasn’t a model. Do you know Junior Naver? / Of course I know At the time, Junior Naver had a Child Actor Star selection contest My mom saw that and asked me if I wanted to participate and I guess I said ‘I will’ [Child Actor Star selection contest] So, I ended up going out there, and I took the profile photos at the time [If I were the parents] If my daughter had that face, I would definitely let her debut as celebrity I would too I look pretty in my eyes too~ So you were a trainee since that time? / A JYP official came over to filming site to do casting At that time, I got the name card This is the debut photo after all those steps. It was an impact moment in my life The first… after the debut Is it true that you were a trainee for 11 years? Yes, that’s right. Then, I guess you’d vividly remember the moment when you first debuted Do you remember what your first debut was like? When I first debuted, I remembered crying with the members in the waiting room Especially Nayeon and Jeongyeon who were trainees with me for long time so three of us cried a lot My first debut was… because I had been a trainee for a very long time and had many setbacks during my debut A lot of things happened and I thought, “Maybe this isn’t the job for me” I thought it wasn’t something I could do, so there was even a time I just ran away from home and gained a lot of weight Then, my company told me that I could join Sixteen so I did that and made my debut It must have been really overwhelming Feeling like all your efforts are rewarded I’ve finally reached my goal.. after 11 years The next photo is a jacket photo from Cheer Up [TWICE debut song] Actually, we thought it was worse than our expectations during Like OOH-AHH Since we had high expectations But after Cheer Up was released / Bam! It was the first time I thought that things went really well In fact, it was the first song to win first place, so I am very grateful to that song You must remember that moment a lot In fact, at that time, you were like the president of elementary school, middle/high school, military and etc., right? But actually we couldn’t feel that / Oh really? Because we’re so busy, we couldn’t even go otu It’s not that we went to school or meet friend outside So instead of thinking that it was a huge success, I thought that we are having more schedules everyday When did you first realize your popularity? At that time, it had only been a few months since we debuted At that time, G-Dragon posting something on Instagram saying ‘blah blah, Shy shy shy" [G-Dragon shoutout] We talked about it a lot. Wow, such great senior artist posted that! I really remember us saying, “I think we really got popular!” He was such a great senior artist to us at the time [With a song <Killin’ me good>] And the next picture is when the solo album was first released and it took first place Our team didn’t do much individual work At that time, I first started my individual activities I worked very hard and did my best, and I really did my best in each and every place So, I remember being really happy that an album like that was able to get first place I wanted the next photo to just show what I’m up to recently, so I included this photo because it was probably the most recently released pictorial These days, I’ve been doing some personal activities and YouTube and trying out various things Are there any other things you’ve been thinking about other than YouTube? I’ve been thinking about trying something challenging lately, and for the first time, I’m really thinking about trying acting / Please do it You fit well to acting / Really? Originally, I thought it was something I could never really do But I’m having that thought again There are things like that that I’m doing on stage That’s all acting. Actually, I was really tired at that time I woke up at 3AM in the morning and I am acting like that and I always feel a great sense of joy and fun doing it When I performed really cool on stage and people cheered for me and when people tell me that my bright performance gave them such bright energy, I felt so energized that I wanted to try acting I think I will see you soon in OTT program. I’ll be expecting! Ah, then I see this written on the ticket The theme of today’s exhibition is Feel Special. That’s right! How did you invite such talented people today? Is there a reason why you chose this song as the theme? [Very Private Art Exhibition] I am the youngest person who appeared in this program I thought a lot about what I should talk about. Next year is the 10th anniversary of my career, I was a trainee for 11 years so I thought it would be good to look back on some of my bright moments, and it became a Feel Special I think that’s a good thing to say So today I wanted to talk a little bit about self-esteem Since my job requires constant evaluation, I always worry about my self-esteem So I thought it would be great to share that story today, So I wanted to do it in an exhibition like this / Oh, self-esteem For me, my self-esteem is how much I love myself Mijin, how much do you think you love yourself? I don’t think I’m the type of person who loves myself very much. / Oh really? Of course, there are aspects of me that I love, but there are also aspects of me that I cannot love too / What are those aspects you cannot love? Actually, me being active like this is not something I like / Oh really? For example, if there is a speaker and a listener, I want to be the listener I want to be a person who is more considerate of others and listens more to their stories, but It’s hard to be like that There are people like that / I’m always active in the first place so I guess I have this role as a clown I know what that is exactly Because I show too much of myself in front of people I just met, I think there is a bit of a gap (between ideal and reality) Yuri, how much do you love yourself? / I love myself That’s good / I love myself, but I have been preparing for a job for more than two years now [For 2 years] But I’ve never been resting I worked as a contract worker and studied too but there are certain expectations expected of me [In terms of self-esteem] but I’m at a point where I’m a little hesitant right now because it’s getting delayed Even though I know that I should be the one who believes in myself, I keep wondering if this is the right path I had this thought, and there were times when I felt like giving up because this period is getting so long Was there a situation where you thought your self-esteem became lower? [Period when self-esteem was lowered] I think when I was a trainee or during early periods of debut? I think around 8~9 years of that period went like that My self-esteem was very low, and I had no choice but to be evaluated professionally, and all I could hear was things like, “I’m not good enough in this part. Fix it. Do this" so my self-esteem was low and I started to see myself that way too I’m looking for something wrong with me, looking for something I don’t like, and even when I look in the mirror, ‘This part doesn’t look pretty today’ "What should I do to make this part look pretty?" or while monitoring, ‘Why am I dancing like this?Why am I singing like this?’ I was always evaluating myself the same way other people evaluated me I had those thoughts and and I am doing my schedule like that everyday One day, I was taking a shower and looking in the mirror, and I was thinking the same thing again and the thought occurred to me, ‘why do I hate myself so much?’ I have a job where I need to be loved, but I feel so many times that I am not loving myself, so I need to learn how to love myself That way I could be loved too So, it may sound cringeworthy, but the method I chose was to lie down before going to bed and actually speaking out ‘Jihyo, I love you’ Really? / Seriously, I speak it out multiple times I also cringed, wondered what am I doing..? and had reality checks but as I did that everyday as daily habit, I think he started to love me a little more And even if you just look in the mirror, now I"m like ‘let’s find a pretty part’ / That’s touching Even if I monitor myself, let’s find what I did well [Just as Mijin’s concern] My personality too was like.. I try to speak out wherever I go and I heard that I’m not calm enough but it may look bright and pretty to some people So, I often thought about turning that aspect of me into an advantage [To Mijin] ]I wanted to say something like that, because those aspects are not hated That’s just your personality. It’s really difficult to overcome that but it’s cool that you made it Because the truth is, when you look in the mirror, you only see compositions you don’t like Even if others praise me, it’s not the case when I see it In fact, I also wear strong makeup, so when I go home and wash it off, since my face with makeup looks like the real me, I think to myself "I’m so ugly" and I don’t feel like looking at mirror Then, Jihyo, since you are an idol, you would have paid more attention to how you look, but have you become uncomfortable with that kind of thing these days? Things regarding appearance.. such as makeup I thought that what is seen is not important Rather, my inner self was very important For example, if I focus too much on dressing up what I see, I think that’s all I see I feel like I don’t have to think about what kind of person I am I just fill myself with things I like and it piles up and piles up Ah, I often felt that when I looked like this, I didn’t look hateful, but from a certain perspective, I looked really lovely How about you, Yuri? Have you been able to get any gifts or actions for yourself? I don’t think I took care of myself well. I pretended to be okay and forcibly raised the tension Haven’t I been living with forcibly raised tension? I felt that here today So I pretend to be okay and go about my life as if I don’t care about others, but inside I’m still worried about my future I often feel like I’m not taking care of myself much But you’re in the center of people’s views, right? Since you’re an idol do you have your own way of protecting yourself from other people’s eyes? I said earlier that I also had very low self-esteem I was really hurt often and even if I don’t try to see it, I keep seeing it Because not everyone can like me But after seeing the malicious comments one by one, I realized that I have become a bad person again today My self-esteem was getting lower and at that moment when I thought about my self-esteem I focused so much on taking care of myself Having good hobbies, meeting friends I like, eating good food, and having good conversations These things are also very important to me, and I have to cook when I’m at home so I am very busy every day because there is so much to do There wasn’t enough time in a day to spend for myself As I lived like that, the eyes of others became less and less meaningful to me Time is lacking to just focus entirely on myself I don’t think I had enough time to care about other people’s opinions It’s not like I thought ‘instead of thinking those things, I will do this!’ But it was more like "Oh, okay but I’m so busy and have to live for myself" so I started to have that mindset "What’s more important than other people’s opinions is taking care of myself" Then, as the name of the exhibition is now Feel Special, I actually like the lyrics of the song / Oh really? "No matter how much the world puts me down", there are always lyrics like that It means a lot to the fans who listen to it, but now it seems to have an even bigger meaning to you too What song is <Feel Special> to you? In fact, PD Park Jin-young actually wrote the lyrics and the song for Feel Special, and he wrote the lyrics about what we’ve been struggling with these days while eating and talking with our members So it’s completely our story At that time, many of the members were having a hard time, but I think it was a song that actually gave us a lot of strength "There are days like that, sometimes when I feel like I’m alone". That lyrics appears first But out of all the songs I’ve heard, the intro resonated with me the most. It had impact We all have days like that There’s a day that makes you feel you are truly alone and makes you just sigh So, that lyric resonated with me the most, and although it didn’t really give me strength, it was a lyric that was very comforting to know that everyone else was feeling the same If you don’t mind, can you sing a bit of <Feel Special>? [Expecation to MAX] Can I ask you to do it? / Sure, I’ll try my best No matter how the world brings me down Even when hurtful words stab me I smile again ’cause you’re there [Absolute applause to best singer Park Jihyo] I overcame it, I overcame it!/ Can I really listen to this for free? Would you like to deposit money then? / I’ll become your fan! (Waiting for 5th ONCE) / Oh really? Thank you I invited Mijin today and talked to you Do you think today’s exhibition will be of some help to Mijin’s future life? I’ve heard so many great things and I think I’ll remember it for the rest of my life / Really? I think I’ve received a lot of comfort I will follow your mindset and achieve the goals I want to achieve As I talked with you today, I felt that after what you’re facing get resolved well, I really think you can live very healthily So I feel like I don’t need to worry about you / Thank you Just like the lyrics of Feel Special, I hope that it will be a very special moment in Yuri’s life / It was special I think being able to talk like this today will be a really special memory for me / Please don’t forget me Okay, okay / Please (desperate) I won’t forget you haha Thank you so much for coming here today [Jihyo’s Individual Exhibition] Thank you for inviting me I always tell myself this. I often say "Overcome!" I hope you live with that mindset / Thank you Overcome it! / Overcome! / Overcome! ‘Adding Strength to a start’

🎊(경) 기쁘다 지효 님 오셨네! (축)🎊

‘이 아이는 커서 트와이스 지효가 됩니다?’
꼬꼬마 시절👧 캐스팅 비화부터 솔로 활동 썰까지💛
지효가 말아주는 자존감 라이브🎙 보러 올 사람?🎶

#지효 #TWICE #ジヒョ #jihyo

[아주 사적인 미술관🎨]
격주 월요일 저녁에 업로드됩니다!
7/15 월요일 EP.07 김원훈 편이 업로드 됩니다.

* 이 영상은 ‘시작에 힘을 더하다’ 한화손해보험의 지원을 받아 제작했습니다.


  1. 요즘 살기 힘들어지다 보니까 자신감 자존감도 부족해지고 고민도 많을 청춘들에게
    좋은 양분이 되는 얘기를 해준 지효가 넘 예쁘고 멋있었음 다같이 이겨내자♡

  2. I'm so proud of Park Jihyo. She is truly a great role model. I wish i had even just 50% of her passion..

  3. i loved the program, but there is delay in the subs respect the video, please fix it

  4. 11년이요? 9살 때부터라니요ㆍㆍ쇼 비즈니스 업계에 열 살도 전에 들어가셨다니ㆍㆍ 너무 고생많으셨습니다. 억텐이라는 단어가 있군요~ 내려놓음이란 책이 있는데 추천해요 👍

  5. Jihyo is such a beautiful person on the outside as well as on the inside. Not only did she look gorgeous as usual but her words were thoughtful and inspiring.

  6. 항상 당당하고 에너지 넘치게 이겨내를 외치던 지효도 저런 고민을 하고 극복해냈다는게 넘 멋있고 리스펙하게 되네요 아름다운 외모만큼 아름답고 단단한 내면을 가진 사람인거 같아 더 좋고 닮고싶어요 항상 응원합니다

  7. 우아하게 때부터 팬이었던 사람으로서 그리고 같은 세상을 살아가는 사람으로서 지효의 말에 공감도 많이 가고 위로도 많이 받았어요 앞으로도 힘이 돼주고 원스에게 힘을 받는 지효가 되길 바래❤ 지효가 있는 한 원스는 다시 웃을 수 있어 :)😊

  8. Jihyo no solo es una gran artista, sino una gran persona también, un maravilloso ser humano 💛

  9. ジヒョちゃんの考え方、生き方、人への伝え方が本当に心に響きます!これからもずーっと応援し続ける!

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