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(ENG/KOR Sub)卒業コンサートの衣装を徹底大解説 | Sakura Miyawaki breaks down her own graduation concert costumes

(ENG/KOR Sub)卒業コンサートの衣装を徹底大解説 | Sakura Miyawaki breaks down her own graduation concert costumes

今回は「宮脇咲良 HKT48 卒業コンサート ~Bouquet~」の衣装解説です。



시청 감사합니다 ♡ Thank you for watching ♡ 感谢您经常观看♡






  1. dresses are beautiful, but ma'am rly don't look like she wanted to be here. I love the proud energy coming from the two dressmakers, though. They looked very proud and happy with their work, as they should be

  2. 최근에 사쿠라를 알게 되어서 어제 졸콘 영상 보고 "우와 저옷은 진짜 너무 예쁘고 찰떡이다" 싶었는데 여러 의상에 멋진 내용이 숨어 있었네요 마지막 드레스는 정말 사쿠라에게도 평생 잊지못할 드레스일거같아요 저거입고 노래부르며 눈물 훔치던 사쿠라쨩 너무 예뻤어요❤

  3. NHKそんぐすみたよ、よかった、カズはさん、宮脇咲良ちゃん、日本人ふたりが、いるのが嬉しいです、応援してます、

  4. I have no idea who Sakura is or what’s going on, but I will be coming back and watching every video 😂 the outfits are literal art with all the sentiments of the designers. Low key if there was a series breaking down peoples graduation concerts with their artists and designers I would binge every episode ❤

  5. 僕はやっと食玩ミニプラトラドラゴンジンアンドオミコシフェニックスセットが届きましたようやく全合体ができるのでとても嬉しかったです。

  6. Saruka Miyawaki nam 2023. Ca si nư . Vao ngươi . Gia đinh . Vơi cô gai trương phong . Chiec tau .đang cá loai ca

  7. ようやく新戦隊王様戦隊キングオージャーが決定しましたとても楽しみです。

  8. sakura is the next irene ….i think because she is so elegant and most beautiful in the group

  9. 0.1초 동안 사쿠라 일본어 잘한다고 생각했다. 사쿠라도 일본어고 사쿠라도 일본인인데 요즘 너무 친근해

  10. Her last dress was absolutely gorgeous I loved it so much, the detail on the neckline and shoulders is my favorite thing ever

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