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Actress 女優

女優・満島ひかりが唄う!踊る! 話題のMONDO GROSSO新曲「ラビリンス」のMV舞台裏にエルが密着

女優・満島ひかりが唄う!踊る! 話題のMONDO GROSSO新曲「ラビリンス」のMV舞台裏にエルが密着

音楽プロデューサー大沢伸一氏のプロジェクト「MONDO GROSSO」が再始動しアルバム『何度でも新しく生まれる』をリリース。先行配信されていた収録曲「ラビリンス」のミュージックビデオの舞台裏ムービーを公開!

★ELLEをチャンネル登録 ⇒


  1. これほどスタビライザーの恩恵とカラーグレーディングのすばらしさ、

  2. Trapped in a maze, through hardship, zealous, and faithfullness. Escaped, from all the materials, coldness and deception. Free ourselves from this prison.

  3. 女優なのに歌うますぎない?と思ったらFolderの人か。そりゃ伊達に子供ながら歌手としてデビューしてた訳じゃないよね

  4. Es asombroso la delicadeza de una mujer reflejada en una canción, esos movimiento sutiles bailando, belleza de mujer

  5. The fact it wasn't taken in one shot and it was still cut together to look so seamless is *chef's kiss* marvelous. Great job to the team and Mitsushima-san for all working together and having a great choreographer (ya girl assisted in La La Land) <3

  6. An amazing video and song. The vibes/atmosphere of that night can really be felt through the choreograph and the music video.

  7. She is so beautiful, her moves are amazing, the song is delightful, everything is perfect

  8. Not only the song rhythm, but walking freely make the MV good to watch

  9. こんな服似合うの満島さんやからやなぁ…大好きです💕

  10. I'm really glad this BTS was made. Seems like it was a relatively minimal production but very fun and efficient.

  11. What a charming lady and talented dancer. I just wish they had chosen a different outfit for her. I know they were going for artistic juxtaposition, but the music and choreography are so amazing little details like this stand out for me.

  12. I cry every time I watch this and the video, its just one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen and heard on so many levels

  13. So sad that this video would not be possible to make now as Hong Kong is under the total rule of the tyrant ccp now.

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