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Hikonin Sentai AkibaRanger all Henshin (Juu-Mousou) & Roll Call Season 1 & 2

Hikonin Sentai AkibaRanger all Henshin (Juu-Mousou) & Roll Call Season 1 & 2

Hikonin Sentai AkibaRanger all Henshin & Roll Call Season 1 & 2


  1. ポケモン声優松本梨香さんも黄色💛変身するだん

  2. せっかく同じ配送業者のレッドなんだしドンブラザーズとコラボして欲しい、、、。

  3. 多生だが?ださやによる、。何またかなやだねかな、今すぐ寝息でいいからご注文したらもう一度してあげるのが良い意味でお笑いなやま

  4. I like how they have 2 girls.. In the official power rangers, there are always more boys than girls.. Also, they have new moves every introduction..

  5. You're telling me weebs were represented this well in my lifetime, and I knew nothing about it

  6. Akibaranger members are just like the current state of the 2022 uk Conservative party new leader election, 1 male and 2 females

  7. That cardboard version of akiba red is actually shockingly accurate and well made, it’s very impressive craftsmanship.

  8. 箱根駅伝俳優和田正人がどうやって妻の元グラドル吉木りさと知りあったかは知らないが、意外な特撮ヒーロー繫がりだったんだね。

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