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美男子と話題のおネエGENKING、神田愛花と登場!「アインズ&トルペ新宿店」オープニングセレモニー1 #Aika Kanda #GENKING

美男子と話題のおネエGENKING、神田愛花と登場!「アインズ&トルペ新宿店」オープニングセレモニー1 #Aika Kanda #GENKING

美男子と話題のおネエGENKING、神田愛花と登場!「アインズ&トルペ新宿店」オープニングセレモニー1 #Aika Kanda #GENKING




Famous gay heartthrob GENKING appears alongside Aika Kanda! Opening ceremony of “Ainz & Tulpe Shinjuku” 1.

Yuki Himura of the comedy duo “Bananaman” and freelance announcer Aika Kanda – who he is dating – and gay media personality GENKING appeared at the opening ceremony of “Ainz & Tulpe Shinjuku store” on July 23rd.

“Ainz & Tulpe Shinjuku store” is a select shop of cosmetics and drags. Shiseido’s product “Ayura” has been sold domestically for the first time at drugstores in addition to the sale of the original cosmetics brand “Lips&Hips”.

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