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Ariana Grande angers Dahmer victim’s family

Ariana Grande angers Dahmer victim’s family

Ariana Grande just seriously pissed off the mother of a Jeffrey dmer victim okay so Ariana Grande recently explained on pen badgley’s podc crust show that she had and might still have a fascination with serial killers and that when she was younger she was talking to a group of kids and their parents and someone asked if she could have dinner with anyone living or dead who would it be and so she says to the parents can I answer this question honestly and then here’s her quote they were like sure what’s the answer and I was like I mean Jeffrey dmer is pretty fascinating Jeffrey dmer killed 17 men and boys most of whom were people of color from 1978 to 1991 Ariana Grande continued I think I would have loved to have met him you know maybe with a third party or someone involved but I have questions so in response to this Shirley Hughes the mother of Tony Hughes who was killed by dmer in 1991 spoke out to the Press saying to me it seems like she’s sick in her mind it’s not fancy or funny to say you would have wanted to have dinner with him it’s also not something you should say to young people which she says she did

Ariana Grande just seriously angered the mother of a Jeffrey Dahmer victim (Source: Newsweek, Podcrushed, TMZ) #arianagrande #jeffreydamher

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  1. Please, do not enable Hybristophiliacs and their weird love obsession towards killers. This sort of thing is weird. Very. EXTREMELY. Weird. I like true crime as well because I think it’s insane that humans can do scary and messed up things to other humans without considering the people they are hurting. But that’s about it. Anyone who kills for fun or does some disgusting act is not fit to live amongst us. Liking or doing on a date with them just because they are ‘interesting’ based on what they’ve committed is disrespectful to the family members. And quite frankly it’s hella disgusting. Like I said, to not enable this sort of behavior to Hybristophiliacs. 😐😐

  2. i get where Ariana was coming from, she wants to meet Dahmer to ask questions and get a glimpse into thw mind of a serial killer but.. the way she worded it was so weird

  3. Ik it’s weird for her to want to have met him, but js let her live her own life with her own “fantasies.” I don’t get y yall r hating on her so much cuz of that

  4. She's curious like everyone else who watched the dahmer series on netflix, stop making her seem like the bad guy

  5. I love the psychology behind serial killers and their minds. But i wouldn’t want to sit down with ted bundy and ask him questions about murdering 25 young women..

  6. I’m not defending her but Hollywood normalizes and desensitizes a lot (if there was no movies showcasing what he’s done she most likely never would’ve Thought like this) considering lots of others no doubt feel the same

  7. Homewrecker, “quirky”, and wishes she could’ve had dinner with Dahmer. The list just keeps going on and on with her.

  8. I find it even more interestingly disturbing that she said she would liked to have dinner with Jeffery Dahmer considering the fact that he practiced cannabilism on his victims.

  9. Y'all wtf she never said she's romantically interested in him, she's simply curious in his complexe psychopathic psychology.

  10. I understand her completely, for example I more than hate the things the dictator of the third reich did whom I can’t name but I’d love to sit down with a translator and have a discussion with him

  11. Here me out, I think Tony's mother is extremly distraught by the loss of her son. I think its easy for her to be upset. I think wanting to ask a serial killer questions is extremely valid. She claims they are fascinating, and its not idolizing him.. its trying to understand why a horrible person would do what they do. Sure, Ariana could be romantisizing him in her head, but we cant necessarily prove that(daughter of someone who worked with serial killers)

  12. I dont think its that big of a deal if I could I would I mean when someone is a cannibal and a crazy serial killer you have questions while it a little weird it makes sense when you like true crime you have questions so if you could get answers then you take the opportunity.

  13. ??? she meant she wanted to ask him questions as if she was doing research.. you guys reach so far

  14. i get what she’s saying because she’s talked about how she finds criminals and horror characters interesting but it seems kinda weird to have wanted to meet them but we have to remember she was young and probably didn’t know much when she answered it

  15. People idolize serial killers. And like to dress up like them for Halloween. Im not talking about jason, freddy krueger or ghost from scream. I mean real serial killers with very real victims who are rarely remembered. Do not idolize real life killers. Just dont.

  16. I would like to talk to him to try to understand what was going on in his mind. My mom is a correctional case worker and she almost got the chance to meet Charles Manson but he died before she got to. She was so upset, I would have been too. Just to hear what was going on in his mind would have been fascinating

  17. imagine you son got killed by a serial killer everyone knows and you have to take a stance at people who randomly at any time they want talk about one of the most traumatising things that happened in your life… its so sad some people never get peace

  18. Yall don’t realize that out of every dead and living person she chose a serial killer not a dead relative or someone who isn’t a serial killer. A dinner is an intimate thing not an interview. You guys are so desensitized to true crime those were real people real victims in my opinion no one should have a say in what is okay to say about it other than the families of the victims. Because it happened to their loved ones.

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