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乃木坂46齋藤飛鳥、おなか減って毒舌キャラに? 「お前ら彼女いたことねえだろ」

乃木坂46齋藤飛鳥、おなか減って毒舌キャラに? 「お前ら彼女いたことねえだろ」


 アイドルグループ「乃木坂46」の齋藤飛鳥さんが出演するチョコレートバー「スニッカーズ」(マース ジャパン)の新CM「毒舌アイドル」編が10月2日、放送開始した。CMで齋藤さんは、おなかが減って“毒舌キャラ”になってしまう役を演じている。



Asuka Saito from idol group “Nogizaka 46”, being poisonous tongue every time hungry

The new CM “Dokuzetsu Idol” is about the chocolate bar “Snickers” (Mars Japan) with the starring of Asuka Saito from idol group “Nogizaka46” started airing on October 2th.

In the CM, Asuka acted as a character who becomes poisonous tongue every time she feels hungry.

The new CM is a story about male students who enjoy handheld gaming at home when suddenly Asuka bitingly said “You have never had a girlfriend” that make the atmosphere freeze .

Actually “she” is a friend that become poisonous tongue every time feel hungry. After a friend said: “This guy, whenever he is hungry, becomes just like Asuka Saito” and gave him a Snicker, “she” went back to a male student after biting the bar.


  1. こういう仲間が絶対ほしいす!

  2. I literally turned my head away and backwards after she ate the snickers..

  3. 飛鳥ちゃん可愛いすぎるんだよな〜

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