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【TSSテレビ新広島】平和式典に”ロシア招待せず” No invitation to Peace Memorial Ceremony for Russia

【TSSテレビ新広島】平和式典に”ロシア招待せず” No invitation to Peace Memorial Ceremony for Russia

Aired on May 26, 2022 放送日2022/5/26

【TSSテレビ新広島】平和式典に”ロシア招待せず” No invitation to Peace Memorial Ceremony for Russia

Hiroshima Peace Program TSS ARCHIVE PROJECT

Hiroshima City Mayor Kazumi Matsui explained the city’s choice not to invite representatives from Russia and other affiliated countries to the Peace Memorial Ceremony over concerns about the impact such invitations would have on other countries participating.

【Kazumi Matsui Hiroshima City Mayor】
There were concerns that if we invited representatives from Russia, it could impact other countries’ decision to attend and possibility put the ceremony in jeopardy, “which is why we decided to try and avoid that scenario
(by not inviting them).”

These were the words of Mayor Matsui during a scheduled briefing on May 26.
He emphasized the philosophy of Hiroshima:the importance of having world leaders learn the realities
of the atomic bombing and understand the consequences of their use.
He also explained that as the organizer of the ceremony, the city has a responsibility to ensure it goes smoothly,
and thus decided not to extend an invitation this year.

The Russian ambassador to Japan criticized the decision made by the City of Hiroshima on social media, calling it an “ignoble measure.” In response, the city said that it appeared the ambassador was aware of the huge significance of the Peace Memorial Ceremony.

The city stated that if the international situation improves and they are in a situation where it is possible to invite Russian leaders, they would strongly urge that they participate in the ceremony, visit the Peace Memorial Museum, and meet with hibakusha.






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