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【TSSテレビ新広島】国連ユニタール協会 緊急募金UNITAR calls for donations for Ukraine

【TSSテレビ新広島】国連ユニタール協会 緊急募金UNITAR calls for donations for Ukraine

Aired on April 13, 2022

国連ユニタール協会 緊急募金UNITAR calls for donations for Ukraine

Hiroshima Peace Program TSS ARCHIVE PROJECT

To help support Ukrainians suffering under Russian invasion,UNITAR Association will be holding a donation drive for one month, beginning on April 13.Members of UNITAR, including Board Chairperson Shigeki Sasaki, joined a press conference held in Naka Ward, Hiroshima City.The donation drive to support Ukrainian refugees
will be held for one month, beginning April 13 and ending on May 15.All donations will be sent to Polish Humanitarian Action, an NGO based in Poland where over half of all Ukrainian refugees (4.5 million people) have been taken in.The funds will be used to support the everyday lives of the refugees,including providing water, food, and sanitary items.

【Shigeki Sasaki Board Chairperson UNITAR 】
Globally, Hiroshima has faced the utmost devastation and has managed to recover in an incredible way.
Now, more than ever, I know that this is because of all the support that we were given.I hope that everyone in Japan, not just the people of Hiroshima, will donate to the cause.

UNITAR is accepting donations through their website to try and raise 1 million yen to support Ukraine.


広島市中区で行われた会見には、国連ユニタール協会の佐々木理事長などが参加しました。ウクライナの避難民を支援する今回の募金キャンペーンは、4月13日から5月15日までおよそ1か月間行い、集まった募金は ウクライナの難民450万人の半数以上を受け入れているポーランドで活動する国際NGOに送られます。現地では水や食料 衛生用品など、基本的な生活につながる支援に使われる予定だということです。

【国連ユニタール協会 佐々木茂喜 理事長】


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