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20130320 南波一海のアイドル三十六房特別編~中元すず香(さくら学院)

20130320 南波一海のアイドル三十六房特別編~中元すず香(さくら学院)

2013年 3月20日(水) 『南波一海のアイドル三十六房特別編~中元すず香卒業スペシャル~』


  1. やっぱり最高ですねすんたまちゃん。

  2. If you watched this from beginning to end without understanding a word you have passed the test and proved yourself to be a true Babymetal obsessive

  3. この頃でも、まあまあ有名やのに、めちゃ素直で良い娘やなー

  4. 中学3年だというのに
    両手でマイクを握って朗らかに一生懸命に笑顔で話す 天真爛漫な歌の天使

  5. 今このくらいぷっくらしたらどんな感じなんだろうとちょっと考えたり・・・

  6. I don't wanna hear like "I didn't understand a word but I'm happy" things or something like that anymore. No, you still don't fully understand her, without some mates who are trying to understand her with studying Japanese. Language is a matter.

  7. 中学生3年の天才歌手は穏やかなキャラで、

  8. 中三でこんなコメントが言えるのか
    すーちゃんは さくら学院で毎日を一生懸命に活動してきて、気づいたら責任感や自分への自信などが自然と身についているんじゃないかなと思う。これこそ「さくら学院」がこのようなシステムをとっている意味なのかもしれない、とも思う。

  9. おじさんタジタジ感が半端なくそれを見るスーの眼が実にクール!!どんなスキルをマスターしたんだろうか?

  10. BABYMETALにMCは無理だとか他の動画でコメントあるけど、彼女たちをよく知らない人のコメントはやめた方がいいですね。中元すず香さんは真摯な受け答えでたたずまいが上品なので中学生なのにこちらが、きちっとしなきゃと思ってしまいます。すでに普通の大人を超えてます。インタビューしてる二人の丁寧な言葉遣いにも現れてます。

  11. here is the english transcript for this interview , it took me 2-3 hrs to create , i hope it is correct and useul ,
    Wish you,

    let's do a wing in the middle,

    we'll have a better time in the middle,

    huh, there's a hokage,

    but it's awesome.

    I haven't had a proper discussion with the teachers.

    Noh, I'm very nervous without being stiff.

    There aren't many talk events like this.

    It's the first time for me to be alone.

    It's true that the planned purchases have already entered.

    I tried to compare it,

    but I can't speak anything because of the tension.

    So, if I had bought a starter from that child,

    an interview with Doo,

    frankly, no more.

    It's about a day later,

    I wonder what kind of feeling I'm feeling now,

    and I'm really graduated from Aare r Chu-do,

    so I'm not really graduated.

    I mean, there are more days left,

    so it's really just days left,

    but I'm really wondering if I'm able to leave a lot of different things in it,

    and now I'm thinking it's mud and the graduation ceremony.

    I'm only entering Lyme,

    but it's only a while later,

    I'm crying,

    I'm crying because I'm watching another dvd,

    ah I'm revenge to sleep today It's the month of last year.

    It's been a good year.

    It's not the first station.

    It's not so fast.

    It's not so fast.

    But yes, that's how many years of middle school.

    I suppose this is not the case with Sakura Gakuin for the year.

    That feeling is just bright.

    Yeah. Well, it's like various magazines.

    Ah, it's like it's bright, but it's kind of moist.

    It's a beautiful booby, but not everyone.

    On the other hand,

    it's burning on the contrary.

    I'm sure that everyone is doing it because it's definitely going to be a little good battle.

    I wonder if it's a battle,

    then I'm the first Laban broken.

    There are quite a few things that surprise me.

    It's the name of the life-saving movement.

    It's the name of everyone.

    Look at it. It's that supply.

    I wonder if that isn't it Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah yes that's that summer landscape

    when i buy that song that summer is definitely going to be that summer

    i think it's akiba There was a school in that place,

    it was a bullet panda,

    and it didn't matter in the same place.

    I thought that there was only something,

    but it was Uhufu,

    but it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo





    for fore time but I had to think that it was only halfway through.

    I thought I would open it, but I thought that everyone was there,

    and finally I thought it would be everyone,

    but I didn't open it when I thought I should open it,

    but if the first person said that I could invest and then

    I would open I thought it would be the moment when I was partying,

    it opened a lot,

    I was surprised,

    I ran away It's aged,

    and I don't know what I'm going to write,

    but it's the best I'm sure there's no need to say that everyone sings

    There was no variation It was the time when I said that I was interviewed in various ways

    because it was the release of Tosu or that kind of thing,

    but I did not say that even after graduating all of them for many years

    I don't think it was because I heard it,

    but it wasn't good to say that it was a good thing for the number,

    and at that time I didn't send it anymore.

    It seems like he wrote the letter,

    but since then I have been apologized for some time,

    and I am sorry for all the time, but for some reason,

    I have pulled everyone on my own.

    I rushed at a fast pace and didn't think about everyone at all-I'm a little honestly remorseful,

    even if it's a color,

    I'd like to have a little more fun with everyone.

    For the first time, even if everyone disliked,

    Suu-chan was gonna do it like this,

    or he said something like that,

    and I was really touched by that.

    The big man doesn't cry at all I'm sorry but really every time that privilege dvd is so funny that

    it was the same as it was last year but this year it's like that in Annaka Mori

    And before the map was handed over to the beginning,

    the ultimate dream of the future was the singer-songwriter.

    When you say that you became a writer in that month,

    did you think about it from the time you started thinking about it?

    Pharynx er, how long did it open,

    when it was early,

    when it was in the middle,

    and so on?

    It's been a while since I wasn't there

    any kind of surroundings that were influenced by something?

    A sister, I'm guilty, not just a little misunderstood heritage.

    If it's a little heian like I'm accumulating,

    I'm writing down daddy and it keeps getting down a lot.

    It's frustrating if you don't write it every day.

    If it's the same number,

    you can name it the writing length and write it in a different way.

    It's okay if the date comes in and if you want to do what you think at that time,

    so you can actually write it everyday everyday,

    or if it lasts for a month or so, the pace can be quite different.

    Well, isn't it that kind of child like that,

    or is it a little more like a diary book,

    and what kind of thing is probably lm?

    Today's lesson It was like this,

    and it was interesting that some people were frozen and interesting,

    and that some people were really interesting,

    and some of the members who liked it were also a favorite song or song.

    I especially want to try to create a story or a story that I like, to create a story,

    and to do something like that. I think that's right. Well,

    since Sua's inspiration was pretty small, it's been amazing since I didn't like passengers,

    so I'm still concerned about singing. I've been throwing away a lot of encouragement,

    and in some cases, I can only deliver it to myself, so I think now that I am actually making something.

    I don't mean that, but I want to do that kind of thing in the future.

    Even when I listen to a song,

    I read a lot of paper, and I like that song.

    Maybe you don't know the melody of the song,

    so you might like it or something like that.

    The singer-songwriter should be this song,

    yes it should be. That's right Well,

    you're saying that you're also playing the guitar,

    but I'm told that it doesn't last long and I'm scared of it,

    so I'm in a situation where I can't start easily.

    If so, it seems like it's a cleaning turn,

    but it seems like it's done for the whole thing.

    Even if there's a person with an Aso guitar,

    it's a guitar from his Sakura Gakuin.

    It looks great, isn't it? Even when you were shooting that jacket,

    it would be awesome to be complimented if you put on a little mess.
    thanks for reading <3

  12. リジューのテレジア(聖女)が、苦手な人と敢えて仲良くしようと、考えたのが20代。     樺沢先生(精神科医)が苦手な人の近くに、わざと席を取るようにしているのが50代。    スーさんは物心ついた時には、自分ではそうしていて、10代で後輩にそれを勧めている。(お互いを理解し合えるようにするため)←🐈こりゃリストペクト超えて神の領域だわな。←すでに『女神』と呼ばれているのも、納得。🦊だお。         もっと怖いのは、そのスーさんの非凡さを見抜いている世界中のベビメタファンの眼力デス。🐈🎵✨✨✨✨❗♥️💐thanks.

  13. 今こんなイベントあったら、チケット代100万円でも殺到しそう、中学生なのに空気感からカリスマ性半端ないな

  14. The guy in the t shirt owns Tower Records. He along with everyone else connected to the school picked up early that she had the "it" factor.

  15. 今、この時点で業界に何年いるかわからないけど、中学3年生でこのトークの力量には脱帽DETH☝️😉

  16. このインタビュー見ただけでも、スター性・存在感が圧倒的!空間支配力とカリスマ性が凄い。

  17. 最近BMのファンになってこの動画を見ましたが、彼女を理解するのに必須じゃないですか? 上品で一生懸命で自己分析もできて謙虚で。

  18. 才能があり賢いのに謙虚で気取らない・・。多少のポンコツぶりも含めて、稀有な人ですね。アーティストとして以前に人間として大きな魅力を感じます。世に出てきてくれて感謝です。

  19. When you invite that shy singer from Babymetal for a short interview, and she doesn't stop talking for 30 minutes… 🙂 I'm just here for the occasional death glares.

  20. この3ヶ月後にソニスフィアの奇跡だっけ。ほんと信じられんな、こんな普通の女の子が

  21. 日本国の誉だね。中大卒の中学校卒業レベルの私も応援しています♪

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