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[Trailer] Youkai Share House: The Movie (Fuka Koshiba × Marika Matsumoto × Ayumu Mochizuki)

[Trailer] Youkai Share House: The Movie (Fuka Koshiba × Marika Matsumoto × Ayumu Mochizuki)


  1. There is no sexual intercourse or the desire for it in heaven because men and women will not marry or remain married to each other there (Matthew 22:30).

    There is no childbearing or the desire for it in heaven because God will give everyone a name and place better than sons and daughters (Isaiah 56:4-5).

    Marriage, which is sexual intercourse, is a form of this world that will pass away (1 Corinthians 7:27-31).

    Earthly marriage is a representation of our union with Jesus in heaven and this will be infinitely better (Ephesians 5:31-33).

    Hell is forever and your body will be concious and burned with fire and infested with worms for eternity, and there is no sexual intercourse or childbearing there as well (Mark 9:48).

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