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映画『ロード・オブ・ザ・リング/ローハンの戦い』日本版予告 2024年12月27日(金)公開

映画『ロード・オブ・ザ・リング/ローハンの戦い』日本版予告 2024年12月27日(金)公開



(吹替版/字幕版同時公開 ※一部劇場除く)

騎士の国ローハンは偉大なるヘルム王に護られていた。しかし突然の攻撃を受け、王国の平和が壊されていく。すべての運命は、一人の若き王女ヘラに託された!最大の敵はかつて共に育ったヘラの幼馴染ウルフ。果たしてヘラは、国の民の未来を救えるのか!? “あの指輪”をめぐる壮大な冒険へと繋がる、まだ誰も知らない伝説の戦いの幕が開ける!



#LotR #ロードオブザリング
© 2024 Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved.


  1. And what is the animation studio? Because it seriously looks very interesting to see…

  2. Okay, but why does the frame rate looks like 12 fps, it does not look fluid at all and looks stuttering.
    (Google翻訳) Okay。しかし、フレームレートは12fpsのように見えますか、それは流動的ではなく、吃音のように見えます。

  3. ええやん。世の中指輪物語の良さにようやく気づき始めたか。

  4. hilarious how this feels so different from the english trailer
    its still a skip, another girl boss boring movie rather than the actual story they're ripping off of
    if they wanted a generic fantasy world with a female lead, just make that instead then

  5. Stick to the lore, AI came up with something better than this. Hera is fake ass fanfic.

    Title: The War of the Rohirrim

    Prologue: The Rise of Rohan

    The film opens with the establishment of Rohan, highlighting Eorl the Young’s alliance with Gondor. Eorl’s aid in the Battle of the Field of Celebrant secures the land for his people. Helm Hammerhand is introduced as a formidable and revered king, whose reign brings stability and prosperity to Rohan. His two sons, Háma and Haleth, are portrayed as his pride and future leaders.

    Act I: Helm Hammerhand’s Reign

    Setting: Rohan, during Helm’s rule.

    [Scene 1: The Might of Helm]

    Helm Hammerhand is depicted as a king of immense strength and valor. His leadership is shown through his involvement in various battles and his efforts to maintain peace within Rohan. Helm’s sons, Háma and Haleth, are active in defending the kingdom and supporting their father’s rule. The family dynamic is portrayed as strong and united, with Helm’s sons following in his footsteps.

    [Scene 2: The Growing Threat]

    The peace of Rohan is disrupted by the rise of the Dunlendings, led by their vengeful chieftain, Wulf. The film explores Wulf’s motivations, driven by envy and a desire for revenge. Tensions escalate into a full-scale invasion, with Wulf aiming to seize Rohan’s fertile lands.

    Act II: The Siege of Helm’s Deep

    Setting: Helm’s Deep, the fortress in the White Mountains.

    [Scene 1: The Siege Begins]

    The Dunlendings, led by Wulf, lay siege to Helm’s Deep. Helm Hammerhand, with his sons Háma and Haleth, leads a valiant defense. The film highlights the siege’s intensity and the Rohirrim’s struggle to withstand the attackers. Helm’s leadership and his sons' bravery are central to the defense, showcasing their resilience and tactical prowess.

    [Scene 2: Helm’s Valor and Tragic Losses]

    As the siege drags on, Helm leads a daring sortie against the Dunlending forces. Despite his heroism, Helm’s efforts are met with tragic losses. Both Háma and Haleth are killed in the ensuing battles, deepening the sorrow of Helm’s people and marking a turning point in the conflict. Helm’s eventual death occurs during a final desperate battle, as he is overwhelmed by the Dunlending forces.

    Act III: The Aftermath and Legacy

    Setting: Post-siege Rohan, transitioning to new leadership and events.

    [Scene 1: The Coronation of Fréaláf]

    In the wake of Helm’s death, Rohan is left in mourning. The film depicts the ascension of Fréaláf Hildeson, Helm’s nephew, who is crowned the new King of Rohan. The coronation is portrayed with grandeur and reverence, symbolizing hope and the continuity of Rohan’s leadership.

    [Scene 2: Saruman Obtains Isengard]

    The film shifts to a scene where Saruman is introduced in a more prominent role. After the fall of Helm’s Deep, Saruman, portrayed as a figure of authority and influence, approaches Rohan. He is shown acquiring Isengard, establishing his stronghold and subtly asserting his dominance. Saruman’s interactions with Fréaláf and the Rohirrim hint at his ulterior motives, laying the groundwork for his future betrayal.

    [Scene 3: Saruman’s Deception and Manipulation]

    Saruman’s acquisition of Isengard is depicted with a sense of foreboding. He is shown making strategic moves and forming alliances, all while concealing his true intentions. His interest in Rohan’s strength and strategic position foreshadows his later actions in The Lord of the Rings, where he will seek to undermine both Rohan and Gondor.

    [Scene 4: Reflection and Resolution]

    The film concludes with a reflection on Helm Hammerhand’s legacy. Helm’s Deep stands as a monument to his bravery and sacrifice. The camera pans over the fortress and the landscapes of Rohan, capturing the enduring spirit of the Rohirrim. The final scenes emphasize the resilience of the Rohirrim and the ongoing vigilance required to protect their realm.

  6. ドラマ版の波よ聞いてくれ。の時から思ってたけど小芝風花って滑舌良いし一音一音しっかり聞こえるから声優向いてるよね

  7. すみません。これは観ないです。ロードオブザリングで女主人公はイマイチなや。

  8. 日本製アニメで製作することでポリコレに侵されずに済むのか…、
    ハリポタ系のWizarding Worldなんかも日本アニメに任せてくれると嬉しいな。

  9. いいんじゃないかな

  10. 同人かと思ったら公式だった。俺は全く良いと思えんけどな。。。

  11. キャラ絵が今時の萌え系でどうにも受け付けないというか、世界観ぶっ壊された感が凄い、、、

  12. …They really should have released the trailer way sooner, because Tolkien fans are not going to turn out for this girl boss story. The female Tolkien fans that I know don't like this kind of nonsense either. It completely destroys the suspension of disbelief.

    The reason reason we'll accept a dragon as real is because they are fantasy to begin with – so suspension of disbelief is easy. But we all know what human beings are, and have historically been, therefore these "Strong, Independent, and Fierce Female" stories are stinkers to the last one.

    Hopefully they use their time we'll to recut this story into a film about Helm Hammerhand and his sons, else they will have a box-office bomb on their hands.

  13. このアニメーションは残念であり、作者トールキン、ーの遺産を軽視しています、あなたは残念です IGスタジオ、君たちは恥ずべき存在だ。

  14. アニメ化めちゃくちゃ嬉しいのですが、主役のキャラデザも声も可愛いすぎるというか…

  15. アニメ版になって新しい表現が見られるかと思って期待してたけど、出てくるのはムマキルにグワイヒア、舞台もローハンだし、実写の印象的な部分の寄せ集めみたいに感じて少し残念。

  16. すげぇなアニメ化すんのかよ。

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