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Jun Pai-sen (Senpai), Hikaru Pai-sen, Let’s go! OK! Change Soul Set! Let’s Go On! Choudenshi! Bioman! [Yasuhisa Furuhara] [Sumiko Tanaka] [Yasuhisa Furuhara] [Michiko Makino] FTV Membership Unreleased Videos Henshin Tutorials by the Legends Themselves Registration in the Description Box [Leaving Behind Heroes’ Anecdotes for Future Generations] Hello everyone! It’s that time again for Furuhara Yasuhisa TV! Yes, this episode is a collaboration episode. We are so fortunate to welcome a duo of heroines! This is awesome! Our guests for this episode are from Bioman… She was 2nd Generation Yellow4, Jun Yabuki. It’s Sumiko Tanaka! And, Michiko Makino who was Pink5! – Welcome! – Pleasure to be here. They’ve been so kind to me. Since it’s the 40th anniversary of Bioman… I asked if they can be here, and they graciously accepted. – Thank you so much. – The pleasure is ours. Last episode, Osuga-san and Ota-san, Green2 and Blue3 were here. There were a lot of comments… Umm… – They were spouting some nonsense! – Yes, they were! But it seems like you’re good friends? We’re great friends! In general, all five of us are get along well. – Right? – Yes. When it comes to Bioman… it was the very first Sentai which featured a duo of heroines. That was one of the big features of Bioman. There were many things that were memorable about Bioman, but… I think a lot of people would like to hear about the time when Yellow4 changed. I would like to ask you two about that, please. – Thank you for your time today. – It’s our pleasure. First, I would like to congratulate you on the 40th Anniversary of Bioman. [Congratulations on the 40th Anniversary!!] [Choudenshi Bioman] [Aired February 1984 ~ January 1985] Thank you so much. [Congratulations on the 40th Anniversary!!] [Choudenshi Bioman] [Aired February 1984 ~ January 1985] How does it feel, the 40th anniversary? [Congratulations on the 40th Anniversary!!] [Choudenshi Bioman] [Aired February 1984 ~ January 1985] – I never imagined 40 years ago that I would be talking about Bioman, 40 years later. – Not at all. Ah, I see. – And you’re someone who wasn’t born 40 years ago. – Riiiight? – Oh, me? – Yes, you. You keep saying that. – It’s so strange to me. – Is it? So, Hikaru Katsuragi was a warrior of love. She was so kind, even towards the enemy’s mechs. When the enemy’s mechs went awry, Hikaru was the one who grieved the most. When it comes to Jun Yabuki, she was amazing, right from the start. – It was incredible, right? – Yes! And, what was up with her entrance scene? She was immediately like, "Pow!" at the airport. Is she even allowed to have that there? – A bow and arrow? – That’s true! Did you film that at an airport? Actually… – No. – It wasn’t. Was it at some kind of aviation park? No, it was at a Maritime Museum. So, that part was at a Maritime Museum, and… when we were running through the airport, that was at a City Hall. That wasn’t an airport? – You remember that? – Yes, it was City Hall. – Whaaat? Is that so? – Yes. I thought it was really filmed at an airport. Weren’t you shooting your arrows from a control tower? That was part of the Maritime Museum. Wow, I didn’t know that. – In the beginning, right? [nods] – I see. How much do you remember about what happened back then? Well, I vividly remember when Yellow changed. It was very traumatic… – I bet. – Yes. One of Hikaru’s lines that I vividly remember was… "Oh no! I can’t get a hold of her!" I think that phrase was quite literal, because it was actually being said on set. That phrase in the series, was a verbatim of what was being said in real time, wasn’t it? That tense feeling in the line delivery seemed very real. There was something very unnerving about it. We were filming a completely different story… Then, there’s a sudden change of character. We received a new script, and, "Oh! So, this is what we’re doing now!" We were frantic… – I can only imagine. – Yes. Can we talk about your audition and how you got your role? [How Did You Get Your Role in Bioman?] I was just a normal university student. I was attending university like a normal student. You weren’t an idol or anything? Not at all. – My family was very strict. – What? At the time, I had been approached (by talent agencies) quite a lot already. But, my parents were completely against it. So, I was just a regular university student. At that time, Bioman was going to feature two female heroines… so, they were supposedly in the middle of auditions. – You weren’t in a talent agency? – I was not. – What?! – Yes. – How did you get the role? – Well… So, for the Pink audition… everyone who went to the audition were your cutesy, stereotypical heroine type girls. At the time, out of the two females, the producer had decided on one already. One was a fighter, and they wanted the other to be a normal girl. But, everyone who auditioned were like, "Woo hoo!" with lots of energy. They were all lively and energetic, and your stereotypical heroine types. But, the producer kept thinking, "That’s not it. That’s not it." So, the role of Pink remained unfilled. At that time, I happened to win "Miss. Campus" as a university student. – So, I was in a magazine… – I’m not surprised at all! The cover photo for the magazine was taken by Kishin Shinoyama. (*Shinoyama photographed John Lenon & Yoko Ono’s albums) – Wow! – Yes. (*Shinoyama photographed John Lenon & Yoko Ono’s albums) There were a series of photos called "University Girl’s Series"… where Kishin Shinoyama photographed university students to be cover models for magazines. Through that, women like Yoshiko Miyazaki and Keiko Saito got their careers started. – Wow, I see. – Yes. It just so happened that Producer Suzuki had a copy of one of those magazines on his desk. What? Wow! – This is true! – Whaat?! So, there was a phone call to my university’s student division. What? How is that possible? Back then, we didn’t have cell phones. When some entertainment personnel called my house… My parents would answer and say, "My child will not participate in such things." and declined everything. Woooow… But, that phone call from Toei came to the university’s student division. They said they wanted to contact the "Miss. Campus". So, I was called over and I answered the telephone. Then, I went over to the Toei headquarters by myself without telling my parents. – Whaaat? Really? – Yes. – This is an amazing story! – Yes. So, Producer Suzuki and Abe were there… sitting in front of me. I wasn’t sure what they wanted. What? I’m surprised you went. I was enamored by the entertainment industry at the time. I was scouted so many times by talent agencies already, so… – I thought I had a chance. – I see. I had an aspiration, even though my parents were thoroughly against it. So, I went secretly. This is an unrelated story, but… there was a thing called "Miss. Toei". I had won the grand prix for that. – What?! Amazing! – Yes. I thought my parents would let me act if I won. But, my parents denied my win, so the second place girl got the grand prix. Wait a sec… Then, did you take photos in the Miss. Campus series after you won Miss. Toei? It happened around the same time. – If I recall. – Whaaat? That means… you already knew about the Toei company. Did you have some sort of resentment towards the situation? I did, I did. Yes. That’s an amazing timing for it to come together. It was, right? – Did Producer Suzuki know about it? – He didn’t. – Whaaat? He didn’t know?? – He didn’t So, it really was a coincidence then?? Completely! He just happed to look at the magazine on his desk. Whaaat? That really happened?! I was told, "We’re holding auditions for a children’s show starting in the new year." "We’re looking for the role of a princess." "The role of a princess, who’s like a big sister." That’s what I was told, but I just wanted to be in anything. So I said, "I’ll do it! I’ll do it!" In the back of my mind, I thought that my parents would be ok if it was a children’ show. Producer Suzuki told me that the series before the one that I will be in, airs weekly on Saturdays from 6 o’clock. So, I was told to watch that show. It wasn’t what you were expecting, right? Not at all! I wasn’t even told I would be in a Sentai! On Saturday, when I turned on the TV… I see DynaPink going, "Tohh!" It’s not what you expected! – It wasn’t "Okaasan to Issho" (NHK Children’s Song Show) – Right! I was genuinely surprised. My biggest obstacle were my parents. – That’s right. – I told my parents that it was a children’s show. My parents had denied so many of my auditions. They figured, if I got to do one acting gig, I would be satisfied. So, they told me, if I can attend university classes while being in this children’s show, it might be OK. That’s impossible! That’s impossible! Yes, I had to go to set every morning. I told my parents, "Don’t worry about it." and started the role. When I saw DynaPink in Dynaman, I realized that I couldn’t tell my parents. – Yeah, you couldn’t. – So, I stayed mute about it. Wait a sec, then… When your parents sat down in front of the TV thinking, "I wonder what Michiko’s new show looks like?" What? How did they react? On that Saturday, at 6 o’clock, when the first episode was supposed to air… I was so hesitant to go home. I can only imagine. – "Mom, Dad, I’m home." – It’s the first episode, right? When I said, "I’m home." They said, "What was that?" I can see that happening. It was right after it aired, right? "I saved… I’m saving, uh… the Earth." "I’m protecting… the children." I said something like that. You aren’t wrong! It’s a children’s show afterall. Yes, I said I was protecting the children and Earth. My parents couldn’t do anything about it since it already began. – That’s true. – Yes. So, they told me "Do your best." At that time, I was still attending school while filming. – I see. – I went to first period… – Then, went to film on set. – You were able to attend?! Just for a little bit. – But, call time is 6:00 AM! – On those days, I skipped school. I kept it a secret from my parents. They thought I was attending university. – I see. – I took my university bags with me to the set. That’s crazy! Eventually, my attendance became a problem. Then, my parents found out. And ultimately, I got suspended from school. I had never done any acting or any audition! – Oh yeah! Oh yeah! – Yes! – You were just a regular person who was thrown in there! – Yes! Wow! That’s amazing! It was so challenging! The first scene that I filmed was on the rooftop of the OZ building in Ooizumi. – It was when I was grabbed by the BioRobo. – Yes, I remember. – Yes (x3) – That scene. – Of course, it’s not actually there. – Yes, it’s not. They told me, "Here comes the BioRobo. Start running!" – You didn’t know what to do? – Yes! I thought, "What is this nonsense???" Everyone was a pro at it. Actually, there were a lot of new actors, right? – Yes, a lot of new actors. – Maybe, just the Red was experienced? – But, nobody was as inexperienced as I was. – I see. Everyone else had done some sort of entertainment before. – You were just a university student who was skipping class. – Exactly! Yes! Yes! So… They wanted an unprecedented type of heroine. Some who doesn’t fight, who can save the Earth with the power of love. They told me I didn’t need to do any action in the beginning. But you did a lot of action! You threw your enemy like this! [gestures] Well… They changed it! Until then…Well, in the beginning, I stayed behind Yuki-chan because she was protecting me. – Yes, you were being protected. – Yes, I was protected. – (First generation Yellow) She was really strong. – She was! – Right? – Yes. But, when the new Yellow arrived, I couldn’t have the new girl protecting me. – That’s true. – They changed my personality and I became like a best friend. I see now. If we can turn our attention to Tanaka-san now… I have nothing to say. Pink is just amazing. Oh you! She joined us from part way through. I want to know how you got offered the role (in Bioman) I was just so fascinated by your story. Bioman, umm… I watched the first episode of Bioman on TV at home. Oh, you did? I was a university student as well. – After school. – You watched it unknowingly? – Yes. – Well, of course. – Well, yes. Yuki-chan and Tsuji-chan (suit actor for Yellow) started JAC at the same time as me. They were the first members in my JAC group that received regular roles. Was it the first or second year in JAC for Yuki-san? For me, I was in Nagoya due to my father’s job transfer. I was held back a few years. (compared to her JAC counterparts) I was told to come to Tokyo once I graduated high school. I see. I understand now. I took the test (for JAC) my first year in high school. So, I had a two year blank, compared to my counterparts who entered at the same time. – Ah, I see. – They entered JAC the same year as me. All of those same members already practiced together and participated on set. Then, I finally graduated high school and joined them. – I see, so you joined them later. – Yes. Ah, I see. – Even though we started at the same time, our experiences were very different. – I see. Then, in what way were you told about your role (Bioman)? I’m so curious about that. [What is the Story Behind How 2nd Generation Yellow Got Her Role?] Before that… Wait, can I talk about this? – It was a mess within JAC. – I can only imagine. Because we couldn’t get ahold of her. – "We can’t get ahold of her!" – Hikaru said that. May I read Hikaru’s lines? "It’s no use! I can’t get ahold of her at all!" That’s exactly what was happening within JAC at that time. I think those lines were exchanged in real life. So, this role is offered to you. Do you remember how it went down? How it happened? So, everyone was panicking over Yuki-chan’s disappearance. But then, I was told there was going to be an audition. – You had to audition? – Yes. It was so sudden, so there were many people from JAC who went. – But… – I think, that’s what happened… They needed someone who can do action, right? – But, I don’t remember much about what happened at that time. – Really? Your memory was wiped? Yes… What do you remember about how it went down? I was called to audition, so I went. Yes, and they said they wanted someone from JAC. How many people were there for the audition? I only remember from when it was about 5 people. I see. Do you remember what you had to do? I had to do some acting with Ota-san (Green2) So, Ota-san was a part of the audition? He did say that. That took place in March. What’s amazing is, in the early stages, the filming schedule for Sentai series is very tight. – We film two episodes at a time. – Yes, yes. It’s amazing that there was no break in the schedule as this went on. Oh wow, yes! We had filmed a large portion before there was the audition. I started filming, one week after my audition. In that time, they wrote the script for Episode 10 "Goodbye Yellow" and Episode 11 "New Warrior Jun Arrives". That’s really amazing. It was a very quick turn around to write and develop the new character Jun. I know, right? She disappears. Then, decisions had to be made within a day… because preparations had to be made to move forward, right? – That was amazingly quick. – It was. We did have a few days off in between. But, after that it went really quick. When you entered the filming site, I think the core team had already bonded. What was your first impression of them? My first impression was that they were kind. – Of course. – They were all kind. They were so considerate (of the situation) and so kind. I can see that. You were suddenly thrown in, so they might have felt sorry for you. I joined one week after I got the role. I was a university student and attending school regularly. After school, I was attending JAC practice. – Then, I was suddenly thrown into acting. – I see. I couldn’t act at all… – Really? – in the beginning. – But… – That was difficult. Before the action, it was the acting… – Really? – It was difficult and nerve-wracking. It didn’t look like that. You said, "I want this bracelet." So, we knew it would be you (the new Senshi). But then… – Red gets mad at you. – Yes, he does. "This Techno Brace isn’t to be taken lightly!" – How nostalgic. – "The last girl who wore this, died." "She sacrificed herself for the four of us." "The one who wears this, must willingly face death for their comrades." – This brings back memories. – "They must firmly pledge to a bond that is greater than family." "That is the promise of the Techno Brace!" And, he tries to turn you away. Red says some pretty great things. That was somewhat touching. – Oh really? – Even right now. I’m sure it was. – This script was written in one week, right? – Yes, yes. That’s amazing, isn’t it? It doesn’t seem like it at all! – Right? There were a lot of great lines in the script. – There were! As the new character Yellow4 was created, how did you prepare for the role? Well, umm… – Sharivan. Do you know Watari-san? – Yes, I know Watari-san. He started at the same time as me. He called me. – Because he was worried. – Wow, how kind! So kind. He’s so kind. He gave me a lot of advice. – Oh yeah, it (Bioman) was right after Sharivan. – Yes, yes. Wow, that’s so sentimental. Because we entered JAC at the same time. You knew that you would henshin for the series, but… How did you feel when you put on the Techno Brace? [How Did You Feel When You Put on the Techno Brace?] I was very happy, because I had been watching it on TV. – Ah, I see. – I had been watching from Episode 1. And then, you got to be in the series. – I didn’t think that I would be wearing them. – You didn’t think that was possible until Episode 9! Up until Episode 9, you didn’t think you’d be wearing it. Did you watch Episode 10? Did I appear in Episode 10? No, Episode 10 was "Goodbye Yellow". – So, I appeared in Episode 11. – Did you watch Episode 10? I was already filming on set by then. – She joins us in between Episodes 9 and 10. – Oh right, that’s right! – Then, it took 2 episodes to film the goodbye and her entrance. – I don’t remember… I don’t remember which episodes I watched up until. – Did you originally do archery? – I did not. They made me train for that. – Ah, I see. – After we started filming. I went to an archery facility. You had to do so many things. Yes, the story was… I was overseas training for the Olympics. – I see! – That’s why they never detected my Bio Particles. They had to come up with a reason why you were overseas! And the reason was for archery. – I see! – Because she was an Olympic athlete. They wrote it so that you were overseas because you were an Olympic athlete! Then, they had to think of a good weapon for an Olympian and came up with a bow and arrow. – That ultimately came together onto you. – Yes (x3) – That’s true. – Wow… I can’t believe they came up with that in such a short amount of time. That’s tough. When Mika, the first generation Yellow, resigned… was Hiroyuki Sanada already scheduled to appear? If so, was the new Yellow4 developed while having Hiroyuki Sanada’s skillsets in mind? – No, that’s not true. – No? It was supposed to be Chiba-san (Sonny Chiba). WHAT!? – Really? – Whaaat!? – It’s true. – What?! You just found out?! I guess it’s good, you got to do this [gestures] with him. That’s so amazing… The reason she got into JAC was because she wanted to meet Hiroyuki Sanada. For real?! I already met him in JAC before we were in Bioman. – But, I didn’t think I’d… – Be on the same show together? It’s now recorded for a lifetime! Yes. You must’ve been so happy about that. I was happy, but, but, but… – That’s right! – Nervous. Ah, that’s true. But, he taught me so many things… while we were filming. – Things like moving more to the left or right. – He’s such a nice gentleman. – He taught me everything. – Wow. Plus, he was a superstar back then. But, he still rode on the location bus with us. – He sat in the same row as me and Sumi-chan, like this [gestures] – Wow, really? What’s amazing about Jun, is that she immediately joins the battle without any training. Honestly, what was that like? It was difficult. – I’m sure it was difficult. – It was astounding. Yes. She had to do a stupid amount of action scenes. I had to move around a lot. Yes… They had to pull out all the stops in order to make 2nd gen Yellow4 amazing. I mean really, she did so many action scenes that I can’t believe she agreed to do. What was most memorable for me was… When Jun Yabuki first arrives, she does a front flip and lands. Why do they show so many panty shots back in those days? I know, right?? [Why So Many Gratuitous Panty Shots in Tokusatsu?] I wasn’t just panty shots… I know… The camera was always positioned at a strange angle. Right? Was that a reflection of the time period? – Yes. – Right? – It was filming during the same time as Annie – From Shaider. We were trying to compete with Annie. Competing against? So, the panty shots were intentional? Well, the costume department, the action director and I all wanted my character to wear pants. Because it would be difficult to move. But, Toei wanted me in a skirt. A miniskirt. I really wanted to wear pants. I understand. – Hikaru was also like that in the beginning too, right? – Yes. I was supposed to be a university student, and students didn’t wear fluffy sweaters like that back then. – It was during the bubble economy… – Her outfit is what an old man would like. During the bubble economy, university students wore flashy, body-hugging dresses. It was supposed to be "bubbley", you know? (*bubbley – describes the fashion during the mid 80’s in Japan) So, why did I have to wear a bunny sweater and a frilly miniskirt? And, I had to wear pumps to fight! That’s difficult. I had to run in pumps on gravel! – The sounds so tough. – It wasn’t fair that everyone else wore sneakers! That’s true. I wore my own stockings, but they kept ripping. – Really? Your own? – Yes, my own. – I just wore them with tears, because it didn’t show anyways. – They were so shredded. – I couldn’t keep paying for more stockings! – That’s true! Nobody ever told me about for-show panties. – Ah, I see. – So, I just wore my real undies. – And, that frilly skirt exposed everything. – That’s true! – Especially during filming! – That’s true. Did you ask to wear pants as well? I asked to wear culottes. Ah, I see. Wow, you can really tell the difference in time periods, looking back on this. It seemed like a normal thing back then. That doesn’t happen anymore. Also, there are for-show panties. The girls now wear black ones underneath. That’s why it was so shocking to see that. We were told to wear white ones. – They did?! – They told you what color to wear? – Yes, white. So, I wore tennis panties underneath. – That way, it felt more acceptable to be seen. – Lucky! You never told me about that! But, it wasn’t much. I really disliked all of that. I see. I have a question for Makino-san. Before Sumi-san came, when the first Yellow4 disappeared… How did you feel when that happened? In the beginning, we didn’t think that she disappeared. [Continued in the Next Episode] Yuki-chan was someone you can look up to… [Preview of Next Episode] But, she was a bit of a loner. [Preview of Next Episode] – Ah, I see. – Yes, our Yellow… [Preview of Next Episode] When she disappeared… [Preview of Next Episode] Will the show get cancelled? [Preview of Next Episode] – I understand. – I thought it would end. [Preview of Next Episode] We reshot the exact same storyline with Sumi-chan. [Preview of Next Episode] Because they didn’t have time to rewrite the script. [Preview of Next Episode] You’re tearing up thinking back on it! [Preview of Next Episode] Tokusatsu fans know about this, but… [Preview of Next Episode] This episode was brought to you by Nabe-san from Hero News. Thank you for your support. Please be sure to like and subscribe to this channel. Please watch the next episode. English subtitles by Melanie Arayama.




【牧野美千子 SNS】

【古原靖久 SNS】

▼公式HP (お仕事のご依頼はコチラから)




#バイオマン #田中澄子 #牧野美千子 #ヒーロー


  1. どうやら矢野さん自身はいなくなる前日に冗談か本当か「明日いなくなるから」みたいなことを共演者?に話してたみたいですね。今から10年くらい前に千葉で働いてるとこを牧野さんと太田さんに目撃されているそうです。

  2. ヤスくん!MCとしての回し方お2人を気分良く話させる懐への入り方上手❤

  3. 当時は仮面ライダーの藤岡さんの例があったので、撮影中の事故で変わったのかなとか思ってましたが、後年矢島さんが失踪の為と聞き驚きました

  4. 当時の子供雑誌でイエローの紹介が「男まさりの力で・・・」とあり、「“まさり”って男の人がのりうつってるんだ」って、勝手にホラー要素を感じてた子供時代を思い出します。

  5. ジューノイドの1人サイゴーンの声を担当した山下啓介さんが6月8日に亡くなったことを、今週、知りました。

  6. ヒロインが2人になった戦隊シリーズですね✨後も女性2人になってます❤️西本ひろ子さんも魅力的です⤴️田中澄子✨中村容子✨前田賀奈子✨今年は鈴木美羽さん❤️爆上で全開モード⤴️⤴️

  7. 放映時、地方のお店のイベントでバイオマンショー!あったよね~。


  8. オーレンジャー(さとう珠緒さん、合田雅吏さん)との共演みたいですね。バイオマンもオーレンジャー同様ダブルヒロインでしたね。

  9. バイオマンは、子供の頃観ていた戦隊シリーズの中で1番よく観ていた作品でした。

  10. 古原靖久さん、ちゃんとバイオマンについて予習しているのが偉いです!

  11. 当時、制作側の事情なんか知るよしもなかった自分は

  12. バイオマンは俺が幼稚園の頃に放送してて毎週観てたけど、ピンクファイブの桂木ひかるが、当時幼稚園児の俺の憧れのお姉さんだったなー❤

  13. 確かに小学1~2年生当時でも

  14. 私はデンジマンが一番好きな作品ですが、バイオマンはデンジマンに似ているスーツとメカだったけどリアルなメカでした、宇宙から来た敵と地球のマッドサイエンティストの三つ巴の戦いにワクワクしました。

  15. 牧野さんは陸上部だったから足の筋肉を見てました、ハードルを披露したのも良かったです。

  16. バイオマンは敵もかっこよかったです、デンジマンと同様に敵の心配をする話しがありました。

  17. 黒崎ひかるさんはバイオマンのファラと結婚したそうですが、バイオマンが縁かな?

  18. 二代目イエローが藤竜也さんが主演?のTBSドラマでスタントマンの練習をする場面を見ました。

  19. バイオマンの郷史郎がTBSの爆報THEフライデーに出演したのを見ました、ガンを克服する夫婦は感動しました、

  20. 牧野さんは埼玉県出身ですね、

  21. バイオマンで5人の仲間が大きなソフトクリームを食べていた場面を思い出します。

  22. 私は高校時代に陸上部にいたけど、牧野さんは上尾競技場にも来ていたのかな?

  23. バイオマンのダブルヒロインにイエロー途中降板 いろいろとおもしろかったですね
    イエローはミカもジュンも黄色いスズキのバイク乗っててジュンのバイクでこけしを届けるエピソードをおぼえてますね ひかるはウィルスが蔓延した町で解毒する花を探すエピソードおぼえてます
    この時期はアクションがすごかった 田中さん砂利の崖転げ落ちてましたもんね。
    あとは夏のダブルヒロインエピソード 水着なのに雨の中で海水浴大変だなと思いました

  24. 牧野さんのご両親がそれほど厳しかった割には後年はセミヌードになっていましたが、あれはどうして許されたんですかね

  25. フランス旅行した時、ストリートミュージシャンに1ユーロを投げ銭したら「日本人か?フランスで1番有名な日本の曲を歌ってやる!」と言われバイオマン(フランスではビオマン)を歌い始めました!

  26. バイオマンは高校生だった当時、ヒーローショーのバイトでやってました。(自分は身長が低かったので、敵の戦闘員専門でしたが🥷🏻💦)

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