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The Evil Uri’s Mother: Single mother and terrible hardships push it hard to come to Uri’s love,

The Evil Uri's Mother: Single mother and terrible hardships push it hard to come to Uri's love,

The Evil Uri’s Mother: Single mother and terrible hardships push it hard to come to Uri’s love,

The Evil Uri’s Mother: Single mother and terrible hardships push it hard to come to Uri’s love,
#lýtửtiêu #lytutieu #goodheartedman #kindman #LýTửTiêu #singermom #singlemother #singermon


  1. I think at this point egan is the better choice for her , Uri is a mamas boy and would not believe she does no wrong ,egan is wise and smarter then Uri . Yes he messed up at first but he has redeemed his mistakes by always helping and beingthere for her . Let Uri go go to egan he truly loves you more then Uri .

  2. Egan will find her again but will not get the credit , he dontget credit for anything he does , Uri does . 😮

  3. Meu Deus até quando você vai ficar vai acreditar nessa mulher deixa de ser boba conta logo para o Yuri vai embora para sua casa você já sabe onde você mora

  4. Egan will find her again but will not get the credit , he dontget credit for anything he does , Uri does . 😮 You need to go to Uri and tell him what his mom and that wicked woman keep doingto you then let Uri go walk away from him cause you will never be truly happy with him , egan is the real hero in all this he is the only one searching and finding and solving things out , don't let egan go he loves you so much . 😢

  5. URI, Van is the cruel one and wants you to herself and bringing your mom into her confidence. You need to be careful if you want Tieu.

  6. You’re from one problem to another are you so simple minded that you can’t think for yourself,something affects your brain,because how you don’t know your enemy,you know I don’t feel sorry for you. Because you are just plain stupid,

  7. Zdreanță de femeie dacă aș fi în locul lui Țiu te aș scuipa in față și pe tine și pe prietena ta Van voi care a ți pus la cale răpirea și acuma a ți dus-o iar departe de casă poliția trebuie să intervină pentru fapta care au facut-o in loc să o ducă acasă că de multe zile nu a mâncat nu s a schimbat de haine nu s a spălat ardatear focul de zdreanță de babă Tieu să nu o ierți dute la poliție și fă reclamație contra lor

  8. Li pôr favor não acredita nessas mulheres só querem te destruir eu quero que você saia daí quero que Yuri te encontre você esteja bem, me conte toda a verdade para ele sem omitir nada será a prova de amor maior que você pode dar a ele❤❤❤?!.

  9. Uri, please be aware that after your girl friend was found by Edan, and the police, Van ( your mothers friend) who claims to love you came with a new plan with your mother to punish Tieu by sending her back to the forest. Your mother sent her back to the forest. Ask her to explain why she listen to Van because everyone knows Van hates Tieu. Your mother always listen to Van. She doesn’t know that Van is a crook, a lier, and a cheat.

  10. 😮😮😮s hola no entiendo para que les cree la gente no cambia y más si son de mal corazón no les interesa como pásate la noche en eso oscuro frío que orible si es que se le llama señora y la otra que es más joven y son idénticas para ser daño😮😮😮

  11. I am staring to get upset, because tieu needs to tell uri what his mother and that evil girl told her. He needs to know the thruth😢

  12. Please Uri don't even try to ask that bad girl she's bad news please don't listen to her just try by hard to find your love n please pray for your mum .

  13. Open your eyes Mama boy ( Uri ) your mother is the culprit to everything that has and is happening to your girlfriend !!

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