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[SUB] 비 오는 날 즐기는 도쿄! 시즈오카 여행✈️| Trip Diary in 시즈오카현 2편 | 카시노이치, 에스펄스 드림플라자, 아오바 오뎅 거리 요코초, 마루코랜드

[SUB] 비 오는 날 즐기는 도쿄! 시즈오카 여행✈️| Trip Diary in 시즈오카현 2편 | 카시노이치, 에스펄스 드림플라자, 아오바 오뎅 거리 요코초, 마루코랜드

Hello everyone, today I am at Shimizu Station in Shizuoka Prefecture. *I was invited by the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS). This is the second part of our Shizuoka series. In the first part, we mainly introduced the scenery of Shizuoka. This time, we’ve prepared a relaxing travel course Shall we go together? Part 2 of Shizuoka with Mina starts now! *Kashinoichi Located at Shimizu Port, which boasts the highest tuna catch in Japan, this seafood market offers fresh and diverse seafood at affordable prices. We’ve arrived at our first location, Kashinoichi Fish Market. It’s a 10-minute walk from Shimizu Station. Here is the main entrance. (On the left) there is the Maguro-kan, the Tuna Hall, and (on the right) there is the Ichiba-kan, the Market Hall. We will start with the Ichiba-kan~ This is the Ichiba-kan! Oh? There’s also a map. There are an incredible number of restaurants here. Remember, everyone, they are closed on Wednesdays, so be careful! It looks pretty spacious~ Let’s take a look around! Wow, this is my first time seeing this, *Sakura shrimp: A famous specialty of Shizuoka. there’s a wide variety of dishes related to sakura shrimp. I’ve heard that Shizuoka’s specialties include tuna, whitebait, and sakura shrimp. Especially, sakura shrimp can be caught in Suruga Bay, located in Shizuoka Prefecture. They’re savory and delicious, and they sell a lot of them here. And do you know what so-iuy mullet is, everyone? This little guy right here is so-iuy mullet These little fish are caught a lot here. I have to try shirauo too… really… Oh? Arigatou gozaimasu~ Guys, you can try shirauo here! Mmm…! It’s really delicious…!! I’ve tasted Shizuoka’s specialty shirauo, and eating it here makes it really plump and tasty. Although the fish smell is strong, the place is quite clean~ (There are a lot of Shizuoka souvenirs too~) I thought they only sold fish, but there are also many omiyage (souvenirs)~ Wow..! Happy Turn…! With sakura shrimp powder! It’s the usual snack, but as a Shizuoka limited edition, they sprinkle sakura shrimp powder on it. Wow, that’s special…! Actually, I was worried because it’s raining today, but since this place is indoors, it’s great because we can shop without getting wet. It’s also close to Shimizu Station! But now we’re going to a restaurant, so let’s calm down our excitement! We’ll have a meal at the Maguro-kan next door. I studied reviews diligently and found a place that I thought would be good! It’s right here! Dai-chan! Today’s lunch is tuna donburi (tuna bowl). I trust my instincts; it’s going to be delicious, right? Everything looks so delicious… How do I choose? It said this was the number one popular dish here. Since we’re here, we have to try it! I’ll have this! Mina: The number one popular dish, please~ Staff: We’re sold out ㅠㅠ Mina: Sold out..? It’s gone~ The limited quantity menu we wanted to try is sold out. It’s so popular that we couldn’t get it ㅠㅠ To make up for the disappointment, we got tuna katsu! If you order from the menu, tuna katsu is all-you-can-eat~! Even Japanese people might find tuna katsu surprising. I can’t believe it’s all-you-can-eat~ Let’s eat~ Crunchy~ Mmm! It’s absolutely amazing..? The tuna flavor is so strong that you can tell it’s good tuna just from this. It’s so delicious and all-you-can-eat, isn’t that too kind? All our ordered dishes have arrived! Guys, I feel like a rich person~ Look at the amount of tuna. As expected, Shizuoka catches about half of the tuna consumed in Japan. Shizuoka catches about half of the tuna consumed in Japan. It looks delicious, shall we try it? First, I’ll pour some soy sauce and eat the shiniest piece ! Oh~ It melts in your mouth, and the tuna flavor is so strong! Wow, I have to eat it with rice~ A big bite, wow~ Delicious! When I eat it with rice, the tuna tastes even sweeter..! Amazing! The freshness and fatty tuna are truly excellent..! It melts… The name of this place is Tuna Kingdom, right? It truly is a Tuna Kingdom!! The cooked ones are delicious, and the raw ones are delicious! Everything is delicious~ Wow, I really enjoyed my meal here~ The portions were so thick and big, just like the models displayed! I am very satisfied~ I’m full~ Happy ❤️ *S-Pulse Dream Plaza A commercial complex located at Shimizu Port. In addition to shopping and gourmet food, you can enjoy various events, and the popular Japanese manga ‘Chibi Maruko-chan Land’ is a highlight. Second location – S-Pulse Dream Plaza. We’ve entered, and I’ve heard there are many great sushi places here. The displays are impressive and on a grand scale! On the first floor, there’s Sushi Yokocho. For those who couldn’t visit Kashi No Ichi Fish Market, you can shop and eat here instead~ On the second floor, there’s a shopping center where you can buy various items, and there’s also a corner for the S-Pulse soccer team! A familiar face! This was the debut team of player Ahn Jung-hwan in the J-League! There’s also a Sushi Museum, which was perfect for sightseeing😊 And the highlight of S-Pulse, Chibi Maruko-chan Land. When you think of S-Pulse, you must visit here! Maruko is a Nine-Year-Old: a manga drawn by the original author Momoko Sakura, based on her memories of living in Shizuoka. In Korean, it’s called ‘Maruko is a Nine-Year-Old! In Japanese, ‘Chibi Maruko-chan!’ We’ve arrived at Chibi Maruko-chan Land~ Maruko~~ When you pay the entrance fee, you get this ticket, which looks like a passport and you can collect stamps inside. I’ll take many photos~ The cuteness is overwhelming from the entrance~ Seeing this brings back old memories. Here, you can see furniture and electronics from the 1970s in Japan, making you feel like you’ve stepped into the Showa era of the animation~ I’ve stamped the first seal This area recreates Maruko’s classroom with her friends and teacher! Little Maruko~ Big Maruko~ Teacher! Me! I used to clean by patting things outside like this, it’s been a while~ It was so fun to write on the blackboard again after a long time! It’s been a while since I’ve seen chalk too A secret base hidden away! (Discovered a secret base at the playground..!) The secret base was detailed even inside! It brought back so many memories of playing with friends when I was a child~ The author’s manuscripts and animation production materials are also on display! There are various interactive zones and photo spots, which are great! I really felt like I returned to my childhood. It was so exciting haha Am I the only one excited? haha You can’t miss the souvenir shop, right?! There were so many cute items. It was a place that brought back the innocence and memories of childhood~ On a rainy day like today, spending the day at S-Pulse is a really great idea. There’s even a free shuttle bus from Shimizu Station, so you can come comfortably~ Moving on to the last location! Last Location = Oden Street + Yokocho It was a 2-minute walk from Yokocho~ We’ve come to Oden Street, and it looks a bit more festive with the flower decorations. There are small bars lined up on both sides. Shall we take a walk? It’s like a collection of small counter seats, similar to those in Midnight Diner. We’ve decided on this place for today! I’m trying kurohanpen for the first time. I heard it’s a representative dish of Shizuoka oden, so let’s give it a try~ Hmm~ It’s denser than I expected. It’s quite packed. I heard kurohanpen is made by grinding fish bones whole, and I can taste a bit of the bone, so this is definitely a new experience! The flavor from the bones is a bit different. *Fish Powder (Dashi-ko): A seasoning made by mixing fish powder and green seaweed powder I wonder what it will taste like with fish powder sprinkled on it? The taste of kurohanpen with fish powder…?! Guys, imagine it tastes a bit like katsuobushi (bonito flakes), and it makes the fish flavor more intense. But it’s a bit different from the oden I know, which is fascinating~ And I’m curious about this too, Shinodamaki! The owner introduced it as something you can only eat here in Shizuoka. So unique~ It’s like a new door has opened, and it makes me realize there are still so many foods in the world I haven’t tried! It simply tastes like the oden I know wrapped in tofu skin. And because the tofu skin soaks up a lot of broth, the broth flavor becomes more pronounced and it’s even tastier! I didn’t expect the beef tendon to be this large. This is really about enjoying the chewy texture. It’s not like it’s super soft and melts in your mouth, but the more you chew, the more beef flavor comes out, and I think that’s the charm of it. And guys, when you think of Yokocho, you can’t forget about alcohol, right? This is called ‘Ochawari,’ a mix of soju and green tea. We need to toast~ Cheers~ It can be a bit tough to drink just soju, so mixing it with green tea makes it easier to drink. My rough thoughts~ My anxious eyes~ It’s a rough feeling..! You know what I mean, right? Haha PD: I need to drink it one more time! Mina: Then you have to sing that song. My rough thoughts~~~~ PD: Then I won’t drink it.. (firmly) Mina: Drink! Drink! Drink comfortably~ It was so delicious that we added more to the menu! It looks delicious..❤️ I had a wonderful time with the PDs who came with me~ Eating delicious food with good people made me even happier.. ❤️ How was the Shizuoka trip with me today? This time, we explored downtown Shizuoka, enjoyed fresh seafood from Shizuoka, met Maruko-chan, went shopping, and finished with delicious oden in the Oden Street. It feels like a perfect day..❤️ Since Shizuoka is just a 50-minute Shinkansen ride from Tokyo, (I recommend ‘Shizuoka’ for a trip near Tokyo!) Why don’t you all try traveling to Shizuoka? That’s it for today’s video~

#후지이미나 #일본여행 #시즈오카

이번에는 시즈오카 도심 속에서 즐겨 봤어요!
취향에 따라 자연과 도심을 함께 만끽할 수 있는
도쿄 근교 여행으로 ‘시즈오카’ 추천드려요💌


This time, I enjoyed watching it in the city center of Shizuoka!
You can enjoy nature and the city center according to your preference
I recommend ‘Shizuoka’ for a trip near Tokyo. 💌

📍 카시노이치 수산시장

📍에스펄스 드림플라자

📍아오바 오뎅거리

한중일3국협력사무국의 초대로 방문하게 되었습니다!
I was invited by the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS).

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  1. 일본의 특징은 천으로 입구 얼굴쪽을 가려놔. 그 특징이 있어. 한국은 그런것이 없는데, 일본은 항상보면 천으로 입구쪽을 위쪽을 가려놓아. 뭔 차이일까?

  2. 와~ 오키나와 살고 있어서 참치는 항상 냉동하지 않은 생참치회로 푸짐하게 먹는데, 소개해주신 다이짱 참치는 정말 맛있어 보이네요~~
    근데 이번 영상 미나님 미모는 진짜 역대끕으로 빛나네요 ㅋ

  3. ❤오~!!참치의 50%가 시즈오카군요~^^* 마루코!!캬^^
    잼나게 여행하세욥~!!

  4. 한국어를 저보다 잘 하시네요🥰 실치는 처음 들어보는데 뭘까요? 영상 매일 올려주세요

  5. 清水港の名物は~、マグローとさーくらえび~、おでんよーこーちょ~♪ 見たか~聞いたーかー、あのでーかまーるこ~。♪😂 なんて歌が頭の中で流れてきました。(◔‿◔) 笑 さすが海辺だけあってすごい豊富な魚介類に驚きです。😮❤ マグロカツが食べ放題と言うのも更に驚きー!マグロってエラと硬い眼球、そして使えない骨の部分以外は捨てる所が無いのでそれをお客様に提供するのは素晴らしいです。❤

    静岡は子供の頃に行きそびれた所でずっと気になっていた場所なんすよ。箱根の後になぜか逆方面の仙台へ行った時でした。╮(◔‿◔;)╭ 確か、母が伊達政宗のファンだったからとか? 後でそれを知った自分は「やっぱりアホや~。。。」とお袋に言いました。😂 当時生牡蠣が食べれなかった自分はただわけのわからない場所を長々と連れ回されて苦手な牡蠣(今は大好きですが)を食べに行った記憶しかありません。(;◔ ‿ ◔)>  箱根ロープウェイで「かあちゃんがへーこいたー」と言って頭はたかれ、周りを笑わせた時の仕返しだったのかもしれません。🤣

  6. 우와 참치왕국이라니 시즈오카 버킷리스트에 담아 갑니다. 1~2편 잘 보고 가요~~~ 미나님 짱~~~~ ^^

  7. さてさてさーて!新潟の『水の末裔』の案内役をやり、次は長岡の花火祭はいかがでしょうか?😜

  8. Thanks!



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