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BF refused my kiss cuz he had allergic to kissing, but he went to bed with another girl

BF refused my kiss cuz he had allergic to kissing, but he went to bed with another girl

After three years together even a touch from George made me feel disgusted yet he ended up in bed with his crush I became a joke Everyone was waiting for me to make amends with him But this time I didn’t show up Late at night George rarely called me on his own but I heard a man’s voice in the background He was furious If you dare touch her I’ll kill you Jeffery sweating beads on his chest with a flirtatious tone She’s really soft I should thank you after following you for three years living as a widow her first kiss still belongs to me George what’s with the hickey on your neck In the bar’s private room George’s friends pointed at his neck and asked I heard Lucy came back yesterday you went to pick her up could it be the two of you No way isn’t George supposed to be allergic to women Exactly he was with Vivian for three years and Vivian’s first kiss is still intact quite funny when you think about it You guys just don’t understand how can Vivian compare to Lucy Lucy is George’s first love his unforgettable crush That’s right if Lucy hadn’t chosen to follow his older brother abroad back then there wouldn’t even be a chance for Vivian Sitting on the sofa nearby I listened to their conversation feeling like I had been doused with cold water in the middle of winter with my blood freezing in my veins I finally noticed a dark purple hickey on George’s neck more prominent against his pale skin He listened to their discussion calmly without denying it My heart ached densely and I stared fixedly at the hickey unable to snap out of it for a moment Stop talking Lucy is here The door of the private room was pushed open and Lucy walked in wearing a black fitted dress tall and slender with wavy curls stunningly beautiful She was even more beautiful than in the photos Long time no see Lucy greeted with a sweet smile Amidst a chorus of whistles George stood up and extended his hand to her She naturally placed her hand in his and sat down beside him looking more like George’s official girlfriend than me Lucy is getting more and more beautiful Is her return this time meant to reconcile with George She smiled Don’t talk nonsense I heard George already has a girlfriend here Don’t mention it You know George has some intimacy issues especially with women He has been with his girlfriend for three years without even a kiss but as soon as you came back His friend’s tone was flirtatious Lucy’s cheeks flushed slightly she glared at George Who told them about that George smirked I didn’t say anything Is what they said true George Did you really Lucy seemed surprised and somewhat amused You and her for real George remained silent his gaze slightly colder as he looked at me My face turned pale and I was so disheveled that I couldn’t even hold the drink steadily spilling it on my skirt Lucy covered her mouth leaning into George’s arms laughing merrily You’re really something making her look so pitiful I stood up slowly wiping the water stains from my skirt with a tissue George watched coldly In those moments of hesitation the pain in my chest turned numb and I gradually became clear-headed I no longer owed George anything Three years ago George shielded my face in a car accident injuring his right hand with shattered glass He was a talented painter but lost the ability to paint due to the accident In his most desolate days the room was full of empty bottles and he would lash out at anyone who tried to get close Lucy left him during that time Filled with guilt all I wanted to know was how to make it up to him At that time with paint all over his hands sitting amidst the mess his handsome face dull as if devoid of any light what could make it up He quirked a smile somewhat sarcastic I lack nothing except a woman These three years he refused to do rehab I encouraged him to paint with his left hand gradually rebuilding his confidence Through days of practice his skills improved surpassing what he achieved with his right hand The results were even more stunning George became more dependent on me day by day Even though he was reluctant to have physical contact with me due to his psychological barriers he always wanted me within his sight to paint I understood his past and never forced him to be close to me Several times he would grab the back of my neck inching closer to my lips eyes filled with desire only to halt before any contact The more this happened the more it scratched an itch in my heart George became famous once again and it was at this time he learned of Lucy’s return Turns out he wasn’t averse to intimacy with women it was just that the woman wasn’t Lucy Two days ago I left the table after dinner wanting to get some fresh air on the terrace But I overheard a conversation between George and his friend Lucy is coming back what do you think Heard she’s broken up with your brother George lowered his gaze extinguishing his cigarette It’s good that she’s back Can’t you let her go His friend teased Vivian is also good you couldn’t even paint when Lucy hurt you it was her who helped you get through She doesn’t know your hand wasn’t that badly injured back then was it I packed my things took out George’s house keys from my bag and placed them in front of him His usually soft Vivian is showing some backbone His friend had a look of anticipation George furrowed his brows What are you doing I threw the used tissue into the trash George I have OCD I once told you that I won’t even look at things that others have used it’s true His face darkened abruptly lips pursed staring at me without a word It’s my fault Lucy with a look of apology stood up to explain We both got drunk last night I only found out today that he has a girlfriend or else Don’t say so much to her George’s expression returned to indifference Now that you’re back it doesn’t matter whether she’s here or not He looked into my eyes each word enunciated Actually I never liked her Unfortunately those words no longer pained me I gave him a slight smile before leaving noting George’s sharpened gaze on me As I exited the private room I heard his friend ask Did Vivian really walk away like that She used to be like a sticky candy couldn’t get rid of her I merely understood that I couldn’t compete with Lucy and chose to retreat It wasn’t until I stepped into the elevator that I exhaled heavily I had poured all my emotions into these three years yet I hadn’t borne any good fruit A barely audible wheeze reached my ears As my thoughts returned I noticed that the man in the elevator was Jeffery His face was flushed and he seemed unwell leaning against the elevator wall with a shaky breath as if not feeling well I instinctively moved to help him but stopped sensing something off about his condition What’s wrong You don’t seem ill Jeffrey gave me a glance Do me a favor help me to the underground parking lot I hesitated for a moment then seeing him wince in discomfort I agreed Okay I leaned in supporting his arm over my shoulder as we reached the basement level when he leaned heavily on me feeling feverish even his breath was hot Where is your car parked He whispered a location and the moist heat from his breath on my vulnerable neck made me uncomfortable wanting to put him down quickly At that moment George and his group emerged from the elevator Instinctively I moved Jeffery behind a structural pillar to hide Jeffery’s body seemed unusually limp as he groaned lowly almost collapsing onto me Wait he George look over there seems like Jeffery Is he on top of a woman right here in the parking lot Really so thirsty getting it on in a parking lot Should we go check it out I tensed not so much about George’s intentions but because of the incredibly embarrassing situation at hand Seemingly unsatisfied with the chaos Jeffery leaned in closer to my ear his hot breath causing discomfort Guess how George would react if he saw this I glared at him angrily suppressing his hand as George’s footsteps approached A panicked worry overwhelmed me about the awkwardness of it all Seemingly enjoying the chaos still unsatisfied Jeffery’s eyes filled with a watery gleam You were upset in the elevator just now must have broken up with George right I whispered softly What if I did He suddenly laughed his eyes bright Never mind George’s cold voice sounded distant Lucy and I have things to attend to let’s go After they left Jeffery finally let go of me Stepping back to calm myself a bit annoyed I said You seem pretty healthy you don’t need any help I was drugged Drugged A female boss rejected by me several times got angry and drugged me He breathed softly eyes smiling Don’t worry unlike George even if drugged I can still hold onto my principles I gritted my teeth You just leaned in so close I couldn’t resist for a moment I glared at him shocked at his words from earlier You already knew about George and Lucy So in the end I was the last to know A friend told me tonight that they saw him and Lucy having a room at the hotel He observed my expression With your personality you shouldn’t just ignore it I hung my head and after a long pause I finally spoke Three years Even if it was just out of guilt in the beginning over these three years countless days and nights spent together experiencing so much loss and joy together almost making me think we were in love The feeling of being truly let down is not easy Jeffery rubbed my head and spoke gently Okay don’t be sad anymore If you start crying later people might think I bullied you Not comforting you is fine but comforting you will actually make me a little sad My nose was tingling badly and with a hoarse voice I asked him Do you have any tissues Jeffery was slightly stunned his eyes dimmed for a moment He handed me a tissue and murmured softly If the timing were right and the occasion were right I raised my tear-filled eyes Huh Because of the heavy nasal tone and the grievance my voice trembled slightly Jeffery’s throat bobbed he covered his eyes I blame this damn medicine I suddenly understood his meaning taking a step back awkwardly Do you want me to take you to the hospital He seemed to smile Silly I just need to take a breather Or you can say something random to distract me I suggested What did you have for dinner tonight He was speechless Ask something useful Then what was the first thing you did when your eyesight returned three years ago I curiously asked Jeffery’s expression suddenly became serious I found you to see what you looked like I was taken aback never expecting that to be his answer Three years ago Jeffery was in a car accident and lost his sight I was his caretaker then Wasn’t that disappointing I chuckled trying to ease the embarrassment He shook his head I didn’t have high hopes for you to be very pretty to begin with but seeing you exceeded my expectations I couldn’t tell if that was a compliment or an insult so I touched my face thinking it must be a compliment Although you had a terrible temper at first and were very rude to me I understand it It’s difficult for anyone to accept suddenly losing their sight he said I smiled and said So I’m really happy now that you regained your eyesight He gazed at me for a moment a hint of tenderness in his eyes Yes the first time I saw you that’s how you smiled at I softly agreed But soon after you handed me a resignation letter saying you had to take care of your boyfriend injured in the accident Jeffery’s tone turned indifferent That guy he could even be your boyfriend Everyone has always thought I wasn’t good enough for George It was the first time someone said such a thing to me Since you’ve broken up you shouldn’t have to be busy around him anymore he said seriously He added Are you interested in becoming a curator at my gallery I trust your taste in art I was a bit surprised Vivian I understand your thoughts very well and I’ve never hidden mine Jeffery leaned on a structural column tilting his head to look at me But this job isn’t just for my own benefit I believe in your capabilities Six months ago my mother passed away from a serious illness Apart from being heartbroken it also meant I didn’t have to worry about exorbitant medical expenses anymore Besides I needed a job urgently to repay the debts I had accumulated After hesitating for a while and seeing the reminders on my phone about overdue payments I finally contacted Jeffery Having been George’s assistant and agent for three years participating in numerous art exhibitions and auctions I had developed my own sense of aesthetics and art appreciation along with industry insights I managed to adapt relatively well in a few days As we were nearing the end of the workday Jeffery knocked on my desk I guess I helped you out a bit so would you like to invite me for dinner Jeffery had helped me more than once A year ago when my mother’s condition was critical and required brain tumor removal surgery due to the large size of the tumor and its deep location the operation carried high risks There were very few doctors nationwide who could perform such surgeries making it extremely difficult to schedule When I was in despair it was Jeffery who helped me contact the doctor and arranged everything from preoperative preparation to postoperative hospital recovery Unknowingly I owed him a lot of favors I really should thank you I smiled at him What would you like to eat You can choose the place Jeffery smiled Alright He took me to a very romantic music restaurant where live bands performed every night Little did I expect to encounter George and Lucy there It hadn’t been long and they couldn’t resist coming to show their presence George was right she couldn’t stand it for long George was already her ceiling making quite a profit from selling paintings over the years Which woman would be willing to give that up George leaned back in his chair looking at me with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile Listening to the unabashed comments of his friends around I felt my body stiffen Jeffery returned from parking the car and put his arm around my shoulder asking gently What’s wrong Can’t find a seat I felt relief George had indeed provided me with significant financial assistance I took care of his daily life connected him with galleries for exhibitions and received a portion from every painting he sold At first I didn’t want them However my parents left me with substantial debts requiring me to work constantly to repay them leaving me with little time to spend with George After a while he became increasingly dissatisfied Instead of going out to earn peanuts when you have time why not stay by my side as my assistant I’ve told you before I can’t paint when you’re not around The money I give you should be much more generous than what you earn tutoring outside Over the three years my suffocating debt burden had eased significantly and I was very grateful to him Perhaps in George’s mind I was only helping him pick up the brush again for all that money The waiter led us to our seats and Jeffery gallantly pulled out my chair Unfortunately we were seated right next to them After placing the menu on the table and leaving I glimpsed Lucy taking a sip from George’s glass She lifted her lips probably saying something like The wine is good George had a severe germaphobe sensibility hating others touching his personal belongings let alone sharing cutlery Lucy was the only one allowed to touch him and the only one to share the same cup with him Recalling when I accidentally drank from his cup before his face instantly turned cold and I apologized frantically He just threw away the cup even though it used to be his favorite Now Lucy did the same thing but he didn’t mind at all instead he looked at her indulgently Everyone knew Lucy was George’s muse his first paintings were all for her each piece expressing his love for her Earlier my knowledge of Lucy was merely fantasy Now I truly saw how special she was to George Jeffery’s voice brought me back to reality Would you like some wine tonight I was taken aback I had a very low tolerance for alcohol one drink could knock me out and I could also behave inappropriately if I got drunk So unless there were really close friends around I usually didn’t drink alcohol It’s my birthday today Jeffery said I apologized with a smile unable to help looking around Just the two of In previous years Jeffery’s birthday celebrations had been grand His lips curled into a faint smile I don’t feel like dealing with others I just want to be with you My heart skipped a beat I had seldom been treated so special and straightforwardly by someone and I didn’t know how to respond to him so I just lowered my head and stuttered Sure As the band sang melodiously I found myself finishing my first glass and Jeffery naturally poured me another I quickly declined I can’t handle much alcohol I really can’t drink more This is fruit wine very low in alcohol content he said Do you still feel okay now Indeed apart from feeling a bit warm my head wasn’t spinning Thinking it was his birthday today I nodded and didn’t continue to stop him There was a sudden loud clash of metal cutlery and plates beside us causing me to startle I turned to see George looking at me with irritation Ignore him Jeffery said as he placed the steak he had cut onto my plate I heard this is imported beef from Australia very tender try it I reluctantly regained my senses skewering a piece of beef and putting it into my mouth I couldn’t help but smile at him with my eyes It’s really delicious He patted my head and smiled as well As long as you like it Maybe because the fruit wine’s alcohol content was indeed low even after finishing two glasses I still felt quite sober But my heart was pounding rapidly and looking into Jeffery’s eyes I couldn’t help but feel a bit dazed I’ll go to the restroom I said softly my voice trailing off very softly He nodded reminding me You’re a bit tipsy Let me find a female attendant to accompany you I shook my head placed the napkin back on the table stood up but my body couldn’t help swaying a bit Are you okay Jeffery got up and supported me George stood behind us at some point pushing away his hand that he had on my waist Don’t touch her He himself rejected my closeness feeling disgusted even by touching my hand yet not allowing other men to come close to me I had always been careful to maintain a distance with the opposite sex knowing this about him in the past But now we had already broken up There was a hint of anger in my heart but considering the public place we were in I didn’t want to make a scene I asked the waiter to change our table Jeffery calmly agreed Alright Compared to George Jeffery was much more normal George looked at me in disbelief Vivian Perhaps he never expected me to embarrass him like this Ignoring him I walked towards the restroom When I returned to the restaurant we had been moved to a corner by the wall I am sorry not only did I not bring a gift but I also ruined your mood I apologized slightly to Jeffery He smiled and nodded towards behind me I don’t think you ruined my mood I followed his gaze to see George staring at me with cold stern eyes Jeffery leaned over and planted a gentle kiss on my lips as the music in the background got louder George cursed and quickly walked over pulling Jeffery away as he punched him in the face How dare you kiss her Jeffery didn’t hold back retaliating by hitting him back fiercely The restaurant manager quickly stepped in to stop the fight I hurried to shield Jeffery whose lips were now showing signs of blood and his cheek swelling Seeing me defend Jeffery George got even angrier and wanted to strike again I stopped him If you dare touch him again I will call the police George gritted his teeth You care about him I couldn’t bear it any longer in that moment regardless of the occasion I finally snapped We have broken up a long time ago you need to control yourself He glared at me panting with anger Lucy came over holding him back She had a look of clear surprise on her face keeping her emotions in check as she softly advised George let’s go home I helped Jeffery leave What good is this blind guy George’s words were harsh and unpleasant but I responded calmly Thank you His face darkened completely I bought some medicine from a nearby pharmacy and treated his wounds a bit in the car Does it hurt I applied an ice pack on his swollen face He nodded I whispered You deserve it Was that your first kiss I stared at him pursing my lips without saying a word He chuckled looking quite pleased That was a punch worth it I tossed the ice pack to him and pretended to get out of the car It looks like you’re not in too much pain It’s already late tonight so I should go back home He quickly grabbed my hand the smile causing pain on his lips as he spoke in a hoarse voice Don’t be mad I was wrong He held my hand showing a sense of vulnerability There are still two more hours until midnight and I haven’t had cake yet His actions reminded me of three years ago after we got familiar with each other He used to be distant and cold at first but would get upset with me when feeling wronged and would apologize when he made mistakes It made me feel closer to him in a way Shall I buy you a cake then He smiled Yes After buying the cake he suggested Do you want to go back to the place where you took care of me before His proposal caught me off guard as I thought he would dislike going there After all that place held many painful memories for him Surprisingly the house was cleaned and arranged just like before Jeffery put down the cake and led me to a room As he opened the door my heart trembled The room was filled with numerous Winnie the Pooh stuffed toys neatly arranged on the bed and the table covered with a lace tablecloth I kept all these After a car accident Jeffery had temporary blindness due to a brain hemorrhage pressing on the optic nerve The doctor said it would take about three to five months for the brain to absorb the hemorrhage If vision did not return after that it would be troublesome Initially Jeffery couldn’t adapt to the darkness and became particularly irritable He would sweep everything around him to the ground refusing to eat and refusing to sit in a wheelchair He would rather stumble around on his own bruised and battered than let me help him He had driven away three or four nurses in a row and I was the only one who stayed Because he couldn’t shower alone I had to wait in the bathroom with my back turned always alert to make sure he didn’t fall Once while dressing he accidentally dropped his towel bending down to grope for it only to hit his head on the sink crying out in pain I quickly turned around to check but saw things I shouldn’t have seen and my blood boiled instantly Giving up on dressing himself he let me help him I had never been so intimately close with a young man before feeling awkward I blushed as I helped him put on his pants Why are you shaking he mocked Haven’t you seen a man before I had already gotten used to his sarcasm during that time and seeing that he had a good figure I didn’t get too angry also for the sake of money Over time I noticed a Winnie the Pooh toy by Jeffery’s bedside He treasured this toy dearly not allowing anyone else but him to touch it Given his temperament it was surprising to see him have such a childlike attachment One day I casually asked about it Thinking he would dismiss me as usual to my surprise he fell silent for a moment before sharing his past When I was eight my mom gave me this toy told me she recorded her voice inside it and said that if I missed her I could press the button and she would come back soon But until the toy broke and could no longer make sound she never came back Later I found out that she had heart problems and left for surgery but the operation failed Do you know why she only left you behind I was puzzled Why He smiled faintly Because your voice is very similar to hers in my memory To lift Jeffery’s spirits and help him cope better I made a soap opera-like move Every day I would give him a Winnie the Pooh toy recording encouraging words inside it When you collect a hundred toys your sight will return Receiving the toy he resumed his mocking mode Do you think you’re in a soap opera If it works you owe me the money Holding the toy he lowered his head in thought a brief moment later he chuckled Unfortunately three months have passed and Jeffery still hasn’t regained his sight After going back to the hospital for a checkup they said his optic nerve had slightly atrophied and needed more time to recover Although his initial reaction was much calmer than before he calmly asked me to take him back It wasn’t until a year later when I was caught in a heavy rainstorm while shopping that I rushed back worried about Jeffery being alone at home After waiting for a taxi for a long time without success finally hailing a cab I realized there was already someone inside George He was a young famous painter with a face akin to popular idols many fans following him online The driver cheerfully said This handsome guy couldn’t bear to see you in the rain so he came to pick you I was extremely surprised and thanked him profusely George had barely looked at me once and didn’t say a word Later the car rear-ended and collided with a truck leaving us both injured George’s hand was pierced by broken glass as he shielded my face It was this accident that bound together our otherwise unconnected fates Later on I learned that George had sent the driver to pick me up that day because my attire and resemblance to Lucy were quite striking After the accident I took time off work to care for Jeffery afraid he would worry about my injuries After some time I received a call from him Jeffery’s voice was filled with joy Vivian I can see again I was genuinely happy for him That’s wonderful He asked where I was and expressed his desire to see me I hesitated for a moment before apologizing Since you’ve regained your sight my work is no longer necessary It’s perfect timing I want to resign He clearly hadn’t expected my answer remaining silent for a few seconds before asking Why Do you know George He is a painter and we were in a car accident recently He injured his right hand to protect me and I need to take care of him If you don’t have time you could have just told me over the phone He took a shallow breath I like you I was stunned taking a moment before responding But I have already agreed to be his girlfriend And that’s how we missed each other After you left these Winnie the Pooh toys accompanied me through many dull nights He casually picked up a toy pressed the button and the toy waved its arms emitting my slightly awkward voice Jeffery you are an amazing person believe in yourself Keep going My toes couldn’t help but curl in embarrassment Every time I heard it I could imagine your embarrassed expression while recording the toy He smiled and my mood couldn’t help but lighten up Isn’t it because of my warm encouragement He didn’t deny it I looked at him Vivian you exude warmth He bent down and embraced me sighing lightly That’s why we are attracted to people like us In the darkest and most painful times thinking of you gave me the courage to open my eyes after a night’s sleep I regret not expressing my feelings to you in time Vivian I have waited for you for three years can you give me a chance Perhaps it was the lingering effects of alcohol in my body or maybe it was the words he said that stirred a flutter in my heart The soft light above Jeffrey’s head softened his features making his eyes look especially affectionate I tiptoed and planted a kiss on his lips He froze I asked gently a bit aggrieved It’s not that unpleasant for you to kiss me right George rejected me for three years but slept with Lucy on the first day of her return Not showing it doesn’t mean I’m not upset Jeffrey held me tightly responding to my words with his body His kiss seemed even more eager and inexperienced than mine After getting Jeffrey’s approval for the theme of the art exhibition I started preparing First I confirmed the venue arranged the lighting and decor and after learning about a renowned Japanese painter coming to the country I made great efforts to contact their team The painter had never authorized his work in the country before To secure his participation I flew to his city showing my understanding of his paintings admiration for him as a person and the alignment of his work with my theme He promised to consider it seriously and get back to us later I was unsure if this was a polite refusal or if he was genuinely considering it I couldn’t put all my hopes on just this one master While I traveled to negotiate with other artists George sent me a painting It was a portrait of Lucy I had never seen before Beautiful pure and crystal clear Her eyes seemed to hold the rain from a midsummer night cool yet tainted with the dampness and restlessness of summer oblivious to it all The painting was titled Night Dew So this was how George saw Lucy It was evident he sent this painting to provoke me After all in the past three years he had never painted anything for With George’s reputation his contribution to the exhibition would undoubtedly enhance its value and I had no reason to refuse But George got angry when he found out I didn’t reject his gesture He called to question his voice laced with unexplained anger Are you that short of money You know I’ve always been short of money I found it amusing glancing at the painting to my side I should thank you on behalf of the gallery for the painting you sent Truly a genius artist portraying Lucy so attractively I believe it will sell for a price that satisfies you The air became heavier as he dealt with the phone pressing some button and casually tossing it aside Fine this one doesn’t count I hugged him blushing and muttering It’s okay Jeffrey it’s my first time too The phone on the other side crackled followed by a man’s breath filled with anger If you dare touch her I’ll kill you It was George Jeffrey hung up and continued It wasn’t until the next noon that I woke up from extreme fatigue Turning on my phone I realized George had called me hundreds of times faintly remembering what happened last night He had heard everything too but it didn’t matter Struggling to get out of bed I found Jeffrey cooking in the kitchen The sunlight on his face made his features particularly handsome Walking barefoot over I leaned against him unable to resist asking about last night You shouldn’t be at this age He understood what I meant turning his head away awkwardly Aren’t you the one who doesn’t like touched things My heart raced as I hugged his waist You’re such a silly fool You really waited for me for three years After breakfast and a quick tidy up getting ready to go to my place to get some things I unexpectedly saw George at my doorstep He must have been waiting all night His eyes were bruised weary and exhausted his hand appeared injured fingers stained red with dried blood on the ground looking menacing George glanced at Jeffrey and then fixed his gaze on me Seeing the kiss marks on my neck his eyes darkened and his injured hand trembled slightly Did you do it last night he asked Yes Jeffrey embraced my shoulders his voice low sounding somewhat unsatisfied Vivian is really so soft George’s eyes flashed with rage Jeffrey kissed me affectionately and remarked I must thank you Following you for three years and living as a widower Vivian’s first kiss was still mine George’s forehead veins swelled his eyes completely red Touch her once more and see what happens Before I could react Jeffrey was knocked down by him This is not just about kissing her I have done many more outrageous things than that Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth but he seemed unaware still smiling provocatively She was so unfamiliar that she dared not even open her eyes touching any inch of skin would make her tremble but all of these have nothing to do with you George was completely enraged and the two of them wrestled together My attempts to stop them were in vain so I had to call the police It was only when the police arrived that they barely stopped How dare you compare yourself to me Jeffrey with bruised eye sockets and short of breath looked proud Vivian has a cleanliness obsession I have never been with another woman but what about you Jeffrey scanned him disdainfully You are too dirty George’s face turned pale With me as a witness it was proven that George was the first to strike and Jeffrey was only acting in self-defense The former ended up being detained for seven days due to fighting Jeffrey was not lightly injured but he seemed rather pleased George’s judgment wasn’t too bad at least he could see that we were a good match These were the words George said to us when we left the restaurant after they exchanged punches last time He actually remembered it all this time I felt a little helpless Fortunately there was still some time before the art exhibition opening or else showing up with such a face in front of the media might have sparked rumors among netizens again A few days later George called me Are you out I asked He was silent for a moment then said There is an issue with the painting I gave you it needs modification You mean ‘Night Dew’ I took a shallow breath That was your work from five years ago why modify it now Yes he said I will come to your gallery instead George arrived The bruises on his face had faded slightly and bandages still wrapped around his hand making him look considerably thinner I led him to the office where an easel and paints were prepared You can focus on your creation here no one will disturb you With that I prepared to leave but he stopped me George held my hand I was taken aback He rarely touched me directly After all the old him avoided women other than Lucy I tried to pull my hand away but he held on tight What’s wrong George took a step forward pinning me against the door The corners of his eyes were slightly red as if restraining emotions he lowered his head getting closer to me Isn’t this what you want Our soft lips touched his eyelashes trembled slightly unable to resist deepening the kiss Vivian I dodged in surprise unable to avoid it as he pushed past my lips hastily pushing him away George’s breath filled my senses our tongues entwined smoothly the saliva tasting sweet his eyes darkened his other hand gripping my waist Tears welled up in my eyes the once anticipated intimacy now felt repulsive I clenched my teeth and bit down hard causing George to retreat in pain glaring at me Get lost I was so angry You’re insane He probably had blood in his mouth gritting his teeth he could but I couldn’t Yes I was so dizzy with anger He can but you can’t You deceived me with a painting modification only to do this George’s chest heaved then he spoke slowly What if I told you Lucy and I never did anything I stared into his eyes Regardless of that in my eyes you’re already dirty The art exhibition opened as scheduled Featuring a renowned Japanese artist it attracted a large number of art industry professionals and media much smoother than I had expected At the banquet George also arrived He was constantly greeted and exchanged pleasantries with those around him his expression aloof not responding to anyone Others eventually left him alone but George came up to me The look in his eyes was complex with emotions I couldn’t quite discern Congratulations I remained silent then raised my glass with a smile Congratulations to you too ‘Night Dew’ fetched quite a high price In the end he did modify that painting That day before leaving he dipped his hand into the red paint stroking the painting smudging Lucy’s face Yet this stroke added another layer of meaning Beneath the image of a pure maiden her eyes held jealous redness her face splotched with desire After the banquet George asked for some time to talk to me Before I could respond Jeffrey took me to introduce me to a prominent figure in the business world smiling and gracious I had a poor tolerance for alcohol but today was no exception So on the way home I rolled down the car window letting the city’s scent flow in with the evening breeze dispersing the alcohol lingering on me Actually I had been very anxious before today afraid of not doing well afraid of ruining the art exhibition and disappointing your expectations I stuttered out You did well even exceeded my expectations Jeffrey reassured me softly Your performance today has turned you into a walking business card and more people will discover your brilliance in the future My nose tingled trying to hide it I jokingly said Does that mean I am going to get rich He laughed Yes I rested my head on his shoulder Thank you Jeffrey At my wedding with Jeffrey I saw the painting George had called me to his house for that day Turns out he had painted me In the painting I was wearing a green dress bending down patiently instructing him to paint with his left hand He looked calm a faint smile on his lips appearing extremely close and dependent on me The floor was littered with crumpled paper and spilled paint and the bandages on the artist’s right hand had already been mostly removed revealing an undamaged hand The faint morning light shone through the window casting sunlight on his determined left hand holding the paintbrush The painting was titled Left Hand I forever lost my left hand That day George announced his retirement from the art world Lucy’s epilogue She called him asking if he would pick her up from the airport He hesitated Vivian was waiting for him at home to celebrate her birthday In the past two years he had forgotten but this time for some reason he remembered Lucy sensed his hesitation and spoke more softly George it’s been so long I miss you He remained silent then said Okay It wasn’t that he couldn’t see through her facades It was just that no matter what she said he was still willing to believe He went to meet her In the restaurant she was drunk her eyes red tears streaming down She said George I divorced him She said What I was pursuing it was just a misconception He drove her to the hotel As the door opened she hugged him her voice almost sobbing Now that I’m back is it too late He lowered his head to look at her In his mind flashed back to the scorching summer ten years ago filled with cicadas’ cries and suffocating heat A young him pushing open the bedroom door only to see bodies of a man and a woman entwined bare abhorrent and despicable The air reeked of sour decay Along with his mother’s flushed cheeks and the man’s contorted face She was having an affair with his uncle He remembered vomiting He fell ill for a long time with a high fever that wouldn’t subside plagued by nightmares At that time Lucy told him that her dad was cheating too Her mom was very sad crying every day She was so angry with her dad and felt so sorry for her mom If it were me I would never do something to hurt my family Me too he said Because of that vow they decided to be together To be the person who would never betray each other Lucy became his muse His only muse She was a sanctuary in his heart But later on She fell in love with his brother They kissed in private tongues entwined as if the nightmare of their youth was replaying She was panic-stricken but never explained After that he found himself unable to paint No matter how hard he tried all he saw in his mind were the images of his mother’s affair alternating with scenes of Lucy entwined with his brother He tore up the canvases and threw them in the trash trembling all over So dirty And then he met Vivian A car accident injured right hand The girl felt deeply guilty and asked him if there was any way she could make it up to him Upon hearing about his injury Lucy left an apology letter and promptly followed his brother abroad the news of their marriage soon followed He sneered I lack nothing except for a woman Then Vivian became his girlfriend But she was always just a substitute A substitute for when Lucy wasn’t around Coming back to reality he looked at Lucy before him She was still so beautiful three years had passed yet she hadn’t changed a bit He loved Lucy It was an obsession rooted deep within him He knew he couldn’t let her go He closed his eyes slowly holding her I’ve been waiting for you Lucy driven by alcohol kissed him They both fell onto the bed There was no overwhelming longing or passion one would expect from a long-awaited reunion Faced with her closeness he felt somewhat uneasy a feeling he had never had before He held Lucy kissing her forehead Give me some more time In a bar a few friends discussed his past with Lucy That was supposed to be a reception prepared for Lucy’s return to the country Vivian was the only one who was unaware Watching the marks on his neck Vivian understood everything He didn’t expect her to break up with him so decisively She said I don’t want something that has been used by others Not anymore When he heard that his heart clenched suddenly a mix of pain and panic washed over him Vivian was clearly just a substitute for Lucy when she wasn’t around Since she was just a tool he didn’t need to care about her thoughts and feelings He ignored the strange feeling in his heart When Lucy returned everything should have gone back to how it was before But he still couldn’t paint with his right hand Lucy leaned on his shoulder a smile playing on her lips softly reminiscing about the beautiful memories they had shared It should have been a warm scene but in his mind he saw the look the girl gave him felt the warmth of her breath as she crouched beside him and remembered her soft touch and elusive fragrance She gently held his left hand encouraging him to pick up the brush and he couldn’t refuse Her lips were soft and glossy His breathing became heavier The thought of kissing her felt so desirable At first these thoughts were fleeting quickly dismissed because of his aversion to sex due to witnessing his mother’s infidelity Even normal physical contact with women made him uncomfortable But somehow he couldn’t stop these strange thoughts about Vivian from growing stronger A week later he ran into Vivian at a restaurant What made him uneasy was seeing Jeffrey by her side Jeffrey didn’t hide his attraction to her It felt unbearable to see him immediately pouncing on her after their separation Jeffery kept filling her glass with alcohol despite knowing she couldn’t handle it Vivian the clueless woman didn’t seem to notice He felt irritated for some reason wanting to cut off Jeffrey’s hand placed around her waist so he would never touch her again Soon something even more infuriating happened Jeffrey kissed her He hadn’t even kissed Vivian yet so how dare Jeffrey A surge of jealousy overwhelmed him causing him to lose control in a moment of blindness By the time he regained his senses Vivian was standing in front of Jeffrey protecting him He heard his voice filled with jealousy What’s so great about him But I guess you two match well Vivian said Thank you Upon hearing those words his heart felt a sudden pang Even though Lucy was back with him he couldn’t paint anything anymore Every time he returned to the studio sitting in front of the easel a flurry of emotions overwhelmed him anxious confused and every time he looked up or down that woman’s image was everywhere Even with his eyes closed she still appeared in his mind In a messy studio Lucy cried beside him Suddenly he realized that he cared more about that woman than he thought Things started spiraling out of control On his birthday he waited all day in the studio for her wanting to give her the portrait he painted for her That was his painting of her From morning to night she didn’t show up He called her and heard soft moans intermingled at the other end He had never heard her so captivating before Jeffery this is my first time too While he was hung up on the phone he knew the conversation continued He’s bombarded with sensual images in his mind vividly imagining all of Vivian’s features being explored by another man in territories he never ventured A bittersweet taste rose in his throat as he stared at the glass shards deeply embedded in his palm This time he knew Vivian wouldn’t care anymore He sought out Vivian It was ridiculous Now even with Lucy’s portrait he needed it to have a chance to see her He wanted to tell her that he had overcome his demons that he wouldn’t treat her the same as before that his feelings for Lucy were just adolescent infatuation and obsession But now he realized she wasn’t who he imagined He wanted to say Vivian I love you Yet Vivian’s expression was so disdainful She said George you’re tainted in my eyes Eventually he saw clearly Vivian and Jeffrey were happy together much happier than with him Jeffrey unlike him had the ability to love to help Vivian become a better version of herself Jeffrey was indeed much better than him And he well he could no longer find someone to let him paint with his left hand He had lost his left hand long ago

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  1. When you lose opportunity given to you, it's very difficult to get a chance again. So, don't lose your opportunity and always live in the moment. Don't regret what you lost. These are the teachings which this story has taught us.
    Even though George did not spend time with Lucy, still he didn't explain it to Vivian and also, he hurt her terribly. So, there wasn't a reason for her to stay with George after her humiliation. She has taken a bold step to break up from George. Good 👍👍! Well done ! 👍👍❤❤ Thanks 👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤❤

  2. I like the ending. George is hypocrate, he can't touch any other woman but he slept with his sister-in-law..Gross🤮🤢So discusting. He hate his mother infidelity but he is the same with his mother and even worst. He cheated on his GF and he shared same woman with his brother😂😂

  3. It's sad when you have to lose someone to realize how important they are to you, and seeing the love that you took for granted and being given to someone else is even more painful, learn to love and appreciate what you have instead of pining over something that should have been left in the past, and to never confuse obsession with love.

  4. Why is the narrator sounds like she's being chased? She's talking too fast. Did the AI forgot that there's a full stop (period) in sentences?

  5. Jeffrery shpuld thank George every day that he spends with Vivian cause Groege not only never touched or kissed her, he let that amazing woman go to hook up with that trashy SIL More power to him, but he made a bad trade. Even though Vivian would think it was a waste of her time andove, she actually accumulated some very practical and useful work skills that help Jeffrery and she can use to earn money to get rid of her debts. George is big time regretting his bad decisions, cold indifference, and neglect. Lucy is just used goods. At this point, karma has played out, and Vivian and Jeffrery are the clear winners. It's karmic justice that the intimate affection that George withheld from Vivian was on full display between between her and Jeffrery on that phone call. Basically, George got a freebie on an unintentional phone sex call. Bwahhh!

  6. He cheated on her. He was with our FL when he was making out with his ex. Douche bag, what did he expect her to do except leave his trifling butt alone

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